S y- " t, DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEBER 4. 100" It ! TTTE OMATTA ...i L. i PERSONAL (Continued.) ANT Information concerning Florence Wsl. Inr will bo appreciated. Kindly nridr-a P m care Bes. (1H.-1M D5a IDFAt. hair parlors! 2A4 Neville Blk., 161b snd H&rney-. Tel. -Douglne 1S. . "(IS)-MJ Pn OFDMAK want Instruction In Fngllsh. Biota price. Address B ST care B- . . . i'.TTii J.. . REAL ESTATE - REAL ESTATE FAJ1H AXD HAM OH LAND FOB SALB (Continued.) RE I. ESTATES DEALERS. FATNB JN'V. CO.. lit of N. T. Life. Douglas (18)-9S3 r ' .....-,. . . 1 1 QEORGS St COMPANY. WOT Famam. - , , .Tel. Douglas 754 ' 1 '.; (IS) 94 PETERS TRUST CO., N. V. Life Rldg . i -(- . .. . (is, I. ilBEttNSEH. -room- 208, IN Bo. ,16th. COLORADO art) Sere. BlonssluV Juleehnr reeer- rolr, n.n count r. Ditches through part of this . land. Very cheap at 812.50 per acre. CM iprM. - fntir milca from 'Utflr Lou ,-ui county, a fin section, at 110.W) per acre. Land all over eastern Colorado for sale cheap. Write ua for list. . Equitable Realty & Trust Co., 121 Board of Trada Buildtnr. - -(JO)-M76T I ' cttt tMtopRRTT roa 8 A LB HbW'STHIS? ' Xuly Wth, 1W7, we sold lot 44 keystone ' Park, bains 1.71 acres, to a gentleman con- rected - wiui an Omaha wholesale hone. . 'for IVHt.fO. He ties Just disposed of this property at ILKA aiaHl ig A profit of rr'l.M ot an Investment of.lTh.W for less than five months. -, ... Hla 17i.60 if left- In the bank during ' thaos five months svould havs made for him, .at 4 par cent interest, nbtut 113. Thua hla ' Investment beat tho bank by 1KM.50; hla trmney -.wss at all times absolutely aara and the only thing we regret la that ha di.i n't keep It longer and, realize a larger prnttfe, ;-. - ... Thea writ, farts aaii we can prove tham. ' Think this- wtatter over; put your money wtiere'H will work for you and produce ' the trtwtcmt results. - 'Boy or 10 name In thla beautiful n 1 hurbneY addition: pay die. one third cash ' and ih balance -durine; the next five years; Instead' ef helper a drain on your pochM, thla property will support you. and by tha time to bsre it paid for It will be worth i to B times what It cost you. NOW 18 TUB ACCEPTABLE- TIME: ACT. ' Keyatcnw Park 1 to 21 aerea 1175. to 115, pr Bcravi trtila w est of Benson. PAYNE INMSTilENT CO., , N. T. Mfe. Bldsr. Douglaa 17SL d:t. siioLEs co.,. Board of-Trnda Bldg.. Tel. t. 4. (19) 73 1 Ci- 2101 'MIAMI ST. " ' "THH" NON-RESIDKNT OWNER IS HIin FOR A FEW DAYS AND WANTS AN OFFER AS HB IS HERE "TO BELL TH18 PROPERTY. It rcnti for $25 por month nd is worttl' 2,B00 III REAL money a two- , Btofy dwelling, 8 room, slate roof, porcelain bath, ga. closet, sewer, city water and barn, on paved street, con ,v,alont trt the Dodge street and North Jith street car lines. The price is $2,600; part terms at 6 per cent in terest. If you want a bargain look at 2101 Mitoi Bt.. and make us an offer. ' , Y 27U NORTH 25TII , Toe . owner a non-resident wants . an offer tor this 6-room dwelling. It 1 Is jiewly pateted, in good repair, rents fr tia afld U worth $1,800. Mako 'tis ana offer and assume ,1,000 mort .; )ta$a a the property. . ., f . ;:,jGaryin. . ; ,bros.. 18M Farnam 6t. t (1S)-M711 . FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Five-room cottaa-a now In tha .courae of completion: all modorn except heat; double -floors: all thoroughly well built; eaat front lot; l&X. " Located on 3fith Ava., between ' Alaaon ana 'acinc. ivsy urmi : . C. G. CARLBERO, . .' U N. T. Ufa Bldg. (19 MTf. 4 READ THIS V-lAt woak we advert land a real barraln and aold It at once. Hera's another: A neat and ' attractive 6-room cottae. good ; repair, city water, brink walks, etc., full tut, on car Una, well located, an unusual '. veJurt at fl.JiS 176 cash, balance 111 Der ; month. This won't laat Ions. See ua at ; oure regaxaina; inia ana soven aimuar Dar- ..jSaAna. la sain locauty. , RUSSELL & MoKITRICK CO iSS-H Ran( Blag, liih and Harney, aTi $UQ50 Will bllv the S-rnflm modern nilttnu 10H Webater street, fjwner lives thera ana wiu auow . property to you. RTUANDER A BIM0N8ON, SO N. T. LUv fl)-M7C4 - $2,400 Will buy the southeast corner toth and California, WO ffist f-mit on California, by ,' N feat on 80th street. Fin for two real, dencea or a cuuole of double brink nt. '' Owner anxJou to soil, ao (et buay and uis-ite oner. RTLAKDFR 6IMON90N. tuS Is. T. Ufa ' da)-M7M ' Close-in Homes On bodra ' St. ' naar ?'th T-room house, bath. clost. eta. ekutn front lot. 3 2ua Near i,th and Docjf, T-room, 1-atoiy, all . moatira noma, new iuxnace, piumr..iii, etc The Byron Reed Co. Phone X) 17. til 8. 14th. i 7a a FOR 8ALH A well built 10-room frame ' hardwood lloora, Biantels, moUurn LsUv . v reem and conveniently arranged. W ill aell at a very low price, to tie removevl - from preecot oreniteea bv nurcheer. Ad. Areas L. C. Hoaawatar, Be 'Bldsr Ornaha IJ9T your property with Chrta Boyer, aad Cautu bia. . lt WW "4 U'' KBTATs TITLT THU8T m - - Ui-6M at r. , M&0O "wHM.bny fleirsnt a. room modern house fl4 Ti. Hsi be ; eaat front; paved street Tiermanem eieewam; Beautiful lawn; lara lhada trees. Jr.aay terms If necessary, ' TU0UA8 BRENNAN. Room 1. New Tork Ufa Building. ll-Ml . REAL ESTATE JiUI rO 8AM ' i fitlM 1 " " The OewildM an A LmsA Vnln rnn. bnny of l uiuicll Bluffs, la., offers tor a&le 4il It teatfe la Bovne and Mr1on countW, arkanjuut, ouiscua- of iU w aurea, u .r with ail Improvements and pereouaj rmy Uwvli, bm4 win iole uaat "rn far i aaoi up to leceoiber lm, si iti oiiioe ut nooiu as, rkiuui i.loca., kuui'cU iiuns. la., wbera a fall daurliUu I ae.ia piwyen wiu be iurnuiel lo any one wishing to bid for aa.tue. Lated Nu- lijuui OZ-AJXii. ZIN'O AN') LEAD WINIX . Colorado). Kaaau; . ... . . . . FOR ftALTO l.Sfio-acre ranch, southern central k ansae, .ln.sift; no-acre rarm, Ira proved, H mllea from beat town In Kan sas cf , population; no waste land, school house at corner, on 18-inoh gas line, t,f; 65 acres, part Irt' corporation of a-ocj town In gas belt, trlee W.iX): up-to-date 15-room hotel, tZ.ftfH fnni bust-' nesa corner with building. liOuO. Uv ei y bain, . 2,6uO. P. ii. i"oiy, Ther, Kansas. (JO) M747 6x aebraakjt. CIIEYEXNE COUNTY, NEB. A fine section nf- level land nine tnlle north of Potter, for a few days at S7.S0 per acre. Two' sections in Bldney traw. about twelve miles from Sidney, cheap at 111.00 per acre. IRQ acres, five . mllea N. W nf . Pnttee 1S.S0 per acre. IHMBALL COUNTY, NEB. Two fine sections, about twelve miles N. W. of Klnrrlall, at 17.00 per acre. An 'elegant section. Ave nilloa north t'nlon Pact no railroad, just Inside eastern KUrfbali coucty linn, a big bargain for a tew days, at K60 per acre. Equitable Realty & Trust Co., 2C2 Board of Trade Building;. (:0)-M7M S NOTICE OF BALE OF LAND, NOTICE la hereby riven that aealed blda will be received and filed In the offk:e of the county clerk of. Greeley county, Nebraska, up to noon of the Hill day of December, 1907, for the purchase of, the following described land now owned by Greeley county. Nebraska, vis. Section 22. - In township 18, range 10 and section 21, town- sum n. range I. in ureeiey cju.ht. Ne braska- Bids may be made for the entire tract or for any subdivision of the same. The board reserves the-rlght to reject any or all bids or portions of bids, and rearivertlee the aoove land If the b'ds sub mtttcd are disproportionate to the true valuu of tha Shove' deacrined land, wy "order of the Board of lonntiy commlneroners of Greeley county, Nebraska. Witness my hand ana the sai or saia county at ra ley, Nebraska,, this 20th day of November A. D. 1W'7, JAMES u. bASi, county ciork. (10) M734DM.U MR. INVESTOR I nave a Boyd ro'inty. Nebraaka farm n i must sell quick. If vou have some Idle money here la bargain for -someone, Address T K9. care of rtea. aov M7SS 10-ACRH garden rarm; food f-room housn and bnrn; 4 miles from city. Inquire J. I!, lvoat. 2119 Bewara au (ao Mtwo 4x Wtsoaaslw. .-. .v -''1 TO INVESTORS. H .Inveatmenia In farm lands are if fected by wnanclal flurries. Put your teioney where U avlll constantly Increase In vlu: slmtvi free rrom rislt. we can eell vmi any amount from 40 to 1.000 acres of north ern Wisconsin s cnolcext lanaa. O. H. INGRAM, Jr. Bice Lake, Wis. (30)-M!K9 Deo Ma CHEAP farms and homes In the south. where values are advancing through man ufacturing and agricultural development. Low priced lands for all purposea. Cut tle and hogs do well. Ooort grass landa. Fine opening for dairymen. Truck raising returns large profits. Oood mar kets an.l transportation facilities. Towns and cities increasing In population and wealth. Publlcatlona giving detailed In formation upon request to Mr. M. V. Richards, land and Industrial airent, boutharn railway, Washington, I. C (2n)-M751 4X REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loaaa Peters Trust Co, MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (SO H LOW EAT RATES Lemls. Paxton Block. taj WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam binltn 4k VJO., . iwv arnam tt- LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. PRIVATE MONKT-NO DELAY. OARVIN BROS., 1404 FARNAM. . - (32)-42l LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keete R. E. Co.. 1001 N. T. Lifa Bldg. loOO TO .0CO TO LOAN PTlvata mon-y; bo aalays. j. tu ouerwooa, ki i, i.ire, - (109 to QO.OOO made promptly. F. D. Weed Waad Bid... lath and Famam. isn-Mvi WANTEDTO BORROW SAFER than banks loan on lovely quarter In Nebraaka, lu0 wanted. Box 123. Htbley Iowa. - () M7I7 7x. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating sic.se. carpels, lioo leums, offloe tuioiiura, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers. - bad pillow quUta and all kinds of tools;, or will buy the furniture of your house ooiuDlei Tna tug beat prices i sJd. Call tha right lid. man. xsl. Doug. II (21) Mill Dec 31 WANTKD To buy second-hand furniture, cwk and heatlos stovea cariwta. liuo leunia, t0Ue fuiitlture, old oiotliea and shuea pianos, fsttlhers. bod pillows. - quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture or, your house complete. lua l)ifcUt prices (.aid. Call tne rignt SECOND HAND t-i-i sacks. Jio amount loo laga or too sinall. A. W. WAtiONER, . mA Nona inch, bu , - (S) M746 SECOND-HAND furnituie bought and sold: also niachloea of all kinds tented. If per TO FAHMtUta AND PRUUJCB 8UIP -ei:8. Highest prices for butter and' da. 'Cash or meroltandlee. Bend trial sUipanent. The iwuuni .oaiaay. urntua t cn WANTiiD To bur ualvaa. . Tel. Doug. sua. . lal CAbU paid far aecocit-baad clothing, ahoea. " l6- WANTED TO RENT SINGLE GFNTI-EMAN Wants good room ana nreaaiast. iTeter private house. . as areas u a-i. ilia; l WANTED-SITUATIONS SITUATION wanted by druggi.t, reriatered la N'ilik ' stetereaoee. AttiLraaa U., low 'inuriuan b(., Ucuvar, uuiu. (17) M4 tx BY mechantrsl and structural draftsman will tsse i14 jobs; ran 1n1sn maohlneiv steel trusses, e.o. Adlreas ! i&ie WANTED SITUATIONS . : - tCont1R jtl SITUATION WANT FTD A a clerk In re- tall grocery buslnees; have had four yeere' experience and can furnish good reference. Aldresa Wm. F. Beebohm, 4J Koetilg St, Urand Island, Neb. (.T-Ml0 D. tX BTXPKP.IKNCEn bookkeeper and stenogra pher. Address a... Omaha Uee, Council B10.". (27) 444 LADY of refinement desires position as managing housekeeper III a lennea Wid ower s family, where the services of an honorable woman are required; fully ex perlenced. Addresa N Bee. try-m tx DAT WOMEI furnished free cf charge. Telephone imugias llli , (TT Mill WANTED Position by elderdy lady. American, as nooseneeper in private .. family. Can grlve good references. Ad dress airs. M. K. 220 NO. lilth su (17; M4I7 6t YOUN& married nan, with references. woi'ld Ilka Inside work. Address O 454, care Bee. (17M731 6x COMPETENT abstracter j desires position arter January tt; woulil consider pur chasing real estate and abstract business cn reasonable terms. Address T "8. ears Bee. . (27) M738 10 TOUNO lady would like place to care for L-iuiiurn, is cmppieni lo give leweons in embroidery, Oerman or Denlah. Call Fannie. Tel. Harney 16t4. (27) M740 4x TOUNO man, registered and eaperlenoed pnarmacist, wishes place in drug stote. Address M (61. cars Omaha Bee. l2 7 ) M 4 1 88 a LEGAL NOTICES OFFICE OF THE KANSAS CITY Omaha Railway Comrany, Omaha, Neb.. Nov. 8, 107. To the BlockholUera: Notice la hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Kansas City St Omaha Railway company will be held at the office of the company la Fairfield, Ne biaaka. at I o oiocs a. m. on January J I, lDUS. for the purpose of acting uDon tha q iat!on of Bailing the railroad, property and franchises of tha company to the Chi raMO, Burlington 4 Qulacy Railroad com pany, Kie railroad u.iia properly aioresaid oelncc now under lease to aaid ooaipany. By order of the board of directors, vy. P. burkes. Secretary. NlOdtkt OFFICE OF TILE REPUBLICAN VAL- ley. Kansas die Southwe&T31n Railroad Company. Omaha. Neb., Nov. I, 13W. To the Btockholders: Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders Of the Icepubllcan Valley, Kansas A South western Railroad company will be held at the office of 'the company In Omaha, Ne braska, at 4 o'clock p. in. on January 10, mi. for the purpose of action upon ths question oi aviiinx tna ranroaa, property and franchises of This company to the Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad com- WOES OF INFORMATION MAN pany, tha railroad and property aforesaid being- now under leaae to the aaid company. By order of the board of directors. W. P. NlOdrtt OFFICE OF THE OMAHA AND SOCTH- wesiem nanroaa company, omst.a. Neb., Nov. S. 11K)7. To the Stockholders: Notice Is heretfy given that a SDectal meatlna of the stockholders of the Omaha and South western- uaiiroaa company will be held at tha office of the company at Omaha. Neb., at 4 o'clock p. rh., on January 10. 1D08, for the purpose of acting upon the question of selling tha railroad, property and fran chises Of the company to the Chicago, Bur lington ft ijuincy itanroad company, the railroad and property aforesaid being now gnder lease to said company. By order of the board of directors, W. P. DURKEE, Secretary. NlOdttt CFTICB OF THH REPUBLICAN VAL ley at Wyoming Railroad company. Omaha, Neb., Nov. . 18u7 To ths Stock' holders: Notice Is hereby given that a special "meeting of the stockholders of the Hepuoncan valley & W yomlng Railroad company will be held at the office of 'the company In Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m.. on January 10, mrs, for the purpose of acting upon the question of selling tha railroad, property and franchises nf thla company to the Chloago, Burlington A Qulncy Railroad company, tha railroad ana property aroreeaia Demg now under leaae to said company,. By order of ths board of directors. , w. P. Durkee. Secre tary. NlOdGOt OFFICE OF THE OMAHA AND NORTH r-iatte Kaliroad Company. Omaha, Neb., Nov. S, '19o7. To ths Stockholders: Notice k hereby given that a special meeting of the atockholdera of the Omaha and North I latte Railroad company will be held at the. office of tha company In Omaha,. Neb., at 4 o'clock p. m., on January 10, 1908, fof the purpose of acting upon the question of Selling tha railroad, property and fraochlaea of this company to the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy Railroad company, the railroad and property aforeaaid being now under lease to the said company. By order of tne Doara Of directors, w. p. Durkee, Secretary, NIOdbOt OFFICE OF THE OXFORD KANSAS Bsllenad company. Omaha, Neb., Nov. I, 1H07 To the Stockholdera: Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders, of tqe Oxford A Kanaas Rail, road company wi. ba held at the offloe of the company at Omaha. Nebraska, at 4 o'olock p. m., on January 10, llua, nor the puipoee of acting upon tha question of selling the railroad, property and franchises of the compspy to the Chicago, Burlington st Qulncy Railroad company, tha railroad and property aforeaaid being now under leuae to the said company. By order of the board of dtrec'ore. W. P. Durkee, Secretary Nlednot OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ox.axx'8 crotrna r i "ajsABIO" It, toss, Sae, airsa, 10 TOE OMEN! ' rssrasry 4 to An) IT, leeL Beventy Ssye. sostlns onif Sta et tail ae, leslaSlsg Sliora tiourklons. 8PECIAL PSATURES: Madslra, CsSim. Ssvllls. AUlrs, Mu. u lr is Bsrst ss tk Hoi Lss4. rsnsisnllnaple, Atkns. Rests, Us Riviera. lo. TOURS ROINO THB WORLD. 40 TOCRS TO EUROPE Bioet eonuirebsnslTS sn4 sttrsAtlve ersr offsrad. r. a CLARK. Tlsies kiss., sisw Tors. LOW HATES TO EUROPE Join one of our Christmas Excursions to Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Gejiuany, leaving Chicago weekly. Excellent service and exceptionally low rates by the Canadian Pacific "Exoresa." the finest, fastest and largest steamers between M. Lawrence porta and Europe. write lor rates ana Dookieie. O. B. BZXJAMIsT. O. A- B33 8. Clark Street, Oklcaffo, Hi Kany Triali Beiet Bureau. Bosi at Union Station. ' QUEEREST QUESTIONS AT.E ASKED Waaea newt Mew at C4rlvls; Pax alee to Hurl mi tbs Kace 4h Man la the Llttl M'ladsm. of INDOOR BASK BALL SEASON HUB School B Beats Hl:i Sckool A a Y. af. C. A. Dlaaad. Indoor base ball has been taken up In the gymnasiums of Omaha and the boys at the Omaha Hl(rh scho.,1 have a sort of a league, that Is, the different drpurtments have teams. Mouuay the High school "B" class Indoor base bail team initiated a suocnaaful sea eon by defeating the older and mure ex. perlenced High school clasa "A" team Although the entire team played a superior oiotr or Dan. tne Ditching of Morris and the brilliant work of Geyer at short were the features. Any tetm Winding games witn tne winners aaareaa Kent Hunter. cantaln. at tha bos' deoartment of the Young .Men's Christian association. The score: U101I SCHOOL, . I H1QH SCHOOL A. BH.a.O.AB. IHlO.lt. Morrta, ....! 1 I I HnSsrt, lb... I I 4 t Hunter, cf.. 4 114 Snderaen, ib. 1 1 I 4 txr, m ... t 114 Si Klrt-hb'ai, Ik 4 Sill Jasaos. rf... 4 114 V( tf.l til. It... I Oil Trimble, s .. 1 1 4 1 BaSd Lara, 111 I I I I Rosier, if.. 14 14 hull. of ... 14 114 svrnak. tt.. 14 14 CmU. ss... 1114 4 s inter, i e s v s a :tt -ti s, s. . I 1 I 4 sumo. lb.. 1 14 4 iWirU:k, ..... till Totals 1 tnil l ratal'. .S.. . W "t tt K i Field CIbb Klaeta Wedaeaday, The election of directors for the Omaha Field club will bo held Wednesday at the city ticket ortloe or tna uurllnKlon railrnatl. 1 inerntn and Famam streeta. Interest In tiiis election la not as rreat .as la former yrwrs ss the nominating ooiumlttea has placed a, ticket in ttie Deld and there la na opooaiUou Htkat. The polos w lil be op-en irum s in., uuiu a p m.. ana a tneetir.x of tne directors will be held In the evening at the Omaha CumuuirclaJ club to canvata tna vol. . . . Pablla ltsk laterrwpteA. Publia speakers are) frequently inter rupted by people coughing. This would not hasp tf evdey's . Hoaey Jiud , Tar were takeu. as It oures oou-hs and colds and prevents pnsumunla and eonsumtlon. The geuulas contains no opiates and Is In a yellow paakasw. For sale try all drug- Cists. "The most Interesting study of mankind Is man," says Frank Xseshan. In pro nounclng this epigram Mr. Keeshan knows whereof hft speaks for he Is ths presiding; genius of the lnforfriatlon bureau at Union Station.' In that capacity he la supposed by a large clientele to have Intimate knowledge of the most recondite questions. "Of course." said Mr. Keeshan by way of modifying ths sweeping; epigram he had made, " "Man' In this Instance embracea woman. When It comes to asking ques tions I need not hesitate a moment In my deolalon to award the laurel crqwn of vlo lory of woman. She can ask a greater variety of them and she can Invent harder ones than ever entered Into the mirtd of man." Mr. Keeshan turned away a moment as a seeker after Information appeared St ths window. Ths seeker propounded this question; "Does -that there train that leaves Sioux Falls Thursday stop at Boggs' Crossing, North Dakota." The seeker did not know at what hour ths train left Sioux Falls. Nay, he did not even know oa what road ths train was. He was posi tive, however, that there was a station called Boggs' Crossing, ths same being his horns. ' Mr. Keeshan, unruffled, looked up the question In the books snd promptly gave ths desired Information. "O. that's an easy one," hs said as hs turrtod again, "but he's a sample. Hs's forgotten all I told him by now. Probably he'll bo back hers soon and ask It all ovsr again. Never See (hs Clock. "TtSu'd be surprised to know how many people come up and want to know what time It Is. They don't sss that clock out thero that's so tl? .1 covers half of ons end of ths waiting room. Wo havs the regular customers at this window, too. They ars for the most part women. They generally live out only a fow miles In soma 'nearby station, but they never dome up to the city without stopping to ask their little questions at the information bureaus." A rude bystander Interrupted Mr. Kee shan at this point with an Irreverent remark. 'How can you ''blam 'em." said this person. "Its tna latai gut oi wsuij possessed by ths f antleman at ths infor mation window, . That's what attracts them good women every time they come up to the city. Mebby they come up pur pose Just to get to talk to the handsome information man. Mr. Kee.ihan waved this remark aside with the crushpie .look that It deserved snd continued: , . One dear :old ifafly oomes up to ths win dow every Friday", morning regular as the clock snd asks' what time the train will leave for Paplllton. But I don't mind her because she' Is 'such a cheery soul. I al ways tell her very politely Just when the train will leave and she thanks me and smiles and goes swsy." Not Nersi'sary','1 Tie Thinks. Some one uflcxua mat an Information bureau Is a 'eitresulty to a large station, but Mr.' KeeeViVi.'s hook his head. - - "No. I don't -ree with you." he said. "When" there ',! Jan Information bureau everybody Just bogs down and depends on lt They -don't try to And out even the simplest ' things for themselves and they have, nd ense of the limitation of knowledge possessed by ths Information man. A men-came up here once and seri ously lnqulredot 'me whether I believed there were an Inhabitants on the moon and If so , did' their eyes bulge out from their faces. And be was neither drunk nor rasy. . But,. as I wss saying, the In formation bureau makes people less self- reliant, lass Independent. Of oourse, there are peoplo who. really could not get along without the Information. For tham It Is all right. "On the whole It Is ttte abase of the bureau that - Is bad. ' No doubt It gives out a lot of useful Information.- And I think there ars fewer people miss their trains at this station and fewer' get on ths wrong trslns than at any other sta tion of its sise In the country." t 'r I I CELECT crops m&ko good tobacco, and crood tobacco makes a flno chew But it takes the pick of the finest to make Piper Heidsieck. The only plug tobacco that is sold in every good tobacco store Not expensive even though it is the best. : At the Theaters Vaudeville at the Bar-rood. That the Chinaman has musto In hla soul of a higher quality than that produced by tomto'ns and cymbals Is proven by the performanca of Sing Foo Lee, who appears at ths BurwooU this week. Mr. Leo ap pears In all the glory of hla native cos tume with yellow trousers and elaborately flowered robe. He wears a yellow button on hla crimson hat, which yellow button Is the slp-n of princely blood. Ills per formance with the violin Is really of a high order. Sleepy Tom, "ths horse with tho human brains." does some remarkable feats In arlthmottc. Ths dozen or so edu cated doss -Included with Sleepy Tom's act are not mentioned on the program. Von Hoff, mimic and Impersonator, has a won derful power of face contortion. 8ome pretty scenery and lively dancing Is soen In the dancing act by The Transformation Trio. The Caatunos novelty dancers, do a novel stunt In "light heavyweight dano tng." There Is some good Dutch comedian work In the act of Hanoy and Clark. "A Lucky Star" by Louis Chevalier and com pany Is a sketch "built upon that decrepit old plot of the man who' has been out alt night with the boys, arising In ths morning and trying to lie out of It when his wife interrogates him. Earl O. Hicks In Illus trated songs and ths moving pictures com plete a bill which pleased a large audience last evening. FINAL . TRIAL OF NEBRASKA rromoters of the speedway, they say, for he reason that certain ownera of prop erty needed to complete the rlRht-of-way have bon lnduce-1. by a lack of money, to accept, a lower and more reasonable price than they had before demanded. It Is hoped to have the speedway completed In time for the Vanderhllt cup race In Ooto ber, Wi. - WITH THB BOWLERS. The Stors Blue Ribbons won three straight sames from tho Omahaa at the Association alleys Inst night. More rolll a splendid series, his ames being consist ent as well as hlfh Th" total of 070 raises the lingue record for this s.Mson. Cor hran beat Mnurer one I In fir the high sing' game with !31 TonlKht Mets Brothers and Reed Brothers. Pcore: BTORZ BLUES. 1st. 2d. Id. Tot. M m in? f-44 155 1U 6TS I E.-O 2f f70 1X0 177 - 141) Cot .148 3311 Ul Frltecher . Francisco Moore . .. Weber . Cochrai . Totals WT OMAHA9, 1st. 1 ....lie 158 174 301 1,023 Ml 1,861 Jd. m 141 m 177 m id. 141 l.r7 133 1U 118 Tot. 505 4'0 42 5r3 bkl Battleship Named for Antelope State Exeewds Contract Speed .88 - Knot aa Il.tfr, WASHINGTON. Doc. 1 Word " reached the Navy department today that the battle ship Nebraska, . which has Just finished its flnsl acceptance trial on Puget sound, 1 mads U.S8 knots-under forced draft for four hours. The Nebraska's contract speed called for 11 knot. The vessel Is com manded by Captain Reginald F. Nicholson. Frtshteaea lata Fits by. fear of appendicitis, take Dr. King's New Life Pills, . snd sway goes bowel troubje. Guaranteed. 2fc For sale by Beaton Drug Co, , Monarch Pool Tourney. Monday evening at the Monarch pool tournament Greener beat White In ten Innings, 100 to fcX By winning thla game Greener wins first place In the tournament, with five gamts won and two loat and a percentage of .714. Tuesday evening Swan son and White close 'the tournament and no matter who wins there will be four tied for socoi'd place. S' oi by lnnlrss Gre.iit.r-11, 11. 10, 6, t, , 10, 14, 15, 6106. Total 100. White 4. 1. 6, 10, 7, t, 4, T, 1, 0, V-tX Total, SO. Scratches Greener, 0; White, 1 , Pld. W. L. Tet. Greener . 1 S 1 .7' 4 Reynolds . .., 7 4 1 .S71 Usher 7 4 1 .671 Urown . 7- 4 1 .51 White I 1 ' .&)0 Swanaon 4 1 1 .uO Harding 7 I 5 .lH Sclplo i 7 t 6 .Sto-i Sporting Gossip. ' The quails daya are over and Bob White will have nearly a- year in wincn io in crease his family without molestation. Frank Gotch Is training hard In Chicago for his mat -h Friday night In that city with War Eagle, the big Indian wrestler The New York horse show did not have as prosperous a meet as the Omaha show. The greatest falling eft at Gotham was In ths sale of special boxes for the aeasun. The basket ball teama are beginning to get to work to all parts of the city. A league should be formed ao some decision could be reached as to which Is the better team, Mike Donlln will oaptatn the New York Giants next summer. Thla la taken as an Indication that MuGwnn will not be there and It la thought be might possibly lead In Clnolnnatl. V President Charles Vurphy evidently ex pects to win another pennant and parti cipate la another wurld'a series. He fa now advocating that Instead of four out of even the series be made five out of nine games He maintains that it Is no catch penny desire to capture more pennies, but that more people may l ave a chance to see the Champa In coon. Thursday night at I o'cock the senior gymnasium department of ths Young Men'a Christian association will Inaugurate a aeriea of cross country rins. The uiem bra of ths track team have taken up this oiaaa of work, which will be continued regularly during the winter, and as the meu become accustomed to the work the runa will be lengthened and later rurs from twenty to kl uilies Bill b. undertaken. EVENTS ON THB RUNNING TRACKS Aim, 10 to l, wins Firet Race at City Park, New Orleaaa. NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. a, Aim, at 16 to 1, won the first race at City Park track today by a narrow margin. Dr. McCleur. a heavily backed favorite, won the third race, escaping defeat by a margin so close that only the Judges were able to see his lead. Mareh Rcdnn, at 12 to 1, finished scarcely a nose behind the favorite, after leading all the way down the atrsich. Weather clear; track fust. Summaries: First race, five furlongs: Aim (107, V. Powers, 14 to 1), won; Taskmaster (1U6, R. McDanlet, 2 to 1), second; tslgiil Mist (1W, A. Minder, 6 to 1). third. Tims. 1:01 ft. Donaldo, Sundart, Miss Hchlrdlng, Anna Sanders, Major Mack, Gee Whls, Sweet ner, Flondaglen, Royal Chance, My Leva, Client and Reautirul Knigiu a mo ran. Second race, five and a hulf furlongs, selling: No Quarter (16, A. Picking, 7 to 1), won; Artful Lodger (105. J. Hogg, 16 to 1), second; Lucy Young (107, C. Koernef, 6 to 1), third. Time. 1:0M. Miss Affable, Light ning Conductor, Hughes, Ralbert, Fay, Masonla, Clara Huron, Sheen, Zlnfandel, Animus, Neptune and Javtuiese also ran. Third race, mils, selling: Dr. McCleur (107, Mountain. 1 to 2), won; Marsh Redon (107, C. Booker, 12 to 1), sttcond; Savior Fairs (102. A. Pickens, 20 to 1). third. Time, l:4'::i. Arabo, Fonaoluca, Daring, Shining Star, Steel Trap and Odd Ella also lan. - Fourth race, aeven furlongs: Jack Atkln 017. Finn, 1 to 2), won; Lord Lovat (104, t Jotter, 0 to 1. aecond, Juggler U''. mc lanlel, 1 to 1). third. Time, 1:27. Titctng. Colloquy, Faust, uowin, fcjnergeney. wicsj M"- and Meadow J-treeze also ran. Fifth race, six furlongs: Lens (107, C. K'-euier, is to 61), wn; Hawkanla (101 Mountain, 16 to 1), second; Lad of Langdon (107, Delaby, 0 to 6). third. Time, 1:14. Zlpango. Momentum, Convllle, Lady lu cent and Beau Brummel also ran. Sixth race, mile, selling: Telescope 101. Notter, 6 to 2), won; Doolie (J07, Aubuchon, 20 to 1), second; Tini er (102, Delaby, t to 1) third. Time: 1:42- Bellevue, Horse Radlah. Charlatan, St. Noel, Jncquln, Fer ronlere alio ran. OAKLAND, Cal., Dec $. Results at Em eryville: Flrat race, five and a half furlongs, purse: Lack foot (111. Burns, 4 to t). won; Nlok Btoner (106, Grand, 4 to 1), second; Sumbro (1U5. Horner, 80 to 1. third. Time, 1:07. P.eenew,' Orcholo, Cattle. Bonheur, Miss Chanty. Alclbades and Alice '. nnisneu as named. Second race, futurity course, selling: Captain Burnt tt (116, Pendertfas. 15 to 1), won; li M. Bisttaln (116. W. Miller, 1 to 6), second; Konlgln Lulse (110, Moreland, 7 to 1), third. Time, 1:10. F.lba, Seasick Whis kers, Belle Kinney and Uolden Kule fin ished as named. Third race, futurity course, selling: Medda (100, Rice, 7 to 1), won: Progress U(, Burns, 7 to 10), second; The Repro bate (101, Dugan, s to 2), third. Time, 1:0H. liersaln, Levey . Mary, Croix D'Or. Ethel Abbot, De Orammont, Lust I sr. Isolation and The Only Way finished as named. Fourth race, seven furlongs, selling: Red Ball (112, W. Miller, 20 to 1). won; SainrIJa (104, Buxton. It to 5), second; Sam McQtb bon (106, Oargan. 100 to 1, third. Time, l:SHCi. Surety, Calmer, Silver Line Haselln. Peerleas Lass, H. B. aud Mojado fiulBhed sa named. Fifth race, mile and a sixteenth. Bulling: Gorgalette (103, Burns, 11 to 1), won; Jack Adums (loa. Lynch, 8 to 1). second; Kms Spot (103. Dugan. I to 1). third. Time, V46Va Fisher Boy, Etapa. Kermlt and PotrerO Grande finished as named. Sixth race, atx fjrlongn, purse: Roalta (108, Miller. 1 to 6), won; Mary F., (10 Horner, I to 10), i rcond; Massa (IDS. Keogh, I to 1), third. Time. l:12v Wing Ting and Judge Nelson finished aa named. Coach Rotataeel Flvo Tsars, NAPHVII-LB, Tenn., Dec. I Incidental to a banquet last night in honor of ths foot ball aouad of Nashville university. Coach Dan MoOulgan. former Microtia guard, was given a five-year contract te continue the supervision of the elaven, st the name time occupying a faculty chair In teaching constitutional law. He lias coached the tem for three yeara. 8 Bevel way Will Mo Completed. NEW TORK, Dec. A Plans for the pro. posed motor car speedway on Long Island have advanced to a stage whore the pre molars have applied to tne board of super visors of Nassau county, through which the proposed speedway Is to run, for per nilaalon to croci certain streeta and roa Is In the country All such crossings are to bn either aooe or brlt.w level. Tho recent financial depression lias boea a bely to tits Mnurer Megeath . Larson Ohncsorg Marble . , Totals 817 8U1 778 The -Dally News team Is climbing towards the top, all on account of taking two games from the Crowns last night on the Met ropolitan alleys. The second gams the News team won by a single pin, while tha third game the Crowns scratched out by three. It waa a cloae game all around. Cyclons Flawson of the News team had high slPple game wltn 224, while Midget Martin was high on totals with CS1. Tonight Cole McKennBH np;alnst Postofflce. Score: DAILY NEWS. 1st. 2d. Sd., Tot. Plawson 170 2:8 li? W Matthes . 119 131 190 40 Martin . 211 174 1K 6M Griffith v..lf 175 174 Patterson Ill 164 IDS 6ll Totals 871 872 Dot ' BUODEGAARD CROWNS. Voss Undrnnth . . Hartkoff , ... Templlrv . .. Fagerberg . Totals .... 1st. Id. ..167 210 ..lf.9 ..lf4 ..17 ,.k)4 1X6 164 149 171 Sd. 170 m 178- 164 103 .813 171 86 2,6 Tot. - 4rt 44 4 HO t643 DALY AND CLINB ARE , TIED Chicago Man Has Aaother Chance at Billiard Title. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Deo. 2.-In ths longest a"d hsrdest fought game in the national Mi -ee-cuililon billiard championship tourna ment, John Daly or Chicago, defeat d Hurry P. Cltna of Philadelphia, tonight. 60 to 48, and tied with Cllue for first place. tor inree nours tne men struggled, witn first one forging, shead and then the other. Cllne waa trying to win the game, because it meant tile championship tor him; Lialy knew the victory would give him another opportunity. It ended ss Daly would have It end, and thestwo will play tomorrow night for the title, emblem and J1.000 prize money. Daly's high run was 8. Ills avernga .b2: Cllne s hlah run wss t, his average .60. though not participating In ths contest, are Mayor Becker of Milwaukee, Alderman Joseph Padenoch of Chicago and Os J, teller, chairman of ths sthiello cemmlttea of the Chicago Athletic club. Four auto mobile, alao accompany the party. Tha Lake Shore route is being followed- Tha party started In It S moderate fait of about four . miles an hour. - Weston Acta aa Pacemaker. MILWAUKEE. Deo. I. With Edward Payson Weston, the famous pedestrian, as act-maker, nve nieagoana started rrom he Milwaukee At.itetic club at 7:10 o'clock this morning bent on walking to Chicago wlildn sixty hours on a wager of 11.000 mHda by P. J, Schaefer of Chicago. Ths party included L. 11. Wolf, J. Marshall, W. V. Johnson. J. A. Stenard and Aaron Joi.ej. Accompanying the parly on foot, JAKE SCHAEFER RETAINS ,T1TL Wlaaard Defeats Georsre Sattoaa la 18-1 Match hr Narrow' MaxgrLa. CHICAGO, Deo. S. Jake BohaefeT re tained his title as champion at la-lnoh balk; line billiards, one shot In, by defeating George Sutton here tonight 800 to 41 The match was siove and long drawn out but wsa close enough to keep the aorta tors Interested. Schaefer averaged only a fraction of a point more than his Opponent, but seemed better able to collect the balls tor long runs than Sutton. The champion scored 88 In ths twenty. Seventh Inning snd 47 In ths thirty-fourth, while the largest Inning of Button waa If In his flfteenfti attempt. Tha challenger took an sarly lead erst Schaefer and seemed about to repeat his recent victory over Schaefer. when he de feated him in a match for ths 18-1 cham pionship. Successive runs of 11 and 12 la the fifth snd sixth Innings gars Button a lead which he maintained until Schaefer counted thirty-eight Innings later. Schaefer then had ljii to Buttons 1.11. but ths latter again went, ahead In tha next attempt, counting thirty-seven points by some biil llnnt nnen table work. Ths challenger In creased hla lead gradually and after twenty-four Innings was 60 points to the good. A few minutes later, however, Schaefer got control of the halls and executing all sorts of shots, some daring In ths ex treme, ran eighty-six pulnta and assumed a losd which Button tried vainly to over come. Steady play by ths challenger kept Schaefer going at top sped and he fiurM up for some erratic misses by rnns of 7 and 41, drawing out of danger Juat when Sutton seemed most likely to ovsrtaks him. Score: Bchaefei 0 10 8 7 21 0 13 0 11 1 14 4 4 S8 8 13S7250Ili0 16 1S8tlleUsl 6 47 0 0 1 6 41 0 10 4 1 Total 600. , High run, 48. Average, 11 27-48. Sutton-0 1 8 8 21 S3 10 0 1 11 I I 10 19 S7 12 36 10 l026BOlO120 16lt0151S IK 8 0 18 14 0 1 0 10 26 Total 46. High run, 17. Average, 11 14-42. PRIZE FICUT TRUST INDICTED Members of Altered Cossblaa 1st 'Frisco Charsxed with Bribery. SAN FRANCISCO, Call, Dec. l.-vAfter being Inactive for several months, ths Oli ver grand Jury today brought In a pnrtlal report, returning nine Joint indictments sra'nst t so-cal'ed "prl' eust" uembets, B. M. Cln Bey, J. W. CofTrath, W. K. Hi itt , Auraham Ketif ana lormei uiayor Eugene E. Schmlts. A separate indictment waa also found against Schmlts for receiv ing a bribe from the "prise fight trust" and three against former Supervisor O. It Duffy, one for accepting a bribe of 8,0u0 from the Home Telephone, company, one for accepting a bribe of 84,000 from ths United Railroads and the third fer aooept Ing s bribe of 8760 from the Baa Franclsoo Gas company, An Indictment was also foundAgalnst Luther Brown for subornation of perjury In oonrect'on with tho testimony nf hs chsuffeur, peter Callander la ths .Older kidnaping case. The three members of the fight trust against whom Indictments were found are charged with the Bribery of nine super visors, each to the amount of $471. which, is alleged to havs been paid for tbs prise fighting piivllegea In 1904. . "Ball Riasr" trnv Har Hollow. Directors of ths Hsppy Hollow Country club sre figuring out plans for putting In a, bull ring" green on the links at the club similar to the famous hole en ths Country club course. The dlstanoe will be 124 yards, and It should msks as 8ns a hole ss any In the country, as tha course is sspoolally adapted for just suob a bole. www? r ., Oh od old U I J i II 5 i 4 f-aa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -.1 has contributed to the pleasures of soqial life "Since 1857" Its purity, -fine, rich flavor and distinctive aroma never f ail toplease. Bottled in Bond the government stamp is your guarantee 'that it is 100 proof . Every Drop Whiskey A. GacJxociboLmer & Bros). J . DUtillert, Plttsburl, Pa.