Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15
.i i TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEEi gATURDAYy DECEMBER 14, 1007. 15 V 1 A I; 'i A PERSONAL (tonnnunl i MME. NO"RiICA'ri school of rlmltry; rr!"r co,lr low-Halty. 118 N. 1Mb, orP0''" Trinltj cathedral. n M719 17 WE rF.NT. repair, aril needles for old sewiris mschiii?. Neb. Cycle Co, for. l.'th snd Harney. dS)o IRIVATK CO N F I N F ME NT HO MK-Mri. Dr. King. 1Z4 N. -4 th. TeL Wen. 3. . US-1 IDEAL hair parlors. 204 Nev1H Elk- 16th and Harney. Xel. Douglas 6;. (U-) MM DecJl A OKJfTLEMAN (singlet owning and running a fine homf In the city with competent, reliable help wlshe. two other gentlemen felnsle) to Join with Mm and a tin re expennes equally (about each per month); object, a htgh rlars home for each man at moderv..- expense; only hlKh-class men eonl'Vrrd (prferahly college men); beet of r'fr rnrn given and required. Address T" 611 pee. n-vrT REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PATNB INV. CO.. 1st door Douglaa 17SL N. T. Ufa. (18 933 OBOF.OE 1801 Farnaro. a COMPANY, Tel. Douglas 754 PETCRB TRUST CO.. N. T. Ufa Bldg i (19) 8S5 CTTT PROPKRTT rOR ALB AS Acres for Platting Field Club District Eastern representative of owners here for few day to close out their Omaha property. This tract of land lies south of the Field club and has a frontage of threa blocks on Center street, opposite tha Field club grounds. A rather rough looking cornfield now, but with splendid natural advantage of favorable location capable of development Into a beautiful residence addition of 100 or more lots. Tha Belt Line R. R. cuts through trie lower part, making possible the use of part or all of It for trackage. If you would consider buying this at a very low price, we want to see you. act quickly. Harrison & Morton, 12-1J N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 811 (19)- 11. If 408 145 LaSalle St. Chicago, Dee. 12. 1907. DEAR MR. TUKEY, Is there anyone In all Omaha who Is willing to make an offer for my Decatur street lot? I am closing out my real estate Interests with a view to entering another Una of business. Get ma the best offer possible, and oblige yours truly, ' R. J. MURPHY. (19 119 13 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE Rrand new 6-room cottage, with sewer. oUy water, gas, large bath room, all mod ern plumbing; elegant hard pine nnlsh larre cellar fully bricked and cemented small barn, south front lot; locuted near X7lh and Spauldlng. Price only $2,100. C. G. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bid. (19) M421 14 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1.94 acres of the best hay land in Ne braska, six miles from tha county seat; first-class Improvements; price iju per acre. Will trade for sood city property. D. V. Bliolea Company, 11') Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Douglaa 4S. IX) I li LIBT your property with Chria Boyer, Kd and cumin bis. ti was tO) BO. 7TH BETWEEN FARNAM AND LEAVENWORTH. Six-room, modern cottage home; rents IJu.uO; beautiful lot, east lrunt, &JxI3J; big tuap. Plioua Harney 2t".H. (19)-M3.S8 lJx FOR SALE A well built 10-room frame house, beautifully nnlahed tn ntrawooo hardwood floors, mantels, modern bath room and conveniently arranged. Will pell at a very low price, to be removed from present premises by nurchaser. Ad dress C. C. Rosewater, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. fl) Mill , S4.500 will buy elegant 9-room modern hous at 414 N. 31st It.; east front: paved atrt permanent sidewalk; beautiful lawn; large shade trees, easy terms ir neceasary. THOMAS BRENNAN. Boom L New York Ufa Building. OS)) S EEAL ESTATE TITLK TRUST pr CHA& EL WILLIAMSON. Pr.a. V-, H9V-M flon to tin 90s made promrHly. V. D. Wead. wead Bldg.. lth and Famam. (SI-V99J REAL ESTATE RAMCU LAN US FOR BALB Calarada. GREATEST fruit country on earth. Rea sons why you should come; best frul alfalfa, gram land to up, pure water, coal II U per ton, timber and pout, farm era' own ditches, mild winters, no storms, excellent schools, churches. C. C. Hawk ins. Paonla, Colo. (20) M39 lix lawt. FOR SALS The finest So acrea la Potta . wattanile county, 3i mllea from Council Blufla postomce. on level road, splendid land and splendidly Improved, only s) fur Quick sale. let us tell yoli about It. KAN E ti VAN TUYU . 2 W. Broadway. (JO) M4&S 15x Meanuitua. nows this ACRES of good Innd In Kimball Co.. Neb., i miles from Pin BlurTs; a good town on main Una I. P. R. R. : land In this loealllv Is selling for from Kuo to Jirt.tX) per acre: we can sell this land for 14.50 per acre. IjSO cash. bal. nine an nual payments. Write for particulars. WAIT INVESTMENT CO. tH Bee Bldg. () M328 14 WESTERN LANDS Write tor our lists. Walt Investment Co., 4l'l Bee Bhlg. (20) M.tS 16x MR. INVESTOR I have a Boyd county. Nebraska farm th I must sell quick. If you have sums Idle money here is a bargain for aoineone. Address Y 69. care of Be. (JD MTaa NEBRASKA We offer balance of the Markell fann at Ie 8oto. Neb., consulting of about iOU aores with two aeta of bulldinsa. at an rxceed Inglv low price. Will aubdlvlde if desired. Without a doubt tirjtli of this land la tae best corn land In Nebraaka. Near railroad station, only 40 nunutra' ride from Omaha. A An location for feeding staiiun. Let ua bear from you. A. r. Tukey & Sou, 444-44 Board of Trade Bldg. Pbyne Douglaa Ml. (JD1-M420 14 Wtawemaia. TO INVESTORS. No Investmvnts ia farm landa ara af fected by financial flurries. Put your money where It will constantly Increase ui value; always free from rtak. We ran aell you any amount from 40 to i 0u acres north era W lacwnsla's choicest landa O H. INUhAU, Jr. Kiue Lai., wk OiUE Ce Mx REAL ESTATE FA RSI AWD HAKCII LAID FOR "ALH (Continued Iw Mzle WE WANT responsible party, or parties, to J"ln with UK In th purchase of lh ,nt a-re. of flnn-claaa agricultural land situated In New Mexico. We conwwler this on cf the beat mon-y making propositions in the nouthweet and are very rertaln that parties purchasing raa considerably mora than double thnr money within the net six months. Wa hare tha machinery for Impound a tract of this slxe and ran un doubtedly clean up every acre before July 1 next, ir you have m money ana ar. look Inn for a aafe Investment with larg. returns. investigate h la proposition. Tha O. W. Kerr Co., Third 61. and N'oollet, Minneapolla, Minn. M4S 16 x H laeellaaewwa. SAFE INVESTMENTS FARM LOANS We have over f7.Slin.000 of other naonW money placed safely, secured by good f anna During twenty-one years of business an Investor with via has lost dollar; nor taken aa acre of land. We now have for sale mortgages In mount from SaU) op, secured br rood farms. If you with a safe loan call on ua. PETERS TRUST COMPANY New Tork Ltfe Bldg. umana, iseb. CO) Ml 45 Texaa. FTiEE land lo develop. Country along Tn railroad; eastern Texas. Call for fire days for explanation. 31 Cuming St. (2U) 415 15 REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (23) m MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22) 97 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop- W. J. DERMODT INV. CO.. TeL Doug. 6108. . S N. Y. U (21) MS 03 WANTED City loans and warranta. W. amain Smith & Co., 1XX) t arnam St r property, w. M. Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. (22) ) PRIVATE MONET-NO DELAY. GARVIN BKUO., lb4 FARNAM. (-'2) M LOWEST RATES Bemls. Pazton Block, (22)-J LOAN8 on Improved Omaha property Life Bldg (22) 996 O Keefe R. K. Co., M01 N. Y. $5.10 TO SS.OOO TO LOAN Private money. no delays. J. tl. Sherwood, 971 N. Y. Mfe. iifXJ WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture. cook and heat in alovea. carm ta. lino leums, oMic furniture, old ciolhvs, and shoes. uianos. feathers. bed oillow quilts and all kinds of tools: or will buy the furniture of your house comolele. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Doug. 3971. Ca) M.eo J J SECOND HAND feed sacks. No amount tuo large or too small. Vagner, S01 .N. in l) m.ou WANTED To buy calves. Tel. Doug. 6329. ts) 1W SECOND HAND furniture bought and sold: a. so machines of all kinds rented, - per month Tel. Doug. 6893. Ci)-M99 TO FARMERS. PRODUCE SHIPPERS Highest prices fcr butter and eggs. Cash or nierciiandlse. Rend trial shipment, mi Bennett Company, Omaha. ) luuo CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoes. etc. 30s No. 18th Bt. Tel. Red J3.b. (251-101 25 strong work horses at medium prices. Tel. Webster 2528. (35) M9o 14X WANTED 100 secondhand chairs and Urge heating stove. Tel. Webster J0t. (23) 2S5 1 WANTED TO RENT WANTED By married couple, rooms and board in private lamuy, or rurnisnea apartments for housekeeping In modern house; will pay well for good accommo dations. Address IK, Bee. (26) M3T2 WANTED Room with board by young man; references exchanged. Address 70 care Bee. (26) M441 1B WANTED SITUATIONS I AM a first-clasa druggist with gilt-edge references; have about 2.0W) I want to Invest in a good-paying drug store, either as hair Interest or nuy an wun easy pay ment on balance. What have you? Ad dress Y 81. care Bee. (Z7)-Ml3a ax EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog. raphrr. Address E, Omaha Bee, Council Blurts. i-u w DAY WOMEN furnished free of charge Telephone Douglaa liu. cd-muj YOUNG man wants place In drug store wholesale exrerience. pharmacy gradu ate; experience mora than wages desired. Addres Bee N iVt. Ui 2.7 1 "Tommy" What Is Foot AVgntner? "Jinimie" It'i one of those hot stoves to keep 70a want) when you're riding In a buggy or automobile. Right Jimmie And we. sell stacks of them for Christmas presents very use fulnice appearance. 3.00 AND UP. Elegant Lap Robes Watch Cisss fsr Buigj or Au!omob!It FIXE ENGLISH WHIPS, KIDDLES, BLANKETS, BRIDLES. Drummond's . 18TH AND HARNEY GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR DAIRY BARN-DE partment of the Interior, Office of Indian Aftaira. Washington, D. C. Nov. K. 1W7. fee a l.d propueals, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelop ' Proposals fur a Dairy liarn at the noarnin. eV hool. Pine Ridge Agency. Wo. Dak.," and aiiired to tne Cuuinuaaiotier of Indies Affaira. Washington, I. C. will be re ceived at the Indian Office until I clock D. 111. of Jan. 17. I., for furnishing ma' teriala and labor to construct and complete a dairy barn at tha echool at Pine Kidg Agency. Bo. Daa , in strict accordance wu the plans, specifications and Instruction to blddeia, which may be examined at this office, tli ofhcee of The Bee. Omaha. Neb.: the American Contractor, Cldcago, 11 L. and the Improvement Bulletin. Minneapolis, Minn.; at the U. 8. Indian warehouse at Chicago. 111.. St. Loula. Mo . and Omaha, Neb.; the Builders' and Traders' exchanges at St. Paul. Minn.; Minneapolis, iilun. ; On at a. Nrb., and at tae agency. C. T. LAhKAEi.ii Acliog ComnUwlomr. L-4r1-l-U-I4-l-a GOVERNMENT NOTICES .- FROPOSALS FOR BUILDINGS. De partment of tha Interior, Of."lce of In dian Affalra. Washington, D. C., Nor. C ltori. aid tirmmsata plainly marked el tha outside ef the sealed MveUjM-a Pr poaeie for Meas Building. Tllnnebego KchooL Nehraska. and addressed ta tha C'emirikis-lener of Indian Affairs. Waahiag- n, D. C. wiu be reoeiv IT Ice until J o'clock p. m ed at the indie- of Jan. 15, lMeri I for furnishing materials and labor to con struct and comulete aa unuirm xaaaa baiWltng at the Wtnnwhago school, hf kiuki. in strict accordance with the plana. pecflcetloss and tnstrucxione to Bidders) Men may Dm eiamineo at tnis on ice, ina office of "The Bee. omana, r-eo., v. a. in- an warehouse, Omaha, Neb., Bt- ixjuia. lo., Chkago, Lu.: Builders and Araoeea xchanxes. Omaha. Neb.: St. Paul. Mlna.. nd Minaeapolta. Minn.; N(irtwnn Manufactureia' aaeoetation. St. Paul. Mln.. nd at tha school. For farther inforDauoa nolv to Oscar M. Waddell. suneHntenilerit. Wlnneba, Nebraaka. C. F. LARRABKsI. Acting Commissioner. H2I 2S W Urn I I M U.t LEGAL NOTICES ntmrr. OF THE REPUBLICAN VAL- ley. Kansas 4k South western Railroad Comrany. Omaha, Neb., Nov. . UW7. Ts the Btockheldera: Notice Is hereby gl that a anecial meeting of the stockhold nf tha Rrmibllcan Valley. Kansas 4 South west trn Railroad eorrrrany will be held at the tfflce of to company in Omaha, Ne hrsaiia at 4 o'clock D. m. on January 10. 16. for tbe purpose of action upon tbs question of selling the railroad, property and franchises of this company to the Cai man. Burlington 4V Qulncy Railroad com pany, tit rauroaa ana propertr sioreaaHi Ulg nOW UllUer IW 147 H1U 1,-Ulllwif, v order of the board, of directors, w. P. Durkee. Secretary. Nlvdest OFFICE OP THE KANSAS CITY Omaha Hallway ornpany, umtiu, md, Th, evening was devoted to cards, high nvs Cov. 1307 Ta the Stockholders: Notice!. . . . . . .. ...... . . Is hereby given that a special meeting si tha stockholders of tn Kansas City 4k Omaha Railway company will be held at the omos or tne company in raimeia. n braska. at t o'clock a. m. on January 11. I9ua. for the purpoee of acting upon the question of selling the railroad, property and irancmees ot tne company to tne tni- caao. Burlington at uutucy ttauroad com pany, in railroad ana property eioreeaia now under leas to aald com pan By order of the board of directors, w. I Ourkee. Secretary. miuowt OFFICE OF THE REPUBLICAN VL- lev aV Wyoming Railroad company. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 9, To the Block- holders: Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Republican vausy c Wyoming rtanroad company will be held at the office of the comuany In Omaha. Nebraaka- at 4 o'clock p. m.. on January la, laos, for tne purpose of acting upon the queatlon of selling the railroad, property and franchises of company to tne Chicago. Turlington A uumrv ttauroaa company, tne rauroa and property aforesaid being now under lease to said company. By order of the ara or directors. v. r. jjuritee, Secre tary. NltidkOt OFFICE OF THE OXFORD 4t KANSAS Railroad company. Omaha, Neb.. Nov. 1907-To the Stockholders: Notice Is hereby g.ven that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Oxford A Kansas Rail road company wu be hld at the office of the company at Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. ra., on January Id, IMS), for the purpose of acting upon tb question of selling the railroad, property and ft property i franchises of tha company to the Chicago, Burlington t uulncy Kaiixoaa company, tne railroad and property aforesaid being now under ease to tne saia company. tJy order of U:e board of directors w. p. Durkea, becret.ry. NiOduOt OFFICE Or THE OMAHA AND SOUTH- western Railroad Company. Omaha. Neb.. Nov. . law. To the btockpnidera: Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha and HouLh western Railroad company will be held at the office of the company at Omaha, Neb., at 4 o'clock D. m.. on January lit. Vf. for the purpose of acting upon the question of selling the railroad, property and fran chises of the company to the Chicago, Bur- llngton at (Juincy Railroad company, the under lease to said company. By order of the board Of directors, W. F. DURKEE, Secrstarsr. NWdaOt OFFICE Or THE OMAHA AND NORTH Platte Railroad Company. Omaha. Neb.. Nov. . lifc7. To the Stockholders: Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha and North Platte Railroad company will be held at the office of th company In Omaha, Neb., st 4 o'clock p. m., on January 10, lMs, for the purpose of acting upon the question of selling the railroad, property and franchises of this company to the Chicago, Burlington 4 Qulncy Railroad company, the railroad and property aforesaid being now under ease to the said company. By order of the board of directors, w. p. Durkee Secretary. NuWfiot RtAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Sarah M. Kitchen to L. E. Peters, lot 16. block 1D4. Dundee Place t 400 O. E. Stearns and wife to McCague Investment company. c3u feet lot o, block ID, Improvement Association add - 1 Jesse Prince t J. F. Bill. s lot 1U. block 9. Kountze & Ruths add.... l.XJ) Theodore B. Forgy and wife to John H. Forgy. s1 lot 2K. Falrmount Place tM P. S. Boleu and wife to Rasmus Peterson, lots 1 and 8. block 11. Credit Koncier add 7,000 Rosa Marcus and husband to Tzschuctc Real Eatate comDanv. lot 9. block IS. K. V. Smith's add.. 3.8t Kathleen McCauley to P. J. Trainor, lots S, 7, 8, 9. It), II and 12, block 14. Jetter's add Elizabeth Kountze Real Estate com pany to Eva M. Scott, lot 9. block 27, Kountsa Place 950 Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Jacob Isell. lot 10. Flack's subdiv O. W. Wattles and wife to wardens and vestrymen of All Paints' church, part lots 1 and t, Clarke's add John W. McDonald, sheriff, to Rev. John Baltcer, lot 24, block 3, Brown Park add.....' '. Fanny Reichenberg to Cecelia C. Burhtel. part lot 4. block 17. Omaha. and strip adjoining west side 2,400 xiertna Harms and husband to Ma th! Fehra, W40 feet lot lblock 1. Weat Side add 250 Total amount of transfers.. .H4.75J BOARD FOR HOUSE GF HOPE New Direct!- Ar Fleeted to Gov- ers) th Iastltatl far Old Peple. A new board of directors has been elected for the balance of this and next year to govern the House of Hope, an Institution presided over by Rev. Charles W. Savidge. The directors are Lawrence S. Stenger, William A. rink ham. Isaac N. Deuel, Thomas Hurd. Mrs. Anna Savidge. Calvin M. Billings. Q. W. Wattles, Oeorge Hoagland and John A Jacobs. "It should be understood," says Rev. Mr. Savidge, "this home is not owned by me or any of my people. Our Interest ts only thst of trust, and we expect no pro ceeds now or ever from this enterprise save in the good work It does for those dear old people who need help. We feel grateful to those men and women who have lent us their sld and gone on the board ot directors, for their co-operation will help sdvancs the Interests of the home materially." RUN ON UnlLUKcN 5 BOOKS Big; Desasnad lark t Pabll Library Llteratar Jaet Nw. f r The Omaha nubile lihr.rv 1. b.vl. It. annual exhibit of children's books suitable far children s gifts. Thee ar not all Christmas books, but th old standards which have stood th test of Urns. "These are some of th titles la this collection which may be found In tbe children's room Fairy Tales (Andersen). Story of th Fairy Viueeu ( lirottks), rtctur t4oos (Calducolt), Oolden Stairca (Chlaholm), The Iliad far Boys snd Otrls (Chuich), Child's life of Christ tl warmer I. Merry Lip (Dig). Fifty Flower Friends wlttt Familiar Faces (Dun ham!. Two Teddy Bears ia Toy-land (uordoni, rairy tales. Illustrated by Strat ton iGrimai). Child s Story ot Hans Chrt- tiaa Anderaaa (Harbor!, Olive Fairy Book ii-ii. nor ana nay in Mexico (Plummer). Story of, Sir ljiuncelot (Pyle), Our Little Alaakan Cousin (Koulet). Heidi (Apyri), Swum Herues (Upton translation), Japan ese airy laies (nujiatoal. tw Vol; Grimms Fairy Taiea (Wuts edition). KQTES OS OMAHA SSCIETI Jin. C E. Coatait Girei Scctid of 8e lies of Soffet Ludieou. cojfspiCPOUS "ETESl 01 TODAY Mr. sal Mrs. J. F. Heelsasua Celebrate rifts WeeWtw Aaale-ereauT If nnaeroaa riaa MetaaTa Oerasf Aftei . The second of the series of buffet lunch eons strem mi wees try sarw. i k. Coutant was tha consp4eto feature 01 Friday's social ca Vender. An etstxrrat dccoTatlv schema was employed la tha rooms ef the eatire lower floor f the house, American beauty roses, carnation a ad other bloasoas being used In profu sion. The round table in tbe dining room had for Its centerpiece a low mound of whits roses, this decoration toeing supple mented by pink shaded candles. The host ess was assisted by Mrs. Freak Colpetaer, Mrs. B. T. Lindsey, Mrs. M. T. Barlow, Mrs. F. B. Hochstetler. Mrs. r. ML itn- born. Mrs. Charles Ogden, Mrs. Charles E. CI pp. Mrs, Thorns Crelgh and Mrs. Charles EL Johannes. About seventy-Ova guests were present. Weddia Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Redman celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary Thurs day evening by entertaining a party of friends at their home. 1502 Spencer street, wtmmm i n. n me b ti 1 1 rnnriunRO wun bod. being the game, and concluded with sup per. Prise for tbe gam were wen by Mrs. M. P. Carmean, Mr. A. 8. Carter. Mrs. William Brown and Mr. M. D. Car mean. For supper the g-uests were all ted st one long table that had for decoration a miniature Christmas tree loaded with souvenirs for tha party. The guests Included: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Root, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gould, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Carter. Mr. and Mrs O. L. Redman. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Carmean, Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Redman, Mrs. W. T. Blackburn, Mrs. F. E. Bailey of Salt Lake City. Miss Alice Redman, Mr. Will Blackburn. Mr. Shirley WcGlll and Mr. and Mrs. James P, Redman. Cksrmosle Clsfc. The Charmonte club was entertained Fri day by Miss Alice Auld, Miss Robblns of Trenton, N. J., and Mrs. Don Adams, being guests of the afternoon. The club members present were; Miss Blanche Howland, Miss Fannie Howland, Mis Daisy Rogers. Miss Nina Crlss. Miss Hallle Patterson, Miss Alice Bncll, Miss Lucille Dlmmlck, Miss Mabel Hicks, Mrs. Oeorgs Morton, Mrs. Hubert Hicks, Mrs. Ralph Moody. Mrs. Paul Roberts, Mrs. Harry Jennison, Mrs, Lynn Kemper and the hostess. Owl Clab. Members of ths Owl club were enter tained Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bauermelster. Three tables were placed for the card game and the prizes were won by Mrs. William Mc Cann and Mrs. J. E. Shaffer. The consola tion prizes were awarded to Mr. William McCann and Mrs. Alex Jetes. The mem bers of the club present were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jetes, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. William McCann. Mr. and Mrs. William Urbach, Mr. and Mrs. Mx Burkenroad gnd Mr. and Mrs. William Bauermelster. Mr. Ray Sherman H"st of the club. The next meeting will be New Year's eve at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. William McCann. Matlm) Party. Mrs. Charles M. Harding gave a matinee party at the Orpheum, followed by lunch' eon at Balduff's, Thursday in honor of V,"' '' "u,'ur "l Charles Baeman and Mrs. James Be em an, who have recently returned to Omaha as brides. In ths party, were Mrs. Charles Beeman, Mrs. James Beeman. Mrs. Harry Benford, Mrs. Edward Mo- Culian, Mrs. Arthur Gross. Mrs C. V. WWte, Miss Kitty Smith. Miss Aletha Dare and Mrs. Harding. Friday Catherines, Mrs. Earl Kiplinger was hostess this week at the meeting of the Friday Bridge club. Miss Isabel French being guest of the afternoon. Tha members present were Mrs. Louts Clarke, Mrs. George Redick. Mrs. Harry Montgomery, Miss Helen Davis, Miss Mabel Marr, Miss Ruth Moorhead! Miss Mary Morgan, Miss Ann Brown, Miss Elizabeth Congdon and the hostess. Miss Mabel Marr will entertain tha club next week. The members of the 8acajawea club were entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Walwln O. Perry. High five was the gam of the afternoon and all of the members were present, including Mrs. John Miles, Mrs. Paul Horner. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. B. F, wuern, Mrs. Jack Bishop. Mrs. James Bishop, Miss Daisy Dsn ford and the hos tess. The next meeting of the club will be in two weeks. Por Mr. aad Mrs. Tom Davis. Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze will give a dinner Friday evening at their 1 home. Thirty-ninth and Dewey avenue. Th guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Miss Ada Kirkendall, Miss Mary Lee McShane, Miss Elizabeth Congdon Miss Helen Davis, Mr. Wharton, Mr. Wil liam Hosford, Mr. Stanley Ineson, Mr. De- nis Barkalow and Mr. and Mrs. Kount Prospective Pleasures Mr. and ATra Tt fl fhHetl nt. tain th North Side Saturday Night Card club this week at their home, 2209 North Nineteenth street. Th Hanscom Park Dancing club gave on of Its series of dances Friday evening at tha Rome hotel. The Qui Vive Dancing club gave a party Friday evening at Chambers'. rome-asd-Go Geaal Mrs. Brlnkrr of St. Louis, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Coutant, will leave Sunday for her home. Dr. and Mrs. Learned of Northampton Mass., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned. Mrs. Lydia Morrison, who has been spending several weeks in Lincoln, ths guest of different friends, is expected home the latter part of next week Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Enockson will spend th holidays with Mr. Enockson'a relatives in Elroy, Wis. Mrs. Grace Gamble, who has been visit Ing friends in Lincoln, has returned home ' Haw ta Wis . llaabaad. A aalad dressing which Is guaranteed to bring peace and harmony out of anv storm to w,n for th sin who makes It any hus Dana she may pick out, and bring kings 1 na potentates to the feet of any woman who mixes It successfully. Is made as ful lows: Have the bowl In which It ia to be mixed rubbed unstintingly with gurllc; till eaen apoou wun Ball, piuck pepper ,nd PPrika-n.ore paprika than anything eiae, ana leas Diaca pepper; mix tnis well In the bowl; mix in slowly two dessert spoonfuls of olive oil being careful that they ar entirely full but not running over on deaertspoonful ot vinegar, and the Julc of half a lemon. The more thor oughly It Is mixed the better. This ts especially good for a combination aalad. although It can b used ua any green salad. Vi hile the salad la w siting for th dressing, have, ta the midst of It. a heel of the loaf of rye bread rubbed with garlic What to Eat. Hawks Cut Glass Copley, jeweler. Si 8. It, When you have aayinlag t sell advar tls tt la Tha Ba Want A4 CoUotna. i 3 WHAT CLUB WOMEN ARE DOING Women Make Sarreitioni for Pro gram of Boston Biennial. CONTRAST WOULD BE FEATURED Newly Organised Panama Clab Hav Affiliated and Will Send Dele gates to Convention at Gen eral Federation. The suggestion has been iade that the Boston biennial next June follow the ex ample of the recent convention of the Association ot Collegiate Alumnae, and ar range its program in two grand divisions. one pertaining to what has already been accomplished by ths General Federation of Women's Clubs and the other to what stilt remains for that organisation to accom plish. Discussing this suggestion, th Federation Bulletin for December says- Some of us would find it difficult to recognise the world in which we live rt all the results of past club activity were sud denly removed. It Is certain that millions of the helpless and defenseless of the country would realize ths change if they saw the return of many of the abhorrent abuses which are now not only dead, but. R would seem, must be largely forgotten. Club women, however, have not forgotten, and are not likely to forget, some of the changes which they have seen' during the last thirty years. A few reviews of the past generation would b" very interesting reading, especially if offered by some of our number who have lived through the entire period and can recall vividly all the changes which have come over the spirit of th modern man within that time." Ths Paaaaia Federatloa. Nothing has ever occurred In the history of ths woman's club movement that has carried with it deeper Interest than does the story of the Panama federation. With out this story it might be bard to under stand how many hundred of the best repr sent stives of our American women who had accompanied their husbands to Panama had found themselves suddenly transferred inte new and unaccustomed surroundings. They were not only la a strange land, but were strangers to each other. Loneliness and discouragement must hav ensued unless they were more than human, for the place afforded nothing In ths way of social or educational diversion. Several months ago Miss Helen Vaiick Boswell was sent ta organise them Into women's clubs. Miss Boswell has told her own story of ths Amerlcsn women of Panama and her work among them In the December Federation Bulletin. There is also the story of the organization of ths Canal Zone Federation. These clubs have commenced a work of supplying many things lacking In the social and educational life of ths families there. What a field for club activity and what an example of ths sociological value of the club movement. A recent copy of the Canal Record gives enthusiastic accounts of the work of ths clubs In the interest of their new homes and communities. Miss , Boswell says these clubs have been feder ated and are planning- to send delegates to the Boston biennial next June. It goes without saying that they will be cordially welcomed. D. A. B. Meeting. The local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution held It business and social meeting this wwlt at the new Wat tles memorial parish house. Tbe program consisted of a general talk on the James town exposition from s historical stand point and conditions of the southern moun taineers in which th society Is much Inter ested, by Mis Katherlne Hilliard. Miss Blanch Sorenson gave several vocal num bers. An informal t.ti followed. Would Help Newsboy. The Frances Wlllard Woman's Christian Temperance union Is considering reopening tha work of ths newsboys' club, which was given up soma tun sgo for want of funds to maintain it. The undertaking Is a big one snd one that Involves not only moral and financial support, but do and Intelli gent as well as sympathetic touch with th boys. The work is recognised by those familiar with It as on of the moat difficult in the city and could scarcely be carried on by volunteer workers. The union has ap pointed a committee to look over the f.eld and ascertain what the undertakes will Involve. CULTIVATION 0F ELEGANCE It U a Oaallty that Caaaat B Mad with Clh AUaa. A dressmaker vho turned out soma .( tb most stSnnlng gowns this yesr said in regard to tha new reign of elegance: "Of course, the woman who goes abroad every year to replenish her wardrobe has always bea elegant. But alegaao Is most difficult and moot costly to attala. A woman with good tast and a cWjvr knack I . : 11 . The strongest sometimes eat the least, but they eat wisely. t Not what you eat, but what you digest, gives you strength. Uneeda Biscuit t is the most nourishing and di gestible food made from flour Eat wiselyeat for strength Uneeda Biscuit In moisture and dust ftwf faekaitu NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY of dressing can appear very smart through- j out a season with a comparatively small outlay. But when it comes to elegance tt Is quite another matter. "What comprises elegance? A great many eifferent fact or a Sometimes It takes years to attain years during which the woman grows so accustomed to beautiful and rare fabrics and Jewels that sbs wears them unconsciously. ' "And critics generally declare that this is tbe greatest fault of the American girl. She. has exquisite clothes and she wears th4m well, but she is undoubtedly con scious of them. ' :Thls Is strongly opposed to the elegance of mariner which Is the essential to ths r.ew school of beauty. Beyond that to be really elegant a woman must wear only he finest of hand trade undergarments trl n pi J with real lace. "Everything about her must be un ordlnary and distinctive. She must not be a flier, clothes wearer not even a luxuri ous beauty. She must bo a woman of the world with tact and good taste, used to the best society. k "Bhs never overdresses of wears Jewels In such profusion as some American women do at the opera, for Instancs. She Is culti vated beyond the point of putting on clothes as a means of displaying them. "Every one knows the hurry and bustle of ths social life here, ths running on from dinner to opera, to supper snd danc and aeeond sunpper. Vary rarely do ws find sn American woman with repose. "An elegant woman never hurries In her gait or over luncheon or dinner. Bhe writes her notes in an easy, graceful hand, talka in a gentle voice and expresses herself with some of tha dignity that we have al most forgotten. "The Parisian woman Is the highest type Of elegance personified. It will take some years to get the American woman to realise this easy, leisurely manner. Perhaps she never may approach It. But there is no doubt she will hav. th costliest clothes and furs and Jewels. , "But the mere possession of these will not bs enough. Sha will have to learn ' : 1 FREEA Box of 25 Good Cigars-FREE With every tJaah or Credit Sale of $10 or over In Our Xsn's and Woman's Clothing; Ladies, here's a chance to make your father, husband or brother aa acceptable Xmaa present without cost to you Gentlemen "Well a word to the Wise is sufficient." Useful Xmas For Ladies Suits, Coats. Skirts. O Petticoats, Stylish Furs . . . - .ass, ana bbbbb millinery 5iik ana i - Wool Waists, Etc. SJQO V m 0 ! A Week Will Dress You Well For mi OUTFITTING- CO. 1313 -IT-10 FARNAM ST. LOOK J-OB TX1 BIO AMO OOLO stiOVS V r many things and unlearn more. She will have to cultivate her feminity at ths ex pens of her Independent manner and go tn for wblt pink tipped liands rather than th athletic sunnurtwd arms that aba Is as proud of today. . COLORED BLOUSES AGAIN 4 art Tats Iatrwdsee-41 fa Tla fe ar t Patterns that Arc Kaa ferwldrreal 1ft. Occasionally on finds a Mouse of vivid color contrasts, such as the delightful graen i and cream model sketched here a cream. EMBROIDERED NET. not embroidered boldiy In lettuce green silk floss and trimmed with little bands of gren satin. A sombre frock Into which a touch of this lovely green entered would consort delightfully with this chic French blouse, as would a frock of cream cloth. Oifts on Credit A Silk ancy :.0 Gentlemen i V A lift A Mill' 1) 1111) Overcoats. Suits. Dress Vests, .ats, Smoking Jackets, Oath q KoDes, necKwear, muniers, Gloves, Etc. .AIL GOODS MARKED PLAINLY. jtfK ITrV IT!! Euy New Pay Liter '