Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Store Open Evenings
Until .Christmas
Deglnnlno Saturday
Come in the evenings and buy at leisure.
Jolly Old Santa Claus Will
Give a Souvenir to Every'
Boy or girl accompanied by parents who
visit him Saturday.
1 I 9
M l
j?eJ TO. J 0J
in r
b f ft A I, .1
ft J. ... J.rf T
J! 1 '
Saturday UUill Be the reatest Day of All
cx u u u u
as a8en at Biraoiidleos
What Will You Give Her for
This store ts one great, glorious Chrisinas display. Thousands and thousands of beautiful and useful gifts at bargain
prices that are lower than anywhere else in the United States. T he stocks are all complete and right at their best ?ioiu.
Your Christmas Money Will Last Longer at Drandeis It Will Buy More Gifts and Better
, K Gifts Our Immense Selection Makes it Easy to Find Just the Right Gifts for Everybody
Christmas shopping is a delight in this beautiful big store. See the exquisite store decorations. See the brilliant
Christmas windows. See Toyland ablazs with light. See the "Holy City". See the Oircus of Teddy Bears.
Dori't Delay Your ChristmaG Shopping -Do It NoW!
iOLIDAY SPECIALS 1 BeeoitiM Toyl&id ii the. Basement 1
Traveling Sett in Leather C&.ses, etc.
These sets make ideal gifts. We bought
the entire stock from Heinrich, Herman &
"Weis, 35 Howard St., New York, at a tre
mendous, bargain. You couldn't please a
man better than to give him one of these:
Traveling Cases, Manicure Sets,
Bottles in Cases, Military Sets.
Quadruple Sets, Traveling Sets with Razor,.
Knife, Fork and Spoon Sets,
Stanley Mirrors, in Ebony Plate, etc.,
Worth up to $12.00 , at
Special Purchase Sale
Belts and Leather Goods
.1 ho mm
No such Toyland was ever constructed a Fairyland to delight young and old. Everything
that is new in tpys. . Every new imported novelty. See the Jolly Old Santa Claus the Eastern
papers and periodicals are talking about. Better, newer, stronger . toys at Brandeis than any
where and positivcly.lower prices every time. Saturday will be our biggest toy bargain day.
Teddy Bears, a whole menag
erie of 'em. A plush bear, very
Baucy for 39c. og
Jtsearg lu larger biikb hi. in;,
75c and 9 be. Bis hears, 1.60 to
Teddy Bears Sweaters, CapB
and clothing, all sizes.
liumpty Dnmpty Circuses
greatest laughing hit for children,
.11 sizes, 49c, 75c 98c up to $10.
Magic Lanterns, 69c and up.
Improved Toy Air Ships at
CZ Toy Carpet Sweepers at 10c,
r 15c, 25c.
Doll Hods, with springs,
brass trimmings, special at 49t.
Other Dolls Beds at 75c, so
and $1.25.
Lithographed Christmas Tre
Rugs, In colors, keeps grease oft
the carpets, 59c.
Tonntr Amtrict Toy Cannon at fl.Bt.
Diabolo, the new outdoor or indoor
game, at 50o to M-&Q-
Entire stock of Belts, Opera Bags, Solid
a Leather Bags, Music Rolls. Vanity Bags,
W Purses, Men's Card Cases, C.
'TS Shopping Bags, - etc., worth )
ft! up to $3.50, finest gifts you Jj
r could buy at
Hie Gills Most Welcome
'a 4 Arej gifts for the home. Visit our Base
ment, Housefurnishing Goods Department,
k basement old store, and look at these de
sirable gifts moderately priced.
Our line of Cliafing Dishes, 5 O'Clock
tffi Teas, Coffee Percolators, Baking Dishes.
Silver Tea, Coffee and Chocolate Sets,
A Candle Sticks, Ash Receivers, Chinese
Gongs, Silver Knives and Forks, Silver
H;( Tea Spoons, Carving Sets, Silver Mugs,
Smokier Sets, etc.
Doll's Tea
Sets, 10c and
Snow White
Toy L a m h,
the kind that
bleats, 10c to
loldlor lata, metal mounted on cuidn,
with cannons, anipa. iuokhhi,
arena rlnga, etc coniplate with
tent, at 49c, 75c 08u, up to. .. "8
M e chanlcal
Toys that do
eve r yt h i n g
but talk.
xne iioys' una tuav euouut i
' rubber balls, harmless but exclt-
ing, 49c.
Dolls of All Kinds Greatest
showing In Omaha. Special for
Saturday, large Jointed, kid body
dolls, sewed wigs, moving eyes,
some with eyelashes, 49c.
Big assortment of Kestner
Doll's GoCarts, special, at 25o
Doll's English Cabs, at 25c to
English and Irish Mail Hand
Cars and Flying Dutchmen at
$2.98 up to $10.00.
" A. B. C. Embossed Wood Cubes,
a box, 10c to 49c.
Dime Cash Regis
ter, win hold 100
dimes, at 49c
Also the Book
Hank, the lclnd that
saves money, 35c
U. P. Train on
track, complete for
39c up to $7.50.
Steam Engines,
98c to $5.00.
.1 - ,
That arc Suitable and .Welcome
Give a man something he
needs and he will be pleased.
Here are just the sort of things
pij he would like to have.
Men's bath and lounging robes,
manufacturers samples, worth
Men s outing flannel and domet
night shirts, worth up to $1,
ar.4.1: 50c-j 5c J8cl
Men's allk suspenders, gold
plated and sterling silver
17: 98c to 4??
XoU's Houses, druff stores, g-rooerles,.
complete at 25o to $7. 60. . ' '
Christmas Neckwear for Hen
Men's fine imported silk neck
wear, worth up to $2.0()
ST?1..-. 45c 98c
Men's 50c silk Neck- q
wear, special at $ J
$1 Table Tennis Game at iftc.
Parlor Balls, velvet and plain
rubber, 10c, 25c to 98c.
1 -3
Men's wool Underwear, shirts
and drawers, worth up to
$2.50, at CQ
parh... 3ff
6 ' 1
f i ' si
Kv- t '
Men's $25, $22.50 and $2D Suits 0,Vir.rdy h
and OverCOatS at 517.511........... ments-madein all the
very newest shades brown and grey mixtures, ele
phant shadings, wod browns, etc Christmas
special, at
Suitable Gifts for IVIcn
Men's Hand Tailored, correctly fitting rt C
Overcoats and Suits at J
Smoking Jackets and House Coats newest ar
rivals, moderately priced, y$ )10
Fancy Vests Flannels, mercerized and white
piques, $3 and $4 values ' 93
Of L
Men's Fur Lined Coats, .. S2S to S508
Men's Eight Up-to-date Overcoats and
Suits at
Goys' Winter Suits, $3.75
Norfolk, Knickerbockers and other late styles,
ages 6 to 17, 75
at -
Little Boys' Overcoats ages 3 to 10 only at $2.95
Boys' Overcoats, ages 3 to 15 years, at ....$5.00
Erought to Bay with Gun, He Pleads
and Promises.
W. V. ' Whit 1 Uoa Not Shoot
fia a Hto Maa Thaaka Hint
(or Kot TaklBK Hla
Oiarlc Anderaon, llvtixg In th rorth part
of Omaha, has entered Into aolrmn com
pact with W. Y. WhITo, a. clerk In th
Omaha pbatofflca, to buy what chickens
he may need tn the future and forever
to abataln from, any attempt at stealing;
cl.ickena, especially Mr. White's chickens.-
It happened this way: Thursday night
Mr. Whit returned to hla home, XI Na.
braska avenue, after finishing hla work
at th potofHc about 10:15. and scarcely
liad li vol comfortably houaed when he
heard Ma dog- growling. From the fact
a number of chickens recently had been
aiokn In that vicinity, the thought oc
j curred to him that maybe someone was
atleniitlig a tald on his chKken coop.
(to Mr. White, without any flare of
trumpets, quietly took down his shotgun,
which was loaded with a handful or lesa
of No. 4 shot, and proceeded to Investigate,
lis hid tn an outhouse adjoining hla
chicken coop and presently he looked out
and aaw a man standing In the door of the
chicken house, with the evident Intention
tf making a raid on his poultry prebervea.
Mr. White covered the stranger with the
gun and used It as a persuader fur his
Great Sale Men's and Boys'
Pongee, Flannel and Cassimere Shirts,
men's and boys' Negligee Shirts, collar
attached' and neck band fijfh
style, also laundered bosoms T) (I tl
worth up to $1.50, at
. For Christmas Gifts
Latest style type, lowest prices always an
appropriate gift. Order now and avoid
the rush
39c Per 100 and Upwards. .
nocturnal visitor to accompany him Into
the kitchen so they could talk over tha
Auatlta He Wu Xerrooa.
"I was very nervoua," said Mr. White,
"and was awful glad the fellow acceded
to my demand to go Into the kitchen. I
was afraid h would attempt to run, and
had he dona so I surely would have shot
him and In all probability killed him. and
I dreaded th horror of It. When Ave got
into th kitchen I made him sit down
and we talked over the matter. In the
meanwhile I had mad him bring- two
sacks he had with hiin and he meekly
confessed he was after the poultry. He
pleaded tearfully for mercy and asked
that I would not report htm to the police
and gave me his name as Charles An
derson, raying he worked at Jlhe amclter.
He also admitted he had a "pal by the
name of Hans Jacobs, but the dog had
scared him away, so Anderson had the
field- all to hliuslf. t made Anderson
promise he would never go Into the chicken
stealing business any more and he did so
with no limit of assurances. I then let
him go after he told 'me .where he lived,
end he thanked me profusely for not shoot-
Ins him. I went over to his house Friday
morning, where he had' directed' me, and
he was there all right and again thanked
me tor not killing him. He was still very
contrite and says he la going to be good
for the remainder of his days."
peritonitis. She was born in 1878 at Danne
urog, Neb.
Colonel A. f. Colyor.
NASHVILLE. Tenn Dec. 13. Colonel A.
8. Colyar, aged 90 years, distinguished
Jurist, statesman and authoi1, died at hla
home here today. He was a member of
the confederate congress.
Jewel Boxes t'opKy, Jeweler, 215 8.' loth.
Mm. B. U. Havea.
EL PASO. Tel.. Dec. U. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. li. D. Havens, wife of a
bandmaster, who was Whs Anna Pearl
Kubtrk and was married to Havens tn
Omaha August 13, ISA dcd here today of
Have all your family meet Mr. and Mrs.
Jean Bregant "the smallest and best pro
portional couple In th world." today and
tomorrow at the Saratoga Drug company,
Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue.
New York Amasesneat Mem Flat th
. Mssdaf Statat Is Still la
th War.
NEW YORK, Dec. 13. If the board of
Alderman does not on Tuesday next amend
the law prohibiting all kinds of Sunday
amusements. It Is probable that other steps
will be taken to gain relief for the amuse
ment owners. The recent deolslon of
Justice O'Oorman, which was responsible
for the closing of all places of amuse-
' ment on Sunday waa made In a civil case
and It is not appealable. It is possible now
that a test case will be made by opening
one vaudefllle theater and allowing the
manager to be arrested. In such a, case
the question could be carried to the court
of appeals and the law finally prased upon.
The keepers of penny arcades huv formed
an association. Efforts will be made to
prevent the police from closing their places
of business, by means of Injunctions. Nine
of these places have already obtained In
junctions against the police and' more will
probably do so today and tomorrow.
A Mtmt Jwtor if A (noaas letter
S tiwf IAjS) Oyer's
9 f
It is impossible, simply impossible, for any
one to enjoy tbg best ot health If tbt bowels
are constipated. Undigested mstsrUl, waste
products, polMoou Aabstanccs, must be
daily removed frcta tie body or there will
b trouble, and of tea serious trohbU, to.
AVer's Pi"s sU svttii Is stl f c Km.
had a leg broken and four seamen were
seriously hurt. The Baku Standard was
laboring so much In th heavy seas on
December T that the captain and third of
ficer, with several aeamen. tried to set a
Jib to steady It. They were in the midst
of this operation when a hug sea broke
over the bows and swept them all th
length of the deck. Several men were al
most carried overboard.
the trio drove past her house. A deputy
sheriff followed and arested them.
The child acknowledged that her name
waa Wulff, but said she had been traveling
under the name of Jones. She said she
escaped once on the road between Kanka
kee and Chicago, but was recaptured.
Wltaesa Nearly Brok Dowa oa Staad
Win Ho Detailed HI
BOISE. Idaho, Dec. U. Harry Orchard
concluded Ma direct testimony In the Pet
tibone trial this morning, with a narration
of hla arrest and Imprisonment
Orchard said he gave Miller an order oa
Pettlboneto pay the attorney all the money
he had coming to him. Orchard was
abruptly asked by Hawley how much
money he had received from the federation
at various times and he said between 13,500
and $1,000.
Orchard all but broke dowo when Hawley
asked him if he had any personal -enmity
against hla victims, naming them one by
one, and In each case he said that he had
none. He was especially affected when
asked concerning McCormlt k and Beck at
the Vindicator mine, of whom h said he
thought a great deal.
Captain sad Officer of Task ateaaser
Hurt DurtaaT Sever Storaa
a Attaatle.
QUEENSTOWN, Dee. li The oil tank
steamer Baku Standard, from Rouen, for
Philadelphia, put Into this port today,
bearing evidences of the terrlllo weather
which has prevailed on the Atlantic. The
steamer is considerably damagej and sev
eral of Its boats were carried away. Cap
tain fraaer Ai TUL4 ti&uur Ross each
Lllllaa WalsT, Stelea la Ckleaso, He
covered Tarakt Baaplcloa of
Farmer's Wife.
KANKAKEE. 111.. Dec. II. LitU Lillian
Wulff, who was kidnaped In Chicago last
Saturday, waa recovered today five miles
south of Moments, ten tittles east of here.
A man and woman, who were her captors,
were arrested. They gav their names as
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, and say th-y
were on then- way from Pennsylvania to
Missouri, where they . Intended settling.
They refuse to discuss the kidnaping. The
child declares they picked her up oa the
streets in Chicago, put her In a wagon and
drove away.
The arrest of th coupl was brought
about through th report of a farmer's
wife, whose sutiplciom were aroused when
(Continued from Third Page.)
down. The doctor has a badly discolored
optic, but Is rejoicing greatly that he was
not killed.
YORK York lodge. Benevolent Protective
Order of Elka. at lis banquet, had a most
enjoyable occasion. Hon. Ed Sandal acted
as toaxtmasier and responses were made by
E. U. Woods, C. A. McCloud and Dr. O. M.
Moore. The Elks have a large number
of applications and on the afternoon of New
Year's day will Initiate a large class, and
at nlKht they give their annual banquet
and ball.
NEBRASKA PITY News has been re
ceived here of the death of John Roberts,
at Long Beach, Cal. He waa the ft rut
mayor of Long Beach. Mr. Roberts was
for many years a resident or this county
and city. He served one term as county
commissioner and was connected with the
I'nlted States Internal revenue office when
If. A. Newman was collector, and went
with the officer to Omaha.
NEBRASKA CITY Harry Hartman, a
young man who has been employed in one
of the local butcher ahops, last night called
upon the police and asked that he be locked
up. He Imagined there were a number of
mun following him and they intended to do
him bodily harm, but If he was in Jail he
would be safe. Hartman passed his boy
hood days in Syracuse, this county, his
father having been In business there fur
many years. The commissioners for the
insane will Investigate his case. .
TBCUM8KH At a regular meeting- of tha
Woman's Hellnf corps, Wednesday, the fol
lowing officers were elected to serve the
coming year: President, Mrs. Abe. Sher
man; senior vice president, Mrs. A. W.
HufTuni; Junior vice president. Miss Ida
1'lillpott: treasurer, Mrs. David Grim; sec
retary, Mrs. Sarah Dtrtsmore; chaplain, Mrs.
George Miller; conductor, Mrs. W. 1. Phil
pott; aeslstant conductor, Mrs. W. C. Mo-.
Clald: guard, Mrs. Oliver Davison; assistant
guard. Mrs. Parker.
NEBRASKA CITY Roy Hucklne, whose
home Is in this city, had a narrow escape
from belli killed a few days ago. He Is
ex pre messenger on the r!urllia"ton be
tween Vlllisca snd St Joseph. 11 is train
left th track and turned over. When the
accident occurred he Jumped from the chair
in which he was sitting Just in time to
miss tiie large safe, which completely de
molished the chair. Koy broke open a
window In thu car and made his escape.
but not until his clothes had been torn
from him. He escaped luckily ...but tha,"re."
man and engineer were both badly acaldod.
YORK Judge Evans has Just held his
last term of court at York. There was
more business transscted In this term of
court than has been ground through for a
long time. Charley Uieen had four cases
against him for selling boose and In each
case he was placed under bonds. Harry
K. Randolf, the young man and farmer liv
ing near York who confessed to taking a
horse and buggy, had his case continued.
Charles lllgentrlts. who was charged with
mixing up in an assault and using a kuite,
was lined toO.
NEBRASKA CITY-Ingersoll Brothers,
who have the contract for sinking the deep
well for the Otoe Development company,
are having all kinds of bad luck. Thv
were down Sw feel, when the well Itlled
with water and then began caving. Heavy
casing were sunk and then it was neces
sary to do a lot of under-rimmlng. The
well is now In such a condition that they
can again begin boring and hop to do
some lively work between now and th
first of the year. Their bad luck has put
them back at least three months.
TUCl'MSEH John H. O. Hasenyager,
who lives north of Tecumeeh. has secured
the appointment as herdsmau at the sub
state experimental 'Station, near North
Plulte, and will assume his new duties on
January IS next. Mr. Hasenyager will
have charge of all the Percherou horses,
grade cattle and Duroc-Jersey swine which
ate kept on the place for experimental pur
poses and will assist In this work. The
selection of Mr. Hasenyager for this place
la quite an honor to bim, and he la. abund
antly competent to fill the position. He
has made farming and the raising of fine
stock a sucoesa In his work here. The
niany friends of Mr. Hasenyager and his
family will regret very much to have them
remove from the community. Mr. Uasen
yager proposes to hold a pubho sale oa
December Z7 and dispose of his peisonal
nrnnertv. and he will leave wiln his family
for Norih Platte as soon as he can arrange
business matters to enable mm to get away.
tracks. It waa discovered that the com
pany has not paid the II per cent gives
earnings tax whlrh It should have paid
since IS!. On account of the statute of
limitations the tax can only lie t-ol'ected
for the last six years. The clly will at
tempt to make the collection.
Estimate for Officers' ) Barters.
WASHINGTON. Dec. li-The chief of
staff of the army has reconunendod the
construction of officers' quarters at the
Army War college at an expense of 100,uu0,
which is Included in the general Item for
barracks and quarters In the estlmute for
appropriations Just submitted by the quar.
termaster general. Another item amounts
to 1197,000 for the construction of necessary
buildings for two companies of the signal
corps at Forts ftilcy and Leavenworth.
Electric Lamps Copley, Jeweler. 21 8. 11
Bewlagc Msckls Ageata Strike.
NEW YORK. Dec. 13. The Singer Sew
ing Machine Agents' union has ordered a
general strike of Us sUO members. A lusher
commission, a closed shep and the rein
statement of several discharged agents are
demanded, it is said the strike will In
clude agent In Philadelphia. Boston and
Chicago, as well aa la New Yoik.
Oar Cosoaaay Taxes I'aaaleL
NEW YORK, Dao. IS The city ha dis
covered that It has fcio.lK coming from a
street car company. In looking up the
farts in regard to the Brooklyn. Queens
County c Suburban Railroad cnuipttiiy,
which has aikcd for permisaiuu to lay wore
acts goatlyyet prompt
ly oatlio bowels, cleanses
lie system ejjcctually
assists ono m overcoming
habitual constipaViort
nermanenily. To et its
Ocnejicial ejjects buy
tho cjcnulne.
flanu acturei hy the