Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1907, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 6, Image 22

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Bargain Sale Extraordinary Monday Many Lines Must Be Closed to Make Room for the Toys Haydcn Bros
- p r .
s am a r
V av
i I ( n
Blankets, Comfortab's
and Flannels
Closing out all our Blankets,
Comforters and Flannels in our
famous Domestic Boom to make
room for toys.
All our fl.39 Cotton Blankets.
All our $1.60 Cotton Blankets.
All our 11.98 Cotton Blankets.
All our $2.50 Cotton Blankets.
$1.98 Wool Blankets 98
$2.60 Wool Blankets 91.39
$3.00 Wool Blankets S2.G9
$6.00 Wool Blankets .$3.69
Home Made Comfortables are made
here In Omaha, of our own sllkollne,
sateen and swansdown, of the purest
white medicated cotton.
To close, at, each, $5.00, $4.00, $3.00,
$2.60. $2.25. $1.98 and $1.50
x aciory maae JSitL meets, eaCQ. Il.bU.
Muslins and Sheetings Sale
In Oar Famous Domestic Room
All must be closed oat to make room for the
greatest line of Toys In Omaha.
Holiday Sale of Silks
Hiqh Grade Dress Goods Dept
Bleached Sheeting
9-4 Lock wood 22o
9-4 Lincoln lOo
- Brown Sheeting v
9-4 Lock wood 20o
9-4 Pepperal ..20e
9-4 Ironclad 19o
Yard Width Sheetings
Hope 8a
Lonsdale 9c
Fruit of the Loom. ,0Ho
Unbleached Sljeetlng
Dictation L. L. . ...44c
Beaver Dam Be
Vlneland 6c
Hadley 7c
Amoskeag A. F. C. ,7Mo
Toll du Nord 8M
Teaseldowns 8 He
Carabeam Country
Flannels 7c
Good Outing '
, Flannel 5c
7c Shaker Flannel 2Hc
8 He Shaker Flannel 4 He
10c Shaker Flannel 6 He
II He S'k'r. Flannel 7Hc
19c towels, linen.... 10c
15c towels, linen. . . ,8Hc
12 He towels, Unen.OHo
Fine standard prints 2c
American Indigo Pts . 4 4 c.
All linen toweling. .. .5c
$1.00 linen 60c
85c linen 49o
76c linen 80c
Remnants of fine linen,
80c, 25c, 19c, 15c,
Owing to the fact that we invoice immediately after Christmas
and we are desirous of reducing our stock fully half before that
time, we make prices for silks for Monday that mean a Christmas
present of the profits to each purchaser. Many Magnificent Bar
gains. See our window display. Mall orders received up to
Wednesday noon filled at these prices.
50c Silks. 85c.
Handsome checks, chiffon failles,
color poplins and Jap silks, taf
fetas, pongees and novelties. In
Domestic Room, yd 85c
Elegant New Plaids for Waists. Most complete assortment
shown in the city. Oreatly underpriced for Monday selling, 86c,
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50.
Black Silks Afways Make Acceptable Gifts. . Four very special
numbers for Monday:
Monday will be the greatest price cutting
in this department ever seen in Omaha. All
goods new direct from the mills.
Colored Dress Goods
$1.25, $1.00, 76c and.
75c Silks at 40c.
Think of. buying those beautiful
new stripe and novelty silks
displayed in our window this
week, at per yd 40c
and ., 12He
Ixi Our High Grade Dress Goods Dept.
We are now making to order the finest Suits ever turned out in
Omaha,' by an expert ladles' tailor, direct from Paris. Every garment
guaranteed a perfect fit. This department is in connection with our
High Grade Dress Goods department. Come in and consult Mr.
Glgoneun, cutter and flatter in charge.
Many Splendid Gift Suggestions In Our Great Furniture Dept.
No place else will you find as comprehensive a collection of such attractive low prices. Make your selections
early vrhile assortments are complete. We will hold any purchase until ordered delivered.
$1.39 Black Dress Taffetas, 36
in. wide, on sale $1.05
$1.25 Black Dress Taffetas, 36
in. wide, on sale 80c
$2.60 Black Peau de Sole. 36 in.
wide, on sale $1.50
$1.39 Black Peau de Sole, 86 in.
wide, on sale $1.00
$24.50 Parlor Suites On , $12.50 Parlor Suites On I I
sale at $19.50 I sale at $35.00 I sale at
Other Delightful Parlor Suite Bargains Shown, price up to.....
Combination Bookcase and Desk 35 styles
shown, ranging in prices up to. . . .$40.00
As a Monday Special $14.00 Combination
Bookcase and Desk, sale price. . ..$11.50
Dresser Specials 100 styles to select from:
-$10.00 Dressers at $7.50
$14.00 Dressers at $11.50
$18.60 Dressers at $15.85
$21.60 Dressers at $17.85
$23.60 DreBsers tft $18.85
$25.00 Dressers at ." S20.00
"-China Cabinet Specials.
$14.00 China Cabinet : $11.95,
$16.50 China Cabinet $14 OU
$19.00 China Cabinet Slo!50
30 other styles shown at prices ranging to $65
Special Iron Bed Bargains.
$3.00 Iron Bed at $J 95
$5.00 Iron Bed at $395
$10.00 Iron Bed at $7.50
1 .ijQ
L" 1
Book Mrs -a.
Now at
$45.00 Parlor Snites On . $55.00 Parlor 8 n 1 1
$38.50 I Specially priced $42.50
$14.00 Iron Bed at.. ..S11 Oft
$18.00 Iron Bed at Slo n
$21.00 Iron Bed at $15.85
Dining Tables 49 different styles shown
here, all at attractive special prices Monday:
$7.60 Dining Tables tU
$11.50 Dining Tables So 4
$16.50 Dining Tables.
$19.00 Dining Tables.
$26.00 Dining Tables
$34.60 Dining Tables
Muslo Cabinets, Cellerettes.
bis Una
to 865.00.
Buffet 75
for selection.
$11.60 value,
$24.00 value.
$38.00 value,
8tands, Odd Parlor" Pieces, Rockers, Dining
Chairs, Hall Trees. Couches and DavenDorta.
923.00 etc. Shown in almost endless assortment at
atrtaa moai del'8htful bargain prices la thla week's
sales. See them Monday.
I19&0 Everything In Pyrography Set and Sup-
Matchless Underwear and Knit Goods Bargains
Surplus stock of American Knitting Mills Co. Thousands of dollars worth of high grade
stock on sale at LESS THAN HALF REAL VALUE.
Men's All Wool Shirts and
Drawers, manufactured to
sell up to $2.00, garment.
Choice 69c
Men's and Boys' Wool Sweat
ers, fancy weaves. All sizes
and styles, worth up to $3.00,
Choice 69c
Ladles' and Children's Vest and
Pants Fine wool garments, values
to $2.00; In three lots at, gar
ment, 08c, 60o and. . . . . .. .49
Ladies' Vest and Pant Extra
heavy ribbed and flat fleeced, white
or gray at 40c, 80c, 25c and 10
Men's Combination Suits, , all
wool, and Dr. Wright's health
, fleeced, worth regularly . to
$.00, at ........ ,?1.98
From 9 till 10 a. : m. Broken
lines of underwear, all kinds
and sizes (hat sold to $1.00
garment, on ; sale ....... 19c
Prom 10 Til ' 11 Knit Shawls,
Fascinators, Stocking Caps, Oloves
and Mittens hundreds of dozens to
select from values to 76c at,
' choice ....... I 15
Ladies' Union Suit All wool gar
ments, In grays or black, regular
$2.50 and $3.00 values. .. .$1.50
By Buying Your Groceries at Haydfen's
Men's Shirts and Drawers, ex
tra heavy fleeced, many silk
or wool fleeced garments in
the lot, values to $1.00,
at 39c
Men's and Boys' Wool Over
shirts. All sizes. Made to sell
to $2.00. Choice 69c
From 11 A. M. Till 12 M. Ladles'
fine Worsted Skirts, fancy colors,
worth to $2.50; at. 39s
Boys' Heavy Fleeced Underwear or
Fine Worsted Ribs Sixes to 34,
worth to $1.00 garment; on sale
at 40c, 25c and 19
you Sir Yourstll 25 Fir
Cent to 50 Ftr Cen on
Your Living Expenses. . . .
Jl lb, best pur Cane Granulated
Sugar for H OJ
1 bar Laundry Soap it a
10-lb. sacks beat Granulated Corn- .
meal , 1
Burnham' Hasty Jellycon, pkg....oc
1-lb. can Soups, asst. kind .IHo
l-)b. pkg. best Condensed Mince
1- lb. pkg. Macaroni... o
Worcester Sauce, per bottle ....... $VJ
Urie bottle Pickles, any kind.... 80
Stuffed or Plain Olive, per bottle.. 9o
peanut Butter, per Jar. .......So
2- lb. can Country Gentleman Sweet
Sugar Corn Ho
-lb. can Golden pumpkin. Hominy.
Squash, Bauer Kraut or Baked
vicuna, cer can n
OH or Mustard Sardines, per can.. 8 Wo
"ancy Santo uonee, per jo "
Fancy Basket Fired or Sun . Dried
Japan Tea. pr lb SSo
Fancy English. Breakfast, Ceylon
or Gunpowder Tea, per lb SSo
Fancy Country Roll Butter, lb 210
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb...26o
Fancy Full Cream Sage- Cheese, lb. 20a
Fancy Full . Cream Wisconsin
Cheese, per lb ' IT Ho
Fancy Full Cream New York Whlto
Cheese, per lb 17 Ho
Fancy Full Cream Brick or Um-
berger Cheese, per lb 17 Ho
Neuf chatel Cheese, each So
Bap Sago Cheese, each 8V1O
ravxsx TaasTABi.B ajtd rmurr
T . ravigaicv. -
Fancy Genlton Apples, bushel. .. .$126
New Colorado Honey, per rack loo
Large Gmpe Fruit, each 7Ho
.New Holland' Date, per lb
New large Onion, per do
New Fard Dates, per lb..
head fresh Celery
1 heads fresh I-ettuce. , , .
New Cooking Figs, lb....
Beets. Carrots, Turnips. Paranlna.
Rutabagas or Red Onions, lb lo
Another Carload of XUghlanl Havel
Oraage. Thl car 1 principally 11
large else We will sell the 160 !
that retail everywhere for 2Ko to 40o
per dosen, our prlo for thl snU.
per dosen jge
IUark Drras Goods
Priestley's $1.60 black
Panamas, S4-in. wide
will go at, yd 74c
Lupin's $1.98 black Voiles
at, yard 08c
Lupin's $2.50 black chev
iots at $1.10
Lupin's $3.50 black chev
iots at f 1.45
$4.00 French black broad
cloths at .91.03
$3.00 French black broad
cloths at 91.30
$1.00 French black broad
cloths at . . 08c
$1.60 fancies, dark or
light colors 73c
$2.00 fancies, dark or
light colors 03c
$3.00 fancies, dark or
light colors 91.10
$1.98 broadcloths, all
colors 08c
$2.50 broadcloths, all
colors 91.10
$3.00 broadcloths, all
colors 91.30
$4.00 broadcloths, all
colors 91.08
, Bearskin to Close.
All Bearskins at exactly half the marked price. All
colors must close at once. Mall orders filled until
160 Pattern Table Cloths, pur linen,
bleached, IH yards long, well worth
$6.00 each; Monday only, each.ta.98
200 Hemstitched Pure Linen Tabfe
Cloth, else 1x10, rood value at
$2.60; will go Monday only . . . .L1S
Holiday Specials
To secure best selection for
Christinas gifts bay early, while
stocks are most cpmplete.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs,
Fancy Ribbons,
Teddy Bears, .
Fancy Leather Goods,
Ladies' Muffs,
Hand Painted China.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs Fancy and
plain embroidered, lace trimmed,
10c values 4Hc
Ladies' Handkerchiefs Scalloped,
embossed, plain hemstitched, fine
Swiss and pure linen, 16c value,
on sale .7 He
Ladies' Handkerchiefs -Fancy em
bossed, linen initialed and cross
barred, 30c value, at .15c
75c Fancy Ribbons 25c Just the
thing for holiday fancy work, a
full line, in plain colors, fancy
plaids and Persian designs, all
at, yard 25c
Children's Handkerchiefs Worth
regularly 6c, special Monday 2Ho
Children's Handkerchiefs Regu
lar 3c values, . on sale Monday
at lHc
New Leather Goods Largest
stock, most complete assortment
and most reasonable prices to be
found. Look them over; Monday
prices 60c to 920.00
Big sample line on sale Monday
at Special Bargain Prices:
95.00 Opera Bags at . . . . . .$2.00
910.00 Opera Bags at $.75
92.00 Opera Bags at 91. OO
Hand Painted China at Deeply Cut
Prices Monday.
Teddy Bears of all . descriptions,
greatly underpriced Monday.
Ladies' Fancy Garters Priced far
below actual worth.
Popular Priced
Wool Dress Goods
Must lie closed out to make room for
the grandest assortment of Toys ever
seen in Omaha.
$1.00 all wool Scotch Plaids, 44 in.SOc
$1.00 French silk and wool Plaids. 570
$1.00 fine Fancies 490
$1.60 fine Fancies ,....89
$1.00 Henriettas, all wool 590
$1.00 Storm SerRes, all wool 590
40-lnch Storm Serges 500
68-inch Mixed Suitings, $1 value.. 59
$1.00 all wool Suitings, 54 inch.. 49
69c all wool Suitings, 36 inch....39,
OVC i-njuiwm.10 riHiu
$1.00 Eiderdown, 30 Inches wide. .500
$1.00 Lamb's Wool, 3C in. wide..59
COc Krinkledown 390
60c Eiderdown 390
$1.25 W'alstlngs 75c 75c Walstlngs 48c
$1.00 Walstings 50c 60c Walstlngs 88c
Our h Price Sale Women's Coats Suits
Continues Monday with the addition of several hundred new coats and suits to the already im
mense line, will be of greater bargain interest than even last week's sale. The early buyer
will find first-of-season assortments for selection at January and February prices.
Over 1,000 Coats, 1,500 Silk and Wool Suits at just Half Regular Prices.
Ladies' Oaractd Coats, 24, 30 and 52-in. lengths, at just Half Price.
High-Grade Linen Dept., Extra Specials for Xmas
60 pieces of genuine Irish Satin Dam
. ask, pure linen, 2 yards wide, reg
ular price $1.60; Monday only... SSo
60 dosen 14-Inch Irish Linen Napkins,
full bleached, regular $6.00 grad;
special, Monday only 93.S8
100 dozen Pure Linen Towels, either
hemstitched or knotted fringe, :So
value; Monday only 930
An Immense assortment of Bureau
Scarfs, Center Pieces, Tray Cloths,
etc., worth up to 75c each; MonOny
only, one price 85o
$20.00 coats 1Q..00
$30.00 coats.... 15.00
$35.00 coats.... 17.50
$40.00 coats 20.00
$45.00 coats 22.50
$50.00 coats .'...25.00
$15 tailor suits. .7.50
$20 tailor suits, 10.00
$25 silk&ta,loru1t12.60
$30 suits, choice 15.00
$40 suits, choice 20.00
$50 suits, choice 25.00
$30.00 French Coney Coats, lined throughout with
guaranteed skins, satin lining, at 18.50
$90.00 Canadian Beaver Coats, magnificent bar
gains, Monday .'..59.00
Genuine Alaska Seal Coats, greatest values ever
sho.wn at sale price.. 195.00
Double Isabella Fox Scarf, with 2 big brush tails,
$20.00 values, special... 12.50
$12.50 Scarfs, in fine brown marten, great value
at 6.95
Women's $6.00 Silk Underskirts, all colors, on sale
at ........ 3.95
$2.00 Moire Underskirti .... g)c
$1.50 Long Flannelette Wrappers, on sale. . .59c
$5.00 short silk Kimonos, all colors, great bargain
at ..' 1.95
Women's $2.00 flannelette Wrappers, Monday
at 1.19
See our new Home-made Wrappers.
IVl i
Carpet Dept. Gift Suqqestibns
Many Special Rug Bargains for Monday.
fa.oo Granite Art Squares, size 9x12,
sale price .$3.98
$4.60 Granite Art Squares, size 9x-10-6,
sale price $3.49
$3.00 Granite Art Squares, size 6x9,
sale price N $2.25
$8.00 Wool Ingrain Art Squares, size
9x12, sale price $5.08
$7.00 Wool Ingrain Art Squares, 9x9
size, sale price .$4.08
$5.00 Wool Ingrain Art Squares, size
7-6x9, sale price .$3.08
$4-00 Wool Ingrain Art Squares, size
6x9, sale price $3.49
$10.00 Pro Brassela Kugs, size 9x12,'
sale price v $6.08
$12.60 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, size
9x12, sale price.... $0.48
$0.00 TcVestrr Brussels Rugs, size
6x9, sale price..;...... $0.08
$3.00 Axmlnster Rugs, size 36x72, on
sale at $3.40
$2.80 . Axmlnster Rugs, size 27x54,
on sale at $1.08
$2.00 Velvet Rugs, size 27x54, on sale
at $1.20
Brussels Carpet Sweepers, at $3.00
and $2.S0
National Carpet Sweepers, at $2.60
and . . . . : $2.00
Let us figure on your bill of shades.
One hundred elegantly engrav
ed Visiting cards, with An
plate, at ...VOC
Get orders in as early as possible.
By R. L. Metcalfe in new illustra
ted edition for sale in book depart
ment. '
All $1.50 Copyright
Books pn sale at . .
rnv KJaYOlKl9 first
Curtain and Drap
ery Suggestions
axon? Brnsssla Curtains, in beauti
ful new designs; at, pair f 15.00
Duchess Point x,a Curtains, white
or cream, splendid assortment, at
prices from, pair 94.98 to 97.60
Xriah rolat X,ace Curtains, in elegant
allover designs, delightful values;
t. pair 96.60, 94.98, 93.98
Cable Vet X.aoe Curtains, ecru or
white, (4 Inches wide; at, pair, 98.60,
94.98, 93.60 and 3.93
JTovelty Curtains, in neatest- new ef
fects; at, pair, 92.60, 91.98 and 91.49
7 So Imported Madras, yard 39o
80-lnoh Drapery Uss, Persian, Ori
ental and lloral designs; at, yard. 390
Unas Taffeta, It inches wide, just the
thing for laundry bags, yard 39o
Tapestry Conoh Cover, In all newest
design; special values, 97.60, 94.9U,
94.60 and 93.S0
Men's Wool Hose, worth regular
ly to 50c a pair, 12ac-19c-25c
(Plain or Fancy colors.)
Ladies' Fine Wool and Heavy
Fleeced Hose, ribbed and plain,
worth to 60c. Pair on sale
at , i9c
Children's 25c Quality Wool Hose,
fine or heavy ribbed, at... ,10c
Children's Pony Hose, most pop
ular on account of the darning
it doesn't need. All sizes 25c
Ladle' Ways ailt Hose, plain black
Maco, white sole or linen sole; at
P'r. 3 So, 36o and fi6o
Aa immense lis of Bilk Bos
rreatly ttnderprlced tow Monday's
selling. '
Biggest Cut Ever Made in 'Hardware
98c Waffle Iron 490
(Oc Galvanised Coal Hods 19o
98o Savory Roasters 68o
tic Clothes Basket 69o
8c Enameled Tea Kettles 49o
toe Steel Pollshei Fry Pan 12 Ho
Strong Braced Fire Shovel loo
1-arge Turkey Roasters 880
Enameled Hlce Boiler S9o
46c Brass Wash Boards 25o
Heavy Block Tin Copper Wash' Boiler,
worth 91.76, for 980
Blue Enameled 8-quart Coffee or Tua
Pot, worth 69c 36a
Large Tin Dinner Pall, with cup and
trays, only '. 16o
Cracker Jack Corn Popper, worth 26c,
for -15o
I60 Wilson Bread Toaster, only ISVio
W,h7. "P Working- It's Xtasyt
Instead of hitching yourself up to
a washing machine and working your
self to death. Just hitch up our new
Water Power Washing- Machine,
worth 918.80, now 912.50, to your
water faucet and let It do the Work
for you.
The large Western Washer, worth
lo.OO, only j... 92.60
Round, large Washing Muohlnes, one
day only sa.08
II.OO Rotary Motion Wash Machlno,
only f4.98
$7.60 Rotary Motion Wash Machine,
When you want to look at Wash
Machines come to us where you can
see every variety before buying.
In the Field of Electricity
Eleiclty Rall.
OWHKRE 1 electricity maing
Nl greater progress as a motive
I power than on the railroad
I mnvar.lm at New York CltV.
Preliminary to the Installation
of electric power In its tunnels
connecting New Jersey, Manhattan and
Long Island, the Pennsylvania railroad
company 1 conducting extensive experi
ments with eleclrlo and steam locomotives
In the vicinity of Frankllnvllle, N. J. The
best makes of both engines have been put
through the paces' on a long stretch of
track. On ona run with limited power the
tlectrto engine reached a apeed of eighty
billes an hour. The tests cover th effect
of high speed on th road, th fore of
the engine stroke and the possibility of
lectrlo current disenthraling the steel rail.
Results have rtot been announced.
The New York Central Is spending 865..
0OO.0UO on Its new terminal system In New
Tork. Part of this 1 alreudy being oper
ated by electricity. When th work 1
conr.pleted all train will b hauled by
electrlo power as far out a Croton thirty
five miles on the main line, and to North
White Plains, twenty-nine miles, on th
Itarlem division.
In thl service th railroad now ha
thlrty-flv loo-ton electrlo tocomHtives.
which are handling th through express
train to and from Yonker. where steam
locomotive atop, at speed varying from
forty to eighty mile an hour. Th com
pany Is getting 100 steel motor cars, each
eating sixty passengers,' to handle It
suburban travel.
Th New York. New Haven and Hart
ford railroad, which use the' Grand Cen
tral station, 1 nearly ready to operate
It Una by electrlo power out to Stam
ford, Conn., thirty-three miles. It la get
ting for thl service thirty seventy-two-ton
electrlo locomotive.
Plans have been prepared by the Erie
railroad for electrlo equipping about
Co mils of It line running out from
Hoboken. It 1 estimated that thl will
cost tl&,O00.0G0. Th company 1 now
quipping It line out to Greenwood Lake,
N. J., thlrty-flv miles, and also a thirty
four mil section In New York, between
Rochester and Avon.
.Th West Shore Is electrifying It line
between Uttca and Syracuse. N. Y., forty
four mile. The Southern Pacific baa ap
propriated $1,20,000 to convert from ateam
to eleclrlo operation twenty mile of sub
urban line out of Ban Francisco.
With th elevation of the track of th
Philadelphia and Reading railway shortly
to be undertaken In Philadelphia It la fully
believed that the company will Install an
electrlo system to operate all It suburban
line. At Washington there is now strong
pressure to compel the Pennsylvania and
Baltimore and Ohio railroad to put in an
leotrlo system at the new Union Terminal.
Hotel lleate Br Csirreat.
The Eagle hotel, of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
is th first hotel In this country to be
heated by electricity. The first installation
was on October 17, 1907. when twenty-seven
room were equipped with luminous electrlo
radiators. Th other room In the hotel,
Including th office, parlor, cafe, and
barber shop, will be electrically heated with
the same type of radiator as soon as pos
sible. The electrlo heat will be controlled
from the office as well a th room and
It 1 predicted, after a careful teat, that
th new source of heat will mean a con
siderable saving to th proprietor. With
lectrlo heat only those rooms occupied
need be heated, and the warmth from the
luminous radiator Instantaneous. When
a guest want accommodations th clerk
assign htm a room and while he 1 wait
ing for th elevator, a turn of th switch
atarta the radiator and the room is soon
warmed. This economy of heat I the great
est feature of the electrlo Installation. The
principal advantage of electrlo heat will
be In th fall and spring, or on cold, damp
day during the summer. It will not be
necessary to keep a steam beating plant
running and guests can keep their room
at any desired temperature.
Eleclrlo Kmo Pratee.
' Privy Councillor Wlttfeld. expert of the
Prussian Rallwry ministry, who recently
took a commission of expert to th United
States for the purpose of studying elect r leal
transportation problems, said In an inter
view, today;
"America's progress In electrical rapid
transit sine my previous visit there Is
astonishing amaxlng. Not only have the
roada for municipal rapid transit been
greatly Increased, developed and perfected,
but electricity Is applied more and mora
to standard gauge roads. It Interested ma
especially to see that the practical Ameri
cans are now using almost exclusively the
single phase alternating current. The con
tinuous current roads which predominated
on my previous visit are now droppplng
further and further Into the background.
"The American road are built excellently.
It I astonishing to see with whst simple
means the Americans get splendid results,
even where money Is lacking. We were
astonished at the gigantic development of
electrical roads In Indiana and th thinly
ettled states. Ilk Oregon."
Ilerr Wlttfeld further remarked thst the
visit of the German experts will have prac
tical 'results. Their observations In the
United States will be utilised In electrlfy
lngjhe Berlin and suburban roada. Work
on th plan for these Improvements baa
already begun, but will require several
years to finish.
A comprehensive report on his American
visit I being prepared by Herr Wlttfeld for
submission to the government.
Streaa-th f Ether Wave.
A correspondent of th electrical world,
Mr. Ernest F. Smith, makes an Interest
ing suggestion a to th possibilities of
wireless telegraphy. He think that if
Herts wave, when generated, should
possess sufficient intensity to be easily
recognizable at a distance slightly exceed
ing 8,000 miles "they would travel further
without trouble and gain, not lose, In
strength beyond that limit. In that case,
he adds, they would probably culminate
in a sort of "splash" directly opposite the
point from which -they started. Here is
offered not only a practical hint concerning
the power requirements of long range
service, but also a starting anomaly. There
Is said to be a chance that higher efficiency
might be realized 10,000 or 12,000 miles from
a sending station than 6,000 miles away I
Development la Telegraphy.
The telewriter Is an electrical Instrument
designed to transmit over a distance repro
ductions of handwriting, drawings, etc. At
the transmitter end a pencil is employed to
write the message on paper fed Into the
Instrument, and the movement made by the
pencil Is transformed Into semi-rotary mo
tions of two shafts. The movements of
these shafts control the current sent to the
line wires, and these currents In their turn
reproduce the seml-ortary motions of two
shafts at the receiver, which motions are
finally transformed Into a production of
th transmitting pencil movement For ex
terior service the Instrument are con
nected to th ordinary telephone line. In
the case of Interior Installation a third line
la employed for operating the pen-lighter
direct, this line being also utilised to op
erate the exchange tndtoator. The system
I stated to be in successful operation for
both Interior and exterior servloe la th
metropolis. No skill In operation is called
tor, and an Instrument of this type ap
pears to offer advantages of some Im
portance In the transmission of written In
structions by telephone.
How California Cities Are Moving? Km
ergctlcally Attain Offensive
California report an Inspiring advance
In the campaign against offensive posters,
billboards, and advertising hoardings In th
Judicial decision that 'such objects are
nuisances, subject to abatement by the
police authorities under the common law.
It was argued that anything needlessly
offensive to the senses was a nuisance. A
soap factory or a pigsty would not be tol
erated In close proximity to residences, be
cause of the vile odors which would out
rage the sense of smell. A stone crusher
or a boiler factory would be similarly for.
bidden, because of the outrsge upon tho
sense of hearing. But the eyes are as
precious as the nose or ears, and tho sense
of sight, the most useful and valuable of
all the senses, Is as much entitled to the
protection against outrage as any other.
So it was contended, and it was decided by
the judge, that posters or billboards which
grossly offended the eye were for that rea
son nuisances and might be suppressed a
That decision seems to be eminently
logical and reesonable. If upheld and gen
erally acted upon it will certainly prove
effective. Th enforcement of th common
law against public nuisances by th police
Power of a municipality 1 usually a sum
mary proceeding. There art. of course,
other grounds upon which billboards and
hoarding might properly be dealt with.
Som of those object are Inimical to good
morals. Some are obstruction to the high
way. . Some threaten danger from flr.
Som trespass upon light and air. Any of
thes grounds should be sufficient to Insure
the removal of the offending structure.
But much simpler and more speedy Is their
condemnation and demolition on th ground
that they are common nuisance. Th
township of South "New Brunswick, N.
J., which Is a city, has slain th billboard
monster, and their only weapon was th
old-fashioned cyth of taxation. Finding
that the not Inconsiderable beautle of th
countryside were blotted out by flaring
signboards, they have taxed th signs cut
of effctence, and now are enjoying th
charms of nature unalloyed by appeals to
use Somebody's pills or Red Nose rye.
New York Tribune.
Landlord Insist on Babies.
The sign of the stork will probably be
placed on the new apartment house erected
by Henry Plppa in Allegheny. These apart
ments are now ready to open. The price
will be within the reach of the poorer peo
ple of the city, and one requisite la that all
tenant must have children.
The hard and fast rule that obtains In
some eastern cities has been violated by
Mr. Plppa, who requires that all persons
renting of film must be the parent of at
least one child. But the larger the family
the better. Newly wed. led couples will have
to wait for some time before they will
be enrolled on Mr. Phlppa' rent rull. -Philadelphia