7 Quality Counts Most ii Our Special Sale Offering Prices Although the Lowest ixre Secondary Considerations TTIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER HO. 1007 Five Dig Bargains in Men's Furnishings Saturday Not from the Jobbing Houses, but from the Mills and Manufacturers where the Jobbers buy their goods. We are jobbers in these lines and for that reason can retail at less than regular jobbing prices. 98c a $1.50 Men's Dreas Shlrta In - fine madras, newest colors and patterns for fall and winter, soft or pleated bosoms, cuffs attached or detached and worth up to 2. 80; on sale, In two lots..., Men's Hear Flannel Shirts A great lot of over 60 dosen garments, in blues, trraya or tans, snide or double breasted styles, spleadld garments, worth regularly to $2. GO. Men's Camel's Hair Under wear Shirts and drawers, In grays, tans or scarlets, single or double breasted shirts, worth regularly to 12.00 per garment; on sale 'at, garment. $1.26, 98c n .... 60 Men's Fancy Rnnpendera and Neckwear . Suspenders put up In Individual boxes. Ties In all styles, made of fine silk and worth to 60c. All go at one prloe, your Men's Work Gloves and Mitten, 6trlctly fire and water proof, made from finest quality horse hide, worth regularly up to fl.,60, lined or unllned, on sale, at, choice 59 This lot lacludea gauntlet or short gloyes. choice 15J Men's and Boys Sweaters Extra quality heavy weight, wool and cotton Sweaters, plain and fancy colors, in all sizes, many In neck coat style rarues up to $3.00 on sale In three lots. Saturday, at .. 4969HS 50 $8 Trimmed Hats Saturday, 2 Over 200 stylish trimmed hats, selected from our immense stock, values up to $8.00; on sale Saturday in one lot, to J3fiy Trimmed hats, worth to $3.50, Tvfax A tii.inv silt vrvl in hlnnlr nd colors included, on Bale Saturday at 81.00 Fancy Feathers and Wings Great assortment to select from, worth regularly to $1 .00, t-hoice 19c Felt Shapes An immense line secured from a prominent jobber for cash, on sale at, choice 5c Our entire stock of Beautiful Millinery at Greatly Re duced Prices Saturday. Every hat marked in plain figures. Interesting Specials ir Saturday's Setting the Box Fancy uuchlngs, 6-ln. box, at per box 194 ISc pure linen Handkerch'fs 10c pure linen Handkerchiefs. 5 II. CO Ladles Neck Ruffs .$100 5. XJ'T VI n n ffiNfiwmf IT V$m W'Cifll THE RELIABLE. OTORG. Saturday Shoe Bargains. See them Ladies' Hosiery Specials Ladles' Embroidered Lisle nn, In gsie or medium welfht, Including Wayne Knit r.oods. In plain b ack or with white sole. 60c ahd 69c quality, on sale at 35. S pr. for Sl.OO 8Sc Embroidered Lisle er Heavy rtee e IJtirtl Hose, plain or ribbed, on sale tt, rlr 10? J0 Hoee Ladies' flece lined as.il rliil dren's fine and heary jibbed, souje with white sole, on sale at pair. .124 2fle and 88c Children's Weol Hose, on ttre, Saturday, pair 15 $l.r Inre Silk Hose, all color,. In clining black, complete range of s!, at, pair GOt Ladles' Silk Embroidered and Allover Hone Newest tattaras en sale In two lots, at... Ladies' Underwear , Four Dig Specials Saturday a:if5l m Lac lea' Wool Ionian Snlta, worth to 3.00, grays only, all slrea, at $150 1: dies' Vnioa, Suite, part wool or beary fleeced, at 8 8c. 7 Re. ,49 lilies Wool Vest and rant, wor'h to $1.60 garment, In Sat urday's saie 75 I,adle' Yerte and rants, silk and wool mixed garments, worth double, Saturday's price... f)8e Children's t'nlon 1 Suit, heavy fleecd, snap at 49c and. . -39 Children's Veeta and Panto, heavy fleeced, rreat values at sale price 25 Children's Wool Veats and I'anl.i, heavy quality, at garment. .49 1 Men's box calf, valour calf, gon metal and rid kid bluchers, sewed with the best qtnllty of threads, on the Good year welt machine a regular 1 8.60 82.50 Men's box calf, vfel kid and kangareo calf, fer either dress or work shoes, worth up to IJ.00 a pair.. f,1.0S A young women's school shoe, lew heel, good, alum? vicl kid, on the newest lest, blucher rut, worth and sold ehiewhere at $2.26... $1.50 Woiaen's Goodyear welt and Mckay twei bluoher and lace shoes, oeaMy Ml sixes, worth 13.00 .. l,9g Qlld'B band turn, gund. plump Oongoia stock a $1.00 value, alzee 6 to S, at 7tt Women "a $1.60 fur trii-aied Juliets, with turn or McKay sowed soles, t 98 Men's plush and erabreddered 75 cent Blippers 4i W emeu's all filt and leather bole Rllppera, 49e and 39t MenV $4.00 crsl gi!n. high cut sheos. Just the thipg for Mnenren. . 83-CO Hen and wtimeu's warm shoes of all kinds t less than sold elsewher Pxtectal Dale en Rubbers and Overshoes. Shine! e outfit, complete 15 Agents rn Omaha for the fttwrnen ;id Crmeett shoes for meu and the Qot? a (Quality shoee fer women. We havw more styles , and sell more Orcrer shoes than any firm In the west. Thy ar me te for tender feet, and are glove flttlBg. 86a Ladles' Neckwear, at., in SOe Comb and Brush Set..)$o(t 8 Be Fancy Silk Veilings, yd. .iT5 Ladles' Back and Side Combs HOLIDAY RIBBON SUE A bis; assortment of plain and faucy ribbons, worth from 60c to 76o yard, all go on sale In one lot Saturday, at yard..., 25 No. 3 All 811k Ribbons, yard.... ji Fine Taffeta Ribbons, yard 10 20c Tooth Brushes, each .f)Ji 60c Hair Brushes, each 39 GRAND BOOK SALE It will pay you to buy your holiday books early at these prices: $1.50 Copyright Books nq $1.00 Copyright Books Metcalf's great holiday book, "Of Such Is the Kingdom," at.. Rl'tttt Bicycle Playing Cards, pkg 1 60c Fancy Stationery, at ...23 -26c Novels, choice at 5 Saturday Is Hardware Day W art Unhiding Our S ek of Hirdwin fa Mrtt.ffoem fer N Qoods. PrUts Cut ta Ont-Hilt tomtrrow. The I Slit, Svcr Rotsttr on Stl fer 59c. No. 17 Coal Hods, with funnel, worth 4 Be : 15c Blue Enameled 3-qt. Coffee and Tea Pots, worth 4 6c,' only . . . 28c 16c Wilson Bread Toaster only i2Hc No. S Enameled Tea Kettles, worth 8c, only..:.. 80c Heavy Nlckle-Plated Tea Ket tles 25c Boys' Ice Skates, double run ners 80c Parlor Brooms, worth 25c..l2Hc ' Large Enameled Chambers, worth 46c , lo E. Z. Stove Polish, 10c cans. .Be Largest slxe, all white, Enameled Chamber, worth 7 60 for one day only 80c 98e Waffle Irons only ...... ,60c $1.19 "heavy copper-bottom Wash Boiler 804 $3.50 All Copper Boiler one Jay $1.89 4 boxes Toothpicks, hard wood, for 10c Mrs. Potts' 6 -piece sets Sad Irons, worth $1.25 69c HEADQUARTER FOR WASH MACHINES. We are agents for more different kinds of Washing Machines than any other ten stores in Omaha. There Is a reason for this we get them cheaper. The O. K. Washer, worth $7.00. only $4.08 The Imperial Washer, worth $6.76, only $4.40 A good Itotary Washer, worth $1.00, only $8.08 The famous Waterpower Motor it does the work Itself worth $14.00, 00 sale tomorrow com and see It only.. .$12.50 Over $50,000.00 VJorth of Women's Outer Garments Coats, Salts, Skirts and Fine Overcoats at a Saving of 9-77jM to Oat-Halt to the Purchtstr. Onr New York resident buyers, with plenty of cash at their disposal, secured the surplus stocks of several prominent manufacturers at prices far below actual value of the garments. Our customers get the benefit in this sale. $15.00 Ooata Satin lined throughout, 52 inches long, maffnifioent value at sale price S7.50 vzo.vv unuion uroaacictn uoats Satin lined throughout nnd braid trimmed, jS greatest bargain of the eeaeon at Bale f-v a A X V ; I J aaA 1 a( H SI iM . 'VJ-I 4 nandsome ,T7inter Costs Made to n-sll at ' 'J$Ci $30, black and all colors, lined through- out with gunranteed satin.; sale price J 1 --st sTV rfV W Qmy J?iu.uu 100 Sample Skirts All high clasa gar- J X,.r. mams, maae oi line orppe ae cnines, broadcloths and other fine skirtings, very newest style, made to pell to $25; in Sat urday's sale, choice, $7.50 and... $5.00 $35.00 Frerch Ooney Coats Skinner sarin lined throughout; on sale at. . . .$21.50 Women's $0.00 Silk Underskirts A beau tiful new line; on sale at, choice. .$3.95 Women's $5.00 Silk and Net Waists Mot attractive new styles; sale price. .$2.05 Scores of other Splendid Bargains in Saturday's Great Sale. si J Si i f ft' tfi&Vl&'l'" '' ' Manufacturer's Stock Sale of Children's and Infant's Coats and Dresses The greatest lot of bargains it has ever been our pleasure to offer the Omaha bayins public. The quality of the garments will certainly exceed your1 expectations. Children's Ooats-In fine bearskins, ker eyp, chinchillas, friezes, etc., all newest colors and fitylos, sizes 2 to 14 years, and manufactured to pell up to $12.50; in four lots, at $1.95, $2.95, $1.95 and 95c Over 700 OrflAren's Deraes Refular value up to $7.60, nude of splendid materials. In Bus ter Brewn, Peter Thompson, Sailor, French and other pepular styles, mes-sAfWat bargains, Batnrday. at 05. 81.05 nn S2.95 Hayden Bros.' Drug Dept. Pont miss 8aturay' Bl Sap fnle. CUnHng eale of abtil me toa of ToUet 9eap thti lot ceittatna a qnaallty of Pears' Ub cewel, 4711, lvry, Tana Oi and BuWermnk, Jerjeu's Violet, Olyrer Ine, Imported Catlle. Tnbe Koee, Klik's Vlelet and a UaaOrefi other brande. worth up to Oc. ier cake. ,11 go at -14 t lb.-10 Mule Team Borax 0f $J.7B thaaiols Vest ?2.20 $1.50 Chamois Veet 10c Chamois C 6c Ctetsois 3 1 lb. lioilo Acid 14 2 dox. 2-os. eram Quinine Ca i aules fit if a box RedUtt Pewdera. . . . I pt. kettle Amiwi!i. 4 if" CHit Prtees em All Tatent Medicines ibc White Pine Cenfh Byrup 13 $1.00 Pleree's Favorite Prescrip tion mt 8c Llfr!ne Ait 2Bc Hoff's German LI nl Wont. J.!, $Bc Castcrla .-.-ilie $1 8. S. S.. 60c Horltk's Malted Milk. . .45 $1 Pnett's Emulsion hOt 2 So bntUe Perealde Z i erf utnes aikJ Ittilct ArtJclot. BOo Locr.st Eloom Perfume, per o 3K B0c Crab Apple Blosaom, per spocial 2f) SOo White Rose, special, os..iV lc Kay's Hair Health Llppold's Hair Tonic d"stroys dan druff and steps hi It falliaf eut . . -75 He Taleum Powders. . ...... .ei ICc Santtel Cream IfV 36c Graves' TttH Poader.,11 2&o Borax Bath Fewaer 17 Mall Orders filled from this ad. KRBO CORSETS A groat stook of these celebrated cor sets, secured for cash at a wonderful bargain, all newest and bast mo. dela, in qomplete lino of sizes, regular values up to 2.00, choice 50c JM HMDENS' tmi Dried mil for EetaMay C'hlc filifurnia Pruin" lr poin 5o PVncy Bnt Clara Frures, per pound I He Bnlfh nanl Csrruvli, per pMnd lta Kcy Wio.t.i Kalfln. r pund ltn-llHe FetiT Imprtet BfuKn Rali'.na r la Ho Fany Hair fMhtm. lb. Ho iu!S fcftvwr FTutme. Ih.lSo Paaojr aWtlett rrK par ltiim4 ., 11 Wo Vaner N'actarlnaa, lk. IT Vie raar Pft Flume, ltOUWo Vaacf Beeded P.Uvlna, pr yvuit4 ... . 11V0 I Acj' kinwn, OrA or eltraa iel, par 1B..17HO Read Hayden's Grocery Prices for Saturday's Srde r-'.ineillc Pwlge Ciimii, pr enns O'anu I'sicy i Naufnliatal Clioen. each io tl lbi. bt pure KlCU far 10 Lr beat brtnd Launlif Boat Jbc ii-lb. SUMS lst JI1U i-i-ient flour' ja0H5f, XVI'd, TBTt TBOB. ,"'V ; V,'1,5 TBX.Jia AiSD I-aUITH J-lb. aack beat rnulate white or fanry lrurii .-avii Ui.n:i, par yallow Coin HiX lbc docan, kac, 2Ac and Jin 4 cmm Cuirtry OanUmawi hwft The bstt mixed nrw Nuts, l lba. ..ISo Sutr C'r far !5o 1 fancy HaUoin Dt per lb. ..Tto ChoUa Jasan Hire, par n ..le Jaecy new raj-d Iiatea, per 1. ..HHj a carted fcnvM. p: caa T'aja Fanry new e-rewn Imparled Klsa, ftriaanaiaa. Jt.lyaaji, Jell-O at I lb 18 0 I-K,art. p i(f .....7 Ha rraab roaate1 Feexuta, pwr quart, to Tbe ba Cede o Ortr Crcera, Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, qt., 1 140 par la a Fraeh, tU? cery, i heads ,le Ifiuiare.'tl, per pa !"! i-ai, tmene. par dee 1th Cll or Uastard K2rdha, per oaa.i , J hwdi frh hothauae i-attuea... .la fee bett tee W.ttfvf. f 1. ..lle! Fancy head LoUuca, par had....loo paarjr muh ivuee. per id rui'f wa ar ureen toeeJia, l...io Btrraa AJ7B cniarnjns Oeod Cvklng- Btttex. per )o 21s Cheloe jpairy Tals Builer, par 1U Sc Fanct Crea-mery riutter, fjr lb....!6o Fancy Full Creaci Chetsa, lb.,.. 17 He ToriMaioaa, tshallotd, Uadlahoa, Cu cumbers, Kplaach, Pees, Applas, ate. everything; you want at uur rt-sular law piioe et Oat prloe a rtrrl Before Far. SPEARS UP FOU THE OYSTER Uncle Sam Champion of the Abased, Silent Bivalve, 1 TUTTATTEITED 0YSTEES THE BEST As Maea Natrlmeat la Oyatvrs as In .Milk, Sar the FJsperta Grern Orlrrm Ke Neeeaaatrtly Copper Mlaea. WASHINGTON, Nov. .-The oyster has had to take a lot -of anuae of late. People have declared that It was unpardonably ahy on nutritive value, that It waa Just aa unpardonably long- on germs, and that when greenish In Its cast of countenance It had more copper on board than wltl OTer be dug out of seme of the nilnea whose atorlt has been floated in the last few years. Under all this contumely the oyater lias persevered In Its traditional policy of shut ins' UP- Consequently those . who lv it will welcome the rows that a champion has appeared In no Imi a person than I'nrU- aani himself. J Through the Agricultural depurtment the tfuverniuent haa gone Into the oyster question with tl orouKhness. Tim result is a rt-habilliaU'd bivalve. A quart of iiysl.'rs coi tains about the same rjusntlty of nutritive t-J stance as a quart of milk, thr.,- fourths of a pound of t.eef, two pounds of freah codiisn or a pound of bread. Tliat mis Mr. lUue Point, Miss Cotult and their relatives tnto preity vompany. In fa.-t, at a time when t!m dortora are almost unanlmoue lu preach ing the milk gosjx-1 the fellowlnif state ment la a patent of nohll.tyt "Oysters eome nearer to milk than al most any othe eotumon font material, as retards both the amounts ana the relative rroportloaa of nutrlnuts." This la prelsa Indeed, though it Is some what dimmed when one pauses te com pare the price of a quart of oysters and that of a juart of r.illk. If 'he latter continues to climb tha two may be on a Relieve Inflammation of the thrcit. caused by coli or Catarrh. Contain no opiates. par aome time. But at present. If one la merely looking for nutrients, It must be admitted that they come rather high when done up In oysters. It Is a common practice among dealers to plue the oysters for perhaps forty eight houra in frrah or brsklsh water In order to fatten them. The operation is also called floating or laying out. FattvalBg; aad Colorlaaj Effects. Tha dealers believe that the ovstars really gain In flesh and fat, aa they do actually gain in weight and bulk. But it has been proved that the gain la due to the loaa from the flesh of the salts contslne dthere, their place being taken by a larger quantity of the fresher water In which the cyster has rwen placed. There Is some loss of nutritive matter Involved In this process, but the Improve ment in flavor is thought to make up for that. Oysters that have been floated are commonly thought to keep better, but of ficial exieriniHiiiei a ntsrt the contrary. They aav that the life of a freshened oyster Is cut don n one-half. Aa to the irroening of oysters It Is quits commonly du", In American oysters at least, to tho fact that they have fed an green water plants in the coloring matter of the plant has been dissolved by the oyater Juices. This color is said to . he harmless. It may he removed If desired by plat lug the live o sters for a time in water where tin- aieen plan's are not abundant. In Europe similar green oysters, called gtoenbarden, or Marennes, are especially prized, and to meet the demand oysters are greened by placing them aa soon a raptiured In sea aster, where they are kept fur months and fed on a species of sea weed which Imparts the coloring matter to the gills. From carefully conducted Inveettgattons It appears that In some rases green oysters owe their color to f-e presenco of copper. Such oysters are not generally considered wholesome. Qreen o sters containing copper differ In appearance from thoie ow'iw their green tint to vegetable crlorlng matter, being gr:s green and 11 't dark green lu color and having a verdigris like slimy secretion on the folds of the msutle. It Is ssld tat after the addition of vinegar a ateel fuik atiick Into such oysters becomes coated with copper, and that if ammonia la added the oysters become dark blue. The flavor of oysters la affected more or less by the locsllty tq whkh tbsy have grown, those from ccstaln region; being regarded aa of very superior quality. The season uf tha year affect tbe m.iii value of oyatera, although it la not'. . i Is that pitihoaa as transportation and vrvavrva. lioa iu.i rove, the oyeler seeauQ becviues longer. Thla may also be eald cf lobsters, cr;ibs, eto. . Oyatera rapidly deteriorate when removed from the water, through the fermentative action of bacteria; and eyatera in spawn deteriorate more rapidly than at any other aeason at the same temperature. However, cryMera which a ," ready to tpawn are con sidered eapeeiall palatable If cooked aoon after rrmoval from lae sea bed. DAIRYMEN SECRET FACTS Do Not Report Typhoid Peter and Now It rialens Several Vie Has. Health Commissioner Cornell has r iused warrants to be Issued for the arrest of tho members of the Arm of Chrlstensen Hros., doing business aa dairymen at Flfty-Mrm and Dodge streets on charge of falling to report disease existing on their premises for more than three dsya. The ordinance governing the sale of milk requires reports of Illness of any sort, which may continue for to -ire than three days and a brother-in-law of one of th members of the firm was sick longer than that time before the disease was declared to be typhoid fever and the patient taken to the hospital. The health department now traees five caeea of typhoid fever to the Christensen dairy. The first Is that of Harry Mont gomery, who was ill before the disease waa announced at the dairy, a second la the case of hla mother. Mrs. C 8. Montgomery, living at the same house. Another soti living at another place, but also taking milk from the Chrlu'enmin dairy, Is til and a son of M. F. Martin, who also uses this milk ta akk. The fifth case is one near the dairy where this milk is used. NEVER AGAIN WILL BLOW GAS Mlanraotan Avows He Will Let Barn All Mkt If Mecca, sary. It "I'll prvfr blow out the gaa again. I'll let It burn all ruf". t after this." declared H. F. Henderson of Atwood, Minn., after he bad recovered from the efTecta of an accident that happened to him at the Podge hotel. Thirteenth and Podim streets. Henderson went to bed In a room at the hotel Thursday night. About ( o'clock Friday morning employes of the hotel heard a noise in tha room and investigated. The gas Jot waa found open and Hender aon waa 'found In bad condition. The po lice aurgeon attended Ltm and l a waa aoon out of danger. Qalck shlae She Polish ontaana no urpntlno er soldi, gives a a tin finish, wlU col rub ell ou tha clothing. n 1 .., , At the Theaters "Little Johaay Jones'' at the Iloyd. "t.lttle. Johnny Jontx," a mumral com.'dy in thre acts; play and music by George M. Cohan. The principals: Johuny Jones, the American Jockey... Hlliy Seymour Anthony Ansley, an Ameii.au gam blur W'Ulnm v. Ityan Sing Song, editor of tha Ft kin Uagette John iiyin Timothy r. Magte, a New York poli tician and horse owner. . . .Joe Kearney The unknown William KeouiU Jenktr.H, atarter at the ''Veil C aptain Bqulrvy of the Pt. Huriili . . . . C J. Harrington t-teveiiH. a Alter Harry A. I'oaisoii Huna; Chung iieoii" V 'n.nsh f'osnrlo Kaujhotte Helen liexter iirs. Andre Kenworth, a lunaiio ou the nibjuct of rofuiin Leo B. Morduant Florabe'ie My of tU Ban Krancla'-n Searcher Ada Olflord Bessie, an American girl.. Amy Mortimer Funny and good to look upon a klneio seope picture of beauty, pretty girls In rich, new costumes doing mazy whirls rf dance and rhythmic marrhea, American girls, Chinese girls, English xatlors, race tracU boys, cabbie and three stars, thut'e "l.lttlo Johnny Jor.es," and you get three acta of It. It la al! in the glamour and color of Oeorge M. Cohans muwlc from the "I.lttla Johnny Jonas" overture to the "Irish American" finale. The J ieca gl . ea Hilly guynmur excep tional opportunities to display his talents, but aa Johnny Jened, the American Jocktsy, put in dlarepute by an enemy, he does not have a role out of which rnuen fuu can be knocked, and he is kept buny defending hla position as tho chief char act r of N.e play by William Keouijh. a epoclal agent of the I'nited States and China, aeeking to break up the great Chinese luttery. Though a .nuslcal com edy, lth real, sure enough music and patriotic f.'rs running through It, th-re Is a drama attachment, and In this Wil liam Keough as the Unknown haa a place. He presents a most striking mock heiole figure, whom the audience expect tJ wind the production up with a roar, ls he luoka Ilka a lion fjll of suppressed roars, but In reality la a lami full of balf-cracked bleata, which keep his 1W tiners roaring. Hut Billy t'eymour makea up for his little alnglng ay clever danoea. Ullly hda a pair of famoua comedian lega, which are very veraatile and are Iwina, but to tally unlike, one can ahaka out a Jig ahlla the other la stepping off a miuuet. Billy haa whlmaleat fantaatlo and grotesque legs, which add to the mirth la the song "Yankee Doodle Uoy." Helea Dealer does three difficult rolea, with fetching little anatchaa of dance and acr.g. la reality she ls Qoldie Oates, Sun Franclsty heiress, but she masque rades aa Roaarlo Fauchette and follows her wealthy aunt to London. When alio leiuns of the anxivty of her aunt te Secure a lord or an earl for her nlece'a husband, the clever g:rl masquerades as the Earl of Bloom the rry and succeeds In becoming her own fiance. There are other characters iu the play, almost a score of them, and among thorn Joe Kearney as Timothy D. McUee, a New York politician; Ada Clifford, ea FlorabUe Fly, an American newpapr.r girl, who ta not ono bit "stagey," astd gets away from the usual reporter of the stage, by leav ing her notebook out of eltfit. and net at tempt It g to write a "running etory" every time two of her characters hold a etreet corner conversation. Home real Chinese or a few who can play the difficult parla i. re needed. The production has seventeen musical numbers, many of them already old favor ites, such aa "Give My Itegards to PJroad way" and "Olrla of tl a V. P. A." but the volies are all firsli, ii. d if there ls one uf the "has us" in the choius, it ia lost in the music of the score of good singers and fprg-otten because of the pretty stus pic tures. Oay New York" at tbe Krix. Jufc Klovllle and Hilda Hawthorne In "C.iy New York," at the Krug theater, have u neat and tuneful musical comedy which met with a good reception Thursday nfterno'ui and evening. Mr. Klov'.IIe's woi k was well suatulne l tnrougho Jt, and In aong and dialogue he was equally good. His portrsl of a German having a very hazy conception of the KnglUh language and continually Involved In verbal Intri cacies, was very amusing. Ills greatt.it hit waa made In "Hlnkey Dec " a seiles of l iugi tei -pr -ihi' erses sun by i,1m and the chorus. A cu.-e of mistaken Identity affords o i oslon far much am lament. Violet Plo, who took the part of the maid, la conspicuously nimble and grateful. Among the "tiJoyaMe sungs were "Mea a.t from Mars," "C'ariHlin" and "Nightingale." There are ph nty of new and good Jokes In the r'ay- Tlio choruses are exceptionally good and the chorjs girls go through some pretty and graceful for mations. The company thrcigheut la a strong one. WOMAN DENIE$ALL LETTERS Mrs. Ritchie Testifies on Witness Stand Mi 1)m1 'Not Write to Louie C. Do.cL.er. Mrs. Anna L. Rllchln went on tr.o wlt resa stand In Jinlire Radlck s court Friday morning and denied wi'tlng any of the letters which form the basis for the di vorce suit brought by Mrs. Eut her Duckr ai;alnst IouIb C Duck' r of Florence. Mra. Ritchie further testified that Mra. Ducker hrtd como to her and offered to suppress the alb- d letters for 140, which. Mrs. Ritchie refused to pay. "Mn, Ducker came to me ' re day while I waa In the raspberry patch and toll ne she la d the letterx. Sue said aha would end Copies of them to all my relatives unless I paid her J'0. She said If I would pay her the money she would let the mat ter drop." Mrs. Ritchie alo testified she was culled to Norfolk by the death of a relative and Just before she siaited she saw a man following her. The man, ahe said, followed her to Norfolk and then to Wlnslde, where she went on business. 8he said she saw hlin watching her several times. After ward sho eald Mrs. Pucker told her ahe had one detetclve tracking her and two following Mr. Ducker all the time. The witness suld some of the letters Mrs. TJ'it;ker cmtiged her with writing con tained sentences similar to ores she had uced In conversations with Mis. Iucker. Over finO.um worth of Jauii-a, children and misses' garments of high clans furs, 2d floor, Manufacturers' Wholesale Outlet. FORECLOSURE RUMCR FALSE Y. M. r. A, I.oana at Banks Are Rafely Provided for, Says II, M. llaldrla-e. "The report of the threatened foreclosure of a mortguge on the Young; Men's Chris tian association building by tho First Na tional bunk ls untrue," raid Howard I, IialdrlKe, director of the association. "Tlie association borrowed IjO.OOO from the First National bank und i4o,uno from the Vnlted states National bank at 6 per cent. The K ter loan waa renewed foranothar ninety du: . and the former has been reduced to $.,0io and haa been renewed for ninety dayH. before the expiration of that time we expe t to aeoure a long-time loan at a lower rule of Interest." 1L00I 0 FOIS01 Aa Fscrstloa. "Children," observed the teacher, "r.i must nut use the expreHlon, 'L'p afaaisi it.' it Is slang." "Well." aaid a brlirnt lad. "1 &w an automoUIe go into a wall full tilt yester day " "Tea, but we're talking about a mehlng lae now." "atut I waa goin' te say," oontlnuad the lad. "If Die uiaehlne w. -in't up i.(nlin It 1 d like ta kuow v.iiat."iLiWeiptu HUMILIATING-VILE-DESTRUCTIVE The first sj-raptom of Contagions TAond Toison is tsually a little Bore or ulcrr, which is quickly followed by a red rash on the skin, swollen, guile's iii the groin, falling hair, ulcerated mouth and throat, and often copper-colored splotches on different parts of the body. As the blood becomes more fully con taminated with the poison, pustular eruptions and sores break out on the flesh, and in extreme cases the nerves and '.ones are attacked and the finger nails drop off. Them the sufferers find thr elves diseased fion head to loot witU this humiliating, vile and destructive poib .n. No other disease is eo highly contagious; many an innocent person hi.3 Wen inoculated by handling the clothing or using the toilet articles of an infected rxrsou. There is but one certain, reliable cure for Contagious Wood l'oison, and that is S. S. S. Jt attacks the disease in the right way by goin down into the circulation, and neutralizing and forcing out every particle of the poison. It makes the blood pure and rich, tones up the system, and completely and perma nently cures this disease. S. S. S. has cared thoubands r f cases of Contagious Xilriod PoUon. If you are suffering with this debasing and destructive ditease beirin the use cf S. S. S and pet ti c poison out of your blood before) it permanently wrecks your health. We have a home treatment book on the cTls case which vr will &ead free to all who wish it, and in addition our physicians wnuwm marge &ay mcaicai advice neear?a. iius SWIFT EPECITig C0w ATUrUL CJL I IHJRELY' VEGETACLE