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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1907)
aittflcDinisi IS OMAHA BANKS SOLID 5$ Financial Stability Proven by Latest (; Emphasized by Comparison Witj( JL2J hp OMAHA, - - - NEBRASKA Founded 185G. Oldest National Bank In Nebraska. Nationalized 18G3 CHARTER NO. 200 Capital, Surplus . Net Profits, $1,150,000.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS C. T. KOUNTZE. President. F. II. DAVIS. Vice-President. J. D. CREIGHTON. L. L. KOUNTZE, Cashier. T. L. DAVIS, Ass't. Cashier. W. A. PAXTON, Jr. C. D. KOUNTZE W. S. POPPLETON E. M. ANDREESEN Statement December 3, 1907 RESOURCES: Loans .' $5,910,109.73 Banking House . i 125,000.00 U. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation 200,000.00 Due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer "..$1,81,009.70 U. S. Bonds 200,000.00 Other Bonds i... 540,201.20 Cash .. . . : . . . . 3,808,017.08 $3,930,428.06 $12,103,537.79 LIABILITIES: Capital s ... . .$500,000.00 'Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided Profits 557,056.03 Reserve for Taxes 4,972.10 Circulation 261,150.00 Deposits; Time ....... . $2,799,098.84 Demand 7,943,260.8210,742,359.06 $12,165,537.79 Depository ol tire United States, State of Nebraska County of Douglas, City of Omaha. o MAHA stands a tower of strength in the finan cial world. Only one other city in the entire west exceeds the Omaha showing of reserve aa compared with deposits, and that Is by a fraction of less than one-half of 1 per cent. No other city , of Importance approaches the Omaha record. Eight national banks of Omaha and South Omaha carry $45,000,000 In deposits and more thn 320,000,000 In cash reserves. This is the best pos sible evidence of the sound and reliable banking methods that prevail in Omaha, and. a complete assurance of the safety of not only the banks, but the mercantile and manufacturing as well, of the Qate City. The reduction made since the August statement in loans and discounts has been accomplished without seriously hampering busi ness In any direction, and Is In Itself a proof of the solvency of the borrowers. A comparison of conditions in Omaha and e'lswhere in the great central west, com piled from the published statements of the banks during the week, Is presented herewith. In six national banks of St. Paul and eight national banks of Omaha and South Omaha almost half of the de posits are being carried in cash, according to the state ' ments Issued to the comptroller 'of the currency. The fegal reserve is 2 5 per cent. St. Paul banks carry 46.6 per cent and Omaha banks 46.22 per cent. The comparative statements of nine western cities Bhow the deposits and reserves as follows: Per Ct. of " Deposits i Deposits. Reserves, in Cash. Omaha r $45,356,903 $20,876,521 46.22 St. Paul 31,036,441 14,431,184 46.6 Minneapolis 56,967,676 25,230,486 44.4 Denver 47,492,412 .20,350,136 42.5 Kansas City '.. 72,749,903 39,624,463 42.0 St. Joseph Nafl... 11,781,197 4,478,428 38.0 St. Joseph State.... 6,081,389 2,182,290 35.7 Des Moines 11,960,226 3,948,093 33.! Milwaukee 41,319,964 18,340,954 32.25 Sioux City , 9,146,082 2,616,359 28.0 Tootle, Lemon National, Burnes National and First National and three state banks of St. Joseph. As In Omaha, the St. Paul state and savings ban have from two to five times the legal reserve, and the cash' reported to the comptroller of the currency Is real money or sight exchange real money in other banks, which must be paid on demand or the bank holding th4) deposit forced Into the hands of receivers. The reserves of the Omaha and St. Paul banks do not contain "mu nicipal bonds at the present market value," as soma banks have reported In their statements. Minneapolis Is third among western banks in the per centage of deposits carried In cash and the detailed re ports of the six national banks of that city show that only cash and cash In other banks is reported as "re serve."' As shown by the comparison of the nine cities, Den ver banks are strong and carry 42.5 per cent of their de posits in cash op cash in other banks. The detailed statements of the seven national banks show that $9,449,171 In actual money awaits the call of those who need it in the vaults of Denver banks. The eight banks of Kansas City average 42 per cent of their deposits In cash reserves. Without considering the failed National Bank of Commerce, every one of the seven national banks of Kansas City show a gain in de posits over last year and one of them has gained $500,000 since the statement was made August 22. The deposits and cash reserves of the different banks in Kansas City reported to the comptroller of the currency are as follows: Deposits. Dec. 3. '07. First $22,614,331 Commerce 16,942,694 Union . ." . 11,165,083 New England 8,547,630 Interstate 6,393,199 Commerclay 8,376,106 American Republic 2,76G,929 Central 953,931 'Loans and discounts and total resources of the Kan sas City banks made the following showing at the close of business December 3; Cash Rpsprves Dec. 8, 07. $11,641,285 5,343,460 4,209,313 3,621,315 2.6S2.527 1.12C.5S1 1,471,363 528,619 Report of ttie Condition -OF- Statement December 31907 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ..$5,222,056.79 U. S. Bonds (Par) ...... 500,000.00 Bank Buildii. j . v 200,000.00 Bonds $ '431,060.00 ' Due from Banks 1.967,157.56 Clearing House Acct. 291,000.00 Net Batanc Due U Cash.. 1,306, 174.87-3,995.392.43 $9,917,449.22 LIABILITIES Capital Stock .'..-$ 600,000.00 Surplus and Profits 462,955.14 Circulation . 500,00000 Deposits 8,354,494.08 $9,917,449.22 OFFICERS Jl. T. BARLOW, President G. V. WATTLES, Vice President V. B. CALDWELL, Vice President rA. MILLARD, Cashier W. E. R1IOADES, Ass't Cashier L. M. TALMAGE, Ass't Cashier -G. E. IIAVERSTICK, Ass't Cashier ' ' DIRECTORS 'Guy C. Barton N. A. Duff V. B. Caldwell, C W. Lynian.. M. T. Barlow S. S. Caldwell Thos A. Fry Euclid Martin A. L. Reed G. W. Wattles B. P. Smith A. Millard E. M. Morsman W. A. Smith C. E. Yost it (MM 11 0 nil YRD) " 'cinMTiiMirii ZrA U iilyJLJMlL MMA SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. At the Close of Business on the 3d Day of December 1907 as Ordered by the Comptroller of Currency. V RESOURCES . Loans and Discounts .t .$2,123,803.93 Real Estate .... None Stocks, Securities, etc. fc None U. S.. Bonds to Secure Circulation and Premium 153,000.00 Redemption Fund .; 7,500.00 Cash and Sight Exchange v. 1,520,592.82 $3,810,950.75 r .: LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 300,000.00 Surplus ....... '. 60,000.00 Undivided Profits, Net 00,678.82 Circulation 4 , f 150,000.00 Deposits '.. 2,840,277.93 Clearing House Account 7. 400,000.00 $3,810,950.75 Deposits: Nov. 9, 1905 , $2,G54,31G.91 Nov. 12, 1906 2,815,135.80 Dec. 3, 1907 . 2,840,277.93 OFFICERS : F. II. DAVIS. President: E. F. FOLDA. Vice-President: F. R. IIEDRICK. Cashier: N. F. RECKARD, Ass't Cashier. . DIRECTORS : J. D. CREIGHTON. F. II. DAVIS. T. L. DAVIS. E. F. FOLDA. R. C. HOWE. C. T. KOUNTZE. L. L. KOUNTZE. S. McROBERTS. R. J. DUNHAM. So located as to give the personal attention of Its Officers to the live stock business. Me mm mm Oldest National Bank Statement o RESOURCES 3, 1907 Loans'and Discounts $2,035,742.08 U. S. Bonds to Secure Cir culatio n . Bonds to Secure U. S. De posit par -Banking House ........... Stocks, Securities, etc.... Premium on bonds Other Ileal Estate ... Anrnat 83, 1907 $1,791,991.04 200,000.00 28,000.00 10,000.00 none none none 175,000.01 (Cash and Sight Exchange ... . 2,182,558.25 25,000.00 10,000.00 none nono none 2,129,177.08 $4,456,300.33 $4,131,168.72 H. O. BOSTWICK, President J. C. FHENCII. Cashier JOHX 8. KING. Awfc. Cwhier OFFI E. A. Curtail y, GUY O. BARTOV U. C. BOSTWICK E. A. Ct'DAH- H. C. MILLER j. M. J II. DIREC Packers- Nan OF SOUTH O Statement at the Close o RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $1,720,293.2$, U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 100,OOO.G'J 10,000.00 533,727.41 Bank Building Cash on hand and Sight Exchange $2,364,020.70 OFFI JOHN P. OOAD, Prudent. A. W. TRl'MULE, CIIAS. A. DUNHAM. Asst. Cashier. 4isi C. D. BROWN ELMER E. BRVSON JO , LUTHER DRAKE V. McGIVEIUN a ' 1 "1 I h 4 hi ? 1 is I S 1 i !; 4 1 L