B ; - " ' : ' TIIE OMAHA' DAILY DEEi "MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1907. , ,JCT. ,. ' ; '; 111151 MNMlfflyyiW H ySKm&SKBw Mjzjmsm MMimwMk W&M 111 IE Feather yotir nest rtRHITtRH It you desire rood ( fclff aaUty, If frlooa Hi May Iw t ha Mwii you to trade at TEE PEOPLES STORE IStB 4 IUI1X riANos BXOK CT.ABS PIAJTOS Beenouable Tama ' Large selected stock of Weber, Mehlln. H.nry end 8.. O. Lindeman, Po.ter Co. flrhlller. lunnvi iMA wo oo. Mfrrs, end r.elre 1 1.1-1 4 Braer. Omaha PIANOS EttrytMng In Art and Music A. HOSRSZ CO. 1513 Doni?as St., Omaha PIANO J. S. CAMERON - Mmufnturifi' lute Agent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS IOt.S Mas UOi St.. Omtht. Neb. TeL Red 2 SAL PIANO ncfr juOi,z.B ft mtusuam fzajto oo. piabob MA&vfatwara ens Itoin la sigh enuu riuot Over IW rimes la Stack 1111-JI13 Far nam St. Omaha, Neh. 1 MUSIC BY MAIL Illustrated Music ScbwU, 1111 rarnam Mualo by Ma.ll Leaa than 10c A day. Etght ' different eeursaa. Investi gate them at tha store of the Perfleld Plane Co.. Omaha. PHONOGRAPHS AND RF.CORDI Columbia Phonograph Co. A Qeld ' Moulded Boo. i f p fV oede to fit any CTn- (. nf tlV TnlHlng Machine fAUU mad Ton throw) 7ir"'rJ away monj If you pay mora. laai r AazrAx btbxxt Glsara, Rabbec Goods and Dr(i i raorlfio Accuracy 9uu;a&te.d. Bf ruic ouuunr uuvua wf .u.., vm nrtoee. Send for frc catalogue. Bond 80 your mall orders for druga rreisnt paio on. io 101a. Cigars at on rrVica, V4 clears, to. Mvera DUloa Druw Co. DBa59: FAIWTl and y.rnm, 1410 Kunny, CANDY Craftsman s Guild Confectxons Bold, by GEOROX SOGERS, ' 1606 Tarxam. BHIWEniBI , ; ' Ajwara Aak for 2l2 Crps. Brewing Ca fJL2L3 'Ktfi aX3 CSTTLE BLEU .OMAHA. WATER NLTBR. inn raui, srAaxxoro wati st vaxvo . m. oct VATia mnai. CD. liUBER, Mfffr. UC1 Tuna. at,. OaiAha. TELBPRONBt ' 7W OMAHA . 17855 Subscribers NEBRASKA TELEPHOHt CO. PHOTO CPPL.TEI. PHOTO SUPPLIES X.ABVOV WOTTa ' The Eobert1 Dempster Co., IHOB RPAInrNO . iatH yAJKVAM Wa do tha war rlfht, pikoo Doaff. I14T and wa will oa.U for your work. aU pollah, Uoaa aod a&oa apauiai tlaa. , aBfI?8 , ANTJ OTEIHO. Va ara baadauartara for ai olala. dfalBjr, aalu- a.ad MMarljif W U Aaa' ad it imii' clothlr.g . Tuva sjAAJia leuonia THE WARDROBE 01 pa ranMAxranob ornoa, lTIt iwonh. Talaphoa Oonc 1TJ. LMru UVKU1HKI "THA kcw WA1 W don't Iron afctrta At all. Wa praaa thaw. - Thla lM4 aa atrotlv nnia Wikboat waaj-in aut ta klaa. , .TAir p-raajK tuAvvsaT , . ' . Anas b. aukBiitoa, Hra j a. iut n. ai. TmrwKs and lmatheb poops : f a Caari, iaaa sad - lias raold fceetj TA an. km. tats FCBLICITT DESIGNS zixrn, mix mil 1 niMITTBE. ' . KKAl lOSTATIO. ItKAL ESTATBi ORCHARD & WILHELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both ia'the price and in the quality T BURET T BONDS. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A Imai Company with Aaaata la Wabraaka. SI 4-3 IB aTXW YOBS IIPB BVTXDIBO. Telephone Douglas 552. MINKS AND MINING For Information oonearnlnc la(lU mata mlainc la Brltiaa Columbia, addraaa F. H. KNIGHT Booma 41j-J Cblnuola Bldr. SPOKANE, WASKZirOTOIT. f ONl'MRNTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock In the West J. F. BLOOM ra. CO. I SI) farnam Bt Onaaha RANKS FIRST HATIOHAL BAIIK .OMAHA. Deposits S12.000.000.00 RANKS United States National Bank OP OMAHA, NEB. United States Depository lfrU and Famam Sta. BANKS OMAHA HATIOXAL BANK mOMAHA. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J.L BRMiDEIS & SONS BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS RANKS - 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVII1GS vBAHK 1th and Do(laa Sta Onatii OFFICE rtJRNITCRE Best Selection DESKS OMASA PEINTTVC CO. I0ta aaf Faraaia as. INCORPORATORS ui sxraiTi Incorporate Your-' Company. Monay to Promota Good PropoalUona. THE KERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. 314-S1S BBW TOaX Z.ZFB BUZZ.DZVO. EMPLOYERS' RRFERENCB AGENCY UI THIS BAT, OF aPBOIAJUSTS you waaia tlma and money aalaotlng your help. WB ABB STBOlAXISTa Tha boat ability In tha city la Hated with tia. Give ua your neada let ua asalat vou no charge to employer Witt, Kir. B BOBS ABBA. frnlt Taa It. Y. I.tfa. TL Denir. 4OT3 REFERENCE AGENTS High qraob positions Xeystira Sorety and Reference Agt Ino. B. . CXOTBS, Oaa. Ka. Suit 44 Baa Buildlnc . OFFICB SUPPLIES Office Supplies BMrjrtkiff fxxxn a Fta to' rojaaT Oabtaoa OMAHA PRINTING CO. lata aad OFFICB SUPPLIES IaOOflJB LEAF BS71CEB Aaa txtfiyaaa ad AO! BJada. AJciiOB tvmjamxQ co. 'sua tx. icth at. Tail TYPEWRITERS . We will rent you a Typewrit er as low aa $2.00 a month. CaatraJ Typewrite Exofcaaga MOT Faraasa PAo&e Sous. 80S ATTTOMOBI1,ES and safes. J- J. DEHIGDT & CO. Wholeaala and Bia4I SaXea an4 Antoraobnea lSldVlSla FAUX AM STIUTETf uivr: attd aocideny insitrancb TOM S. KELLY acaaarar Xf and Aocld.nl PapatS. aaaaaiaaa mamaai aaa " Mall Order, Korelty and Pram. Gooda. WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. 7,aa pxnrsarrYQBB , V' aa.o t.Mlera r'T.'1" -. "I. '.fid Ay-a ef j : SkOOZkBl Aa Alna w aa a Omaha From a. Comparative Viewpoint About the most natural thing In the world, In the ordinary affairs of life, 1b to compare your condition and circumstances with that of youi neighbors, more or less similarly situated. Prom that viewpoint, Oma- ; ha has causes for self-congratulation. A bulletin, recently issued by the census bureau, containing much-v information of a highly Interesting and instructive character relative to the condition of American cities. Some of the facts gathered from this official document are appended,' showing Omaha's position In financial, ., industrial, educational and social affairs, as compared and constrasted with that of cities of about the .same population. For the purposes of comparison, the con- dltlon in cities with more than 100,000 and less than 300,000 in population have been chosen. These in-1 elude Omaha, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Kansas City, Den ver, Ildlanapolls, Providence, R. I.; Rochester, Toledo, ' Columbus, O.; Lob Angeles, Worcester, New Haven and ' Syracuse. Most of these cities are given a better rat ing than Omaha in the census reports, but they furnish the best opportunities for. the comparisons desired. In cost of city government, Omaha occupies an enviable position compared with other cities. The flgureB quoted here cover the coBt of. city admlnstra tlon, the cost of schools and the provisions for the sinking funds and Interest bearing debt, for the year 1905: Indianapolis $4,118,206 Providence. R. L. . 8,816,769 8U Paul..'.....;,. 6,321,687 Rochester 8,025,842 Kansaa City 8.698.014 Toledo 4,766,765 .The per capita debt and taxation JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS III. B.T -STUXifltt, BtaaMal txacrt W's' Watch, Clock and WftA Jewelry Repalrina. gftty-- Special attention te 'eW complicated ana intri cate repairing. A 1 1 work guaranteed. Boom S Paxtoa Bloofc. JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS Gustafson ZL flenricksort fMooaoaora to P. B. FX.OBKAB OO. , Jewelers & Watchmakers' 1S14 Capital Area. PHOTOGRAPHERS ' STBW X.O CATIOB WX AD BXAO. lstk aal Varaaaa PHOTOGRAPHERS 107 SOVTH 16th STREET , MILLINERY RILEY SISTERS Exclusive Millinery 517 feoVTH 16th STREET . " OMAHA DKNTiaTRY 3", MATTHEWS OBIGIBAZf BAXBXBBB BBBYZaTC Zjarroat aad Blaaat Boatal OlfUo ' Weat of Okloago Suit 4. Bushman Blk.. Uth aad Doag. HAIR STORE SEE MONHEIT'S Bzoxvsrra xaxb btobb Pr T.rythlg U Maur Oeoda, Bait Work, Bel Dreoatag, Bwitehoa, wigs and Tepeaa.' 111 TAB AM O BLAB A, STBB. TaUpnoaa Xtonglaa S3. OPTfClANS G?Tha H. J. PenfoliCo.' rouow soTBsmno optxoxavs Sao Oa Bow Torto IVoaaaa 1408 Vmmun Bt. OnuUia, Neh. OUto Oil, Candy, Mineral Waters. Imported OUvo Oil Btroot from Italy $1.26 par gallon. Special prloes to dealera AgeiiU Tor HuyWo flae caoidlea. Fresh dally. Agents for White Rook Mineral Water and Mountain Valiay watar. ' Btyara-BUlon Brag- Oe. lath and JTexnfcm. Enarlnver sat Mfar. MaehlaUt. t. UELCHIGR'S MACHiXE Mm JCABTrPAOrtrarra mjtm bb- PAXBXB4 OP AXOL BXBBS ' or HAOsmraaT Broottaa; 'and OoaaaltlaaT Bnglaaoas N. 1C Cor 11th and Howard St., Omaha. WAGOTT BUILDERS UDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Duilqero OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS WLLaoa Bttbami h.sii.m n at Tnkalar tha U ri sx niowi n d sad ftna faaaa, i r A I S Sanaa and areetan F ) V fVvi ? T SraaainB I y I 'Ml $ FTf"t "tJ tadBe tHcrtSanaal in rniiinh in i , IffcV anasatd Faetory Itth and Pteroe Sta Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES JOSEPH It LXtIMEi Baadraarhara for BaJ Wnj Bleaarloal - Aiailwwy, tlaaai aaA hUii AurpiA . Frowpt fi I. at ane Bamni '.mn isi PAJtiiAu nrctrr ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES. ETC J. R. KENNEDY vrrurs aA aucPAiBino Paajrma ssaf. 304 B. xsth at. considered1 by prospective investors and homeseekers. Here are the 1905 figures of those subjects: Debt. .192.00 . BO S? . 65.89 . 7.00 Providence . 6t Paul.... Rochester . Kansaa City Omaha citizens find little complaint with the fire and police protection afforded, yet the expense for this service Is below that of almost every other city in the country.. These tables show the per capita cost of fire and police service: Police. . .$0.96 .. 0.96 .. .li .. 1.06 . . 1.60 .. 1.84 Minneapolis Indianapolis Provldonce . Ht. Paul.... Rochester . . Kanaaa City The number of used for purposes Police men. ,...244 ....252 ...334 ...217 ,...361 Minneapolis . Indlanapolle Providence . . St. Paul Kansaa City. Omaha'a pride In its educational system Is justified by the returns. The olty makes liberal appropriations for school purposes and that the amount Is Judiciously expend ed Is shown by the comparison with other cities. The per capita cost of operation and maintenance of schools In a flute n cities of the Omaha class for 1905 was aa follows: Denver $8,462,951 Columbus, O. .... 9,012,300 Los Anarelea. . .'. ... 6,840,661 Worcester 9,264,331 Omaha S.om.lOS Now Haven 8,658,644 Syracuse 6,093,117 Aiinneapolls Indianapolis .Providence Bt Paul Rochester kansaa City.. rates are always PLUMBING SANITARY PLUMBING T. F. DALFE nvvBZBo, bot wTna An STEAK BBATXBO Oaa aad Bleotrio Fixtures BapaU Wort a Specialty Tal.XXmc. T43. ' MoT Soward M. CLEANING AND PLEATING PleatingAir Kinds :DYINQ AND CLEANING.. M : RUCHTNTJS, BUTTONS, ETC. Geod for price list and aamplea IDEAL PLEATINQ CO. SOI Dongiaa Block, Omaha, Bab. CORNICE WORKS Ooratoo Bat. lUttu teal Oalllaga . B. Id OABTBB ' XBBT SCBTAX. - WOBBB rtaiala, Masai AVoottrur, Taaka, SJkys. lighta, Chaat WataL Txra Proof WtB dowa. Xnuva Btoek of Btotal OelUaf 171ft-10-l2-34 SC Marys Avenuo TeL Doug. 601. Omaha. ELECTRIC SIGNS TAB VB FOB ELECTRIC SIGNS Dajfu Electric Light & Power Co. tbxj. BotroxAB leas. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Cu sad Electric Flxtsres WttoiaoaU anal KotaU BDHCESSAKBE CO. bi t. isai si. GAS WATER. HEATERS Why heat up yoar eoal'raaga lust to hoat water whan a Oaa Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath In a few aodnutaa. Wa aeU them. ' OMAHA GAO CO. STFEI, ENOW A VINO,- PRINTING. JETO KOTERA (SL COMPANY Staal and Coppar Plat En g rawing , mboaaing and Printing 1101 Jacktsa SL, (haAaa, Mas. ENGRAVING ' - - HALF-TONE ti 2IKC ETCHERS ENGRAVING ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER fTaakssie aal Ictall Dtakr ta FEED FOR ANIMALS . JoL Dowalaa 1143 SOt-S-S-7-9-11 N. 16th Sc. Onnaha FEED POR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Whaaaaala Slay, Braa. Oata, Feed Btn OBADkaj OF CX3AL , Offloa, Oaal Yard and Bcata BUvaAag TaL 141L . 1IM NKknns St. WHOLESALE SHOES Hayward Bros. Shoo Co.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAR SLAB FBOTBST BBST . BY TAST. OMAHA, : r : NEBRASKA MOVING AND STORAGE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. MoT-aa. Packa and Btavea Household Debt. .188.00 . 71.42 . 65 a . 66.97 . 68.03 Tax. $12.49 16.80 14.90 11.89 14.29 Columbua . . Worceeter . Lo Angeles Omaha Syracuse . . Fire. $1.42 1.73 1.98 1.19 1.88 1.48 Polloe. Denver $1.40 Fire. $1.36 1.47 1.62 1.1S 1.43 1.71 Columhu , l.ws . 1.27 . 0.89 . 1.80 . 1.31 Worceater Omaha New Haven Syracuse . policemen and firemen in the cities of comparison is as follows: Fire men. 352 245 280 227 247 Polloe- Fire men, men. Denver '..184 159 Columbus .......167 199 I..OS Angeles 216 183 Omaha ,. . 94 ' 122 New Haven. .168 186 (Syracuse 139 160 $4.87 4.07 4.70 8.90 8.80 6.77 Denver . . . Columbus . Worcester . Omaha .... New Haven ,.$7.02 . 4.49 . . 6.66 ,. 4.77 4.44 Syracuse , "4.67 BUSINESS BROKERS. Do you want to aeU or buy any bualneas Wa do tha work oulck. Also exohanga your store for land, or land for bualnasa Wa handle Fame, City Baal Batata, Batala, Leans and Xaaaraaoe. Let . ua have your patrons re. SIIXDBXTK B MWHUT, 610 Bee Blag. Omnlia, Neb. DESIGNERS. L2$ ua DRAW you a DRAWING thai Will DRAW you trade. R. O! BT7BBEX.Z. B CO, Commercial Artists i 822 N. Y. Life Douglas 614 BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders WUl Band Tomr Borne for Yoa aaa ... Xjot Yoa Pay to it Like Boat Si-30 v. m. BATxoar ax babk bxo0). Fhoaa Boaar. 603 ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT. Wa are sola ramts f e owo Bros. Blah -tod Falnta aad B. K. JaX-Caa, . B S. Srokota and a oomtplata Uaa of Yaralah Vi . Call or' write for ftolor- card. Krni4XUn Snur Oa lath and Farm am. 14l Xaraay. SIGN PAINTING. S. fl. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS' o Bvery Boaorlptloai XSOS Daaglaa St. TaL Bong-. S81S FURNACES. AMERICAN FURNACE BtnXT X.IXB A BOXXBB OT.T1AB7, DTTaABLI, BCOBTUaQCAZ, W. S. HEATON 1ST8 So. SAth St. Thoao Wab. 808. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. OF OMAHA 5th and Hirney PRINTING. Good Printing No Job too small. Mo Job too large And the aajna oa-pefnl attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth and remain trta. PRINTING. wimm I PRINTTNG. -Have Root Print If 1 11 0-1 SIS Haw era gfc Omaha. Nabraaks, Talaphena Donglaa 1604 PRINTING. Alaart Klmnief BNELXi FRINTIJiO OO. . FABTIOTTLAB FBXVTBBS SIS Soath lath BL, Omaha, VaK Talephoao Donglaa 7e4 OOXOB WOBX .a. BMBOSSXBO PRINTING. toiitaOon TypawTlttaa LUet. FvtatUHr, Bo to Toa Xrgo oa ed biaaU, uar , Fauosa stzoxv rCBLXSUXXO CO. SOB hu. iata Bt. TaL Doug. 390 PRINTING. COSTXBBRTAX. FBIBT BBOF ALL. WORK 0004 aa tha Beat Got our oatlmatea and save money. Talophono Doaglaa 400. Boom 81 V. B. Bail Bank Bonding, I . - I I AtAAKAAXA, FRIXTUTO. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB (XI BBtV BOOBTKBS SOB tOCa BCHtntiad WB htaaa aaa FAaaaog. kdtx) KANOUM A CO. Tax. $16.40 10.4 11.60 15.63 S'anuua St. XaL Bona-. Sa7 SKimer H. Chuse Co.1 BBAX. BSTATB, XBYBSTXBBTtV BBBTAXB, XBBTTBABOB VXUDBBB OP MODUS BOVSBS Omaha, Behraaka. REAL ESTATE. ' WMOBT. J. B. BTTMOBT. J. H. DUMONT & SON BBBTAXS, X.OAB8, rZAX IB8UBABOB , S0S PABBAK STBBBT, Tel. Douglas S90. OMAXA. REAL ESTATE. Payne Investment Co. CITY BBAX BSTATB, XeOABB ABB BBBTALS, X.AJTD8 ABB BABOBUBfl "The "Alfalfa Band Maa" Maia Floor, N. T. L. Bld. Omaha. REAL INSTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BBAX BSTATB, X.OAKS, XBBtTBAKCH, BXBTAXS SOS Pint Batloaal Bank Bull ding, Vat. Bona-, raa. omaxa, bbb. REAL ESTATE. $2850 WILL BUY. 8-room modern honae and barn aad foil aaat front lot, near Xanacom Park. Annual rental A360. T21T CHEAP. JOHN W. ROBBIN8 1S0S Parnam Tel. Dous. SSS REAL KSTATB. D. V. SIIOIXS CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOABB OT TBAOB TaL Bonglaa 48. REAL ESTATE. Bonis Berka Chaa. StaSgai DERKA O CO. BBAX, BSTATB Olty Property, Farm Stands, Xoaaa, Xavartmeatfl and Fire Xnsaraao Of floe: tit N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL Donglaa 747. REAL ESTATE. CAXX, FOB OtTB PXAT OF ' WEST FARNAM LOTS 81,900 to gLSOO BaeB Harrisott & Morton 818 ST. T. Blfo TeL Boa Bid REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS 1,004,000 TO X.OAB on improved olty property. If dealred loana can be cloned without delay. ' W. H. THOMAS, BOB FXBST BATIOBAT. BABTC BX.BO, REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET SIS Bow York Ufa Balldin Bulldsr of Mich Claaa Rsaldanews Seraral Vow Boadr at S3rd and Barney (Fnrnam Hill L-lstricl) Sao Thorn Today REAL ESTATE. GEORGE & CO. KaalEatata ' Ahatraots of TrOa lavaatsaaad SoourlUoa 1601 Famam Si. Omaha. Nab . REAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Mala Floor, W. Y. Xafo Bids', MORTGAGE LOINS. REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, INSIRAMCE REAL E4TATE. GARVIN OROS. Buy and aell SVKAX, KSTATB. Oolloot Baata. Bent Property, Menay an Baal Batata. 104 REAL ESTATE. BIRKETT & TEBBENS BB1L BSTATB. BPBCIAX. ATTBBT. TlOIf TO CABB OP PKOrXBTUi. IBSVBABCB, BBBTTAL8 ABO laVBTMWTS 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phono Doug. 47M. REAL ESTATE.' Cshc UsJ and La vestment Co. Baal Batata aad Xarastmaata aavd Bnh Land For Bala oc aaaaa. '308 Bo. tSth St. TeL Boag. 6862 REAL ESTATE. O-Room House satk. Cat Crtlt aad a Csraer, 11.100 ' Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 123 TaL Dong-. 418 , REAL ESTATE. . TIIE MCA0UE INVESTMENT 00. BBAX. BSTATB, LOANS ABB XB8UBABCB 1606 Dodga St. TeL Dong. 41S REAL ESTATE. T08 B. S4th SL, Baw 7-Boom Xoaae, S. B. Front, Oonui Lot, 88,800 1 SoOO Oaah, SSS Fob Koath. - J. W. RASP 00 SSS BrAAdei Bldg-. Donglaa li 5. BBAL VSTATn. -.tA- TAr. IMPOSE rnr i ezj n rnf; m - O Bil-O"" HOME BUILDER All work nisi-rlBBS, will draft your plans without eatra esnenee, let ua ahow you some of our bulldtnga now under construction. - 0. P. TRAVER. 1B94 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE. CHEAP IDAHO LAND ?nhrt,V. 1!.s noo?e'" f Irrigated land in the Inper bnako Klver Vall.v. ,If Interestea call or write tor "terms, fcxeursiona every l.t A 3 Tuesday . W. . FBABK . t Phono Dong, aeoo am VotUIo Blk. 'HEAL ESTATE. O'Keefe Heal Etta e Co. CITY BBAX, BSTATB ABD FABJS USDS. IKStTBAMCD, BBBTAXS ABD X.0AB8. 1001 N. Y. Ufo Bldg. Omaha, REAL. ESTATE. H. B. Payne, B. P. Bostwick. K. M. Slater PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft OOMPAWY TJJ' VSTATB, BBWTAtS CITY XiOABB, XBSUBVABOa MaU Floor W. Y. Life aid. Telephone Douglas 1016. REAL ESTATE. Russel & McKitrick Co. 433-33-34 Bamga Bldg, 15th aj Barney Choice building lot, $10 cash, $S per month. Good cottawY-vbomes $25 cash, $10 per montru Modern homes I I 0 it raah ft') A nna mA.n u - REAL ESTATE. V. Fsrnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate, fentils , acd Fire Insurarcca lSSS F ABB AMI BT. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. InTeslmftt, Re a. I Estate, CoflUls, Horfie Loans INSVRANCS M. J. KENNARO a CO. , S0S.S1Q Brown Bloofc. REAL ESTATE. Baal Batata . Aaaraot of laaatanaa Vltloa IVoaaa Boataia Tha Byron Reed Coinpkny BTA MSB Btraoa REAL ESTATE. . DEN SON CX MYERS SIS H. T. Ufa Bids, ON Alt A " Spaclal attaotion given to "prop erty for out-of-town clianta. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS BRENNAN Firat Floor How York Ltfe Bldg. Make, a apoctalty of handling property .wnnu srj naura paruaa, ana nan ex- erty on hie books. ttmt awty Ote Uwnal Ca l Wit B at hrtanfl REAL ESTATBJ. BENSON QL CARMICUAEL Real Estate, Cars f Pr per tits, Iosaraires, Loans 848 FAXTOV BX4X7X. OBLbJKA. REAL BSTATB. - WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance TeL Doug-las 132 -504 Sonth Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. If yoa want ta bay or anil Improved olty proper t J J Im proved farm property; unim proved land, aaa a Caa Pit Yea Oafl REAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM rH0USE , Walking distance, on car' Una, , renin at $35.00 COKA per month, for OU National Investment Co. Phone Donglaa SBB1. Xooglaa Blook. ABSTR tOTORS. S. Til SADLER & SON Abstractor and Tit la ExamlfiarB) y .. Warn LacaSaa M Soath IttaL ABSTR At'T OF TITLES. NEALE & NORTON. ABSTBAOTB OF TIT LB Fwonty Years Bzperlenoo la Omaha. SIS Soath Seventeenth! SHToet, Boo BuUdlng ABSTRAOTOKS. MIdlacdGoarEstes TruslCo. Xaaorponated UW . , Abstract ef TUIfl. Tlt!a lasuraocs 1714 Bt, TaL Dong. MS ABSTRACTORS. mm ABSTRACT COa 17ft raraaa ftrtat, aauaa, Kai, . ABBTRAOTS OF TITLES. t it V I A4 laa aa. lata '-r Lea