10 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1907. Want - ads A4Tniitami far tfc waat a4 toIimi will he takea aatll 13 at. for the evealaa eJltloa mm aatll 9 p. m. , for ta mralii an Saaday rdltloa. 'aa ant M(Mur all orders for mall an no aarertlaesaeat will fee accepted for lea tfcaa lO eeata far the II rat faaertloa. Ratea apply to either The Dally aadar Bee. Always eoaat six word to a flae.' Coaiblaatloa of ialttal or aambera eoaat as oao word. CAIH RATES POR WART ADS. RFGl'LAR CLASSIFICATION Oa laaertloa, per llae 10 eeata. Two or more eoaaeeatlro lasortloas, per llae, U eeata. Each laaertloa taado oa odd days, 10 eeata er llae. fl.SO per llae per moath. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION If roar adrortlaeateat Is iaserted aader aay of the elasslnratlona given below. It will be charged at tho tol Uwli rate Oao laaertloa, 4 eeata per llae threo to alx eoaaeeatlro la aertaa, 8 eeata per llaa each laaer tloa sevea or aaere ooaaoeatlTO laoer tloas, 3 eeata per llae each laaertloa ' SO eeata per llaa per xuoata. BAUTKR AND K"X CHANGES, BUIINESS CHANCES. . f HELP WAHTED TEMALIS. HELP WANTED MALE. Except A areata, Solicitors aad Sale mea. OFFERED FOR SALE. Cowa, Birds, Dos a aad Pet. Horaes aad Vehicles. Pooltrr aad E((t. Karattaro. Trpowrltera aad Sewlas; Machines. Flaaas, Orgaa aad Blaaleal laatra meats. OFFERED FOR RENT. Faraiahed Rooana. Uafaralahed Mooaia. Hoaaekeeplac Rooms. Bearding: aad Rooms. WANTED TO BOX. Waat ads for Tho Boa mar he left at aar of tho followtaa- dragr stores oao Is "rear eoraor drattglst" they are. all branch offices of Tho Boo aad roar ad wll bo laoartod J oat as promptly aad oa tho same rates as at tho atoia oBco la Tho Boo Batldlag, seventeenth aad Farmana S treat a. Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnara. Beranek, 8. A., 1403 8. 18th St. Becht Pharn acy, .720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Nab. Bemle Para: Pharmacy. 88d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. K., 6th and Pierce. St a. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 8213 Military Avs. Conta. J. B., Slat Ave., and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lak St.' Cerrnak. Emll, Uvi-i 8. 12th St. , Eastman Pharmacy, 4048 Hamilton. . Ehlar, F. M., 28k2 Lecvenwortb. , Foater A Aitioldl, 213 N. 26th St. '. Freytag. John J., la 1 4 N. 24lh. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy 2oth and Lake. Green ' Pharmacy, corner Park Are., and Pacific. , Greenough, O. A., 1026 8. 10th St. Ureenough. O. A., 1H24 8. 10th 8t -Hoyden, Wn C, 2U20 Farnam St. I Kanscom Park Pharmacy, WSl 8. 29th Hoist, John, 6J4 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth 8t Kins, H. 8.. 82S8 Farnam Bt. Kountae Plaoe Pharmacy. 3604 M. 24th. , Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chaa, E., 1224 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E 84th and Leavenworth. Paratope Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Av. . Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and - Chicago. Bohaefer, August, 2fl31 N. 16th St. i, Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming 8ta. Btorm Pharrr.aory, 16th and Martha St. Walnut Kill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Worth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton 8ta. DEATHS iKD FUNERAL NOTICES. ' r iimT-M.,.;frt'fiyiiva HA WES Mrs). Elisabeth A. , Funeral aervlcea :W Wednesday f rem residence of her son-in-law J. M. Talia- fern, 324 North Seventeenth street. FTUndx Itivuea. v WORLBT Dr. Howard A., aged CS years. Funeral Wedneaday, December 1.1, at 2 p. tn. from family residence, 2418 Hamilton street. Friends Invited. Baaaer Ledz No. 11, F. V. A. . WORLETY Howard A. Officers and mem bera ef Banner lodge No. 11, Fraternal I'nlon of America, are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Dr. H. A. Worley, at the late residence, 2418 Hamil ton street, at 1 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, Iecember 11. George H. Jones, F. M. J. U. Mason, Secretary. U. P. Lodge No. IT, A. O. V. W. WORLEY Attention Union Paclflo lodge No. 17, Ancient Order of United Work man. You are ordered to attend the funeral of our late deceased brother, Howard A. Worley, Wednesday at 3 p. m., from the family residence, 241S Hamilton street. In terment Prospect Hill. All sister lodges invited. J. D. Thompson, Master Work man. John P. Carr, Recorder. vVaahtagtea Lodge Ifo. 37, Degree of : Hoaor. WORLET-Attentlon. Degree of Honor, Washington lodge 27. All officers and members are requested to attend the fu rera of pur . late brother, Dr. Howard Worley, from his late residence, 241a Ham ilton street, Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Sister lodgea Invited. Frances Blegelmeler, Chief of Honor. Johanna Strawn, Recorder. aBtBCTH"WTiJWuijiuL. mijiamia BIRTHS AND DEATHS. , Births Auguatlno Minardi, 1404 Leaven worth, girl; Lloyd Kllgore. IHM North , Twenty-nrst, girl: Clarenoe Chambera, tti ' j2T"nPOrt. boy; William Flynn, 430 Bouth Twenty-fourth, boy; Charles George 1211 South Thirteenth, twin boys; Peter Thomo- 4 gun, 167 Seward, girl. , "Deaths A. B. Huberraann. 2014 Farnam, r.' Hwar' A. Worley, 241t Hamilton. 6: ."'I-.J'J H" Woodford. 4i South Thirty! I eighth. 83; Jacob Bauerweln. 1SS3 Ogden avenue, 72; Irene Olive. St. . Jo.eph-rhos-Pt. 17; Mrs. Mary Ruth Brotherton, Twenty-ninth avsnue and Leavenworth, 78. MARRIAGE LICENSES. - The following marriage license been issued: Name and Address. Thomas O. freeman, Omaha ifaiuna Lundy, Omaha Alrred W. Hoffman. Chicago.. tr.hel Wallace. North liend. Neb!!!"' Gore W. PerUr. Omaha "" bertha Poole, Omaha .. Alphons Werrenbrock, Ea's't' 'Omaha (tiara fcUrausaer. ICaat Otuaha. .."..! Wolf Jonlach. Orrnha . 1 Rebecca Haykln. Omaha .'..!!!! August Proohnow. Calhoun, Neb - Minnie Kuhfahl, Flurence. Neb. Horace O. Dunn. Plattamouth, Neb'" Anna Swanaon, PlatUmuuth, Neb " Walter Cllffutd, Omaha alary Johneun. J'reuiuDt."Ne'b" have ....a ...i ...24 30 ....19 ... it ... U .. 21 ... 23 ... a ... Z! ... a ... 13 a ... u ANNOUNCEMENTS We Guarantee IOTT A TBLKORAPHY JOB. Union P,. Clrtn dtopalchers' wire and conTnlV.?. e.julpment of atatlon blanka for uraciico installed in our telegraphy dep.'rVn.m Boyles Business College Bcvlea Bldg., Omaha. Student admitted any day. nt h. catalogue. tl.e-.ii IGN PALVTINa-S. II. COLK. HOi Doug- rHH CITY GARBAGE CO.. ofTlce 4th and " Leavenworth Kia. Tel. Louglaa U7. ' ' W '1 AUTOMOBILES S IKND for our llt of seooa.t-hand automo. b!le. DE.KIGHT. it: Ktrntm. (t BARTER AND EXCHANGE Kk. U. UANJr-STAD caa help you get la or . ' ent :( biieuitas. Kcuta 44 live bl"., ' buit " t4-w BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) A LIVE ONE. Have a good mining stock to trade. What have you? L CM, care B. . (3) M12T WILL TRADE Oregon timber land for mock of hardware. Bwennlpg, Panama, la. T3ii M9T4 12k FOR 8AI3 OR F.XCHANTJE-Hlarkmlth shop, totls, lot and residence; good busi ness; want part cash; make offer. Hox 143. Mondamln, la. ; (3) M8S6 13 1 WILL exchange railway, mining, Innuelrlal stock and bonda for vacant or Improved property, farm, timber or mlneYal lands. What have you? Send for llwt. Brokers Agenoy, Louisville. Ky. 3)-M2S2 16k WANTED A lumber yard, well located. Invoicing at about $30.00, In exchange for good farm landa at cash value. Address N. Halsey, 636 Monadnock Block, Chicago. CO M30J llx I HAVE a nice lot of good Iowa A Min nesota farm . to exchange for good Ktocka of hardware or general merctian rilBe, farms will be priced at what they are worth. (Owners reply). J. F. 8mlth, Manilla, la. (.') M308 17 x WANT ED To exchange, 70 head registered Hereford cattle for western range mares. Address N. Halsey, 635 Monadnock block, Chicago. M312 llx EXCHANGE For a good Improved east ern Nebraska farm, clean atock of dry roods, W.ux: new 7-room residence, M.500; I acres, with B-room cottage, I3.0CO: no inflated values; i.o agents; deal with owner. Address Y $8, care of Bee. , - S)-M31 338 ACRES good I valley lnnd foT sals or would exchange for good business. Ad dress C. B. Freeman, St. Paul, Neb. , t3 M2S6 16 BUSINESS CHANCES- DRUO STORKS for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. T. Life, OmaBa. (40) 906 ARE YOU Interested In good dividend paying copper stocks; now la the golden opportunity for Investment In fimt-claas ' aecurities; we buy and sell reputable copper stocks and securities of every class. M. W. T.EE ft CO. Bankers and Brokers, Dulnth, Minn. (4)-M196 D. 12x ONE of the best fruit and confectionery stores In city; small grocery and lunch business tn connection doing business of $1,000 sa month. Owner has other business, reason for selling. 819 N. 16th. (4) M 12x MONKY MA K INU SECRETS 100 of them, every one a winner; 04 pages, 10 cents. Standard Supply Co., Independence, Mo. (4) M92 Us ROOMINO houses for sale, from smallest to largest; can loan part purchase money. Osborne-Hansen Co., 441 Paxton block. (A) M195 J7 PINE RESTAURANT and furniture, In southern Nebraska, for tinle chesp, o,n account of sickness, or would trade for farm stock with lease on good 80 acres In southeast Nebraska. Addres Y 5, care Bee. - . (41-M193 13s FOR 8ALB General store on Gulf coast line. Finest cllmste In United States; best bargain In southwest. Box 14. Sarlta, Tex. (4)-M833 12x WORLD'S GREATEST INVENTION Egg Sterilizing machine; demonstrated at pure food show Omaha. Manager with S,U00 secures 4 Interest. No humbug. Smith, Tama, la. (4)-MS57 12x FOR RENT To responsible partled, best equipped dining room and kitchen In the city, having 125 steady boarders and get 119 per month for table board. Address, Bos 78, La Junta, Colo. (4)-M 12x ALASKA "The Last West; the Land Of Opportunities." I will tell you the wages paid p-en and women adea, cbancea with sjms.ll means, chances to p ospo t for gold, cost of living; w. when, where and cost to go, climatic conditions and other vital information for 11. Address, E. F. Pitman, Seward, Alaska. (4) M251 13x FOR BALE Oood drug stock In a pros perous mining town of 8,000 people; fine looatlon; cense of selling, poor health. For full particulars call or write to O. 8. Wood, M. D., 621 N. Y. L.- Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. (4)-872 12s NEWSPAPER FOR BALE For 27 -years I have published the Hardy Herald. I want to quit about the first of the year. Good line of hand-power material and a clean, cash business. Population of town- KX). Ralph K. HtH, Hardy. Neb. Would sell on monthly payments to reliable party. , (4)-Ml!0 16x THE new Palmer hotel and furniture for sale, or furniture without building. This Is without exception the best hotel and hotel city between Denver and Lincoln; 60 rooms, 8-htory, steam-heated brick building; an elegant billiard hall In build ing; everything new and In good condi tion; doing all the business house can do; hotel and billiard hall, clearing over 16,000 a year; on account of health, must re tire; will seU for one-half the value, but strictly cash. Address James Rooney, McCook. Neb. ' (4) M118 17s A SNAP A No. 1 gas works In an Iowa city for sals; a money maker for the right party. Can be bought at a low price and good terma. Owner Is moving away. Would take some good Income property In exchange. Address E. K. Rows, room 200, U. B. B., 8loux City, la. (4)-M117 Ids FOR SALE Best paying and located drug store In Missouri; must sell; easy terms. Address lock bos 4, Maltland, Mo. (4)-MlU 1s BUSINESS CHA NCE For aale, or will trade for good improved farm, a harness shop. Including buildings and lot, located In good live town In South Dakota; good territory from which to draw trade, and good class of thrifty farmers; only shop In town. Write cara of postofflre, Bos 42, Fulton, 8. D. (4 M798 Us MILLINERY 8 TORE. For sale or exchange; what have you for an up-to-date millinery store doing good business In best location. Reasonable rent; wl'.l sell cheap if taken at onoe; must give tip on account of sickness. Address Y 76, Bee. (4) M7M llx ROOMINO HOUSES FROM 1 TO 40 ROOMS; LARGE LIST ALWAYS; BAR GAINS. KEYSTONE. 404 BEE BLDG.. PHONE D. JS67. OMAHA, NEB. . (4 M82 D2J WANTED Partner with 3500 In a business making 3300 monthly. Address B Bee. (4)-MXa 13x TYPEWRITING, stenographic or clerical work wanted evenlnas; also some spar time during day. Address C (3. Bee. (4) M334 17S JOB PRINTING plant for sale cheap if taken at once. O. W. Dlngman, Center vllle, 8. D. (4)-M311 17s PLAN! NO MILL FOR BALE flood busi ness; snap; located county seat. B. F. Thompson, box 404, Meade, Kan. (4 M?W 17x THIS IS A KNAP. Eighty acres In Missouri: will sell for easli or will trade; title rood and no en cumbrance. My. car Bee. i (3)-M12 Do You Wi6h to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVE8TME7NT CO.. OMAHA, NEB. m-itm D21 FOR SALE Only steam laundry, town 16.000; doing ?&i) weekly, easily doubled; vrlrtf. 84.700. Uayward, Chicago Heights, 111. (4)-Ml7 16s STOCK general mdse. for saTs or ex change for good farm. Lock box 267. 8t Paul, Neb. (4) M206 16x BARBER SHOP Good atand; rooms payj - riii. iw p. urn, vumns. m M rv ltjx BUSINESS DIRECTORY AdvortlalBsT Novelties), DfWTFATL to look over our large A 4 supply ef ADVER TISING NOVELTIES. Exhibition room ALWAYS SOMETHING NiW. WE ALksf CARRY EVa.it X THING In the line of POST CARDS and booklets. Imported and domestic, for birthdays, Christmas. New Year's, souve r.lrs, marine, art and comic, SPECIAL Via Wo of buUdlcgs, landscape and . eiwery reproduoed fruin pnotographa Writ us for catalogue. . FONDA BROS. & CO.. V Ui Harney U, Omaha. . . , G 3 err The man vanlino help and (he man wanting work meet on common jround on The DEE want ad page BUSINESS DIRECTORY tContinued.) Cosasaorelal Artists. H. O. BUNNELL A CO.,' 323 N. T. Llf, Douglas 6143. (6 07 Carpet Cleaalag. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1311 Farnam. (5)-903 Chlataey Swoop. CITY chimney sweep. Chimneys, furnaces and stoves cleaned and repaired. Tel. Doug. m (5) M7 11 Croosaorlea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to. Beatrice Creamery Co.. Omaha. (6)-ll Chattol Loans. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. y (6)-8o Chiropodist, DR. ROY, R. 3. 160 Farnam St. Doug. 8497. (6)-l() Doattata. BAILEY MACH.'ld fir. Paxton. D. 103S, (6) 9l Jewelera aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 47. (6)-914 Dreaamakla v. IN FAMILIES-Mlss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1S6S. (6) 812 8IIIRT WAISTS and party dresse. JOil N. 20th. (6) M852 J6 M'DOW3LL Dreramaklng Sohool, 11 Far nam St. (6 1 MME. WOODRUFF, 223 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 6170. (6 MS68 Deo U IT! Arista. HESS A 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (8)-S18 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 13. (6)-4l J. H. BATH. 1823 Harnsy". Tel. Doug. 8000. (6) 1 Botela. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harnny ()-si Lo49ksaaltha. KEYS, otc, Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2874. (6) 820 Maale aad Laagaages. PIANO lesson In your home. 'Phone Webster 2292. CRr 143 Machlao Work. WE solicit your orders for all kinds of ma chine work and repairs. Accuracy and good workmanship guaranteed. Auto matic work our specialty. Get our prices. Thu Bearing Co. of America, 19th and Nlcholaa Bts. (6) M162 Deo. 27 Osteopathy. JOHNSON IN8., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1B64. - . . - (6)-Kl Dr. Bowser, over 1302 Far'm. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6)-M7ii4 J3 Office "applies. V r FILING cabinets, flies and ledgers, loos . leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 308 a 18th Bt. Tel. Douglas 65. (&) MS67 Decll Printing. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to Bee our eleeant Imnorted line. Lyngstad A Jorve, prluters, 16th and Capltp pi Ave.. tsi its HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten lot ters and job printing: no lob too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 8. 18th Bt. Tel. Douglas 5562. , ft) M7 J8 Photographers. TRUBBELL, US 8outh 16th St. , (6-924 Safes Shutters, Eto. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors end safes. O.. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. loth 8L I . (5-3 Shoo Repalrdaar. ' RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class wotk. mVt Capitol Ave. 'Phono Red 9U4. (6)-925 8HOE8 repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard flhoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel" n. fivrr 5)MM HELP-WANTED FEMALE , Factory aad Trade. LADIES Our catalogue explain how we teach halrdreesing, manicuring, facial massage, etc.. In few weeks: mailed free. Moler College, Chicago, 111 fl)-M-l 12s HoaseVaeperd aad Domestic?. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 19u2 Farnam St. Cook, 37; housemaid, In; no laundry. Housemaid, 36. Child s nurse, 35. Cook and general housework, 35 to 37. . jC7i Mi-36 11 , WANTED Chambermaid and dining room girl, cook and wife to handle kitchen; big wages for good, clean and willing work ers. Markle Hotel, A. F. Swart. Prop., Beatrice. Neb. . (7) M235 11 WANTED-Good girl for general house work; three In family. Mrs. A. 71. Fet ters,' 3711 Poppleton Ave. (7) 780 WANTED Good cook. 2219 St. Mary'u Ave. (7 M297 13 WANTED Thoroughly experienced girl for general housework In family of four; must have beat of references; must bu good cook; easy place; best of wages. Call at 203 8. 37th St., or telephone ll ir ney 1008. - (7) M317 WANTED A girl for general housework. 8U13 Mason St. (7) iJ3 12 LADY cook for hotel, must be capable of doing rastry as well as meat cooking. Hotel Vera, Wagner. 8. D. r7 215 10 WANTED Good neat girl for aeneral housework, small family. Call Hxrney Ho. (7) M221 14 WANTED A pgood cook. 1120 Park Ave. Tel. Harney to (") 243 , It A ' . nw tuiiii.ii.il 1 Jllllll I yJV IlKllV housekeeping, with all conveniences irro Farnara St. (16) Mi'46 18s GIRL for general housework; four In fam ily. 1026 8. 10th St. (7 Mrs 13 WANTED Girl for general housework. 523 a Sth Ave. Tel Douglas 813U (7 M 12 WANTED A competent girl for general housework; 3 In family; best of Wages; close to Catholic church. 2130 Blnney St. Tel. Webster 838. (7 2S8 WANTED Competent girl- no fancy cook ing; two in family. 25)6 Bo. 32d Ave (7) a4 11 WANT FID Good girl for general housework iilo Jones bt. or Tel. Douglas IHa. (7) 231 16 Mleeellaaeoas. LADIF8 AND GIRLS to itimo trailers at home; $1.50 to $2 dozen, but Psxton Plk. C7) Mtiot 11 WA NTED LOW) girU to have their plc ...... -- t h Kosy btuo. ri N. 16th, II photos Vh-& ii HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, Solicitors aad galesmea. WANTED Salesmen In every Nebraska city for specialty line. Gooda guaranteed; demand Increasing and permanent. High grade, ambitious men only, National Sales Co., 427 Kamge Bldg., Omaha. (8)-M807 J4 ITS 00 PER WEEK and traveling expense paid by reliable house to- salesmen to visit dealers. Experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. (9) M306 lis CIGAR SALESMEN wanted la your local ity to represent us; experience unneces sary; 3p8 per month and expenses; write for particulars. Monroe Cigar Co., To ledo, O. . it) M890 13x . AGENTS wsnted to sell patented system for playing mandolin and guitar; shortest and most perfect system; can learn a easy as A. B. C; big profit. National School of Music, Sedalla, Mo. tJ M2x , Clerical aad Oflleo. Stenographer, R. R., 370. Stenographer, h0. Solicitor and collector, sal. and com. Uen. mdse. salesman to take charge of store during special sale,' 3100. WESTERN RBF. A JOND ASS N, INC.. 7.1-722 New York Life Bldg. t9) M322 11 Faetory aad Trades. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. )-30 WANTED At once, a first-class coat maker. Price of coftt, 39 to $17. Steady work all year. Address E. J. Berg, Fargo. N. D. (9) M309 17x WANTEIV-Men to learn barber trade; ths demand- for barbers greater than supply; graduatea earn splendid pay; tools given; wages Saturdays) few weeks complete. Call or write for catalogue. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. 9) MS92 12x WANTED First-class compositors for non . union shop; middle west territory. Ad dress H-614, care Bee. (9 817 11 WANTED A bookbinder. The Nonpareil, Council Bluffs. (9)-M274 13 Mlscellaaeoas. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. Call 843 New York Life Bldg. v ()-M173 Dec. 37 WANTED A country printer. News, Mis souri Valley, la. (9 M318 13 U. 8. Navy want young men between ages of 17 and 26; men with special trades accepted up to 86 years. Good opportunities for promotion for efficient men. Pay 316 to $70 per month, prac tically clear of living expenses. Free illustrated booklet on application, "The Making of a Man-o'-Warsman." Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station, Omaha, Neb. (9) MC86 Jan 2x AD WRITERS. WANTED There are many positions opn for ad writers and adver tising managers. Salaries run aa high as $16,000 a year. We can teach you adver Using In your spare time and at a low cost. Ability to read and write and am bition to succeed are all you need. Write today for "Two Hundred Million Dollar Advertising Booklet," which gives full particulars. I. C. 8., Bos 1645 A, Soranton, Pa. () M304 11S . SPECIAL OFFER ' Owing . to the large number of clerical, sale and technical position which we pos itively must fill duvlng December and Janu ary, we will- make a reduction of 20 per cent to all registering with us during the month of Decembers We have seversl positions as bookkeeper, clerks and salesmen af.-lti6 to 3125. These must be filled at Once. il . , GUARANTEE! RF. AND SURETY CX., 632-4 BrandVls Bldg. () MSUB 11 HUSTLERS wanted everywherV, 326 to 330 made weekly, distributing circulars, over seeing out-door advertising; new plan; no canvassing. Merohants Out-Door Adver tising Co., Chlcsgo. () M8S4 13s POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AMD BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, pemonally or by letter, to National Railway Training Aas'n, 620 Paxton Blk, Omaha. Neb. (9) 244 Jan8 YOUNG man to learn drug business. W. A. Plel. 18th and Parium. (9)-M247 16x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aaa Vehicles. ONE Z-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired, hack harness, on double express harness; lone or two horses. Come In. The Harney St. Stables. (111-631 Poaltry aad Eggs. GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co.. Omaha. (11-M707 J3 SCREENINGS, 11.35 per cwt Wagner, 801 N. 16th. , tU M315 SINGLK COMB White Leghorns exclusive ly. Writ A. H. Byarlay, Clay Center, Kan. (U-M307 17s HOME of prise winners, Barred and White Rock chickens, hens, pullets, white guineas, Pekln ducks. Eggs In season. Duroc-Jersey boars. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Van Antwerp, Lohrvllle, la. (11 M834 Us CHOICE Rhode Island Red cockerels; beauties; either comb, also S. C. B. Leg horns; to clofce out, $1.00 each. E. Brark, Havensvllle, Kan. (11) M192 14s each; white Coachln bantam cockerels, $1. White Plymouth Rock hens $1 or 10 doz. Mrs. J. 11. Clieneweth, Gove City. Kan. (1D-M224 llx BUFF Wyandotte cockerels, also Imperial Pekln ducks. Mrs. R. E. Thompson. Alli son, la. , (ID M233 15x Barred Plymouth Rocks exclusively; 50 cockerels for sale, 6 for to. J. A. Huney. Elkhorn. Neb. (1D-M2&4 16s CHOICE breeders for Bala; Toulouse scese. Mammoth Pekln ducks and White Wyan dot tes. Model Poultry Farm, R. R. 6, Beatrice, Neb., C. M. 8toll. (11) M250 !6s Cowa, Birds, Dogs aad Pots. RFD POLLED cattle for sale. C. M. Chambers, Bartlctt, la. (lll-My.7 Dec21s FOR SALE Pedigreed Scotch collie pup pip s ar.d brood bitches; would make ele gant Christmas presents; closing out at i price. Address Atlantic Collke Ken nels, & Oak St., Atlantic, la. GD-M330 lTx FOR 8ALR My entire herd of relstired Angus cattle. W. K. Harpln. Creston, la.. (1D-M857 13x FOR 8 ALE Fox. wolf and rabbit hounds; for particulars address Turner & Riffe, Orrlck, Mo.. K. F. D. No. 4 1!)-M9I0 22 x LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold Masonic watch chain, compass of blue enamel; letter and set with diamond. Reward if returned to R. C. Piielpa, 114 N; Uith St. (Ui-riti 10 LOST In iayden's or on liith between Dodge alld Harney, gun metal fur clasp at with brilliants. Reward. Call Har ney 12J9. (13) M333 11 IW?T A nur rior klln' rewsril fttiirn I tix 4001 N. 25th Ave. Phone Web. 33 0. J A (12)-M3a) 12s ONE pearl brooch, diamond center; reward j ottered. 1112 Howard fct. (12 M310 13 ' FOUND J. Hansen, upholstering and fur niture repalruig. 1512 N. 24th. Tel W. $?.6 (12 J6 WHEN writing to advertisers, remember It take but an extra stroke or two of the I a to mention, the fact that you aaw the ad In 1 He be. H J MEDICAL BEST nerv bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a bos, postpaid. Sherman as MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13 eu RUPTURE CURED No knlfo. no reten tion from business. Quick Cure Rupture Co.. over S. W. cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (10) 834 FREE .medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bts.; special attention paid to can flnetnent cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (1S)-1 ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or writ to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at $8?4 N. I4th St., Omaha. Neb. (12)-M106 1 , MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL Money for Christmas Are you ready for the holiday seasont Count the daya from now until Christmas and ee If you'll not be wise to prepare now. Early buying means best selection and choicest things. Come to the Old Re liable "OMAHA MORTGAGE." W" will not ask you to begin paying u Hack until February. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade, 16th St, Entrance. (14)-M713 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal oltles. Tol nian, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (141-938 MONF1V loan. Low rate. In sum to 2904. Union Loan Co. (14) MD.fi FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PROENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 833 Taxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (l4)-939 FURNITURE. live stook, salary -loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room I, Barker Blk. (14)-W3 Bowen, 703 N. Y, Life Bid. advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to gst; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small' cost. Open evening till 6:30. (14) 937 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. l.Wi Douglas. O4)-40 NEBRASKA Credit Co.. Sit Roard of Trade, (14)-M434 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. , ; . 04)-f 13 OFFERED POR RENT Boardlag aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; oaf o. (15) 944 DEWEY European. Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (lfi-45 FURNISHED room and board at 51$ South 26th Bt. (15) V VERY desirable room, fine loqatlon, walk ing distance, first class board. 218 8. 25th St.. . (16) M283 16S BOARD and room, $5.00 per week; gentle men preferred. 2318 Douglas St. Tel. Red 4t9. (16)-M314 14s TWO newly furnished front rooms and bORrd; all modern conyenlences; ham cooking. 1031 So. SOth Ave. (18)-M30 17 BOARD and room close in; one large room, suitable for two; also single room; ref erences required. 114 So. 19th St. (16)-M128 17s ROOM and board In private family; $ gentlemen. Tel. Red 171. (18) M175 14 LIGHT housekeeping rooms; also room and board. 808 8. 21st St. (16) 281 13 Faraiahed Room. ' WE DO expert piano moving at lowest price, lei. Douglas 1626. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16-44 FOR RENT. Two or three pleasant front room at 810 Worthlngton street, oppoalte Brownell hall. Prices $10.00 for one person an $12JK for two persons. Splendid neighbor hood. Elegant rooms. Inquire on premises or at 440 Board of Trade building or tele phone Douglas 1510. (16) M318 13 OMAHA VAN.ft Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. 1C09 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (16)-947 GET YOUR tOOM NOW. . 8ave Tim and Money. , See Us. , OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug. Stai. 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-MiUi Lx HOUSEHOLD good packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas 34. (15) W. FURNISHED room, very desirable, 540 8. 34th SL (16) M142 D16 CENTRAL, steam beat, awell furnished, large (runt room; hard to tiea.. 2.0 N. 23d. (151-466 WARM furnished rooms; new, modern house; near boarding house; $8 and $10. 911 So. 26th St. (15) 446 24 VERY desirable south front room, nicely furnished; two- large windows. In new, modern flat; electrlu lights, etc,; private family. 2616 Dodge St. (15) MJ66 14 LARQE south room with slcove aaltable fur two or three gentlemen preferred. 2702 Farnam St. (15) 921 17s FURNISHED, steam heated rooms. 2231 Farnam, 3d floor. 'Phone Douglas 4414. KM 226 10 FURNISHED room, ateam heated, prlvat family. i10 So. 17th Ave. Oi) M507 14s FOR LENT To two young gentlemen with reference, a suite of two very desirable rooms In private home In Kountse Place; $.0 per month. Addrees D 411, Bee. (16) 5SS FUP.NIFHED front room to gentleman who U fond cf plsylnif billiards. 1S21 Wirt St. Tel. Webster 4140. '15) M131 TO gentleman, well furnished southeast front room with alcove; modern; pri vate family. Tel. Harney 22. 7tiJ 8. fcnh St. (16)-X67 12 COMFORTABLE1 room In modern house; glenty of heat; ligiil and hot water. 1.8 . 25th St. 15)-ei6 12 I 2118 DOUGLAS St.; good table board. I . ;ioi MKt I2x NEWLY furnished room, fine location, walking distance. 218 S. 25th 81. (15I-M772 16x CLEAN room, $3 to $3 per week. IA H. lth St. (151-Mltf 14s THREE furnished room; steam heat. 216 N. 22d Bt. (15i-M248 11s ONE large steam-heated room, always warm, close In, $12. 218 N. 23d St. (15)-287 16 Uafaralshed Roosaa. FOUR rooms for houaekeepmg; all modern. 2115 Lmmet St. (15) M1H8 14s ROOMS 1120 N. 17th St. (15) 241 Moaeekeeplugr Roosaa. THREE large housekeeping rooms; not modern, at 3721 Ohio St., IS per month. WAIT INVESTMENT CO.. 401 Bm Bldg. Tel. Douglas U93. P-M27 U OFFERED FOR RENT M sokoeplasi Uoatlaaesu Hoai 8TEAM-1TRATED furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; 8 8. lh St. (15M00 11 HOUSEKRETTNO room furnished, also mall sleeping rooms. 1712 Jackson. (16I-MS36 1$S FOR RENT Two excellent modern fur nished rooms for housekeeping; "phone tn house. 2574 Harney BU 116) 77 LIGHT housekeeping front room, alcove, furnished. 113. 623 8. 34th Ave. (16)-18 lis THREE rooms to rent for light house keeping; reasonable terms. 2f72 Ppauld Ing 8t. (15) tK 14X FOUR or five unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; furnace; walking distance. 2223 Burt Bt. (15)-M171 14 Hoaae aad Cottages. FOUR rooms. 915 N. 24th 8t." Msrtln A Harris. to 8. Mth 8t. (15)-M1M 1910 Webster. 8-room brick flat, close In, roomers, newly deoorated, large yard In rear, $46. 703 N. 4th, 9 rooms, all modem, on car line, 340. 603 8. 3lst, 7 rooms, new, all modem, near Famtun, $40. Z2ol Locust, 7 rooms, modern except heat, ts. 2717 8. 9th, city wsler. gas one block east of south end of Farnam line. 4728 N. $pSth, 6 rooms, barn, $15. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. 1153. (151-M329 8-HOOM house, all mod" riecstur, $30. C. P. Traver. Tol. Red 4721. 1824 Far nam Bt. wo, M327 14 9-ROOM house, modern, large yard, $25. Tel. Douglaa 86, (15) M321 12s FOR RENT Bight-room modern house, 414 North 81st St.. $35. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Building. U&-93J 1841 N. ?4th. 6 rooms; $14. TURRELL A CO., Rm. 17, Patterson Bldg. (16) M331 8-room house modern throughout, location the best In town. 216 8. 85lh Ave. Tele- Shone Douglaa 18f6 for particular. Wm. . Bodemauu. (15) M393 CHEAP RENT-WARM HOUSES. 7-r. house, 3239 Evan $12.69 f-r. house, 4713 Davenport 15.09 10-r. house, mod., 2913 Hickory 30.00 J. H. PARROTTE, 325 BOARD TRADE! (16) 189 FOR RENT 9-room modern brick resi dence. 1126 8. 31st St; $35.00. Thome Brennan, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. (15) M146 4-ROOM house and barn. 409 William St., tn rear. $13. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cum ing. (16) 926 LARGE 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace.. 1534 8. 28th St. Inquire M. J. Greevey. 'Phone Harney 2330. (15) 155 FOR RENT 4803 North 34th St., six room, modern except furnace. $22. (16) 957 iXWUOXLiO CreIgn eons Co- gee Bldg. (15)--965 riUUOiO Trust Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) 966 Maggard Van A Storage Co., 171$ Webster. (15)-i 6-ROOM house for rent; modern except heat. 71$ Hickory St. Inquire 307 8o. 17th. - (15) 87$ FOR RENT 8-room modern flat, opposite Hanscom Park; $34. 'Phone South 7. (16)-9S4 HOUSES. Insurance, Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. (15) 960 8IX-ROOM house. 1717 Webster. (15) MS40 12 A FEW new cottage of 8 or 4 room for light housekeeping; furnished or unfur nished. 'Phone II. 8041. 8U9Vi California. (16) 245 15 108-110 a 25TH AVE. 4 rooms, modern arrangement and location, suitable for roomers; rent ot eacn u taaen at once, $35. Tel. Douglas 1064. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 farnara Bt. (15) 287 11 FOR ' RENT (Vrooro cottage: good cellar: east front; south part of city. $16 per montn. u. i. iiaonmann. vjb-yi Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 2639. (15) 84 Office. FOR RENT. Two fine, large office suite in the Con tlnental block, choice location for physl clan or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. (16) 783 FOR RENT Two large offices In tho First X. tlnn a 1 n.nlr VtlfW h,vln niir.u- I! Anr.ts on rnirieeum Bt. (U) M928 16 FOR RENT Office room No. T, Crounse block (opposite postofflce) $8 per month. Apply to Conrad Young, 1618 Dodsre Bt (16)-M876 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office. City i i.u .'in., Bk., I'uuiii 'mana. Apply to manager. (15) 134 GROUND floor office In Be building for renu very cneap. reiers irusi company, (16)-218 tares. SECOND floor 39x100; steam heat. Palace Clothing tjo., i4in ana Douglas Bt. - (isj-ea ONE store room in new Scargo Bldg. In South Omaha, near postofflce, with lighted basement, modern show windows and awnings; best possible Iocs t Ion. Hall Dis tributer Co.. 317 First National Bsnk Bldg. 'Phono Red 7408. v (16) 962 FOR RENT Large store room snd base ment at 1548 North loth 8t.: $12.00 per month. Apply to Conrad Young. 151$ Dodge 8t. (15)7-M170 OFFERED FOR SALE Feaelag. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing a8-963 Typewriter aasl leetig Macalae. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at 940. Call room 603. Bee Bldg. (16)-671 Typewriter aad tewlsg Machines. TYPEWRITER for sale; Oliver make; al most new, with stand ; price 360; on easy term, or will discount for cash. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., . 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas tfft (16) 5LT71 11 NKW Home sewing machine an all at tachments, $$. 416 N. 23d. (15) MTJ 17x $100 OLIVFR Typewriter, $36; nearlynew! 308 N. 16th St. Ob) 111 llx PlaaMM, Orgaas, Mas leal laatraaseat. EXTRAORDINARY PIANO BARGAINS. A great holiday sale Is now on at th warerooma of Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co. You will do yourself an Injustice If you fail to examine tills wonderful stock before closing a. deal. New Hlelnway, Btegrr, Emerson, Hardman, A. B. Chase, McPhall and 13 other makes are of fered at prices that lose sight ot cost. Notice our bargains In used instruments. $ "M Wagner upright, only $ 85.00 $-"p6 J. P. Hale uprlnht, only 95.00 $J0 Kimball upright, ebony case, only 115.00 $460 Kns.be upright, only... laa,.' Handsome new uprights in mshogany, burl walnut and golden oak rases, 1148. $1p8, 31 bo and up. $100 Vose A Bona, square, t'Ji. Emerson, good tone, 146.00. Bteinway. Chtclvring, Knabe and Kranlch A Bach, square pianos, .'. $, $71 and up. Terms. $3 to 110 cash and tec to $1 per week. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. We rent, tune, move, repair and reflnlah J ilanoa at lowest prices. Instruments se- cted new will be held for Christmas de livery, if desired. Si'HMOLLfciK A MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-1313 Fsrnam St. Telephone Doulas.-H26. (Id) M10 PIANO Practically new. For sale, cheat for rash, bv young man leaving etiy. Address H wit. pare of Bee. (16) 93 30 FINE upright piano, nearly new, very heap; leaving city. 416 N. 23d St. - 0-U4 lTx OFFERED FOR SALE (CoallnuodA M tooollaaoaaa. V.i FOR CHRISTMAS. Gas and Electric Table Lamp Largest assortment in the city Always acceptable never too many Buy now Deliver when ready. "After-Holiday Prices.' First Come First Choice. BURQESS-QRANDEN CO., 313 So. 15th. ' (16) 449 WORTH1NGTON DUPLEX PUMP 600-gallon Worthlngton dupleg pump, sli 12x10x10, for sale. This pump hss seen about six month' actual service and I In good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. h. Bridge, engineer Bee Bldg. ' (l)-6;0 ONYX BODA FOUNTAIN. One 12-syrup liquid; one 34-syrup liquid) one 16-syrup Amerlcsn; on 18-syrup Lip plncott. All refinlshed and silver plated. Every one a bargain. Monthly payment. Derlght. 1818 Farnam Bt. (16) Ml0 Dcl6 WANTED You to know that bansn coffee and banana flour are the most wholesome and nourishing food product. Send 26c In stamp for trial package. Texas Food Product Co., Texas city, Texa. (16) MR28 llx ' SCIIULZE & BLATTERT Newsdealers and Stationer. Subscription received for any periodical published. A -large variety of Chrlatma and new year cards, 111 Bo. 15th St. Tel. Red 2842. (16) M900 J6 FOR SALE Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tank and store fixtures tu numerous to mention. Glob Land snd Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 965 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. loth St. 16) 966 DRUQS at cut price; freight paid on all 319 order; catalogue free. Sherman 4k Ho. Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (IS) 971 FOR BALE Law library of the lute Geo. W. Pain. H. C. Steven. CarrolL la, (16) U864 12x BEND U8 your mall or dura for drugs; freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-Dlilon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 469 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best , mixed paint Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. 16)-87 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, ro. tall. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., 16tb and Dodge St., Omaha Neb.(lt 968 SECOND-HAND overcoat and firearm. Singer, 416 N. 16th. (16) 973 IRON SAFE, nice size, suitable for store or Office. $50. 308 North 16th. (18) M782 J3 HALL'S safe, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Faroatn, (16) 777 HAT $7.60 per ton. - Wagner, 801 N. Mth, 08) 776 XMAS POST CARDS 33 richly colored, heavily embossed designs decorated tn f old: 10 assorted card and wholesale list Dc. Gallatin Bona, York, Pa. (16)-iM137 ICz HIGH-CLASS X-m gift. Our combination ice and roller skate for boy or girl. Practical, durable and neat. Bent by ex press on receipt of price, $1.60. Extra plat $2. A Men Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo., box 725. (16)M110 14x XMAS present, Redpatb's History .Ency. clopedla Brlttanlca, Webster's Diet., monthly payments. Megeath's Btet. Co. (14) M218 J8 - PATENTS " V. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma china designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17)-975 LARSON ft CO.-Book free. Bee Bldg. U7)-976 PATENTS THAT PROTECT 3 books for Inventor mailed on receipt of 6c postage. R. 8. A A. B. Lacey, room 29-39 Paclflo Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1M9. ' (17)-977 PERSONAL YOUNG man wants plac In private family to work roomings and evenings for board and room. L 702. care Bee. (18) 224 12x PLEAT1NQ HrbvSH' Dying and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 6c per yard. Send for prices and samples. - GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglas Block. , Tel. Doug. 1?: (18) 978 Lleben, costumer, 1410 Howard, open eva (18)-426 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramg . Building. 06) 982 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers ar invited to visit the Young Women' Christian Association rooms. 1616 Farnam Bt.. where they will be dlrectej to suitable boarding place or otherwls assisted. (18)-915 f A n'MTT'TTP treatment and bath. Mm. JVlAliiNrjllBinlln. al N. 16lh, d nr. (18) 860 IF John Fenton wishes to hear from 8. R. D. of Keensburg, 111., he can do o by writing to Crystal, N.D., R F. D , csr Mr. Herman. (18)-MS9 llx A GENTLEMAN who wants to go Into business wants to correspond with a lady, with some capital between 26 to 40 yart old. Please send photograph, which praa be returied. Martlnlus Lareon. H"x 21. Pierce. Nel (18)-M300 Ux MME. NORDICA'8 school of tialmltry; parlor course a sneclaltv. lis N. 181b, opposite Trinity cathedral. f ARQAlTR nd baths. Room i, 1204 MAbSAUD Farnam St., 2d floor. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repiilr and sell at 131 N. 11th St, for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. OKI 7S6 SYRINGES, rubber gooda, by mall; cut riCVS. PrilU llll . J . . n - lllon Di-ug Co., Omaha. (18)-7 WE RENT, repair. Bell needle for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 16th and Harney, (18) 9t0 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOM E Mr. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24lh. Tel. Web. 8Ci9. (1U)-1 IDEAL hair parlor, 204 Neville Blk., ltlh and Harney, jei. uougias sins. (18-M2ts$ DecH TOUR mirror will tell you Batin fikln Worn aare-lfs Vvaksl iitifwlnai UCI w V sa Bssa.M-.i k"m UIIUCI HJ. Cl- REAL ESTATE REAL E.9TATM DBALBRI, PAYNE INV. Ca. 1st door N. T. Llfa "uul ip. (LI) VU GEOrinic A rv-iMciMv 1601 Fsrnam, Tel. Dourlas 7T41 )t)-9M PETERS TRU8T CO., N. Y. Llf Bldg (1 CITY PROPKRTY YIt liLK FOR BALE A well built 10-room frame house, beautifully finished in hardwood, hardwood floors, mantels, modern bath room and convenleully arranged. v 1. 1 jell at a very low prlco, to b removed from present premise by purchaser. Ad dres C. C. Rosewater. Be Bldg . Cm!.. (J)-lUiI "R ALF-Lot 17. liWk 8?. Albright v i e-juuicpi io aouta ttnans; i!15 i. I Cae T. It Cp.. Rac'- Ws