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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1907)
8 TITTC OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 8, 1007. A V 7 i - ill T it , y I1 fit !.-f in lit a (3 to Every IHHe tot in Omaha few waiting for this 'great day. Santa Caus is here to open Bra?ideis Toyland, and he invites everyone to come and see the gifts. No zuestern store ever attempted a showing on such a grand beautiful scale. Thousands of Christmas 7iovelties never seen before. A Fairyland for the children. GMND CiMSTMAS OPENING See the Doll's Military Dall See the Wedding of the Dolls. See Santa Claus and the Messenger Boy. See the Jolly old Santa Claus himself. See the miniature "Holy City." See the beautiful decorations. ? y ttf y ay f I If !Q;!m & T t 1 4' WATCH FOR THR nR II I I ANT STREET PEGEANT Santa Claus In tils Castle of Ice. See a whole city of Pretty Dolls. See a whole circus of Teddy Bears. Every new toy that is made every new game every Christmas novelty. See the 'new Diavolo Game See the Humpty Dumpty Circus. ONLY 14 MORE DAYS to Shop Before Christmas BFandeis StoFe Is a Perfect Wooderiand Jolly Old Santa Claus will be here all day to sec the children. Our entire basement hat been transformed into a glittering palace of beauty No such toyland was ever seen west of Chicago l Our main floor and great light court reveal a massive triumph of store decoration, entitled, "The Feast of the Seasons," that is the wonder and admiration of all Omaha. Brandeis' stores from top to bottom filled with useful and beautiful Xmas gifts at moderate priqes, Christmas would not seem like Christmas without Brandeis' wonderful display. DON'T DELAY! Buy Your GUIs for Christmas NOW And Avoid All the Inconven ience of the Lat Week's Crush c i. - a,se . o: Our cloak buyer had fust returned from the east, where he was called by a telegram from a manufacturer wha was cash. Our buyer secured the entire stock' on hand of high class winter cloaks at a sacrifice that was positively amazing, have been utterly impossible. These cloaks are here new and will be divided into two immense lots Monday. ' s Cloaks willing to make almost any sacrifice for A month ago such a transaction would LOT 1 All (he Up-Io-Dale Cloaks From the Dig Purchase WORTH UP TO $20 WILL GO MONDAY at $10 Hundreds of long tight-fitting or loose-back Winter Coats full satin lined braid trim med or plain. The lot includes 27 to 36 inch broadcloths with heavy satin linings some are the new military styles also the fashion able short caracul or silk fur. coats that are plain or braid trimmed. These are choice lots. The eastern manufacturer made them to sell for $20. We offer you the choice Mon day at GIFTS of JEWELRY The east side of our great store is devoted to the most complete 'showing of jewelry novelties suitable for Christmas gifts ever shown in the West. We buy jewelry direct through our own Paris office and save fully one half the price on the prettiest imported goods. Men's 10k solid gold Cuff Buttons, $25 down to $2 pair. Women's 10k solid gold Rings, 500 styles, at $3 each. Birthday stones in Tiffany settings at $3 each. Hand Carted Cameos, 60 styles to choose from at, each $3.00 Ebony Military Sets. Sterling Silver Mountings, with comb $2.50 French Ebony Comb, Brush and Mirror, silver handles, fancy box, at $3. - ' Sterling Silver Clothes Brushes, large size, pond lily design.. 2 f fic 1M ' - ', fsv Ps LOT 2 All the Fashionable Cloaks From the Big Purchase WORTH UP TO $3pf WILL GO MONDAY AT $15 This lot is such a beautiful assortment that no other store in America would consent to sell them for less than $25. But we bought at a bargain and we will sell at a bargain. 200 fine tailored long tight-fitted or semi fitted back coats loose coats with satin lin ings and heavy braid trimmings full length caraculs, large fur collared ' coats and swell short broadcloth' military coats would be splendid bargains at $25 and $30 Choice Monday oo Heavy Sterling Silver Bracelets in chased and plain at $2.50 Real Amber Beads, Gold Filled Variety Purses and Imported Hat Pins, all at very special prices.- SI Embpoidepies, 25c Tbls was a remarkable purchase from a U. S. Customs House. A New York jobber was unable to raise the cash to pay the duty and we bought them at Just a slight cost above tho duty. It is the moist remarkable bargain we ever offered. Embroideries are beautiful new patterns in I J f"rx ' medium wide widths,. positively worth j f up to iryard. , . jT A VI v at yard 1847 Roger Bros., quadrupule plate bat i pin holders, jewel boxes, vases, baskets, children's cups, candelbras, soap boxes, god frames for photograph.!, em boBsed frC-ties, Mosaic frames,. Sterling silver forks, sterling silver scoots, desert, table and bouillon spoons, napkin riuga, child's sets, manicure pieces, all at much less than exclusive Jewelers' prices. New Veilings nd Waist Nets New Bhipment, the latest novelties in ring and coin dots, dainty figures, filet, meshes, etc., black, white, ' cream, ecru, abtroyan;dn.a.v.y. !: 6 9c-85c l25-149 Very Special Sale of real laces, Irish hand crochet, real French Valen ciennes, Brussels, and Princess appll queB, real Duchess, Teal Cluny, etc.., all at extremely low prices. 1,000 doz. bolts French and English Val laces and insertions, effective and pretty designs suitable for fancy work, etc., in 12-yard bolts, very Bpeclal, bolt .'..25 Beautiful Array of Christmas Gifts HOUShFURNISHING GOODS-BASEMENT OLD STORE Best of ill Christmas gifts are for the home. Genuinely Moderate prices on Chafing Dishes Baking Dishes 5 'o'clock .Teas Crumb Trays and Scrapers Coffee Percolators . Candle Sticks Dinner Gongs Carving Sets-Smoking Sets-f-Silver knives, forks, spoons, etc. Come through the East Arcade. Celebrated PEfRUIM'S KID GLOVES Our Holiday shipment of the Celebrated "Perrins" Kid Gloves is here. We are sole agents in Omaha. These gloves are in all the newest shades for evening and street-wear, in 8-12 apd 16 button, lengths, and range 750 TH $4 in price from . " H' Also a complete line in two and three clasp effects. Women's One-Clasp Gloves real Mocha, Paris point stitching, black, brown and tan, Monday, 1 for -.1.49 Ask for our "Glove Bonds" for Christmas gifts Kayser's 2-Clasp, Double Silk Gloves black, white, brown andQO navy, price , O 2-Clasp Gloves French and Ger man Lambskin, black, brown, tan, white, grey, red, green and navy all sizes Monday, 1.25 The Gifts a Woman Likes the Best Stylish, Useful Piy Things to Wear New Silk Petticoats A new line of Christmas petticoats in excellent , styles ruffled, embroidered and tucked heavy 498 98 taf f etas all colors " " Feather Boas Originally were $7.50, $12.50 and $15, made in the single, double, three and four strands, of Marabout and Ostrich, in plain colors ahd white, also combination HLJJJQ at " ' " "White Lingerie Waists A new lot of bright, crisp, new, white, dainty waists, with lace, embroidery and tucked 98 05038X98 trimmings, also, plain tailored effects, at .... " m " " Christmas Aprons Monday we will show the most complete assortment, of Christmas aprons ever offered in Omaha. There will be any style you can wish for, any shape, and any price. Price range will be 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c, 98c up to $4.98 All imported and fine Domestic waists at y2 price. The $49 imported waists, at $24.50 The $45 imported waists, at $22.50 The $39 imported waists, at $19.50 The $35 imported waists, at $17.50 The $29 imported waists, at $14.50 The $25 imported waists, at $12.50 The $20 imported waists, at $10.00 Fur Scarfs, Muffs and Sets make Fine Gifts . No gift could be more thorough ly appreciated. Our showing is most complete and every' piece of fur is carefully selected before it can be shown in "Omaha's Great est Fur Store." Scarfs from $1.98 to $98. Muffs, vf rom $1.98 to $75. Fur Sets, from $4.98 to $150. 't i .X 1 1