TTTR OMAHA DAILY HKH: TIITTRSDAT, DECEMBER B, 1D07. 0 4 V GRAIN AND PRODUCE MAKIU1 film Cablet Send Everything Up and Iacreut Activity. SHOBTS COTTLE AST) BUTIKO GOES gawtlsnoat ! that Market Hu Had gaffleteat Bmk . - Level it to Kxlatla Coadl-tlarae. OMAHA., Dee. 4. 190T. Everything opened higher and very act ive, due to fli-m and higher- cables. Mnit of th short have covered and buying Waa feneral. Tha sentiment iwui to be that he market ha had a sufficient break to level It to existing condition and the bulla re feeling more hopeful. Wheat etartnd well and opened consid erably higher, with foreign advloea en couraging and Liverpool holding stronger. Buying waa good at tha start and there waa some aotlve trading, but this sauced Off toward the cloae and prices went back to about yesterday' close; May wheat opened at SHo and closed a 0Sc. Corn, opened higher with wheat and held fairly firm. Cash demand Is considerably better and as soon as the market shows any life there Is a tendency of holders to hold back their offerings. May corn opened at (Oc and closed at 4e. Oats were strong at the Mart and opened much higher; the Interest slackened later, however, and there was a alight falling off. May oats opened at t4o and cloaed at ehjin. Primary wheat receipts were l.MS,OnO bu. and shipments were .ono bu., against re ceipt last year of 866,009 bu. and ship ments of T96,OuO bu. Corn receipts were 421,010 bu. and ship ment were if, 000 bu., a fain it receipts last gear ef 421.000 bu. and ahlpmenU of 438,M Clearances were ICS. 000 bu.' of corn, none cf oat and wheat and flour equal to 819,000 bu. liverpnol closed VMjnd higher on wheat and 4TrA4d higher pn com. Seaboard reported 120,000 bu. of wheat and U.ouo bu. of corn taken for export. Local rang of options: -. Art idea I OperuJ Hlgh. Clos. Low. ) Tea'y. Wheat I I J I W 1 M "MS 7, M M tR t t t S84. U 60 V) 40. 49 4A14 60 ft Mi 6 H 604 H4 4V i 60 4W4 A 4SH 46'', . 45H 6V M BOH - tSi 60 44H 44H 43. S 44 A ww. . . . May... July... Corn Dee.... May... July... Oats Dee.... . July... Oasalk ' Caah Prices. WHEAT No. t hard. IMc; No. I hard, S2f,94o; No. bard, vOezc; No. I spring, CORN No. I, old, B24jc; No. t, new, 4Sc; No. 4, old, SlMdtic- No. 4, new, 47iaHSc; No. ft, yellow, old, M-SnSHc; No. t yellow, new, BflHHn ; No, 4 white, new, 4So. ... OATH No. t mixed,. 4tmg'4THc: No. ft white. 47Mr&48ttc; No. 4 whiter, 474o; tahd ard. .! RTE-No. t, 7173c; No. ft, 89OT0C .' Cwrlot Reeelpts. .' Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago. 11 ' 118 8 Omaha v ,....4: ..... 1 U . Bt. Louis 106 .... CHICAGO GRAI AND PROVISIONS FcatvrsHi el tbe fradla; as4 Closlag Prices an Board at Trade. CHICAOO, Dec. 4. Wheat prices on the local exchange declined nearly lio toduy because of selling baaed on continued lib eral movement of wheat In the northwest. At the close the May delivery showed, a nei loss 01 vie v;orn was on CHits were Hw o higher. Provision were T HO 10c higher. Weakness In (he wheat market developed toward the middle or the session and con tinued until the dose. Prior to. that time a strong tone had prevailed. . awlnx to active demand by commission hous's no snorts, out 10 ine sirsngiu 01 enru and oats and to an advance in tha prlo or Wheat at Liverpool. The situation in the ' nortK west was th principal reanoh for the selling pressure that carried prices down, juvubv t1.ll9..rom, tpa aig of tha session. RecelDts of wheat a Minneapolis and Duluth today were nearly 109 cars tit exeess of those reoetved tha corresponding day a year ago, while those t Winnipeg were 17 4 cars, against IK cars last year. A report from Minneapolis waa to the effect that the movement would probably continue to be heavy aIL winter. A slumo in coarse grains helDed to weaken the wheat market during the last hour of trading. The close was weak. May opened H CP H higher,' at 11.01 W1.02V., sold up to $1.02 H. and then declined to fl.OOH-' The close was at 1 1.00H W1.0044. Clearances of wheat and flour ere equal to 7 IT, 000 bushela. Primary receipts were 1,011,600 bushels, compared with B5O,0)0 bushels the same day one year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 6IS cars, against 111 cars last week and 667 cars one year agrs Corn price advanced from 44le. early In the day as a result of active demand by ahorts, who were actuated by a con tinued urgent Inquiry for cash corn by eastern shippers. Lteadlng longs sold freely on the bulge, which caused a loss of all lb early gain. The market cloaed weak. May opened eo to tteo higher, at tlCtlc. advanced to 63 fee and then declined to 6(0. The cloae woe t HttOMc ixcai receipts were .'11 cars "with t ear of contract .grade. ' Sentiment In the oata pit Was decidedly . Duiiian eariy in tne session, owing mainly to urgent demand for cash oafs. The ?rtoe of the cash grain was up from 1 t . c, the advance being, attributed chletly to an active . demand from th smith Buying of May by abort forced. th price oi mat option up more man ia rrora tne low point of the day. Nearly all of this gain was later sst on realising. The close was easy. May opened 101 He higher, at IIUOIUo, advanced to ttiii and then declined tO'H4o. The olo&e was at tivia. bocal receipt were It cars. . Provision advanoed sharply early In the aay on renewea covering by snorts, hasort on the smallnsss ef local stocks. -Much of the gain was later lost on nront-takl.iv. At tha close May pork showed a net guln of 7 Ho, at 1U.17H. I.ard was up 7Hc, at t tiy. nmi wsrs iuq nignfr, at il.ta Fstlmsted recelola fur toiuor'ow are: Wheat. 14 cars: corn, 117 cars; tats, 131 cars;- nogs. s,uuu neaa. Tli leading futurea ranged as follow Articles. I Open. I Illgh.l Low, aoe. Tes'y. Whsai Do... . May July.. Corn l'eo.i. May.. July.. Oats a!Kc. aMay . bMay. aJuly. bJury. May.. Jan.. May.. Itll Jan.. May.. 83J 9?i .1 00H 1 w 1 ois 67V 6rv 64 4R44I 4SV" 4't 50 47H 644 62 60 WAS eo 47 4711 46W1 '46! 44 4 44 11 r u rrv it to 13 4fi IS 06 tl tZ' 12 TO 13 771 II 75 It 17V 13 10 11 TTHI 13 76 II 0 li i;W 1 ?,! 1 10 7 rt 7 16 IS 7 ( T !7H T T 86 7 T 7 18 I T IB 7 00 7 00 1 OiSl T 10 T 06 No. L a, old; b, new, l"h nMbtattons'wsre as fnllnwi- rLOI'Hr-Bteady; winter pstsnls. 14:30tJ bu; wunttr siraigms. iu'; spring pst ents. 16 ; spring straights, t4.4wj4.Wh VVUEAT-Nu. I sprtng. tl.0(21,U; No. ft. No. led. Wk-t,Vo. CORN-No. X 6fcuUfc; No, I y.llow, 40 ( OATsV-No. ; 4SSo; No. whIU. 4Hi63c llA&rr-U3g feeding. COMc; fair t choice tnamng, eiaic. 8KfclDS-Hx".. No 1 northwestern, till Prima timothy. H.J6. Clover, contract PROVIS10NBh4H"rlba; sides Vl'oose M.76-.W. H'M pork," per bbl., tliOno-ij 06. Iard. rmr ivo lts . tx i8.. Short clear aiaes, uuasu, i.atft.w. Receipts. Shipments. 4f T"t Wheat. !,.,.,,..,.; let 04 Coru. bu ,...i.rJ... .')..) OaU, Vii.. (....s,..l0 . Hy. bu y- t , ....... t wo 42.IO 2 .) fcsrlev. bu .. .'..- ( I4.1o0 v ' ii'o ' ' i.iiinw IUU17 ins but tr market firm; cr-amerus. 'Juj-jfcj but- datrlra, i. ji-y r tvir at- mark, rasas imuuaea. i , 1 is,. jrvr prj-nr firsts, ac; exiias, i- r. v i.ay, 111120. Ksbsm City Grata aad rreMst, KANSA C1TT, Dec., ic; May, oash. No. hard. HfiHc; No. 8, $oJN6Hc; No. I red. eW394c; CORN-llprnilu.r iHi.. V.,- miL reah No. 1 mixed,; 'No. ' i, 4i'tH!Vlc No. I while. 48V4C: No. i. 4Sfl-WVfco. OATS No. 1 whll lli.fifti: No 1 mllad 47 j "4,0. Al-Steady; choice timothy, Hl.6CNffU.0O; Ice prairie, $ 2."fu 9 5rt. chl .' n KitCreamery, -Join; r-aklngv 14HO. r "'ras,-lie; .flrsM, 8v . : -1 t .-; RY Wh ipat, .bushel ("(. M 0"0 Corn, i, bushel ,. 6.V") 49 Ul Oats bushela 1.0U0 l,M NEW YORK GOEHAL MARKET Feat a res of Tradtagr k4 Prlcea ' oa Le-adtag t'omaaadltlee. NEW Tftnw tw virnin Rclnt dull and barely steady; Minnesota patents, $5.2ut!6.60; Minnesota bakers, $4 60y.0O; win ter patents, $4 80'G25; winter straights. x 46S'4 66; winter low . grades, $J 7nn-4.l5. live flour, steady: fair to good. M.15H6.15: choice to fancf, $6 20fc6.6w. Buckwheat flour, quiet, $3.0i)V.10. CURNMICAL ttteadv: Arte white and yel low. $1,8041.36; coarse, $1.26 1 1.80, kiln dried. $3.66 ,.7J. . - RYEv-Dull; No. 1 western.. JOc. I. .0. b. New York. BARLEY Nominal. W HEAT Receipts. 139 .000 huI tlXport. 144.9.3 bu. .Bpot, easy; No." 2 red, 31.WS. elevator, and $1.014 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, H &1V4 , t. r o. b. afloat; No, J bard winter, $1.10 f. o. b. afloat. Except for He advance at the opening, due to higher cables, wheat was weak and heavy all day. Active liaulda- tlon developed and with big Interior receipts. ugni export interest, aad (war pressure broke prices lo from the top and closed Ho net lower. December closed at 11 .01. A4av n rui ,1 .1 1 1 t 1 rwv a ifl. lnJ . $1.114. July opened at $i.03Sfi.M,Ai, closed CORN-Recelpts, 15,050 hi.; exports, ,1M bu.; spot, firm;. No. i, (ITTC, elevator, and 6KS0 t, o. h. afloat; No. 2 white, GbM,a No. I yellow, mo t. o. b. afloat. The option market waa steadier on recovering by Lecember short and closed 4c to So net higher. December opened at fcH4j9c; closed at 6RHc. May closed at 65,4c. OATS Receipts, M.000 bu.; spot, strong; mixed. JV;32 lbs.. Mc; natural white, S3 lhs. 6&ii6ijHc; clipped white, 8MC40 lbs., 675i16c, HAY Steady: rood ' to choloe, " 1.I6 lift. ' HOPH Quiet! state, common tn choice. 1907 cron. M(17c; lSn crnn lftn- Ta- clfld coast, 1907 crop, lllc; 1101 crop, 9 Ol', I.KATHKn-Btenrin acid. tVVQrnto. - v u ai ' it s -rrj , iicnu T irtMi 7 114.60 16.00; mess, 10.00i 10.60; bee! nams, zs.uu; pacRet. iii.dOIJIZ.OO; city, India mess, !EO.OO021.O. Cut rrfeats, stesdy; pickled bellies, 19 00 10 60: pickled hams, ia.6MrlO.0D. Lard. Arm: western prime, 18.6oft reflned. stendy; oommeni, shoo; mouth - America, 76; ComDOund. tfl 00- flnuth America M7K- II, tl 00 18 60; short clear, 116.003 17.00; mes. 1 1 6 O018.75. - T AM A)W Steady; city, 60; country, 4Jti5ViC. RIPFi Oulet: dnmestln. fair tn avtra ii otic; japan,' nominal. BUTTER Stead v: ' Imitation MMnun firsts, 2lio; western faotory, 00 mm on to lirSl, !!)'(( .no, CHEKSH-8leady; state, full cream, small, colored and white, September fine, 16Hc: larae white and colered,-. Septem ber fine, laic; large, October best, 12c. tKf ia nrm; siate. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 46fci60c; good to choice, asfHSc; brown and mixed fancy selected, SMiKc: a vers re best. 4(f?Mp! first to extra flrnt, 2ij33c; western and southern nrais, siwkiic; seconds ai7;c. POULTRY Alive, firm: western ehlekwia 12c; fowls, 18Hc; turkeys, ISHc. Dresned. weak; western chickens. KXaiflc: turkeva 124(16c; fowls, W2Hc WKATIIKR IX THE : GRAIIT BKI.T 1 1 iim - " f"v'rr -lr . and Rising ..TeaaBcratara for This Prollfle Beet lea. . OMAHA rr A 1(MV7 Lirht snows am falllna lhl mnino in the upoer Atlantic ktatea and at acatorail joints in tne lake region, but the weather s generally dear- from the -Mteslaxlnnl river west Into the mountains, and into tha soutnern states. Temperatures are gener ally lower over the country, eaneciallv 'In the' northwest where they .are somewhat nigner, ana tne outlook -is favorable . for fair weahter In this vicinity tonight and 1 nursaay. wun risinr' temDersrura Thnra. omana record of temperature and rrrn- cipnaiion, comparea wiin tne correspond' in 'day of' tne last three years': ..: iev . i.u wot: -We. 'W65. lfln Minimum temperature, ... in '..17 t -SO Preclpllation .,.....,00 .17 .00 .00 Mormai temperature for today, 31 degrees. iencii-ncY in DreciDiiation ainee. March 1 6.88 Inches. k- Deficiency correspondtnr Derlod in 1908 4.30 Inahes. Deficiency correapOndlhg Period tn MOB. , .. - Local forecaster. t. Loals iaral Market. ' 1 8T. LOUIS, Deo. 4. WHEAT Lower; track. No. 3 red, cash. 9S0i- No.. 3 hard, wcn w.ui; uecemDer, l"1c: . juay. Xi.uuHU l.(k). ..... CORN-Weak; track. No. . S cash, 6Se; yecemoer, o;'i,(BOi'4o; may, wc; Ho. white. 6c. ...... OATS-Hlgher; track. No. t cash, 4c; December, 48c; May, E0c;' No. 1 white, : FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, 14.6T-8 4.90: extra fancy and straight. H20iu4.66; S1SED Timothy, steady, 13.6004.00 CORNMEAL Steady. .13 HO. BRAN Firm; aaoked. aaej. track, J1J10O 1.03. HAY Easy; tfmdthy,- - $10.00017.00; prairie, sfi.uui(f ii.uu. IRON COTTON T1ES-11.10. FAOrSINrtime. ' ' HEMP TWINB-lle, .. ' 1-. fKDVimuNS-.Fork, higher; Jobbing, 117.60. Lard, higher; "prime steam, IS 15, Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra snorts, . 48. 82 ; clear ribs, 11.60: . short clears, 19.00. Bacon, stoady; boxed. ixtr, snorts, m.ou clear nus, 4.)s; short clear. .TM. rVULTBi-nrm; chickens, gts; springs, turkeys, iitc; aucaa, c; geese, 70, BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 13627H0. KGG-Dull. 10.0 case count. Hevelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbl. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.,,. Oats, bu.... . 8.000 1?00 ,11.000 60.UII0 44,000 9,000 ..: 41.00U 1 11,000 Mlnaeapolla Grata Ttfarket MINNBAPrvl,l8, Dec 4 WHEAT De cember, (1.014: May, S1.06T; No. 1 hard. iso. 1 nortnern, 11 o; ivo. 1 northern, U.0i4i1 02: No.- S northern. nWnWUn. FIjOUR-Frst palcnlj, 14.40i4.6O; second patents, 5.30iiti 4; rlrt clears, t4 30&4.40 second clears t3.S0 6. " FLAX Fair demand: - Sl.10fn.UH. ... BRAN-ln bulk. ll.5ffil 00. Liverpool Grat aaad Provisions. LIVERPOvL, Deo.' 4. WHEAT Spot dull; No. 1 red western-winter: 7a.. M. futurea. quiet; December 7., lVd.; . March, a.. VI.; May. 7s.. ll-td. ' CORN 4?ixt, quiet; prime mixed Ameri can, 6s.. bVtl.; futures, steady; December, bs., January, cs., aa. Mllwaake Grala Market, M1LWAUKPK, Dee.' 4. -WHEAT -Pt-a4y; No. 1 northern. l.0v'M 10;i No. I nortnern ii.f 'aH'iH; May. ll.O"t asked. RArtLEY-Bttady; No. '.X 11.03; sample. CtRN Finn; No. J' cash, l:c; May Peoria Grala Market. "" PKORIA. 111.. D-e. 4. CORN H higher; No. 1 yellow, 66c; No.. J. 64o; No. , o.r; nn crane, vc. OATS-Hlgher: No. 1 - white, - 4016(o No 4 whits, 47470. RYQ-Qutet. ; , n-l-h n4nM.v. DT-TLVTJI. Minn. I5e .A4.4inttAf-No. I nonncwr ino. 1 . nnrtitwrn, Hc December . tl.(JuTi; May, tl.iwtke. OATa-4To. 1 m - k r" Tola Sr4 Maj-liet. -, - TOLFTDO.- O., Dee. 4 fUCDS ClnVer. rsn. .ss: ue.:ember, tJisit March, IwOfl Alslks, prime, W40.. Tiwtlfcy, ' nilnie, 1120. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 1-METALS-TTie London tin market was unchanged, with snot o noted at 1.13 ice end futures at tin iw iM-nny ine marker was steady, with 'euotatluns ranrlna from LuOuux K Copper was lower In tha London market with spot Quoieq at and futures at a'ta Iris. Locally the market waa weak, with lake quoted at til S7 V'l!i: electrolytic, tilliSr iilSrVa; : rutin! 1 i.s7Wiiia iru. Ija4 was unchanged tit London. . locally th market-was weak at 14 UmiH10. BDetter was unchangedi at 21. tn the London mar ket, but continued weak locally., with spot quoted at M eky.Si. Iron was unchanged la the English market, with standard fuundrv quoird at 4s SI and ClrValauid warrants at 4e. Locally tbe market waa unchaRtred; No. 1 foundry , norOirp k quotml tt 1.4.2s 11.76; No. l at tl7.7tirui.25; southern grades br. lns. Dec. 4 M ET ALU Lead, dull. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Frice JHorement SMfU Many Timet Darin JDay't Trading. EAELT MAEKET 13 DETRESSED Fall Da te galea ! Anaerleaas Abroad and Redaetloa of Copper Dlvl deads Late Market Illgker , aad t3oe la troaat. NEW TORK, Deo. 4. The price move ment of stocks shifted many times again during the course of the day' trading, re flecting either the genuine doubt and hesi tations of operators or the manipulative effects of . professional operators designed to conceal the real course of the transac tions and to confuse the minds of ob servers. The market was rather generally depressed In the early part of the day and manuestea rigorous strength in the latter part. i The early depression was traceable In part to the effect of selling for foreign account and tha unfavorable view taken abroad of ths contents of the president message or, rattier, of its omissions. The Japanese Incident seemed to be seriously regarded In foreign drains, also. The cop per stocks were an active center of weak ness. Successive dividend reductions of different eopper mining stocks have worn upon the courage of holders. The United States Steel atocke shared In the deTree lon to aome extent, especially the pre ferred stock. The weakness of American Smelling was attributed to fears of a re duction In the. dividend rate, but Us great est weakness '.was shown after the an nouncement of the declaration of tha rea alar dividend on tha stock.. The disposition to take aavantage 01 tne good newa to sell the stock created a bad Impression. There wa another decline In the price of copper and It waa feared that tha recent heavy shipment of copper to Europe represented rather a transfer of holdings to a more convenient money market than an actual marketing of stocks. The vigorous rally In ths market found Its Initiation In ths Hill railroad group. i.mimiie. i news ror the active buying at rising prices of this arcup waa lacking. It waa accompanied by large lending of money on call by banking Interests closely Iden tified with these properties. Subscriptions n ureai fNonnern new stock call for pay ment of an Installment of isomnnA nn i- cember (, and those for Northern Pacific new atncK ror an Installment of 111.623,000 payable January 1. There was a pro nounced relaxation In tha call mnnn mar. ket, and the premium on currency fell back again, xnis was connected with the is suance of tbe controller call tor reports of condition of the national banks as of December S. It has been assumed that some recent' purchases of currency for account of Interior banks were - to trengthen their showing to be made In response to this call, now expected for many day past. Banks also are alway more liberal In- extending credit liabilities Immediately after complying with the call from the controller. The expected demon stration that the deficit now existing In ui. irirrvn oT me new none hanks win be found amply accounted fnr hv tha re cruitment of Interior bank reserves In the process oi wunarawai from Nw Tnrk will go far-to cure apprehension over the New Y?rk. rv position, which is, In fact, about 20 per cent of deposit- liabilities at the present figures. It must be borne In niinu mat tne a per cent reserve require ment on central reserve hank J tahnau nr mo anuoie tuncuon played by. that por tion of the reserve mado tin nf rirw-.if of other banks, on which loans are made both by the central rpivrvn hantr ami tha depositing bank. With deposits by other banks drawn down the potential v requlre- i.iirni un tun reserve, is logically reduced, A prelude to the resnnnsea tn tha cnn. trolleys call was found In the report of the money In circulation In the country on j..ecemoer i, according to . the monthly statement of the treasury. The increase In the circulation medium for the month of novumwr reached the prodigious total of iui,bii,wi. me increase in October, al though the. spasm of. the panto did not n. velop until the fourth quarter of, that mum in, was upwaras oi x.o.ouu.ouo, making " expansion tor mi two months Considerably .over 1200,000,000 and actively extending since the first of December. .The fV. : tiiumuuH or me country was muugni up to M.7i on December 1. A reduction In the bank of. England dls- .L.r, lornurraw was discussed , aa a irynaiuiiiiy ona -neipea 10 tne later strength clos"1)00 whlcn ,wa tnaintalnad to the r11: ,mlar" Total-aalee. par vmua., gl.l.i'wv, ti,. ' United States bond were unchanged on Number of sale and quotation oa stock s luiiuws; Bales. Hlfb. Low, cima. A4mi Kxpress Anilumilfd Copper .-.,. In. C. A r Am. C. as F. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd American Exprcua Am. H. A V pfd ,. American. lc SecurltlM. .. Am, LlnaMd OH. ... , Am. Llnarad oil pfd Am. Icomotlva ', Am. LocomoLirs pfd....... Am. t. A R Am. I. A R. pfd ,-. Am. Susar Raflnlng Am. Totxe-ro pfd ctfi. ... Arfaconda Mining Co Atchtaoa Atchlaos pfd ,. .,, Atlantlo Coast Una Baltlmoro A Ohio Hal. A Uhlo pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr........ C'anadias Paolno Control ot New Jrraey...., ChraapMke A Ohio Chlraio Ot. W ... Chlcaio A N. W ,. ( ul. asa, M. A Rt. P CHIcaso T. AT, offorod. rhiraso T.' A T. pfd C, C. C. A St. L. Colorado F. A I Colorado A So.. Colo. A Bo. lot pfd....... Cold. A Bo. Id pfd Conoolldatd Oao Com Products, rfg Corn froducta pfd Drlawaro A Hudaoa Del.. U A W Denw A R. O D. A R. O. pfd ,. rMatlllonf Securities Url fcrl lot pfd s Krlo Id pfd : Oenaral ElK-'rlc Illlnola Ootrll .' ;.. lnlrnattonal Papor Int. Papor pfd Int. Piimp Int. Pump pfd Iowa Contra! 141 .. U, too .'. 1,000 4t wi . m WO- XI .190 ioo I'M 5" , 400 71.J4H BT 71 nl.l'X) 7S '14 0 1 11(10 107(4 106 les " . 78 t24 tlU U T.tuO "00 1.400 u n n Se 7 10 11 MM it 84 ' 18. 700 usi , I6 M a,ew 10114 m 111 i.f" riii 10 '4 , 1,tn 1S74 1J4.U7(4 ) ' 0 U I1H tiai . ,1H !' . 1. 1 rw wil IP la I'M. 474 414 eH, ew e r' ai H mi t ' 11 44 140 11 t.m Ul 1SI 4"0 tO lH 10 1IM M fr4 L100 43 ,1.14 41 u 1.4-irt 174 K14 Hat 4 9 M ass S'-I4 O 2i VS tr, i.4ie t!'4 nr. v lHIt I3ti irs 100 . 0 i.ios 'ii' . M i"4 32 ii r,j(4 "44 : t"i it 4014 SX 14 . . & K) , 1U0 1-0 . 4 0 " -) lrtta 10 u 41 iH u 14 It rs 14 Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City to....,..,. K. C. 8 .. pfd 1-oularlllo a N... Mealean Central 11 inn. A It. L. . . . ; M . St. P. A S. S. II. ! .'74 M . 81. p. A 8 M Mlaaourt Paclno pfd.. J. hi 4 . 4H (.7 44(4- Mlaaouri. K. A T M., K. A T. pfd National Laed N. R. R. of . pfd New Tor Central N. T..-0. A W Norfolk A Wcoiara N. A yf. fd North Amartoaa ., Pacific Mail Pennavlvanla People's Oaa , C, C. A t. U Pri-aoed Stool Car Proceed . O. pfd.:....,. Pullman Palace Car Heading ' Reading iatl pfd Reading 14 pfd ... Republic Steel Republic steel pfd Ho k Itland Co Rok biiaDd.Co. pfd...,.'. Ht. li. A g. f id pfd.... Bt. Louia I. W t. u . w. pf....:.... kouthors Pactflo fa. Pecise p(4 so. RaHwar I kallwar pfd Tetaa A PaclBc Toledo, St. U A W T . 8t. U AW. pfd Unloa PaelBe t'ol'Hl Pai-i&e pfd ; II. . Cipreaa v. a. Hun, If. g. Rubber V. t. Rubber pfd ... V. a. iet , V. . Steel pfd V a. -Carolina Chemical .. Va.-Caro. Chen. pi4 Wabaah Waheeh pfd Wella-Pargo El , ofered WeattDghoueo fitoctrto .. Weatera Inloa V heellug A U Wleconela Coatrai ...... Wla. Central pld North era raclflo ... Oroal laorthers pld Oautral Lather Coau-al Leather pfd IntariKirough Met ., Int. Mel. pfd Iloaa-ohaaeld Steed i J l.l'" 4ili 4Ha 10 tn V0 1.0tt n , t!,V 1 to4 1U 7i 7', 4 - lt4 94 61) t 14 it4 74 SO . 144 1..! n no 74 a U 14 . "4 73V 107 1'N 100 14 ..114,40 fM4 100 T5 'll" 16 HV 2 144 IT 444 II t 11 . l.Oi , 14(10 ' 100 H.0 74 T114 we, ltn '107 1,100 ' lo0 1IV4 17 SO i;4 M 111. V-'J lll4 11, 4 117 loo to gov hi 40 4 a 75 s u 17 to 44 6 I 19 100 lift I1 1- 44.7- . tot) ' "m ' ".' Vie 4-X OM0 .. 104 U 7o4 r u 11 "i 17 114 1ti 17 "' U 'ii ' at 'w 41 It 41.1 11714 lllii 1)7 14.4 1.44 111 16s4 SI 1 e0 Law T5- ,414 "io 'ij' TotaJ sales (ur the (17, TM.loe saaxea Trasrr Bays SlWar. WAPHINOTON, Dee. 4.-The Treasury deiiartmeot tolav purchased gOOOD ounces of aUvor at cenu per flu ounce, I 10.0(4) otmrea to he delivered In Pan Fren- clco, luO.OuO In lAsnver and 10O.0VO hv rhlla- delria. UiNDON, nee 4. The rnltefl Btstea bought cauR.000 In American eacle front the bank ot Kngland today. 7ew Tork Moaey Market. NEW TOHK. rec. 4. PH1ME MKRCAN- T1I.K PAFF.K, 7tl per rent. txtiuNUit- Hteady, wttn actual business In bankers' bills at M MW(f 4 Mi 15 for demand and at 44 So for sixty-day Dills; commercial Dins, pi w. PI I A F, Kar, 6i"c; Joexlcan dollars, 44V. BONDS Oovernment, steady; railroad. Irregular. MUNKT-On call, steady, tin per cent: rullnat rate ( per cent: closing bid. offered at 4 per cent. Time loans: nominal; sixty days, 1073U per cent; ninety daya, 8314 per cent; six months, 6Ul per cent. Closing quotation on bend ware a follows: U. t. ref. V reg....inVi PlaHnere1 Beo. tg.... 44 do enupoa 14 U A N. unU la US V. . 4a, reg 1004 Kan. e. i 4t W ds coupon inoeaiei. Central 4s 71 0 . a. 4a, reg 117 do let Ine 144. do rnupoa lit Mtnn. Bt. U 4s..., 7t Am. Tobaocs 4s 40 m., K. A T. 4s 4 do ta S3 .J, Is DO Atchloon ta. 40 t4 eN R. R M. o, 4a, 74 do adj. la N. T. 0. g t 44 Atlantlo C. L. 4s 44 N. 1. C. g. to 114 Bal. A Ohio 4a W No. Pacltle 4a. l' do la U go to 44 Brk. R T. o. 4a..... 41 ON. A W. e. la 4 Control of Oa. 6a,.... H O. B. U rtdg. Is.... do let ine 4 Pons. cobt. Ia r1 de 14 toe 44 Reading gen. 4a U do d Inn tt Bt. U 41 at. e. 4s.. lot Chea. A Ohio 4V,e.... tl tt. L. A I P. Ig. la. TS Chicago A A. 40... 41 Bt. L. 8. W. 0. la... 14 C. B A 4. s. 4a.... VI eteahoerd A. U oa... t C, R. I. A P. la. ,.. (1 go. pacific 4a do col. 4a 7J do 1M la otra M COC. A Bt. L. g. 4s. W . Railway ta 44 Cola Ind. to, ser. A 44 Texas A P. la... 104 Cold. Mid. 4a M T., Bt. U A W. 4s.. so Colo. A 80. 4c n Union Pacific 4e 100 Ci'be to t7A do CT. 4e tt D. R. O. 4a tl V. B. Bteel sd to 44 trio p. t. la." tstt Wabaah la lot do gos. 4o 71 do deb. B It Hneklng Vol. 44.... tf. W-.tem Md. 40 41 Japan la t4 W. A L. B. Is T4 , do la otfc 17 owis. Central 4s. 14 ao id aerlea t44 Bid. OBoroa. Boston Stock aad Donds. BOSTON. Deo. 4 Call loans. SvStnt oer cent; time loans, 6V4&i0'per cent, Otricial cloning on stocks and bonds: att-niaon ad). 4s to Atlantlo t .,o 4 Bingtiam ,. 4 Mai. Central 4a TiaCal. A Heela t7t Atrhlaon 71 Centennial V . 4t pfd 12 4 copper Range ....... tt Roeten A Albanr....l7 Dalr Went T4 Boeton K legated 120 pranhlla 1 Pltchburg pfd 114 Oranby : 19 Meilcan Central 14 Rovalo Ill N. T., N. H. A H...13S Maaa. kilning S Peeo MarqnatU 124 Michigan 4Vj Union Pacific 1174 Mohawk 44 Am. Arge. Chem. ptd 74 MonU C. A C 1 Am. Pneu. tube t Old Dominion tt Amer. Bugar 107 Oeooola , 81 4o pfd lot Parrot ti Am. T. A T L.K'lui Oulncr . T Am. Woolen 14 Bnannoa 10 do Jfd so Tamarack 44 Edlann Fleo. Illu 4 ' TMnlty 12 Oeneral Rlactrlo Ill United Coppsr - T Maaa. Kltctrlo V. S. Mining t7 do pfd 17 Tt. 8. Oil Maaa. Oaa IT Utah ...,'.1 U United Fruit lit Victoria ....v I United B. M 104 Winona 4 do pfd I44 WoWerlna Hit V. 8. Btecl ie North Butto 41 do pfd 7 mute Coalition 14 Adrenturo 14 Nerada 1 7 Allouet MCalume tt Amalgamated 4t Artaona Com 11 Aakad. Bl. . London . Closing Stocks. . LONDON. Dec. 4. tloglng quotation on stocks were: Conaoli. money 3 f., R. A T do account 84 N. T. Central-... 49 Anaconda ,. 44 Nortclk A W 14 Atchlaon 71 ' do pfd M do pfd til fvnlarlo A W 11 Baltimore A 'Ohio.... 4414 l'onneylranla 17 Canadian Pacific :M Rand Mlneo 47 Cheoapeako A Ohio... l Benthern Railway ... IS Chicago Ot. W. 7V. do pfd 17 C, M. A Bt. P 1W fWh.rn Pad Be Tl4 no Besra ' 1H Cnlon Pacific Ill Den ror A R. O V ,'do pfd tl do pfd Klj rj. g. Bteel ,..." Brio .'...'....... l'l Bo pfd ..' tt do lat frd IT Wabaah do Id nfd .. Ul do nfd 11 Orand Trunk 184 Bpanleh 1 4014 Illinois Central ......124 Amal. Copper il Loulavlllo A N t6 B I Tj V RlRf B ar, steady, Ki per ounce. MONKY 4UriiM4 -per- cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is per cent; for three month1 bills, 6H7Apr cenV' V - New York Mintage Stocks. NEW TORK. Dec. 40-Clolng quotattong on mining stocks were Adams Con. I JJttla Chlet ..... I Alice tot Ontario HO Breeoe'.'.. ll -,Ophlf g ....110 Drunawlck Coa. It. It 4oal n'.. 14 Comatock Tunnel .,. fl .Baraga 14 Con. Cal. A Va...... II Sierra1 Nevada 14 Horn 8llrer log email Ropoa 10 Iron Bllrer to Standard , 104 offered. Treasury Btatenseat. WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. TodAy'a tate ment of thef treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reservs, shows: Available cash balance, $252,619,969; gold coin and bullion, $29,716,016; gold certificates. $1)7,1. 680. ' ' Bask Claaraaa. OMAHA, Deo. 4. Bank clearing for to day were $1,872,695.20 and for the corre sponding date last year $l,$58,28.oO. Wool Market. ' BOSTON. Dec. 4 WOOL-The dullness of the local wool market la still maintained, although ths slow movement to the mill Is apparently due to curtailments. Man ufacturers, however, have been in the city locating desirable supplies and a revival Is anticipated after the first of the year. I'rlces for good staple territory, Oregon and similar supplies, fine delaine and half blood fleece remain quite firm, while cloth ing wools continue steady. There have been aome ealea of Ohio, fine delaine And half-blood tn order lota and aample lota of clothing grades are moving. In territory wool small lots have been transferred at frlcea which show ho material change over ast week. Pulled wool 1e very dull and there la no demand lor Australian cross breds, although there Is a fair supply of grades running from 40s to 44s on the mar ket. The price of the leading western wools are as follows: Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri Three-eighths blood, i:a'tSc; quarter blood, 2ff)3"c; scoured values, Texas fine, twelve months, 72f(73c; fine, six to eight months, bVuOOcr fine fall, fcifltioc. t'ullfornia Northern, 64i&t5c; middle county, fMcil-'c; southern, offijbOc; fall, free, tSoixc. Oregon Kastern, No. 1 staple, ToTJc; eastern, No. 1 clothing, tlMjix-; eastern, av. iTage, VTiytKie; valley,- No. 1, ftdsmsc. Terri toryScoured basis, fine staple, 7i'i?i73c; fine lntdluiu, Btaplo, 70c7te; fine clothing, Wrf Kit-: tine medium clothing. t'J4iti6c; half blood, U)fj7c; three-eighths blood, 3'iiloc; quarter blood, l3:y(Jc; pulled extra, blyTuc; fine. f(?iXc; A supers, lA-Snr. BT. IvOUIS, lXc. 4 WClOLr-!( adv; medium grades, combing and clothing, 229 iHc; light tine, wifo-ilc; heavy fine, l&617o; tub-washed, 2Hj33c Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 4 COTTON Futures opened firm; December, ll.fino; January 11 ic; March, U.ic; April, 11.25c, bid; May, 11.'; June. 11.24c; July. ll.USc; August, 11 l-o. Futurea closed ateady. Closing bltla, December. II. 56c; January, 11.06c; February, 11. 08c; March, 11.11c; April, 11.13c; May, 11 l'ic; June, . ll.Uc; July, 11.10c; August, 11.01c. . . bpot closed steady, 20 points higher; mid dling uplands. llSuc; middling gulf, 12.16c. Bales, S.iTj hales. The market amtl later, but closed steady at a net advante of 11 to 16 polnta. Sales ncte faf-atp,! at .vo.ijtai hales. QALVDSTOK, Tex., Dec. t.-t-OTTON-BleaJy at 11 So. NKW OKLiitN'S; reu. 4 COTTON -Spot, active; low ordinary, RAJo, nominal; otdlnary, i C-lbc, nominal; gt.od ordinary, 9.o, ntunlnal: low middling, ItHtj; middling 11V-; good nilddUng,. HHc; middling, fair, lrc; fair, 13c.. nominal. Sales, t,'JUi; ro tj'l'ts, lt.tfB; stock. 1j2,C9. 'HT. Ujl'IS. Deo. 1 4 -COTTON F1 rm ; mltlilllng, lllic; sales, 173 bales; recelts. I,i:i7 ; shipments, lioner'btock. 14 374 bales DIVKRPOuU Dee. 4 COTTON lod .business done; prices 10 Mints higher-An-erican middling, fair. Old; good mid dling, 4 56d; middling, 4S3d; low middling Cld; good ordinary, 6&7d; ordinary, 47d' The sales of the day were lS.f'OO bales, of which I.60O were for speculation and extiort and Included 17,3a) American. Receipts 40.000 bales. Including Jl, loo American. CotVeo Market. , NEW TORK, De4". 4 -COFFEE-Market for futures closed steady, net unchanged to five points lower; . Decambeh .76e; Jan uary, 4 75c; March, .uc; May, l.l(5tro etc July 55c; Septomber, AOOcjmdbc; October C.ft4i3.1uc. The world visible upply of coffee on December -1 la estimated at Is -910.c53 bugs. Boot coffee, steady; Rio No 8. 6c; Santos No. 4, 1c. MUd coffee steady; Cordova, 9iflSc. agar u4 Molaaawa. NEW TORK. Dec: 4.-BUOAR Raw. steady: fair refining, $.15c; centrifugal 84 test, ' I t'Vic; molasses sugar, Xbnc;. R flned, quiet; No. 0. 4 40c; No. 7, 4 Sit-: No. S 4 4V; No. t. 4 25c; No. 10. 4 15c; No. 11, 4 I0c: No. It 4 06c; No. It. 4c; No. 14. !.; con fectioner's "A", 4 am; mould "A", 4 15c: cut loaf, Bae: crushed. S.ooc; lOwdareiL 4 8tx." granulated, 4 tr0c; tubta, S 06a OUAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattlt of All Elndi Slow and Doll Ttronfliout Say. nOGS SHADE TO S CENTS LOWER Very Light Receipts of Both Ikets aaor Lasnba, with Kverytklag f Bteady ta Btroager la Bgeta, All gelling F.arlyv SOUTH OMAHA, Neb , Dee. 4 107. Receipt were: Cattle, lloga. Sheep Official Monday .2'1 1.74 Offlclal Tuesday 6.6,9 4.((ftl .t.9 Estimate Wednesday 1.500 .4"0 $.400 Three day thl week..H,ra 14.VH) ls.191 Same day last week.. .10.744 .TI t,744 Same day I weeka ago.. 1R 63 14.74$ X3,9t9 Same daya $ weeka ago. .16.8"" 7,4 '0 43. IS J Same daya 4 weeka ago..l2.64g fcOVf 4A.4W Bam daya laat year 14,666 19,443 24,19$ The following table show the receipt of cattle, . hogs and aheep at South Omaha tor tha year to date, compared with last year: 19U7. 1"A. Inc. ' Deo. C attle 1,105,917 - m.m 103,981 Hogs ,109.645 t.244,769 .135,124 Sheep 1.M7.404 2,061.6 94.179 The following table shows the average prices of hog at Bouth Omaha tor the last several daya, with comparisons: Date. 11907. 19O$.19O6.19O4.19O$.190l. 1901. Nor. n.. Nov. 94.. NtY. 26. . Nov. fa . $1 o I $$ a I 75 6 7$ 173 tM $ I 9 a C 95 6 87 4 10 I IS 4 la oa 4 130 4 24 0 4 $4 $ 03 I 981 oe Nor. 27... Nov. 28.. tvti Nov. 29.. Nov. 80.. Dec. 1... Deo. J... Dec. I... Deo. 4... t 10 o 4 86 4 82 4 42 4 44 $ 09' OK1 14 $ 12 I 91 Sunday. Thanksgiving. The official number of car of gtook brought In today by each road wan Cattle. Hog. Sheep. C. M. Bt. P. Ry J Mo. Pac. Ry 1 .. 1 Union Pacttlc system..., 46 .' 29 ,4 C. & N. W. Ry. (east)... 1 I 1 C. A N. W. Ry. (weat).. SO 24 C, St. P., M. A O. Ry... 4 4 I C, B. A Q. (west) 66 19 I C, R. I. A P. Ry. (east) 1 .. 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Great Western.. 1 1 Total receipt 144 92 16 The disposition of the day' receipt as follows, each buyer purchasing the was num- oer of head indicated: Buyers. Omaha- Packing Co Swift and Company,.,., Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Vansant A Co , Carey A Benton Lobman A Co , McCreary A Carey W. I. Stephen ; , Hill A Son F. P. IbwI Hamilton A Rothschild. U F. Hus Klngan A Co.. Wolf ..l.... J. H. Bulla.. 8am Werthelmer Mike Haggerty ...,t J. B. Root A Co T. B. Inghram BJlllvan Bros V. A. Brltton Dehmer Bros J. Roth Independent Packing Co Cudahy Bros A Co Alstadt Dayton Cattl.Hog. Sheep 831 6b7 1,W2 iwa 1M 748 641 608 4 2 , 28 266 60 24 12 69 64 ..... 171 89 18 ' 104 4 S '"i 6HS 1,643 1,183 43$ 22S "36 68 643 168 2bl Other buyer .... $75 1.190 Total 8,647 6,061. 8.7RS CATTLuE PUcilpt oi cai.ii thl morning numbered only 14J cars, which .ss a very moderate run for a Wednesday. On the other hand Chicago had a heavy run and a lower niacket, with other selling paint reporting liberal receipts. Condition wero all favorable for lower price at thl point excepting the light receipt, which gave sellers a little advantage and enabled them to hold price steadier than they would otherwise have been able to. do. .Still the market waa. alow and late In opening, with the feeling generally weak. When the market on beef steer was once under Way the good kind, both cornfeda and ranger commanded ateady prices. Though the trade waa not active, the offerings being light, the most of the cattle changed hands In very fair season. On the other hand the warmed-up and Inferior grades were slow sale throughout the ses sion and the feeling on that kind was easier. Borne cattle of that description which lacked weight were very hard to move. Good cow and heifers, that I kind that are selling at $3.00 and upwards. Were gen erally quoted as fully steady. Now and then It was poxslble to point to sales that If anything looked better than yesterday. The less desirable killers, such aa aro selling from $3.00 down, were slow and dull all the morning at prlcea that wero weak to some lower. There was a better demand for feeders than for any other kind of cattle and the trade was fairly active, the most of the offerings changing hands early. Prlcea paid were strong as compared with yesterday. It would look as It money condition were easing up a little in the country, so that would-be feeders are In position to buy such cattle a they may be In need of. Quotation on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, $5.00-j6.60; fair to good corn-fed steers, $4 6"4j6.00; common to fair corn-fed steers, $3.6(ji4.60; good to choice range steers. 4; fair to good range steers, $3.60'i4.00; common to folr range steers, $1) 0tHi3 So; good to choice cow and heifers, 13.i,(i3.75; fair to good rows and helfera, $2.6(Xfi3.26; common to fair cowa and heifers, 31.261)2.60; good to choice stockera and feedera, 34.0oi4.60; fair to good stockera and feedera, $3.604.00; com mon to fair stockera and feeder, $2. out 3.60. BEEF STEERS. No. AT. Pr. No. At. Pr. 10 771 I M 4 11M 4 10 t ices 4 00 tO ...1934 4 10 13 1C03 4 30 8 400 6 00 COWS. & CAO 110 I4J 140 let kl llr.i l4l 1011 I0 (SI 4i 704 1 44 11... ... 440 ...1020 ...JIM) ...1100 ...1014 ...Itul ...1011 ... 470 ... 414 8 00 I D 4 10 3 90 I 16 I 44 I 14 I 44) 8 44 9 I 00 I 20 4 45 8 60 4 64 3 76 4 44 14... 1... T... 14... . U... 30... At... 14... 1.. I 4.. I.. 1.. I.. 4.. 7.. 1.. 4.. 14.. 11.. I . 4.. 4.. 1 . 11.. 13.. 8 16 HEIFERS. 1 86 II I it 84 3 60 tl 3 70 4.14 721 , 7M I 00 3 10 I 80 CAXVE3. 7I 151 4 74 II.. IU 114 8 14 4 40 I 00 1.. AND I.. 4.. la I 40 STOl'KKltS FEEDKTta. S2t 4 71 440 t 15 Ml I 46 604 I 44 177 8 70 7 I 16 14.. WESTERNS-NEBRASKA. 4 calves... 2J6 $26 49 cows rHS 1 90 1 9-1 3 60 4 00 3 & 2 85 8 90 ) r 3 26 4 26 8 80 1 76 2 56 $ 76 I 3$ 46 cows fcfcO 8 60 $ cowa 8T9 8 00 8 feeders,. 704 6 00 4 calves... 2e3 6 26 6 feeders., nlrt 8 75' I bull 13w $ 60 heifers... 646 3 10 t heifura... 4W $ 46 2 bulls. ,...1310 1 75 2 feeders.. K15 2 76 2 heifers... 740 2 76 18 cows 7 1 75 84 cows 919 Doollttle, Nebraska. $ cows lli0 1 calf.... 4 calves. .. 6 feeders.. 2 heifers.., $ heifers... m 194 73 l('i3 9 cows 4 feeders.. 4H5 6 eows. 6 cows. 3 cows F. 23 stockera. 8 76 I cows 816 Cliarles Tully, Nebraska. 31 cow... 819 8i2 3 00 S cow. 849 19 cows. 3 00 WYOMING. 11 cows.., 6 cows. . , 936 2 E6 10 cowa $46 10 cowa 82 13 feeders.. 876 I 00 8 00 $ 86 8 86 8 10 t 00 8 10 3 10 3 $5 4 10 8 70 I 60 $ 80 $ 80 4 00 4 46 4 04 4 06 $ 76 $ 86 3 00 3 00 8 40 4 16 8 10 $ 0 $ 86 2 00 2 25 2 25 2 36 8 45 4 06 3 00 $ 00 $ 30 3 00 $ 80 4 00 4 06 4 OS 4 06 $ 60 $ U 8 00 8 25 8 60 $ 0 10 feeders.. 762 6 feeders. 7 rows..., 16 cows..., 4 cows.... 6 feeders.. Use 871 , 80O 18 cows.. 327 31.7 V85 971 911 788 918 13 cows.... 20 cows.... 1$ rows,.,. 26 rows. . . , 91 feeders. 88 feeders. 17 cow.. 42 cows.. 6 steers. ... 874 . ..17 ...1IH6 8 feeder.. 7i8 2 feeder.. 912 1$ cows 10T4 1 cow 910 t cowa 9 6 feeders.. fcs4 8 feeders.. 1044 11 feeders.. Ml1 6 feeders.. 7K6 6 cows l'aV) 11 feeders.. 4M oows.'....1026 4 cows 1116 $ cow. ll'.'O 911 1160 70 7145 It 640 T feeder 16 Steers.. $ feeders $ feeder $ calves. 1 ferlor. 6 heifer. 12 cows... , 14 cows.... ,. 7fl . h4 . 929 .1034 3 heifer .. 440 ..imi 1 eow Si cow I'M 6 cows. 12 steers... .11X1 11 feeders.. 919 $ 40 R. Rlchter, T cow 824 $ 06 17 cowe 911 $ 06' 6 cowa 841 $ no 11 heifers... 4 2 60 6- feeder.. 74 $ 66 9 feedera.. 6M 3 66 Wyoming. 6 cow 6 cows..... 4 rows...,. 17 feeders.. 8 feeders.. 11 feeders.. T90 )4 O 6tJ 991 I (V 8 00 3 00 8 46 3 66 $ 66 A. W. Smith, Wyoming. 38 feeder.. 1CU4 4 li 60 feeder. .1068 4 Ot 40$ irit$ei449 $ 04 4 691 eo IN 4 72 4 48 f 074, $ P0 4 S3 i 2o $ 0:' 4 47 $ 07 4 72 4 49 4 $6 4 $3 4 47 4 60 $ 04 4 42 I 06 4 92 4 4$ 4 0 4 $7 4 4" 4 M $ OR 4 49 4 fcifc $ lo( 4 81 $4 feeder.. T4 4 1o $7 steer. 4 10 Meows 979 $ 40 SO steers. ...1131 4 00 61 cowa K'S I 40 M cow $ 41 66 cows 97, $-40 6 cowa to? $00 Warren 1 S. Co., Wvomlng. 61 steers. ...Kifo $70 174 steers. ...llM IB 90 Steers. ...11 $00 79 cows Iu84 $46 If cows 970 t 76 C. and J. May, Wyoming. 1$ feeder.. 990 $ 76 1 feeder... W0 t CO . C. A. Vant. Wyoming. 41 teer....10T0 4 $0 6 teera....ln70 4 W $6 feeders.. 9K1 4 00 KJ steers. ...101 4 (0 Oeorge Mitchell. Wyoming. 66 calves... $.'4 $ 66 66 calves... 404 1 10 Mitchell Csttle Co., Wyoming. 43 calves... S.13 $66 calves. .. S4 175 O. W. Heaton. Idaho. 1 feeders.. IOSS $ (0 $ feeder., W) $ (to 4 helfere... 7X) $ 00 6 heifer... Tit $ 00 I bulla lf-n I 60 6 bulls 1376 I 60 feedera.. ITct 3 ft) 9 feeders. .1114 $60 4 feeders.. 11S0 3 60 4 feeders.. 770 $ M 66 feeders.. $ 65 HOGS Packers started out this morning bidding prices that were fully tVu'lOc lower than yesterday. Receipts were liberal, but In spite of that fact salesmen seemed to have a pretty good opinion of values and by holding on they eventually forced buy ers to raise their early bids. When the market really opened It was on a basis of prices that were weak to 6c lower than yesterday s general market. In other words the hogs sold very largely at $4.rnf 4.66, with a top at $4 76. After about two third of the hog had been sold the trad slowed up, becoming rather dull, with some of the packers who had been holding out all the morning, bidding lower. On the late market It ws hard work to get over $4 66 for anything, although buyers did occasionally bid a little more for hoga having both weight and quality. To ouote the lat market as lt.66-S4.eo would be about right, that 1 6310c lower than the any market. Representative- sales: 'Ma At. Sk. r. No, At. Ik. IT. 44 174 440 4 67H '44 434 ... 4 46 44 44 944 4 47H 41 lt ... 4 40 44 4 10 4 40 44 1-70 34 4 40 U........9H4 U0 4 40 41 60 4 60 4o.. ....r"l ... 4 40 II. 14 ... 4 40 14 Ml 04 4 40 44 ..114 130 4 40 11 Ml 440 4 40 41 mi 40 4 40 44... T2t 10 4 114 14 U4 ... 4 4IV4j 40...,.., .14 40 4 41V, It 11 at) 4 42Vt 44 Ij4 40 4 11 67 m 110 4 44 14 1l 140 4 44 64 II ... 4 64 10 440 ... 4 44 64 4S0 M0 4 46 44 tor 40 4 44 44 tt! 140 4 48 m B M l 6t 140 it 4 44 44 r7 110 4 is ., 40 4 44 0 177 ... 4 44 II U ISO 4 So n. in 40 i 44 64 71 1 4 46 17 144 ISO 4 N 44 1ST 100 4l 41 rr ... 4 44 64 Ill tW 4 St so 1. Ill 30 4 44 SO 477 40 4 4 11 474 JM 4 44 11 M 10 4 44 44 140 49 4 97 41 171 IN 4 7V4j 14 121 130 4 47V4 44 &0 140 4 tTi 44 110 100 4 74 44 111 30 4 10 II I&3 190 4 75 SHEEP Receipts of aheep were' very light thl morning, only a dosen car being reported In at the Opening. Of this num ber there were three or four cars of feed ers, so that the offerings of killers were the smallest ot the week to' date. The market all around was ateady to a little stronger In apots. Good fat Iambi, both natives and westerns, sold a high as $C.10. with feeder lambs at $6. DO. The yearlings that brought $4.75 were a cut-off of the ame at brought $4.76 yesterday. Pretty decent western ewes Bold at $4.26. While the market at this point was In gooa condition owing to the moderate re celpts, early Indication from Chicago pointed to a lower range of prices at that folnt It might be well for shippers to horoughly understand that while moderate receipts are taken care of In good shape the demand Is by no means sufficiently urgent to digest heavy runs without a break In prices. What all the market need I a steady run of. moderate propor tions. Quotation on good to choice fed sheep and lambs: Dambs, $6.7506.16; yearling wetners, 4-7bco.oo; wethers,; ewes, Quotations on feedera: Oood lambs, $5.00 (p.76; common Iambs, 3. 50-4. 60; yearlings. H.uxa-t.DU; wetners, $4,00326; good ewe, t7fW3.3&; common ewe, $1.2662.36. Representative sale: No. Av. Pr. 226 western ewes, feeder 114 3 66 1 goat 80 300 8 native lamb 71 6 10 26 native lambs 86 6 10 76. western ewea 120 4 25 6 weatern ewea, culls 118 8 76 111 western yearling 101 4 65 6 native wether .... 158 4 65 4 native lamb , 97 6 00 . fit native lamb 97 6 10 37 weatern ewe 130 4 26 89 native lamb 90 6 lo 87 weatern ewe 126 4 25 16 western lamb 84 6 60 27 western ewe. . 112 . 3 60 14 western lamb 103 6 60 831 western ewea, feeder 96 8 30 i:S western ewea, cull, feeder.. R9 3 60 435 western yearling 10s 4 86 66 western lamb 88 6 88 10 western lamb , 77 6 86 20 western lamb, cull 63 6 00 14 western ewes 188 4 28 8BS Idaho lambs, feeder C 5 60 134 Idaho ewea Ill 4 15 26 Idaho lamb, cull 68 4 50 48 Idaho ewes, cull 106 8 25 446 western ewes log 4 30 445 western lamb , 67 6 55 CHICAGO ' LIVE STOCK MARKET Cttttlo and Sheep Steady, Hogs Weak "t to Lawr. CJFAa Deo- 4. CATTLE Receipt 80,000 head; market dull; ateers, $.l90(fiJ.50: cowa, $2.05454.25; heifers, $2.5X(ii6.00; bulls; csives, fs.atyt.w, tockers and leeacrs, Sii.uutwH.zo, HOUC Receipts. 30,000 head; market weak to 6c Iowa ; cht'ce he- vy eh pning, tt.OJ .i'lUi8 butc". 88.00.17H: light rnTxedT "B"i. packing. M.KV.OO; pigs, $3.6tKS'4 90; bulk of sales $4.H6(6.10. SHEEP AND DA MBS Receipts, 22.000 head; market steady; sheep, $2 OOtM 00; lamb, $6.2.-.; yearling, $4.2&g.26. t. Loale Live Stock Market. '"j Dec- CATTDR Re ceipt. $.800 head. Including 600 Texan; market for native 10t( 16c higher; To ana strong to lo higher; native shipping and export ateers, $5.50 8.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4 85 6.95; atoere, under 1.000 pounds, $3.004.o8; stockors and feeders, $2.004.10; cows and heif ers. $2.75(p 6.00; ranners, $1.26 tf 2.00; bull' $2.60(34.60; calves, $3,6013.26; Texas end Indian steers, $2.60i& 5.00; cow and heif ers (1.2568.76. HOOH Uecelpts, 7.000 head, market 60 higher; pigs and lights, $4. 906.30; pack V.'l l4 (,o.2Bi butcher and best heavy, $6.1 9 (a 5. So. SHEEP AND DAMBS Receipts, 1,000 head: market steady; native muttons, $2.'i6 4J4.60; lambs. $4.604 25; culls and bucks, $2.60(?S.75; stockers, $1.26 1& 3 00 Kaosas Cltv Livo Btexk Market. KANSAS CITY", Dec. 4. CATTLE Re ceipts, 11.000 head, Including 2k) Southerns; market steady to 10 cents lower; choice exports and drensed beef steers, $5.0Ka'5 66; fair to good. $3.9n(t4.00; western steers. ; t t'i.oO; stockers snd feeders, 33 36fl4 40 southern steers, $3.50iff4.26; seuthern cowa. fa.OOma.lO; native cows, $1.9"7H26; native l:elfers, $2.9iii6 00; bulls, $J.7oai.26; calves. 8j3.75.-cM 50. HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head; market f,ffi 10c lower; top, $4.9i; bulk of sales. $1 or.M 4.N0; heavy, $4,764(4 90; packers. $i.704i4.87; p1- and lights. $t rX(i4 86. FHEKF AND LAMUS-Recelpts. 2000 rrwrket steady; lambs. $a.2.',' 30; ewes and yearlings, $4. 25 ft 4. 80; western steers $4.6UJj6.25; western sheep, $3.60-4.20; etock ers and feeders. $3.0t't(4.25. St. Joseph I.lwo Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dee. 4. CATTLE Receipts, 1.046 head; market steady; nu tlves, $4.'n.0O cow and heifers. $1.76'a 4.60; stockers and feeders, t3 2.vrt.0O. HO'iS- Receipts, 7.tW8 head; market Steady; top, 34 S5; bulk, $4 6v-(4.;j. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Keceliits 1 Sl head; market weak; lambs, $6.ftVEi6 lo yearling, $4.25(&6.0O. V Sloax Cltr Live SttMk Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia, Deo. 4.-(Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, V5U0 head market steady r beeves, $4.0tha.80; cows snd heifers, $2.oti4j3.85; stockers and fee.Ier, $3.C0 tj-3 H6; calves and yearlings. $26tX(i3.00 HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market 6il"c mwer. sellllng . at $t'Xi4.65; bulk, $4.504-00. Stock ta Slgbt. Cattle. $.500 I.fyio ll.Ooo 1.046 2,800 20.UU0 Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City . Bt. Joseph .... St. I-ouls Chicago I 3.000 6.01 ll.f0 7.838 7.)0 86.0U0 8. 0O0 l.ooO 22.0UU Total 49,848 78,838 80,101 Vorolga riaaaelal. LONDON, Dee, 4. Money was quiet on the market today and the demand was steady. Discounts also were staadv. TV.,i. I Ing on the Block exchange developed a reactionary tenaeney. l-eao hope for a re duction tomorrow In tbe Bank of Eng land' rat ef dlanount caused reallsatl-ji.s In cnnsols and kindred securities, while the revival of uneasiness regarding the situa tion In America added to the easier feeling Foreigners ero- adversely affectad by Paris sales, wMlo coppers eased with the decline In thi price of the metal. Americans started a fraction over parity, but they fell from half a point tq a point under profit taking and bear pressur. The luvreasod currency preculuiu waa but liked. President Roosevelt's meeange to congress, which Is regarded favorably, had ben dis counted and did not have much effect on the market. A shunt tniprovc4nrnt later was assisted by the Wall street opening The market cloned firm, abovs the lowest prices of the day. PARI 8. Dec.. 4. Trading on the Bouiss today was heavy. HKRL.IN, Iec. 4 Trading cn the Bourse today ass dull and weak aa a result nf the disappointment In President Rooaerelt t message to cont;rwsa Americana were lower. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coaelltloa of Trade aad Qaotatloaa oa Staple aad Faacy Prodavo. KGGR Kresh selling eggs, candled, 26o. 1 UTTER Common. lic; faucr tub anl rol's, l!j.'lc; creamery, 31o. IMltt.SK-ftfW tun cream, -vviscontia twins, 17 We; new full cream brick, lie; do mestic, new Swiss, 18c; nsw llIM-; young Americas. 17Ho.; wuli h ppringe, e: nan. 6Vr-': roosters. 3c; ducks, 8c; geese, 8c ( tur- kt 1 s, lit ; pigeons, vec per out. DKESbfcD POLLTRY Springs, fancy. 9c; liens, KS'-ac; roosters, 4c; ducks, 9 gese. c ; 1 11 racy s, 100. HAT Choice No. 1 upland. $10.09: me dium. $9.00; No. 1 bottom, $8.00: off grades, from $0 ti to .to; rye straw, ii.uu; rue. 1 alfalfa. $11.00. FRUITS. , . APPLES New Tork King's, par barrel, $5.60; "None Such," per barrel. (5 26 : 30 ounce Pippins, per barrel, $6.26; Maiden Bluah, per barrel, $6,110; Baldwins. pet barrel. $6.00; Greenings, per barrel, $6.80; weatern. box apples, Colorado Jonathans, per box, $3.26; Colorado Crimes Golden, tier box. $3.26: Idaho Jonathans, per bos, $3.00; Idaho Winter Bananaa. per box. $300; Washington Ben Davis. $2.0u; Wash ton Northern Spy, per box, $2.00; Washing ton Greenings, per box, $2.06; Washington Baldwins, per box, $2.00; Washington Rom Beaut), per box, $2.36; Washington fall ap ples, assorted, per box. 31.ioiUl.ei. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per bu., 66OTS0. " CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., IO IHo. ONIONS Red Globe, per bo, $t96c; Den If., per crate, $1.60. SWEET POTATOES-Small tbU M BEETS Per bu., $0e. CARROTS Per. bu, Tlo. . TURNIPS Per bushel, 500. PARSNIPS-Per bushel. 7M!. CELERT Michigan, per buneh. $150. NAVT BEAN B Per bu No. 1.. $4.99 per bu.; Lima, 7c per lb. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida, per b x, $8.00; Call-fornla-Washington navels, $3 00; Florida Grape Fruit, per box, $5.&u6.00. GRAP1SS Concords, per basket, VQWet Malaga, heavy weights, per keg, $6.00rl 6.60; Malagas, medium weight, per keg. $4.606 00. LEMONS Fancy, 800 aid 360 ' slie. per box, 14. 50-3 5.00; extra choice. 800 and 809 si so, per box, BANANAoron 35 OTfflS.OO. Llmona, psr bunch. COCOANUT8 Per sack, $4 60; per doten, FIGS AND DATES Smyrna fig. T crown, per pound, 145Tl5c; Smyrna fig, -crown, per pound, 12gfi3c; Smyrna figs, 4-crown, per pound, lOtflic; California flga, boxes, 10 cartons, 86c; California flga, box, 13 cartons, 86c; California fig, bulk, per pound, 6Ac; .Hallowl dates, per pound, 6c; Khadrawl dates, per pound, 6c; Salr date, per pound, lc; Fard date, 13 pound boxes, per pound, tc. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 rib. 14c; No. 3 ribs, HHc; No. t rib, 7Hc; No. 1 loin, 19c: No. 2 loin, 13o; No. $ foln, 8Hc; No. 1 chuck. 6V4c; No. 1 chuck, 64,0 ; No. 8 ctutck, 6c; No. 1 round, 8Hc; No. 2 round, 7c; wo. 8 round, 6Hc; No. 1 plate, 6Vfcc; No. 1 plate, 6c; No. 3 plate, 4H MISCELLANEOUS. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune are somewhat unsettled by freer offering from socond hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tations range from 60 to 9c for California fruit and from 6H0 to 8u for Oregon. Peaches very firm, with fancy yellow quoted at lSc. - CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern. 76c. Tomatoes, fancy 8-pound ratio, $1.16; standard 8-pound cans, $1.20. ' Pine apples, grated, 2-pound. V2Wi-W: ellced, 31.7fKiFi.36. Gallon apples. $4.60. California apricots, $2.(i5'ct3.30. ". $2.104f3.16. Peaches, $1.9o 15. L. C. peaches, $2,109 $.16. Alaska salmon, red, $1.40; fancy Chinook, flat, 42.16; fancy aockeye, flat, $2.15. Sardines, quarter oil, $3.6V; three quarters mustard, $3.35. Sweet potatoes, $1.2501.36. 6auerkraut, 9ec. Pumpkins, 600 fjll.ou. Lima beans, 2-pound, 55t lfj1.25. Soaked peas. 2-pound. 65c: fancy.' 31.li4tl.45. NUTS California walnuts, per lb., l$o$ Imported walnuts, per lb., I$yl6c; Tarra- fone almonda, per lb., -18c; Albert, jier lb 80; Brasils, per lb, 13 014c; Pecans, per lb., 124J13c; peanuts, raw, per lb.. 10; peanut, roasted, per lb., ic; Italian cheat nuts, per lb., 8(&Uo. COFFEE Roasted, No.- tu. 26c; No. 30, Oc; No. 28. lftc; No. 20,,14Hu. SUGAR Granulated, cane, per sack, 15.4 ;0 beet, $5; cut loaf, 6Sc; cube. 6tso; powdered. 6.15c. FISH-Hallbut. lie; trout. ISc: clckereL hlOe; pike, 14c: plke freah froxen, 12c: Whlteflah, 14t16c; buffalo, 146; bullhead, aklnned and Created. 18c; catfish, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7c; white bass. 15c; black bass, 25c; auntlah. rtfttic; crappiea, ii9c; large crapptes. 16c; lierring, fresh froien, 6c; whltensn, froxen. 18 a 16c; pickerel, fresh froxen, ISo; red snapper, 12c; flounders, mackerel, lS35o per fish; codfish, fresh froxen, 12c; red snnpper, 12c; flounders, fresh froxen, 12c; haddock, fresh frozen, 12c; smelts, 13c; shad roe, 46c per lb.; frog legs, 3&c per do.; green ses turtle meat, 260 per lb. HIDES AND TAIJ-OW-Green salted, No. 1, 7c; No. 8, lc; bull hides. 6c; green hides. No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 6c; horse, 81.60ig3.6O; neep pens, vkwh.s). t anow, .-no, 1, 4Vkcj No. Wool. 1522c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Pratt. NEW YORK. Deo. 4. EVA PO RATED APPLES Market Is steady, wltij fancy quoted at 12c; choice, luc; prime, KVcfiSiac: 19-6 fruit, r.'i.'&llc. DRIED FRUITS Prune are Arm., both her and on the coast, with quotation ranging from 47,0 to 134o for California;, fruit and from 6V,o to lilc for Oregon up to 80s and 40a. Apricots are unchanged with choice at 21c; extra choice, 22c; fancy, 24c. Peaches sell only In small lots, but prices are firmly held with choice quoted at Vl'ifWc; extra choice. ltnHcf fancy. 13 tl'lSVfrc; extra fancy, l414io. Raisins are In liberal supply, with looso muscatel quoted at 7V)8t.;,c; seeded raisins, 74j10c; Lundun layers, nominal. HUNT FOR BOGUS MONEY MEN Search la Delna Made (or "harper Clrcalatlngr Caaceled Hank Antes, . TTie government authorities have finally concluded to take up the matter ot the, circulation of the wild cat notes of the Merchants' Sc. Planters' bank of Georgia, and thoso of the Slate Bonk of New Bruns wick which have passed to a considerable extent recently In northern and western Nebraska. These old bank notes of long lnce de funct banks are not counterfeits, but th banks Issuing them went out of exlsteno) many years ago and the notes are of no value. They ar stats bsnk notes, but re semble In many respects national bank and I'nlted States treasury notes. They are smaller than national bank or treasury notes and are printed on an Inferior quality " papvr. .......... It appears that when tbe . bank Issuing these note went out of exist ence each had a largo bulk .of the noteti among It ansuts wilch ' later came Into trie possession of uns.Tupuloug specu lators and have recently made their ap pearance In the west In large quantities. The government authorities now hold that while the note are not absolutely counter felt, they are sufficiently Ilk national bank and ire usury notes to make their distribu tion unlawful under the counterfeit law. -Many of the note have been recovered by the I'nlted State authorities and are now In possession of the officers and special secret service officer have been sent out to locate the distributers of the bogus cur rency and arrest them under th federal taw for having tn thetr possession and distributing money In similitude to the law ful currency of the realm, with the Ihteat to defraud and deceive. The Clad Haad removes liver Inaction snd bowel stoppage with Dr. King New Life Pills, the pain less regulators. 2&u. For tale by Beaton Dr6g Co. Florist Bkoots Illaaself. CHICAGO. Dec. 4 Phillip J. HauirwtTth. secretary of tha Society of American Flor ists and proprietor ot a fluwsr store In the Auditorium Annex, committed suicide In the basement of his establishment todaig by aliooliug himself tbrougU U-e --r.