Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14

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Local Dealing: ii Quiet, but Dealer
in Good Spirit!.
n n n
Cany Omahani Finds Safe Xlace for
Money in Building.'
Waterproof Preparation Perfected la
CrrnaiT Piomlm te Become
Popmlar Her lloae
If come of the eastern financial plungers
f ho are now laid to be terrified by the
ecent happenings In the money world
nuld come to Omaha and have a look
tbout the city and have a talk with the
ontractora, builder and architects and
rlth the people who are groin right ahead
nilMIng homes, they would both be
nacnd and probably have their confidence
stored. They would probably turn over
' new leaf, buy a little lot In Omaha,
ruild a house thereon and live happily
ser afterward, walking: In the virtuous
laths which lead to prosperity, secure and
table. In the rich west.
"I have taken contracts for new housos
hiring; the last week," said a contractor
rho does a moderate business. "The men
rant the houses put up thU winter and I
let a bonus If I have them completed be
bre a certain date. One la a flat and the
ther three are dwelling's to cost from
1,000 to IS.500. These people have the
noney In the bank and Igret paid as fast
I do the work. There Isn't a bit of
nortgage In the buildings. Rlirht there is
tie feature of the present situation. Peo
ple are not building houses on the Install
nen plan so much, nor are they borrowing
noney to do It Those who are lrttlng new
ontracts are people who have been Saving
ip their coin for this very purpose. They
eel sure that their savings will be secure
n Omaha property and are putting them
0 this purpose as rapidly as possible.. And
1 guess they are wise In doing so. Prop
irty can't abscond, and If you have It
Id for and Insured, It Is absolutely safe
md yon need not worry, no matter how
iwry affairs may be In the financial world
t you own your own house, moreover,
u can give the proud landlord the Icy
tare and likewise the cold shoulder. These
ire a few reasons why the house building
a Omaha has been doing business and will
lontlnuo doing business at the old stand In
n my opinion, even if the money flurry
hould get much worse than It now prom
sea to be."
That houses with an exterior finish of
Banter will become more and more com
non In this part of the country Is the
iplnlon of more than one experienced
hnaha builder. Plaster is becoming
tieaper. while lumber is going up, and a
' oo quality of stone cannot be secured
lose enough to. make If eligible to a place
' a building material In Omaha. In
Europe plaster Is an exterior finish for
louses has been used for years and Is
Ktenslvely apparent today. A water
troof preparation has been perfected In
lermany which removes one objection to
tlastcr, which was that In a driving rain
k sometimes allowed water to seep through
md rot the timber studding.
The method of applying the exterior plas
er most approved by experienced users of
his substance consists In covering the
beathlng boards with waterproof roofing
per, which costs less than 1 cent a
quare foot. Over this is nailed wire lath,
trips of wood being used to keep it away
rom the paper somewhat, so as to give a
llnglng space for the plaster. The plaster
l applied in , three coats, first a brown
nortar coat, guaged with 20 per cent of
cment mortar and containing plenty or
air or fiber. After this has dried the
econd coat, made of cement and lime, is
njt on, and then the finishing- coat, con
alntng coarse sand and fine gravel for the
ugh cast surface. The laBt coat can be
Inted with) colored sand or a little mineral
olorlng matter.
This type of material, used with the half
Imbered Btyle, makes a very pretty effect
ind sets off the plainness of the plaster,
rhlch Is not to the taste of some people,
bough to others it Is charming in useu.
A hardware dealer reports a notably in
reused demand for fancy knockers in bills
hardware for new Omaha houses." There
I an atmosphere of solld1ty about an
rtlstlo knocker that sets oft to advantage
I house that Is finished along tasty sub
tantial lines. Moreover, the knocker haa
a air of the old-fashioned about it 'and
rids a touch of "the good old days" of
ur forefathers. A knocker, aside from its
rnamental value, has a usefulness not
assessed by the bell. It never gets out
if order as a bell may and it haa no bat
srles to run down or weaken and wear out
an electrical bell has. The knockers are
Bade In all designs from quaint old Me
tuaa beads to Dianas, Hons, eagles ram
jant and plain designs.
Mistakes are sometimes made by Inex
"rieuced peraons in building the fireplaces
rhlch are coming into such favor again,"
aid a builder. "The people find that the
Ireplace smokes and is susceptible to
very vagrant breese that happens to blow
town it. The reason for this is a fault in
nstruotlon, a disregard of a fundamental
n and a principle well known to most
milder. The fireplace has not been pro
Wed with a proper throat' and smoke
belf. Some people have the Idea that the
Agger the chimney the better will be the
traft and they build the chimney large
md of the same siie throughout. The
hroat should be a tew inches above the
a-ch of the fireplace and should be com
laratlvely narrow. The part of the chlm
ley wall which Juts in to form the throat
I called the shelf and when a wind blows
' town it provides a shelr against tne breese
o that the smoke does not blew out into
be room."
"One of the most wasteful things about
t home Is ttit pipes leading from the steam
hot water plant to the living rooms,"
Ud i II. Brown, jr., manager ofthe
hnaha branch of Keaaley A Matttaon.
'People dor.'t grasp the economics of this
aroblem aa they should. They spend money
at securing what Is claimed to be the most
conomital method or system of beating
belr homes and then overlook the pipes,
hlch are of great Importance because of
be large surface they have exposed to the
ir. Half the trouble with refractory and
Unsatisfactory heating systems can be
raced to exposed iron pipes. The proper
uethod to remedy this la to cover them
rlth asbestos material made for the pur
KMte. This keeps the heat in and sends It
long and through the pipe to the up
lajrs rooms where It ta wanted. Home
pulldera sheuld take this Into eoasldera
lon." Eleotrlo wiring contract (or the new post
fflee building at Nebraska City has been
iwarded the American Eleotrlo oompany.
The electric fixture and wiring for O. E.
thukert, at Fifteenth, and Harney street,
rill be doue by the American Electric
eiectrto wiring cr.trot for the new
After an extensive study of the architec
ture of the principal buildings In some of
the larger cttle of Europe, John Latenser
has come back to America Impressed with
the artistic temperment of the Europeans
as expressed In their street and building.
The result Is In marked contrast to the
choaflo locations of structures In American
cities without any attempt to secure a gen
erally artistic effect. Mr. Latenser was
accompanied on his trip by Mrs. Latenser
and their two children. They visited Ber
lin, Zurich, MJlan, Rome, Maples, Venice,
Vienna and Paris. He stopped one day In
Stuttgart to visit once more the school of
architecture he attended twenty-five year
"Some of these cities I had known twenty-five
years ago," he said, "and I went
back expecting- again to admire and study
the beautiful old building and the de-:
velopment of the architectural styles of
the different periods and centuries, but to
my surprise I found the old cities rejuven
ated. Modern buildings occupied places of
central position, rivalling the best buildings
of former times.
"The group of buildings which Impressed
me most was that formed by the opera
house, the two museums, the empress'
palace, the Hofberg theater, the House of
Parliament and the Rlngstrasse In Vienna.
Each of these buildings has It own beau
tiful setting In green sod, flowers and
trees, but they all seem to blend together a
If some relation existed between theai. In
fact. Immense Importance Is given to the
setting of all public buildings. Artistic ap
proaches, foregrounds and parking are con
sidered a necessary part of them.
"The Louvre In Paris with the portion of
the Tullerle still remaining and forming
one complete building with the Tulleries'
gardens as a foreground Is an architectural
dream and the counterpart of Its grandeur
can only be found in the palace of Versa
illes. " 'After the deluge.' said the. magnificent
Louis when he constructed his kingly
palace at Versailles and he wa right; such
buildings as those could only be constructed
by the despotic king.
"The irroup of building which form the
setting for St. Marks' church at Venice
testifies to the regal entourage and. bearing
of the doges of the old republic. Palace
built four centuries apart during the exis
tence of the republic were made to har
monise and compliment each other.
"The Interior of St. Peter at Rome
show the work of the greatest painter
and the greatest architect of all times,
but the grandeur of the exterior Is some
what marred by the Immensity of the Vati
can standing close by.
"The Immense Pantheon takes you back
to the times before Christ, but it Is still a
perfect building, although It haa passed
through co'nflagatlons. which again and
again visited Rome In the centurle gone
by. One who walk through the ruin of
the coliseum and let his mind survey It
history can not help but be moved.
"But a I said modern work come for
It claim. A monument Is being erected In
Rome In memory of Victor Immanuel, the
estimated cost of which is 52,000,000 francs.
The Palace of Justice now being finished
in Rome will cost, without Interior dec
oration. 32,000.000 francs. Both of these
structures are Intendef to be monuments fit
for the Eternal City and all of the artlstlo
ability of Italy Is being brought into play
to make them worthy monument of the
present time. . .
"In all of the other cities visited modern
work play an Important role and an idea
of the growth of the cities can be had
when it Is remembered, for Instance, that
Berlin and Chicago in 186 had about the
same population and that Berlin now la
engine house at Twenty-fourth and Lake
etrrets has been awarded the American
Electric company.
Money Depression Results In Lower
Ins of Coat of Balld
Inir. WASHINGTON, Nov. 80. In an Inter
view Just given by Architect Fltxpatrlck
of Washington, the executive officer of the
Building Inspectors' society, an organisa
tion that keeps In closest touch with build
ing matter all over the country, that au
thority asserts that the present Is a most
opportune time for people to build. The
money stringency has developed some pe
culiar effects upon the building situation.
Just prior to the so-called panic everything
was at the highest, not only material but
labor. Wages were at the highest point
ever reached and the amount of work don
In a day was the lowest ever glvrn. Labor
was excedlngly Independent and the result
was that buildings cost anywhere from SO
to SO per cent more than they did a very
few year ago. Tightening of money has
cared people generally; manufacturers are
anxious to get rid of their stock and get
some money in and are making low price
on materials, and -while wage have not
been reduced to any great extent men are
desirous of "holding their Jobs" and are
rendering Immeasurably better service. It
Is only a question of a little time when
conditions will have eased up and labor
and materials will be at the same old high
priced standard. ,
Unmistakably the people have had a stiff
enough dose of stock depreciation and have
seen the folly of trying to make big re
turns by stock gambling. Mora and mora
in Europe
very much larger than Chicago. And all
of tho other cities I visited have grown
In similar porportlon.
"'"Generally apeaking, buildings are not
high. I do not remember having seen a
building of more than sit stories, but the
buildings are made to harmonise with each
other and no building Is permitted to be
conspicuous among It neighbor by having
more stories. t
"Not only are the building limited In
height, but their architecture Is made to
conform to the architecture or . scheme
established for a certain street, boulevard
or avenue. In other words. European
cities undertake to control the esthetic
feature of the Individual building, con
sequently of the whole city. With us here
in the United States no such attempt haa
ever been made. Our municipal government
means to control only the safety and possi
bly the sanitary features of the buildings.
"A new - hotel Is being constructed In
Vienna of Immense dlmennjons and In spite
of all the efforts of the proprietor, the
municipal government would not permit
even the addition of a roof garden with a
covering In addition to the . established
height of the buildings on that particular
'The result Is that after one haa seen
the symmetrical, harmonious and well
balanced avenues, boulevards and squares
of Europe the Irregular choatlo appearance
of a street In New Tork, for Instance,
makes It appear as If the taller and more
gigantic building were selfishly destroy
ing and minimising their smaller neigh
bors. And when one finds a twenty or
twenty-flve-story building over-towering a
beautiful church,' spire and all, one cannot
help thinking that the eternal fitness of
things has been violated, that there is no
harmony, symmetry or sympathy In such
street architecture, but that ' it simply
means each one for Itself and never mind
the hindmost.
"Whatever criticism we might express
of European cities andthelr way of doing
things we can find ho fault in matters
artistic. The artistic temperment prevail.
"Wherever you go the artist Is honored.
They wjll mention the name of the archi
tect, the sculptor, the painter who helped
In the creation of a magnificent building or
monument, but they never mention the
man who put up the money. -
"The most conspicuous modern building
In Paris today is probably the Orand Opera
house, the site for which alone cost S2,
000,000 francs. The architect, Mr. Oarnler,
died a few years ago. A monument to his
memory, which I estimated has cost at
least 260.000 francs has already been erected
in front of the opera house, his bust crown
ing the monument. At the foot are figures
Indicating the liberal, industrial and fine
arts, etc. On the shaft I Inlaid with gold
lines, the plan of the entire opera house.
"I came near forgetting to apeak about
the monument of Lafayette, one of the
heroes of our war of liberation. A you
know, the location for this monument,
elected by the French government, 1 the
most prominent In the court pf the Louvre,
facing the Tullerle gardens. Tou remem
ber the money for this monument was to
be contributed In part by the children of
the United States and the monument wa
to be a gift to Prance in acknowledge
ment of the magnificent gift of France to
the United State of the Goddess of Liberty
In the harbor of New York.
"The pedestal for the Lafayette statue
was built of American granite and has been
completed. It is about fifteen feet In height,
but the statue on top of the pedestal Is
missing. The statue wa there, but It was
of plaster of pari and gilt and It haa
since disintegrated so that nothing re
mains of It. The French government has
kindly removed the remnants."
will It be brought home to them that real
estate and building constitute Infinitely
I safer Investment and it will not be long
Deiore we win nave Doom time again in
building. The men who are far-sighted
enough and have acquired wisdom are the
one who will close up contracts and
"cinch" their building operations and get
started at once. Those who want to wait
and see and postpone building contem
plated structures for, a year or so will pay
the penalty In a greatly Increased, en
forced expenditure.
To build now would be wise and to build
well at all times I wiser still. The safest
and most reasonable Investment In build
ing Is a structure that cannot be de
stroyed or even damaged materially by
fire, a thoroughly fireproof building. And
a thoroughly fireproof building la one
whose frame I of steel, whose outer walls
are of brick and terra-cot t. whose floors
and partition are of brick or hollow tilo,
or concrete, protected with tile, whose sev
eral stories are separated and constltuto
distinct units; whose windows, ' protected
against external attack, keep fire out, and
whose entire construction 1 thoroughly
and sensibly executed. To all sensible In
vestors I should say, "Build now and
build well."
The Gypsy's Cnree.
Friday Is the weekly fraud; everything
goes wapper-Jawed, and the sollorrnan who
sails finds himself food for whales, and
the man who killed a friend on a Friday
meets his end; on a Friday trade Is slack,
all the trains run off the track; William
Doe, to his amaze, draws 110 and ten days;
brickbat fall from buildings hlgli, break
your neck and make you cry; fevers. Ares
and frosts abound, earthuakea come and
atiort around; Old Subscriber, in a pet,
comes to swear at the Gasette; everyone
la feeling blue, everything is hind-end to;
yet some comfort we may seek: Friday
cornea but once a week. &mporla Gaactte.
;l )t II f ttf 1 1 if
-.. , r , ... .... , ;, ......
w.y ,- ,-:rN:..
Omaha Expert Thinks Inftaa tat
City Will More Than Fill tha
Neve Ftvo and Six-Room
Cot taares.
Despite the ' spirit of Omaha real estate
men, who have been tightly bravely for n
month, to prevent a surrender to the pre
sent conditions, the real estate rltuatlon In
Omaha Is quiet. A few of tho firms which
say so are F. D. Wjai1, Byron Reed com
pany, A. P. Tukey A Son, Reed Bro.,
Payne A Bostwlck, Harrison A Morton,
D. V. Sholes company and R. C. Peter at
Co. All of these , firms are doing
some business, but it Is far from what it
was Just thirty day ago, when the bank
suspended full cash payment and decided
to extend the chtk system.
While hundreds of the much needed "five
or Blx-room" cottages are being erected In
Omaha, the demand for such home I o
great that the rent will not be reduced
because of the number. Th! 1 the opin
ion of ex-President Bostwick of the Omaha
Real Estate exchange.
"People are coming to Omaha so fast
that the houses are rented or sold almost
before the first brick Is laid," said Mr.
Bostwlck. "I have seen scores . of the
home erected within the last year and
every one la supplied with a tenant. 1
believe they would be kept full by the
.jrfjw families coming to the city, without
a single native moving. As long as tnta
Is true, the rent will not be less. 1 believe
It will hold steady and do not see a single
chance for a reduction."
It la estimated that the building for the
year will total more than 11,500.000. Not a
small part of this Immense fortune has
been devoted to the building of small
Making landscape that will be market
able city property, is not always easy
work. The McCague Investment company
own a tract on Thirteenth street, which
it proposes to make attractive by moving
20,000 cubic yards of earth. The D. V.
Sholes company has let a contract for the
moving of some 60,000 cubic yard In the
Crelghton First addition. The McCague
work is In the Mid-City addition In Clon
tarf. r
Of all the real estate which seems to be
most in . demand by outside buyers, the
South Dakota farm and the ' lands be
neath the Irrigation ditch In the North
Platte valley, are the first choice, accord
ing to J. H. Osborne of the Osborne-Hanson
company, who ha Just returned from
a trip through the west. Mr. Osborne says
the number who are looking at farm lands
is not lees than In other year, and he
believe the "city buyer" of farm land
have Increased lnce last year.
North Seventeenth street, from Mander
son to Ames avenue, I an addition to the
city now appreciated. A year ago the lot
were vacant north of Mandemon except
for three house. Within a year, cement
sidewalks have gone in. from Mandorson
to Ames avenue, and a continuous line
ot'beautlful cottages mark the ltes where
a year, ago there wa promise of a rail
road track or terminal elevator If the lar.d
was really ever occupied. Nearly every
home ha been erected by the owner, who
Is making It his home.
Looking back over twenty year Ooorge
P. Bemls remarked recently that h did not
see where the tendency of Omaha real
estate was to do other than advance, and
that it should double on property within
the same time. Twenty years ago in No
vember, Mr. Bemla advertised some of the
following lots in The Bee. Today they, are
worth much more money:
FOR SALE Lot on Cuming and Burt
streets, near 30th. $1,200 to 3,000 each.
Lots In Lowe' addition, i00 to 1600 each;
very easy terms.
Lot on Seward st. near 31st. IIMo.
t lots, 10 feet south front)' on Hamilton
t., near Poor Claire convent, $1,700.
180 feet west front, on 24th st, near Far
nam. $125 per foot.
Corner .lot on Burt st. near Lowe ave.,
65 feet 8. front, $700. Easy terms.
Lot on Virginia ave., near Leavenworth
St.. $2,000.
I acres In West Omaha. $8,000.
Lot on Howard St.. (66x132 feet). $24,000.
Corner, 44x132, on Harney st, $20,000.
Corner lot on Seward at, S block from
Poor Claire convent, $750; easy terms.
44 feet east front on S. 18th st, $4,S00.
126 feet east front on 8. 13tn st, $11,000.
Four-story and baacment brick store, 30
feet front on Harney st, $30,000.
I houses and lots on Farnam, near 26th at,
ao"th front, $4,500.
House of 1 rooms, lot 60x127 feet, on Saun
ders, near Cuming, $6,200.
House of I rooms, cistern, etc., lot 45Hx
182. on S. 17th st. $1,800; monthly payments.
80 acres, 4 miles west of city, $100 per
Lots In South Omaha, $400 to $750.
Lot 22x120. on Dodge, near 12th st. $4,800.
Lot In Cortlandt Mace, $3,000, one block
from Bt Mary's ave.
House, and full lot on Hamilton St., near
26th, $3,500.
Only about SO per cent of the number
of people who went to Canada from the
United States are making the venture this
year, according to Omaha real estate deal
ers, who have been heavily Interested in
Canada lands. Despite x the fact that
Canada Is well developed, and the telephone
service I the equal of If not superior to
the rural lines of the United States, It is
not a popular country with the farmers
of the United States, and little by little the
number seeking homes there has dimin
ished. Financial conditions in western
i i c
i; -W.
Mantles, Grptoo, Fireplace Goods, Etc., Etc. ;1
I move Into new quarters January 1st, and offer my customers an
this line for the next two weeks.
Largo stock of up-to-dato Andirons, Firo Gets, Spark Guards, Etc.
A Sate Investment
Can be made with us at all
times whereby we can
make you 6. Our system
is by far the best and saf
est. We loan our money
only on 1st mortgages on
improved real, estate. Ab
solutely cannot lose our
depositor's money. We
would like to have you
call and have us explain
our plan of doing business.
Omaha Loan and
Building Ass'n.
G. W. Loomis, Pres.
O. M. Nattinger, Sec'y.
W. E. Adair, Ass 't Sec'y.
Gold and Silver Plating
Table Ware, Oaa Fixture, Bras
Bed and Jewelry Beplated a Mew
OMAHA riATuro oo.
Sellable Gold and BllTer Plater
Established 1898 1930 Harney Bt.
Canada are said to be better than In the
United States, according; to recent arrival
from aero the border.
Commissioner Loelc Ileras Oirer Con
tractor ' to Patch Hole
la Road.
It required an hour or more of wrangling
for the county board to deqldo to fix the
hole in West Dodge street, which have
been complained of several time by people
living west of the city. The matter wa
taken up at a meeting of the road com
mittee and motion after motion relating to
the method of repairing the road was lost,
or, If passed, reconsidered and killed. I'.
was only after the board had spent moat
of the forenoon in debate, some of which
was heated, that a motion wa finally
passed, directing Chairman Ure of the road
committee and County Surveyor Beal to
employ E. D. Van Court to do the work
at a cost not to exceed 60 cent per lineal
The controversy was mainly between
Kennard, who wanted the board to employ
B. D. Van Court to do the work, and Ure,
who did not want the hands of the commit
tee tied by any provisions who wa to be
employed. Mr. Kennard declared Van
Court wa the only contractor who could
do the work satisfactorily and at once.
Ure declared If the board directed the em
ployment of any one contractor It would
be at the mercy of that contractor. After
one of the numerous motion had been,
put, Kennard tacked on an amendment
providing thajt Van Court be employed.
"I don't know why you are so anxious to
have Van Court do this work," said Ure.
"Tou have no right to make any such
insinuation," said Kennard, jumping to his
feet and striking the table with his fist.
"Tou know aa well as I do why. It's be
cause I want the work done right and at
"Well, If you are going to do It that way
I will pull out and let you appoint some
one else to work with the county engineer."
'That right," said Kennard, "make boy's
play of it. If you can't have your own way
don't play.'
"If boy' play for you to make a remark
like that," said Ure.
After thing had quloted down the board
wiped out everything It had done so far
ar.d ended the skirmishing by passing the
motion for the committee to employ Van
Court at not more than CO cent a foot.
Too lllah Priced for Compear to Af
ford Now, Snys Ed Dick,
"No, Mr. Everett Buckingham Is not go
ing to work for the Orient road," said
Kdward Dickinson, reneral managnr and
vice president of the Orient road and
former general manager of the Union Pa
cific. "Not that we would not like to have
Mr. Uurklnrham, but I know he has sev
eral offers for his sen-Ices which will psy
h'm more than 'we can afford to pay at
prcst-nt. It looks to me from what I can
learn that Mr. Buckingham will he general
nitmaircr of the Union atock yards at Seuth
On: a ha. When we get our line a little fur
ther along I would like to have several
"The Orlor.t road has no large financial
Institution back of It, but la being built
by tho people, and as a consequence we
have not had to" stop work during the last
few weeks when other roads have been
knocking off. It Is purely a people prop
osition, and we have already expended
over M5.00e.C0O In finding the way and In
cmanlzatlon and bu'ldlng. Today we have
built and In operation 738 miles of road
und by the first of the year will have 750
miles. In addition to that we have S50
mlUs graded and ready for rails. W have
fifty-five locomotives, 2,0(0 freight cars and
forty passenger coaches, and Friday I
pl&4 an order for 4,000 tons of rails.
"In Mexico we tap the 6fiy real timber
district In that country an! have already
delivered 460.0G0 tie for theMexlcan Cen
tral road. We ax compelled under gov
ernment requirement In Mexico to build
a certain number f mile t road each
wheat and grass lands in the beautiful Shell Creek val
ley, which I am offering for sale in small tracts at rea
sonable prices and on easy terms. Let me explain to you
how a working man can obtain a home of his own.
Railroad , fare $4.28 round trip only expense. I
take care of you. while there.
Come and hear the Platte Center Cornet Band, eat
dinner with John W. Mylet and see how we do things out '
in the corn belt.
Writ Mo at Platte Cantor at Any
Ca.n you afford to?
let someone else select ydur furnace the
most important furnishing of your hornet
Marvel Excelsior Furnaces
are being decided upon by many of Omaha's
most critical buyers. It will payi you to find
out why they prefer them.
Omaha. Stove Repair Works
Tel. OOO
Get Our Quotations Befor
Phone DovgUi 317
V W-jVvH'i-';V.i:ii
Stand Lamp Bargains
It will pay you to call upon us at once a fsw Lamps
-extra fine values for the price. Also
In all styles and designs.
w -? .
Eleotrlo Light
and fowr
year. We are now across the Sierra Madrl
moutains, a feat which waa considered lin
puselble when we started to build."
Ptper Cared Illceveabs.
A new and immediate remedy for hic
coughs mi discovered at the Hahnemann
hospital JPtldsy evening- by Ur. Peters, by
whom Georg-e McC'lelUn was cured of hlc
couKhe, which began two days before, by
means of a pinch of pepper. McClellan had
tried all kinds of remedies before aoinlng
to the hospital, but without avail. Two
hospitals were visited, but the treatment
he received was apparently as llttie good
aa the drug Us had taken at heme. Ua
- - 30 9
SOUTH 17th ST. J,
Platte Center,
SAY, are you going
to Flatte Center next
Sunday, Dec. 8th?
I am going to run an
excursion on that day
for the purpose of show
ing you my fine corn,
120G-8 Douglas St.
Placing Order Elsewhere.
, 1805 Farnam Si
-m i
Your Heater
Needs Inspection by an expert now, be
fore you build a fire In It. Hy taking
this precaution now, you won't have to
draw the fire some COLD day when the
trouble comes. We have experienced
workmen, thoroughly posted, steam and
hot water work. They make careful In
spection and do all necessary repairs.
The work Is right bo Is the price. .
J. C. Bixby & Son Co.
Douglas 840:1.
SS S. 10th St.
x1- J
sr .1 mn...i. w y " (
E. J. Gillespi
Electric C3u
1405 Jackson St. Vi
fnon Douglas f J
mt , ii
booame weaker end weaker end rould n t
eator sleep. It was In this condition that
he Appeared at the Hahnemann hospital the
other evening.
"Here la something- that you never tried,"
said Dr. Peters. He gave the man a pinch
of pepper. The man waa hiccoughing vio
lently at the time, but managed to inhale
the stimulant. Tears came from his ces
as he did, and he kxird violently. He
sneeced again and when he was tliraugl.
sneezing the hiccoughs were gone. Phila
delphia, Inquirer.
When you have anything to sell adrei
Use It ta The Bee wast ad column.