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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1907)
0 Tin: OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECFiBER 30, IPO. Want - ads Adrertlseaneata for tha ad laaaaa will he tskea 111 IS aa. far tha ! editlew aael 111 0 p. " tr the MornlBS Ka'if dltlas- Cash aaast aceoaapaay all erars fas. waats ads aaa? aAvertlseoae.t will he a.4e for less thaa lO ! for Ik a ret laser! lea. nates apply cither Tka Daily err aaday Baa. Always ra( sts wards ta a llaa. ( Comhlaatloa at ialtlala ar aaraher roant aa ward, I'AKK RATE) fOH WANT ADS. KKUIUR CLASSIFICATION Oaa 'mrrtlon, ptr llaa, lO rears. Twa or roaaecatlvw lsertlos, per Uif, i rata. Back Insert loa made ca add laya, 10 eeata per llaa. fl.BO per llae per month. ' SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION II roar advertisement ia laaerted aader air one at tka elaaalfleatloaa lrea below. It will ke charged at tke fol lonlac rates Oaa laaertloa, 4 eeata per line i three ta six eoaaecatlva In wrt.oD, 8 eeata per llaa each laser tloa trrta ar nor ooasecatl-ve laaer tlaaa, SI eeata per llaa each laaertloa BO eeata per llaa par month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. Bl'SIMCHS CHANCES. HELP WASTED FEMALE. y JIKLP WANTED MALE. Kxcept A(l, Sollcrters aad Sales tea. OFFERED FOR SALE. Cowa, Birds, Dogsand Pets. Ileraea aad Veklclea. v Poaltry aad Faraltare. Typewriters aad Mewla Machines. Pianos, Oraraas aad Maaical laatra meats. ,. OFFERED FOR RENT, i' Faralahed Koaoaa. v Hafaralahed Hooma. - lloaselceeplaa; Raoana. Board I a a; aad Rooms. WANTED TO BUY. Waat ada far Tka Be mar ha left nt anr of tha fallowing draa- stores is "rear career dragglst" they It I braachomcea of Tha Bea aad u. ad wll he laaerted Jaat as promptly aad oa tha same rates aa at the "mala office la Tha Bea Balldlag, Seveuteeath aad Paraaoa Streets. Albacn, V. C, 40th ana Farnam. ' , BeraneK, a. A., 14o2 B. 16th St. Becht pharn acy, 720 8. lGth SU . Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. v, Berala Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 216 Sherman Ave. . V Caughlin, C. H., 6th and Tierce. Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. , Conte, J. B., 81st Ave., and farnam. Crlseey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake tits. Cermak, Emll. 1204-6 8. 13th St. ... Kastman Pharmacy, 404ti Hamilton. A Ehler. F. 11., 202 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!, 213 N. Ii5th St. : Freytag.ohn J., 1914 N. 2h. , Florence Drug Co., FloYence, Neb. , Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. ' Green e Pharmacy, cornor Park Ave., and Pad do. Oreenoush. O. A., 1026 8. 10th St. Oreenough, a. A., 1K24 8. loth St. . ""Hoyden. Wm. C, 'sa) Farnam St. -.Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, Jchn, 624 N. 16th SU , Huff, A. L., 2H2i Leavenworth SU Km, H.6., 2238 Farham St. rKountxa Place Pharmacy. JtK)4 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1624 N. 24th St. fLathrop, Chas. XZ., 1324 N. i4th St. I Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. ' Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug; Co., 16th and Chtcago , SchaefA August. 2081 N. Kth 8U Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th an Martha Sts. . Walnut Hill Pharmacy-Wth and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. ' Worth. O. II.. 4(th and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. KESSBBasaaaa BT50THERTON Mrs. Mary R., mother of Mrs. William' K. Clarke, Mra. Bwlng , Brown and J. H. Brotherton. V' Interment at Waterford, Pa. Bervlcos private. LODGE NOTICES. .' Maaoalo Faaeral Notice. Members of St. John's lodara No, 26, 'Anc ient Free and Accepted Masons, are re quaated to assemble at Maaoalc hall Tnp- day at 1 p. m. for the purpose of attending me runerm or our deceased brother, Adulph B. Huberman. Members of sister lodKes and sojourning Master Masons are afao Invited to loin with ua on this occasion. By order of tha master. v ' C. E. HKRRINQ, Secretary. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following births and ' deaths have .been reported: Births Jne Ifttv 9iC Blnn.. ...... Jflrl; A. C. Nelson, 1932 South Twenty-ninth ur.j. n. n. y intersieen , uzi Plorth sireei, gin; ti. r. Anthony, ' 1 A Kewiarrl .traAt til rianl, ur t.i r.T V,orl" .inieentn streat, girl; Joseph Wachtler. tttta Hurt t.i tv. t,..Ci JH South Fortleth atreet, boy. I ' - Deaths Catherine Sevclk. county hospi tal, aged 67 years; Baby Nelaon, General liospltal: Annua Leebrlch, 1564, North Twentieth street, aged 11 months; Dr. Freed a M. Lankton. 117 Dodge street, aged 66 years; William D. Whelan, 1802 Sherman hvanue, aged 6 yeara. MARRtAGB LICENSES. Tha following marriage license have Name and Reaidence. ' Blwood T. Ballev, St. Joseph. Mo...... jwtu rhiuippi. Omaha.....:."!:::;:; Hoy Bamett, Omaha..... Mlna Wliaon. . Omaha William L. Davis, Falrbury, Neb... , Jessie H. Stratton, Council Bluffs, Ia. Thomas Cosselln. Council Bluffs. Ia... Clare B. Walling, Silver -City, Ia...,,!, Justin Omhn, Omaha . . yrr Anderson. Omaha.... f. Age. .... 24 .... 24 .... 24 .... 26 .. 24 .. 24 .. 22 .. 22 .. SI .. S3 ANNOUNCEMENTS v We Guarantee TOU A TELEGRAPH T JOB. Union Pa clflo dispatchers' wire and oomplets equipment of station blanka for practice Installed In our telegraphy department. .iujit-3 jDuemesa college Students adinlttsd any day. eatalogua. Oet tha BION PAINTINO-S. H. COLK. 1S01 Doug ' 0)-Wl THB CITT OAR8AGB CO.. "office 4th And Leavenworth Bis. Tel. Douglaa 1M7. Douglas 137. (D 0 AUTOMOBILES FND for our Hat of second-hand automo. yc. num i, a rnim, (I o8 BARTER AND EXCHANGE su. u. unutaiu ran neip you gat In or bui ui Business. nooin M Bea BMa Omaha. ()-o . A LIVES ONtt. Have a good mining stock to trade. o nave your 1. care Bee. U)-U127 FOR BALK OR irCHANGE-Blackamlth eltop, tools, lot and residence; good kmat beas: want part caeh; make offer. Bog 4s, mouoenjio. is. (j ALsso nx WllX. THADB Oregon timber land for aioi'kxor. hardware, hwennlng, Pananu I- ( MJiwl lix WILL exchange railway, mining. Induatrlal stocks and bonds for vacant or Improved troporty, farm, timber or mineral l.n.i. What have you T Mend for list. Brokers af, iiuifvuia, ivy. (3J MJuJ lux la ACHKa good valley land for sale or wuuiu ajri.ariKe iur good bualneas. Ad . riMiuaa, tl. rjiii, iseb. V Mjl-o lax BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) TO TRAKR Well-located and Improved farm In the Jicurt or Minnesota; want good bualneas; write amount stock. Sam Wllmers, Benson, Minn. 'll-M2CJ log BUSINESS CHANCES- DRUG STORES for. sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. T. Life. Omaha, (40 906 ARB TOU Interested In good dividend- paying copper stocks; now Is tne golden opportunity for Investment In flrst-clsss securities; we buy and sell reputable copper stocks and securities of every class. M. W. LEK A C. Banker and Brokers, Duluth, Minn. (4) M195 D. 12X ONE of the best fruit and confectionery stores In city; small grocery and luncn bualneas In connection doing business of $1,(i0 a month. Owner has other business, reason for selling. 318 N. lth. t) 866 12x FOR RENT Blacksmith simp with' some tools In Benson. Inquire lVi B. isiat bt. (4 Maei 10X WANTED A party with $700 to Invest In a Business mac win net you i,ww Ma nually. Address N 669, Bee. ' (41-MOT0 10X MONET MAKING BECRF.TS-100 of them. every one a winner; 4 pajces. lu Cfn'a. Standard Supply Co., Independence, Mj. (4I-M9(l; 14x ROOMING HOUSE, 11 lnrge rooms, nenr poHtorrice; nei montniy income -w i j, great bargain for J47o. See J. K. Keyes, H7 S. lTth (4)-M170 IPX THIRTY steam-hented rooms nenr . post- office; net monthly income f-, bargain. Apply 107 S. 17th. (4) Mlffl 10 ROOMING houiios for nsle, from smallest to lereest; can loan part purchase money. Osborne-IIanBen Co., ' PBTton block. (1) M1S5 J7 FINE RESTAURANT and -furniture. In southern Nebraska, Tor sale cneap, on account of sickneaa. or would trnle for farm stock with lease on good SO ncres In southeast Nebrawka. Artdaess Y 65, care Bee. 4)-M193lSx FOR SALE General store on Gulf coast line. Finest climate in tnitea Hiaiea; best bargain In southwest. Box 14. Barlta, Tex. v . (4)-MS33 12x WOnLD S GREATEST INVFZNTION Epg sterilizing machine; demonatralel at pure fond show Omaha. Manager with $6,000 secures 4 Interest. No humbug. fimHh Tama, Ia. ' (4I-M857 12x i FOR RENT To responsible parties, best M Jl.l nl.. Im e4fAiippCU UI11111K ilM.MIl Bl'U imhii-.. ...t, cltv, having 115 stead v hoarders and get IIS per month for table board. Address, Box 678, La Junta. Colo. (4)-MS35 12x Would Ton Like to Buy A GOOD THING In a Rootling House? Address A 775, care Bee. " (4) M261 lOx ALASKA "The Last w--t; the Land of Opportunities." I wri-xeii yo me waxes paid " " "nd 'vomer-. "i'(?i,-r',"'M with small means, chances to p ospe t for goiu. cost of llvlnt. . when. v..ere and coat to ko. climatic conditions and other vital Information for Address. 11 F. Plt-tnan, Sevard, Alaska. . (4) M261 lSx FOR SALE Good drug stock In a pros- location; cm.'se of selling, poor "health. For full particulars call or writer to O. S. Wood, M. D., 521 N. Y. L. BldK., Omaha, Neb. a (4) 872 12x FOR SALE OR TRADE Part furnishings S."-room hotel for m0 lot, small Tiouse, cigars or small grocery considered; mod ern house, good commercial trade, good town: rent JM per month. Address Y 82, cure Bee. (4) M133 lOx NEWSPAPER FOR SALE For 27 years I have published the Hardy Heaio l want to quit about, the flist of the year. Good line of band-power material and a clean, cash business, population of town 600. Ralph K. Hill. Hardy, Neb. Would sell oh monthly payments to reliable party. (4) M120 16x THE new Palmer hotel and furniture for sale, or furniture without building.' This Is without exception the best hotol and hotel city between Denver and Lincoln; 80 rooms, 3-story, steam-heated brick building; an elegant billiard hall In build ing; everything new and In good condi tion; doing all the business house can do; hotel snd billiard hall, cleaning over $5,000 a year: on account of health, must re tire; will sell for one-half rjhe value, but strictly cash. Address James Rooney, McCook, Neb. (4) M118 17x A SNAP A No. 1 gas" works In an Iowa city for sale; a money maker for the right party. Can be bought at a low price and good terma. Owner Is moving away. Would take some good Income Property in exchange. Address E. B. lowe, room 200, U. B. B., Sioux City. Ia. V (4)-M117 16x FOR, SALE Best paying and located drug , store In Missouri; must sell; easy terms. Address lock box t, Alaltland, Mo. (4)-MUl 16X FOR SALE or exchange; a nrst-class tail oring and cleaning establishment, lo cated In Council Bluffs; a good proposi tion. Address A. Vernon, Redlck block, 'Omaha, Neb. 4 Mlt53 10 I WANT to meet a capable man who will put some money with me in a deal which will give us an Independent business. Rigid Investigation Invited and references exchanged. Address O 670, care Bee. (4) M140 M BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, or will trade Tor good Improved farm, a harness shop, Including buildings and lot, located In good live town in South Dakota; good territory from which to draw trade, and good class of thrifty farmers; only ahop In town. Write care of postoffloe. Box 62. Fulton, B. D. (41-M793 llx MILLINERY STORE. For sale or exchange; what have you for an up-to-date Millinery store doing good business In best location. Reasonable rent; will sell cheap If taken at once; must ! give up on account of sickness. Address Y 75, Bee. (4) M782 llx ROOMING HOUSES FROM 7 TO 40 ROOMS; LARGE LIST ALWAYS; BAR GAIN'S. KBVSTONK, 404 BKffi BLDG., PHONE D. &67. OMAHA, NEB. (4)-M829 D2J TO OET IN OR OUT , OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAM. 411 M'CAGI 'B BUILDING, 16TH AND DODGB STS. (4)-01 WANTED Printer with $100; rare oppor tunity. Printer B., Fremont, Neb. 14) M733 lOx THIS 18 A SNAP. Eighty acres In Missouri; will sell for cash or will trade; title good and no en cumbrance, ht (36, car Bee. Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property trial you wish to scH or ex change, write ua. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA, NEB. U3 MS60 D FOR SALE) Only steam laundry, town 16.HI0; doing tJfcO weekly, easily doubled; Frtce. $4,700. Hayward,' Chicago Hnlghta, U. (4J M267 l6x STOCK general mdae. for aale or ex change for good farm. Lock box 257, St. Paul, Neb. (4) M2U5 l6x BARBER SHOP Good stand; rooms pay rem. luce o. jiin. umana. i) lux. LIVE young man aa partner In good, lerl tlmate business; snrp for the right jisrty. AO'irtss, a Via, car Bee. (4) M.T7 10x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cantaaeretal Artists. H. O. BUNNELL at CO.. S3 N. Y. Ltfa, Douglas 614s. . (S evj Carpet Cleaatajr. SANITARY Cleaning CJ. 191 Farnam. (6-0 - 1'hlmaef Sweep. CITY chimney sweep. Chimneys furoacea ana aioves cieenea ana repaired. Tel. AJOUg. Mi. (B M7 11 Creaaterlea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor 10 uaaince creauisry Co.. OuaJta. U-H The man wanting Itelp and Hie man wanting work meet on common ground on The BEE want ad page 73 S3jjii BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Chattel Lsasi. D. Btanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bid. (6)-Uo9 Chi Chtrapadtaf. DR. ROY, R. t, 160 Farnam St. Doug. 4J7. .-. an. Vi 91V Deatlata. i a, BAILEY 4 MACH, Cd fir. Pnxton. D. 10 (5 lis Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, jewelry repairing. 2-3 paxton Bllt. Tel. 437. (5) 914 -Drewmaklsf, IN FAMILIES-MIss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. . tsi m. SHIRT WAISTS and party dresses. Mil N. mh. 16 MSoZ J 6 M' DOW ELL Drcsomaklng School, 16:3 Far- nam St. &) n MME. WOODRUFF. 223 Neville Pllt. Tel. Doug. ia7t). 16)-M86K Deo U Florists. HESS SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (5-M8 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 12:j. J. H. BATH, 623 Harney. Tel. Doug. JOO0. HoteU. - THE SCIILITZ. European, 16th and Harney Locksmiths. KEYS, etc., Heflln. 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. Bfi. vol ejJ Moale aad Languages. FIANO lessons In your home. Phon Webster zsri. t j Machine Vera, WE solicit your orders for all kinds of ma chine work and repairs. Accuracy aqa ' good workmanship .guaranteed. Auto matic work our aneclaltv. Get our prices. Tho Bearing Co. of 'America. 19th and iNicnoias am. to; iuio i Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. 1 Tal. D. lfiM. Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far'm. Tel. Doug. 6:170. TO Oi w or. tfW Office Sapplles. . FILING cabinets, flea and ledgers, loose lesf devices and omce fixtures ana sup plies of ell kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 S. 18th St. Tel. Douglas (&) M867 Decll Prlatlaar. BEFORE rlplng; your 1908 calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers 16th and Capitol Ave. . 5)-923 HIGH GRADE Imltattontypewrltten let ters and od printing; no joo too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 308 S. 18th St. Tel, Douglaa 562. (5)-M76J JS Photographers. C. - B. TRUSSELL, 115 South 18th St. t vzt Safea, Shutters, EtO. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. Fith St, (5)-922 Shoe Repalrlait. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.,' first-class woik. I6I8V1 Capitol Ave. 'Phone lied kh. , (S) 625 -f- SHOES repaired right, called for and da llvered free. Standard Shoe Kepair vo., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 7MTJ. t5) M92 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aad Trades. LADIES Our catulogue explains how we teacn nairaressing, manicuring, iaoiai massage, etc., In few weeks; mailed free. Moler CoUege. Chicago, III (7) MSS1 12x Heasekeepers aad Dontestlea. . WOMEN'fl DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam St. Cook, $7; housemaid, $6; no laundry. Housemaid, $6. Child's nurse, $5. , Cook and general housework, $5 to 17. 17J MU66 U WANTED Chambermaid and dining room girl, cook and wife to handle kitchen; big wagea for good, clean and willing work era. Markle Hotel, A. F. Swart. Prop., Beatrice, Neb. (7 M23S 11 WANTED Good girl for general house work; three In family. Mrs. A. H. Fet ters, 2711 Poppleton Ave. (7)-7M WANTED A girl for general housework. 3012 Mason St. 7)-6J 12 WANTED Capable girl for housework Mrs. R. 8. Mail, 3260 Farnam. (7 812 M WANTED A girl for general housework; two In family; good wagea. Apply Mra. Shean, No. 4 Fort Crook. (7) M171 lOx LADY cook for hotel, must be capable of doing pastry as well as meat cooking. Hotel Vera, Wagner, 8. D. (H 216 10 WANTED Good neat girl for aeneral housework, small family. Call Harney IlOw , , . (7) MZ21 14 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; In family. 1921 Cass Bt. T (7) M222 10 WANTED A good cook. 1120 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 966 (7) 242 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with all conveniences. 2670 Farnam St. (16) M246 16 GIRL for general housework; four In fam ily. 1026 B. 10th Bt. (7) M278 13 Mlaeellaaeeas. WANTED By wholesale millinery house: MAKERS. TRIMMKRH. SALESWOMEN. .Good positions for competent people. I Makers employed by the year. State ex perience In first letter. Address, Lederer, Stxauas 4k Co., Inc., Des IMolnes, Ia. (T)-MJM 10 LADIES AND GIRLS to stamp transfers at home; $1.60 to $2 dosen. 606 Paxton plk. (7) Ms.js 11 WANTED 1.000 girls to have their pic tures taken at the Koxy Studio, 611 N. 16th. 26 photos 26c (7 S3 12x WANTED Colored dusting girls. Apply Hartmaa Furniture and Carpet Co. (7-W f HELP WANTED MALE Aarcats, Solicitors aad Salesamea. WANTED Salesmen la every Nebraska city for specialty Una. Goods guaranteed; demand Increasing and permanent. High grade, ambitious men only. National balea Co., 427 Bamge Bldg., Omaha. (-M.i7 J4 MANAGERS or salesmen for a few trenches, to sell "IT" (Improved soaps). In different parts of the city and coun try. Rare opportunities offered. Our uninterrupted success In Chlcsgo since 1, and our recitation guarantee proper treatment. Address "IT tt ' makers, Geo. A. frctuiOdt Co., aa North Ave., Chicago. . t,7i I HELP WANTED MALE A greats aad SaleanaeoCoatlaaed. ' . CIGAR SALESMEN wanted In your local ity to represent us; mitriniiB unneces sary; $68 per month and expenses; write for particulars. Monroe Clgsr Co., To ledo, O. (9) M90 13x I WANT a few men In outside towns to aasial In special work; no canvassing. Address J 618, care Pee. t9 861 9x AGENTS wanted to sell patented system for.playlng mandolin and guitar; shortest and most perfect system; can learn as easy as A. B, C; big prollt. National School of Mualc, Sedalla, Mo. (9) Mi29x . j , , - WE SHOW you how to make $1000 every day. New Invention everybody wants. Just band them out and collect your money. A gold mine for agents. Write quick. 'Traegtr Mfg. Co., 668 Elllcott Squsre. Buffalo, N. Y. (9)-M261 lOx Boys. WANTED Errand boy for composing room. Apply Omaha Printing Co., 10th and Far nam Sts. (91-240 11 Clerical aad OlUce. Correspondent, mall order, $100. Several gen. mrise. elks, to accept good propositions In the state, $76 to $1W or better. Bkpr. and steno.. real estate exp., $85. If you need a position tell us what you want and we will get It for you. Call or write. -WESTERN REF & BOND ASRN, INC., 721-722 New York Life, Bldg. ()-M2710 A GOOD male stenographer In R. R. office. Address F 7, care Bea. (9) M178 lOx Factor aad Trades. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Lite, Omaha. ()$ WANTED Men to learn barber trade; the demand for barbera greater, than supply; graduates earn splendid pay; toola given; wages Saturdays; few weeks complete. Call or write for catalogue. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. - (9)-M892 12x WANTED All plasterers to stay away trom Seattle, Wash.; trade very dull; 160 men Idle; pay no attention to advertise ments for plasterers. K. E. CUMMING, Secretary O. P. I. A. No. 77. (9) 716 9x WANTED First-class compositors for non union shop; middle west territory. Ad dress H-614, care Bee. (9) 817 11 1 WANTETM-At once, 60 barber students to learn barber trade. Complete for only $15 to those who enter within the next few days. Can earn board from start. Write, phone or call. -American Barber College, 12th and Douglas Sts. (9) M212 10X WANTED A bookbinder. The Nonpareil, Council Bluffs. (9)-M2I4 12 BIIcelIaeons. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. Call 842 New York Life Bldg. (9)-M173 Deo. $7 U. 8. Navy wants young men between ages of 17 and 26; men with special trades accepted up to 86 years. Good opportunities for promotion for efficient men. Pay $14 to $70 per month, prac tically clear of living expenses. Free Illustrated booklet on application, "The Making of a Man-o'-Wai srnan." Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station, Omaha, Neb. ' (9) M686 J an 2x SPECIAL OFFER Owing to the large number of clerical, sales and technical positions which we pos itively must fill during December and Janu ary,' we will make a reduction of 20 per cent to all registering with us during the month of December. We have several positions as bookkeepers, clerks nnd salesmen at $66 to $126. These must be filled at once. GUARANTEE REF. AND SURETY CO., 632-4 Brandels Bldg. (9) M80 11 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, $25 to $30 made Weekly, distributing circulars, over seeing out-dcor advertising; new plan; no canvassing. Merchants Out-Door Adver tising Co., Chicago. (9 M884 13x WANTED For a ranch In central Ne braska, a single man, thoroughly ac quainted with the care of hogs on a large scale. Good wages. Address with references, Y-77; Omaha Neb. (9) 720 9 ' POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply At once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Aas'n, 620 Paxton Blk Omaha, Neb. (9) 244 Jan YOUNG man to learn drug business. W. A, Plel, 18th and Farnam. (9)-M247 18x HELP WANTED- MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Educated men and women ca pable of earning from $200 -to $400 per month, to sell the new. INTERNA TIONAL ENCLYCOPEDIA In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. In quire at 718 N. Y. Ufa Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (10) Milol 10 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hones aad Vehicle. ONE -seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired, hack harness, on double express harness; one or two horses. Come In. The Harney Bu Stables. y (1D-CT1 HORSES and cattle wintered. Address IL Hassel, Irvlngton, Neb. (11) M738 lOx Poaltry aad Eggs. GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (1D-M707 J2 HOME of prise winners. Barred and Whits Bock - chickens, helis, pullets, white guineas, Pekln ducks. Eggs In season. Duroc-Jersey boars. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Van Antwerp, Lohrvllle, la. . (U) M834 12x CHOICE Rhode Island Red cockerels; beauties; either eomb, also S. C. B. Leg horns; to close out, $1.00 each. E. Brack, Havensvllle, Kan. (11) M192 14x each; white Coachin bantam cockerels, $1. White Plymouth Rock hens $1 or $10 dos. Mrs. J. B. Chenoweth, Gove City, Kan. (1D-M228 llx BUIT Wyandotte cockerels, also Imperial Pekln ducka. Mrs. K. E. Thompson, .Alli son. I a. (11 ) M232 lSx Barred Plymouth Bocks exclusively; SO cockerels for sale, 6 for IS. J. A. Haney, Elkhorn, Neb. (11) M264 16x CHOICE breeders for aale; Toulouse geese. Mammoth Pekln ducka and White Wyan dottes. Model Poultry Farm, R. R. (, Beatrice, Neb., C. M. Stoll. (11 M266 16x Cews, Birds, Dsn aad Pots. RED POLLED ckttle for sale. C. M. Chambers. Bartlett, I a. (Il)-Mi67 DecZlz FOR SALE My entire herd of registered Angus cattle. W. K. Harpln, Creston, Ia. OX)-Mft7 13x FOR BALK Fox, wolf and rabbit hounds; for- particulars address Turner V Rifle. Orrlck, Mo., K. V. D. No. 4. (1D-M940 22x LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold Maaonla watch chain, compass of blue enamel; letter and. aet with diamond. Reward If returned to R. C. Pnelpa, 114 N. lain Bt- (12 tut 10 LOST On lth of July, between lth and Leavenworth streets and 27th and Cum lig. one diamond earring, screw style, rut setting, v lietura to restaurant, rJl Cuming bt., ami received reward Mrs. P. KwlsaJa, " U2J-AU73 lug aesieBBejOSsifjaT MWaaasMaWa' LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) FOUND J. Hansen, upholstering and fur niture repairing. 1512 N. 24th. Tel W. 2iaJ . (12H-COS J MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman eV McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. s 08) 938 . , ' , RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten tion from business. Quick Cure Rupture Co., over S. W. cor. 11th and Douglas, Omaha. Ul 934 FREE medical and surgical treatm-nt ht Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sta. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. ' (U)-ia ANY poor girl In need of friend call or write t the matron of the Salvation Army Homo for Women at 3824 N. 24ih St., Omaha, Neb. (12) MIO MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS Money for Christmas Are you ready for (he holiday season? Count the daya from now until Christmas and see If you'll not be wise to prepare now. Early buying means best selection and choicest things. Come to the Old Re liable "OMAHA MORTGAGE." We will not ask you to begin paying us back until February. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade, 16th St. Entrance. - (14) M713 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLES and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In C3 principal cities. Tol r.ian, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (141-933 MflNRV lo"n- l-"w " 1" ums to i A suit. 310 Bee-Bldg. Tel. Douglai 2904. Union Loan Co. (14) MVJ6 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PROENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. -Phone Douglas 745. (14) 93 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room (, Barker Blk. (14)-943 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money sarrte day asked for at small cost Open evenings till 6:30. (14) 937 XfONEY TO LOAN " In sums to suit. 810 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN CO. (14) M103 26 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14)-W NEBRASKA Credit Co., 214 Tjoard of Trade. (14I-M438 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam 8u i (14)-U OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; ' private dining rooms; cafe. . . (151-944 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. . (1 S4 VERY desirable room, fine location, walk ing distance, first class board. 218 B. 26th 8t- - (15) 724 9x STRICTLY modern furnished rooms, homo cooking. Phone Red 8668. 2217 Howard Bt- () 71 I FURNISHED rooms and board at 5U South 26th St. (15) T8 BOARD and room close In; one large room, suitable for two; alao single room; ref erences required. 114 So. 19th Bt. (16) MS28 17x MODERN furnished rooms, wlthor with out board. 2611 Chicago SU (16) M284) lOx ROOM and board In private family; t gentlemen. Tel. Red 6171. (16) M175 14 Faralahed Baasaa. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for S young men or 1 young ladlea, with or without board. In private family; modem, with every convenience; price reasonable to right parties; call today. U26 Dewey. U5 M818 WE DO expert, piano, moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller at lueller Piano Co.. 1301-1313 Farnam. U6)-46 OMAHA VAN A Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. gooda; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. U 947 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas $84. (16) i. FURNISHED room, very desirable. 640 8. 24th St, (L5) M142 D16 CENTRAL, steam heat, swell furnished, large front room; hard to beat. 220 N. 23d. (16) 466 WARM furnlahed rooms; new, modern house; near boarding house; $ and $10. til So. 26th St- . (16) 446 24 FURNISHED pleasant south room, for gentleman, In private family; walking distance. Address K 600, care Bee. (15)-M1S1 10x Let V Find You Rooma. Saves Your lime and Money, 1 DO IT NOW. . OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug. Stftl. 308 N. Y. Life Rldg. (15) M368 lux VERY desirable aouth front room, nicely furnished; two large windows. In new, modern fat; electric lights, etc.; private family. 2616 Dodge St. (16) M266 14 FOR RENT Two or three furnished rooms at 810 Worthlngton St., opposite Brownell Hall: reasonable prices for the winter. Inquire on premises or at 440 Board of Trade Bldg., or 'phone Douglas 1610. U5 MllS 10 ' LARGE south room with alcove suitable for two or threes gentlemen preferred. 7B Farnam St. (16)-921 17x TWO elegant modern furnished rooms, with hot water; board If desired. 17u3 Dodge St. (16) Mltst lOx A STRICTLY modern furnished room, brand new flat; gentlem-n preferred. 'Phone Douglas 2215. (16) M174 10 FURNISHED, steam heated rooms. 2234 Farnam, 3d floor. 'Phone Douglas 4914. (.iXtZM 10 FURNISHED1 room, steam heated, private family. 610 Bo. 17th Ave. (16) Mi07 14x FOR RENT To two young gentlemen with references, a suits of two very dealrable rooma In private home In Kountte Place; ji per month. Address D (11, Bee. (16) 686 FURNISHED front room to gentleman who U- fond of playing billiards. ,' 1621 Wirt Bf Tel. Webster 4140. '15 Mill TO gentleman, well furnished southeast front room with alcove; modem; pri vate family. Tel. Harney 1296. ll 8. 2Mb St. (16) 867 11 COMFORTABLE room In modern house; plenty of heat; light and hot water. 128 B 26th fit. (lo)-tli 12 NICilLY furnished rooms In new modern flat., 214 N. 2t(b St. Tel. Doug. Kftxt. " (16 sl4 11 1118 DOUGLAS 8ti good table board. (1) M2 12 X OFFERED FOR RENT Faralahed rtaasea Ca NTTWLY furnished room, fine location, walking distance. Ill 8. 15th St. (16)-M271 16X CI .KAN rooms. $2 to $3 per week. t N. 19th Bt. (16) M168 Ilk TWO nice well heated rooms, with or without board- gentlemen preferred: close down town. Tel. H. 24. (15) 238 9x THRER furnlahed rooms; steam beat. 216 N. 22d St. U61-M248 UX . . ITa faralahed Rooaas. THRF.E rooms for housekeeping. Enquire 161$ N. i;th St. (16) M7S4 10X FOUR rooms for housekeeping; all modern. 2115 Etnmet Bt. (16) M948 14 X ROOMS 1120 N. 17th Bt. (15) 211 Hoaaekeeplag Raosaa, STEAM-HEATED furnlahed or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; 809 8. 19th St. (16)-M00 11 HOUSEKEEPING Two handsomely fur nished, sunny rooms; first Moor; modern. No. 808 N. 22d 8t near Davenport. (16) M127 lOx HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished, also small sleeping rooms. 1712 Jackson. (15)-MS3J 16x FOR RENT Two excellent modem fnr rtlshed rooms foi" housekeeping; 'phone In house. 2574 Harney St. (16) 771 THREE beautifully furnished rooms, pri vate family, first floor, modern flat, steam heat (always warm), $32 or two rooms, $18. 218 N. 23d St. (15)-M LIGHT housekeeping front room, alcove, furnished, $13. 622 S. 14th Ave. (IS) 818 llx FRONT parlor for housekeeping. 2206 Far nam Bt. (15)-M94t 10 THREE rooms to rent for light house keeping; reasonable terms. 2172 Spauld lng Bt- (15) 214 14x FOUR or Tlve unfurnished rooms for light Housekeeping; lurnace; walking distance. 2223 Burt St. (15)-M171 14 THREE large housekeeping rooma; not modern, at 1771 Ohio St.. $6 per month. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4698. (16) M270 11 Faralahed nsasts, 6-ROOM furnished cottage; everything modern. Inquire' 1101 Ohio. Tel. Webster 2792. 06)-M964 lOx Haasea aad Cottages. FOR RENT Detached 8-room modern house, good neighborhood, two blocks from South 24th St. line. Phone Maple 6100. (16) M789 10 1108 MARCY St., new modern 8-room house. Inquire 708 8. 17th St, W V 1- 8-ROOM modern house, good location, 15th and Vinton Sts. Inquire 1411' Vinton St. (16) MLB lOx FOUR rooms. WS N. 24th Bt. Martin ft Harris, 1U9 8. 13th St- (15) M198 2212 CLARK ST., 6-room cottage, modern except furnace, $20. 2210 Clark St., 6-room eott i e, modern ex cept furnace, vacant De-. 10, $18, 1207 South 21st St., 6-re .a cottage, city water, $16. 717 South 31st St., 7 rooma all modem, 120. 8501 Seward St., l-room house, large yard, city water, $16. 802 South 2th St., 7 rooms first floor, mod ern except furnace, $20. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. (15)-911 t 6TH house N. of Ames Ave. on beautiful Florence bird.. 6 rooms, all modern ex cept furnace, $25. Owner pays water. HARRISON eV MORTON, 912-91$ N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 114. is)-eos I FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, 414 North list St.. $3S. THOMAS BRBNNAN, Room U New York Life Building. - - , , . . t (16 S1 2519 Parker street, 4 rooms; $1L 1841 N. 24th, 6 rooms; $14. TURRELL & CO.. Km. 17, Patterson Bldg. Oo)-MSll (-room house modern throughout, location the best In town. 218 8. 86th Ave. Tele phone Douglas 1866 for particulars. Wm. H. Bodemann. (15) hU93 CHEAP RENT WARM HOU8E8. 7-r. house, 323S Evans... .. $11.50 7-r. house, 4718 Davenport 16.00 10-r. house, mod.. 2911 Hickory to.oo J. H. PARROTTE, 125 BOARD TRAPS (15 19 FOR RENT Two six-room cottages, mod em except furnace; one $26, tho other $22.60. W. H. THOMAS. 60S First National Bank Bldg. (16) M130 10x FOR RENT -room modern brick resi dence. 1124 8. list Bt; $33.00. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. U5 M146 1810 Webster, l-room brick flat, cloae In, roomers, newly decorated, large yard In rear, $45. 701 N. 4"th, 1 rooms, all modem, on car line, $40. . . . B03 8. list, 7 rooms, new, all modern, near Farnam, $40. 1201 Locust, 7 rooms, modern except heat, $26. 1717 8. 9th, city water, gas, one block east of south end of Farnam line. O'KEEFH REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 2154. (16)-M147 TWO nice well-heated1 rooms, with or with out board; gentlemen preferred; close down town. Tel. H. 2001 (16) 610 9x 4-ROOM house and barn. 409 William Bt. In rear. $13. Chrla Bover. 22d and Cum. Ing. (16) 926 1 LARGE 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace. 1634 8. 28th St. Inquire M. J. Oreevey. 'Phone Hsrney 2330. (15) 165 FOR RENT 4808 North 24th St., six rooms, modem except furnace. $22. (16) 967 TTnTTQTT'CI n s,H Prts of the city UUUoriO crelgh Bona A Co.. Bee Bldg. (15) 966 TT-TTQV2 1" Prt of the city. Peters HUUOJliO xruat Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) IsiB Maggard Van 4k Storage Co., 1711 Webster. (16) Hy 6-ROOM house for rent; modern except heat. 71S Hickory Bt. Inquire 307 So. 17th. (16)-87 FOR RENT l-room, strictly modern house, Bemls Park diet riot, $416 Charles Bt. Ap ply 6o Brown Blk. (16) 927 ix FOR RENT s-room modern flat, opposite Hanscom Park; $34. 'Phone South 7. (16)-S64 HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk, (16)-90 SIX-ROOM house. 1717 Webster. (15 M840 13 A FEW new cottages of 1 or 4 rooms for light housekeeping; furnished or unfur nished. 'Phone 11. SOtl. UlSVs California. (16) 246 16 101-110 8. 26TH AVE. 1 rooms, modern arrangement and location, suitable for roomers; rent of each If taken at once, $.16. TeL Douglas lb4. W. Farnam Smith aV Co., 1Z20 Farnam St. (16)-237 11 Otleaa, FOR RENT. Two fine, large office aultes In the Con tinental block, choice location for physi cian or dentist. ' ALFRED C. KENNEDY. tot First National Bank Building. (16 788 FOR RENT Two largo offices In the First National Bank Bldg., having outaMw en trances on Thlrteeuth Bt. (16) tdiJt 16 FOR RENT Office room No. T. Crounss block (opposite post office) $8 per month Apply to Conrad Young, loll Dodge (16-Mr( FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office. City Hall Bldg., 417 N. xh St.. Uoutb Omaha, Apply to manager. 06) 134 GROUND floor office In Bee building for rent. Very cheap. Paters Trust Company. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) BFCOND floor 1H; steam heat. Palaoa Clothing Co.. 14th and Douglaa SU (11 $71 . - - ONE store room In new Pcanro BW. In South Omaha, near postofllce. with lighted baeement, modern show wlndowa anl awnings; best possible location. Hall Dis tributer Co.. '817 rirat National Psnk Bldg. 'Fhone Red 74t. (Id) rid FOR RENT iJtrge store room snd base ment at 16(8 North nu St.- ti?00 per month. Apply to Conrad Young. IMS Dodge St. (16)-M17 OFFERED FOR SALE Feaclaar. ANCHOR and iron fenolng; c per foot. 206 N. 17tb Bu wire fencing Tel. Red tili. !) 961 Plaaos, Orgaas, Maaical Iastrasaoata, EXTRAORDINARY PIANO BARGAINS. A great holiday sale Is now on at ths warerooms of Schmoller A Mueller llano Co. You- will do yourself an Injustice If you fail to examine' this wonderful stock before closing a deal. New Stelnrway, Steger, Emerson, Hardman. A.' B. Chase, McPhall and 1$ other makes sre of fered at prices that lose sight of cost. Notice our bargains In used Instruments. $?.V) Wagner upright, only $ 86.00 $-75 J. P. Hale upright, only 95,00 $300 Kimball upright, ebony oase, only 115.00 $'50 Knabe upright, only 138.00 Handsome new uprights In mahogany, burl walnut and golden oak rases, $148, $n;, $15 and up. $400 Vose A Sons, square, $:i, Emerson, good tone. $15.00. Stein way, Chlckerlng. Knabe and Kranlch A Bach, square pianos, $M, put. $75 and up. v Terms $3 to $10 cash and tOc to It aa week. Satisfaction guaranteed or money reftinded. We rent, tune, move, repair and reflnlsh planoa at lowest prices. Instruments se lected now will be held for Christmas de livery, If desired.'' SCHMOLLER A MUELLER FIANO CO. 1311-1313 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 11J5. O0 M1PJ PIANO Practically new. For sale, cheap for cash, bv young man leaving city, Addreas H 664. care of Bee. (16) 93 20 Typewriters aad Sewlaa: Machine. FOR BALE High grade second-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at $60. Call room 603. Bee Bldg. (1)-671 TYPEWRITER for sale; Oliver make; al most new, with stand; price $50; on easy terms, or will discount for cash. WAIT INVESTMENT CO.. 4C1 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4e1. (16 M271 IS $100 OLIVER Typewriter, $36; nearly new. 308 N. 16th St. O0)-S19 llx Mlecellaaeaas. FDR CHRISTMAS Gas and Electric Table Lamps Largest assortment in the city Always acceptable never too many Buy now Deliver when ready. "After-Holiday Prices." First ' Come First Choice. ' BURQESS-GRANDEN CO., 313 So. 15th. )-44 WORTH1NGTON DUPLEX PUMP 600-gal Ion Worthlngton duplex pump, slse 12xl0Vixl0, for sale. This pump haa seen bout six months' actual service, snd Is In good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. II. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. 06-67 ' ONYX SODA FOUNTAIN. One 12-syrup liquid; one 24-syiup liquid; one 16-syrup American; one 18-syrup Llp plncott. All reflnished and silver plated. Every one a bargain. Monthly payments. Declght, 1811 Farnam Bt. (16) M160 Decl6 WANTED You to know that banana coffee and banana flour are the most wholesome and nourishing food products. Send 26o In stamps for trial package. Texas Food Product Co., Texas City, Texas. (16) M828 llx SCIIOLZE & BLATTERT Newsdealers and Stationers. Subscriptions received for any periodical published. A large variety of Christmas and new year cards. Ill So. 16th BU TeL Red ml I (16) M900 J6 FOR BALE! Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two largo automatlo oil tanka and store fixtures too numerous to mention. -Globe Land and Investment Co., OmahaT Neb. (W 65 MOTOR CYCLE FOR SALE r Special made motor cycle, cost $800 to build, has only been run about too miles, as good as new, will sell at a ' sacrlflco. Address M 70S, oars Bea. (16)-228 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tablea. Wa lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Urunswlck-Balks-Collsndar, 407 B. 10th 8b , 16)-6 DRUGS at cut prloes; freight paid on all $11 orders; catalogue free. Sherman 4k Mo Council Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. U) V1 FOR BALE Law library of tba lata Oeo. W. Pal lie. tL C. Stevens, CarrolL I a, (14) Jd.64 lx BEND US your mall orders for drugs! freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dliiod Drug Co., Omaha. (14-89 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed' paint Sherman at McConnell Drug Co. (16) 976 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman A McConnell Drug Ce 16th and Dodge St., Omaha Neb. (16) 968 SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearm, Singer, 416 N.. 16th. 16-rl IRON SAFE, nice slse, suitable for store Off office, $60. 808 North 16th. (16) Ulti it HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1811 Farnam. (16 777 HAY $7.60 per ton. Wagner, SOI N. 16th. 04) 771 XMAS POST CARDS 81 richly oolor4L heavily embossed designs decorated la gold; 10 aaaorted cards and wholesale list 10c. Oallatlne Sons. York. Pa. Osr-Min lg TWO heating stoves, beat makes for heat J one used six weeks: also h!ah-gra4e plan nearly new. No. 9M M. 22d fit. uaj bujs irj( HIGH-CLASS X-mas girt. Our combltiatlnn i. ana roller skate for hnv trr . arl -I practical, durable and neaU Sent by ex- 1 r. on receipt of price. 1160. Fm ' plate $2. A men supply Co., Karaaa City. . , Mo- bo to. . (laUi 14 FOR SALE Fine mahogany wall case, mahogany table. Dey time register, re volving racks and other fixture, Dresner, the Tailor, 15U Farnam Bt. (16) MX61 IS COLE'S Hot bl4ttt Btov for a alt. M A. AVI II iiwiio AIVU1U DZOO. (16J-M1S6 IP XMAS present, Redpath's History Ency clopedia Brlttanlca, Webster's Diet., monthly payments. Megesth's Stst. Co. (16) M T1I Jl PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chins designer. Paxton Blk. TL Red 7 17. LARSON A CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. U7-s. PATENTS THAT PROTECT- books tot Inventors mailed on receipt of to postasa R B. A A. B. Lacey, rooms 2- pecirQ bldg., Washington, D. C itlabUahed 1-1 1 V ) 1 )