10 nm OMAHA DAILY BET!: tnURSDAY, "DECRMTin 12, 1907 Want ads Atrrrllwand for the waat ad ralamas will e lakea 111 11 . fas ac evealaa; edltloa aaa awtll a. a, (or the Monlsg cad aaaay edltloaa. Cash aaaat aceoaaaaay all orders far waste ess aad ao 4fllmtit will be accepted far less taaa lO caata far the drst laser-flans. Rates apply to either Tka Dally ar day Baa. Always wnt sis wtr4i tm m llaa. Coasblaatloa at laltlala ar Bombers coo at aa aaa wars'. CASH RATE! rOR WAlfT ADI. REOVLAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa laacrtloa, per llaa, lO ecata. Twa ar snore eoaseoatlvo lasertleos, aar llaa a caata. Back laser 4 tea mill "oa odd days, lO caata aer llaa. $1.50 per llaa per aaoata. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION t( year adTertlseaaoai la laaerted aar aaa af tka elaaslacWtloas tlna ftelow. It will ka ekarcrl at tka fel lowlasi rates Oaa laeortloa, 4 caata per llaa tkraa ta als eoaooeotlTO lo seri.oas, ecata per llaa eack laser tloa Mra ar ssore eoasceatlvo Inser tions, a ecata par llaa each Sasertloai 80 caata par llaa per aaaatk. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BtSHVES9 CHAHCE1, HELP WASTED TEMALI. HELP WANTED- MALE. Except Accats, Solicitors aa4 Seles sea. orrERKD for sale. . Cows, Birds, Doga aad Pet. Heraee aad Tea teles. Panllrr aad Eggs. Varaitaro. Typewrltere aad Itwlif Maeklaca. Plaaoa Oraraas aad Mnaleal Iratra assets. OFFERED FOR RENT. Ftiralaked Rooms. Vafaralaked Koosaa. Iloasekeeplosr Roeata. Boarding- aad Rooms. WANTED TO BUT. Waat ada ror Tka Bea mar ka left at aar at tka following draar atcree aaa la "year earner draarstat" tker are all braaek offlcaa cf Tka Bea aad roar ad wll ka laeerted Jaat aa premptlr aad aa tka aaaae ratee aa at tka wain office la Tka Bea Balldlaa;, ereateeatk aad Faraajn Street. Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam, Reranek, 8. A., 1401 & 16th 8t. Beoh Pham acy, 720 S. lth Bt Benson Pharmacy, Benson Neb, Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. 8816 Sherman Are. Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce. S Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Avs Conte, J. B., Slat Ave., and Farnam. Crlseey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Sts. Cermak. EmIL wA-t 8. 13th Bt. Kaatman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., K&a Leavenworth. Foster ds Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th Bt. . Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Oreen'a Pharmacy, corner Park Ave., and Paclflo. ttreenough, O. A., 1023 8. 10th Bt. Oreenough, U. A, It. 24 8. loth 8t Heyden, Wm, C.. S20 Farnam Bt. Kai acorn Park Pharmacy, 1801 8. 2Sth Aye. , Hoist John, 874 N. 16th Bt. Huff, A. L,, 2S?4 Leavenworth St King. H. B., lJ3t Farnam Bt Kountae Place Pharmacy. 36u4 N. 14th. , Patrick Drug Co., 1824 N. 24th Bt, Lathrop, Chaa. B., 1324 N. 24th Bt Peyton, L. E.t 24th and Leavenworth. ; Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Co- 16th and 'Chicago. fiohaefer. Anfruet. 2031 N. Iflth St. Schmidt J. H.. 24th and Cuming Bta. Btorrn Pharmacy, lth and Martha Bta. Walnut H1H Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming, i Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Werth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts. I BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ( Births Antonio Sanlnluca, 1608 Locust ; afreet, boy; Anton PawoL 2T30 Bouth Twenty-fourth atreet, boy; George Thruah, 2030 Evana atreet. boy; J. W. Robblna. 12o North Thirty-eighth avenue, girl; Jacob Adler, 19C8 Bouth Eleventh atreet, girl; John Light, 2t7 tecatur atreet, girl; 8am X(ir, 1613 North Twenty-third atreet, boy. Deatha Nelaon Fllnn, 8324 Fowler avenue, aged 72 year. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license been laautd: ' Name and AddVeai. lalah Raynor, Omaha Beulah M. Campbell, Omaha George W. Godlove. Rlveralde, la. ... Birdie Gerot, Rlveralde, la. linden Leach. Everett, Neb Pluma Chambers, Everett.Neb Arthur P. Sautter, Omaha.......... Carrie Jordon. Omaha George A. En gen, Norfolk, Neb Blanche Shelb, Dixon, 8. D Hamuel E Jordan, Gretna, Neb....,, Mattle Clifton. Hubbard, feb William B. Tetts, Bouth Omaha Oale M. Dawion, Omaha Carl J. Neleon, Omaha Jennie Johnnon, Omaha William Kourey, Omaha.. , .... Either Davlaon, Omaha have Ajre. ....28 ....18 ....33 ....24 ...21 ...18 ...21 , . .20 ...25 ...23 ...30 ...24 ...84 ...23 ...2 ...29 ...22 ...It ANNOUNCEMENTS We Guarantee TOT! A TELEGRAPHY JOB. Union Pa clflo' dlitchera' wire and complete equipment of atatlon blanka for practice tnatalled In our telegraphy , department. Boyles Business College Boylea Bldg., Omaha. Btudenta admitted any day. Get the catalogue. ttc-tu BION PAINTINO-8. H. COLE, 1302 Dour- 0)-)l THE CITT GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Le&veoworth Bta. Tel. Dougiaa 137. O)-02 AUTOMOBILES BEND for our Hat of aecond-hand automa ta lea. UKUiUllT. m Farnam. 12) M FOR SALE A aeven-caaaenaer 190S miiv mobile, with aide uiramce and all the 1807 impruvemema. in good condition. Price, a. u. xsranaeis. l)a4j 13 BARTER AND EXCHANGE E. G. OANOESTAD ci.n help you get In or out of buklneaa. Room em Bee Bide;., uuiaua. - iu aue A LIVE ONE. Have a good mining stock to trade. Wha,l cave your L. (u4. care Bee. U-M12T WILL. TRADE Oregon timber land for BtocK of Hardware. Hwennlng, pHnama, a. Mbe ux FOR BALE OR KXCI1ANGE Blacksmith aliop, tool, lot ana .reuldence: aood bust nrs; want part cash; make offer, box 143, Mondamin, la. (I MSa Ux WILL exchange railway, mining, Industrial stocks and bonds for vacant or Improved property, farm. Umber or mineral lands. What have youT Bend for list. Brokers Agoncy. -Lxuiviiie. -y. ( MS316x I HAVE a lce nt of good Iowa A Min nesota farms to exchange for good eKM-kni of hardware or grneral merchan dise, f anus will be prltml at what they are worlh. (Owners reply). J. K. Smith, Manilla, is. ysi sajia jix KX01UN3K-For a good Improved eaat ern Nxbraska farm, clean stock of dry Koodn, M.IM: new 7-room realdenre, $4,iu0; t acres, with fc-room cottage, tJ.Ow); no In (luted values; no agvnts; deal with owner. Ajddresa Z care of Bee. jjg A C'lt KB good valloy lend for sale or would exuhuriKe for good business. Ad- dres C. B. reenian, 6U raui. rt. , S MJlfix BUSINESS CHANCES ROOMING houses for sale, from smallest to largest: can loan part purchase money. LoLoine-liansea Co. U raiion uiock. BUSINESS CHANCES- (I ontlnued.) DltlTG BTOREB for aale everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. T. L'fe, Omaha, (40) 9t ARB TOU Intereated In good dividend- paying cupper iiocrf; now is inw pnin.ra opportunity for Investment In first-claat securltleaf wa buy and sell reputable copper stocks ana securities of every class. M. W. LER A CO. Bankers and Brokers, Puluth, Minn. (4)-Ml3 D. 12X ONE of the beat fnilt and confectionery stores In city; small grocery snd lunch business In connection doing business of ll.ono a month. Owner has other business, reason for selling. 818 N. 16th. (4)- 12 MONET MAKING SECRETS 100 of them. every one a winner; 64 pages, 10 oeme. Standard Supply Co., Independence, Mo, (4) M993 14x FINE RESTAURANT and furniture. In southern Nebraska, for sale cheap, on account of slrknesa, or v would trade for farm stock with lease on Jtood 80 acre In southeast Nebraska. 'Address T S5, care Bee. (4)-MlB3 J2x FOR SALBGenereJ store on Gulf coast line. Finest climate In United states; best bargain In aouthweat. Pox 14. Barlta, Tex. (4)-M833 12x WORLD'S GREATEST INVENTION-Eg sterilizing machine; demonstrated at pure food show Omaha. Manager with IS.floO secures i Interest. No .humbug. Smith, Tama, la. (4) M557 12x. FOR RENT To responsible parties, best equipped dining room ana micnen in me city, having 115 steady boarders and get ll per month for table board. Address, Box 678, La Junta, Colo. (4)-M835 12x A LA PK A "The Last Wert; the Land of Opportunities.- i win xeti you jne wf paid men and women. " rades, chances with email means, chances) to p ospe t for gold, cost of living; now, when, where and cost to go, climatic conditions and other vital Information for $1. Address, E. F. Pitman, Seward, Alaska. (4 M2S1 Ux FOR BALE Good drug stock In a pros- perous mining town or ,uo people; rtne location; cause of selling, poor health. For full particulars pall or write to O. 8. Wood, mT D., 621 N. Y. La Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' (4)-872 12x NBWBPAFER FOR SALE For 17 years I have published the Hardy Herald. 1 want to quit about the first of the year. Good line of hajwT-power material and a clenn, caah business. Population of town WO. Ralph K. Hill, Hardy, Neb. Would sell on monthly payments to reliable party. (4) M120 lx THE new Palmer hotel and furniture for sale, or furniture without, building. This la without exception the best hotel and hotel city between Denver and Lincoln; 60 rooms, 8-story, steam-heated brick building; an elegant billiard hall In build ing; everything new and In good condi tion: doing all the business house can do; hotel and Dtlllard hall, clearing over $5,000 a year; on account of health, must re tire; will soli for one-half the value, but strictly cash. Address James Rooney, McCook, Nob. (4)-M118 17x A SNAP A No. 1 gas works In sn Iowa city for sale; a money maker for the right party. Can be bought at a low price and good terms. Owner Is moving away. Would take some good Inoome property In exchange. Address E. E. Rowe, room 200, U. B; B., Bloux City. Ia. (4) M117 16x FOR SALE Best pitying and located drug store in Missouri; must sell; easy terms. Address lock box 4, Maltland, Mo. (4)-Mlll 16x ROOMING HOt'SES FROM T TO 40 ROOMS; LARGE LIST ALWAYS; BAR GAINS. KEYSTONE. 404 BEB ELDG., PHONE D. 8367, OMAHA, NEB. (4 M829 D22 WANTED Partner with 2500 In a business making 1300 monthly. Address B 693. Bee. (4)-JM323 13x TYPEWRITING, stenographic or clerical worx wanted evenings; also some spare time 'during day. Address C 693, Bee. (4) M334 17x JOB PRINTING plant for sale cheap if taicen at once. u. w. Kingman, center Villa. S. D. (4) M3U 17X PLA.NIN'o MTLX. FOR BALE Good busl- nesa; snap; located county seat. B. F. Thompson, box 404, Meads, Kan. ' . (4)-M291 -t THIS IS A SNAP. "' N ' Eight r acres In Missouri: will sell for cash or will trade; title good and no en cumbrance. M 635, care Bee. (3-M12R Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property mat you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBB LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., (O-M3U0 DSt FOR BALE Only steam laundry, town 16,000; doing W weexiy, easily doubled; frlce, 84,700. Hayward, Chicago Heights, 11. (4)-M257 16x STOCK general mdse. for sale or ex change for good farm. Lock box 267, St. Paul, N. (4) M255l6x BARBER SHOP Good stand; rooms pay rein, ivw o. xolii, jiumtim. iql IF YOU have 21,000 to 85,000 and are afraid of banks I can guarantee you 12 to 20 Fer cent with no chance of loss, par Irulars at Interview; bank references. Call room 76 Merchants hotel. (4)-M358 12x E. O. OANGESTAD can help you get in or out or Dusiness. itoom 403 Bee Bldg., Omaha. X4 MM 1 1 v 13.000 TO 210.000 yearly easily made In real estate business; no capital required; we win teacn you tne nusmess ny man. appoint you special representative of leading real estate company. Hat with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to permanent suc cess. Call or write for free 62-page book. The Cross Company, 75 Reaper Block, Chicago. (4) M850 13x f- FOR BALE One share In the Ohio Mobile (endless belt) street car advertising syn dicate, which gives you one per cent net of all the street car advertising In state of Ohio: will make you shamefully rich; will sell for reasonable price and. on monthy payments. For full particulars address D CM. care Bee. (4 M36S 14 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Camaacrclal Artists. H. O. BUNNELL 4k CO.. 822 N. Y. Ufa, Doudlas 6148. (6) 807 Caract Cleaalagr. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1918 Farnam. (6)-06 Crcaaaerlca. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. A ) (6)-8U Chattel Leaat, Chaa. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg (6)-u Ckl raped 1st. DR. ROT, R. X 1508 Farnam Bt. Doug. 6487. (t i Deatlsta. BAILEY A MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1088, (5)-i Drceasaaklac. MME. WOODRUFF, 223 Neville. Tel. Doug. 5170. () M3TJU IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. TL Harney t&) an 8HIRT WAISTS and party dresses nil ci. 2uin. i (6) MHS3 JO M' DO WELL Dressmaking School. Ifl Far. nam ft. (i 14 Jewelers aad Watekaaken. N. P. BTILING Watch, clock, Jewelry (6-Sl4 riarlsts. HESS As 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (1) Su U HENDERSON, 1513 Farnam. Tel. D. 1A (-U7 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. J0. , (6-i if The man wanlinrj Iiclp and Hie man wanting work meet on common BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued, i Hatela. THE 8CHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney 5-l Lackaoaltka. , KEYS, etc.. Heflln, 1824 Farnam. Tel. D. 2874. (5)-20 Maslc aad La ague, area, PIANO lessons In your home. 'Phone Webster 2392. (5) 143 Macklaa Warlu WE solicit your orders for all kinds of ma chine work and repairs. Accuracy and good workmanship guaranteed. Auto matlo work our specialty. Get our prices. The Bearing Co. of America. lth and Nicholas Sta. 6 M163 Deo. 27 Office Sapplles. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co,, 90S 8. 18th Bt. Tel. Douglas fft2. (6) M36S Jll Oatecpatkr JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 164. (5) -821 Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far'm. Tel. Doug. 6370. . 5)-M7tS4 J 3 Prlatlaar. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad A Jorve, printers, 16th and Cspltol Ave. (5)-828 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let- I era and Job printing; no Job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 806 8. 18th Bt Tel. Douglas 5362. (5)-M768 J3 Fkotoarapkere. C. B. TRU68ELU 115 South 16th St (5) Z Safes. Skwtters, Ktc OMAHA Safe and Iron Work makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth Bt ' (5)-922 Skoo RcpalrlaaT. , v RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1S18H capltol Ave. 'Phone Red v. (5)-425 SHOES repaired right called for snd de livered free, standard Hhoe Repair o., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 7RS7. 6) M926 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aad Trades. LADIES Our catalogue explains how we teach hairdresslng, manicuring, facial massage, etc.. In few weeks; mailed free, Moler College, Chicago, 111 (7) M8l 12x WANTED By wholesale millinery house: MAK.KKN. - . TRIMMERS. SALESWOMEN. Good positions for competent peopli; maKers employed Dy tne year: state ex perience In first letter. Addrees Led erer, Strauss & Co., Inc., Des Molr.es, la. (7) M851 13 Housekeepers aad Daaaesttes. WANTED Good girl for general house- wora; inree in lamur. mis. a. n. r li ters, 2711 Poppleton Ave. (7) 780 WANTED Good cook. 2218 St. Mary's Ave. Oh- M297 13x WANTED Thoroughly experienced girl for general housework in family or four; must have best of references; must be good cook; easy place; best of wages. Call at 2u2 8. 37th St., or telephone Har ney 1008. (7) M317 WANTED A girl for general housework. 3012 Mason Bt. (7) 3 13 WANTED Good neat girl for general housework, small family. Call Harney 210. (7) M221 14 WANTED A good cook. 1120 Park Ave. Tel. Harney So0 (7)-242 OIRL for general housework; four In fam- It iam a 1 v. a. ,n liy. IVm) O. Wll OL. VIZ lIB IS WANTED Girl for- general housework. 623 8. 26th Ave. Tel Douglas 8130. (7) 286 12 WANTED A competent girl for general housework; 3 In family; best of wages; close to Cathollo church. 2130 Blnney St. Tel. Webster 839. (7) 288 WANTED Competent girl; no fancy cook ing; two in family, zoig Bo. 32d Ave. (7)-2S4 12 WANTED Good girl for general housework. 251U Jones Bt. or Tel. Douglas 180S. . (7) 2S1 16 A GOOD girl for general housework. 1902 Bouth 33d St. (71336 WANTED A oompetent house maid at once. Mrs. John A. McShane, 528 South 87th St. (7) 336 13 WANTED Thoroughly competent maid i or general nouseworx; small liousj; family of three; best wage. Telephone Harney 8266, or call, 8504 Wool worth Ave. (7) M354 18 WANTED A mlddle-aa-ed woman to keen nouse ror man and wire, with baby; will be expected to take entire charge of housework and cooking; -no hard work; good pay to right party. Address Y 84, care Bee. (7) M353 12x WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam Bt. Mother and daughter as cook and house maid; two In family; 5 each. Housemaid, 35. Dining room girl, 85. Girls for general housework. 5 to 87. (7 M3ii5 14 WANTED Good coek. Apply 8210 Fsrnam St. (7 M362 14 Mtaecllaacava. W ANTED 1 ,000 girls to have their pic tures taken' at the Koxy Btudlo, 612 N. ICth. 26 photos 2Ko. (7) 69 12x LADIES and girls to stamp transfer ut home; $1.60 to 82 doxen. 606 Pnxton Hlk. ' (7) M866 Ux HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, Sollcltera aad Salesmea. WANTED Salesmen In every Nebraska city for specialty line. Goods guaranteed; demand Increasing and permanent. High grade, ambitious men only. National Bales Co., 421 Kamge Bldg., Omaha. (9)-MiH7 J4 . CIGAR SALEBMEN wanted la your local ity to represent us; experience unneces sary; 34 per month and .expenses; write for particulars. Monroe Otsar Co., To ledo, O. () MW 13x AGENTS wanted to sell patented system for playing mandulln and guitar; shortest and most perfect system; can larn as easy as A. B, C; big profit. National School of Muslo, Bedalla, Mo. (9) M2ix AGENTS wanted everywhere. Our specialty ells to all dealers In cigars. Big profits; sample free. Peerless Mfg. Co., 1M La balls Bt, Chicago. (9) M318 18x Factory aad Trades. POSITIONS for drug rrien everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life, Oaiaha. I A-4W0 -v V WANTED Men to learn barbfr trade; the demand for barbers greater than supply; graduates earn splendid pay; tools given; wages tvaturdays; few weeks complete. Call or write for catalogue. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th Bt. (-M2 12x WANTED At once, a first-class coat maker. Price of coat, $9 te 117. Steady work all year. Address E. J. berg, Fargo, N. D. i) -MJ0 17 ground on The DEE wanl ad page HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) WANTED Plrst-clnss compositors for non union shop; middle west territory. Ad dress H-614, care Bee. (91-817 11 WANTED A bookbinder. The Nonpareil, Council BlufTs.v (91-M274 1 3 Mlsccllaacaaa. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association! helps work men find positions. Call 622 New York Life Bldg. (-M172 Deo. 27 WANTED A country printer. News, Mis souri Valley, la. (i) M318 18 U. 8. Navy wants young men between ages of 17 and 28; men with special trades accepted up to 35 years. Good opportunities for promotion for efficient men. Pay 31 to $70 per month, prao tlcally clear of living expenses. Free Illustrated booklet on application, "The Making of a Man-o'-Wai sman." Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station, Omaha, Neb. (f) M6S6 Jan 2x HU8TLER8 wanted everywhere, 025 to 830 made weekly, distributing circulars, over seeing out-dcor advertising; new plan; no canvassing. Merchants Out-Door Adver tising Co., Chicago. (9) M884 13x POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo, tlon; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Ass'n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. (8) 244 Jan8 YOUNG man to learn drug business. W. A. Plel. 18th and Farnam. (9)-M247 16x WK SHOW you how to make $10.00 every day; new Invention everybody wants; Just hand them out and collect your money; a gold mine for agents; write quick. Traeger Mfg. Co., G68 Elllcot: square, Buffalo. N. Y, (9) M352 12x 2 salesmen, Ia. and NiH., good ppropost t!cn. vv Gen. mdse. salesman to take' charge of special Sale. $10. Stenographer. $70. Stenographer, $0. A number of business houses Inform us of expiration of contracts with their salesmen, managers, credltmen and book keepers January 1 and we are In need of men to fill these comtemplnted vacancies. If you have ability now Is the time to put It on the market. Call or write. WESTERN REF. A BOND APS'N, INC., 721-723 New York Life Bldg. - . (9) M36113 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE i Horses aad Vcklelca. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired, hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses. Come In. The Harney St 8tables. (ID m ' i Poultry aad Eggs. GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. 11 M707 J2 SCREENINGS. $1.88 per cwt Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (ID M316 SINGLE COMB White Leghorns exclusive ly. Write A. II. Byarlay, Clay Center, Kan. (11) M307 17x HOME of prise winners. Barred and White Rock chickens, hens, pullets, whtte tulneas, Pekln ducks- Eggs In season. uroo-Jeraey boars. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Van Antwerp, Lohrvtlle, la. 01) M834 12x CHOICE Rhode . Island Red cockerels; beauties; either comb, .also 8. C. B. Leg horns; to close out 81.00 each. E. Brack, Havensvllle, Kan. (11) M192 14x eaoh; white Coachlh bantam cockerels, $1. White Plymouth Rock hens $1 or $10 do. Mrs. J. B. Chenowetb, Gove City, Kan. (11) M228 14X BUFF Wyandotte cockerels, also Imperial Pekln duqks. Mrs. R. E. Thompson, Alli son; Is, (11) M232 16x Barred Plymouth Rocks exclusively; 50 cockerels for sale, 6 for $5. J. A. Haney, Elkhorn. Neb. (11) M264 16x CHOICE breeders for sale; Toulouse geese, Mammoth Pekln ducks and White Wyan dottes. Model Poultry Farm, R. R. 6, Beatrice, Neb., C. M. Stoll. : (1D-M266 16x - Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Pets. RED POLLED cattle for sale. C. M. Chambers, Bartlett, Ia. (1D-M567 Dscax FOR BALE Pedigreed Scotch collie pup pies and brood bitches; would make ele. gant Christmas presents; closing out at H prlco. Address Atlantlo Collie Ken nels, 605 Oak St., Atlantic Is. (1D-M3S0 17x FOR SALE My entire herd of registered Angus cattle. W. E. Harpln, Creston, Ia. (11)-M8S7 J3x FOR SALE Fox, wolf and rabbit hounds; for particulars address Turner & RifTe, Orrlck, Mo.. R. F. D. No. 4. (11)-M9V 22x WANTED to buy? a fresh cow at 1116 N. 40th street. Telephone Harnev 1328. (ll)-344 13x BARRED Plymouth Rock Cockerels 81.60 up. Mrs. I,. C. Reese, Prescott. Ia, Big. good, well barred. (11) M349 18x TWO gray mares. Just from the country. 8 and 9 years old. 1,000 pounds. 4708 N. 39th street, Omaha, Neb. Oil- M356 18X LOST AND FOUND LOST A pug dog. blind: reward. Return to 4001 N. 25th Ave. Phone Web. 83 0. (12)-M3ii 12x ONE pearl brooch, diamond center; reward offered. 1112 Howard St. (12) M310 13 FOUND J. Hansen, upholstering and fur niture repairing. 1512 N. 24fh, Tel W. S26 (12) 909 J LOST White, spotted with brown, bull dog; hd ears and tall clipped; answers to name of liuater. Reward for return to 617 Bqqth 24th Ave. (12) 337 LOST Eyeglass on Farnam near lth St. Return to Globe Optical Co. for reward. (12) M3t 13 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," 11 a box, postpaid. Bherman & McCounell Drug Co , Omaha. (13)-03 RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten tion from business. Quick Cure Rupture Co.. over B. W. cor. 11th and Doulas, Omaha, (1S 034 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creightorr Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bta. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college profoasors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-12 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron" of the balvaiton ! Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24in Bt., Omaha, NfH. 1'-') M1W MONEY TQ LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS Money for Christmas Are you ready for the holiday season? Count the days from now until Christmas and see If you'll not be wise to prepsri now. Early buying means best selection and choicest things. Come to the old Re liable "OMAHA MORTGAGE." We will not ask you to begin paying us back until February. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Boaid of Trade, 11 b Bt. Entrance. (1K-M7U MONEY TO LOAN (Continued.) Monev TO LOAN-LOW RATH In sums to suit 810 Bee Plclg. Phone Dourlsa 2S04. UNION LOAN COMPAN Y. (14)-40 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments, Offices In S3 principal cities. Tol inaa, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (14) 938 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PROENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 746. (14)-39 FURNITURE, live stook. salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co.. room 8, Barker Rig. (14)-843 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advsnces private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost Open evenings till 6:80. (14)-37 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential, l.ml Douglas. (14) 840 NEBRASKA Credit Co., 214 Hoard of Trade. (14) M438 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Fsrnam Bt . (14)-43 OFFERED POR RENT Boardlaa- aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16-944 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15-45 VERY desirable room, fine location, walk ing distance, first class board. 218 8. 26th St. (ifi MSsJ 16x BOARD and room, 86.00 per week; gentle men preferred. 2318 Douglas St. Tel. Red 4889. (15)-M314 14x TWO newly furnished front rooms ajid board; all modern conveniences rfionie cooking. 1031 So. 30th Ave. (15)-M302 17 BOARD and room close In; one large room, suitable for two; also single room; ref erences required. 114 So. lth Bt (16)-MB8 17x ROOM and board In private family; 2 gentlemen. TeL Red 6171. (16) M175 14 LIGHT housekeeping rooms; also rooms and board. 808 8. 21st St. (15) 281 12 Famished Rooms. WB DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Bchmoller lueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (15)-646 'FOR RENT. Two or three pleasant front rooms at 810 Worthlngton street opposite Brownell hall. Prices $10.00 for one person and $12.00 for two persons. Bplendld neighbor hood. Elegant rooms. Inquire on premises or at 440 Board of Trade building or tele phone Douglas 1610. (16) M31S 13 OMAHA VAN ft Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-84 N. 19th. Office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (14) 847 HOUSEHOLD . goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas 884. (IB) 49. FURNISHED room, very desirable, 640 8. 24th St. (16) M143 D15 CENTRAL, steam ' heat, swell furnished, large front room; hard to bea- 220 N. 23d. (16) 466 WARM furnished rooms; new, modern house; near boarding house; $8 and $10. 911 Bo. 26th Bt (15)-446 24 VERY desirable south front room, nicely furnished; two large windows. In new, modern flat) electrlo lights, etc.; private family. 2616 Dodge St. (15) M263 14 LARGE south room with alcove suitable for two or three gentlemen preferred. 2702 Farnam St. (15) 921 17x FURNISHED, steam heated rooms. 2234 Farnam, 3d floor. 'Phone Douglas 4M4. 1 W5 226 10 FURNISHED room, steam heated, private family. 610 So. 17th Ave. (15) M507 14x FURNISHED front room to gentleman who la fond of playing billiards. 1621 Wirt St Tel. Webster 4140. '15-M131 TO gentleman, well furnished southeast front room with alcove; modern; pri vate family. Tel. Harney 2296. 7o2 B. 29th t (16)-867 12 COMFORTABLE room In modern house; plenty of heat; light and hot water. 128 8 26th St. (15)-916 12 2118 DOUGLAS St; good table board. (16)-MR28 12x NEWLY furnished room, fine location, walking distanoe. 218 8. 25th St (16) M272 16x CLEAN rooms, 82 to $3 per week. 220 N. lam ut. (it) Mus ix SOUTH front room in warm modern brlok fin house for gentleman, 2208 Dougiaa street. (16) 841 17 PARLOR and bedroom, suitable for two or four young men; also other room. 218 N. 19th. (18) M34 1sx WANTED After Jan. 1, '08, a young man as roommate, In a nicely furnished room; warm, reasonable and In walking dis tance. References exchanged. Address. D 778 Bee. (16) M359 15x (Tafaratsked Roaaas. FOUR rooms for housekeeping: all modern. 2116 Emmet St. (16) M98 14x Apartments aad Flats. 224 N. 24th St., 6 rooms, finished In birch, with mahogany stain; all modern $40. 2606 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern; oak finish, hot water heat $45. 8326 Harney, 9 rooms, all modern; oak fin ish; separate servants' rooms and toilet 2610 Sherman Ave., 6-room, new flat, oak finish, esst front-$30. HASTINGS A HEY DEN, 1704 Farnam St I (16) Hit 11 Hoaaekeeplaa; Rfecaaa. THREE large houaekeeplng rooms; not modern, at 8721 Ohio Bt., $6 per month. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglss 4693. (16) M270 12 HOUSEKEEPING looms furnished, also small Bleeping rooms. 1712 Jackson. (16)-M3 I6x FOR RENT Two excellent modern fur nished rooms for housekeeping; 'phone In house. 74 Harney Bt. (15)-778 LIGHT housekeeping front room, alcove. furnished, $13. 622 8. 24th Ave (16) 818 tlx THREE rooms to rent for light house keeping; reasonable terms. 2672 Hpauld lng St (151-214 14x FOUR or five unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; furnace; walking distance. 2223 Burt Bt. (16)-M171 14 TWO beautifully furnished rooms, all modern, steam heated, $J0 00. . 18 No. 23d St. (16) Mart 1 H eases aad Cottaarea. FOUR rooms. 916 N. 24th Bt. Martin A Harris, 2u9 8. 13th Bt. (16-M18 IK41 N. 24th, C rooms: $14.' TCRRELL A CO., Km. 17, Patterson Bldg. j (16) M331 l-ROOM house, all aioderw "! Decatur, $a). C. P. Traver. Jal. Red 47X1. 134 Far nam Bt (lo-M437 14 OFFERED FOR RENT Hsish aad Cottasrca Coatlaacd. m N. 4oth, I rooms, all modern, on car line. $4. Momi, all modern, close In roomers, $10. i'J S. 81 at 7 rooms, new, all modern, near Farnam, $40, IWl Locust 7 rooms, modern except heat 2717 8. 9th, city water, gas. on block esst of south end of Farnam line. 473 N. Stth, 6 rooms, bsrn. $16, O'Keefe Real Estate Co., v 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. ?1M. (15) M329 9-ROOM house, modern, large yard, $26. JTel. Douglas 86. (15)-M321 12x FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, 414 North Slat St.. VS. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Building. C16)-2 $-room house modern throughout location the best In town. 214 8. 86th Ave. Tele phone Douglas 1861 for parttculsrs. Wm. H. Bodsmann. (15) M39I CHEAP RENT-WARM HOU8E8. 7-r. house, SM8 Evans $12.50 T-r. bouse. 4713 Davenport 16.09 10-r. house, mod., 291$ Hickory 80 00 J. H. PARROTTBL 826 BOARD TRADB. (18) 188 FOR RENT I-room modern brick resi dence, 1126 8. 81st St; $35.00. Thomas Brennan, Room L New York Ufa Bldg. , (15) M148 4-ROOM house and bsrn. 408 William Bt, In rear, $13. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cum Ing. (15) 826 , LARGE 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace. 1634 8. 28th St Inquire M. J. Greevey. 'Phone Harney 233a (15) 165 FOR RENT 4808 North 24th St.. six rooms, modern except furnace. $22. (15) 867 HOUSES m "n Mrt f th ",ty IiWUQrjCrslgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. (16) 965 HOUSES mU Tta of tn c'tr- Poters (15) 956 Maggard Van A Storage Co., 1713 Webster. (15) 850 4-ROOM house for rent; modern except heat. 718 Hlokory St Inquire 807 Bo. Kth. 05) 878 FOR RENT 8-room modem flat, opposite Hansccm Park; $34. 'Phone South 7. (151-954 HOUSES, Insurance, Ring-wait Barker PvH (15)-960 SIX-ROOM house. 1717 Webster. (16)-M840 12 A FEW new cottages of. S or 4 rooms for light housekeaping; furnished or unfur nished. 'Phone 11. 30(1. 8119 H California. (16)-245 lS 108-110 8. 25TH AVE 8 rooms, modern arrangement and location, aultabla for roomers; rent of eaoh If taken at onoe, $35. TeL Douglas 1064. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1820 Farnam St (16) 237 11 FOR RENT 41-room cottage; good cellar; east front; south part of city. $16 per momn. v. m. nurnmann. m-9i jKaxton Blk. Tel. Red 2639. (15) 284 4803 N. 24th St., 6 rooms, modern except furnace $22. 610 8. 27th, rooms, all modem $35. 604 South 27th St, 13 rooms, all modern $60. BEM38, PAXTON BLOCK. (15) 333 FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, modern, !420 Caldwell St.. 825.00 First floor, 6 rooms, bath. 2424 Caldwell Bt., liO.OO. (16) M3CO ix FOR RENT A 8-room house, all modern. 614 Bo. 20th St (15) M373 25X SPECIAL Two brand new l-room houses, strictly modern; every room beautifully deco rated, polished floors, fine Dlumhlng; splendid besting plant. These housesS nave never neen occupied ana tney are ready to move Into. Price reduced from 385 to 230. Look them ud today. 8. W. comer of 85th and Leavenworth, right on oar line. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., BOLE AGENTS. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 18) M368 13 Ofllcee. FOR RENT. Two fine, large office suites In the Con tinental block, choice location for physi cian or oentiai. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 201 First National Bank Building-.' , (16) 788 FOR RENT Two large offices In the First National Bank Bldg., having outside en trances on .Liurieonin at. yio) XL'jJi is FOR RENT Office room No. 7, Crounse DIOCK topposnw lksbiuiucy; 3 per months Apply to Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge St (15) M870 FOR RENT Deek room In Bee office. City nan oing., vi ii. i'u ci., nuuin umano. Apply to manager. (15) 134 GROUND floor office Id Bee building for rent, very cneap. x-eiera j.rusi company. (15) 218 DESK room cheap In desirable office. lo cated in- New Brandels building, with privilege of stenographer, phone, etc. Call Phone Red 4269. (16) 345 13 Sta SECOND floor SSxloo; steam heat' Palacs Clothing to., hi n ana .Douglas St. 061-623 ONE store room In new Scargo Bldg. In South Omaha, near postofflce, with lighted basement, modern show windows and awnings; best possible location. Hall Dis tributer Co., 317 First National Bnk Bldg. "Phone Red 7406. (151-962 FOR RENT Large store room snd base ment at 1548 North 20th St.; $12.00 per month. Apia1? to Conrad Young. 1616 Dodge Bt 15)-M170 sXle OFFERED FOR FcaelBsT. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fenotng to per foot. 206 N. 17th St. TeL Red 814. l)-63 FOR BALE High grade second-hand type writer; good condition; a oargam at swx Call room 603, Bee Bl(lg. 1 -7l Typewriters aad Sewlagr Maealaea. TYPEWRITER for sale; Oliver make; al most new, with stapd; price 8T0; on easy terms, or will discount for cash. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4693. (16) M271 11 NEW Home sewing machine and all at tachments, $X. 41a N. 23d. (16) MS: 17x $100 OLIVER Typewriter, $36; nearly new. 308 N. 16lh St. (16 819 11 X riaaoa, Orgaas, Maaleal IastraaieBts. EXTRAORDINARY PIANO BARGAINS. A great holiday sale la now on at the warerooms of Bchmoller A Mueller Piano Co. You will do yourself an Injustice If you fail to examine this wonderful stock before closing a deal. New Btelnway, Btegnr, Emerson, Hardman, A. B. Chase, McPhall and 13 other makes are of fered at prices that lose sight of cost. Notice our bargains In used instruments. $L.0 Wagner upright, only $ 86.00 t-Tft J. P. Hale upright, only 96.00 $300 Kimball upright, ebony ease. only 116 .09 $450 Kna.be upright, only 138.00 Handsome new uprights In mahogany, burl walnut and golden oak cases, 8)1 4. $1H8, $1K5 and up. $400 Vose A Sons, square, l-Jl. Emerson, good tone. $46 00. Btelnway, Checkering, Knsbe and Kranlch tc Bach, square pianos, $60 $00, $78 and up. Terms. IS to $10 cash and 60a to $1 per week. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ' . , . We rent tune, move, repair and reflnlsh pianos ..at lowest prices. Instruments se lected now will be held for Christmas de livery, if desired. BrHMOLJ-lOK A MUELLER PIANO CO. UU-1313 Farnam Bt. Telephone Douglas 1526. (16) M190 PIANO Practically new. For sale, cheap for cash, by young man leaving city. Address H 664. care of Bee. (16) 3 20 VINE upright piano, nearly new, very cheap: IsavlntT t Uy. 416 N. 23d Bt Q6 MX14 l?x OFFERED FOR SALE (Conflnned,)' Mleccllaasoaa. . DRUGS at eut price: f'rwIgM paid ntl ktl f orders; ratslnrue free, Bherman A Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (18) Hi , FOR CHRISTMAS Gas and Electrio Table Lamps Largest assortment in tho city Always acceptable never too many Buy now Deliver when ready. "After-Holiday, Prices." First Come First Choice. x v BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., 313 So. 15th. Ot-44 WORTHINGTON i DUPLEX PUMP . 00-gallon Worthlngton duplex pump, sis IZxKHixIO, for ssle. This pump has seen t about six months' actual service and la In 1 good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. (14) 670 . ONYX SODA FOTJNTAtN. Ona 12-syrup liquid: one 24-syrup liquid; one 14-ayrup American; one 18-ynip i.lp plncott. All reflnlshed and sliver plated. Every one a bargain. Monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam St. (16) Mitt) Dcol5 SCIIULZE & BLATTERT Newsdealers and Stationers. Subscriptions received for any periodical published. A large variety of Christmas and new year cards. 1U BO. 16th Bt TeL Red 2841 . (16)-MM) J4 FOR SALE Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Ulobe Land an J Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 965 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Baika-Collendar, 407 B. 10th St . Q6)-66 FOR SALE: Law library of the late Oea w. i-aine. h. j. Stevens, CerrolL I a. (IS) AIH64 Hi SEND US rour mall orders for drura? freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dlilon Drug Co., Omaha. - - (16) Kt SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. beat , mixed paint Sherman ds MoConnell .Drug Co. (16-70 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re. tall. Sherman MoConnell Drug Co, 16tb and Dodge St, Omaha Neb. 1) 968 SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearms. Blnger, 416 N. Hth. (16-?3 IRON SAFE, nice slxe, suitable for store or office, m. 808 North 16th. (16)-M782 J 3 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. ()) 777 HAY 87.60 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. lth, (18) 776 XMA8 POST CARDS 38 richly . colored, heavily, embossed designs decorated In f old; 10 assorted cards and wholesale list Oc Gallatlne Sons, York, Pa. o avj tog HIGH-CLASS X-mss gift. Our combination Ice and roller skate for boy or girl. Practical, durable and neat Bent bv ex press on receipt of price, 81.60. . Extra piste M. Ainen euppiy CO., Kansas City, Mo., box 72. (U)M110 14x XMA8 present. Rednath's History Ennv. . clopedla Brlttenica, Webster's Diet., monthly payments. Megeath's Stat Co. OS) U3U J8 PATENTS D. O. BARNBLLs patent attorney and ma. chins designer. Paxton Blk. Telf Red 7117. i i fl7)-76 LARSON A CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. 4 1 U7 978 , PATENTS THAT PROTECT-I books for Inventors mailed on receipt of Se postage. , R. 8. A A. B. Lacey. rooms 2V-29 Pacing Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established lta. .U7)-OT ' PERSONAL YOUNG man wants place In private family te work mornings and evenings for board and room. L 702, care Bee. (18 224 liut PLEATING B4SrSn- Dying and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 6c pur yard, bend for prices and samples. , GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglas Block. TeL Doug. J9.14L (18) 978 Lleben, coatumer. 1410 Howard, open eve. (IS)-!! OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramgs Building. C6 963 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to 'Visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, 1516 , x i imiii Di., " ii"1 mrrj will in Ull iuiflll to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisrea. us) .o ALWAY8 fresh, Bsttn Skin Cream; never dries up, spoils, shrinks or changes. 28a. - I.. M A 0'W"F1TTPlr'tment " Mme, "Bmllli. lit ix. lth, 2d fir. L (18) 0 A GENTLEMAN who wants te go Into business wants to correspond' with a lady with some capital between 25 to 40 years old. Please send photogrsph, whleh ran he returned. Martlnius Larson, Box 291, Pierce, Neb. (18 M300 Ux MME. NORDICA school 4a palmistry; parlor course a specialty. 118 N. 18th, opposite Trinity cathedral. (18) MS18 17x MASSAGE as'L TZoV 1M (13)-MU4 D28 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing: la fact, anything ysu u not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th Bt, for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'pbane Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. i U) 786 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cul I I" M S - I Llllon Drug Co., Omaha. 08) T WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb, Cycle Co.. Cor. 15th snd Harney. 1 (18) 8s0 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1&4 N. 34th, TeL Web. .,, (l)-ll IDEAL hair psriors. 204 Neville Blk., 16ta and Harney. TeL Douglas U86. (UM2Bi Dec31 A GENTLEMAN (single owning ani running a line bona In the city with competent, rename ; neip wittte two other gentlemen (aingle) to Join v with him and share expnuus equallv (sboiifv, . 360 each per month); object a hlgS.Jj class home for eaih man at moderaist expense; only hlghias men conilderod (prferably college snen); best of refer (preferably collega men); best of refer. 6 1 1. Bee. 1 9 ) M S 6 7 REAL ESTATE ' REAL. BSTA'f B DEALERS, PAYNE INV. CO, j. 1st door N. T. Life, I (18) 9a3 Douglas 1781. GEORGE A COMPANY, 1601 Farnam. 1 Tel. Douglss lit . ' ' Ut)tHi PETER 8 TRUST CO., N. Y. Llfs Bldg. . (Vn MS CITY PROPRTT FOB ALB FOR SALE A fell built lo-roora frame nouse, rxautiruiy nnished In hardwood; baulwood fluorai mantels, modern bsth room and convtnlsntly arranged. W ii sell at a very bw price, ta be removed ' from present prmiiees by purchaser. Ad dress C. C Rososaler. Be Bldg.. Omaha. li)-Mtll LIST your propetty with Chilm Bover, tid