rnTVOMATIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBEU 6, 1P07. . s CRISIS WILL BRING RELIEF " Clima it Kansa City le&rded at Good for Banks. - "WATTLES SATS SKY WILL CLEAR 5' Onmt iUm Over nUir f Kawrlll Buk, Wklrk 114 ' Ed for To that tha crlsl ha heen reached In Kansas Cltr, th situation In tha west Should clear up and all bank resume full currency payments, retiring th cashiers' chock, m .ha been practically dona by seraral Omaha banks," say Q. W. Wat tle. Tloa vrtatdent of tha United State National bank. . Other local financier who hay watched. tha eltuatlon closely acquiesce mod 'declare. Kansas r1ty haa been tha snaf, which haa postponed the time wbes a formal announcement would be anade thai full cash would be paid all flepeattore, sr for alt exchanse. For more thai thre weeka Omaha banka have refused to accept , Kanaaa City ex chaara and tHoaa which bad belancea with tha National Bank, of Commerce began wflhdrawfnjf lhaxa a soon aa tha clearing tioxma of tha wast decided to limit the tfeyatent Bf easb. '.' Otia Omaha, bank carried ttO.OOO In the sTan City bank and It waa withdrawn 1th dlfflcaltr. Othee b,uks which' car ried mailed balance ecured their money and tha Adpealt of tha Kanaaa City ln aUtctJon were eat down more than 60 per Ct' i Baak la Like m Womam. 0peaJdn( at tha failure, Mr. WaUIee "A. bank 1 Ilka a woman to maintain a reputation it rauat not be talked about. Talk, hart a bank and there baa laen talk about tha , National Bank of Com merce for noma time. The bank waa talked to death m a way, aa one banker whispered, -to another, 'National Bank of Commerce s ' weak.' The bank paid bis lntareat for tha balance of country banka and made collection free. - In thla way It built up deposit almoat -aa large aa the deposit of . all tha banka of Omaha and South Omaha and equal to tha deposit of the Omaha "banka." Banker of Omaha have been much dis pleased at tha Irregular banking methoda ef tha Kanaaa City Inatltutlon, whloh, they ay; came into Omaha territory and aoll eilad awd Invited country bank account and secured them by paying IH and I per oent lntareat en them, making collection free and crediting exchange and check to tha bank forwarding them on the day of receipt instead of on the day of collec tion, aa the Omaha banka hare done for year. . Rxpeaslv Systeaa ef Soewrltr. Thla loea to the big Inatltutlon la thu described by an Omaha banker: "Tha National Bank of Commerce had a rery expensive ayetem of aecurlng fhe ac count of country banka, a system which la not used In any of tha Omaha banka. If a Orand Island bank received a check for fl. 000 on a Valentine bank, Inatead of for warding the check to Omaha the Orand Island bank would send It to the National Stank of Commerce of Kansas City, and shea It arrived next morning It waa credited to tha Orand Island bank and the S1.00O began drawl nr interest at once. Then by tha time the collection waa made the Na tional Bank of Commerce loat 11 collection charges and paid the t per cent . for a week often 'data on the tl, cheek. - Of oourse, the country banks liked inch aa institution and thousands of dollars worth of Nebraska checks passed through the bit Kansas City bank. Western Nebraska Is dotted with bark whloh did business only with the Kansas City bank." FUr. Iters of Omaha learned Wednesday that a SDeclal national bank nimlnu v.mA oeen sent, to Kansas city, not to make an ( roapecitlon ror the purpose of closing the Inatltutlon, but to learn Its true condition, with the idea of helplns; -the Institution pull through with thto assistance of a number of New York and Chloago banka -wnicn isaa agreed to help it. Tha bankers breaU.ed a sigh of relief and thought they aw hope of the Kansas City bank pulling through, but the news which arrived early Thursday morning did not surprise them. i Mimm me opinion aur- a vua uv uiM ui .ansas wiy bank had been the one drawback and black spot on th banking situation In the west. BANQUET F0RL HOSTETTER Waywe Bsmlaes Mra FrMtiMt Hrkratkaa Good raited , . States Cewswl. Much haa been said in recent years about the American consular service, both In Its favor and In criticism' of It, and It is well known that In th past, few years It haa been greatly Improved and extended. A party of Fort Wayne business men. Including, among others, E. W. Cook of the Cltutcns' Trust company; E. H. Merrltt of tha Physicians' Defense company and Hon. t V. tHrey, on a recent trip to Mex ico, can bear witness to the efficiency of the consular service at one point, thla being the city of Hetmoeillo, the capital of the tat of Ronora. The t'nlted Btate consul there la Hon. Lout Hosetter. formerly of Omaha, who haa been In office about three yeara, and tha Fort Wayne party found him almoat Invaluable to them during their stay of two weeka. He 1 a moat accomplished and ac commodating gentleman who apeaka Span ish fluently and who waa ready at all time to aaalst Americana In any way within' his power, and opportunities were given him freq-iently enough to have ex hausted the patience of an official lea con aloentlooa in his duty. Mr. Kestetter I held 1n the highest re gard by tha governor of tha state. General Torres, and all tha official of tha govern ment, and aa well by tha bank and busl neaa firms and people genernlly, and by the respect and esteem In which ho I held he I enabled to Introduce American meth ods and extend American trade in a way which is most valuable. Hla wife and daughter era of great assistance to him In maintaining; pleasant relations with the people there, aa they ar accomplished and delightful entertainers. ' If the consular service Is as well repre sented lit other parts of the world as It is In Hermoslllo, Uncle Sam 1 In no danger of becoming unpopular among the other nation. Fort Wayne New (Ind.). PRIMARY TO NAME NEW MAN Propose to Allow Ropaolleaaa to Tot for Bceeer to Comsat- . aioaer Solosnoa. In order to solve the perplexing problem of naming the suceesor to County Com missioner Solomon, who Will resign Janu ary 1 to become county comptroller, an Informal republican primary may be held by common consent in the Third commis sioner district, comprising the country pre cincts of tha county. The suggestion waa made at an informal meeting of a number of the candldatea a day or two ago and several of them endorsed it aa a good way to e"!e tha question. It la proposed to establish poll In each precinct and allow all republican who voted at the last pri mary to register their choice for tha com mtsslonersliip. Tha result would not be binding on the county official who fill the vacancy, but it probably would be consid ered - by them In making the choloe. If not It would, It is said, put tha auccesaful candidate In a position next fall when the regular Incumbent will be choaen. Henry Denker of Chloago precinct' la aid to be a new aspirant for tha office, theugh he ha not mad formal announce ment ef hla candidacy. HI friend are aid to be working for hlra for tha place. JOB OF FEEDING "PRISONERS SelflealoBS Fixed and Bids Asked by . the Coanty . Boatvel , '. tarday." The apectflcatlona for the Jall-feedlng contract will be decided on at a meeting of the county commissioners Saturday morn ing and the bids will be called for immedi ately afterward. The commissioners ar having Some difficulty In making tha specifications for the meal of insane aud Juvenile prisoner and witnesses held te the district court. Under the law they will have to be given three meals a day, while the ordinary prisoner ar ted but twice. County Commissioner Brunlng an 1 Tralnor have gone to Kansas City, where they will Investigate methoda of feeding prisoner there. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup, tha new Laxative, stimulates, but does not Irritate. It I the best Laxative. Guaranteed or your, money back. For sal by all druggist BANK STATEMENTS BANK STATEMENTS OTY REPOUT OF THE CONDITION OF THE SAWWGS -BARK OMAHA, NEBRASKA, CHARTER NO. 303. Incorporated in the State of Nebraska; at the dose of business Nov. 20th, 1907. V RESOURCES: Ftrst Mortgage Loan f S20.S7B.18 ColUtral Loans , MfiOi.U Bond -..... 20,789.0 Oitl Fund Warrant ....... t 125.307.87 Vault, Furniture nd Fixture , , an 070.42 Other IWI Estate , 7446 04 Intrrrst Accrued but not due lo',ft4&!27 Total Caab on Ilaad and Due from lUnk 228,803.01 To1 .81,1s 111,000.44 LIABILITIES: CsvpJUl Faid In. g 1B0.000.00 : BurplM Fu4 ;. S.RO0.0O . VadJ Tided Profit ; 2,428.00 InOlTidttjd. Depoaiu Sub Jct to Check. . $868,883.77 lctuand OrtilcAte oa IH-posit 10,001.24 . ' Xlme Ortia.Wa on Depoai. 180,042.48 1,007,677.44 ToUi .a. v. $1,212,603.44 x " 6TATE OF NEBRASKA, ' County of Douglas 1, "Wm.'S. Iiillis, Treasurer of the above named bank, do hereby wear that the above statement ia a vomat and t tmo copy of the report made to the State Banking Board v ' 1 ; . W. 6. IIILUS. ATTEST, - ' 1 JOIIN F. FLACK, Director J. A. SUNDERLAND, pirector : . Bi:bscr;bed and 6 worn to before me this 5th day of December, 1907. - ' . TV. BOYD SLAGEL, , t&:,alJ.:''. . ... . -Notary Public. DAX1EL DAS HIE RE1SS City Prosecutor Arbiter in the En forcement of Sunday lawi. ALL EVLDEKCE WILL GO TO HTM Aa It Will Hare Beet Clan L. rate Opportunity for CoaTletlaa riaal Ahltranseat Rests Will Hlsa. While a further conference will be held Friday between the mayor and chief of police to work out the details of the en forcement of all stats laws and city ordi nances, which, by virtue of the ordr of the mayor Issued to, the chief of police last month, are to be strictly enforced on and after next Tuesday, It has been prac tically decided that no arrest for the viola tion of such ordinance will be made, either upon the failure of merchants and other to suspend work Sunday or almllar offense after Tueeday. ' In place of making the arrests patrol men will be requested to secure tha names and addreme of person seen violating the ordinances on laws and this list, together with the evidence .In the poeoexslon of the police department, will be submitted to the city prosecutor with a request for the Issuance of warrants In rase the city prosecutor decides that a case can be made against the parties against whom the com plaints ar prepared; While the Sunday closing, law was espe cially mentioned In this regard It is under stood all laws heretofore more or less Ignored will come under the earn rule. This action is deemed !ie only possible method of handling the affair, as there are not enough policemen In Omaha to make arrests In erery case of violation and the department think It cannot discrimi nate. Bo the proposition Is passed on to the city prosecutor, who Is In a position to know where lies the best opportunity for securing a conviction. BANK STATEMENT BANK STATEMENT WIMiM.MMIIIe.Mia.Mn(iurM flo i 1 MAMA NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA, NED. Statement Mado to the Comptroller of the Currency December 3. 1907. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts 6,630,075.49 Overdrafts .., , 2,924.03 U. S. Bonds, for Circulation - 815,000.00 Stocks and Bonds 635,658.71 Banking House and Safe Deposit Vaults 200,000.00 U. 8. Bonds for Deposits. ....... t 484,000.00 Other Bonds for Deposits 110,000.00 Due from Approved Reserve Acents 1,115,833.16 Due from Other Banks 1,131,961.83 Cash on Hand 1.425.197.34 Due from U. S. Treasurer....... 30,000.00 4,326,982.33 Total S12,510,640.5G LIABILITIES Capital . $ 1,000,000.00 Surplus Fund 200,000.00 Undivided Profits , 223,230.44 Circulation 704,160.00 Bonds Borrowed 76,000.00 Clearing House Account.... , 30,000.00 Deposits: Due Banks and Bankers $4,837,319.64 Due Individuals 6,440,930.48 10,278.250.12 Total $12,510,640.56 DIRECTORS ' "! J.H.MILLARD. I. W. CARPENTER, W. M. BURGESS, , CP. McOREW. WM. WALLACE, A. J. SIMPSON, , OUT C. BARTON, J. E. BAUM. . " a H. BROWN, W. H. BUCHOLZ.; V. OFFICERS President. , , J. H. MILLARD Vice President ,;WM. WALLACE Vice President ,...C. F. McOREW Cashier .W. H. BUCHOLZ Assistant Cashier ....FRANK BOYD THE EXTENSIVE CONNECTIONS AND STRONG RESOURCES OF THIS BANK ARE AT TOE SERVICE OF ITS CUSTOMERS. HssniCTTniRTEENTii st., 'rsvsssssssnsm Statement December 3, 1907 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts - $5,222,056.79 U. S. Bonds Par - - 500,000.00 Bank Building: - - - 200,000.00 Bonds - - $ 431,060.00 - Banks 1,976,157.56 Cl'g House Acct 291,000.00 Vet Balaao ZHi U Cash - 1,306,174.873,995,392.43 $9,917,449.22 LIABILITIES Capital Stock . -Surplus and Profits Circulation . Deposits. ..... $600,000.00 - 462,955.14 500,000.00 8,354,494.08 $9,917,449.22 OFFICERS K. T. Barlow, President, Ch W. Wattles, Tlos ?im. T. B. OaldweU, Tlo rre. A. SClllarA, Cashier. ' W. B. BJuad, Aa sic taut Oaablar. St Talatac. Assistant Cashier. a. B. KSTeMttok, AaslaUat Oaaaier. . DIRECTORS L T. Bar low, Ooy 0 Bartos, IT. A. Bnff, S. B. Caldwell. T. B. Caldwell, Thoa. A. Trj, O. w. lraa, A BUUaxd, Bmolld acartin, B. IS. acoramaa, A. Ts. steed, B, 1. Smith, W. A. Bmltli. O. W. Wattla. a B. Tost. An Ideal Investment Is 1 Absolutely safe, because secured by first mortgages on improved real eaute. t Profitable Wins; at least 6 per cent. ' Convenient no coupons to clip, no insurance or taxes to look after. 4 Easily turned Into cash at offloe on notice. Our shares fully meet all these conditions. Resources. $3, 790.000; reserve, $66,000. - Investments of $1.00 to $6,000 received any d&. THU CONSERVATIVE 8 AVISOS AND LOAN ASS N. 1614 ILaraey Street, OmaJuu CEO. F. CILMOIlE. ITe.. P, w. KUIIXS, Sec. BANK STATEMENTS BANK STATEMENTS J -J..; I s. ii i-, a i r.i . f ' i The Home of the Orandels Dank. Statement November 30, 1907 As Called Bj Stifi Einhln? Bciri. RESOURCES Loans and Discount , .ff40.995.71 Bonds and Warrants 107,702.83 Cash and Exchange ". . . 189,808.37 LIABILITIES $7US,5MM1 Capital 9100,000.00 Undivided Profits 7,023.78 Dcpo( , 031,042.03 $788,560.41 State cf Nebraska, ) County of Douglas $ John L. Kennedy, Vice President, on oath, states that the fore going statement of the condition of J. L. Drandels & Sons Bankers, on November 30, 1907, is correct. JOHN L. KENNEDY, Vic President. Attest: , . ARTHUR I). BRAXDEIS. EMIL BRANPEIS, H. HI GO BKA.VDEIS, JOIIN L. KENNEDY, Subscribed to in my presence and sworn to before me this 6th day of December, 1007. G. H. MAIvCHEIN, Notary Public. Director. The Brandeis Bank Pays 4 Interest AND PAYS THE MONEY When the Depositor Wants It. 'UMi'iiyifffifH Gfe Omaha National Bank Capital $1,000,000 OFFICERS i President J. H. Millard Vice-President Wm. Wallace Vice-President C. P. McGrew Cashier YV. H. Bachols Assistant Cashier Frank Boyd DIRECTORS: J. H. Millard, , Gay C. Barton W. M. Burgess A. J. Simpson J. E. Baom C. P. McGrew Wm. Wallace I. W. Carpenter XV. H. Buchola C. H. Brown. I3th Street. Between F&rntm and Douglas. Bee Vant Ads Produce Respite BANK STATEMENTS No. 183L Rport f U Condltloa of THE OMAHA HATIOHAt BAKK, At Omaha. In tha Plata of N.Hraska. at . . tha CI o. of 13utna tc(n- b a, ifl". - REAOUsVCSa ltas snd Olscounta ............ 9 S.SSQ9TS.4 Or.Mrsfta, secured and un oeurrd 1K4.0I V. R. Bond to eeur olreula- latkm mt.n I, a. Bonds to scur U. a .1- po.lt. . 41,0P.0 Othr bond te aecura U. S. do-, posits lft,nrv 00 rrrmluma on 17. . bondSv.... Bonds, SM-urltl.s, 4a fttt.CS.Tl Banking houoft, furnttora and fixturva ' ' A9TO.0O Duo from national banks (not rirva ' arnts ,.' t S33.S0e.Sl Duo from stats bar.ks and bankera 1MJU.V !! fronv- approved rs.rva scnta 1,1I5.S3.U Check - and Othrr cash ltsma 79,128 .14 Exchan for clr tuff hovisa 17S.t0t.tt Nots of other a tlnnnl banks l&CS.OO Fractional rspor cor- v renry, nickels and cmts tlH.I Lawful Money ReeerT in Bank, vis: Pperle . ..tl,0S7,tli.tO dcr nous llinrt.Oft 1.IM.1M OS Redemption ftind with u. B. treasurer f of circulation). IlO.000.0S ' 104.1W.M Mn.iKi-33 io.oo0.ro TotiU.v nxuattoM LiAurunra. Capital stock paid In Purnlus fund Undivided profit, le ex penses and tax paid National bank, note outstand ing Iue other national banka tX0SI.tt3.4e Due to atate . bank and banker l,75i,S1.tO Due to trust ' com panies and saytnss banks t3,44.7B Individual . deposits aubject to check... l.44B,lt.C6 Time cert I floe.' ea ef deposit ; Certified check Cashier's check out standing United State de posits Deposits of V.- fl dl burslnir officers.... Bends bo rowed v Clearln; haus account. . net balance .w. M4,W9.1 ts2ul.M r.ois.tt ' - 17XEM.4T 8tl,ie.4- W.lTS.tW.lJ 7S.0W.W 10.900.00 Total tH.n0.tt0M Btate of Nebraska, County of Douclas. I. W. H. Buchol. cashier of the abore named bank, do solemnly swear that tha above statement is true to the beat ef my knowledge and belief. W. H. BTJCHOTJ', Cashier. Rubscrlbed and sworn to before me this 4th day of December, 1907. U D. EPAX.DINO. Notary Public. Correct Attest : J. H MTITjART, W. M. BUROrTSa, C. H. BROWN. Dlrectora 1 5.m.i.so (6.1M.93 200,000.00 mo, 000.00 H0.K1.ZS 116,00'). 00 No. 9. Report of tha Condition of ' THE FIRST NATION A I, BANK, At Omaha, 1n the fttat of Nebraska, at the Close of Business Decem ber S, 1M. RESOURCES. Loans and discount Overdraft. secured and un secured U. 8. Bond to secure circula tion . U. . Bond to ecun U. 8. de-noslla Bonds, securities, etc Bunking Bouse, iurnnur njia fixture Clearing; liouse ac count, net balance. im,ia.w Due from national banks (not reserv asents J06.W1.74 De from state bank and banker 3UB.VCT.sa Due from approved reserve renls 0S3.43t.Sa Checks and other , cash Items 2,mt.ll Exchsnges for clear ing house tM,27I.T7 Notes of other na tional banks 47,000.00 Fra tional paper cur rency, nickel and cents J.JS0.71 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, vis: Specie Sfl.2SO.fl0 Legal-tender note.. 1Ki,76.00 6,173.22. 71 Redemption fund with V. 8. treasurer l& or circulation). iu,tw.w Due from 17. B. treasurer, other , than b redemptiun fund 1,000.08 Total tll,l65.SS7.7t LIABILITIES. Capital atock paid li f MO.000.CO Surplus fund , 100,000.00 Undivided profits, lesa .ex penses and taxes paid .467 ,066. 00 National bank notes outstand ing ttl.160.00 Due to other national banks 0.19071. It Due to state banka and hankers L752,Sl.v7 D"e to trust com panies and savings banks 44,09.0 Individual deposit subject to check... I.!77,M8.01 Demand certificates of deposit 00,047.aS Time certificate of deposit I.TM.OW M Certified check 16,161.0 Cashier's check out-standing- 16S,2.41 United State de poults 144.tM.tl Deposits of V. B. dls- . burslnr officer.... B.M0.64 10,1118 H Reserved for tuea 4.171. 10 Total tll.l8.BB7.7 State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, as: 1, L. L. Kountse. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tsa above statement la true ta tha beat at my , knowledge and belief. L. U KOTTNTZES, Cashier. Bubacrlbed and sworn to before me this Eth day of December, 1907. JOHN H. BKXTEM, Notary Public. Correct Attest: CHARLES T. KOUNTZB. r. H. DAVIS. 3. D. CREIOIITON. Directors. HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA Send Tk. Be Tstr Vrlrads. 1 lie sommi Omaiia Rial ioieS mh Oldest National Panic at Union Stoclc Yards STATEMENT OF CONDITION: RESOURCES: , December s, 10OT. Aafnst 23, 1007 Ioans and Discounts $2,035,742.03 $1,791,991.64 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 200,000.00 175,000.00 Bonds to secure U. S. Deposit par 28,000.00 25 000 00 Banking House 1 0,000.00 loo0o!o0 Stocks, Securities, etc., none . Premium on bonds none Other Real Estate jione Cash and Sight Exchange 2,182,558.25 2,129,177.03 $4,456,300.33 ' $4,131,163.72 LIAOILITIES: Capital Stock 250,000.00 250,000.00 V--;- 250,000.00 250,000.00 Undivided Profits 127,645.61 95,825.03 atlonal Bank Notes outstanding 193,200.00 175 000 00 Deposits . . . . ... 3,555,454.72 3r3C043.'64 Clearing House Certificates, net , 75,000.00 ' ' $4,456,300.33 $4,131,163.72