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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEH: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1907. 13 PERSONAL (ConUourd.) TOT" NO WOMEN corning to Dmnha si strangers ere Invited to visit the l9in Wommi Chrlstlsn Assnctstlrrn roomn, f-i4 Fsrnsm Bt.. where they will t directed to suitable boarding place or o'herwlee assisted. . Sift W AnKT;Tlf,r'",nent and bath. Mm 'BWVUA,L'AAetnllh. U N. loth. 5d nr. jL MAKSAOF, hatha. - Room I 120 4Ui)0.ft.Uj St.. M floor. OS) Ml-4 D26 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing: In fact, anything yen do not need. Wa collect, repair end sell at 14 N. 11th Ft., for coat of collecting t tha worthy poor. Call "phone Doug. 41SS sad wsgon w,11 call. . (IS) 7K3 THINGES. rubber roods, by wisl!; cut price. lend for free catalogue. Myers Dllloa Drug Co., Omaha. fis 97S WE RENT, repelr, sell needles for old sewing msrhlnes. Neb. Cjrcla Co., Cor. luth and Harney. (18 0 REFINED gentleman from tha east; high e-oclal nd financial standing, moving his btitnrs here, desires mora and board In wlrlow's boma In food circumstances, References exchanged. Please bib's par ticular In first letter. Address B ears Bee (tt M3 ax AFPLT Betln Skin Cream to wet skin; wipe dry. 8ouraa satiny, smooth akin. Ko. - PPIVATB CONFINEMENT HOMB-Mri. Lr. King, 1224 N. Mth, TaL Web. . (U-tM IDEiAL hair parlors, Neville Elk., 18th and Hnrnsy. Tel. Douglas (Uty M 26 Dec31 REAL ESTATE MtEAl, ESTATE! DEALERS. PAYNE- INV. CO.. let door N. T. Life. Douglss 1781. (18) 933 GEORGE A COMPANr, KOI Farnam. TeL Douplas TT4 1 64 PETERS TKC8T CO., N. T. Ufa Bids', (19 H35 cnrr pro re a tt fob bai.h HOME BARGAINS ; 2101 MIAMI ST. THE NON-RESIDENT OWNER 13 HERE FOR A FEW DATS AND WANTS AN OFFER A3 HH IS HERE TO SELL THIS PROPERTY. It renu for $25 per month and Is worth $2,600 in REAL money a two , story dwelling;, 8 rooms, slats rdof, porcelain bath, (as, closet, fewer, city water and barn, on paved street, con venient to the Dodge street and North 84th street car lines. Too price is $2,500; part terms at 6 per cent In terest If you want a bargain look at 2101 Miami Bt. and make us an offer. 2714 fcORTLI 25TH The owner a non-resident wants an offer for this 6-room dwelling;. It Is newly painted, in pood repair, rents for $16 and is worth $1,800. Make us an offer and asshme $1,000 mort CKg on the property. GARVIN BROS., iflM Fa mam Bt - 09)-MSSS I THIS WILL INTEREST YOU 610 cash, IS per mo., will secure for you one of the best and safest Investment and finest building eitea anywhere to be found UT thla amountonly vivo. Two cholcv east front lots, each in'xl, on grade, high and Sightly, beat surroundings, location unex celled, two blocks from car. Value con stantly increasing. You can't mlaa It In buying one of thee 1. ts for. either home or Investment. Call or 'phone us today. RUSSELL & McKITlllCK CO., 43-S3 -64 Remge Blue. 12th and Harney Bts. U-87 CLOSE IN VACANT 2x80, on South ISth, near EL Mary's Ave., with paving all paid. This Is a fine location for St. Juouls flat and a snap at W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1330 Farnam Bt .Doug. 1064. (l)-3 tx CHOICE MORTGAGES FOR BALK. I am asked to sell a number of choice first mortgages, well eecured (."all for par tlculare. Among there are the following: II.mW, f per teat Improved city property. X1.M, i per cent, Improved city property to li" farm niorUoKes; sioured fcT some of the best fwms In nortlH astern Kebraaka. Can get aevcral of the. If de sired. All will stand close Investigation. O. G. WALlJt.CE. tU Brown Block.- , 09 M FOR 8ALI--Lot 17. block iJ. AJbrighTs Chinee addition to Bouth Omaha' nx. J. I. Case T. M. Co., Kaclne Wis. (!) M7i U FOR BAI-B- A well built W-room fram bouse, beautifully finished In hardwood hsrdwood floora, r.antels. niodfro bath room and convenln t!y arranged. w i.i sell at a very low price, to be removed from present premises by purchaser. Ad dress C. C. ftosewater. Bee Bldg . Omsi.a. . (1S-MS17 U500 W1H.!UI I'jrant -room modern house at 414 N. slit ft ! east front; paved stret permanent sidewalk; fceaottful lawn; large shade trees. Easy terms If necessary. THOMAS BHETNNAN. Itoosa 1, Kew Tore: Llfs Building. tl- LJ8T your property w and Cuming Bta. Ith Chrla Bover, d OS E'i'. EPTATB TTTXf "TRUST CCi " CHXS. K. WlLUiUiON. free. . 1,.Tf wa.w 3lkl ESTATE FABH KA.1CM LAN Us FOR S i LB Arkutas, Th. At.rk TU. . . . . ... . ilea. Araan.: TT". . ""r.r"" .c"u": - w.etum t)l 1,111 R J "hw with all Improvements ana BWliinal nrniL.rt. . V . teoelte cuh effnr f.r t. . .. .. . ' is Ae- fuU deorlp"llo of s"d property be fuml.h.d te anyone .l.Cn . l same. Dated November 17. 147 1UK OZAKK ZINC AND LEAX. MINISQ (X0) M0g NeSrasauv, rr n BATe-Frult farm of II acres near ' H. btB at CO, M Be Bdg Cvi M-iJ I i!V . 1 X ' --" "Brd ceuaty t.t -....., ACJ:.M V it, v.'t REAL ESTATE FARM Alt D RANCH LAND FOR S ALR H ebrwski tw tl aeel. LAND! UND! LAND! Tnreet your savlnits In soms "OOOD OUD MOTH Kit KARTHL" We bsrs something new In the way of a land list, W rite fnr It. BRADLEY A MATHIF.SEN. Woloexh, Ureeiey Co., Nebraska. (3-M& tx NOTTCE OF BALE OF LAND. NOTICB la hereby given that sealed bids will be received end filed In the office of the county clerk f Oreeley county, Nebraska, up to noon of the Klh dsy of t.ecmtr, 17. for tie purchase of tbe following described land now owned by Ureeiey county, Nebraska, Vie. Bectlon a township U, rent,e M and section V, town Snip 1, rsnge , In Orweley county, Ne braska. Btda may be made for the entire trart or for any subdivision of the same. The hoard reserves the right to reject sny or all bids or portions of bids, and readverttM the above land If the bids sub mitted are disproportionate to the true value of the above dewrlbed land. By order of the Board of Countly coromleeloners of Oree'cy county, Nebraska. Witness my hand snd the seal of said county at Ores ley, Nebraska, this 20th day of November A. D. 1W. JAA1ES Bi feANT, County Clerk. f , (30)-M73SDeo.ll Cwlerade. ty ACRF!fI near tenver, Colo., price tl,2m; terms, o60 cuh, balance nine years at t per cent. Chaa. D. Wilson, Mnndamln, la. M8e fx Texas. Have for sale t Irge Ranches o Gulf Oast of Texas. i,mo seres. 28,0ns acres and 15.UO acres. Will take part In trade, Wrfte us. TUB INTERNATIONAL, LAND AND IN VESTMBN'T CO. . Omaha, Neb. 2tt Be Bide. (20) M821 t Triacenslsk TO INVESTORS. No Investments In farm lands are ax fectM by financial flurries. Put your money where It will constantly Increase In value; slwars free from risk. Wa n aati vnn any amount from 40 to acres sf north ern Wisconsin s cnoiceit lands. O. It. INGRAM. Jr. Rice Lake, Wis. nn-MW9 Dee tir REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans. Peters Tl ust Co. (22J O'Jl MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (23) 8 MONET to loan on improved Omaha prop- W. J. DKRilODT IN'. CO.f Tel. Doug. 6108. N. T. L. (22) MiOl WANTED City loans and warrants. W Farnam Emlth ft Co.. 1320 Farnam St UB)-S9I LOANS on Improved city property. W. H, Tbomas, 6u6 First National Bank Bid. (22) 990 PRIVATE MONET-NO DELAY. . GAKVIN BROS., iH FARNAM. (2S-SS4 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. OKoefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. T. Life BMg. (22) tat JW TO IfiB.OOO TO LOA N Prlvn ( e money, no delnj-e. J. H. Bherwood, Stl N. T. Life. (Si) M noo to J10.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. ' ' (22') Ml WANTEDTO BORROW SAFER than banks loan on lovely quarter In Nebraska; uu0 wanted. Box 121, Plhley, Iowa. - 2)-M737 7x WHEN writing to sd vert leers, remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of tbe pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. WANTED TO BUY WANTEH To buy second-hand furniture, eook and heating stoves, cju-pets, lino leums, oftlce fjrnlt-ire, old clothes, and shoes, pianos, feathers, befl pillows, quilts ami all kinds of tools; or will buy tha furniture of your house complete. The highest prioes paid. Call the right man. Tel. Doug. 1971. (J6) MT60 Jl SECOND HAND feed sacks. No amount too large or too small. A. W. WAGONER, 801 North 10th Bt. (21) M7 WANTED TO buy calves. TeL Dong. m. (2i 100 DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOCK ROOMING irOl Bh.'? WK CAN DO IT FOR YOC. DON'T WAIT DO IT NOW. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY, TEL. DOtO. SS8L 8u N. Y. LIFE BLDO ' (26) M8rt x " SECOND HAND furniture bought and sold; also machines of sll kinds rented. 13 per month Tel. Doug. 6Sya. . (16) M!f9 .TO FARMERS, PRODUCE SHIPPERS Highest Prices fcr butter and eggs. Cssh t mrrrlinnd'se. Send trial shlpi.ient. The Bennett Company, Omaha. 12S 1000 e- CAHH paid for second-hand clothing, shoes, etc. U No. ISth Bt Tel. Bed K2S. , (JE 101 WANTED TO RENT GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, young people, wish to rent large, finely furnished room, In positively private family. In the very best locality; no other considered; best references. Address A 667, care bee. C6) MSlii 7x WANTED SITUATIONS COMPETENT abstracter derlrea position after January 16; would consider pur chasing real estate and abstract bos in ess on reasonable terms. Address Y Tt, care Bee. (27) M735 10 SITUATION WANTED As clerk In re tell grocery business; have had four years' experience and can furnish good reference Addresa Wm. F. Seebohm, 4J3 Koenig Bt, Grand Island, Neb. (Z7 M160 Dlx ADVERTISING man. thoroughly experi enced In ma!1 order, retail and general adverUiiing; strong copy writer and flrat class correspondent, qualified to handle a larve or small proposition; honest, sober aad a hard worker. Kefereoce. Address J a&. cars Bee. (27) MM Tx. RESPON8IBLB party with large acquaint ance wishes to take active Interest In some wholesale brokerage or cigar busi ness; can Invest a few thousand. Ad dress, Y-W, care Bee. (Jf7) MS3S g EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Addrees E, Omaha Bee. Council Blulta. (27446 AY WOMEN furnished free of charge. Telephone Douglas 1111 (2T)-Mtll BT . tnechanlcsl and structural drsftsman; will take odd lobe; ran dv1gn machinery steel trusses, etc Address B 42. care Bee (if7 M29 7x ' COMPETENT young Isdy wishes position with dreasmaker. Address 1S Locust St irr Msi4 7 ' GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOHAL8 FOR CAVALRY AND AR tu.ery Horses snd Dratt and Pack Mules -4hlf .srtennaater s Offloe. Omaha, Kebraska, Nevemser 11, 1J. Haled pre poaais. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 12 o olock m., central standard lime. December 14, 1U7, and then epenel In the presence of attending bidders, for . Cavalry Horses, u Artillery Morses M Biding lliiiwa 4 Draft Ho rue a, 71 Itran Mulee. Whorl ar.d Lead, and 11 Pauk Mules for delivery at Omaha, Nebraska, or other preminaut reilrcad points. The anlmsJB t3 conform to specmcatlors for cavalry and axuilery horses and mules. United B ates rraerves right to accept orv reject any er ail proposals er any part thereof Partly, ulsrs and t'.atika for prepeaels wUl be fur n.;,e4 (,a ari 'stioiv E viipae Contain. Ir g propsa.. to bs luduraed "I ropoaais lt,r 1 '" "t MX.s" a i kJaread l biaiur '1'i.os. bnXytt, CiJal (, jSi wi irianiw. GOVERNMENT NOTICES Si skniiMiuul k PROPOSALS FOR DAIRY PLARN DB pertment of the Interior, Office of Innisa A ft airs, Waahlrgton. IX ii. Nov. B. ml. Scaled proposaia, plainly marked on the eutalde of the sealed envelope ' Tropossls for a Dairy Barn at ths Ogaialla Boarding School, Pine Klilge Agetir-y. to. Dak.," and Svnrireeaed to the Commissioner ef Indian Affairs, Washing, IV C, will he re ceived at the Indian Office unttl I o'clock p. m. of Jan. 17, 1H. for furnishing ma terials and labor te construct and complete a dairy barn at the school at Pine P-Mge Agency. Bo. Dak , in etrlct accordance with Uie piiuia, ste-iflcatlns and Instructions to bidders, which rosy bs examined at this ernes, the omens of 1 he Bee, Omaha, Neb. the American Contractor, Chicago, ill., and" trie rmprrrveraoni suuetin, i 'nneapoua, Minn.; at the U. 8. Indian warehouses at Chicago, 111.. St Louis. Ms., and Omaha. Neb the Builders' arid Traders' exchenges at Bt. Paul. Minn.; MlnncapoUa, Minn.; Omaha, Neb., and at the atney. C F. LABJtABlkH Acting Cfrnrntsnioner. D3't-T-h-l-14-l-21 PROP-MAL8 FOR BfUJDINGa DE partmeat ef the Interior, OH ice ef In dian A (lairs, Washington. D. C, Nov. 21, IK?. Sealed proposals plainly markM ea the outside or tf.e sealed envelopes 'Pro posals for Macs Building, Winnebago BrhooL Nebraska," ami addressed ts the Commissioner or Indian Affairs, Washing ton, D. C, will be received at the Indus office until i e clock p. m of Jan. 15, 190a, for furnishing materials aad Iseor to con struct and complete an employes' mees building at the Wlnnabsgo school,, Ne braska, in strict accordance with the plana, specifications and instructions to bidders which may be examined at this office, ths office of "The Beo," Omaha, Neb., U. 8, In dian warehouse Omaha, Neb., Bt 1-oula, Mo., Chicago, III.; Builders' and Aixdere sxohanges, Omaha, Neb.j St. Paul, Minn., and Minneapolis. Minn.; Northwestern Manufacturers association, St. Paul, Minn., and at the school. For further Information apply to Oecar M. Waddell, superintendent, Winnebago, Nebraska. C. F. LARRABKR, Acting Commissioner. N24 23 10 Dl 6 T 10 U.l SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RK celved at office of Treasurer, Battle Mountain Sanitarium, N. H. D. V. S. Hot Sprlnur. South Dakota, antll U o'clock m., December 1. 1907, and then opened, for furnishing and delivery of repairs and farm suppllen. In accordance with Instructions and specifications, copies -of which, with blank proposals snl other information, may be had upon application to VV. A. Tucker, treasurer. N28 D2 7 LEGAL NOTICES STREET MACADAMIZING -SEALED proposals for the macadamising and drainage of and building of cement gutters In certain streets of the city of Billings, Montana, described In the resolution cre ating Special Improvement District No. 20, will be received by the city council up to I e clock p. m. of the fcurth day of Febru ary, 1H. addressed to the undersigned and endorsed, "Proposals far Macadamising." The work for which proposals are Invited consists of approximately square yards of gravel macadam, 8,000 lineal feet of sewer complete, 11 manholes complete, 16 catch baxlns, 17,400 lineal feet of gutter complete. Aach proposal must be accom panied by a certified check for $5,000 on some responsible bank In the city of Bil lings and made payable to said city. The successful bidder must enter Into an un dertaking In ths sum of i3),00o, with ap proved sureties. Plans and specifications are en file In this office. The right is re served to reject any and all bids. Billings. Montana, November 7, 1907. J. D. MAT HE BON, City Clerk. NS3-30-D7-J4 STREET PAVING BILLINGS. HON tana, November 7, 1907. Sealed pro posals for the paving with shale brick of certain streets of the city of Bil lings, Montana, described In the resolution creating Special Improvement District No. U, will be received by the city council up to I o'clock Pw m. of February 4, ISO ad dressed to the undersigned snd endorsed, "Proposals for Paving." The work for which proposals are Invited consists ef approximately 6,303 square yards of snale brick pavement, the foundation for whloh Is otherwise provided for. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check for II. 00 on some responsible bank In the city of Billings, and made payable to said city. The successful bidder must enter Into an undertaking in the sum of 62.000 with approved sureties. Plans and specifi cations are on file In this office. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. J. D. MATH EBON, City Clerk. N23-30-D7-J4 OFFICE OF THE OMAHA AND NORTH Platte Railroad Company. Omaha, Neb., Nov. . 1607. To the Stockholders: Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha and North Platte Railroad company will be held at the office of the company in Omaha, Neb., at 4 o'clock p. m., on January lo. 1WS, for the purpose of acting upon the question of selling ths railroad, property and Iranchises of this company to the Chicago, Burlington 4s Qulncy Railroad company, the railroad and property aforessld being now under lease to the said company. By order of the board of directors. W. P. Durkee, Secretary. NlOdout OFFICE OF THE OXrORD St KANSAS Railroad company. Omaha, Neb., Nev. a 1907 To the Stockholders: Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stock holders of the Oxford A Kansas Rail road company si. bs held at the office of the company at Omaha. Nebraska, at 4 O'clock p. ra.. on January 10. i'MH. for the purpoew ef acting upon the question of si'lllrg the railroad, property and franchises ef ths company te the Chloago, Burlington it Qulncy Railroad company, the railroad and property aforesaid beliig now under lease te the savid company. By ordor of ths board of director. W. P. Durkee, Secretary. NUkibOt OFFICE OP THE REPUBLICAN VAL ley, Kansas & Poulhwe..T?Vn Railroad Company, Omaha, Neb.. Nov. . U07. To the Stockholders: Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Republican Valley, Kansas A South western Railroad company will be held at the omce of the company In Omaha, Ne braska, at 4 o'clock p. m. on January 10, 1308. for the purpose of action upon the question Of selling ths railroad, property and franchises of this company to ths Cui cago, Burlington & Qulncy Kail.-oad com Buuy, the railroad and property aforesaid be g now Under lease to the said company, fc order of the board of directors, w. P. Darkfce, Secretary. NlOdwOt OFFICE OF THE OMAHA AND SOUTH western Railroad Coineany. Omaha, Neb., Nov. . mi. To the sjteckhnlders: Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting et the stockholders of the Omaha and South western JHaUread company will be held at the office of the company at Omaha, Neb., at 4 o'clock p. m., on Januaiy 10. lyoi, for the purpose of acting upon the question of selling ths railroad, property and fran chises of ths company to the Chicago, Bur lincton aV Qulncy liallrnad cenipany, tha railroad and property nforeeatd being new under lease to said company. By order of tbe board of directors. W. P. DURKEE, Secretary. . NlOduut OFFICE OF THE REPUBLICAN VAL ley at Wyoming Railroad company. Omaha. Neb., Nov. . 1'7 Te ths Stock holders: Notice Is hereby given that a recial meeting ef tre stockholders ef ths Republican Valley as Wyoming Railroad company will be held at the office of the company In Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m., on January Is, ld, tor the purpose ef acting upon the question of selling ttie railroad, property and franchises of th's company to the Chicago, Burlington 4 Qulncy Railroad company, the railroad and property aforesaid being now under lease te said company. By order of tha board of directors. W P. Durkee. Secre tary. Nltutax OFFICE OF THE KANSAS CITY Omaha Railway Company, Omaha, Neb., Nov. S. 107 To the Btovknolders: Notice Is hereby given that a special meet'ng of the stockholders of the Kansas City A Omaha Hallway company will be held at tbe ef the company In Fairfield, No braska, at o clock a. to. on January U. ISMI. for the purpose et acting upon the question of selling tbs railreaj, propeity and franchises of ths company to the Chl oago, Burlington A Qulncy Railroad com- Cany, the railroad and property afereseld sing new urder lease to said company, liy order of ths board of directors. W. P. Durkee. Secretary. NlOdbOt READ THE BEST PAPER The Oaisks Dally Bee. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS olabsts cmuiaa r u "Arabic To Raw tsaa, Sae. ku .... Uf M4f. Ifjl TDE ORIENU learner? te Aartl IT. leas. SeMSty Sara imlus eels ls) te ta as. tawln41 afcere xanntaae. ere 1st, rsatlRas: auewa, (tia, Sam,, AisVara, trita. U pass la t,4 aa4 IS Uaiy Laj.4 f MAii,i!aaia. A A . , f m aa k.Tlare. ei. TOt Kt Sol MO THS SOK14I. dO TOt'PJ TO aCl'KOPJUI Si sal ccittias's o4 sttratw sffera , U tiJi, Iwm kts-, n sua. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The Cd Real Estate Co. to Arthur I. Prsndels. trsxt In lot J, block 6, West Omahn tMO Robt. O. Kink to F-lmer (. Stsrr, lot 4. block 1, ftprlncdnle David . Alsop snd wife to Adolph Brsndala, lots and 10. block . Kmintse plaoe 6.IVX) Etlward i. Cnltahan to John D. Wear, lot 7. block lw; lot 6, bhwk 20, Boyd a addition, snd lot 6. 7-16-13 1 Tie United Henl Estate Trtist Co. to Joa. Bohacelt snd wife, lot 14, block t Forest I1MI 1,280 Mary J. Ell's to Wllllsm D. Griffin, lot 6, blmk S, Omaha .00t L. M. Bowers and wife to Harry John son, lot 6. block 4. Bower's addition.. 190 Nelson P. Htilat and wife to Jach slwirg, W40 feet of lot 4, block 4 Otnl'ii 1 fplon 8to'k Yards Co. to Joseph Smote, lots I and 9. block 14, First addition to South Oemaha 60 Paul Klelnlen and wife to Frank O. Anderson, lot 15, block 4, Reed s Sd sddltlon . 1.150 Ousts v Pegan to Leroy M. Pegan, undivided H Interest In lots IT, IS. 2J and 24. block and lots 1. I and ei lot t block iK Second addition to Bedford rlace 12,000 City of Omahn to Jas. A. .TtedaJl. tract in Mock 143. Omaha 1 William W. Oroff and wife to John Pat hie, rot 6, block 11, Thomas Sears sddlllon tOOO Jscfb frlosmirg snd wire to William B. .Long part of lot B, block 14, Omaha L400 James Reed and wife to Thorns a Far qiihar. lot 16. block 106. Bouth Omaha 250 Wllllaw Malone and wife to John C W. Cry, w70 feet of lots 6 and , block 68, South Omaha 15.000 J. C. Kreeger and wife to Mlnervn. O. Barnell. lot a. block S. Meyers, Richards Tllden's sddltlon l w James R. Olbbs and wife to Charlotte Baroch, lot 6, block 8S. Florence tlOO ToUl .t(,'3 RAILROAD TIME CARD L'NIOJf STATION lOtkt AMD MARCY. mion Patelae. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. a 4 am a 40 pm The Colorado Express. .a IM pm a 6:( pm Atlantlo Express al0:l6 am The Oregon Express. ...a 4:10 pm a 6 00 pm The Los Angeles L4m...al2:f pm a :15 pm The Fast Mall a :M am a 6.46 pm Ths China A Japan Mall 4:00 pm a 6:60 pm Colo.-ChUsgo Bpelcal...al2:10 am a 7:06 am Beat e A Stroms g L'cal.bl2:sO pm b 1:40 pm North Platte Local a 7:42. am a 4:46 pm ChlnsLge) A North west ex at. ChlcAgo Daylight a 7:26 ara all:4S pm ft. Paul-Minn Expreas.a 7 50 am alOM) pm Chicago Locsf all l am a ;W pm Bloux City Paisei.gtr...a 7:60 am a 6: pm Chicago Passenger a 6.00 pm a ( 30 am Chicago Spelcal a 6:00 pm a 6 23 am Bt Paul-Minn. Limited. . 2 pma 7:40 am Los Angeles Liraited... .a 6 0 prti al2:35 pm Overland Limited alO:W pm a 6 3 am Faet Mall a 8 01 am Sioux City Local a 1:50 pm a S:A am Fast Mill a :S5 pm Twin City Limited a 6:26 pm a 7:40 am Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:60 pm a 6:40 pm Llncoln-York-Chadron .b T:69 pm aJ0 S6 sm Desdwood-Llncoln a 60 pm a 6:40 pm Cssper-Shoshonl a 1:00 pm al0:35 pra Pjaetlna-e-Superlor b 1:00 pm b 6 :40 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:S5 pm b 1:85 pm C a leas, Book IaUat et PnctSo. EAST. Chicago Limited r..a 8 00 am all. OS pra Iowa Locnl a:S0am a 4:90 pm Des Moines Passenger.. a 4:00 pm alf fto pm Iowa Local bll:(0 ana b 1:66 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex). .a 4 50 pm a 1:25 pm Chicago Flyer ...a 6:00 pm a S:SS am WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd..all l5 pm a 1:60 am Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:36 pm a 4:40 pm Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:(0 pm a 1:46 pm Llncoln-Fairbury Pass..b 1:46 am bl0:26 am Chirm: tirent Westers. Bt. Paul-Minneapolis ... 1:90 pm 7:30 am St. Paul-Minneapolis ... T:o am 11:85 pm Chicago Limited 6:06 pm 6:27 ara Chicago Express 7:30 am 11:SSpm Chicago Express 3:30 pm 1:30 pm Mlsaomrl Paclflc. K. C A St L Exp a 1:00 am K. C. A Bt. L. Exp aU:15 pm Nebraska Local a 3:00 pm a 6:46 am a 1:60 pm all:69 am a t:46 pm a 6:66 pm a 6 60 am a 6:59 am a 1:10 am all: 16 pm bl0:16 am aL all:50 pm a I .J6 pm a 6.30 am all 00 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:15 am Minn. A Bt. Paul Exp..b l.'JO am Chicago Limited a 1:00 pm Minn. A St. Paul Lmtd.a l:S0 pm WahnsAC St. Louis Express a 6:60 pm St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 6:30 am Stanbcrry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm ChlensT, MUwnnhe at St. Pst Chic. A Colo. Special. ..a 7:26 am Cal. A Ore. Express. ...a 6:00 pm Overland Limited a 6:66 pm Perry Local a 5:16 pm BCRLUIQTOX BTA, aOTH A MAIOX. Barltngrton. Leave. Denver A California.., .a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:16 pm Northwest Express ,...all:6 pm Nebraska points a 6:46 am Nebraska Express a 1:16 am IJncoln Fast Mail b 1:46 pm Lincoln Local , Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Bchuyler - Plattsmouta.b 3:10 pm Bellevue Plattsmouth.a 1:00 pm Plattsmouth-Iowa ......b 6:16 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth Denver Limited a 4:10 pm Chicago Special a 7:40 ara Chicago Express a 4:20 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm Iowa Local a 6:16 am Bt. Louis Expreee a 4:46 pm Kansas City & Bt. Je..al0:46 pm Kansas City A Bt. Joe.. a 6:16 am Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 4:46 pm Arrive, a 1:46 pm a 3:46 pra a 3:6 pm al0:15 pm a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm al:ll pm b I'M am al:16 pm a 7:60 pm bl0:2O am a 1:60 am b 1:30 pra a 7:28 am all:4u pm a 3:66 pm a 3:30 am all am all:30 s -n a 4 30 am a 6:10 pm WEBSTER ITAe-14TH A WEBSTER Chleasi, St. Omahn. Faai, Minneapolis A Leave. .b 6:30 am ,.a 2:M pm ,.b 5 48 pm ,e 6:46 am Arrive, b 6:10 pm all:ao am b 9 10 am 5:50 pra Twin City Passenger.. Ploux City Passenger. Emerson Local Emerson Locsl Missouri Pnclgo. Local via Weeping Water Falls City Locsl Falls City Local .a 7:45 am a :fi'pm .b t:M pra all .25 am .o 7:00 pm cll:25 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, s Daily except Monday. TWELVE THOUSAND IN FINES Nearly- That Aanonat Levied Against Men Cenvteted of Land Fran da. Since the prosecution of the land fraud cases ta the federal courts at Omaha dur ing the laet two years ths total amount of flnes assessed against the land men is 111,326. The fines In detail are as follows' Bartlett Richards, 6300 and 61.600; W. O. Comstock, 6J0O and U.KW; C. C. Jameson. j0; Aqullla Trlplett, 1000; John and Her man Krause. 61,300; Q. Q. Ware, 81.000; R. W. Mahaffey, 6M0; A. F. Hatch, 8300; D. M. Gourley, 8300; Sykes A Bmlth, T. M. Huntington, 81.000; A. B. Todd, 81.000; Fred Hoyt It 000. and Harry Welsh JOO, Of the thirty-one cases thus far tried for violation of the land laws twenty-six con victions have been secured. There yet re mains twenty-three cases to be tried. SAYS JAILER ASSAULTED HIM Aged Man Snes Depnty Sheriff Who, lie Bays, Kaeeked Ulan Down. John C. Henry, an aged shoemaker, has begun suit In district court against Deputy Bhertff August Bldeen for 66.0.O for personal Injuries In an assault he says 8iden made upon Mm November 11 He went to the county Jail to deliver a pair of shoes to Captain Has and be says bldeen, who was In charge, knocked him down on the hard pevem en t. As Henry la a cripple, be d aies. the Injuries forced him ta remain In bed two weeks and has permanently Injured his health. Henry also filed aa assault and battery case la a leoaj Justice court. It yo hats anything la trade advertise it la the Tor Exchange Columns sf The Bee W ant Ad Pagea MURDER CASE SEARS END Fate of ramphrey in Hands of Jury Thii Afternoon. MLTJXN'S STOHY C0EX0B0RATXD Barkeeper Deelaree He aw A 11 meets s4 Puasphrey 1st Saloon Severn! Times en Xlaht of Killing of Hnm Pah. The fate of Charles Ptimphrey, the 16-year-old boy charged with the murder of Han Pak, will be given Into the hands of tbe fury sometime this afternoon. The evidence was all In at o'clock yesterday afternoon, and Deputy County Attorney El lick followed Immediately with his bpenlng argument. He wss- followed by John O. Yelser for the defense, who talksd for an hour before the adjournment of court and will resume this mornlnet. He will be fol lowed by Carl E Herring for the de fense and County Attorney KViglltth will close for the state. The state closed Its ease with a strong piece of rebuttal evidence In the testimony of Fred Sergeant barkeeper at the Turf Exchange saloon, under the Han Pak res taurant. .Sergeant testified that on the night of fhe murder he went on duty at 6 o'clock and remained until closing time at 1 o'clock. He said the defendant Charles Pumphre.y, and V ili!e Allmack were In the saloon together several times during; that Interval and that he talked to Allmack. He said he thought one of the times they were In was between 6 and o'clock, and then he asked Allmack why. he was not working. Allmack told him Mullen was working In hie place. This evidence cor roborates Mullen's story and tends to dis credit that of Pumphrey, who said he was in the room of Anna Terr, his sweetheart, from 7 o'clock unttl midnight. Denies Chloroform Theory, i Dr. Fftxglbbons testified Pak was not given enough chloroform dnrlng the opera tion on his head to cause his death, and Basil Mullen wna recalled to deny the story of Pumphrey that he had struck Pak and ' Intimidated Ptimphrey Inttj running away. One piece of evidence Intended to discredit Pumphrey's testimony could not bs oflred because of a ruling of the court that It ii not proper rebuttal and should have been offered In chief. This was ths testimony f Detective D rummy concerning certain statements alleged to hsve been made by Pumphrey to him on the way back from Arkansas.- At 3 o'clock Deputy County Attorney Et lick began his opening statement He de voted most of his time to a detailed review of the evldencn on both sides, "If Pumphrey had been Innocent of ths crime of killing Ham Pak he would have escaped during the three minutes hs said he stood there In darkness while Mullen and Allmack were In the bed room. HIS first Impulse would have been to escape and give ths alarm. He would have cried out to the policeman they saw standing on tha oorner on their way to the depot When he got to Bt Louts he changed his name to McKelvie and only changed It back again in order to cash a money order from home. Then he took a new alias and fled to Memphis and then to ths little sum mer resort In Arkansas. Was this tha sat of an Innocent man?" Yelser Opposes Dents) Penalty. John O. Tetser devoted the first hour of his argument to an argument against ths infliction sf Capital punishment oh crimi nals. "Killing; by the "causes murder .by state," he declared; suggestion among its bltlxens. Murder of criminals by ths state Is the cause of lynching because It sug gests the killing of criminals. In those states where hanging is the legal method of execution, hanging Is the method taken by the mob. Where beheading is the legal method of killing criminals the stiletto and the knife are the weapons of the mob. Where criminals are shot by the state ths mob Is satisfied with that method of exe cuting its victims. "Ths sultan of Tuykey recognises that suggestion is the cause of murders when hs censors the press and will not allow the publication of the news of the assassina tion of a ruler by any papers in his realm. When President McKlnley was shot the papers in Turkey announced the cause et bis death to be Indigestion. "The growing sentiment against capital punishment Is shown In the examination of Jurors in this case by ths members who declared they would not bring in a verdict with the death penalty. The killing of criminals by ' the state does not leesen crime. The man who commits murder does not think of the penalty. If the death penalty were intended to prevent crime the state would require It to be done In public Instead of In the presence of only a hair a doxan witnesses. If it is bad for the publlo to see a hanging it la bad for It to read about It in the papers." ' Fear Convicts Testify. Four convicts from the penitentiary and two prisoners from ths county Jail, all closely guarded by deputy sheriffs and de tectives, were the principal witnesses for the defense Friday morning. All six of ths witnesses gave testimony aa to alleged conversations had with Basil Mullen, the state's leading witness, tending te show that Mullen had made statements Inconsistent with his testimony on ths stand and to exonerate Pumphrey from participation in the crime. Pumphrey was called to the witness stand tt ths beginning of the session for cross-examination. County Attorney English began to ask him questions re lating to alleged conversations with De tective Drummy in order to lay the foutt dstlon for rebuttal testimony by Drummy by which the state hopes to show that Pumphrey made statements Inconsistent with evldencs he gave on the stand. At. torney Yelser objccltj to the questions en the ground the evidence should have been offered In chief and Judge Troup teuk his ruling under advisement. Charles Williams, who Is serving a three year term In the penitentiary, testified while he was In Jail with Mullen the latter told him Pumphrey did hot have anything to do with tha murder, but that the de tectives had told him if he stuck the other boys he would be allowed to get eft with a reform school sentence. J. O. Bowen. who is serving a three-year term for shooting a man at Oretna, and Charles Price, whe Is in for five years for holding up and shooting Fred Pepple of South Omaha; William ' L. Williams, a negro serving a sentence for burglary; John Rigby, serving ninety days In the oounty Jail for vagrancy, and Louis Miller, who Is in Jail awaiting trial on a burglary charge, alt testified to sunll&r conversa tions All Heavily Gnarded. While these witnesses testified Sheriff McDonsld guarded tbe entrance to the court room, while Deputy Sheriff Btryker took a positisn nearer the witness stand. Four or five detectives were distributed along the Inside of the railing. The court room was crowded with spectators, scores of whom ceuld not find seats and had to stsnd In the ale las. The can vie te from Lincoln were brought up early Friday morning by Bhertff Mc Donald aad were Ukea back Friday after noon. The defense rested at U o'clock and U stats will go oo with rtbuttaj testimony at ths nfteravoa session. It Is bllvj the cae WUl go te I La Jury eVturday evening. never ,was genuine panic Ftarry Doe Solely te Faithless Bankers, Says Leap City Man. "Nothing but a bankers' panto Is the terse Wsy A. P. Culley. president of the First Nit tonal bank of Loup City, sises up ths financial flurry. "Thetw never was a panto and there won't he one," added Mr. Ctilley. "I wrote a letter to John B. Fergan of Chios so. In rsply to the Chicago bankers asking If we were ready to resume cash payments, In which I told him my senti ments. The thing Is this: Those fellows In the big cities saw a ghost and they tried to make us see the same ghost We had to look through too thick a wall of prosperity to see any ghosts. There aren't any ghost, or If there are they are only ghosts snd nothing real. "I got one of those Chicago letters In which tha bankers there practically said: "If you leave your money on deposit with us. we'll resume paying sash.' Well, bless their hearts, my bank at Loup City tfever ceased to pay cash. We have been paying It right along and we are la better fix than we ever were." Here Is Mr. Culler's letter ts Chlcagni Mr. John B. Forjan, Chairman Chicago Clearing House, Chicago, 111 Dear Rr: Your clrculsr of November 22, carrying more of the seeds of ottr trouble, t hsnd Why not resume normal banking at once This very act would answer all your Ion and scary paragraphs. Cease st ones this effort to deceive yourselves and the public will be undeceived. If the bankers don't quit this truckling and oowardloe, the public will lose confidence forever In them There is little more then ths fright snd cowardice bf the bankers In this whole ghost show. Can't you te hew honeetly and rationally the puMlo Is behaving? Why not be aa rational and honest as the pub lic? Should the CWeego hankers resume business St once, all yonr questions In your circular woMld be answered at onre. The plea you make rests on nothing snd Is worth nothing even If promised and any banker might to know this. Get natural, get honest, get confidential, get to business, get back next the people at once, and this question will be at an end. Quit your talk In, writing, disputing, go te work and to business and try to forget what the people have already forgotten. Get to the truth and go to banking and you will have no trouble. We will trust you when we run believe yovl ean trust yourselves. Then western money will flow to you abund ance, but not until then. The largest percentage of this trouble the bankers hsve msde themselves. Human neture Is essentially the same everywhere. We have gone an ns In ordinary times and out bustness has not been Injured or money reserve gone down one dollar, while other banks in the country made fools of them selves and thir customers and will suffer from the lack of confldenoe and character, when aU Is ever. Get light at onoe and the mbllo will follow if you don't delay too ong. If you have anything to trade advertise it In tha For Exchange Columns of The p Want Ad Pages. Four Delightful Books for Children Dorothy's Rabbit Stories By MART E. CALHOUN with Illustrations by E. W. RLAISDELL Square, 13 mo. cloth, $1.00 "The book has been temptingly prepared, from th cover design of droll bunnies to the last of the funny drawings which fit the text closely Galveston News. The Adventures o! Kerrywink By CHRISTINA OOWANS WHTTE with Illustrations by M. V. WHEELHOUSE Square 8vo. cloth $2.00 "A brand new fairy story with beautiful Tull nae colored blacte-and-whtte text pictures. The tales are really new and won a prlie In com petition." New York TUnes Review. "An In the making; of books for chil dren has reached a hiKh plane beauty in type. Illustrations and binding, keep ing close pace with the excellence of story. Four books from Thomas T, Crowell & Company are good examples of the twentieth century product. Buffalo Courier. s Fables in By a TEN ETCK BOURKE with illustrations by 3. M. CONDB Square, 1$ mo. cloth, $1.00 "The 'fables' are out of the ordinary run of fairy tales, because ot their unusual poetto value and glowing style. Their flavor is enhanced by the accompanying drawings, and the book is a pleasing one." Herald and Presbyter. BEND FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET THOMAS Y. CROiVEH & Co. New York 1 Five Daily Trains to Chicago Leaving Omaha Union Station at most convenient hour. Runsnag right into ike He art cf Chicago La Salle Street Sta tion only on en the elevated" loop. Cklcasra Flvmr n l. am w can set sue s - ov an, a s.aJ , CLUE TO LONG LOST FUGITIVE Chief Donahue Thinks He Hu tins on Knrdcrtr. WAinxD ron fourtxen tears Aeensed pt Killing; Albert Rwtaff, Brother st Sfla Wife, With Poison Intended for the Latter. Chief of Police Donahue believes he has located a colored man by the name ot Joseph Williams who has been wanted h Omaha since Deoomber, 1SSS, on the charge, of causing the death of Albert Ewlng Ids wife's brother, by putting polsoh In tha coffee. 'The poison was Intended for his wife, but by a mistake his broth sMn-laW drank the coffee. Williams left O-naha while the coroaer Inquest was in rre-gresa It was reported he had gone to South America, but so far aa known no one In Omaha has heard of him since he left In August a colored man was arrested In Seattle for attempting to poison his wife and Chief Donahue got into communication with the wife and se cured a photograph lust Thursday of tka man. He submitted the picture ta Wit Mams first wife, Mrs. Annie Burton, Id Nerth Twenty-ninth street, and ahs Idcw tlfled It as a correct likeness of William. There la some doubt as to whether or not Williams can be oonvloted of ths crtma charged in Seattle and la ease he roes f rea there Chief Donahue will have him brought back ta Omaha and believes there will he no trouble in convicting him of poisoning! Albert Ewlng. M'BRIEN TO WOMAN'S CLUB State Superintendent Will Disease What. In Do vellh Yea Peoples Stats Superintendent J. L McBrten wilt address a special meeting of tha Omaha Woman's club Monday afternoon on "Oar Young People and What Shall We D With Them?" The meeting will be held at the First Congregational church t 1:80 and the school teachers will be the special guests of ths club. Mr. MoBHen had besi engsged as ens of several speakers oh so ciological subjects that will corns before the club's social science department thla winter, but owing to the Interest ef tha teachers his program will be presented use der the auspices ot , the club. Admissive) will be free to the teaohers, but ettsrs wUl be admitted only upon Invitation of members. The Russian Fairy Cook Translated from the original Russian by NATHAN HASKELL. DOLE. With iUustr&Uan la color by N. BILBIN. $ro. cloth, $$.00. "This book by its novelty and charm will find Us way Into many homes al ready well supplied with fairy stories. The Russian fairy Is different and In some respects he Is more entertaining than any other." Philadelphia Inquirer. Feathers OssaAa faasa JCsefnaa. - wuww w.w p. na.i yesj ear in aliner aa ' . I- rL: . , . , t . ' : . . . - liar sm neesklaal aa ... lk. i aa aas USti sa. mi ear. ROCK ISLAND TiCKrr cmrti 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha. 16 Vttvti Street, Council Lluff.