THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 15. lOOJ in1 Sjr out in Hlnck 1 $40 Wl Mink Blue I Broad Other t n A full lino of made-up Furs for your selection. The kind you are looking for. First-class skins the best lings and workmanship, il order garments can he gotten ie for Xmas. nx Set, $25 $40 and Up e Fox Set, for $25 s $40 Up ix Set $30 il Sets, up from . .$45 8 of beautiful Furs $12 to $22 Tat e phofi6 OCVCiJS tlfr) i r flv 5ft, funoiop Z0Z4 Emm St. Omaha. Choice Xmas Gifts Ladies' and Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, 85c to $1.48 for hox of six. N Armenian Lace and Hand Embroidered JIandkerchiefs, at 50c-75c-$1.00 and up. Beautiful fancy Aprons for 50c-75c-$1.00 and $1.25. Special Sale on Purses, Bags and Umbrellas. $3.50 Long Kid Gloves for $2.75 $1.75 Short Kid Gloves, for $1.48 Big; Cut on Cluny Centers. Weinlander & Smith 317 South Sixteenth Street DISCOUNT 20 DISCOUNT Stock Reducing Sale! On account of death, we will sell our entire stock of Jewelry and Personally Imported at above named discount A. B. Hubermann, (Estate) Store at 13th and Douglas Sts.lor 41 Years iirtnaiiii Sr -v T Special Table D'Kofe SOc ILER GRAND NEW CAFE u iroAT BTEiriiro 6 T. M. to 8:30 F. M. Music by Orchestra. . v. n , r-a. 3W. 3trw-".?r 4 'J GIRLS READ THIS Girls of jill ngm will lie Interesto 1 In knowing rlRlit wlnri they in ob tain modemti' prliMMl a rt BiiUalilf as flflM for tht'lr Hfntlt-in. ii fiit-mli. Our drug storr art- irilt'te with such tilings. Gm Safety Karurs , $1.00 Gillette Safety 6.00 Kami' Strop. 5ir to , 2. no I.lhor Hriixliex. 'J.'n' to i.tu Imported Hay Hum for vhav- InK. ToiU t WntiT- an.l Fai-e Lutlwis for Hhavlmr, ':br to loo lUIr Hruxh. s. c to 3 6U MIlltHry siialr, $1.00 to.. 6.U0 L.-utli-r TravrllrK t !i". wltli Kruvli. t'omh, Tootli nj Null. Brnsli. 2. SO to 12.00 803 Brands Cljara at Cut Pric. ETTT AT tHEEl ITOKC. SHERMAN & UcCONNEll DRUG CO. Cor. Ifith and T) db'e. OWL CRUG CO. Cor. Kth and Harney. OMAHA'S MODERN JEWELRY SHOP Open Sunday ALL DAY She CALUMET Our beautiful selrrtion of wares and Kc.u'Ih is highly typical of tile Clirlst nuis silicon and we feel Jiistllled In saying that any gift purchased here will prow entirely appropriate to the ocrtulon, or whatever relationship mav exist between the donor and thu recipient. GIFTS Al'I'HOPHIATK HU TI1F. XMAS UIKL. Uraeelet. llelt Ruekle, 1 .a Va'llers, Loeket. Broc ch. Silver Purae, H.t Yn, fun) 'a?e. XMAS KK.MKMUKANCKS FOlt Till: MATltoX. Uoisnettes. Candle Stick, Opera (Jlass, Pandwieh I'late, Mesh Ha. Salad Howl. I'mhiellu. UnKlnn Dish. A FKW OK THE MAXV THINCS sritK TO HE M KI.rOMKH HV THE YOl XtiEH MEN. I-lnks, Traveling Bug, Sludd, I'ard Tuse. Vest Iluttons, tlgar Cllis. Slick t"tn. l'liuio Frame. AM) HV I'lillrellu, Cane. 'l anite Bonk. Mumo. Book. These are a few of the many thlnxs we are In position to offer for your consideratioi ft.tnd a visit to our SHOP will convince .j of ti.e merits of our goods and prices. Albert Edholm CAY TIME AHEAD FOR SOCIETY Chriitmas Shopping and Affairs Large and Small Occupy Fashionables. SCHOOL FOLKS HOME NEXT WEEK Kllllna; with I'romlalnar Affair, Dam-In rarflea llnrlna; Aaapirtnaa I'lnre. orlal Heat. 'Twan winter time. th rllmber sat A-shlverlna with the cold; Her throat wn wrapped nlunit In pearla. Her dress was thick with gold. ' Fnheated was the dlnlna- room, 'Twaa arctic In the hall. And even In the kitchen stove There was no heat at all. No fire wa blaalnn where she sot. No light to break th K,ol,m. Tho Social Heirlster was all She'd have In any room. The Satirist, Monday Baldwin, Original The (Social Calendar, MONDAY Mrs. A. L,. Reed. bridge; Mrs. John N. Mnnrlnv Rrldire club. Tl'KSKAY Mr. and Mrs. M. Dowltnfr, Hanacom I'ark t'ard club: 1. u. Mutei bnch, T. T. T. club; Mrs. W. I,. Burdick, Floradora club; Mr. arxl Mrs. dinrlee Kountze. card pnrtv" for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I... Pari: Miss Alice Auld. card rarty for her guest. Miss Bobbins of. Trenton. N. J. WKDXKfiDAY Mil Sipma club musical at home of Mr. and Mrs. Isnac Carpen ter; Mrs. Krlek .lohnson. West Side club; Mrs. IUckerson, K. K. K. club. TH I" RSI) AY Mrs. 11 B. Ferris, Comis club. . , FRIOAY Miss Mabel Marr, Junior Fri day club. 8ATFRDAY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Car mlchael, Week-End club. Society la chiefly occupied with Christ mas shopping Just at present, although the fashlonnhles liave given a generous share of their time to entertaining and being en tertained of late. Besides numerous club meetings, luncheons, kenslngtons and card parties of a more or Jess formal nature the last week has seen several affairs that stand out conspicuously on the season's calendar. First among these was fhe danc ing party given Wednesday evening by Mr. ard Mrs. Henry W. Yates In honor of their granddaughter, Miss Mary Morgan. While not announced as Miss Morgan's formal Introduction the party was generally ac cepted as such. MIbs Morgan Is a gradu ate of the University of Nebraska and one of the few possible debutantes this season. A few of the larger affairs that Have been announced for the holidays are a subscription dance to be given New Year's eve.' at Chambers', with Mr. Chat Shlver Ick, Mr. Junius Brown, Mr. Stanley Ineson, Mr. Denlse Barkalowand others as pro moters. On Saturday, December 28, the members of the Wlnfleld club will give a dancing party known as a "Versailles fete nouveau." For this party the committee In charge Is making elaborate preparations and the nature of the affair Is. causing a great deal of conjecture among the mem bers. Omlcron Alpha PI will also give a pretentious party, which will be a cotil lion, December 24, and special attention is being paid to new and unique figures, as well aa favors.. Then the Gamma Sigma fraternity of the Omaha High school prom ises a beautiful dancing party, to be given the evening of December SO at the Rome hotel, which will be one of the notable af fair of the holidays. Wlien the present glitter of good times and the Yuletlde festlvltes are in the past, the many popular young women Of the smart set who have recently announced their engagement will come to the fore as honor guests at a round of entertainments. This week the young people will be re turning from the various colleges and boarding schools In the cast to spend their Christmas vacation with their parents and relatives in Omaha. Among those who are expected are: Miss Amy Gllmore, who has ben attending school at the National Park seminary, Washington; Miss Caroline Bark alow, Miss Porter's school at Farmington, Conn.: Miss Bess Baum, Miss Jean Cud ahy. Miss Helen Cudahy and Miss Frances Nash, from Washington; Miss Elizabeth Sweet, Smith; Miss Louise Peck, Miss Wal cott's school, Denver; Miss Gladys Peters, Miss Olive Baker and Miss Louise Lord, Burnham: Miss Myra Breckenrldge, Miss Mande'.bcrg, Smith; Miss Elliabeth Davis, Chicago; Miss Helen Sholes, Miss Mayonne Thompson, Miss Ola Belle Hervey, Miss Alice McCullough, Miss Dorothy Rlngwalt, Miss Margaret Guthrie. Miss Irene Jaynes, Miss Fahs, MlasRuth Rlnehart, the Misses Frve and Miss Rohrbough, University of Nebraska; Mr. 1 Prentiss Lord and Mr Carol Belden, Amherst college; Miss Edith Fisher. University of Wisconsin; Mr. John Caldwell, Andover, Mass.; Mr. Lans Sum, mers, Ann Arbor; Mr. Charles Meyer, Unl versity of Nebraska. Three tables were placed for progressive high five and the prizes for the game were won by Mrs. Walter Painter, Mrs. Charles Eaton and Mrs. Richards. TV present were Mrs. S. Phlpps. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Maloney, Mrs. Ormsby, Mrs. Holey, Mrs. Remllnrd, Mrs. Eaton, Mrs. Painter, Mrs. Btradrr, Mrs. Kendis, Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Welch. The members of the club will Ive a New Year's party, when their hus bands will be Invited at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Ormsby. The supper will be given t the Rome hotel. The J. N. club was entertained Thursday fternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C. Reeder, 2317 Grant street. Progressive high five was tho game of the afternoon and the prlies wre won by Mrs. R. F. O'Brien nd Mrs. C. D. Roscnbery. . For refresh ments the guests were seated at one large able, which was prettily decorated with red and white carnations and fern leaves. Those present were: Mrs. R. F. O'Brien, Mrs. C. D. Rosenbery. Mrs. I. Foley. Mrs. Petersen, Mrs. E. J. Griffin. Mrs. E. Miller, Mrs. Julian and the hostess. The next hostess of the club will be Mrs. C. Petersen, on the afternoon of Thursday, December 26. Miss Flossie Behmkc entertained the Bon Solr club Thursday evening. The house was beautifully decorated In the Christmas colors. High five wns the game of the evening and the prises were won by Miss Reulah Davis and Mr. Joe Ooss. Consola tion prises were awarded to Mr. Tom Monro and Miss Lillian Barrett. Those present were Miss Laura Bell, Miss Maude Mur phy, Miss Lillian Barrett, Miss Ann Oauhn. Miss Beulah Davis. Miss Alice Moore, Miss Minnie Moore, Miss Mae Lovely, Miss Mne King, Miss Dora ITasburg, Miss Josephine King, Miss Ann Parks, Miss Margaret Parks, Miss Flossie Behmke. Mr. Del New ton, Mr. Bernard Larkln, Mr. Bert Llc- nosky, Mr. Jack Barrett, Mr. P. Woods, Mr. L. Wilson, Mr. J. Wilson. Mr. Joe Goss, Mr. Frank Carrlgan. Mr. George Pen Ington, Mr. Frank McMahon, Mr. John Rice and Mr. Tom Moore. Fuller the groomsman. Miss lngrld Peder sen will play Mendelsohn's wedding march. Come and Go Gossip. Mrs. E. C. Griffin and daughter have gone ) Batavla, 111., to spend ChrlBtmas. Robert Morse has returned from Seat tle to spend the holidays with his parents. Mrs. Elizabeth Goodrich returned home Saturday morning from a five weeks' visit n Denver. Mr. and. Mrs. Douglas B. Welpton have returned from Kansas City, where they pent the last week. Miss Mary Falrchllds of Columbus, Neb., Is Visiting Miss Theresa Qluck at 2601 St. Mary's avenue. Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall and Miss Ada Klrkendall expect to leave in a short time for Chicago to spend several weeks. Mrs. A. P. Hill of Kansas City Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. D. M. Vinson- haler, until after the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Plnney, who have been visiting Mr. H. K. Burket, will leave Monday for their home at Mendota, 111. Mrs. J. M. Metcalfe expects to leave about January 7 for an extended visit In New York and will also go south be-. fore returning home. Miss Edith Fisher, who has been attend- ng school at the University of Wisconsin, s expected home to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George 1 Fisher. Stanley Rosewater will return from the University of Michigan December 31 to spend the holidays with' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rosewater, at the Paxton hotel. Mrs. Morris Levy will leave today for the east, where she will be Joined by her daughter, Miss Dorette, who Is attending Smith college, and they will spend the holi days In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tlppery and chil dren of Fargo, S. D., arrived Saturday to be the guests of Mrs. Tlppery's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Blanchard, until after the holiday season. Captain and Mrs. M. C. Smith, who have been west on their wedding trip, passed through Omaha Friday and spent the day as guests of Captain and Mrs. Robert Lee Hamilton. They are en route to Boise City, where Captain Smith Is stationed. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Yeteze Pick ering of Fort Crook. Com Inst Ktnla, The Comls club will meet Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. E. B. Ferris. The Omaha High school senior hop will be given December 23 at Chambers. The K. K. K. club will be entertained Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Dicker son. 1 Tha T. T. T. club will meet Tuesday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. P. G. Mittel bach. Miss Mabel Marr wll be hostess this week at the meeting of the Junior Friday club. Mrs. Erlck Johnson will be hostess Wed nesday afternoon at the meeting of tho West Side club. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dinning will entertain the next meeting of the Harmony club the evening of Saturday, December 28. The Week-End club will be entertained Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caryilchacl In Dundee. The members of the Mu Sigma club will give a musical Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dowling will entertain the llanscom Park card club Tuesday even ing at their home, 1322 South Thirty-first street. Mrs. Paul Horner will be the next host ess of the meeting of the 8acajawea club, which will bo held tho afternoon of Decem ber 27. Miss Alice Auld will give a large card party Tuesday afternoon at her home In honor of her guest. Miss SubIo Robblns of Trenton. N. J. One of the anticipated events of tho week will be the card party given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Koimtze In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Davis. Invito,!, in a n. mnrn in ha ..., aii tnw e I the midwinter party of the Omaha Guards. - This party Is planned to be the greatest social event In the history of the organiza tion. It will be held at the Rome hotel ball room on the evening of December 26. Upsllon chapter of Gamma Sigma frater nity has Issued Invitations for a dancing party to be given In the ball room of the Rome hotel Monday evening, December 30, that promises to be one of the conspicuous social affairs of the holidays The chapter Is composed of young men In the high school and alumna members, most of whom are now In college, and the guest list, which Includes about 100 young people, is muJe up of members of this set. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McGrew, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. R, C. Howe, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Lord and Mr. and Mrs. George Thummel will chaperono the party. Weddings Bind Ensrasremen t. Invitations have been Issued for the wed ding of Miss Clara Mabel Davenport, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E- Daven port, and Dr. John Andre Fuller, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fuller, which will take place Tuesday afternoon, December 24, at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. J. W. Conloy of the First Baptist church will officiate. Miss Hazel Howard and Miss Carol Howard will serve as bridesmaids and little Mlerva Fuller will carry the rings. Dr. W. H. Benson of Olenwood, la.. will bo the best man and Mr. Richard and Social Cb It-Chat. A daughter was born Tuesday to Mr, Mrs. F. A. Nash. A daughter was born last Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Latham Davis moved Friday Into their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parmer have moved Into a new house at 2907 Dewey avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Godfrey are occupy ing their new home at 4624 Douglas street. Mrs. C. L. Btone and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams have taken a house at 809 South Thirty-sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Roberts have given up their home and will spend the winter with Mrs. Roberts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Marriott, 1420 South Thirty-second street. Mrs. Mary Beaton, who has been nulte ill for the last few days at her fiome on Harney street. Is greatly Improved, but the attendance of a trained nurse Is still necessary. Miss Loretta Dellone, who haa been doing recital and concert work. Is visiting rela tives In Omaha. For the last five years Miss Dellone ha been solo harpist of tho Minneapolis Symphony orchestra and has been Identified with the Northwestern Con servatory of Music and an active member of tfie leading musical clubs of the Twin Cities. She has given programs with many of the great European artists and her work has been most enthusiastically appreciated. Gold watches. Copley, Jeweler, 216 S. lth. Japanese I n Ion Not Forming. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 14. Advices from Honolulu state that it is denied officially by the secretary of 4he Honolulu Trade and Labor assembly that any representa tive of the American Federation of Labor Is In Hawaii seeking to organize the Japa nese plantation laborers Into a union allied with the federation. Otto Seldel Finally Dies. FORT WAYNE. Ind.. Doc. 14. Otto Beldel, a weulthy member of the city coun cil who shot himself Thursday with sul ctdal Intent, died today. The shooting wai the result of a threat of Impeachment pro ceedings for his removal from the council. Seldel leaves an estate of $160,000. THE ELUEK. Cocktail Se t. LViuor tet. Cigar Case, Khavlrg Mirror. Gold lfltli ajicl Harney St. aad SUTaromita. "end Tn Be to Imr Frlrnda. HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA Plensnrca Post. Mr. and Mrs. John Godfrey delightfully entertained the boys of the B. B. B. club, who are members of a Sunday school class at the First Methodist church, Thursday evening at their home, 464 Douglas street. Miss Florence Patau k entertained at an informal party Saturday afternoon In eel ebratlon of her 18th birthday. Guessing games and an Informal musical program were enjoyed by the guests. Following the afternoon refreshments the hostess was showered with many beautiful gifts. About twenty guests were present. Complimentary to the members of the Kappa, Theta sorority, Mrs. Ira Pennlman gave a kensington at her home Saturday afternoon. Those present were: Miss Mary Morgan. Miss Georgia Patterson, Miss Nell Randall, Miss Zora Shields, Miss Zola Del lecker, Miss Faith Hoel, Mrs. Allan Mc Nown. Mrs. PancoaBt anil Mrs. J. Spencer. Mies Grace Heinpel entertained at cards Thursduy evening. Prizes were won by Miss Carrie Iloman and Mr. Turner Haines. Those present were: Misses Mabel Fenn, Corlnne Samuelson, Carrie Homan, Elu a belli Bond, Bennle Talbot, Ethel Vosburg, Katerina Spellman. Grace Hempel; Messrs. Rr.y Smith. Roy Moore, Will Hoepe, Carl Foley, Walter Samuelson. Harry Lyons, Tom Murphy, Turner Haines and Oakes. In celebration of the birthday of Miss Ida Durlow, her mother, Mrs. Alfred Dar low, gave a beuuttfully appointed luncheon Saturday at the Omaha. Pink roses com bined with stevla made an attractive cen terpiece, and covers were laid for: Miss Darlow, Miss Bertha Dickey, Miss Carnu-I-ita Chase, Miss Catherine Thummel, Miss Helen Forbes, Miss Helen 8c oble. Miss Katherine Ueeson, Miss Margaret Baum and Mrs. Darlow. The Harmony club enjoyed a most de 11 fh l ful meeting Saturday evening, when Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewlng entertained. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Van Court, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scrlbner, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. White, Judge and Mrs. W. IT. Munger, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Selby, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dinning. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Breckenrldge, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. E. X. Ben son and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bates. Mrs. P. O. Nielson entertained ths Ire tenog Card club Wednesday afternoon. Your Service Our superb Jewelry factory, with an endless stock of precious and seml-preclous stones and hand-made mountings of every description, is still able to receive and fill your order for almost anything, and deliver it "on time." If you come NOW you will get anything you want. Our clever little Hint and Gift list book, that's free (and worth It) will help your hunt and our chances. So will our catalogue. Plenty of Goods and Plenty of Clerks. Open Evenings for You. T. L. Combs & Co. The Busy Jeweler and Opticians. 1B20 DOl'GLAH HTREET. Mall Order Filled On Sight. iir-JI A V i, a V COflELD a vai me 1510 DOTJGIAS ST. Formerly scorioD DC Christmas Shopping Has Begun in Earnest And this exclusive Louse of "Women's High Class Wearing Apparel is justifying its repute ns "the recourse of the gift seeker" who desires the distinction of giving Appreci able gifts. At Orkin Bros. Nothing is commonplace, even though if some garments that are found elsewhere seemingly may be their like, there is a difference of quality and of tailoring which adds mater ial to the potent fact that "Every woman enjoys getting her garments from this exclusive house." In the Matter of Variety and Price This store is constantly surprising new patrons by the striking values offered in a wonderful variety of styles and also by the great breadth of our price range. We Briefly Mention What You Can Select Evening Coats at $25.00, $29.75, $35.00, $40.00 and up to $80.00 Coats for semi-dress or street wear at $15.00, $19.50, $25.00, $29.75 and up to $50.00. New winter tailored Suits at $25.00, $29.75, $35.00, $45.00 and up to $85.00. Skirts for street or dress wear at $10.00, $13.75, $19.50, $22.50 and up to $40.00. Waists, plain tailored or dress style at $5.00, $G.75, $10.00, $15.00 and up to $40.00 Silk Kimonos at $3.00, $4.50, $6.75, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00. Fur Coats at $27.50, $35.00,. $45.00, $55.00 and up to $125. Fur Sets M $15.00, $19.50, $27.50, $35.00 and up to $150. .a r x y BEFORE and AFTER I Had My If air Treated and Dressed. Coronet Puffs from $2.00 to $5.00. Pumps from 2.H0 to $6.00. Switches from $2.00 up. 3-Ktem Wavy Featherweight $5.00 to $10.00 We use the Sanitary Shampoo Chairs in our hair dressing parlor. Borne thing new. Millinery at Half-Price until end of Hoasoii. F lVf . SCHADELL CO., 1522 Dooglas St. Just Before Christmas I There is no more merit in i Than at any other time, but it is decidedly mre i satisfactory to all concerned to do trading when J there is such a complete line for selection, J 1 A Standard Make of Pianos r Such as Made by the House of - - - The FLOR 4e MENDEL CIGAR Are admitted by all manufacturers to be without .an equal among domestic cigars. Special Holiday Packages. i k rUTriCRTMn QOIMC P-c4. CTPDT IMP. Ij HUNTINGTON, RICHMOND. KOHLER & 1 CAMPBELL, PACKARD, CHASE, REMIND ' TON, STARR, HARVARD, IVERS & POND, q EVERETT, have no special season of special i 1 value, but stand for one continued round of p I dependable quality the year through. i BENNETT'S PIANOS Are not only the best exponents of PIANO QUALITY but of Bfcl 1 fcK UUAL1 1 Y than can j be obtained elsewhere for the same money, A personal investigation will convince you. From 25 Leading Factories' Direct to You Sold on easy payments if desired Wnti for Citilogot Council Eluffs Branch, 122 Main St. fi