Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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U . . L
' i
Wallingford said:
' It : always helps some to remember that in this big
United States people have been saving up money
for years, just waiting for me to come and get it."
.Which led to this reflection: ,
" I've never taken a fall out of the insurance game,
arid it -sounds good. Ten cents seems like a piker
game, but when we've got 250,000 members, that
trifling ante amounts to 25,000 a month."
The conclusion is a live-wire storv of credulous savers
,and an i unscrupulous spender;, it is the second story .
Gtt-Rich-2uick series; it is called
nrt i"
and it
.,'.'" 52 Page' of all newsdealers, at five cents the copy;
'j , . I x. 50 the year by mail.
Tito" Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Penntu
v moot prist tt,
Blnehart, photographer, lith A Farnam,
A. r. BUtoUe removed te tot BraadU
building. .
a Xerran, mil or, I0f-10 Brantel
Bin-., will make a suit to pieaas yon.
Christmas sal tnrkr dinner In
parlor Flrit Presbyterian ohurch Friday,
December tx
W, always hav Rock Bprlnss CoaV
Central Coal and Cok Co. of Omaha, lSlh
and Harney trt.
Divorce foe JTonsuppora Nora 11117 ha
enured a' Oore Of dlvoroe from; Zena H.
RUer In Juflc Bedick' court. Sh
charted nonsupport. ' ....
Woman Otve Binnes The woman of th
Saratoga Cor.rres-at tonal ohurch ettl STlve
a Maw England dinner Friday evening and
alao conduct a aato.
Annual Baaea at First Congregational
church. Nlnteenth and Davenport etreeta.
next Friday and Saturday. Dinner Friday
p. m. Tickets. S5 cants.
fca&U f to Tlrrt Christina Canroh,
Twnty-lth and Harnay atreeU, will
hold rummage sale ovary Saturday,
commencing 13 o'clock, December T.
If oa wlU brine your policy of tha Na
tional Mutual Fir Insurance oompany,
which haa failed, to tha Brennaa Lov
oompany,. Room 1. New .York Life build
Int. wa will protect you until expiration.
Iowa College Clo Club The Iowa Col
lege Glee club of Orinnall wlU sins- at tha
Be Mary 'a Avenue Congregational ohurch
Friday night, December & Thla la tha
fourteenth annual tour of this organisation
and preea report Indicate tha club la better
thla year than ever.
McM Oasaao from Flameev A amail
(Ira occurred at Patrick H. Carey room
ing house, i'J Bouth sflchteooth atreet, at
7:60 o'clock Thuriday morning. The de
partsnent responded and put It out before tt
gained much headway. The lira wa set
by a lighted match being thrown, en tha
floor. Tha damage to tha nous and fur
niture was about S.
trnderwcltera at Saammat Members of
tha Omaha Ufa Underwrltere' association
will banquet at tha Millard hotel Saturday
evening and listen to a number of addreeeea
by business man. Among tha speakers will
be President Arthur C Bmlth of M. E.
HmllA 4 Co., wholeaala dry goods dealers
and manufacture of clothlivg. Tha din
ner will be at o'clock.
kVasap Oaoaes Uttl Fire TUa Ore de
partment was called to Mrs. Kata Rolu
Inger'e rooming house at ta South Twen
tieth atreet at o'clock Thursday morn
ing. A latpp had been dropped on Uia
floor and the1 oil eaugtit fire. By quick
work the ftrai eVparUnant was able to put
out the Are before any oonalderabla damage
wa don. Tha floor was damaged to the
extent of about fcA.
Case Soes oa Vm Etarea Jmsoao Pur
tag tha argument In tha oas of Henry
Bchmldt against tha Union Pactfla Railroad
oJmpaay for fil.OO damaga Thurdy aft
oraaaa Juror J. W. Qlfford of Beldea waa
taken alck with, a ateeaach trouble and tha
arguments had. to be suspended. Juror
Oil ford' illness was Dt serious, but by
agreement of tha. atUrssy tha cass will
be .' proceeded wltfc the panel of eleven
S II Ml. WWr M 1, .
caivaA by tha fcealth oommlaslonar ahow
that soma of tha retail Aealera In milk are
forgetting tha term of the milk ordinance
aod be announces hi determination t en
force tha Uw In all cases. On report re
cently received ahow that hi milk offered
for sale In the usual way, the butter fat
aggregated but t-M of 1 par cent and tha
percentage t solids waa lit Oa higher thaa
that af water. '
Faray Vakeai Trtp Set era Offtea County
Treaaurar-alaot Frank A. Furay, aacaoa
paoie4 by tl mother, left ' last efea
tng for Cleveland, O.. whsr they will talt
Mr. Furays brother, who Is anan.gtng
adllor ( on of th dally paper, there.
r Would you
TrlTaU ar party leavaa Omaha for tour of Old Mexico, ascend woek ta
January, taking ta all polau o( latrsfc la ia Raputlla. Tour last II
days. - Oouamttiat suld and latorprotar. few roeraUo& Ml Our
rats. Incluillui trans ortstlon. bortbs aad BioaUa, ar vary rossKablo.
NVrSU tor Itinerary Had further iufurruaUoa.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmtm.: 'MMKHiaenemiaMaeHMMeneeaMeaMMeeMBi
5 . i
-MacM,u mm it
e UDemevoieEce
appears in the Christmas Number of
They will alao go to St. Loula, where they :
will vlalt Mr. Furay's slstsr. Mr. Furay
Intended leaving last week, but was de
layed becauss of a bad attack of tonsllltl.
Ha will return to Omaha December II.
Xsllo Shorten Xla Force County
Judge Leslie will make no changes In Ma
office for tha aeoond term, but will get
along with one employ fewer thaa la or
dinarily employed In tha office. Whan
Martin Sugarman realgned to attend law
acliool Judge Leelle decided to appoint no
ona to tha vacancy, but to divide the work
among th other clarka ' in tha office.
Coonty Surveyor Bcal - will . make so
changes In his office force. '
Oas Company th Lower That the of floa '
of the gas aommleeJoner la becoming more
popular la ahowa by tha nature of tha com
plaints received. People whoa gaa bill
ahow a eurprlalng tendency toward enlarge
ment take tha bill to th city hall and ra
queat Inspection of meter. Inspection ao
far ahow th company I losing rather than
gaining by tha condition of meters. An
average of five meter out of 100 are found
to be wrong and three of the five are too
alow, while the other two are too fast.
Court Orders Ho Damages Judge Es
telle Thursday directed a verdict for the
defendant In tha suit of Peter U Adsbol
against tha Omaha Packing company for
15,000 damagea for personal lnjurlea. Adsbol
was working on repair to the old Ham
mond packing plant, when he caught hie
foot an a protruding; nail and fell, breaking
both logs. Judge Estelle held tha work he
was In waa sttra-hazardous and that he
assumed all risk whsa he entered upon tha
occupation. nd hence wte not entitled to
reoover from hi employer.
General Seal Sstat Firm The Alham
bra Real Estate oompany ha filed artlole
cf Incorporation with th county clerk en
abling it to transact a general real estat
business and to In vast in securities and
real estat property. The capital stock la
1200,000, of which ons-half ts to be paid up
at onoe. William A. Sutherland, William
U Mardla, George . W. Hubbard and Wil
liam F. Want are ths Incorporators. Mr.
Sutherland Thursday said ths oompany was
formed to invest In mining stocks or other
securities and real estate of all kind.
Wolf ta ta Oslokea TUef The mystery
of the disappearance of the poultry of M.
P. Qould, who Uvea on K, O. Solomon's
farm near Benaon, waa cleared up Wednea
day, when Mr. Oould abot a fifty-pound
wolf as tt waa In tha act of devouring one
of hla chlckena. Tha animal was noticed
prowling around the place and after a
search wag located near ths barn Jiist after
it had caught the chicken. Mr. Oould got
his gun and brought ths prowler down at
the first shot It Is believed there are
other wolves In the sams locality snd a
search will b made for them.
a T. Kills Treads Frays Meeting Car
lln F. Ellis will be the leader at tha regular
Friday evening prayer meeting at the
Young Men' Christian association room
this week and young men who bellev la
prayer are Invited to be present and brlns
their friends. Friday noon, from U to 1J:S0
o'eloek, John tal will deliver an aarneet
messsg to men oa th Sunday school les
son, Ruth Wis CI Ice." Bible classes
for msn meet every Friday evening from
to J JO. There are alz classes studying
tha syeterAatle and graded courees prepared
by the International committee. Ths men
meet for supper and social fellowship at
U o'clock.
Annouaosmonis, wedding stationery an
calling cards, blank book and magasln
binding. 'Phone Doug, lib, A. L Root, In.
BaUMlnr Permits.
John E- Rescan. Thirtieth and Bpragu
atrreia, four frame dwelling. )l.ft0 each)
J. B. Lelaad. frame chop. Twenty-fourth
atreet and Ames avenue, llW; Theodore
Jenson, Irame dwelling, Kle South Nine
teenth street. tLbuw: Union Paclric Hailroad
company, brick pump staUo) Klahth and
tui streets, ai,.M; u.,r. tnj teuanseo.
frame jdWfiung, Thlrty-ax-ond street and
Kansas, avenue, tl liward Speilman,
frame dwllr,c, adandereoa street.
titiju: Fred bMutmberg, frame dwllUg, eiug
HvrUi 1 tiUiy-eeveiiUi aueet. i.iuu.
lilec to go to "
Our Letter Box
Contributions on timely tophi Invited.
Write legibly on one aide of the paper
only, with name and addresa 'appended.
On reaueit nainea will not be printed.
Unuaed contribution will not be re
turned. Lettera exceeding 800 word will
be subject to being cut down at ths
discretion of the editor. Publication of
.views of correspondents does not oouunlt
in see to their endorsement.
Wo Fever at Dairy.
OMAHA, Dec. . To tha Editor of Tha
Bee: Will you please permit ma to cor
rect, so far.aa I can through tha column
of The Dally Bee, the falsely wrongful and
lnjuxloua Impression that has bean given
publication In th dally papera bp Health
Commissioner Cennell to the raportera of
the press throughout the city on matters
concerning the typhoid fevar at the reel
dunce of C. 8. Montgomery and Euclid
Martin, not alone for us, but In Justice
to the Omaha General hospital and th able
phyeiclan who attended and discharged
Mr. J. P. Jensen. '
Mot emphatically and positively there
haa never been any case of typhoid or
other' fever at or near our dairy at Fifty-
flfst and Dodge, as reported. Wo are not
now and sever have been Quarantined.
Mr., J. P, Jensen, who was discharged from
tha Om4ha General hoipltal, waa for a
few day after hi discharge at the resi
dence of Mr. C. A. Chrtatsnsen, but ha
never was at ths dairy or near the cow
or the milk and waa not in our employ
ment Ho had no Indication of any fever
when at the houae of my brother.
W did at one time deliver milk to tha
reaidence of C. 8. Montgomery and at Mr.
ElicUA Martm'e, but neither they or any
one else aver contracted any faver or other
contagious dlsaaae from any milk, wagon
or peraon connected with ua or our bual
neaa. The Martin and Montgomery fami
lies are related to each other and live
near each other on Thirty-sixth street.
W deliver our milk to soma two hundred
different families In thla city and it la a
little significant that of theae the Martin
and Montgomery famlllea or thoaa In thair
neighborhood are the only onea affected
if the disease is to be attributed to us.
But ths health department doea not aeeru
to be worried over theae two or three
cases, as they are not quarantined.
It has bean reported and published In the
papera that Chrlstenaen Brother were to
be arrested for not luivlng reported to ths
health department that there was such a
dlseass at our dairy, and yet no warrants
hsvs been Issued or steps taken toward It
W are ready when the opportunity come
to prove to th satisfaction of the court,
tha public and tha Martin and Montgomery
famlllea that no aueh disease ever ema
nated from us or our dairy. We believe in
eanltary measure. It Is to our Interest to
kesp sad maintain a sanitary dairy. Wa
have (pent much money to improve every
iltuatlon concerning our eowa and tlalry.
Not only this, but have been and are ready
to assist in stamping 'out and destroying
any contagious or Infectious disease. There
seem to be a misunderstanding and wrong
Impression given by the health lnapector,
and the dally papers about milkmen gener
ally. There are no more loyal, sanitary or
health-promoting busineae men than the
milkmen, and yet none are mora misrepre
sented sr misunderstood.
Wa keep a eanltary and up-to-date dairy,
InepecUd by the atata and local officers,
and all of our attention la given to It tn
tereeta. Dr. Connell, the head of
department, come out to our dairy last
Monday, tha SRth of November, afler hav.
lng heard of tha alcknesa In the Montgom
ery and Martin families, and ordered u
to buy milk from tha country for our cus
tomers, but having made semethlag of an
examination a to Mr. Jensen's condition
and learned that Mr. Jensen had nothing
to do with our dairy or milk, th following
day he countermanded th rdr and told
ua U seU as before, but tha newspaper
have, either from Mr. ConneM' report t
them or by tfee rmagtnatloa of tha report
era, faiaery reported that the disease at
th above named place was traced and. at
tributed directly to our dairy, and that we
war quarantined both of Which state
ment are falsa and injurious, and are
trying to Vacate and fix tha responslbimy.
Respectfully. CHRISTENS EN BROS.,
By John Chrtstensen.
afoot Food Is r.lMa
to tha dyapevtic. Elertrie Bitter cur dy
apepels, liver and kiduey eomptJnta and
debility. Price ouo. Fur aaie by Beaton
Drug Co
Han on Trial for Harder Placet Blame
.on'Stats'i Witness.
Laborer at Hospital aye 'Ham Pak
Was Not Killed by Rebkrrs
Blows, bat by Chlorew
. for. -
Charts Pumphrsy, on trial for hi Ufa
In district court, charged with the murder
of Ham Pak. went on the wltneaa stand
Thursday afternoon and denied having
anything to doSrlth the murder or robbery
of tha Chinaman. Ha placed the entire
blame for tb tragedy on Basil MBullen,
tha 17-year-old boy who . testified yester
day that It was pumphrey that did th
killing. Another startling feature of tha
trial waa the endeavor of Attorney Telser
for Pumphrey to show that Ham Tak dttf
not die from the aaven wounda in hla head
or the double fracture at the base of the
akull, but from the effect of chloroform
administered by th surgeon who were
attending him.
This evidence .waa given by George W.
Welget. a laborer, who said he waa at th
hospital when Pak was brought In and
placed on the operating table. He said
he saw the surgeons wash the blood from
ths Chinaman's face and start to aew up
soma wounda In the forehoad. The China
man, he aald, raised up and put his bands
up to his forehead. Interfering with the
aurgeona. One of them, he aald, admin
istered chloroform And In a few minutes
Pak quit breathing. Tho surgeons worked
over him trying to' bring back his breath,
but failed.
On cross-examination Mr. Welgel testi
fied he waa positive thla happened on Bun
day, about July , while Pak waa found
and the operation on htm performed Thurs
day, July U. - '
Pwmphrer. Take) Staad.
Pumphrey was ths second witness. After
reviewing his previous life he said be had
spent the afternoon of the day previous
to the night of the murder with his sis-.
ter, where he helped drink several pitcher
of beer. 11 said he wa at the Ham Pak
restaurant about t o'clock In the evening
and went with Allmack to a saloon, where
they drank. Then he went to his room
and about 7 o'clock went to os.ll on Anna
Parr, whom he testified he was engaged
to marry. He said he remained with her
until two mlnutas before U o'clock, when
Allmack caled for him and they went
away together. He aald Allmack had
called for him about t o'clock, but I s had
refused to go away with him. The second
time he called they went out and got a
drink and landed at the restaurant about
1E:40 o'clock.
He denied the teetlmony of Mtillen that
he had been at the restaurant all the even
lng. The three of them, he aald. played
card until half an hour or ao and then
went to Bleep, waking up about 165. He
declared not a word had been said about
robbing ths Chnlnaman.
At 3 o'clock, he said, Allmack turned out
the lights and he heard a kcuffle In the
kitchen. Going 'back he aw Mullen beat
ing the Chinaman, ,
"I aald, 'For God' aake, don't hit him
any more.' " he testified, "and Mullen aald
to me, "Shut up, or I wlU hit you.' "
Assailants Leave Town.
He aald Han Pak came to and Mullen
hit him again sevsral times with the club.
He declared he Was so frightened he could
hot hold a candle Mullen gave him. Mullen
went into the Chinaman's sleeping Quar
ters, and when he cams back Allmack said
they would have to get out of town, and
they alhwent to the depot and took a Roctt
Island train for Chicago. Pumphrey said
be had no previous knowledge of tha mur
der'and did not know until they had gotten
fifty mllea from Omaha that a robbery had
been committed. He aald he ran away be
oause Mullen threatened to kill him if he
did not.
On the train he said Mullen took him
Into the closet and handed him a S3) bill.
"I said I wouldn't take It" be continued. (
"and Mullen pulled a loaded revolver and
said, Take It You're In thla, and If wa
are caught you will suffer with us.' "
At 6t Louis he aald he took an asauraed
name at Mullen' a ugg Button and afterward
changed hla name back to Pumphrey and
got aome money from bom under that
name. He declared he wanted to com
back and give himself up, but Mullen
threatened to kill him If he did. Ha said
he bought a ticket for Kanaaa City, but
Allmack tor It up and Mullen threatened
to kill Dim.
Hla alatar, he aald, who had gone to St.
Loula to aee hlin, also urged him to flee
and stay away two' or three weeka before
giving himself up, and at her suggestion
he did so.
"I wanted to com back and tell it all, but
she told m I had better wait two or three
weeks. I was a raid cf Mullen, and did
not want to give myself up directly, ao I
wrote a poatal to .Anna Parr and algned
my nam "Doc," aa I waa alwaya called.
I hoped the detectives would get on to It
and coma and get me."
Arrested ia Arkansas,
After working In Memphis, he went to
Ravenden 8prings, Ark., where he was ar
rested and brought back to Omaha. He
waa going under the name of Earl Farrell
On cross-examination he dented ever see
ing tha fatal club, except when It wua In
tha handa of Mullen,
Parta of hla story were corroborated by
Anna Parr and Oeorge W. Moore, a drug
clerk, who aald Pumphrey wa not the man
who tried to buy chloroform of him on th
night of themurder. Mra. Ekelton, hla sla
ter, alao aorroborated hi statement he wa
at her houae In the afternoon.-- Mrs. Manda
Roe, Pumphrey'a mother, waa on the stand
but objections were raised to queutlona
asked her and aha did not anawvr them.
Attorney Yelttr then aaked to have the
cell at tha county Jail In which Mullen la
alleged to have written a confrsslon on the
wall Introduced - In evidence, but his testi
mony on ths subject was ruled out and ths
court also rejected the offer at the present
County Attorney English Thursday
forenoon dismissed ths aecond count In tha
Information against Charles Pumphrey, on
trial for the murder of Ham Pak. making
possible one of three verdicts. Tha Jury
will either have to convict with the death
penalty attached, convict wltn Imprison
ment for life, or acquit. The count which
was dismissed was the one charging pre
meditated murder, under which second de
gree or manslaughter verdicts might hav
been returned. Tb flrat count which re
mains eharge murder while oemmltUng a
robbery, and either the death penalty or
Imprisonment for life must bo prescribed
under a verdict of guilty.
Sheriff McDonald has gone to Lincoln to
bring back four Inmate of tho penitentiary
to testify for the defense. They ar Jim
Bowaa, Charles Prioe, alias Charlea Rog
er; Chartsa WUllaiae and William U Wil
lisana, all of whom are serving sentence
for crimes committed In Douglas county.
They will testify as to alleged conversa
tion with Mullen. In which h I said to
hav made admission which would dis
credit bis testimony. Judge Troup Thurs
day morning; issued M order requiring th
appearance of th convicts and Sheriff Mo
Donald will aecur an order from Governor
Sheldon permitting them to be brought
back to Omaha.
Skall Evident la Trial.
Ham Pak'a akull waa one of the grue
some features of the trial Thursday morn
ing. It wa taken to the court room by
Dr. Lavender, pathologist, who performed
the pont-mortem examination, but waa not
placed on exhibition by the county at
torney. It remained on one of tha tablea
wrapped up In an old newspaper. Dr.
Lavender testified there were seven
wounda in tlje head and that death was
caused by-d double fracture at the base
of tha akull. Detective Mitchell, who went
to St Loula to get Allmack, testified he
found tha watch and ring atolen from
Ham Pak'a trunk In a pawn shop, where
Allmack had eecurcd money on It, and
Detective Drum my told of aecurlng Pak'a
watch from Pumphrey on their way home
from Pocahontas, Ark., where Pumphrey
was arrested.
Considerable amusement was caused by
the examination of Jack Maot, a Jap, who
Identified the watch and ring taken from
the trunk aa his. He said' he gave them
to Ham Pak to keep two daya before the
Heathen May Testify,
Attorney Tr for the dffense objected
to Naol teatifjing on the ground he was
tha subject of at heathrn nation and not
competent to give evidence. The objection
waa overruled. Naol gave hla direct evi
dence through aa Interpreter, asserting ha
could not understand English. Mr. Telser
In the beginning of the cross-examination
talked Englih directly to the witness, who
answered In English. When Telser asked
him If he had not been asked to contri
bute to a fund to prosecute the slayers of
Ham Pak, the witness shook his head. 'No
understand." hs said.
"Don't you know what money 1T" asked
"No underatand," aald tha wltneas,
"What thla, is thlt money T" Mr. Telser
again asked, holding up a dollar.
"No understand," repealed the witness,
and the croia-examinatlon cloted.
Mayor Will Vncorlt tb Bottl of EIo at tko Bryan
The program for the Dahlman Democracy
banquet haa been ararnged and tha carda
for dinner are now being prepared. Oeorge
Rogers, president of the club, will Intro
duce the toastmaster, John H. Atwood of
Kansas. The aubject to be treated by Mr.
Bryan la not aiinotinced, but that of other
apoakers, and Uie order, are:
Mayor Dahlman, "Municipal Problem;"
Henry C. Richmond of Fremont "The
Country Pre In Politics;" James Mana
han of Minnesota. "The Syatem;' Jam A.
Reed of Kanaaa City, "The Attitude of
Missouri;" M. V, Gannon of Iowa, "The
Occasion of the Man;" J. A. Rountree of
Alabama, "A Volo from th South;" Wil
liam Jennlng Bryan, subject to be se
lected. -
The eal of seats for the dinner ts pro
gressing favorably and the prospects are
tht the capacity will be taxed by those
who desire to feast with the coming presi
dential candidate and his friends.
passed Examination Saocessf ally.
James Donahue, New Britain, Conn.,
write: "1 tried aeveral kidney remedies,
and waa treated by our beat physician for
diabetea, but did 'not Improve, until I took
Foley' Kidney .Cure. After th second
bottle I showed Improvement and five
bottles cured mo completely. I have alnoa
paased a rigid examination for life tnaur
anoe." Foley'a Ktdnoy Cure curea back
ache and all forma of kidney and bladder
trouble. For aale by all druggists.
Tho Baslaess Man's Trala
On the
Leaves Omaha Union atatloa at p. m.,
arrives Union station Chicago (In the heart
of the city) at l:M a. m. Thla train carries
electric lighted Omaha sleeper and eom
poslte observation cars. Comfortable
coaches and unexcelled dining car aervo.
TICKETS Farnam t Omaha.
When you have anything t? sell adver
tise tt In The Bee Want Ad Columns.
Only House Committee1' Cones Oat oa
the Wrest ldo ot tho
"Tha Impression that there la a deficit
In the finance of the Omaha Field club ia
wrong," aald Secretary J. W. Hughes,
Thursday. "The club haa paid off 11,000 of
bonded lndebtedneaa during tha year and
haa a balance on hand of $1,000, ahowlng an
exceaa of Income over current exepenaaa of
M.OOO. The lmpreeelon that there waa a de
ficit was oauaad by tha fact that the etate
ment ahowa the house committee to have
exceeded Ita apportionment about 1800."
The Lunch Counter
la the' Came of Dyspepsia snd Indi
gestion, Catarrh of the Stomach
and Heart Disease.
Tlne-TBtaa of Thoaa Who Sat There
Bolt Sows Their Food.
The next time you eat at a lunch counter
Just you watch the people opposite.' Look
down the whole line and notice how they
bolt down their food, washing It down
with hot coffee or cold water. Flrat they
take a large bite and then a drink, a bite
and a drink, hurrying through their meal
In five or ten minutes.
Many of thetn don't know the correct
way to eat, while other ar ao Intent on
money-making that they will net take the
time to eat properly. '
The lunch counter create a great demand
for Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablet, for every
one now knows that they assist tha atom
ach In digesting tha food thatNhae been
auddanly forced down into It
Health ahould be tha flrat thing sought
for In th battle of existence.
With a aound body all thing are pos
alble to man, while Ill-health handloap
Tha dyspeptic la uaually ; grouchy and
cannot meet hla fellow-msq In th proper
spirit to win his confldenoa and aateem.
Many a fine proportion ha failed bacauaa
a dyspeptic waa back of It -
Tour brain doe not work right whsr
dyspeptic conditions prevail, neither doea
any organ of th body.
Get your digestive apparatus In perfect
condition first and all will go well with
Take Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets until ye
cure youraelf of Indlgectlaa. catarrh of tha
a torn ach and dyapepala. and your heart,
liver, brain and all tho ergana of tha body
will perform their function properly and
you will be In aound health.
Don't give up ta dlapatr, but get right
and all things will em your way and)
fortune will again smile oa you.
You can purchase Stuart' Dyspasia
Tablets anywhere a earth. They have
become a family neceesity everywhere.
They are M oenta per package. ,
Send your nanta and address t-dey and
we will at once ser-d you by mal a sample
package free. Addrese F. A Stuart Co.,
100 Stuart ldg. Marshall, i ,
' Our New
Style Books
For the Fall and Winter of 1 907-8
are fresh from the press and
ready to mail to our out-of-town
The book for Men contains many Hanclsome
illustrations of Fall and Winter Suits and numerous
samples of the goods from which the Suits are made.
The book for Womftn is profusely illusTjated
with beautiful pictures depicting the latest styles.
These illustrations were made from photographs of
the garments offered for sale. . . y
With these books in hand you can buy Clothing
and Furnishings as easily and cheaply as you could
if you were in our Big Store. When you write state,
which book you want THEY ARE FREE. ,
O lairniioiT.dls
We Insure Ya Againsl Possible Drprtclatlsi
We sell them under contract to refund in cash
nine-tenth ot what you pay us at any time within one
year Irora date ot purchase.
Rings 85 to JU.OOO
Brooches 910 to $1,000
Studs 10 to $1,000
Ear Screws $15 to $350
Locketa $10 to $10O
Cuff Buttons $10 to $150
A $15 value In a 2 -a tone ring a genuine regular
cut diamond and sapphire, or diamond and emer
ald, or diamond and ruby, in ht avy 14k diagonal
or twin ring $13.75
'iiiib sii.iii"ii. 11 iiaiiiuaiiiiiianaM r isairrnT
I T1 J3 rV Xow Wat Bar
f tHAJI ( Tea Tnoaght of hU 1
. i "SJr. Whr not Pcl up now and
siftl S'S"- '-i&VI thereI 800 thl" "
iV r 5,,' i,VVf- Pleaaur land for youraelf. W
lnyS Ilectrio righted ' V
mm!m Overland LimW
IfvSz&'&fiilfivSK ?! Tou'll find thl. areat train - H
I ?' O Without a up.nor. -
I ly',U'''" ' 1 uanlnr threat dally wltfcast M
iT.vt? i California via . . !
Wf Union Pacific
. .v, 1 fl ll-rJ::' Inquire at
J V 7'?;:;f cmr tjckbt offictj, yy
f ft 1 I 1334 Farnam St. y
r "T -'- rr
aa itat! at 1 das' - a 1 11 J -1 x-.js. ,t .. . . . - . f-n r,r - , , - lmmk , , J
E"4,Pr. LT&jearlWi'', jnn rwmmr n -ayve-Mia iw aaswsjarsy ygy- ni iyrm-
tmtt !, -roar,, i-.-' . r n 1 ,? ., r ,m . 1 1 ana, , 1 ..iunn - i 4a rw . A
I have a list of several nicely Improved irrigated farms in th Big Ilors
BaSln that can be rented tor a share ot the crop.
These rich irrigated' farms are close to railroad and you have a good
home market for everything raised. . "
Why not rent for a year or .two and. sea bor
you like tha Basin bafore bujing,
Oo with me December 17th (Round Trip 120.00), and J will personally
abowyou these farms.
You can secure very favorable terms, and your choice of several deslfablt
farms If you will write me today. Get your application in early.
Addrees, "iHZM '
I). CXEM DKAVF.R, Oeaeaal Agnnt,
Land Rock era' Information Burraa, ',1
10O4 Farnain Btrrat, Omaha, N't-b. '' ''