8 Want - ads AlrrrtiMMraK for to waot aa rolaaaas will Be takrn aatil 12 m. for the vli( edltloa aaa til 9 p.' for the Mralu aaa Baaaar editions. Casa iHoaH'f ll '" waats aaTa aaa aaTertlaeMeat will t accepted for Irsa taaa 10 ecata for the Best lasertloa. Rate apply to cither Ta Oally or liattf Boo. Always coant sis wora to a llae. Ceaablaatloa of laltlaia or a a sabers roast aa on word. CASH BTM rOH WAlfT ADS. HRUl'LAR CLASairiCATIO.f Oae Inaertloa,' per llao, 10 eeats. Two or Moro eoaseeatlvo lasertloa, per Mac, 0 eeat. Each lasertloa ansa oa odd daVa, lO eeats pr lla. fl.oO per llae per raoata. FECIAL CLASSIFICATION If roar advertlsemeat la laeerte aader aar oat of the olaaaiacatloas rva below, It will t charged at the fol lowlas ratrai Oao Inaerttoa, 4 eeat prr llaai tkrro to six coaeeestlvo la aert.oas, II ecata per llao each laser tlaa MTta or aaoro eooseeotlve laser tloaa, S ecata per llao eaek lasertloa BO ecata per llae per aaoiktk. BARTER AND EICHANOB. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HtCLP WANTED MALIC. Except Agrata, ollcltora aaa alee nta. OFFERED POR SALE. Cove, Bird, DoaTa aaa Pel a. Horace aad Vcklelea. Poaltrr aa Eves, k-'arnltare. Trpewrltcra aad Itnlig aiacalae. 11 a bos, Orgwt aad Mnalcal Iraitra Meats. OFFERED FOR RENT. Famished Hoe at a. , Unfnralahcd Hooaaa. Housekeeplaa; Boos. Boarding; aad Rooaaa. WANTED TO BUY. Want ada for Tke Be mar ke left at aar of tke following- drag stores, oae la "roar eoraer drBBglst" they are all bra ark oflleea of Tke Bee aad rear ad wll ke laacrted Jaat aa proasptlr aad tke aaaae ratea aa at tke ataia office la Tke Bee Balldlaa-, Beveateeath aad Faraasa Street. Albach, W. C, 40th and Firnim, Beranek, S. A., 1401 B. Wth St. Beoht Pharn acy, 720 S. lth St, Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. banili Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cumins, i b lake's Pharmacy. 211 Sherman Ave. i Caughlln, C. R., 6tli and Pierce. Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 MIHtaiyr Av. ,' Conte, J. B., Slat Ave., and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lak tftf. ! Cermak. Emit, 1204- 8. 13th Bt. i Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. ( Ehler. F. li , 2M2 Leavenworth. : Foster Arnold!, 213 N. 26th St. Preylag. John J., 1914 N. 24th. . Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. '. Goldman Pharmaor. 20th and Lake. - Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave and f-aciuo. . Greenough, O. A., 1025 S. 10th St. . Oreenough, G. A., 14 B. 10th St. Harden. Wm. t' 8i2n Karnam St. Hanacora Park , Pharmacy, 1601 S. 29th latve, Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th Bt. -r Huff, A. 1 2934 Leavenworth Bt. King. H. B., 2230 Farnam St. , ivountise Place Pharmacy. 2604 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. ) Lathrop, Chas. 13., 1324 N. 24th St, Peyton. L. li.. 24tli and Leavenworth. I Raratoca Dru Co. Z4th and Ames AT. Schaefer's Cut Pries Drug Co., 16th and vnu-agn. ' Hchaefer, August. 2031 N. Ifith St ; .' Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Sts. t Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. wanon Pharmary. 20th ana Grace. ( Worth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sta. DKATIIS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. FREDERICK Judith Grogg. aged 48 years, wife of John T. Frederick, died at her residence, li06 South Thirty-second avenue, 'l"hursday, December 12. 1SW7, at 2 a. m. Services private. Interment Shelblna, Mo, "11'DONAI.D Mrs. Jennie, at her residence, 323 West Broadway Council Bluffs, atcu o9 years. Services at residence at 4 tp. m. Friday, December 13. Interment Owatona. Minn. Deceased Is a sister of Mrs. R. A. Willis of Omaha. PARKINS Lottie A., aged 20 years. De cembnr 12. luo7, at family residence, 316 North Forty-nrst street. Funeral naturday, December 14. at J p. m , from her home. Friends invited.. In terment Forest Dawn cemetery. WEAR Emma J., daughter of Francis and Kliiabeth Wear, at family residence, 3406 llarney. Funeral Saturday. December 14, from residence at s:30 a. m. to St. Peters church 1 wenty-elghth and Leavenworth at a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, III ECK Henry F.. aged 63 years. Thurn- day morning. Funeral Sunday from family residence. 1113 Pifrk avenue, 2 p. m. Interment Forest l.iwn cemetery. Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DKATHS. Births E. A. Phillips, 4S Capitol avenue, boy; Emll Romey. U3t, Worth Thirty-ninth, bey; George Uehrlch. 1664 North Twen. tleth, girl; Timothy P. Taylor, 1314 Web eter, boy: Qte O. Monroe. Sixteenth and looust, boy; Dun lei Murphy, 2115 North Twenty-ninth avenue, boy: Benno Viola. 4623 Hamilton, girt; James Adam, 1234 South Fifteenth, girl; Oreo Nesblt, 2X Kansas avenue,, girl; Axel Johnson, ?;5 Caldwell, - boy;- John Samuelaon, 83u8 .imne, ooy, Deaths Jumea Borger. 1009 South Elev eiun, agiui .i. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The ifoHswIng marrlagb license havs been iaausd; Name and Address. a Nels Paulson, Council Bluffs fcerlns U. Miller, Council Bluffs 43 George E. Yochurn, Persia. la 21 lucy Huiruhrey, Persia, la l ANNOUNCEMENTS We Guarantee TOU A TELEGRAPHY JOB. Union Pa nno dlspaichera' wire and complete vituifiunui ut ai.feiim uianaa ror practice Installed In our telegiapby department. lioyies liusiness uoiiege Boylea Bldg., Omaha. Student attinltted any day. Get the ca.eiugue. tkh-j. BIGN PAINTINO-8. H. COLE, 1303 Doug tl SU1 TUB CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and - . (D-02 AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand, tutomo- biiva. ULMitiiir, him f arnam. tl ul FOR RALE A asven-Dassenser lSuB urn. moll tie. with sld entrance and all the luu7 inprovemenia. in good condition. Prli-e, l.vm. a. u. tirenaeia. t2 JH3 13 BARTER AND EXCHANGE E. G. GANGKSTAL) can help you get In or out oi uuainttss. sioora J9 iee Ulrlg, uiuanav 14) kMi A LIVE ONE. Have a good mining stock to trade. What nave your Ls w4, care Bee. U1-M127 FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE Blackamtt hup, tools, lot and rsaldenoe: sood bual , r.ess; want part cash; make of! nr. Box IU. Moudamtn. la. (3) Wj!5 Lix WILL excfciiige railway, mining, Induatrlal aiotKi ana bunas ror vacant or Imurovt iroi-rrty. farm. tunUer or mineral lan.1. Vlii hsva youf brnd tor I (.. Rrokers .A, ri.., touuvuie, My. (3 MZj3 I BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) EXCHANGK For a good Improved east ern NehraatB farm, clean in-ic or ory good. 19 t); new 7-room rMldenoc, M; t acres, with t-roorn cottage, la.OuO; no Inflated vnlues; no agents; deal with owner. Address T 64, cars of Pe. ()-MH WANTBTV-A lumber yard, well located. Invoicing at about 120.0"", In exenange tor e-ood farm lends at cash value. Addresa N. Halscy, 5.6 Monadnock block, Chicago. (3) MI05 13k 1(0 ACRKS Missouri land for mdse.. or In come property. Box 917, fcsgle Grove, la. 01) M30 l!x WANTED To exchange, 70 head registered Hereford cattla for jrestern range mares. Adflrees N. Halsey, M6 Monadnock Block, Chicago. (3) M395 13 HAVE a nice lot of good Iowa Min nesota farms to exchange for good stocks of hardware or general merchan dise, farms will be priced at what they are worth. (Owners reply). J. F. Smith, Manilla, la. (3) M308 17 838 ACRKS good valley land for Bale or would exchange for good Business. Ad dress C. B. Freeman, St. Paul, Neb. n g M61X BUSINESS CHANCES ROOMING house for aale. from smallest to largest; can loan pari purer see rn"",. Osborrie-Hansen Co., 441 Paxton block. (4) M196 J7 DRUG STORKS for sale everywhere. F. V. . nM -vt -r i j - v. a kt ana ONE of the best fruit and confectionery stores in cuy; wninu iiwn - business In connection doing business of fl.ono a month. Owner has other bunlness, rceson for selling. 818 N. 16th. (4)-s6 12 MONET MAKING SECRETS 100 of them, every one a winner; 64 pages, iu ceiii.. Standard Supply Co., Independence, Mo. FINE RESTAURANT and furniture, In southern Nebraska, ror sale entail account of sickness, or would trade for farm stock with lense on good 80 seres In southeast Nebraska. Address Y 6a, care Bee. (4)-M193 13x AL.ASKA "The Last West; the T.snd of Opportunities." i win Ten you me wnB paid nen snd women. " f'Hls, chnnces 1 1 V. Mall nAar rk1UM to n ASTJC t , for gold, cost of living; tiuw, when, wliere and cost to go, ciiinm-ic conuinunn th vital Information for tl. Address, E. F. Pitman, Seward, Alaska. V i ; FOR SALE Good drug stock In a pros perous mining town or s.ow people; nou location; cause of selling, poor health. For full particulars call or write to O. S. Wood, M7 D., 621 N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb, , (l)-872 12x NEWSPAPER FOR 8ALE For 27 year I have published the Hardy Heram. i wan to quit about the first of the year. Good line of hand-power material and a clean, cash business. Population of town 800. Ralph K. Hill. Hardy, Neb. Would sell on monthly payment to reliable party. - (4) M12016X THE new Palmer hotel and furniture for sale, or furniture without building. This 1s without exception the best hotel and hotel city between Denver and Lincoln; 60 rooms, 3-story, steam-heated brick building; an elegant billiard hall In build ing; everything new and In good condi tion; doing all the business house can do; hotel and billiard hall, clearing over 15,000 a year; on account of health, must re tire; will sell for one-half the value, but strictly cash. Address James Rooney, McCook, Neb. (4) M118 17x A SNAP A No. 1 gs-a works In an Iowa city for sale; a money maker ror the right narty. Can be bought at a low price and good terms. Owner Is moving away, would mice some gnoa income property in exchange. Address E. E. Howe, room 200, U. B. B., Sioux City, la. (4)-M117 16x FOR SALE Best paylnr and located drug tore In Missouri; must sell; easy term. Address lock box 4, Mattland, Mo. f (4)-Mlll 16x ROOMING HOUSES FROM 7 TO 40 ROOMS; LARGE LIST A LWAT S; BAR GAINS. KEYSTONE, 404 BEB BLDCL, 4 M82J D23 WANTED Partner with $500 In a business making 8300 monthly. Addresa B 692, Bee. TYPEWRITING, stenographic or clerical work wanted evenings; also some spar time during day. Address C 633. Bee. (4)-M334 17X JOB PRINTING plant for sale cheap if taken at once. o. w. Dlngman, tenter villa, 8. D. (4)-M311 17x PLANING MILL FOR SALE-Oood busi ness; snap; located connty seat. B. F. Thompson, box 44, Meade, Kan. (4)-M?! 17x THIS IS A SNAP. . i:iehty acres In Missouri: will sell for cam or win iraae; tine gooa ana no en cumbrance. M 635,. car Bee. (J)-M1I Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or x- cnanee. wnie us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CQ., 441-M360 D21 FOR SALE Only steam laundry, town 16.000; doing fM) weekly, easily doubled; price, $4,700. Hayward, Chicago Heights, 111. 14) M2i( 1BX STOCK general mdse. for sale or ex change ror good farm. Lock box St Paul. Neb. (4)-M255 16x BARBER SHOP Good stand; rooms pay rent, loos S. 13th, umana. ( M-0l6x E. O. GANGEHTAD can help you get In or out of business. Room 403 Bee Bldg, Omaha. ' (4) M90 FOR BALE One share In the Ohio Mobile (endless belt) street car advertising syn dlcste. which gives you ene per cent net of all the street car advertising In state of Ohio: win maice you anameiuny ricn; will sell for reasonable nrlce and on monthy payments. For full particular address u but, care tiee. id-mmi 14 WORLD'S greatest Invention. Egg Sterillx lng Machine; . bonus already offered for factory location; general managor, lorn pctent, with $S,0uO, secures one-fourth Interest; million profits. Smith, Council Bluffs, la. (4) 374 19 IJ3ASE AND FURNITURU FOR 8 ALE. 16-room modem house, near 25th and Har ney Sta., hot water heat; leased to June, lm. bee us ror terms, GEORGE & CO., 1801 FARNAM ST. (4)-879 IS FOR BALE Poo. hall outfit, consisting of two tables, clfk. stove, chairs; doing a good liuamrir,; reason lor selling proprle tor otherwise engaged. John Marrln. Pa cttlc Junction, la. (4) M44 1SX WANTED Good man with 87.000 to $10,000 cash, take txecutlve position; well estab lished Incorporated company handling sufes, vaults, bank work. Winnipeg; give references. F. H. Robinson 50 Princes Bt.. Winnipeg. Man. ' (4) M337 I7x MILLINERY About $400 buy an estab lished millinery business, stock and fix lures; good trade and bright prospects I'm going weat and will -11 at a great sacrifice ir'tagen now. Address T ten er St., lllbblng. Minn. 4) M34 19x DENTIST wanted. Any dentist wantlnr good location can got all required Infor mation in regard to an excellent plac by addressing J. H. Downing, M. L). Rising Ultv. Kerj. l) M408 I3x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertlslagr Novelties. DON T FAIL to look over our large supply Of ADVKR TISING ivuvKi.Tir.H. KxniDltton room ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. WE ALSO CAKni t. fc.it I 1 mijsu id tne line of POST CAHDS and booklets. Imported and domestic, for birthdays. Christmas. ftw years, souve nirs, marine, art aid comic, SPECIAL VIEWS of buildings, landscape and scenery reproduced from pliologTapha. Write u fur catalogue. FONDA BROS. & CO.. 1211 Hartley Bt., Omaha. . CS Cosaaaorolal Art lata. H. O. BUNNELL Douglas 61 it. at CO., $Cf N. T. Life. im M f r ." Ooo'll inniGMPoly- pot youjii aidl Ira Gje "BEE"keep U tIhieiio .-.l":lllllr '.mwKm.&siimit.M ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued. Carpet Cleaalas; SANITARY Oeanlng Co., 19U Farnam. W-e Cremascrloa. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice ireamery ,o., umni. (6-IU Ckattel Lsssi Chaa D. Stanton Loan Co., Ml Be Bldg. W u Cklropodtat. DR. ROT. R- Z, 1S0S Farnam St. Doug. 47. to 1V Doatlata. BAILEY MACH. 3d dr. Paxton. D. 1086. N fol IK Drcaaaaaklagr. MME. WOODRUFF, 223 Neville. Tel. Doug. 8170. t) jujkjh IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1358. to sis SHIRT WAISTS and party dresses. 2011 N. 20th. . . to Maoil jo MDOWELL Dressmaking School, 1K3 Far nam Bt. yatia Jewelers aad Watekaaaltera. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry , . n a T , Till. JOfl"? repairing. s ruLvu dil rwi. , (6) 814 Florists. HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (6)-18 l HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. 1361. id; ail J. H. BATH, 1K3 Harney. Tel. Doug. SOOOi W via Hotels. THE SCHLITZ.' European, 18th nd Harney liOekaailtka. KEYS, etc., Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tl. D. ZVI4. vol Maslo aad LaaaTaagres. PIANO lesson in your home. 'Phone Webster zan. - wr- Macklao Work. WE solicit your order for all kind of ma chine work and repair. Accuracy good workmanship guaranteed. Auto matic work our specialty. Get our prices. The Bearing Co. of America. 19th and Nicholas Sta. (5)-MlfiDec, 27 Office Supplies. FILING cabinets, flies and ledger, loose leaf devices and office fixtures ana sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 80S S, 18th St. Tel. Douglas 5662. (5 M368 Jll Osteopatky. I JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. Dr. Bowser, oyer 1602 Fmr'm. Tel. Doug. 6370. IDf .TO IM JO Prlatlag:. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to aee our elegant Imported line. iyngstnd & jorve, printers, join anu Capitol Ave, , )-828 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ter and Job printing; no jod too targe or too mall. Anchor Publishing Co., 308 S. 18th St. Tel. Dougla 6562. (B)-M763 JS Pkotoarrakra C. B. TRUSSELL, LIS South 16th 8t Vol Sartjes, katters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Work" makes a spcialty of nre escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th Bt. to. JJ Bkoe Rcpalrlaa. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. flrst-clas woik. 16184 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 4. (6)-925 SHOES renalred rlnht. called for and de livered free, cnandaro rinoe nepair o.. 1804 Farnam St. Tel. P. 7fi7. tsi mm- HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers aad Doxaestles. WANTED Good cook. 2219 St. Mary' Ave. l' nai lx WANTED A glH for general housework. 8012 Mason Bt. (7)-b3 12 WANTED Good neat girl for general housework, small lamuy. iu t-iarney HO. U aurzi 14 WANTED A good cook. 1120 Park Ave. Tel. Harney not to WANTED Girl for general housework. 523 8. 26th Ave. re I uougias zim. (v a it WANTED A competent girl for general housework; l in lamuy; best or. wages; close to Catholic church. 2130 Blnney St. Tel. Webster 1C8. . (7) sio WANTED Competent girl; no fancy cook ing; two In family. 2516 So. 32d Ave. 7)-4 B WANTED Good girl for general housework 2616 Junes Bt. or Tel. Dougla 1805. (7) 291 16 A GOOD girl for general housework. 1902 South 33d St. (7)-336 WANTED A competent house maid at once. Mrs. John A. McShane, 628 South 87U St. (7)-335 13 WANTED Thoroughly competent maid for general housework; entail houaj; family of three; beat wages. Telephone Harney $266, or call, $504 Woolwv.rth Ave. (7) M354 13 WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam St. Mother and daughter as cook and house ajild; two In fsjTilly; $5 each. Housemaid, $5. Dining room girl. $5. Girls for general housework, $5 to $T. (7) M365 14 WANTED Good cook. Apply 8210 Fsrnam Bt. (7) M362 14 Mtaccllaaeesa. v WANTED 1.000 girl to have their pic tures taken at the Kory Studio. 612 N. 16th. 25 photos 25a (7) 69 12x LADIES and girls to stamp transfers Ht home; $1.60 to $2 dosen. 606 Paxton Blk. (7) M366 18x HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, solicitors aad saleanaea. WANTED Salesmen In every Nebraska city for specialty line. Goods guaranteed; demand increasing and permanent. High grade, ambitious men only. National bales Co., iZl Ramgs Bldg., Omaha. y (9)-Mao7 Jl AGENTS wanted everywhere. Our specialty sells to all dealers In cigars. Big profits; sample free. Peerless Mfg. Co., 1M La calls St.. Chicago. (9 M3t lit WANTE3VH good man In each county to list and show real estate; pleasant and -4rofltalile employment for the right party. 411 Bee Bldg., Omaha. i9i 3.6 ltlx CIGAR SALESMEN wanted la yoor local lty to represent us; experteiive unneces sary; kos per month and expenses; writ fur partloulais. Monro Clsar Co., To ledo. O. (9 rW0 lSx J1-" '' wB.jBii.8e.-tj mrwtssvsmsiiiiivr. fx alllf1l'Ki!!!!g! HELP WANTED MALE Areata aad Salesmea Coatlaacd. AGENTS wanted to sell patented system for playing mandolin end guitar; shorten and most perrect system; can iarn aa easy a A. B, C; big profit. National School of Muslo, Sedalla, Mo. (l)-MXIIx WANTED Sewing machine closing sales man; musi De sooer, strictly noneei, ex perienced and a business getter; best contract, under the best management In the land. Addresa White Bewing Machine Co., Duluth, Minn. 19) M401 15 Clerical aad Office. GOODELL'S CO-OPERATIVE OPPORTUNITIES, i WANTED AT ONCE Cashier for wholesale firm, must be ex perienced, ISO. Ledger clerk, experienced, 175. OOODELL'B CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-76-77 Brandel Bldg. (9)-383 LI Over and shortage clerk. $65. " Extension clerk, $60. stenographer, JTv. . Bllllnir clerk. tM. WESTERN REK ft BOND-ASS'N, INC., 7a-7U3 New York Lire Bldg. (9) M408 13 - Factory aad Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. T. v, jvniest. mi im. x. J,ue, umana- O) ) WANTED Forwarder and binder. Write Nebraska Newspaper Union, York. (9) M402 15x WANTED-At once, 50 barber student to learn barber trade. Complete for only $15 to those who enter within In next few days. Can earn board from start. Write, 'phone or call. American Barber College, 12th and Douglas Sts. (9) M407 17x WANTED Tobacco stripper; must be steady; will pay $12 per week; also rive cigar maker wanted; steady work the year around; must be steady men; will send transportation. M. Anson, Box 293, Lander, Wyo. . (9) M39B 19x WANTED At once, a flrst-clns coat- Riaker. Price of coat, $9 to 817- Bteaay work all year. Address B. J. Berg, Fargo, N. D. (9) M309 17x MlseellaaoBwa. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by business Men association; helps worn men lind position. Call 622 New York Life Bldg. () M178 DeO. $7 WANTED A country printer. News, Mis souri vauey, la. ( Mlb a U. 8. Navy wants young men between ages or J I and 25; men witn special trade accepted up to 85 years. Good opportunities for promotion for efficient men. Pay $16 to $70 per month, prac tically clear of living expenses. Free illustrated booklet on application, "The Making of a Majl-o'-Waisman." Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station, Omaha, Neb. (9) M6&6 Jan 2x HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, $25 to $30 maoe weekly, distributing Circulars, over seeing out-dcor advertising; new plan; no canvassing. Merchants Out-Door Adver tising Co., Chicago. (9) M884 13x POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BrlAKEM EN ; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Ass'n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. t (9) 244 Jang YOUNG man to learn drug business. W. A. Plel. 18th and Farnam. (91-MJ47 16x LIVE STQCICFOR SALE Horse aaV Vcklcle. ONE I-seat, two runabouts, top buggy. I all rubber-tired, hack harness, on double ' express harness; one or two horses. Come In. The Harney SU Stables. (1D-931 Poaltrr aad Egrs. GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co.. Omaha, GU-M7OT J 3 SCREENINGS, $1.85 per cwt Wagner, 801 N. 16th. ' (11) M316 SINGLE COMB White Leghorn exclusive ly. Write A. H. Byarlay, Clay Center, Kan. ' (U) M307 17x CHOICE Rhode Island Red cockerels; beauties; either comb, also 8. C. U. Leg horns; to close out, $1.00 each. E. 'Brack, Havensvllte. Kan. (11) M192 14x each; white Coachin bantam cockerels, $1. White Plymouth Rock hens $1 or $10 do. Mrs. J. B. Chenoweth, Gove City, Kan. (1D-M228 14x BUFF Wyandotte cockerels, also Imperial r-f Kin uui-ks. ran. xi. n,. i nnmpson, Alli son, la. (11) M232 16x Barred Plymouth Rock exclusively; .50 cocxereis ror saic, lor t. J. A. Haney, Elkhorn, NebC OD M254 16x CHOICE breeder for sale; Toulouse geese. Mammoth Pekln ducks and White Wyan dottes. Model Poultry Farm, R. R. (V (1D-M256 16x BARRED Plymouth Rock Cockerels $1.50 up. Mrs. neese, iTescott, la. Big, good, well barred. (11) M349 Ux Cons, Birds. DotT aad Pets. RED POLLED cattle for sale. C. M Chamber, Bartlett, la. - OD-M557 Dec21x FOR SALE Pedigreed Scotch collie pup pies and brood bitches; would make ele. gant Christmas presents: closing out at price. Address Atlantic Collie Ken nels, 6ofr Oak St., Atlantic, la. (1D-M330 17x FOR. SALE My entire herd of registered AntOis cattle. W. E. Harpin, Creston, la ' V GD-M8S7 13x FOR SALE Fox, wolf and rabbit hounds; for particulars sddress Turner & Riffe, Orrlck. Mo., R. F. D. No. 4 (1D-M940 22x BARRED Plymouth Rock Cockerel $150 up. Mrs. L. C. Reese, Preecott, la. Rig good, well barred. (11) M349 lSx TWO gray mares. Just from the country, 8 and 9 years old. 1,000 pounds. 4708 N. 39th street, Omaha, Neb. (11) M3518x LOST AND FOUND ONE pearl brooch, diamond center; reward oftered. 1112 Howard St. (12) M310 13 LOST A wire haired fox terrier, black and tun head and black spot on back, near hip; name Patsy. Return for reward W. D. Uancker, 111 . 89th Bt. 412-M4H 13 FOUND J. Hansen, iipholsterlng snd fur niture repairing. 1613 N. 24lh. Tel W. Si"M (12) 909 J 6 LOST A small pocket book, containing check for Sf4. Finder please return to 216 So. ,l!tth and receive reward. (12)-M387 14 LOST Eye-glasses on Farnam nea lllth St. Return to Globe Optical to. for reward. . (12)-M3ti 13 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for teen. "Gray' Nsrv Food Pills," 11 a box, postpaid. Sherman 4s McCouuell Drug Co , Omaha. j (18)-4tt3 i RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten tion from business. Quirk Cure Rupture Co.. over 8. W. cor. Uth and Douglas, O in alia. (UJ W4 FREE medical snd surglcsl treatment at creigntun Medical colle, 14th and Dav enport Sta.; special attention paid to con- ! flneinent cases: all tieatmeiit auoerviad ' ty college professors. 'Phone Dougla Uu7. Call answered day or night. U31-U MEDICAL (Continued.! ANY poor girl in nesd of a friend call or writ to the matron of the Salvation Army Homo for Women at 384 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. (12) M106 MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS Money for Christmas Are you ready for th holiday season T Count the days from now until Christmas and see If you'll not be wise to prepare now. Early buying mean best selection and choicest things. Com to the Old Re liable "OMAHA MORTGAGE." We will not ask you to begin paying us back until February. OMAHA MORTGAGE IX) AN CO., 119 Board of Trade, 16th St Entrance. (14) M71S TO LOAN L 1 VlUl ICV r Phone Dougla LOAN LOW sums to Bldg. 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (14) 340 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. OffioV-s In 68 principal cities. Tol raan, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (141-938 Win a arri a r tj impit GO TO THE PROENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 833 Paxton Block. 'Phone Dougla 745. (l4)-93 FURNITURE, live stock. alary loans uurr Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14)-943 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advance private money on chattel or alar; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 8:80. (14)37 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 13ul Dougla. vl4) 840 NEBRASKA Credit Co., 214 Board of TraMe. (141-M438 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loan. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. (14) -843 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. ' (151-944 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15)-6 VERY desirable room, fine location, walkp lng distance, first class board. 218 8. 26 1 St. (!) M283 16X BOARD and room, $5.00 per week; gentle men preferred. 2318 Douglas St. Tel. Red 4889. (15) M314 14x TWO newly furnished front rooms and board; all modern convenience; horn cooking. 1031 So. 0th Ave. (16) M302 17 BOARD and room close In; one large room, suitable for two; also single room; ref erences required. 114 So. 19th St. 16)-M128 17x ROOM and board In private family; I gentlemen. Tel. Red 5171. (15) M175 14 LIGHT housekeeping room; also rooms and board. 8U6 8. 21st St.- . (16) 281 U ROOM and breakfast for a young gentle man; private family; close In; $10 per month. 'Phone Harney 2466. (16)-3S5 18x Faralsked Rooms. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16)-948 FOR RENT. Two or three pleasant front room at bio wortnington street, opposite Brownell hall. Prices $10.00 for one person and $12.00 for two Dersons. Rnlendld nelvhhor. hood. Elegant rooms. Inquire on premise or mi u isoara or iraae Duuaing or tele phone Dougla 1510. (16) M318 13 EXTRA WARM side rooms, exceptionally clean; beat modern conveniences; easy walking distance; reasonable; use of tele phone. Couple preferred. 1919 Cass St. (161-M392 17x ELEGANTLY furnished room, In private family; will rent reasonable, 2626 Hamil ton. (15) M400 19 OMAHA VAN de Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-14 N. 19th. Office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (15)-947 HOUSEHOLD good packed, forwarded; phain friftlvht rata, mnvlno. mrA - r' a Expressmen' Delivery Co., Tel. Dougla FURNISHED room, very desirable, 640 a. 34th Bt, ' J15) M142 D16 CENTRAL, ateam heat, awell furnished. large front room; hard to .ben:. 2J0 N. 23d. ' (16)-46 WARM furnished rooms; - netv.N modern nouse; near boarding house; $8 and $10. 811 So. 26th fit. (16) 445 $4 COMFORTABLE room, with private fam ily; near car line; reasonable tor the win ter. 2 Ohio St. 416) M409 19x LARGE south room with alcove snltsble for two or three gentlemen preferred. 2702 Farnam St. (16)-9J1 17x FtTRNISHED room, steam heated, private family, eio ho. inn Ave. (u-mwi 14x FURNISHED front room to gentleman who la fond of playing, billiards. 1621 Wirt Bt. Tel. Webster 4140. '15) M131 TO gentleman, well furnished southeast front room with alcove; modern; pri vate family. Tel. Harney 2296. 702 8 . 29th St, T16) 667 12 COMFORTABLE room In modern house plenty of heat; light and hot water. 128 B 25th St. (161916 M 2118 DOUGLAS St.; good table board, v (151 MX26 I2x NEWLY furnished room, fine location. walking distance, zm B. Zbin Ht. (161-M272 16x CLKA.N rooms. $2 to $3 per week. 230 N. n,k at 1KlM1FJI liv SOUTl front room In warm modern brick house for gentleman, uougias street.. lib) 541 1 PARLOR and bedroom, suitable for two or four young men; aiso oiner room. 218 N. 19th. 16 M494 lx WANTED After Jan. 1. '08, a young man as roommate. In a nicely furnished room; warm, reasonable and In walking dis tance. References exchanged. Ad'lress. L 778 Bee. (15) liX NICELY furnished roommodern, bath. aaa. electric llfcht; for one or two renlle- iit t .ft. A... IE, men. -ou iywihuoh jtw. uj i, o TJBfarnlskel Rooms. FOUR rooms for housekeeping; all modern, 2115 Emmet Ht. (15)-M948 14x Apartsaeat aad Flats. $ljt-7-room flat, bath and closet, opposite mors orewery, corner xum sou i r ti i, I 224 N. J4th Bt., I rooms, finished In birch wlih muliosanv stain: all modern $40. 2w6 Devey Ave., 7 rooms, modern; oak flnlah, hot water heat na. :ii'A UarTuiv. 9 rooms, all modern; oak finish; separate servants' rooms and toilet JtilO Sherman Ave.. 5-room, new flat, oak finlah. east front . HA8TINU3 A HEVDEN, 1704 Farnam St. , (15-M1 13 OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) HwkeylBg ftooat. HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished, also mall deeping room. 1713 Jsck.on. (16) M 998 1X THREE rooms to rent for llnht house keeping; reasonable terms. 3-72 Spauld lng 8L (15) 214 14x FOUR or five unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; furnace; walking distance. 1223 Burt St.' (13)-M171 14 TWO beautifully furnished rooms, all modern, steam heated, JO.oo. 2m No, 23d St. (15) M287 16 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with all conveniences. 26,0 Farnam St. (15) M346 17x nooses aad Cottage. FOUR rooms. MB N. 24th St Martin A Harris, 109 B. 13th St. (15) M198 1S41 N. 2tth. I rooms: $14. TURRELL & CO., Km. 17, Patterson Bldg. , (lb) l-ROOM house, all modem. 2K2 Decatur, 8J9. C P. Traver. Tgl. Red 47JJ. 1834 Far nam St. (lo) M327 14 TEN-ROOM house, modern; 2M Daven- pori m ras.iio; s-room, modern, JU". Tel. Dougla 86. (15) M38 15x FIVE-ROOM, modern cottage. 714 South - - 4 70S N. 40th, 9 room, all modern, on car line. $40. t room, alt modern, close In roomers, $40. 60S 8. , 91st, 7 rooms, new, all modern, near ramam, '. 230 Locust, 7 rooms, modern except heat, 1717 S. 9th, city water, ga on block east of south end of Farnam line. 4728 N. 86th, 6 rooms, barn, $16. O'Keefe Real Estste Co.. 1001 N. Y.. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. S15I. (15) MSJ9 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. it iNortn 3ist ai THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. ( (15)-95 8-room house modern throughout, location the best In town. 218 S. SMh An. Tele phone Douglas 1886 for particulars. Wm. H. Bodemanu. (15)-M393 CHEAP RENT-WARM HOUSES. 7-r. house, S239 Evan $12.50 7-r. house, 4713 Davenport 16.00 10-r. house, mod., 2918 Hickory 30.00 J. H. PARROTTB, 325 BOARD TRADH. (15) 189 FOR RENT 9-room modern brick resi dence. H2 8. Slat St; $33.00. Thomas Brennan. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. (15) M146 4-ROOM house and barn. 409 William St., In rear, 813. Chris Boyer, Z2d and Cum ing. (16) 926 LARGE 8-room cottage, modern except fur nace. 1634 a. zstn gt. inquire M. J. Greevey. 'Phone Harney 2330. (15) 165 FOR RENT 4803 North 24th St., six room. modern except lurnsce. six. tie) sjj UUUOlJOr'-i.i, Ann, a r n.. n.- (15) 865 ' TTnTTRTT'.S h all parts of the city. Peter (15) 966 Maggard Van Storage Co., 1712 Webster. (15)-50 6-ROOM house for rent; modern except neat. 7is mcKory et. inquire no. 17th. (15)-7 FOR RENT 8-room modern flat, opposite vllanscom Park; $34. 'Phone South 7. (l&)-964 HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) 990 A FEW new cottages of I or 4 rooms for light housekeeping; furnished or unfur nished. 'Phone H. $041. 311Vi California. (15) 245 15 FOR RENT 4-room cottage; good cellar; east front; south part of city; $12.00 per month. C. M. Bachmann, 436-37 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 2639. (16) 284 480$ N. 24th St., 6 room, modern except furnace $22 610 8. 27th, 8 room, all modern $35. 604 South 27th St, 12 room, all modern tan $91) N. 231 St., ( rooms, $18. , bliUlh, PAXTON BIOCTC. (15)-M410 FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, modern, 2420 Caldwell St.. $25.00 First floor, 5 rooms, bath. 2434 Caldwell St., $20.00. (15) M36a lx FOR RENT A 9-room house, all modern. 614 So. 20th St. (15)-M373 26x SPECIAL Two brand new S-room houses, strictly modern; every room beautifully deco rated, polished floors, fine plumbing; splendid heating plant. These houses have never been occupied and they are ready to move Into. Price reduced from $35 to $30. Look them up today. S. W. corner of 35th and Leavenworth, right on car line. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., POLE AGENTS. N Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M363 1S THE beautiful 8-room house, mod., 2523 Maple St.; rent reduced to rzb to good tenant. F. C. Beat, 821 N. Y. L. (15)-384 FOR BENT. 117 S. 25th Ave., 9-room, all modern. In, eluding shadea and carpets. Bio. 1046 Park Ave., 8-room, all modern, $35. 1126 S. 81st, 8-room, all modem, $35. 501 S 26th, 6-room, good condition, J 20. 271? Parker, 6-room, good condition, mod ern, $18. 4246 Burdette, 7-room, city water, $10. THE BYRON REED CO.. Phone Doug. 297. 212 8. 14th. (16) SS6 13 $20 per month 2808 Miami St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace. $30 per month 718 N. 30th St., 6-room new modern cottage. $45 per month iu6 Dewey Ave., 7-room new modem flat, all nicely decorated, shades and curtain poles included. ' $60 per month 304 8. 3Sth St., 9-room mod ern house, hardwood finish first flour, laundry, etc , GEORGE 4 CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (15) 378 IS ' Oflleea. FOR RENT. Two fine, large office suite In th Con tinental block, choice location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. (15)-7S3 FOR RENT Two large offices in the First National Bank Bldg., having outside en trances on Thirteenth St. (16) M9J8 16 FOR lENT Office room No. T, Crouns block (opposite poBtoffloe) $S per month. Apply to- Conrad Young, 161& Dorice Ht. (16J-M876 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office. City Hall Bldg., 417 N. 36h St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. (16) 134 GROUND floor office In Bee building fur rent. Very cheap. Peter Trust Company. (16) 218 DESK room cheap Ih desirable office, lo cated in New Brandels building, with privilege of stenographer, phone, etc. Call Phone Red 4269. (151-45 13 v . Store. . SECOND floor 33xloo; ateam heat. Palac Clothing Co., 14(h and Douglas St. (161-623 ONE store room In new ftVargo Bldg. In South Omaha, near posteffflce, with lighted basement, modern show windows and ' awnings; best possible location. Hall Dis tributer Co., 817 First National Bnnk Bldg. 'Phone Red 74o. (15)-9J FOR RENT Large store room and base ment at 1548 North 90th St.: $2.00 far month. Apply to Conrad Young, it'll Dodge St, t16)-M17 STORE' ROOM FOR RENT. Near 16th and Farnaro Sts.. 44x60 ft.. Urge modern show windows, heat furnished; lease 1 1 or 3 years on favorable terms. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM HT (16) 4x0 13 WHEN writing to advertisers, remember It take but aa extra trke or two of th pen to mention th fact that you saw th ad In Th Be. OFFERED FOR SALE reaoleat. ANCHOR and Iron fencing;' wire fencing O per loot. 106 N. l.tn St. TeL Red X14. lt H3 Farm I tare. FIRST CI.AS8 front room, hot water heat; new, modern flat. 24lh and Harney. 'Phone LKiug. 4M6. (15) M39 fox Typewriter aad sewta; Macklao. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type- wruer; gooo conamnn; a Dargaln ! Ska Call roorn 603, Be Bldg. (18) 471 Typewriter aad lewlig Macktaoo. NEW Home sewing machine and all at tachments, $8. 415 N. 23d. (16) MJ26 17x Plaaoe, Orgaa. Maslcal lastraaaeat. EXTRAORDINARY PIANO BARGAINS. A great holiday sale I now on at the wareroom of Schmoller aV Mueller Piano Co. You will do yourself an Injustice if you fail to examine this wonderful aloe before closing a deal. New Stelnway, Steger, Emerson, Hardman, A. B. Chase, McPhall and 13 other makes are of fered at prices that lose sight of cost. Notice our bargains In used Instrument a $-tv) Wsgner upright, only $ 85 00 $275 J. P. Hale upright, only 95. 0 $300 Kimball upright, ebony esse, . ""IT 11$ f $450 Knabe upright, only IIS. 00 Handsome new upright In mahogany, burl walnut and golden oak cases. $148, $!Kt, $188 and up. $400 Vose d- Sons, square, I.T Emerson, good tone. $45.00. Stelnway, Chlckerlng, Knabe and Krantch at Bach, square pianos. $FJ, too. $75 and up. Terms $3 to $10 cssh and 50o to $1 per week. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. We rent, tTlne, move, repair snd reflnlah piano at lowest price. Instruments se lected now will be held for Christmas de livery. If de1red. SCHMOLLER ft MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-1313 Farnam St. Telephone Dourlaa 1?, (16) Ml 90 PIANO Practically new. For sale, cheap for cash, by young man leaving city. Address H 664, care of Bee. (161923 20 FINE upright piano, nearly new, very cheap; leaving city. 415 N. 23d St. (16) M324 17x Mtaccllaaooa. DRUGS at cut price: freight paid on all $11 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (II) 971 FOR CHRISTMAS Gas and Electric Table Lamps Largest assortment, in the city Always acceptable never too many Buy now Deliver when ready. "After-Holiday Prices." First Come First Choice. BUItGESS-GRANDEN C(X, 313 So. 15th. ao-44 WORTHINGTON DUPLEX PUMP 600-gallon Wortnington dufilex pump, ! 12XKH.X10, for sale. Thta pump has seen about six month' actual service and Is In good condition; will aell at a bargain. Apply W. H. Bridge, engineer Bee Bldg. . O8)-670 ONYX SODA FOUNTAIN. One 12-syrup liquid; one 3i-syrup liquid; one 16-syrup American; one 18-syrup Llp pincott. All reflnlshed and silver plated. Every one a bargain. Monthly payment. Derlght, 1818 Farnam St. OO Ml) Darts SCHULZE & BLATTEET Newsdealers and Stationers. Subscription received for any periodical published. A large variety of Chrlsunai and new year cards. Ill So. 15th Bt, Tel. Red 2842, (1)-MWKJ FOR SALE A complete set of postofnVe fixtures. Citizens State bank. Perry, la. (161 M403 19s FOR SALE: Several show cases, new pea- . nut roaster, large coffee mill, two larg automatlo oil tank and (tore fixture to numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 965 . FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool table. We lead the world In cheap bar fixture; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th SU 418) 968 BEND US your mall order for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon 1 Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 969 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co. (16)-70 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co, 16tn and Dodg St. Omaha Neb. (16) 968 SECOND-HAND overcoat and firearms. Singer, 416 N- 16th. (161-973 IRON SAFE, nice else, suitable for store or office, $60. 808 North 16th. (H0-M782 J$ HALL'S safe, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16)-777 HAY $7.60 per ton. Wagner, 80 N. Wb. (16)-77 XMAS POST CARDS-83 richly colored, heavily embossed designs decorated In gold; 10 assorted cards and wholesale list 10c. Gallallne Sons, York, Pa. I (16 M137 16X HIGH-CLASS X-mas sift. Our combination Ice and roller skate for boy or girl. Practical, durable and neat. Sent by ex press on receipt of price, $1.60. Extra plate $2. Alden Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo., box 725. (16) MHO 14x XMAS present, Redpath's History Ency clopedia Brlttanica, Webster's Diet., monthly payments. Megeath's Btai. Co. (lty MI Jft PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. 17)-976 LARSON ft CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. U7)-T8 PATENTS THAT PROTECT book for inventor mailed on receipt of o postage. R. 8. ft A. B. Lacey. rooms 19-89 Paclfta Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 19. (17) 977 PERSONAL YOUNG man wants place in private family . to work mornings and evenings for board androon L JW, care Bee. (l8)-224 Kx , . , T)Ko ALL KINDS PLEATING Bul&o,dlurcyhln' Dying and cleaning, sponging and shrlnklng-only 6c per yard. b.nd for orices and samples, prices OUI L)VAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglas Block. Tsl. Doug. 1931 (U)-j Lleben. costumer, 1410 Howard, open era (Wr-lJ OMAHA Stammerars'v Institute,. Ramgs Building. i lt) Sta YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian Association rooms, lsl Farnam St.. where ihey will b directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. , (15)-916 . (18-b0 A GENTLEMAN who want to go Into business wants to oorrespond with a lady with some capital between A to 40 year old. Please send photograph, which can m returned. Martliiiu Larson, Box 291, Pierce. Neb. (18)-Maij 13x THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast-off clothing; In fart, anything you do nut need. We collect, repair and sell at Ui M. 11th St., for coat of collecting to the . worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. , (U-7st MMB. NORD1CAS school of palmistry; parlor course a specialty. 118 N. Uth, ,,ppo.lt. Trinity cathedral.