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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1907)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: DECEMBEU 8. 1907. 'A AFFAIRS AT SQUTII OMAHA Fenonal Injury Judgmenti Again the City Are Causing Comment. IAXPAYEHS ARE SEEKING BELIEF one rntltlan Like tkat Embodied la the Omaha CHr Charter Is 'Deaiaaded New Comwier- elal Hotel la Heed. The Judgments against the city of South Omaha during the laat two yean have amounted to about CS.OOO, Including the cases which have been settled. There are at the- present time thfrty-three cases pend ing acalnnt the city.- All but a very few of theae have been and ire cases Involving personal Injury. .The rates pending rep resent claims for $120,000 or more. , Many of the leading spirits In South Omaha art seeking to find a remedy for this. kind of personal Injury cases. Yesterday tha discovery was made that Omaha and Lln coln have t charter provision which effec tually puts a check on all of this kind of action for damages. Section 207 of the Omaha charter provides that. the c(ty shall not be held liable for damages In case, of personal ' Injuries due to any defect of tha treat or the walks unless a notice ahalt have 'been filed with the proper officials telling particularly tha exact location and nature of the defect at Least five, days pre vious to The accident. A case has recently been carried to the. supreme court to teat the validity of the charter on thla point. The supremo court upheld the charter and now personal Injury suits are rare .In Omaha. The kama provision does not ap ply In Bouth Otaaha. The city Is con stantly beset Ty claimants, many of whom have slight foundation for their demands. The result la that the Judgment fund shows a. deficit of several thousand dollars St the present time. The city . attorney will taks up another of the damage cases Monday. This Is tha personal Injury claim of J. T. Coatsworth. It was to have been heard Wednesday, but was postponed untl Mon day. ' i ' 1 i Jfew' Commercial Hotel Sold. A real estate deal of considerable Impor tance 1 was' consummated yeaterday. Will lam Malone, who has owned the New Com mercial hotel at Twenty-third and M streets for six or eight months, sold the property to John C. W. Carey and wife. The hotel was originally owned by Chaflea Anthea, who conducted ( It for several yeara. Thii last sals of the property repre sents a material advance over the prices In the" formef exchanges. Pair of Crlmlaal Cases. A state complaint waa filed against Henry Buford yesterday and the arraignment will be held this morning at the city Jail. The charge against Buford la cutting with In tent to do great bodily injury. His victim was Mrs. Emma Terrlll. , The aasault was committed the night before' Thanksgiving. He cut the woman In a shocking manner about' the fore, body and hands. She has recovered safely and will appear against hlm- ' .,. The charge of araon was filed agalnat Mr. and Mrs. McKlnley Booker. This esse will also be up this morning. Dt la charged they set fire to the house In which they had been living as tenants, at Thirty-second and V stroets. ,They had moved away part of the, furniture- and,U is alleged, set firs to tha rest, hoping to . be lbls to collect tha Insurance on tha whole. The house waa partly, destroyed.- The house was 'owned by Rush J. Thompson.- ,He took" out a permit for repairs yesterday. Trie- charges war., preferred by P. H. Shields.' It - . said ths woman haa "confessed tp her- part. In the wlm, :.A. - ,. 'r ... ., Hindered 'll'aeoaaeloas by FfH, Jake Aedlek was found unconscious-n tha L jstreet viaduct between 'and o'clock' last njght. He had a deep gash' In his for". Osiaha's Largest and Finfest Jewelry Establishment Pi ':l'-''M:-Jl i3riili'ant gems of first quality set in gold whd 'platinum ; mountings of artistic de sign. Many original and exclusively our own. Coming from Mawhlnnoy & Ryan, your, diamond gift carries a value pecul iarly Its own. r r; i-wr- ) i. Solitaire Diamond Rings, . , $0.OO and upward. , .Fa'ncy Cluster Diamond Rngs, - $S0.OO and upward. : Banquet Diamond Rings, .... $liiS.OO and upward. Gentlemen's Fancy Diamond Rings, ! $20.00 and upward. - .sLadlcs Diamond Wntch Heavily carved Chatelain watch set with diamonds, $78, 100, $13 and upward. Call tsJ See Car EJasnMiccnl tfcrhfaas Slack ryaw co. JEWELERS AND DIAMOND " . ' IMPORTERS , ' tzi Cc-;!n SI " O M A. H-A. heed whlrh waa the direct cauae of Ma condition. It la thought that the wound waa caused by a fall on the viaduct where Ms head struck a rail or the corner of the planking at the aide of the roadbed. This wss thought the more likely because the man showed every Indication of helpless In toxication. He waa aa near unconscloua from that cause aa from the blow. He was takeh to the police station, where his wound wss dressed He could not tell any of the circumstances and it. Is unknown whether he fied had any money or not. At all events none waa found In hia possession, is a day Cervices. "The lesson of Christian Company," will be the morning topic of Rev. Carl Hiller at Lefler'e Memorial church Sunday morn 4ng. The evening theme Is. "Observations In the Market Places." t)r. R. L. Wheeler will apeak at the First Pfeabyterlan church on the theme, "Hold Faet that Which la Good." In the even ing Secretary Q. A. Y6ung of the Young Men's Christian assoclntlon will give a report of the national Convention at Wash ington. The morning sermon by Rev. Andrew Renwlck Will be a discussion of the drink question. In the evening the topic will be, "Stephen, the First Christian .Martyr." i Rer. George Yn Winkle will preach Sunday- morning on the subject, "The Liquor Traffic Ifl the Light of Recent Le glalatlon and Law Enforcement." "A Power that 'Destroys the Works of, the Devil," Is the ' toplo of the evening dis course. "The Substance of "Faith,," la Rev. Ralph XV. Liver's Sunday morning theme at the English Lutheran church. ; The Luther tragus will conduct the service at 8:30 p. m. The Ladle's Aid society of this church will holda rummage sale at Twenty-fourth and Q street Thursday afternoon. . Magic City Gomlp. ' Charles Aknfer continues to improve at the South Omaha hospital. Henry BmHh. who has been seriously 111 for some time, is very much improved. Frederick Price of New Albion, la., IS the guest of his daughter, Mrs. L. H. Greer. James Vefcharsky, 272 South Twenty Seventh street, reported the birth of a daughter yesterday. A. W. Sldnel of Lincoln,' a representative of the Royal Arcanum, was a guest In South Omaha yesterday. Anton Kapek. 1310 Z street. Is reported under quarantine for smallpox. Two new cases develpped In the family. The funeral of W. E. Martin,, who died at the Bouth Omaha hospital last week, was held from the Brewer undertaking parlors yesterday afternoon. I The Young Men's Christian association building, will be hauled to Its new quar ters Monday. It was raised and set on the rollers yesterday. The- W. W. W. club will be entertained this afternoon by Miss Nora Ollchrlst as alsted by Miss Grace Young Mrs. Ewell and Mlaa Alia Gilchrist. J. H. Sherwood, agent for R. J-. Thomp son, took out a permit for $700 worth of repalra yesterday to three cottages at Thirty-second and V streets. Tha Lalcos Whist club was entertalned- Thursday evening at the home of Miss telpsch, 2316 C. The prize, a hand-painted plate, was won by Miss -Clark. The Highland Park Whist club was en tertained by Miss Cora Holmes and Miss Cora Laverty Thursday evening at the nome ot Mr. and Mrs. V. u. Holmes. Bouth Omaha camp of the Woodmen of the i World . elected officers Thursday evening- as follows: A. J, Nodean, past consul commander; A. Randolph, eonsul Commander; C. W. Belts, advisor lieuten ant; H,Tombrlnk, banker; John O. Carl aon, clerk; Richard , Bnglemen, escort; Daniel D. Bailey, watchman; Peter Dun can, sentry; Dr. W. H. Davis, physician; M. Tombrlnk, manager. '- v . A Viper, 4n the. Stomach Is dyspepsia .complicated with liver and kidney troubles. . Electric Bitters, help all such pases pay, .6Qc. . For sale by. Beaton Ju.Cp. . , . WJ , , v . . ... 11 1 1 i ii ,i, "JTertbern Pacific Enarfae Explode. MTSSOrLA. Monf.. " Dee 7. Northern Pacific oTWctals have received word that the engine ot er-naeeenffer train on :the Hurk and Wallace branch of that road, blew up yesieraay. Killing foreman nuis, wrKman Hodges and an engine wiper, name un known. . and fatally ' Injuring Engineer copennavsn. . . . ' Fine Diamond Jewelry Will Please Best ? TOPICS OF THE DAY 6F REST Bert J. K. Fowler of Lacrotie at Lowe Avenue Presbyterian. MAY BE CALLED AS PASTOR Preaehes Horslsg aadvealasj In tha Palplt that Waa Recently Va cated by Rev. A. 9. Clarke. . D. Rev. John K. Fowler, D. D., of Uacrosse, Wis , who preaches morning and evening Sunday at Lowe ' Avenue Presbyterian church. Is a candidate for tli pulpit vacated by Rev. A. 8. C. Clark. D. D. He la a man of advanced years and widely known in the state of Iowa and Mississippi valU-y, where he has labored for many years, lie was pastor of a Presbyterian church at Cedar Rapid and also at Clinton for some years. For three" years he was out of the middle west, filling a pulpit In Los Angrles. The Lowe Avenue Presby terian church -will hold a congregation meeting Monday to act on ths matter of calling Dr. Foivler. ' Tha ladles of the First Christian church will hold a bazaar In the chapel of the church. Twenty-sixth - and Harney , streets, Thursday, both afternoon ad evening. They will aerve a chicken dinner from to 8 o'clock. President Wadsworth of Bellevue col lege, General Secretary B C. Wade and Bfate Secretary J. P. Bailey ot ths Young Men's Christian association, will speak at the men's meeting at I p. m. Sunday on ths recent international convention at Washington, which they attended. It will be "echo" meeting and all men have been Invited to attend. - , , , Mualc at Hansrom Tsrk Methodist epis copal church: , ' ' . ! . - ' Prelude Offertolre ,V..':,... '.Qounod Anthem with tenor solo. Blessed Hft the Ixrd (od of Israel. KraU Mr. Ralph Newell and Qholr.- OfTertory Meditation Ashford Solo O, Loving Father... Terasa-Dwl Rlego Mrs. MoOslly. Quartet Sohg Land Fair : Havens Mrs. HCfrner, Miss Campbell, Mr. Redgwlck, Mr. Hill. Postluda , Agate EVENING. Prelude Oflfertolre . : , ....'... .Vfeiy Anthem for quartet and chorus O, That I Had wings of a Dove... .Smieton Miss Fulton, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Lsng, Mr. Newell. Offertory Devotion Flavell Solo The Vesper Prayer....... Brackett Mr. Hill. Postlude Ashford . Mrs. Grace N. Burllngham, organist. Mr. Lee G. Krats, choirmaster. The second number of ths Baraca enter tainment course st Hanscom Park Metho dist church will bo given Friday evening by Kllaa Day and Oranne Trultt D.iy at the .church. Mr. Day conducts a well known school of dramatic art in Chicago and his character sketches are said to be unusually good. Mrs. Day works with him to produce a well-balanced program. They are said to be In great demand for return dates wherever they have appeared. Tde remaining subjects In the series of special sermons being preached Sunday afternoons at 5 o'clock at the Church of St. Philip tha Deacon are as follows: De cember t, "The Church Militant." Rev. A. SS. Knickerbocker; December) 16, "The Church Expectant," Rev. T. J. Mackay; December 22. "The Church Triumphant," Bishop Williams. Ths evening" services at Calvary Bap tist church will be under the auspices of the you'ng peopl's society. Dr. E. H. Jenks of the First Presbyterian church will de liver aft address on ''Joseph the Dreamer." This address is especially for young people. The young people and their friends ars invited to be preaent.- Thursday evening the pastor and elders of Knox Presbyterian church gave an ac quaintance sociable to forty-five new mem bers of the church who have been received since April 1. Ths gathering waa held In the new manse, SOU Maple, and was greatly enjoyed.. Ths elders of this growing church are: W. H. Anderson, A. A. La-moreaux, Frank Martin. W. E. Findley. D. W. Mer row. R. A. McEaohron. J. H. Stokes. , The evangelistic meetings now In progress at tne mrsi Keiormea cnurch, corner of Twenty-third street and Central boulevard, have been very successful. Meetings are held In the afternoons at S:80 and In the evenlnga at 8. Strangers ars welcome to all these meetings. The Woman's alliance of Unity church will have a sale of fancy and useful arti cles, Including various horns-made sweets and other edibles, at tha church. Seven teenth and Cass, Wednesday morning and afternoon. A chicken pie aupper will be aerved at o'clock. Musio at the First Congregational church. Nineteenth and Davenport streets: MORNING. Prelude Processional .Dubois Anthem Oil, for a Closer Walk with God Foster Mlas Vsra Allen and Chorus. Offertory Berceuse . . . . v, Mendelssohn Hymn Oh, for a Heart to Praise My God Dyksa Choir, unaccompanied. Poatlude In C Chauvet EVENING. Prelude Evening .....Holllns Prelude Bvenlng Holllns Anthem Blessed Are They that Dwell In Thy House Tours Offertory Romance Msollowell Quartet Lead Me, Lord ...8. g. Wesley postlude In D Ouilmant Martin Bush, organtat; Ira B. Pennlman. director. William M. Davidson, city superintendent of schools,, will speak at ths boys' meeting at the Young Men's Christian association Sunday at 3:30 p. m. The apecial mualc at the First Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow will be aa fol lows: MORNING-10:30. The Chimes Tune "Serenity" The Canticle Blessed Be ths Lord God of Israel .... Ferrant The Anthem To Thee,- O Lord, Our Hearts We Raise C. Lee Williams (with soprano solo Mrs. Kelly). The Offertory Musio The Question ' Wostenholms EVENING-7:30. The Chimes Tune "Evening Prayer"... Vesper Hymn Peace, Perfect Peace - Caldbeck (Sung by the choir, unaccompanied) The Anthem Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God ....Sir John Sulner The Offertory Musia-Ths Answer " Wostenholms Thomas J. Kelly, director of the music The annual meeting of the Womea's Chrlstiaa association will be held Tuesday at t p.- rn. at Mrs. P. L. Perine a apart ments, 211 South Twenty-JftU street when the election of officers will take place and the annual reports will ba given. Refreshments will be ser'ed. Rev. Leonard Stromberg will deliver his lecture on "Ingentlng" Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, in the 8wrdiaj Methodist church. , Sunday is to be an important day in the United Evangelical churcn, Twenty fourth and Franklin streets. Klshop W. P. Hell, who has been conducting revival services during the week, will preach at 11 a. m., I p. tu. and T J P- u. Spirited Miller o Stewart .ISe Music Cabinet, like cut, rhftde 'of Birch, finished . mahogany, rubbed and polished, price ..$6.25 Oellarette, like cut, in weathered oak with sweat box for cigars, tile top for mixing-glasses : and fixtures, ; ! price $22.50 Desk Chair, like cut, made of Birch, finished in ma hogany, also comes in oak, price .$5.00 Mahogany Pedestal, like cut, made of solid mahog any, top 14-inch in diam eter, 36 inches high, made very strong and substan tial, price . . $9-00 : & f f 14 1-1 .4 fl T pj-' " 1 f H f M II fl 64 t 44 " .JUtjVT)WkIUWIUWIU4-J.., song ssrvlcss will ba held at the after noon and evening meetings. Dr. Frank I Loveland, pastor of the First Methodlat , Episcopal churcJT, will speak at the church Sunday night from the theme, -"Our Modern Battles of Peace." In this address Dr. Loveland will speak of the federation for social service which wjs organized this week In Washington, D. C. He was member of the council which organized this movement, being one of the fifty men aalected for that purpose. Y. W. C. A. Notes. The fifth lecture on art will be riven Thursday evening at I o'clock. The gymnasium classes will hold an open night Monday evening, to whlnn women and men are Invited. Thla Is one of tha special occasions when men will be welcome. Owing to ths fact that Rabbi Frederick Conn haa been called from the city his lecture on the "Queens of England, to have been (riven at the rooms Monday evening, has been postponed indefinitely. At the Toung Women's Christian aao clatlon gospel meeting Sunday afternoon at 4:10 Mlsa Bertha Scbweltser will apeak. Mrs. E. A. Weathers will sing. All women are cordially Invited to be present. So cial hour 1:10. Miss Wallace gave a very Interesting stereoptlcon talk before the bunahlne cir cle Thursday evening at the public library. The aubiect waa 'Metlleval Caa tlea and Their Romancee." Theae iuc tures were supplemented by some liuo views of the Omaha exposition. Mlseellaaeoas Aaaeaaeeaitali. Calvary Raptlat Branch, Thirty-Fourth and Seward Sunday. SO p. m., Bible school; Friday, p. m., Bible atudy. Dund Presbylerfian, Henry Durcken 6Vn, Pastor Morning service 10:30; toplo. "Ths Indictment of the Saloon"; evening service at 7:30. T'nlttr. Seventeenth and Case. Rev. New ton Mann, Minister Service at 1:46, ser mon. "Jesua and the Samaritan Woman;" Sunday school at 11:15. Rethanv Branch Flrat BaDtlst, 3S63 leav en w ith Sunday school pt noon. Industrial school at t p. m. Meetings every night dur ing the week at I o clocK. - Swedish Methodist. Nineteenth and Burt, Peter Munson. pastor I'reuchln at 11 a. m and 7:80 t. m. ; Sunday echool at 10 a. m. ; young people s meeting at t:30 p. m. First Reformed. Twenty-third and Cen tral Boulevard. Rev. F. S. Zaugg, Pastor Sunday achool at :30 a. m.; preaching ser vices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; sermons preaohed by evangelist. Rev. A. C&sael- Fully cooked and full of the material that makes energy Grape-Nuts Try it for lunch, with cream. "THERE'S A REASON." 413-15-17 South What Shall I Buy lor Christmas? . SBBSBSS-S-SBBBBBSBBSSBBrBSSSSBSSBS) Something for the Home is our answer and, we do not hesitate in making this' reply for What can be more useful or better appreciate ed than Nice Furniture, Rntfs, Lace Curtains or Draperies? OUR prices arc . so reasonable that no one need leave ur store without finding just the thing at just the rifcht price. .Space permits us to enumerate only a small jAjnv ber of the grand offering of Suitable and Useful lyrist mas Gifts which our store contains. Come early and secure the advantage of selection. Gtods bought now can be laid away for Christmas. List of Appropriate Ghristimas Gifts Oriental. Rugs, $30.00 to Bath Rugs. $5.00 to' Wilton Rugs, $10.00 to .. Axminster Rugs, $12.50 to Symrna Rugs, $10.00 to . . Carpet Sweeper, $3.50 to -. ... . , . Lace Curtains, per pair, $10.00 to Portieres, per pair, $15.00 to...'. Couch Covers, each $15.00 to;... Rope Portieres, $5.50 to ..... .v. ...... Pillow Tops, 98c to ; Tapestry Panels, $22.50 to Screens, $20.00 to Shirt Waist Boxes, $7.50 to Madras Curtains, per pair, $8.75 to . . Snow Flake Curtains, per pair, $8.75 to Table Covers, each, $16.00 to Sofa Pillows, each, $5.00 to .'. . . , Fire Screens, $5.50 to Door Panels, $8.00 to French Velour Portieres, $50.00 Den Lamps, $7.50 to Ladies Desk, $80.00 to Music Cabinets, $36.00 to Work Tables, $36.50 to . Parlor Stands,-$25.00 to .. Tabourettes, $9.00 to Pedestals, $40.00 to ..: .. Brass Candle Sticks, $6.00 to . Cellarettes, $35.00 to ......... Magazine Racks, $22.00 to . . . Lamps, $28.00 to Lamps, $28.00- to . . . . . 7.50 Morris Chairs, $60100 to . 10.50 Hall Glasses, $45.00 to. . 4.50 Ladies' Desk, like cut, made of best qual ity quarter-sawed oak, rubbed and pol-, ished finish, with mrge drawer, Price ,.x $8.00 Rocker, like cut, made, of solid mahog any, finished dull, very comfortable, Price $9.50 man; evangelistic meetings each evening at ( o'clock. Hanscom Park Methodlat Episcopal. R. 8cott Hyde, Pastor Preaching at 10: a. tn. and 7:30 p. m. Special music by choir of thirty-five voloea. Lee O. Krats, choir master. German Evangelical Lutheran, St. Paul's, Twenty-eighth and Parker Streets, Rev. H. Holie, Pastor Regular service at 10 a. tn., aubject, "Signa of the Times;" no service in the evening. First United Presbyterian, Twenty-first and Emmet Sermon by the ' pastor. Rev. D. R. Turnbuil, 10:80 a. m.; Bible school at noon; young people's meeting at 8:3V; ad dress by Tom Darn all of Lincoln at 7:30 p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Twenty Fifth and Farnam, Chambera Building Sunday school at :45 a. m., Sunday serv ices at 11 a. m. and ( p. m. Subject of lesson sermon, "God the Preserver of Man." People's Church, Charles W. Savldge, Pastor Alonso T. Jones of Battle Creek, Mich., will preach both morning and even ing. Subject at 10:J0 a. m., "Christianity the Life;" subject at I p. ni., "Individuality In Religion." Saratoga and Parkvale Congregational, Rev. J. B. Losey, Pastor Services at Park vale Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11 a. ni. Saratoga Sunday school at 2:30 p. ni.; preaching at 7:30 p. m. 1 toplo, "The Chief Knd of Man," Lowe Avenue Presbyterian. Fortieth and Nlcholaa Rev. J. K. Fowler. D. of LaCross, Wis., will preach at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday achool at 12 m.; En deavor aoclety at 6:30 p. m. ; Wednesday evening mreting at t o'clock. St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twentieth and . llurdette, L. Groh.. Pastor Servlcea. 10:46 a. 'Christ's Second Advent; Mil lenium;" 7:30 p. m., "The Oreat Advantage Disregarded; Lot's Wife.'' Sunday achool at noon, young people at 6:46 p. m. Plymouth Congregational, Twentieth and Spencer, F. W. Leavitt, Minister Morning service at 10:30, sermon toplo, "Divine Government ;" evening service at 7:), with address on "The Triumphs of Temperance;" Men's club meeting on Monday evening. Flrat Methodist Eplacopat Rev. Frank 'L. Loveland. pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. In the morning the subject will be, "The Perils of Wssta in State and Church;" evening. "Our Modern Battles of Peace," a atudy of the aoclal aervice. First Christian, Twenty-alxth and Har ney, 8. D. Duicher. Pastor Bible achool at 9M a. m. J preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in.; morning subject, "A Wreckage Palace;" evening aubject, "Why So Many Men Attend Our Churches;" Christian En deavor at 6:30 p. m. 1 First German Free Evangelical. Twelfth and Dorcas German preaching aervice at 1):30 a. m., with an addrena by the pas-or's assistant; subject, "Confessions." Bible school and young people's service at 1:30 p. m.; Bible study and prayer meeting Wednesday at S p. m. First Congregational, Nineteenth and Davenport The pastor, Rev. F. T. Rouse, will conduct servioea at 10:30 a. m. and 7 30 p. m.; Sunday school st 11 m. ; Chris tian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m ; morning sub- iet-t. "Perfection;" evening subject, "The Jivlne and .Difficult Art of Giving." Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Rev. John Albert Williams, Prleat-ln-Oharge 7 W m.i m., holy communion; 10 a. ni., mat Ins; 11 a. n , holy communion and aermon; 12.45, Sunday avhool and Bible class; 6 o'clock, evensong and arnion, "The Church Militant," by Rev. A. fcl Knickerbocker. Second Presbyterian. Twenty-fourth and Nicholas, Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck, Pas torPreaching service at 10. 3U. topic, "Wis dom's Proof ; evangelist! and Kospel aong aervice at 7:3. senium topic, "Why Monty Is Scarce." Mrs. J. S. Iliil lll sing, tiun- 1 Sixteenth Street $2.50 . .75 3.50 . sTss STh BBS iit.iMi 10 2.00 .75 1.75 1.75 2.25 5c 1.25 3.00 3.50 5.50 2.75 1.25 i1 2.25 3.00 f)5C to . . 35.00 .. 3.50 . 9.00 . 6.25 . 10.00 . 1.75 . . . 55c .. 4.00 ..; i.oo . . 10.00 ... 0.00 vino-- ,fA:' " .:.......,..)..:.,.T,7,50 Rockers, $26.00 to,. .'. . - -'1.15 Shaving Stands, $21 to . .10.50 Couches, $105.00 to.'.Ml.SO r , . . V. HI lay school and Baraca clasa at noon; Christian . Endeavor at 6:10; Wednesday evening topic, "Chvi.v.tan and Hopeful In Doubting Castle.'' . . Trinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue and Eighteenth Street. The Very . Rev. Georae A. Beecher, Dean Holy communion at 6 a. m. ; Sunday school and Bible class at 9:46 a. m. ; morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m.; confirmation class at I p. m. ; evening prayer and eermon at 7:30 p. m. First Baptist, Twenty-Ninth and Harney. Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D., Pastor Services at 10:30 . a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; morning sermon, "Significant Signs of the Times; evening. "Doubt end Uncertainty Ex changed for Assurance." Sunday school at noon, young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Grace 'Baptist, Tenth and Arbor, B. F Fellman. Pastor "The Grace that Makes all Grace Porelble." 10:46; Home .Sunday achool at noon; Sunday school No. t. Fourth and Cedar, 1:30 p. m ; Sunday school No 3, Thirteenth and William, :30 p. m.j home and foreign mission study classes at 7 p. m.; gospel service at 7:46 p. m. , Union Gospel Mission, 113 Seuth Four teenthEvangelist H. Gordon Bennett, who Is conducting services In, ths. North Side' Christian church, wi.ll speak at 7:30. From :16 to 10:16 there will be held a union prayer aervice, under the auaplcea of the City mission, American Volunteers and the Union Gospel mission. , First Presbyterian, Seventeenth and Dodge, Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D., Paator Morning service at 10:30, aubject, "Strength According to Days;" evening service at 7:30, Rev. E. R. Curry, D. D., paator of Calvary Baptist church, exchsnges with the paator, preaching from the theme, "The Meaaure and Motive of a Noble Life." Knox Preabyterlan, Nineteenth and Ohio, M.'V. Higbee, Minister Morning worship at 10:30, therne, "Domestic Presbyterlanlsm ;" Sunday school at noon. Junior Chrlatlan Endeavor at 3, Senior Chrlatlan Endeavor at : evening worship at 7:30; theme, "Jesus.' the Savior from Bin."' Prayr meet ing every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. . 1 Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal." Forty first and Charles. B. E. Hosman, Pastor Sermon bv Rev. J. B. Carnes. D. of Lincoln, Neb., superintendent of the State Anti-Saloon league, at 10:30 a. m.: Sunday school at noon; ,Eporih teague at .606 p. m.; sermon by the pastor, at 7:30 p.. na,. theme, "The . Motive In Soul Winning. Calvary Baptist, Twenty-Fifth and Ham ilton. Rev. E. R. Curry, Paator Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning aub ject. "Christian Patriotism;" evening ad dress by Rev. E. H. Jenks, D. D., sublect, "Joseph, the Dreamer;"' Bible school af noon, young people's meeting st 6:30 p. in. ; Wednesday, i p. m., midweek praise serv ice. Third Presbyterian. Twentieth snd Leavenworth Preaching by the paator, Rev. Josth B. Cheery, Ph. -D at 10:46 a. m., subject, "Adoration In Prayer;" 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. B. Carua of IJncoln, Neb., will speak on temperance; 1 Sunday school st (:30 a. m.i Junior Christian Kndeavor at 1:30 p. m.; Senior Chrlatlan Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Forty-fifth and Grant, Rev. R. L. Pure, Pastor Sunday will be observed as conference day; morn ing service st 10:10, sermon theme, "Economic Aspecte of the Temperance Question;" evening service st 7:0, Dr. A. L. Mulrhead will give a temperance ad-1 dress; Sunday school at noon; Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. ro. Grace Lutheran, South Twenty-aixth, Be tween Poppletoa and Woolworth, Rev. M. L. Mellck. Paator Church services at 10:44 a. m., subject of sermon, "Whole-Hearted lx-llon," and at 7.30 p. m. the service will consist of hymns and their atories. Kach hymn, whose Interesting story will he told by the pastor, will Immediately be sung by a large choir, or by an accom )ll.hed soloist. Sunday school at U;1L; in n J Sewing Table, like cut, solid mahogany, dull fin ish, with two swell draw ers, 1 drawer partitioned for threads; Trice .....13.75 7 Magazine Rack, like cut, made of weathered oak, price ...........$0.00 Child's Morris Chair, like cut, made of weathered oak, upholstered seat and back, of imitation leather, price .....$2.50 Dressing Table Chair, like cut, in imitation mahog- any, curly birch, oak and bird's eye. maple, JS, I 9 rubbed and polished fin ish, price...". $4.75 Pedestal, like cut, " imita tion mahogany and quarter-sawed oak,' polished finisli, price. . . . .$4.00 F. .4 f 44 4 .1 44 Luther league at 6:30 p. tn.; prayer meet ing Wednesday night; Bible catechetlcs on Friday at 4 and 8 p. m. Caatellar Street Presbyterian, Sixteenth and Caatellar, Walter 11. Reynolds,' Pas tor Ths pastor will preach at the 10: at service; Rev. Mr. 'Wheeler, pastor of ths South Omaha church, will preach -at the 7:30 p. m. aervice; Sunday achool at noon; Endeavor society at 6:30' p. m.. Ontario chapel service, ' Eighteenth and Ontario, at 3 p. jn. Park Forest chapel servloe, Twelfth and Dominion, at 3 p. m. Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ ' of Latter Day Saints, Saint's Chspel, It J North Twsnty-tlrat Sunday school at M a." m.; preaching service at 11 a. m. by Elder J. R. Sutton, "What is a True Evangelical Church?" Zlon's Religion Literary society at 6 p. m.; subject for study and discussion, "Belief, Faith." Preaching service at 7:10 p. m. by Elder J. 8. Roth, "The Great Apostasy.'' Announcements, wedding stationery and calling cards, blank book and magaaine binding. ' 'Phone Doug. 1604. A. L Root, Ino. Piles Cured Free Get Rid ot Your riles Right Now, Pyramid pile Cure Can Do It- -Qukkljr and Painlessly. nil riousi szmt to ikoys it. Piles are a fearful disease, but easy to cure If you go at It right. An operation with the knife Is aanger., ous, cruel, humiliating and unnecesnaary., v ' Pyramid Pile Cure has cured the wort,l form of piles known. Ws prove it. ' By 'every mail we get letters like this: . "Wishing to give credit where credit ' is Is' due. I feel It my duty to humanity' as well as yourselves to write you regard ing' your pile remedy. I nave not fin ished my5 first' box and am now well. After the flrat treatment of Pyramid Pile Cure, the 'soreness' left, and the swellings have kept decreasing. I also used your pills and am feeling like myself again. Thanking you kindly, 'I am, yours truly, C. Crowley, 170 th Ave., Seattle, Wash." ' We do not aek you to take our word. We are willing that you should try our treatment and decide for yourself. Send to the Pyramid Drug Co., 3 Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mich., and you will receive a free trial packagre by return mall. After you have used the contents of this package you can secure exactly the sains medicine from any druggist for 60 cents, or, on receipt of price, we will mall you earns ourselves If be should not have It. You can go right ahead with your' work and be easy and comfortable all the time. Isn't It worth trying? . Thousands have been, cured In this easy, painless and Inexpensive way, in the pri vacy of their own home. No torture. No bills. Bend today, '