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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1907)
16 l.iK OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 14.. 1007. ST. I HOLIDAY NOVELTIES IWOIERI'S WECKWEARI IVlnRe ChormlnO Gifts. ' m .;i.mMt - cy silk embroidered linen tSty -stocks, etc. hundreds of rich new styles- WririU mm IHrfVi nt jiV Dainty and Acceptable Presents are HAN DKE RCHI EFS Women's Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs, with all widths or hems, also lace and embroidered Swiss effects, worth up to 25c, at, each Men's all wool,, pure Irish linen Handkerchiefs, in fine and sheer quality, narrow and medium hemstitching, worth 25c J C each,, at IDC Womens and Men's Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs, made with plain obrordTr.t...J0c-15c-25c Handkerchiefs, six in a box, great ar..49cJ5c-98c-l50 CHRISTMAS Three Big Lota of Ribbons, on lancy, at Long Gloves for Christmas Women's Long Glove Elbow length, real French Kld.flS all the newest shades of brown, tan, red M lib and navy, slso black and white, all Blzes; LfkM every pair fitted, worth $3.60; Saturday, ep. imJ SUEDE FABRIC GLOVES Elbow length or with gauntlet, pique sewed, in black, grey worth $1.50 pr.. on bargain Buy a Glove Bond for a Christmas Present. The Wonderful 20th Century s Semi-Cl&ssic&J Song Success iL I'eopie wani Deiier music, 1- t iV21 X e have purchased a great quantity of the better class of fc Jy songs and tomorrow we will kt semi-classical songs. ' Tliio BftTifr will 15vo fnravor "WHILE YOU Try over the chorus 2 or 3 times with us. Written in 3 keys. Special for tomorrow JL d p C- While You I - f D Imi to tru. jvq n mIim, BmmX ., hrt . .. ;S Saturday's 17c Operatic Son Hits Tansy Ann Merry VjAow long hit Merry Widow Waltxoa, I'd Rather Two-TH 'id t,"l than Befle of Mvfulr SunK, Be went to Ma Kid m mm 4t i" I'uhan'a Honga. In Npla Fair, and all the other new I J fK T, unea. liH'ludlnc Hvlndrer, the timber Bong tilt tiuturday M if C mm, OMAHA A New Yrk Manufacturer and Importer ( Sell Vm Him Surplus Stock at 1-3 Price. . m a DC7QU111U1 Vjr 1 1 i a c; o rv a a ill iabots. Fluffy Ruffles styles, lace and embroidered coatQ sets, collar' and cuff sets, all linen sets, lace dickies,, silk and embroidered bows, fan-y chiffon stocks, tailored .12'c1 Children's Handkerchiefs, three ln 6c-10c-25c women b an iinen iianaKercniers, -fe Mexican drawn work, embrold-rjS ery and lace trim- nr jp. yonr- med, neat styles. . .49 v U . Men's 811k Initial Handkerchiefs. al Handkerchiefs, d quality, all let- 35c-49c-69c! large size, good quality, all let ters, worth up to 11.00, at. RIBBONS bargain square plain arid 15c-7aC-6c' Fancy Christmas 4; Glove Boxes Given to Parchasers of Gloves.. ife 0 i is Paris point stitching and and chamois, ; square, at pr JC ioon songs are aireaay dead. 1 introduce the, very best of ARE MINE and you will readily agree;? m ' Arc Mine U wy bv y soul rv thine,, 1 lo-. but i.i ID. T I D C ml W rr 3 55 V., M'i - a arn l IK ,7,r75 --tiTnJ iraiHfflss lifts For 02.50 I 51. GO 54.50 01.90 For Men's For Men's For an For Fine Fancy Fur Lined All Leather Pair of Vests Kid Mitts Suit Caso Fur Glov's 02.50 39 cts. 45 cts. 01.00 For a , For a Talr of For- Imported For a Tatr ot Sweater"jacket Pfee."t.jsE(l'fS Handkerchiefs Glovos Q1. 00 25 cts. 45 cts. 75 cts. For Fine Silk For Linen For Imported For Good Cii.nonrlAMi InMllX ' V FanCjr ' Pair of "BfffK"- Handkerchiefs Half Hoso Cuff Buttons 03.00 01.00 75 cts. 04.00 For a For a For an Extra Fine For a Celebrated Dandy MWfr4l ' " Tair of , Touna'sllat Silk Muffler . il'.0 Ralston Health Shoes 01-00 03.50 95 cts. 02.93 For a For an Elegant For a Good ' For a Fine Fair of Fur Lined Good Dress Shirt Pants I Cap Silk Umbrella 015.00 For an Elegant Suit of Clothes 1519 - rtTKB TOOS CX1TTZB Itefitaarant on Second Floor Open 7 A. M. Close 7 P. M. $ Saturday 9:80 P. M. ft Tasty Cooking, Moderate Prices, jjji Knpwy Table Linen. s Intelligent Service. . jj CHRISTMAS DELICACIES K Our line of these delectable pro- fi! ducts form a prominent feature of r;' me new biocks waicn we are re- u celving dally and because of their Purity and Flavor should have a & nl.u In nn. cnnnllM 3s WINES and LIQUORS In our Liquor department we carry the best Imported and Do mestic Wines and Liquors for Med icinal and Family use. CHRISTMAS TREES and DECORATIONS We have a full carload of Christ- & 55 mas Trees ranging In sizes and i prices from 16c up. ' V Ankola. Java and Mocha M The best to use. Used by the best. l Our own "roast. " 1 M The best three pounds, for a dol- (ft lar' Coffee sold in ' Omaha. - for, VJ per lb.. . . ". . . '. .r. . . .35c 0 5 oervea ai our restaurani ana lunch counter. MEAT DEPARTMENT. ai ,oln (fancy) lb. 894c A r, per lb .7 He il i. reit. . Cudahv Dla- J i : Fresh Pork Loin Pork Shoulder, Smoked Ham, reg. . Cudahy Dia mond "C" ...12c Smoked Picnic Hams, per ID., Hc m Leaf Lard, 10 lbs for $l.oo Q From 7 to 8 P. M. we will sell g 1,000 lbs. Pork Ribs (from the $ shoulder)' at per lb.. . .. . ,2Kc y FRUIT DEPARTMENT $ Saturday Specials. 50 kegs Malaga Grapes, per lb. 10c Per keg (about 65-lbs.) .. .$4.50 EngllBh notnouse urapes, Concord Grapes, Jonathan Apples, Pineapples, Persimmons, Oranges, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Head Lettuce Brussels Sprouts, Imported French Endive, Wax and String Beans, Snowball Cauliflower, Egg Plant. Pie Plant Hubbard Squash. 17ta and Douflaa Btraata. TalaohOB Boturlaa M7. Orrjvata aiuufi vvuwhi aoyta. N 1 A New Department THE MEG BATH STATIONERY CO. ANNOl'NtE a'nEW UEPART MENT. THEY NOW HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES, CAMERAS, FILMS, FLAXES, CHEMICALS. DEVELOPING PAPERS, ETC. THEY WILL ALSO DO DEVELOPING AND FINISHING AT PRICES THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. GIVE THIS DEPARTMENT A CALU Mege&.th Stationery Company 18th and Farnam Streets. 0 rmimtmmn Mtx.M..m..i ji 1 1 in .ill l.ih ,i ..i hi rff TRUNKS, TRAVELING DAGS, AND SUIT CASES Largest stock ALFRED CORNISH & CO., 025.00 For a Fur Trimmed, Plush Lined Overcoat 1521 Douglas Street YOU CANNOT OVERLOOK THE BOY For the boys, we always have something interesting in footwear. For Instance, there's our ' famous Drexcl special Steel Shod Shoe that we sell for $2.50 Not another shoe on the market that even equals it why, it outwears two pairs of the ordinary shoe even with the rough usage a boy gives his shoes this we guarantee. Another Suggestion Why not a pair of our Boys' Storm Boots they are Just the thing for bad weather wear. Wet have them in tans and blacks, and in all sizes as also we have the Steel Shod Bear this in mind when you think of useful gifts. Drcxel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnara SL aV2 Christmas Suggestions! Toilet Sets, sterling all- JJJ QQ MilltarV Bruahpg for Solid Oold Fobs, at Solid Gold Lockets, at Solid. Gold Cuff Buttons, at Solid. Gold Bracelets, at $8.00 .$5.00 .$3.50 ..$2.75 .$5.50 Solid Gold Stick Tins, Ladles' '6oid Watches,' iVk, ' 50 Ladles' Goid Filled Watches' tlf) f)f) 20 year guarantee, at. v. WW Our prices will stand compui laon. Louis A. Dorsheim Opp. Sax Grand. 506.8. 16th St. PAkKEft'S HAIR BALSAM CleftUM and txutitief Ui hotr. 1 VruirnHM a luiiuiant frowth. I Nvir Vall to fesator Grjl -tair 10 im xoutbiui uoor. Curvi arip ditrtM ha, if fmi.Ui. mmim k j i. iimaiijnw ni mnj u.j hpl nrw and lowest prices in the city. Our all leather Suit Case at $5.00 is the beet made for the money. Harness, Saddles, Robes, Blankets and Fancy Horse Goods. 1210 Farnara Street si In M JUL 015.00 For a Splendid Overcoat CIIRISHA SUGGESTIONS SLIPPERS SLIPPERS "We can suggest nothing better than Slippers for Christmas. We selected "his" Christmas Slippers some time ago. Drop in and see them and we'll put them aside until Christmas and say nothing. Opera Slippers Faust Slippers Romeos and Everetts S-j 00 S-j 50 t, SO 00 FRY SHOE CO. THE IHOEB1 f 16th and Douglas Stsfcets. C'omnicncing today and con- tlnuing till all the surplus stock is sold off. 'Here is your chance to buy your Holiday Clothing and ; Furnishings at less than you ever paid before. Come and se for yourself. i J. Hclphand, 314 N. 16th St. Comfoot Without Extravagance." HOTEL WOODSTOCK W.43-ST.KKSNEWY0RK NEW TWELVE 8T0HV FIRE PROOF TRANSIENT HOTEL .vn 5 E EUROPEAN PLAN MUSI0 QUIET AND IN THE HEART OF 1HIN0S ma .tni.-.iuu.wyi - -r JlrJMh Rooms with runnino water, and u wlthaatm, 2 an0 up. suites, and up Write for particulars. Wire for reservations, our expense. W. H. VALIQUETTE, Manager. AIM THE BERWICK. RUTLAND. VT, Grand Sale Tiuly Exceptional Clothing Values In Saturday's Sale of Men's Suits and Overcoats fin liii THB RKL.IABLK ST HI Men's Fine Suits arid Overcoats from our own regular stock at fully 1-3 saving from regular prices $15.00 SUITS and OVERCOATS very latest style, sale price $10 $18.00 SUITS and OVERCOATS, in Saturday's ffO Cl sale, at 4tltfLUJ FINE. HAND TAILORED best tailoring, nobbiest styles regularly $22.50 Saturday, at MEN'S ODD PANTS WORTH TO $4.00, nn immense assortment of shades and patterns, on sale at, f QC tTO Cf per pair ; 4) 1 2"araC V Buy Your Supplies Now for Xmas f Freshest Goods; Highest 48-lb sack best Fancy High Patent Flour fl.85 10-lb sack best White or Yellow Corn Meal ...ISi! 1-lb. package Macaroni 8c The best condensed Mince Meat, per package sic Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per package 7U 1-lb. can assorted Soups IHc Imported Sardines, per can 8 He Tomato, OH or Mustard Sardines, per can SKc 1-lb Jars pure Fruit Preserves. .8 c 10-lb sacks best purp Buckwheat Flour 40c Large bottles fancy Pickles or Horse radish J. ..8Hc Peanut Butter, per Jar '. . . . 9c Worcester Sauce, per bottle 8sc Pure Tomato Catsup, per bottle.. 10c Fancy, plain or Stuffed Olives, per bottle Do The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound ...Oc The best Crisp Ginger Snaps, per pound 5c Dried Fruits for Yonr Xmas Puddings, Plea and Cakes. Fancy California Cooking Figs, per pound 8 He Choice California Prunes, per lb... 5c Choice Oregon Prunes, per lb. . . ,74c Fancy Muscatel 3-crown Raisins, per pound 10c Fancy MuBcatel 3-crown Seedless Raisins, per pound 10c M HA VDMS' H PRESENTS Z LADIES For the Holiday Trade, we will give free to each, lady purchaser of 00c or more of our wines or liquors, her choice of a large assortment of: Austrian Bisque ornaments, Beautifully decorated Dinner Dishes, Fancy Japanese Work Baskets, Hand decorated Vases, Japanese hammered brass Ash Tray.s, And many useful household articles. Pick Them Out Yourself Fine Home-Made "Wines, per gallon. $1.10 Elegant Table "Wines Clarets, Sauternes and Ileislings) also, California Ports, Sherries, Tokays, Muscatels, An gelicas and Catawbas, per quart bottle 35c,-50c,-75c CACKLE Y BROS. 121 No. 16th St. Douglas 114C Bee Want Ads V tWELERs Bracelets for Womei Fobs for Uen Gold Purses for Women Geld Knives for Men Gold Pencils for Women Gold and Silver Lorgnettes for Women Gold mil Sbell Back Combs Goid Waist Sets for Women Gold Festoon Necklaces Geld Beads for Women C. B. BROWN CO. 18TK AID riMAM STB. PA ROUKKE'S BASX BILL XSADQVABTIM LBADUO MMAMSm -CIGARS- BOX TUOZ A aPEOIAIiTT Sl So. ISta Stot. Z3. ): J Copyright 1907 by Hart 9chiffhar W Msrz SUITS AND OVERCOATS, very, and patterns, worth $15.00 Quality, and Lowest Prices Fancy English Cleaned Curranta, per; pound 100 Fancy Vostlzza Cleaned Seedless Currants, per pound 12Ho Fancy Seeded RalBlns, per pkg....lOo Fancy Seeded Grapes, per pkg...lOc Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb 15o Fancy Pitted Plums, per lb..j.l7ttc Fancy Slfver Prunes, per lb,... 17 Ho Lemon, Orange or Citron Peel, per pound 17 HO BUTTER AND CHEESE PRICES. Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, pe pound 250 Fancy No. 1 Country Butter, lb.. 23d Good Cooking Butter, per lb 20a Fancy No, 1 Full Cream N. Y. Saga Cheest, per pound 20o Fancy Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, per pound 17Ho ORANGES, NUTS. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. 150 size extra Fancy Highland Navel Oranges, per dozen 25c The best Mixed Nuts, per lb 15o Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, per lb..7Ho Fancy Fard Dates, per pound... 12 Ho Imp. 7-crown Figs, per pound.,.. 15o 12-oz package California Figs....7Ho Large Grape Fruit, each 5o Mexican Pinion Nuts, per pound.. 15o Brazils, Filberts, Walnuts, or Pecan NutB, per pound 15o Fresh roasted Peanuts, per quart.. 5o NOTE our regular low prices on all Fresh Vegetables. Produce Results HOLIDAY DANCES LODGES zzrzr AND CLUBS FRATERNITY HALL Opp. rnblio Library, 101S Kaxnay St. Bandaoma Ball Boom Ground Floor. Staf and Andltorium. Saatlof 650. FIVE LODGE ROOMS OR SOCIETY HALLS Low Ilpnluala. 1 T. ' I T.' UaU Slia 60s60, $30 $30 Par Month Hall Bias SOaSO, 6 Par Month Hall Sua 80x40, 6 Par Moutn Hall SIM aoaaa, 4 1 par Moatu Hall Bias 16x33, a 0 Par MuaU Anteroom, Kltclien and Lockers Free of Charge. PBATEBWXTY HAZ.Im M. P. DOSOB it CO. Wm. Taylor, Afaata. Caatodlan. TaL Sou. 839. Tal. Bad COya. UTS. WlndOWH Enal'.Jnm SirnmS1 . o -j "r i b ii l v i 6 ru TV " :fi.:r"!'r i n i . :i;TL;,,,.' .7u.v '-N1.'. f-i' "-a i. tut rt f i wiwii'Dii cruii sk mill - ... . ir 0 i f. 3.;;;; jy