Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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THE BEST QUALITY fijl7S " LOmsl f"'"5
' Trial KCLIftBLB STRat
1 ' . ' 1
Stands First as Headquarters
..For Cudahy Products..
No question of this fact in the minds of those who
know. Very highest quality, very best assortment and very
lowest prices assured on both Fresh and Smoked Meats.
Special Prices This Week on
Rex and Diamond C Hams,
Hams, lb.,
Hams, lb.,
Hams, lb.,
You'll Certainly Save
sTav Soot rri fc ,
.' BiAsbart, photographer, ISth Farnam.
i. A. atarra, Tailor, S0-i0 Brendala
Bide will make a suit to pleas you.
, . mkui fcav .. Rook Springs Coal
Central Coal and Cok Co. of Omaha, Uta,
ana tiunr urnu.
33ont , Chicken Dinner, from ( to 8:20
o'clock, Thursday evening-, Dec II, FIrt
Christian church, Itth and Harney streets.
7olu O. Mart trade Opwatlotn Jolw
C. Mtirte. mualoai director at tha People's
church, undorwent an operation tor tumor
at tha ImraanuaJ hoapttaj Thursday.
Thro store Vostofllo Clarka Caplalq
JV E. Palmar, while In Waahlnrton, . re
ceived asruranoa from tha Postofflo de
apartment that threa new olerka would ba
added to tha Omaha postefflce after Janu
ary 1.
Burg-Ura Get Whisky aad CI- Bur
Clara got Into B. J. DUon'a saloon at
Twenty-fourth and Epraeue street Wed
nesday night by raising a rear Window.
They secured a quantity of liquor and
Man Jforgata KlsXTame William Good
went to the polio station Wednesday
night and could not tell hta nam or aay
from whanoa he cam. Ha kept muttering
to himself ' that ha was not drunk. Ha
was looked up and will ba looked over by
Ha lunacy commission.
' Tha Tropical Oil Co Clevelead, Ohio,
manufaoturer of lubricating oils- and
graaaa,!. boiler "joompaundsw belt di'MSlnj,
pulnta and rspeialtU, ' helv ' opened aa
effloe, room fit Baa Building1, where all
buainesa for the western territory "will
b conducted. Olebel ft Gardiner, Pist,rl
buting Agepta,
favaiOle Court fat ' Trial Willi
Bracken, tha 18-year-old boy implicated in
tha robbing of Lucy Htler'a' store at Irv
tngten several weeks ago, will bo dealt
with In Juvenile court, Tha original com
pliant wta rUhl In criminal court, but
awing to his youth tha casa was turned
ever to tha Juvenile authorities.
Bull for lave Thousand ult fur
was tv.ti In district court Thura
fly by ,th Cudahy Packing' company
axalnst tha Aetna Indemnity company to
cover an alleged defalcation by B. D.
Lehsn.. an amplora- of tha packing com
pany at Portland, Ma. Lehan waa bended
tit tha defendant oompany to tha amount
et ti0,000a aooordtng to. tha petition, when
tha shortage occurred.
;Xand and Trait Oompany Tbe Security
J.and and Trust pompaay has filed articles
ml Incorporation with the county clerk. It
ta empowered to da a general business In
gU kinds of property and securities and as
agent and trustee of property owners. The
authorised capital is IW.OuO, but tha corpor
ation is authorised to do business when
' &V000 la paid np Tha incorporator are:
' ;r. B. Drake, C. B. Ktlsey, S. L. Hall. O.
U. Payne, Winter Bylae and M. T. Martin.
- ir VOlf KKUW
t Hie merit of Texas Wonder yo4 would
i nvr suffer from- kidney, bladder Or rheu-
' matlo trouble, fl bottle, two months' treat
ment, Sold by Bherman A MoConnell Drug
Co. and Owl Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Bend
(yr trstlmpnlal. . y
Pari hep RadaetloN la Coaar.
' N8W TORK, Dec, Jl At th Metal e
chanire today a furthwr reduction of H of
a emit pur pound was made In both the bid
and kot prices for all grades of copper,
making Uka 13un'c; electrolytic, t:VtUc ,
ami casting. llil-tO. ,
mm m
1 here $ Class
Every bottle bearing
the familiar triangulai
label fend every cla
that's drawn from a Blatz
keg is full of character.
YvVta from Kef Dottlg
th "Ocaro d Q auty" is a
t'.att prcanUe. Jut gik lor
-UiaU mad f that jrou get it,
Omaha Ilranch, SC3-10 Pouttla
Kt., Cur. U fcl., Oinaim. Keb
Tcleyiiuna lougLa a32.
Diamond G 12c
Diamond CKi'J2k
tnnn California
LCI 10
Hams, pound
and Be Satlsfed If You
Employment Promised by Boiineii
Ken'i Association When Needed.
Will Not Wear tha M !' Hats ar
Dreaaea ar Flirt wH the
Gents" Wha Ara
"If many men ara out of work whan (ha
atraet push, carta ara discontinued and th I between these two lines waa sAld to throt
sidewalk lunch wagons ar no mora, .we I tie waa had by reason of the Southern Pa-
wlll do averythtng at can to secura them I
amploymont at onoa." said Manager Sutll-
van of tha Business Men'a association free
employment bdraau In the New York Ufa
DUiiaing. . . i i i
"Of course, thlnga ara a lttU quiet now
and they may not get Just Vhat they want
whaa they want U but ttiay ean count on
the assistance of the Business Men'a aa-
eootatkm, and If thera are applications on
file here when these men aia thrown out
of work, wa will rCr them to thpe want-
ing helo without tiost" '
Only a short tlma ago tha aeoratary of
tha Business Men'a association reported to
the bureau of Immigration that Omaha
needed ton. mala Iaborera an4 matter of
trade and 40q female domestics and labor- I
era. The rteDartmenf asked for in formation
ln th vartoua cities,' ajid after fgraful In-1
qulry and collecting th heeds -A the busi- J crsaaed to t.TlT,m Agaist a apst for ra
nesa houses by personal lettara, Secretary J pairs af It, Pr locomotive In 1 thra
Montmrierv renorted that Ua helD could I Is a cost of W,tffl In 10T, In tha six year
b usttd as follows;
Two hundred common laborers, who can
speak English; 100 common laborers, who
mar not apeak rsngllshs fifty quarry men.
inri, i,-ir!Hn nft.n bakers twntv-
fiv brick tenders, i?y brick and tile la-
borera. twenty-five experienced brick-
makers, els carriage ahop snechaolcs,
,iv ..m.rv nrirBr. twiv. fur-
cr. and painters. tw.ntV tailor,
ami fifteen wood and cabinet workers, teq
plrkls and vtnegar Tforkera. a few walt
r a, porters, blacksmith, horsashoara and
a number of bookb'.ndfrs, ..
Wark far Two Haslrel.
At thla time it Is believed 200 man who
have boen capable of conducting business
Ik . k 7 17 a. I "higher wage January 1 It U said th.y
th. lunch wagon, ar. discontinued and the ! rtm for a .trlk unl... th. da-
fruit cart banished.
In some other cities th lunch wagon
hou.ske.per. eook rf, pr,MMl
In, a mnIm iammI i. ' Anil man mrm I
wanted for general housework, It I poa.
tbl that auch a dumoaltton .might be
made of tha lunch wagon cook who will
retlr with honorable discharge from tb
atreet wagon of Omaha. .
According to report from other cltle
wher such arrangement ha been tried,
John and Jama make better "hired girls"
. W W . . TT ..... K Wa V,
In the chocoiai pudding, whan It wa.
manufactured by Pat or Alpho&se, but
When th oook war denied their Tlturaday
afternoon oft a a punlahmant, theaa Ir-
regularities were corrected- Another ad-
vantage of men "hired girl." U that they
never borrow elothlng of tha mlatreee of
th hous or wear bar bat when they go
out vening.
That thar will a a oemana lor cook
wh do not flirt with th men boarder or
wast hour adjusting pompadour befor
the looking glass, there Is little doubt, and
when It la considered that there are long
line of railroad lunch counter waiting for
'niea hired" girls, th housekeeper in th
atreet lunch wagon, will hav little or n
trouble la securing place.
Wha Faraaarlr Mved
a. . .
ST. LOUIS, Dc. 11 (Special Tl
gram-HMr. C. Franoe Sawyer, who cam
. : tm j .
her from Omaha a month ago, killed her-
seif by swallowing carbolic acid tn Forest
rb r,rr 1 in.i..n .
tranoa. in th. aw.ll wt and. thl. nvornlng.
The woman took tha acid apposite th
Buckingham club, within lght of pedes-
trtan on King' Highway. Fashionably
1rued woman frrnn the tiotal were tha
... . is. .,4 .... ,,.
From letter found In her room th woman
ha a sister In Omaha. On tha bedy were
Jewels valued at 11.000. Her clothing Is of
th" most xpnlv sort
-t Is learned that tha Mra. Sawyer wh
committed suicide at ft. Leula wa th
former wlf of William Oetrander, who
eonduoted a saloon on Fifteenth street be
tween Farnam and Harney etreete, Mr,
OeArander died soma ye ara ago and Mr.
Sawyer ha taken her waldea name. calU
log neraelf "Mr. Her father I L. O.
Sawyar. with Marshall Field tn Chicago,
and her mother Is dead. Mr Sawyer bag
a brother. X. O. Sawyar, lH Nvrta Sla-
teenth street, wh U a driver for th
Adam Expraaa company. Mr. Sawyer sal
c bad not neara jrora ni sister tor or
or en year until she visited her twa
month ago. Bh baa been a cashier la a
restaurant at SC Louia Mra Dawyer'f
sister and guardian Is Mr., v. L. Currier
of m Wrwla aveuua, Beati-ica. NU
To This is Attributed Hatnor of Im
munity for Esxrimin,
thhtk peace teucs settled
Qial Pe4at Oat 1Hmt tmm Wm
Ha Dartre tinea a AJveat
t Hanrtiaaaaj aa Head f
rrll Llna.
Local railroad men think tha announce
ment from Washington to the effect that
tha suit against tha Harrlmea Unea for
Violation of tha anti-trust laws la to be
dismiss d came, from the fact that the
preposition to form a holding company for
the foreign roads whose stock la bald by
tha Union Pacific will ba carried out
While It was a question In tha mlnda of
many that It aould be shown that the
TTnlen Paolflo and tha Southern Pactno are
competing lines and as sub violating tha
antl-trus laws, tha formation of the hold
ing company la evidently a satisfactory
settlement of tha controversy, in tha mind
of tha attorney general.
Tha material and tha legal side of the
Joint operation of the Union Fad do and
Southern PaelSo had to ba considered,"
said an elBolal. "One was what effect the
control of tha Union Paclfle had upon tha
earning power of the Southern Pacific, and
tha legal question waa aa to tha right. of
tha Unfcn Paclflo to own $30,000,000 of th
total capital stock of I1R.00O.0OO of th
Southern Pmolflo.
'By this ownership th Southern Paclflo
has felt tha Impetus of tha millions which
have been spent by Mr. Haniman since
ha took charge of these roads. Over rial-
OOO.OU) has been spent In improvements on
th tithrn Paotflo and thla baa borne
fruit In tha Increase of traffic, mine
products having Inoreased i, 000,000 tons.
forest products 1.000,000 tons, manufactur
ing products 100,000 tons for 1904 over U0S,
n imMiM of about 41 Der cant. The lolnt
hv m,m'oA tor ,w fru,t
When Mr. Huntington died In 1900 It
waa found necessary for tha Union Paclflo
to buy Into tha Southern Paolflo ta secure
en outlet to, the Paolflo coast. Tha Union
racJflo begins at Omaha and ends at
Oaden. and without the Routhern -Paclflo
an outlet, would have to divert freight
to Portland or to Los Angelas. The union
Paclflo must of necessity rely upon the
freight turned ovnr to It at Ogdon by tha
Southern. Without tha agreement tha
Union Paolflo would find Itself In the posi
tion of tha Penver and Rio Grande at Salt
Zke City, forced to take what business la
given to It by other roads.
"The competition . which the agreement
eiflo owning a eouthern line from Los An-
gelea to New Orleans. , it nss oeen main
Ulped that thaaa llnea do not serve the
ama terrttqry aa thirteen states ana ter-
riiontie tie
Maaey la BolHna Stock,
Railroads are spending mora money each
yr In the cost for keeping rolling stock
In repair and for replacing complete loco-
motives, which Is the result of heavier
traJHo and .tha necessity of providing new
and heavier locomotives and cara aa th
weight of the loads have bn increased.
Thla has required many mora men In tha
Union Paclflo ehops, tha addition being ra-
quired not only beoaus pf tha increase
of business, but also because af tha greater
wear and tear.
From ia,l.l In 1M tha coat of locc-
ov. repair en Southern Paolflo la-
th averag annual charg for locomotives
nt to th aorap hp waa ISSLttt From
18 to HOT repair of passenger cara avar-
ge nearly mW and th average cost
of rapalra pr car lncrd from 171 l
to 1 for thla year. In the
aama time passenger cars valued at BW.OOO
wera 'Vacated." that la, sold for what
they would bring as Junk. Thla year th
I Harrlman llnea hava bought-H1TI freight
ear. at a cost of nearly W.W.tW and XII
new locomotives to take th plac of worn
out equipment and to move increasing ton,
Train Man tm Make Desaand.
iBsporta coma from th east that con
ductors and trainman to tha number of
79.000. operating on alxty-flv llnea of rail
road in th east, will make demands for
mandx ar mat. Radical change, and in
orease of pay ar to be asked In every
branch of th. aervloa. A circular outlining
th plan hag been sent to union men. One
of the thing demanded la th abolition of
tha double-header, . that is, two angina
with only ona redn crew. The double
header wu th question over which the
Pennsylvania workmen quarreled la UTI
which reaulted In tha !o?s of many live
and million f dollar.
Th vote which If Dow being taken I
th aentiment of tha men. Tie principal
demands are;
A. On runa of 1.600 mile aer month or
M. th niv of taaai-ri aur conductors to
be i n cents per mils; baggagemen, 1.6
cents per mile: flagmen, t.W cents per mllei
"'VuVl4 "11' Ws. per
month the pay of paaaenaer conductors to
be not lea than 4. i-r day; bagagmen,
I urakenren, U.H per day.
c.vertlme In throuah naasenxer serv-
I lea to ba based on a speed of twenty. five
P-r ". tt"J,i?i "A!
duty and to continue until they are re
lieved at me ana o( in run, ami to urn at the followliix ratee: Conduct-
era, 4t. eente per hour; baggagemen, 2ft. I
cente per hour; flagmen, iu.fc cent pr
Iiour; praaemen, a.a oeni per nuur; iee
than thirty minute not to be counted;
thirty minute or over to be paid for aa
one hour.
A number ot daman ia pi a minor nature.
carrying Into effect the demand spvuined
abaVe. follow: tlieu tha demands for frelalit
I service are made.
la all Ireigiii service, iou mues or less,
I tan hours or leas to constitute a any'a work;
overtime ta be coneldered aftar ten hour.
(m rune of over luo ml lea, evertlme to be
P14 for on a haal of speed of ta mllj-s
par hour. Through and Irregular freight
laryit.; to be paid for as follows: Cvn-
duo tors. II cent per mile; fiagmen, l.dl
efcnls Der mile: brakemen. 1 T sent, per
Slla.V-.n- $11$ SntfcVr? a'A V5
be paid 4.UC cent per mile; flagmen, I I
cent pr mile; braaemen, 1.7 oent jr
I Hallway Wte ! Peraanal.
Th Northweetera city ticket office I
undergoln a thorough house cleaning and
will come out of the fray with new paint.
new sl.adea, cleaned furiture and every-
ttUn aa "w-
r. H. Hammll. acflna superintendent of
th Iowa dlvltlon ot lb pivrlhneaiaro, was
la Omana Iburacay.
By tha new line of th Southern Paclfle
from Leiayettt to Baton Houge, for which
rail ar now being laid, a saving f IM
mli la mad lit shipment from Nw Trk
Ui New Oriean.l, all hough tha llii ltlf
ia but Ofty-ihiA miles Ions. The meat
diffiuult part tb work wa aero th
AUkafalar swamp, wnere it waa pecaa
Sory to build twelvs miles of treaile. wbioh
will be Oiled a seen aa me raita ar l)a.
A .! Mhsn
Is not to have Buehlen'a Arnica Salve t
eu hum, sores, pues. eaia. wounoa and
nicer So, For aal by Beaton trug C.
Ktiac an High Hat,
'If I war to offer to wager that I eould
sit ureiy an my silk hat without rruah-
tug It you would take m up, t eupin.
said a clubman t a tallow membor. ' W-ll
i.u woulil loa," he continued. "A a-Hid
sua list snouia supori tne wcii.; hi a
ay 11 Aonnds wlttimrt Tleldma. pro
vided the wlrht Is anpllnl aradually and
carefully. The way to o it in to p!ec th
nsi on a eraontn, etmngiy aunponea sur
face, crown downward, and lay a board
cross the rim. In trie hollow. On this seat
yourself steedlly and slowly, and you will
find the hat doea not yield. Of course, a
hat that has once boen bent or bmkmi will
not do. Nor la the rule invariable, it
applies only to gand beta. Hav I evrr
tried tT Yes. I have, but not 00 my own
bat." Philadelphia Reoord.
Ataakan Gold DiTKre Kxrrrls Oaed
Seas Wbea th riarry
Only tha good business sense of soma of
th miner of Alaska saved the more radi
cal gold digger from making; trouble for
tha hank of Seattle and Portland, when
cash was withheld and th check system
extended, according to E. B. Robinson,
brother of Dr. C O. Boblneon, who Is
visiting In Omaha after spending several
year In Noma, where he la Interested In
xtanalv gold properties.
'Th boy. came down from Alaska a few
weeks ago aad brought their gold with
them. They will spend tha winter In this
country," aald Mr. Robinson. "In Seattle
th money and dust was accepted at tha
banka and than when th boy attempted
ta draw It out they wera offered checks.
"Check looked about as good to Alaska
gold miner aa though th banker had
offrd them rabbit skin.
"A howl went up which would make Sari
Francisco think another earthquake wa
about to shajc th city. Th miner sim
ply would not stand for It. They let out
sorn violent statements and would un
doubtedly hav moved ' en th bank to
hav them thrown Into th hand of fecelv.
era, bad not th older miner taken -a
hand and pacified them. For a man to
eom to th "sUtee" with nuggets and
hav them exchanged for check, la really
quit a shock.
"While caahler'a checks might be popular
tn vry state and territory In the United
State, there I on exception Alaaka. The
cashier checks ara not necessary In
Noma, aa tha good old dust make th cur
rency elastic, the- volume large or email,
and ther la no mo-ney famine possible
where money can b dug out of th ground
at any tlm ot th day or night."
Mr. Robinson aay. that while Nome and
tha old Klondike country ar not so much
before tli country In tha roa a during
th day of excitement, th output Is steady
and ths goM production of th country is a
lift saver to business on the Pacific ooast.
Mr. Robinson brought tha "Noma money"
to Omaha, which consists of a large num
ber of nuggets, which might be called
"Teddys,", aa they look Ilk Teddy bear
which hav been shot at. or carelessly
treated by a band of boy brigand.
Orlno Laxative FTult Syrup, the new
Laxative, stimulates, but doe not Irritate.
It I th best Laxative. Guaranteed or
your money back. For sal by all drug
Mr. Viola E. Pcttlt Sets Twenty
rr Hand-red Eagre at Oaco
la Incabator.
Did you aver set a hon on 2,400 egg at
on tlmeT
Well, that' what Mra. Viola El Petttt
of Florence did bright and early Thursday
morning. v Mra Pettlt la an enterprising lit
tle woman who raise chickens out on
Stat atreet, west of Florence. Bh has
sight acre of ground,' began threa years
ago and has a stock of 1,000 cMckan en
hand, ' to aay nothing' of - the thousands
ah baa sold. Thursday's put 1,400 eggs
In her lnoubator. ''"", V
Mra, Pettlt la a thordigs artist In the
poultry business,' but she ha a neighbor
who Is also somewhat of an adept In th
am line. She la Mlsa Lucy C. Harding,
who dwell across tb road from Mra.
Pettlt and has a larga stock of chicken.
The two woman ar showing something
of thf what can be don by women men,
per bap; might be capabla In poultry rat.
Ing on the edge of Omaha or In tha heart
of that beautiful little town of Florence,
right at the very door of the best market
In the oouniry. Their example 1. being
followed by other persons who hav
bought land for th sara purpose.
Cueiilgtt. iar,W gaw. an a
U jb- A. ' ff. fc a m$
wi ' " i
- More About
The Ecosevelf Bears
Rollicking fun, hair-brcidth adventure, exciting mischkf
A humorout picture on every pge, many in colors
lit pac ea, and a funny ptctux on avery an id tb book. Book, in.
J9 fuU-p, aolor plate
WtU b nt ta any adixraa, prepaid, npon racaipt of prtca by
EDWARD STERN 6 CO., Inc.. Publishers
r H I L A D E L H I A
tttb betjcittt cmpany.
this boston stork. .
lows City Protests on Implication of
Judg-o Sutton.
tan tha Haala af This PMatta
ml Vlrla Came a CnaU
Blags Wadded Pal fo
Th Council Bluff Commercial club en
ter strenuous objections to statements at
tributed to Judge Sutton to tha effect tha'
tha brand of matrimony sold In Councl'
Bluff Justice court I not a good a'
that to ba obtained In Omtha. Judge But
ton has received a lettv from W. B
Reed, secretary of th Council Bluff Com
merclal club In which ha refers to tha In
terview with Judg Button and then aakt:
"Ar you correctly quoted T If so can
you show where w arc entirely lax and
Omaha entirely moral."
By a curious coincidence the first d,vorcr
case ths Judge hearer after receiving th'
latter wa on In which th couple had
gone acroea the river to be married.
"There I usually something wrnrg,'' aal-1
Judge Sutton, referring to the letter, "when
a couple from Omaha goes to Council
Bluffs to wed. Ordinarily they wouU have
th wedding at home and th fact they
ga to tha Bluff Is an Indication tha match
la not approved by their parent or that
there Is some reason for keeping It from
tha public As a usual thing such mar
riages are not happy and a great many of
them bring up In divorce court. After hear
ing the testimony of - the complalnln
party I can usually tell what the answer
will ba when I ask, 'Ware you married
In Council Bluff r I don't know whether
they are more lax over there than w are
here, but there t a aurprlslng number of
Council Bluffs marriage that land In our
divorce court."
A comparison between the record of
marriage licenses refused In Omaha and
afterward Issuad In Councl) Bluffs dis
closes that large number of couple who
are turned down her go across tha river
and get the desired license. County Judge
Leslie has recently made th nil that he
will not leeu a marriage license, where
one of the parties ho been divorced within
six months, whether th divorce waa
secured In Nebraska or nctt.. On the other
hand persons divorced In Nebraska courts
apparently have no difficulty In securing
licenses In Council Bluff . th next day
according to the Omaha authorities, who
hava watched the aituatton.
Passed 1 Examination Saeeessfally,
James Donahue, New Britain, Conn,
writes: "I tried several kidney remedies.
and was treated by our best physician for
diabetes, but did not Improve until I took
Foley' Kidney Cure. After the second
bottle I showed improvement, and fiv
bottles cured me completely. I have since
passed a rigid examination for' life lnsur
ance," Foley's Kidney Cur cures back
ache and all form of kidney and bladder
trouble. For sale by all druggist.
Tha Bnalncaa Van's Train
On th
Leave Omaha Union station at S p. m
arrive Union st?!si Chicago (lq the heart
of th city) at l:S9 a. m. Thla train carries
alectrlo lighted Omaha sleeper and com
posite observation cars, Comfortable
coaches and unexcelled dining car serv'ca
TICKETS 1M4 Farnam at., Omaha.
Announcements, wedding stationery 1 and
calling 'aards, blank book and isagacin
binding. 'Phon Poug. 1604. A. 1 Root. Inn.
A. S. Orlggs of Pierre, C. B. Brown of
Weshlngton, K. Koy gueen or Deer Lodge,
Herman Junghluth, J. Jungmutn of Arling
ton and W. T. Bill of Neltgb ar at th
V 1 1 ! I irr rt . v i w . ,ui i , imw, i.i
M. V-i Mowrer of Madison, F. A. Dotera
andV?o)onel W. F. Cody of Cody, M. J.
Tuft of Farnam. O. W. Smith of O'Nell,
r. liriPun ui - iiftw. , . am. iiuir
Grle Bochernehl. F.U Palmer and K. Hoist
of Cedar Bluffs; George Klunder of Au
burn, Charles E. Bckhart of Miller, John
Llemer of Hyennl and W. W. Wright f
Baatrica are at me Meronania.
Don't hil to see '
KEY' .
The :
Uiitti JaYenlle
. mcceaj lor
twentylire tart
m m a
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.WoOVV 1 a all OA fat. A V I n 1 1
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Ce., I,
Our New
Style Books
For the Fall and Winter of 1 907-8
are fresh from the press and
ready to mail to our out-of-town
The book for Men contains many handsome
illustrations of Fall and Winter Suits and numerous
samples of the goods from which the Suits are made.
The book for Women is profusely illustrated
with beautiful pictures depicting the latent styles.
These illustrations were made from photographs of
the garments offered for sale.
With these books in, hand vou can buy Qothlng
and Furnishings as easily and cheaply as you could
if you were in our Big Store. When you write stato
which book you want THEY ARE FREE.
fef Mafiona'
St&tement December 3rd. 1907.
. 5,010.100.78
Itnklnr H'niM 125,000.00
U. B. VtOndu to 6oare ClrculaUos t . . . . 200,000.00
Dae from Rank and V. 8. Treasurer. . . 91,881,000.70
V. 8. Sonde 200,000.00
OUter Bonds 040,000.00
Calf .... 8,808,617.08 B.030.42A.00
! f 12,103,647.70
Capital .......... i 600,000.00
Barplna - 100,000.00
Undivided ProflU 6S7.050.03
Beaerre for Taxea 4,072.10
Circulation . , 201,160.00
Deposit i Tim 92,700,008.84
Demand ' 10.742.350.00
912,105,63 X.70
C. T. KOtJXTZK, Prealdent. F. H. DAVIS, Vlca-rrealdent:
la, h. KOVNTZB, Cashier. T. I DAVIS, A't. Cashier.
W. m. porriiETOM.
13th Stret Ootwoen
20- Discount
On All Traveling
Baas tni Cult Cases
Appropriate Oifii for Ladies or Otntltmen
W carry th baat Un mada. and th
ftnast avar shown In Omaha, le our
choice Un of rittd Baas, Suit Cases
Tollst Article. Also our Utf Un of
Trunk "our owa mail." artistic durabl V
and wall built In ver? particular.
Pricet lowtr thar ifftrior goods usually stll
Ar.2cuiumSize Ontside Giiice
W have two co.nnected offices, cjijb 9x19 and the
othir 10xW2. These face 17th etreet, on the 6th floor
and are Ideal offices for anyone desiring a private room
and waiting room. The rent of the two is $31.00 per
month. They have been newly decorated and are finished
in hard wood and hare running: water.
tmie ms wnmm
... .v
fH planned selaalTl7 M a tyfflea balldlsa; ao4 ta n rary way"
tha neat convenient In It arrangement Ma otfUM "are very (ar
from th ltora ana tha alorator aerrlea i moat aattsfactory.
Tbf ftuUding baa caiqal a rapuUtlon for eontlnnoua claanllneae
and baa god Janitor Mio, nt only' new and than, pat all tha
tlma. Th bulldlnc la alwayn best In perfect repair.
Thar ara rrl cbaloa small pfflce arallabla, which rant at
frota t IIV.IS. The toenpanU of mall offices reclr th
am eararnl aae rourtavua latlanUoit an th Ursast taoanu.
v For affk apaea apply U '
R. W. SAKEBn But, Rn 411 Km BbIMIss-
a avti as. avtfca
GAe Omaha
National Bank
Capital-5 1.0 00,000
Pmldent J. U. Millard
Vlcv-President .Wm. Wallaca
Vico-ITeatdont ....... .C. P. McGrcw
Cahir .W. H. Bucbola
Aaalstant Cashier Frank Bojrd
J. H. Illiiard, Guy C. Barton
W. M. Bergeaa A. T. Slmpaon
3. B. lUoin C P. Hcdraw
Won. Wallace I. W. Carpenter
XV. B. Bttcbab a IL Drown.
larn&m and Deuglas.
ar.ft I