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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1907)
FART II. EDITORIAL SECTIQI1 PAGES 1 TO 8. nday Bee Qoa Into tk Hmtt THE OMAHA DEC Best it West VOL. XXXVII NO. 25. OMAILA, , SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1907. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. . CHRISTMAS STATIONERY MONDAY'S MUSICAL NOTES 1,000 copies of Music on sale Monday, each Over 100 titles to select from, Including the hits of the day. Picture Framing 25c, r . - ... ... Yi. "gnt. "0 valu. a gift for beautiful and useful Christmns 3o 0ran,,P. Happy Hooligan, Buster Brown Books, extra large newspaper sle for . ...49o( 6aan Panderson. Rosalind St Red Oate. The Best Man, The Weavers The Shuttle and hundreds of other late books, suit able for Christmas gift giving, at 11.08 Bible, Teachers' Editions, 95c, $1.49, $1.95 and up. OMAIDVS GKMT toXI STORE W Get your orders in early and have the best work, dreds of different moulding to select from. Hun- he Omaha kl I 151 XCV "V Holiday Gloves Nothing ilcer or more accept able as a Christmas gift for men, women or children than a pair of gloves. We carry all the leading makes, "Dent's," "Fownea," "Magploni." "Vas sal-," "Ireland. Bros.," ' Etc. To help customers not' sure of desired size (we Bell Glove Cer- tiflcates. A glove certificate entitles J the .recipient to a pair of gloves to be fitted before or after Christmas. The glove certifi cate is an ideal worry-less method of glove gift-giving. Ladies' Silk Lined Man nish fovea, fl.tiO. Ladies' Gauntlet Gloves, f 1.50, 91,75 and 91-08. Ladies' Far Lined Gaunt let Gloves, 95.50 and 90. Ladies' 12-button Monn ffnetafre. Gloves, 93, 93.5.0 and $4.(10. Ladies' 16-button Mous. netaire Gloves, 93, 93.50 93.75, 94.00 and 94.50. MEN'S GLOVES 11 j 1 Ail sizes ana values in men's gloves; an assortment not match ' ed by any retailer of gloves west of Chica go. Gloves quoted herewith are made of materials that are fine, pliable and durable; hand sewing being done in the Worlcl famous English fashion with buttons that will neither tear nor wear out. 1 THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT FILIS THIS STOfllV w many months, sesrebad with great ears all tha 11 V'1IIUJ 1 i,rl11 C -! 3 1113 C5 HJUL, niark.ts from whlcli com articles moat pleasing as Christmas rifts. This announcement isn't equal to tha task of giving yon tiat eomalets Ida of the rare beauty of our Christmas merchandise we would like yon to have. Ton most corns to tha store and yon most hurry. Ton will see that we have gathered a comprehensive assortment of beautiful things. Hot 5U only have we provided for Holiday gift-hunters who may spend considerable sums wa have worked Just as carefully and thoughtfully when selecting and V assembling tha delightful Christmas gift-things which may ba purchased for very small prices. n And wa will arladlv show them ail to von ,rr slnarla article in tha store. If tug l.h fn we nnn.M., i n trnnVU if it win v. in mtV. v! tha Christmas Season a lssa trying one to our customers. SHOP EARLYI SHOP EARLY! IJ R . . ;,,. , . ... . . , . ... Holiday RIBCONS! RIBBONS From the narrowest, with which to tie par cels, to the widest that fancy work demands. Holly Ribbon, per yard, from 3c to 35c Holiday Hosiery A alr of fancy em- Ladies 2-clasp , Lamb skin Gloves, 91 and 91.25. Ladies' 1 -Clasp Mnnnlsh Gloves, 91.00 and 91.50. Ladles' 1 -clasp Mocha Gloves, 9125 and 91.50. Ladies' 8-cUsp rrevl Kid Gloves, 91.50, 92.00 and 2.25. Ladies' Silk and Wool Lined Mocha Gloves, 91.25 and 91.S0. FANCY RIBBONS from four to fife inches wide, suitable for Christmas work, worth 59c and 75c, per yard 25c 10-yard pieces of Plain satin taffeta Rib narrow holly rib- ,n f- "J . J l V4 , good assortment bon, per, -of colors; per O. piece . . . . dmtsJVt bolt of ten yards OC 3i-inch plain taffeta ribbon, in all popular colors worth 19c, per yard ....10c 11-inch plain taffeta ribbon in holly shades, per yard 5c broidered little or silk hose make a thoughtful and very appropriate Christinas gift. We are showing some lines that carry with them genu ine (storking Insurance. We wish you to leconie thoroughly aroualnted with our excellent brands of fine wenruhle hosiery. You'll Hunt to stick to these brands bemuse of their wenrableness and reliability, aside from the nlceness of the niaki'iig of them a dnlnty t'Virlstmas Itox to a friend. Ladies' Hand Embroid ered Lisle Hose, 50.C, 75c $1.00 and $1.25. Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. . Ladies' Hand Embroid ered Silk Hose, $2.75, $3.50, $4.00 and L$3.00, $5.00. Christmas pckwcar Veilings We invite yon to see the beautiful things we arc showing in ladies' neckwear and veilings. They are simply charming and Include the very nicest, daintiest ideas that were ver shown. Our prices are remarkably reasonable. Ready Made VEILS Ready-made veils of chiffon;' la'ce and fancy net, ribbon trimmed; automo bile veils, all lengths and widths in all colors and designs, put up in holiday box, from 98c to $5.00 Hemstitched Orope de Cbene and ChliY'in Srnrf, In dat'ity rltruro designs or plain colors, 2 Mi to S yards long; each In a Holiday box, from $1.25 to $3.50 Stoles an J boas of coque, Marabsut and Os trich feathers. Alno muffs to match. In black, brown, navy, light blue, pink and 'White. $3.50 to $15.00 Handkerchiefs Have you seen our beautiful stock of Handkerchiefs this year? It is the finest line west of Chicago. If you fotne and see them you will buy your Holiday Handker chiefs from us. Ladies' Pure Linen Hand kerchiefs, 5c, 10c, 12)ar, 15c, 25c, 35c and SOc. Ladles' Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 5c, Hsc. 10c, 12 He, 10c. 23c and 85c. Ladies' Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs, '2ff, 5c, SOc, 75c, 91.00, .91.25 and 9LSO. . Ladies' Fancy Handker chiefs, six in box, 75c, 91.00, 91.25, 91.00 and 92.50. Ladies' Linen Lace Edge Handkerchiefs, 25e, 35c, SOc, 75c and $1.00. Ladies' Linen Initial Hand kerchiefs, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c uid SOc. Ladies' Princess Lace Handkerchiefs, 7Sc, 91.00, 91.50, 92.00 and 92.50. Ladles' Linen French Em broidered Handkerchiefs, 15c, 25c, 35c, SOc, 75c, 91.00 and 91.25. v Ladles' Armenian Handker chiefs, SOc, 75c, 91.00, 91.25 and 91.50. Ladies' Real Duchess Lace Handkerchiefs, 93, 94, $5, 90, 9 and 910. Men's Pure Linen Handker chiefs, 12 He, 15c, 25c, 85c, SOc and 75c. Men's Initial Linen Hand kerchiefs, 15c, 25c, 85c and SOc. Men's Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c, SOc, 75c and l.OO. Children's Fancy Box Handkerchiefs, 15c and 25c. Fancy Stock of Chiffon or Real Irish, Duchess, Princess and Point Gaze Lace, together with Tailored Silk or Linen, Plain and Fancy Silk Bows, Stiff embroidered Laundered Collar njj put up in Holiday box from $2.08 t0- Christmas Ideas JLiIOeOS Special reductions on Linens of every description. Noth ing makes a more acceptable gift every woman will ap preciate something- for the dresser, bureau, sideboard ,or table. Our line Is complete and our prices always the lowest. Men's Cape or Kid Gloves, 91.00, 91.50, 92.00, 92.25 and 92.50. ' ' ' . Men's Mocha Gloves, 91.00 and 91.50. ' . ; Men's Book DifYerft, $l.SO and 91.75. , . Men's Anto Gauntlet's, 9S.OO, 93.50 and 96.00. Men's Silk lined A complete line of Fur Gloves, 91.25, 91.80. Gloves and Mittens from 91.75 and 92.00. 94.50 to 917.50 per pair. Men's Wool Lined Kid Also Men's lined and Gloves, 75c, 91, 91.50 nnlined working Gloves, and 91.79. U qualities and prices. CIIRISTMAS IDEAS IN CHINA AND CUT GLASS Beautiful Cut Olass, handled or unhandled nappies, any (2.00 piece, f tu Monday, About 10 pieces of Cut Olass; bowls, suvars and creams, vaat-s, Jukb, etc. Have be.n special at f 8.00 A Tfi Monday, each ymO ''Ine Cut Olass Tumblers, ex tra deep cutting, regular . 110.00 a dosen, cn Monday, each yUC Or, doten Seven piece Chooolate set, six cups and saucers and Jug", Tor1.?.' 1.69 Handsome Electroliers, put up complete with two lights, and green shade, cord, all complete. Special rp qj) Monday lJO PYROGRAFHY. 200 Jewel Boxes, pretty designs, 20c kind, Monday each i . . , 10 Hanging Match Holder, regular 40c, for.'. '2iiC " All Kut Tlnvlfi TinnA rAervaf HITl. lfmTi ,.. . ,. m J. M Havlland China dinner . set, fretty pink spray decora Ion, gold traced, regular $600 value, Jk Cfk Monday eU.JU $6.00 11111 CHRISTMAS OPPOR TUNITIES IN . ; FURS, COATS SUITS There's a pretty dignity about furs as Christmas Gifts. Our styles tote up to the highest exacting standards. Honesty in fur values is a tremen dously valuable satisfaction to have; It is here you'll find it; gigantic varie ties, too. GIVE "HER". FURS, "SHE'LL" BE DEC-LIGHTED FURS AT ABOUT HALL PRICE! $U000 Sable Squirrel for.. $74.50 $160.00 Russian Pony, 46 inch, -tot .it..). $89.50 976.00 Near Seal. Beaver, collar and cliffs, for $45.00 $50:00- Near ' Seal Coat, 24" inch, lor .... - $34.50' $16.60 Black Lynx Scarf for. .$0.50 $15.00 Sable Fox, 64-inch,, two Targe brushes, for. . .V ... . . . .. '.$8.95 Extreme Price Redactions on Of TITC Regular and Broken Lines of OflJiiD 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT Handsome little Prince Chap Suits Nobby Military Suits of fine broadcloth. The styles and colors are the latest ten dencies, i About 25 handsome velvet suits go at the same price $G9.50 suits 46.33 !f39.C0 suits 39.67 Not a suit reserved. $45.00 suits 30.00 $25.00 suits 16.67 Ladies' Coats $19.60 Women's Fine Kersey and Broad cloth Coats, 62 Inches long, loose or semi fitting, lined through out with heavy Batln,' braid and velvet trim med; Monday at $12.95 $15.00 Women's Fine Kersey Coats, 62 In. long, heavy satin lined, loose fitting, handsomely trimmed, tot $9.75 MEN'S S3 SHIRTS AT Si. 30 BeauUful assortment of mens hlli rade shirts, pleat ed or plain, eufN attached or iletac li ed, our regular -shirts, same vh1iim thnt hu-lierdanliera are asking- 13.00 for. Our holiday pilco. $1.60. HFIFSS CnFl The Most Wanted Dress Goods lUL at Very Extraqrdlnnrv Prices. ! $1.60' and $1.25 Choicest All Wool Plaids for Children's dresses, come in . beautiful rich colorings, also very desir able for ' waists, 1 44 Inches wide, Monday ; . , . . 59c Best $1.00 All Wool Choicest Waistinga we show this season, come in elegant stripes or plaid effects, 28 Inches wide, pretty Christmas gifts, Monday .....'. 48 $2.00 Coatings, in elegant styles plaids or stripes, also suitable for Men's-. r Smoking Jackets, 6b Inches wide, elegant Astrakhans, 64 inches liHl V ' wide, worth $2.60, Monday Beautiful All Wool Challies, In many instances these designs and qualities sell for 76c, pretty Persian styles, elegant Cbristmaa gifts. Monday , 48 1 9-Inch round and square and 7x9-inch oblong and oval Scalloped Dollies, regular 12 c goods, Monday. Tie Drawn work Squares, Scarfs, Tray Cloths and Lunch Clothe, Embroder ed Dollies and Centers worth up to $1.00 6-inch round Maderla Eyelet Dollies, 18-inch round and square Scalloped Centers, 24x24 drawn work Squares and 18x45 drawn work Scarfs worth up to .40o each, Monday... BattenberK Lace Scarfs and Centers, hemstitched Lunch Cloths, Squares and Scarfs worth up to $1.50 each, Monday .' $1. -1- Rugs for Christmas Presents Some splendid values in or carpet department, prices to sell the goods. . Japanese Rugs, 30x60 inches, Persian patterns, QSl all colors; a bargain at ?0t Fur Rugs In all colors. Just received a big ship- Q ment some splendid values, from $7.75 to..... vt)Tt) 1 See Harney Street Window. Oriental Rugs at One-Third OIL TOYS Automobiles. Hand Cars, Express Wagons. Veloclpodes, Coaster Wagons, Ele. Hardwood China Closet and Sideboard, strong and well made.' special, Monday, ea 19' Furniture Set, two chairs, and table, com plete in box, Monday 1C Rear Third Floor. Strong Steel Cart, steel wheels, wlrn handle, r0: value, Monday, H each kfv -Pull Line of New Games BOX BALL BOOK IT. BEY WHAT? MOUNTED SOLDIERS. Happy Tfmes, Sewing Cards, Scroll Sawa, Teddy Dear . and a Hundred Others, from lOc to 92. SO. Big Doll Sale on For Saturday Finest Hand Made Jointed Dolls, 22 inches long, moving eyes, sewed wig, shoes and stockings, regular $1.60 value, light or dark hair, Monday, each 08 Kid Doll, lCVi Inches long, full Joint," moving eyes, dark and light hair, regu lar 75c value, Monday. :.t 48 Large 17-inch, Kid Body Doll, full Jointed sewed wig, shoes and stockings, regular $1.39 value, Monday 9S Fine, lC-inch -Jointed Doll, moving eyes, with eyelash, sewed wig, shoes and stockings, regular 75c value, Mon day, each 4Q Remarkable Valces In CoilcH' Covers. Porticrs. and Pretty Snlrt Waist Boxes enuine Red Cedar Boxes froin $11.75 down to '. 0.75 Boxes upholstered with mattings, in all sizes for shirt waists or 6kirts, from $16.50 down to $2.98 Boxes upholstered with Burlap . or figured cretonne, from $4.50 down to $2.50 Couch Covers in Oriental designs or Bagdad patterns, a big variety, sell up to $4.50, Monday only . . $2.75 All Rope Portieres at ONE-THIRD OFF. 33V3 Per Cent Discount Mon- day only. Another Sensational Sale ol Ladies' Fine Corsets All styles and colors, daintily trimmed with lace, some with hose supporters attached, short hip, high bust, long'hip, medium bust, Amer- ica's leading brands of comfort-giving and Jr style -satisfying corsets, per inch 7 yds. , fancy . Broadcloth patterns, worth C II A '$10.00, now.... J.UU HHFQQ of tU kind re how exquisite stylet UULdd i ft I IfjiilMa .ither cslored or bUek. Each pattern offered Monday at a great saving. Various lengths and qualities: 7 yds. fancy Broadcloth I $10.00 Dress Pat patterns, worth- 7 fin terns, Q PA $14.00, now..'...UU Monday OsCJU Hare bargains can be had in this way. Remember, no more useful pres ent can you buy your mother, sister," etc., than a dr,ess pattern. - SILKS pme of the same I ...48c Dennett's Big Grocery Headqaarters for the Bcil Value :: s la Fiac Drinking Test s u SILKS SILKS rillks In beautiful styles, elegant plaids, stripes, and plain colorings. lot you saw on the mala bargain square wlikh created sucb greaf lulling last yteek, every yard is worth from 83c to 1.00, Mouday i You will find everything you want in this lot. Crepe da Chenes, In plain colorings fur scarfs, evvry pret ty shade you can ak for, Wth 5c, Mondsy . 59c! Scarf lengths of one and a half yards tongj Just right for elegant scarls, come in beautiful Meitsallne qualities, beautiful designs. Monday, each length I 51.25 Your choice of IS different styles of beautiful silk plaids for shirt walats, every yard Is worth $1.00 up to $'.60, Monday ona pattern to each customer 3tt yards for..- ..$2.89 4 yards for . . . .1 2.60 Basket Fired Japan Tea, pound 38i And 40 Green TradlDK Stamps. Tea Stftings, pound 15 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Santos Coffee, fresh roasted, pound 180 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. TXTIiEY'B TIA SPECIE huruli tins Jus. 1': ley's 8 u . JUr.vor T i- each 1'. And 10 Gre Trading Ht'n These make splendid t'liristmas Oifts. ,1 StMNtTH mm J u ; 'iiiu r win. ."(sufrrtonMi"' Tomatoes, new, can 10o Peas, Early June, can 12 He 18c Diamond Sweet Potatoes, to close out , lvc Several hundred pounds New -Mixed Nuts, splendid, pound 20e And 10 Ureen Trading Stamps. Currants, cleaned, pound 10c Sesded Raisins, package 10c Kalsins, cooking, pound 10c Table KatHlns, pound 1240 Caaasd Q4s Special 12 V4c can Genessee Lima Beans, ISo can Kenesnee Lima Beans, He can Diamond S Lima Beans; lVc Palac Car KUiney beans, lung as supply lasts, can Sj Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, one half pound can Ho And lu Ureeu Trading Stamps And It iiTTwns)rMwwwi'in w 1 1 ii Shredded Codfish, three pack ages 25c And 10 Green Trading Stamps Austrslla Valencia Kalsins, pound l&c And 10 Green Trading Stamps Selected English Walnuts, pound iic And 10 Green Trading Stamps Hartley's Imported Marmalade. r 2o And 10 Green Trading Stamps Mincemeat, pound UVjC And 10 Green Trading Stamps Diamond Chile Sauce, bottle. .. the And tQ Green Trading Stamps Menler's Chocolate Powd.-r, can tic And 20 Green Trading Stamps Genlton Apples, reck 4So Ureen Tr M'fcassT Specials irv Hardware Monday Peninsular Stoves lead them all in appearance, durability, heating capacity and fuel saving. Monday we will make a special discount of 10 por cent, on any heater. Don't miss this chance. A 6 - ireen Trading Stamps ru-i-t- c tj ii . Viiriaimaa ouijKCsiiuiiSe Chafing Difehes, Baking Dishes, Carvers, Crumb Trays, Smoking Sets, Razors, and all Safety Razors, Skates, etc. Don't miss seeing that Chafing' Dish, it's a beauty, 3.00 carving oets, an prices, up iroin i.bu to And Double Green Trading Stamps. Nut Picks and Cracks, per set 25 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Nice Wire Coat Hanger to pad, for Christmas presents, six for ." 5 $ And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Nice Hand Painted 'Comb and Brush Tray 18 And Xen Green Trading Stamps. Big Close Out Sale of 14-quart Dish Pans and Berlin Sauce Pans, with cover, choice....' 15 Big Assortment of Pocket Knives, for 25 n" 50i. And Twenty Green Trading Stamps with any one. Lvery Ready 8afety Razor $1.00 Clllttte'a Safety Razor $3.00 And 100 Green Trading Stamps. SKATE3. SICATES, SKATES, make the boy happy. SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT For Christmas Pres entsFootballs, punch ing bags, boxing gloves, roller skates, air guns, pennants of all kinds, etc., at lowest prices.