10 TITR OMAHA DAILY' BEE:. FRIDAY, DECEMBER .13, 1907. r, -mmmmm9 pm-mmmmr mmt cnnm Uci.An I .r;-?irrn n Tnrvar?nf v I n 1 - I m 1 nialie Your Christmas Hloney Last Come to the Great Modern Holiday Exposition, Where You Can Select From the Biggest-Stock and Pay Less Money for Better Gifts. :: : . ycur cbrisbias money colds cut logger qere You Can Get What Yon Want. You Can Buy More Gifts. You Can Buy Better Gifts. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FRIDAY BUY NOW. Grand Final Sale of And the Diggeat Bargains of the Year This is the last Remnant Day before Christmas, and all the odd lots and short ends must be sacrificed at once. Can't stop to think of cost or value now. We muslfhave the r6om i and Friday's bargains will clear away thousands and thou sands of yards. 5 More Cases from the U. S. Customs House Dress Goods Samples 'Brandeis- cash bought five lots of Dress Goods samples from several Austrian and German manufacturers 7 to 10 yards to match in plain and fancy broadcloths, novelty suitings.- Henriettas, serges, herringbone stripes, plain 1 and-fancy voiles,-mohairs, poplins, wool taffetas, eto.;l worth up to $2.50 yard three lots, on bargain squares, at, Jm cach-39c-25c45c GRAND BARGAINS All Weol Mill EntU of Dress Goods Lengths range from 2 to 10 yards in each piece, represent- ing nearly every weave, from one of the foremost American dress goods manuf acturers--75o to $1 f j C fl values; Friday they must all go. at. ydTfOC Ad JU 35 Piocoa Victoria Drocvdcloth 15 different fall shades a chance to get a real $2.50 133 broadcloth while they are so much in votrue. vard. . . . I Final Sale Odd Lots of Silks The last wind up of this season plain and fancy silks, taf fetas, mes8aline3, peau de cygne. peau de soie, orepe de chines, for fancy waists and winter dresses, kimonos and children's dresses, 'worth up to Cb - C CI CI $1.50-at, yard J.7CO2C-0.C ( 300 Pieces Japanese Silks White, cream and all colors also crepe de chine, crepe de Japan, printed crepe d'Auteil, fanoy Crt TJ Q voiles, etc., worth up to $1.25 at. . &DC 10 ZmQ Silks on Bargain Squares Newest Silks for Mufflers, Fanoy Scarfs. Kimonos, Fancy atT. !? .... 49c-59c-79c Beautiful Silk Pieces Printed and Plain Radium Silks, crepe de chine, chiffon cloth, fancy satin stripes, eto., all new patterns, hemmed and hemstitched. 13A to 1 yds. long, CI O a at each. OC J Dlack Dress Taffetas 36-in. Brandeis Special absolutely guaranteed Blaok Dress Taffeta, our regular pnoe $1.69 yd. fl 25 FVidnv Rt . ' 1 " a. 10c Allover Laces 1 Sample Pieces All Kinds of All Over Laces in white, cream and black Va yd. to yd. lengths, a piece, . Mill Eiids and Remnants of Fancy Laces Thousands of yards in Torchon and Cluny effects, Point de Paris Plat, Vals, Etc. worth up to . JJ 12J2C yd., on bargain square, at '. . 2C n DC HOLIDAY STATIONERY ' An Immense variety of article for ChrlBtmas gifts Is to he found In our up-to-dt Main Floor Stationery Department. Fancy boxes of 'Paper and Envelopes, with holly and other designs on box, tied with ribbon, very pretty for Christmas gifts; on sale at, . . . .48o, 35c, 26c and 16c Other boxes at prices from v 60c to $2.00 Fountain Pens, at 15.00, $1.66, $2.60 and $1.00 Desk Pads, with leather corners and metal ornaments, very special at "BO and 75c Fancy Back Playing Cards,, with full gold edges 46o Seallngwax Sets, containing wax, tapers and seal, put In holly boxes, at... 68c and 26c Portfolios and Writing Cases special bargains In a lot of high grade $10.00 down to $2.60 Standard Diaries, fl.00 to 10a Fancy Address Books, (la and 78c. okauv m roos onrii Giristmas Delicacies! Our Una of these deleotabl. prod- ucta form a prominent feature of that nw a.nnki whlnh n tn raoSlVlnsV dally, and beos-uss of their purity A and flavor should bars a plooi your table supplies. Z.luov PeyssUi I t Tour holiday dinner t Innempleie M without soma of Conrrtwy'a ''"'y tv ioes xor ioo win iMtnr inn. Mu lsh for their meals, rroM asusslsss, In our Fruit Department reu Will; And for your Christmas dinner every-k thine rrown In thlal oountrr and! many others. We have Hot-Aoue. j Grapes from England, Ifalan QrapesM fpnm Rnain T. t m Ttltlta. h 1 from Arabia, Paradise Nuts freruM South 'America, Chestnuts from ItaJr.jft Plnons from Msxlco, Stuffed Prunes H from Grarmaoy. Then from all parte of our own country we have everything;, Includ ing Kumauat and Orepe Fruit. uranirti ana Ifcnserines, r.riimmon., raullHeWerjuid Uuoumbera, parsley j aod Mint Water Cress, Head Lettuce FJ and Green Onions, Pomegranates, fl Htuired LMe, ruuea jnss, jumuo Cranberries. iBakery Depart meat tn our Bakery beoartment you will ntxl the Utiet, daintiest and pretll-fj tni Meartment of Pastry OooueK shown in loo west. Cafe eoosd Hoot Tsfce your luxm-day lunch at our New Cafe. Xt will be the beet meal you eat this week. Tasty, oooklna, fnederate toripee. snowy While Ule lnea sod lutelilsont servlos. Xeai Separtmeal yddajr Upeotals 800 lbs. Kalmoa (chipped from Beet- 0ruUlJuo'f,o?ft fresh," ' Baited" ' aod smtiKed flsu. . Try or Beal-ehlcped Oysters. The taeU dlOerent Xrum . the watef keaktd bind, ink aad Peu-laa Btreeta. TalevkoM 9aias it rrivate BaohaBLga Ooaaeeta JLU Ktlna, HOLIDAY DANCES LODGES 1 and : . " CLU DS FRATERNITY HALL Opp. VubUo Uhrary, 161S Xaney Ml BCaaOsome BaU oom Crraaad Floor. Btefe and Auditorium. Beating 680. FIVE LODGE ROOMS OR SOCIETY HALLS Low Bentaala. IT. ST. Hall CUe S0x6O, 920 S30 Ti Month ell Viaa 80x80, 8 re Month Ball Sin 800, 6 ' 9 Petf Month VaU Siae 8038, 4 7 far MonUl SaU Bias 16x25, 8 8 rear Koala Anteroom, Kitchen and Iockers Free of Charge, nATxaaTTrr kajuw JT. X. SODOB OO. Wm. Taylor, Agents. Oustodlan. Tel. Doug. 689. Tel. Bed eosa. Imported articles very fine.. Dinner Cards, doten, lOo and 16a Tally Carda, doarn, toe. Kodk AUume, 80 to tSo. Autograph Albums, tto tu 10. Initial btllonry. in colors, o. 5e. Initial Ktmtlunerv. in Hold. box. 480. Also a variety of fanoy InkwtUa, t'aper Weights. Letter Openers. Paper and Poker Sts. S7.K0 to 11 td Brldce Whist Ffta. leether. tl.TS. wnnuren a naiionrry wun rancy Tig. J urs on box or paper. Ilo to ISo. View Holders, Kto. at all prices. Christrrus Sptcials Linen Dopft D&sement 4 tat I and MxBt-lnch Memstltchod Lunch Cloths, with drawn wurk, resular price tc; Prl- 50c day, each 10x30 and ltxl4-lnch llemetltohed Mquarea and Scarfs, with druwa work, refxilar price ; 25 C rnday. eh Put Your Christmas Presents in, HOLLY BOXES It will add greatly to their appearance. Empty holly boxes various sixes, to hold hand kerchiefs. Jewelry, books for sale In Stationery dept., at each, 5c-10c-I5c O Haiid Painted (Id) . . . . .... China would make a handsome Christmas rtft. We X hi some bcauutj cia. bnrnd a few mliiates In our (Uire. LOuK. lX)lt TUB NAME. 3..W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1014 Douglas Street ' Every Saturday EspteieJly Tomtrrow VTe shall sell ntce. fresh Saturday Candy tLicgetta; ror ase T) , 1. . V. I - 1. Ma . . A i Chocolatee, Nuts and Fruits, sold Satur day only and In One Store Only In every city in me unuea amies, look out ror Imitations, for the marks la - full of them but there's only one Lls9tt's ?t urday CAndy which is the genuine and delicious kind, the kind that's Bold la every city baxuroay only, rresn. zso. BHRMAN e McOONNELL VliVQ CO. Oornst lets and Dodge Bts. OWL DRUG OOMi'ANY, Oor. 10th aad mavaay Bts.. Omaha, van Spend - Your Own Money Your Own Way Does It not seem strange to you that a dealer who tries to substi tute, when you ask for an adver tised article, should assume that you are not capable of spending your own money T Show him that you are by Insisting on getting what you ask for and refusing any substitute. Substitutes pay him a larger profit, otherwise he would pre you what you ask for, with out question. Manufacturers of advertised articles produce large . quantities, being enabled thereby to manufacture cheaply and fur nlsh the public with high grade goods at the price of inferior sub stltutes. finbttltates Are Expensive At Any Price. tr 1 f Weak ana nervous men - Sf Ss lur who find their power te NnPVAt work and youthful vigor (J I v G a gone as a result of vr work or mental exertion should take OKAT'S Nfc-KVfc; FOOD P1LX.&. They will Suake you eat and sleep and be a man ex a in. 1 Boat S boaeo 2.60 by nU. IIUM1S A) MoOOaTSESI.1. SSDO OO, Oorner lotn aad Dodre Bis. owl, Dkuo ooMTAirr, Oo. 10th and Maraay ats. Omaha. STeb, WHY YOU SHOULD : DRINK COFFEE Because It Is an easily digested and nourishing Food Drink that helps to digest other foods and makes you better fitted for your task, be It with brain or muscle. Pure coffee is u wholesome, refreshing beverage at all times. .The coffee you will . want is The German-American put up in sealed packages with the Coffee Bird on each package. This Is a pure mountain coffee always pure, always the same. Use German-American Coffee aad your breakfast will be good. ,Aik your Grocer for It, JUST 10 DAYS. JUST 10 OUTS. JUST 10 DATS. The Eigii Grade Intelligence of Oar SALES PEOPLE Is a splendid aid to the eolntloa of the Tealnff problem What to bny9 rt'a Int. la.M m m tn shoo urlr while the elerka are not wearTI while they are eager to help yon with sensible suggestions and while our huge stocks are unbroken. It is neoeesary tkM toy Bayers Buy eeriy aua ee avoid disappointing the little folks. You'll find automobllee, esprees wagons, "fire departments," velocipedes, bioyolea and all other . "wheel" toys oa the Third rioor, West. It's aa overflow sergregattoa of toys eauaaa by the extraordinary growtn or our oy ouaiaeea. ... And youll find hundred of moderately priced, desirable gifts In art and closure aeotlonsi artistic monoes, ime paintings, iup.ro "e "s i art brlo-a-brao, pyrography outfits, plaques and cords on oorua of "wood so aurrn.- And then you must look at the enlarged Stationery Beotloa where snsiut ana laeaa lor vinnmei guv gi-rug . Visit the MAGNIFICENT CHINA and OUT GLASS SECTIONS varieties are peerleas and prices way down. L f y V Mil I S BARGAIN FiilDAY SPECIALS IN rTrO''V'5 . SECOND FLOOR JL - HAND CARS AND AUTOS V ...1.25 American Hand Car. rubber tire, gear enclosed, regular f 5 (0 value, special,' . ........ . weefd 10 DISCOUNT Hand Cars for little tots, regular $1.98 value, Friday ....... Hand Car,' rubber tire, large enough for boyB from six to ten years, regular $4.60, 9 Fft special ; Automobiles, rubber tires, $5.00 machines, 9 flQ Friday eat On all hlfch grade Autos Friday only. Machines from $50 down to $5. Bee Window Display. MECHANICAL TOYS Our Mechanical Section keeps everyone guessing. Yon wonder what will happen next? . Come and see. Mechanical Auto, 2 5o value 10V Beetles, 2 6c value 10 Mechanical Train, Engine, Tender,' Car and Track for 25 Mechanical Boats $2.50 and less Gas Engine, best ever, regular price $2.60, Friday . ....$1.75 s I A FEW UmS THAT'LL PLEASE . THE BOYS A nice big Train, Maglo Lantern, . Typewriter, Printing Press, Tool Cheat, Automobile, Hand Car, Humpty Dumpty Circus, Teddy Bear.- SALE OF LADIES' TAILORED SUITS Worth up to $29.50 All the chio new styles; broad cloths in brown, navy, garnet,- green and black. Only eighty- three of these Buperb . bar- gains, for Fri day's sale. . . . Jail) Robas and Klnionas Eiderdown Bath Robes at......... 04.05 83.05 Long Flannelette Klmonas, - satin trimmed, at. ........ . .$1.08 Eiderdown DnMslng. Sacques for ........98 Silk Klmonas, Jap pattern, fall length .....$3.05 Silk Klmonas, Jap pattern; short, tot ...........$3.05 Plaid Silk Waists, new styles r ...$4.05 T TVTTT TVTO b,g ,ot of Round and Square Scalloped m flllM & Doiriea. Also all Linen Fringed Napkins, H . 7 w worth 85c doaen, each 7 25c Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, Scarfs, ana center Elects, worth 50c, Friday , each Extra large hemmed Huclc Towels, red borders, sell regu- j larly for 12c,. Friday III I each a Bed Spreads, full size hemmed Mar seilles patterns, good aa 64 inch Cream Table Damask, sells at 4So per yard, 'T 1 ' special for Friday, . J'JQ Bargain Sale f CORSETS Every brand of repute popularly advertlgpd or otherwise, embracing every style, size and color and guaranteed strictly reliable and wearably satisfactory. Friday, Second floor BOTTTEbTIK CHSISTKAI OARS Beautiful fac simile Amerioen Beauty Aose rsES to every purchaser Irlday and Saturday CENTS HARDWARE Boy Your Heater FRIDAY DISCOUNT On Every Ona Sold Clean-up Sale Slightly " damaged blue and whlis'enamel ware, to clean up while it lasts, all kinds and prices - 25c 15c 10c 5c Vash boiler.: slight ly dented, at ONE HALF regular price. Regular 96c boiler, .' SCHOOLS AND COLLKGBS.. DELLEVUE COLLEGE COU KQS OuOul. Klat!S. pklloMehlcal awm ac'l7 Ae ucredute kig ecayvl reu, lar l.iinw er .nr VAmr oltr er niuxruLn. KOKMAU fci'HOOLr AIo,.ol.iTf sjlS iimui courM-4. lml(ti .ul4. COKafcitVATom 1'bw ! auale. pUma, rie vtviie. eicvoe ftAd .rt. OMAHA CON NSA.T1UNS Claetria Me ma Srlls- toe n.ll.r Ifrar luUrB LwulurtH, j " Manis ftmmtmmk WaAswarta. SUMVee. , j 48 c Regular I copper boiler ji $2.00 Slightly. ' ' damaged wash tubs, up from So sweet, . . .ISO Boups, .360 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Friday and Saturday Specials. Please Order Early. Twenty-one pounds Gran- Australian Valencia uiaieu eugar ror i.og Kalelns. pound lfto Bennett s beet Coffee. 8 10 Qretu Tradlna St'ps. ,r"Hi '!r v.""' Bouthwell-s Imoorted TVa-T au kVnds'U s'so QtJJ" 75 Green Trading Ht'ps. L Qre,!n Trading fct'ps. Ussket trired Jauan Tee. we . Potatoes. Jersey pounu ror sso u. .... 40 Uresi Trading Bt'ps.' Naval Oranges, Bennett's Best Coffee, Per doxen pound for Sso Franco-American tO Ureen Trad In a Bt'us. quart can for Malta Vita. '4 Dktrs. SSo 30 Ureen Tradlna- Rf,, T-niivi v Kptiut uaKing r'owuer, aivo ijuuiiu cm cor S1.O0 And 100 Ureen T rui I n a Xl.mt. ,. Sour Pickles, dozen Olives, large Spanish, pint ..Sbo And 10 Oreen Trading gtamps. Jell'O asaorted. three pkgs. . . . 8So And 10 Ureen Trading Stamps. Mixed Nuts, new, pound 85o And 20 Ureen Trading Stamps Knglleh Walnuts, fancy, lb.. too And 10 Ureen Trading Stamps. Italalns. cooklna. nound loo Currants, cleaned, pound . ...lOo needed Kalains. package loo Camp Fire Pork . and Beans, larve ca.n l&a to Green Trading St'ps. fJew York, full cream umiiiuna v ooap, nine bars for SSe Batavla Seeded UalsiiiH. pai'kege for ISO 10 Ore.n Trading Sfpe. Bennett's Capitol Ex tracts, Red Ruse, White Rose, Celery, Peach, Cimianwin, Pepper mint, Banana, Ginger, Raspberry, bottle- ISO JO Ureen Trading Sfps. . olate Powder; r l-"""iry roil isut- u i ' uuuuu two BXKKXTT'S OABTOIXI tvrooery Section. :ulate Bon Bona, Dtr bottle 1M pound box tt&a JO Green Trading St'ps. Z0 Ureen Trading St'ps. Mincemeat, pound IIS Mixed Candy. pound 10 Green Trading St'ps. 16e, ' Kc and 10a Eddy's Salad Mastard. Salted peanuts, lb. 10 jar for 10c Bon Bon Buxes, decor 10 Green Trading St'ps. ated, each He Genlton Apples, pk. 4 Special Price for Church 20 Green Trading St'pn. Festivals, etc. Don't Miss the Grand Opening o Toyiand Saturday Santa Claus has a big surprise in store for the children. sat esm at resev i I cxzxsa Cheese, pound for SSs 20 Green Trading St'ps. New York Sage Cheese, pound for S6o 10 Green Trading Ht'ps. Fresh Rousted Peanuts, quart for So Blood of Grape Juice. pint bottle for ....85o 20 Green Trading St'ps. BVTTZm Chocolat lers , can for . ...86o 20 Green Trading St'ps. Tomatoes, new. ran loo Diamond S Chill Sauce, Chocolate Bon bottle SSO pound box Thsassnis Upon Thousands of Holidiy Gift Suggestions. TNS HSLIABI.K ST9RB 1 7 The Grtitest Stock of Toys, Doits ind flames Ever Shown, 8 HANDKERCHIEFS FOR HOLIDAY GIHS A Beavy of Delightful Bargains in Friday's Spo cial Sale. They're always suitable for young or old: &9 1st LOT Children's Handker chiefs at 24c 2d LOT Ladies' Plain and Em broidered , Handkerchiefs at, each 4y2c 3d LOT Ladies' Plain Linen and Swiss Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, at 7lAc Toilet Sets, Comb and Brush Sets, Military Brush Sets, Odd Brushes, Mirrors, Combs, Etc HOUSE SAMPLES OF THE FLORENCE MANUF AOTUElNa COMPANY, NEW YORK, AT 40 PER CENT LESS THAN ACTUAL VALUE: 4th LOT Initial Handkerchiefs of all descriptions, on sale at each ..... .4V.O 5th LOT Initial Handkerchiefs ' in pure linen, on sale at choice, each '. 15C 6th LOT Embroidered Hand kerchiefs in almost unlimited assortment, values , up to 50o, choice, each .' 25c Hand Painted 'China at HALF PFICE $1.50 Copyright Books at 98c $1.00 Copyright Books at 43c Fancy Pin Cnshions--A beauti ful line greatly underpriced, at .25c and 50c Fancy Leather Goods, Biggest Line in Omaha: $2.00 Bags, Friday' : . . .'.$1.39 $3.00 Bags, Friday' . . . ..$1.75 $4.00 Bags, Friday . . . . .$2.50 $5.00 Bags, Friday .... .$3.25 $7.00 Bags. Friday $5.00 Don't Miss Them! ' Final Silk Clearance Sale Friday All Waist and Dress Length Remnants of Our High Grado Rllks every imaginable weave and color on sale Friday, to close, at about HALF PRICE. Sc Novelties In splendid assortment, Friday at 49 611k Floss Scarfs ' and Crepes, in all colors, at, yard . . . ; 55 I si.uo uiacK xaiieia, oe-mca wiue, m Friday's sale 70 $1.20 Black Peaa de Solo, 86-lawlde, Friday .89v 91.08 PLAIDS The very best assortment of fine Waisting Plaids shown in Omaha, at. ....... . $1.25 Remnants Before The Holidays Friday will be final sale of Rem nants before the Holidays, the greatest prices ever 'made in Omaha. ' Remnants of 8)&c prints. 3tt Remnants of 7 toe 'shaker flannel at Stts? Remnants o? Hio outing flannel 3to nemnanis oi ait no wuite guoas. ,JC Remnants of Amoskeag apron rlnr- hams 3Vso Remnants of ail kinds of linen towel ing, up to 12V4c yard. . . 5J HIGH GRADE .LINENS 6,000 yards of high grade linens, worth from 75c to 11.50 yard, will go in four large lots 25 ZD 49t 500 T Remnants of High Grade Wool Dress Goods Another Great Sale in the After noon From 2 to 4 P. M. An entirely new line of Dress Goods.......... IOC 12V-C 15c 19c and 25o Room Making Underwear Sale Not a matter of price. Gooda must be moved before Saturday to make room for display of Toys. Many Thousand Dollars worth will be moved Friday. M TJL (,C1MUUI DtSVHu s -w " f FROI 0 TO 11 A. M 13,000 yards of high grade dress goods, suitings, voiles, black goods, cloaklngs, crayenettes and all kinds of goods that sold up to $4.00 yard, will go at, yard 100 150 250 390 and 490 Men's and Ladies' heavy fleeced Underwear, worth regularly to 76c, at 290 Lndiea' and Children's Underwear, worth to 60c a garment, at. , . -150 Men's Wool Underwear, extra heavy, worth resularly to 2.00 a garment, at COO Nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed with lace embroidery and wash ribbons, 200 dozen in the lot, values to $1.00, at 4.V...S 290 Many Other Special Bargains too Numerous to Mention Chance of a Lifetime. Don't Miss It. Men's, Ladies' and Children's Hose, heavy woolen or fleeced, regular- 26o values, at, pair. ... .. . ... 100 Newport Scarfs and Shoulder Shawls, made of fine yarns, worth regularly to $2, on sale Friday, at ISo, 23o, 4c and ..., .,..jGO0 Men's and Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns, extra heavy quality, cut full aod long, nicely trimmed; worth regu larly to $1.60, choice 590 A Bargain Curtain and Drapery Specials S3. 50 Bordered Tapestry Portieres, in red or green, special at, pair 53.98 Handsome Table Covers, in Oriental or Persian designs, In Friday's sale 8-4 at $2.98 10-4 at 83.50 $4.80 Couch Covers, 60-lnch wide, f yards long, splendid assortment at, choice 82.08 Lace Curtains, 64-lnch wide, H-yard long, on sale Friday, pair. . .81,98 Surprising Lace Curtains, bargains, Friday at, pair. .. .980 750 500 Sale of Manufacturers Rua Samples ' Only 650 in the lot score of handsome patterns, choice . . . .79o Come early, they wont last long at tnis price. Buy Your Supplies Now for Xnias Freshest Goods; highest Quality, and Lowest Prices 4 8-lb sack best Fancy High Patent Flour .... oo 10-lb sack best White or Yellow Corn Meal 1-lb. package Macaroni 8c The best condensed Mince Meat, per package . 8'c Bromanglon, Jellycon or Jello, per package 1-lb. can -assorted Soups "5c Imported Sardines, per can Me Tomato, Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can 1-lb Jars pure Fruit Preserves .. 8 U c 10-lb " sacks best pure. Buckwheat Flour ,..;. .-...40c Large bottles fancy Pickles or Horse radish '- Peanut Butter, per Jar Oc Worcester Sauce, per bottle 8 He Pure Tomato' Catsup, per bottle.. 10c Fancy, plain or Stuffed Olives, per bottle 'J- Tbe best 8oda or OyBter Crackers, per pound ......... .'. : The best Crisp Ginger 6naps, per pound . Dried Fruits for Your Xmma Puddings, lies and Cakes. Fancy California Cooking Figs, per pound 8)4c Choice California Prunes, per lb.-.ftc Choice Oregon Prunes, per lb. . . .7 Me Fancy Muscatel 8-crown Raisins, per pound tK' Fancy Muscatel 8-crown Seedless Raialna npr nound 10c Fancy English Cleaned Currants, per pound loo Fancy Mostizza , Cleaned , Seedless Currants, per pound. ...... ..12 HJ Fancy Seeded Raisins, per pkg,-. . , 10c Fancy Seeded Grapes, pr pkg..10a Fancy Minor Peaches, per lb..... 18c Fancy Pitted Plums,. per lb.... 17 Ho Fancy Silver Prunes, per lb. ... 17 H Lemon, Orange or Citron Peel, per pound . ,..17)ao BL'TTEK AND CHEESE I'RICES. Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per pound ...,... SMo Fancy No. 1 Country Butter, Ib..2So Good C6oking Butter, per lb..;...SSOo Fancy No. 1 Full Cream N.',Y. 8ags Cheese, per pound. . .aoo Fancy Full Creain Wisconsin Cheese, per pound ........ T 17 H ORANGES, NUTS. FRUITS AND VEGKTABLKS. ; ... 150 size extra Fsncy Highland Navel OrsDgee, per dozen 254 The beat Mixed Nuts, per lb.. 154 Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, per lb..7H Fancy- Fard Dates, per pound . . , 12 H Imp. 7 -crown Figs, per pound.... 1S4 rz-oi package California Figs. , . .7H Large Grape Fruit, each 04 Mexican Pinion Nvtts, per pound.. 16s Brazils, Filberts. Walnuts, or Pecas. Nuts,, per pound 15 Fresh roasted Peanuts, per quart.. Be NOTE our regular low prices on all Fresh Vegetables, 'FIRST