16 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BKEt SATURDAY, NOVEMTTCTt 30, 1007. 8 IS i 4 3 Checks Cashfi on all Banks lo Par chssrrs. mm s TO??, sns Checks rc kail on all i Ranba lo Pnr chasers. St. Louis Cash Purchase 1.000 Pairs of Pure Thread silk HOSIERY Never did our ready cash bring us such bargains in fine Hosiery we bought these elegant silk stocking at 50c on the dollar' all on bargain square Saturday. Black and all colors of Silk Hosiery, in pink, blue, helio and Nile, plain and hand em broidered boot patterns, spliced heel and toe and double sole some ladies' opera length, spun silk hose, in black and white, and men's silk hose in black, white and gray a marvelous bargain. Pair Ladies' full-fashioned hosiery, all sizes, plain fast black and split sole, pair Ladies' Imported Hosiery French lisle, black, split sole; Maco cotton, nllovcr lace and lace boot pat- Q tern 50c quality, at, pair Men's Hosiery Plain black, all white foot and split sole- all-wool cashmere, plain and fancy, worth up to Ooc, at, pair Misses' and Children's Fast Black Hose Fine and heavy ribbed, at, pair Boys' Heavy-Ribbed Bicycle Hose Plain and fleeced lined, pair $11 00 af X i t r IOC 10c 15c From tho St. Louis Cash Purchase $15? KID GLOVES a! 69c Pair of pairs of tho celebrated "Libyan" real French Kid Gloves, mado irom me finest selected kid skins, with on row of embroidery and iuuuy iiit-itu ci tup in an tne newest shades or tan, brown and mode, also black and white all sizes on bargain square pair 69. Long Gloves elbow length, real kid and French lambskin, in black ... 1. I A J J , . A ' wmie, tun, rtu aua navy wonn ;$.ou Afi Z at, pair Every pair fitted. Thousands and Theusands of Garments Women's and Children's Fine Winter Underwear VollMers Expert CLoraEsflrrais Gee! You'll be glad I am on your call ing list when you see our $15 hand tailored ready to wear suits. When you put one on there will be some class to you, and you ean brush sleeves with any of the big noises in these diggings. Talk about being right. They are so right you couldn't pick a flaw in them if you tried. If you know a merchant who sells as good a suit for $20 or $25 the laugh is on me. They are in the topnotcher class. If you should say $20 or $25 to me I'll show you one of the 3-EXER suits and overcoats, the kind that give $40 mer chant tailors the blues. They are so good that all the merchant tailors in town working together can't equal them. Vollmers 107 So. 16th St. i 5j5 , M OMAHA'S J-TJUll TOO USJTTEB & $ y RESTAURANT - On 2nd FloorS 'i Open from 7 s'Clorlc A. M. to 7 o'clock,- M. Saturday Nlirnta Until 9:30 o'Clock P. M. SATURDAY BARGAINS Swedish Health Bread, per pkgr. . $ 1'rctzelH, jor lb lb. 70 o M Prunes. inr Fancnke Flour (any brand), tlm-e& Jt nkm fnr . okS! V K.irn Kinks, prr pk ao;i V Old Fashioned Dried Sweet Corn, per lb 12Ue Macaroni. Dcr uk io-(-i S: 111 lirw I oiinflru 'nm-,U i j Bunny Monday Soap, per cake 6cF3 l'ir box of 100 cakes $4.60 V mm From the Big St. Louis Ctvih Purchase liaoies' Union Suits Vests and pants fine and heavy ribbed some part wool, in cream and natural color, at Ladies' Union Suits Fine fleeced cotton and part wool, in cream and silver gray, at Ladies' Fleece-Lined Vests and Pants at Vega Silk Vests, Pants and Tights, m fancy colors aul black, at ( 3k 69c ,17k 79c 5 60 boxes Orangvs, per doz 15c i ; B0 boxes Oranges (largo ?lze), per don arjcW & 1.000 lbs. FIss, per lb .'..'lBc 11 Fresh Roaste.l Peanuts, per qt. . . . Bo , jo rranberrles. per qt 6',o 5 Frnh Kk?s, per doz 16o ' .J Country Butter, per lb., up f i nin. ,30o is W Creamery Butter, best brands, per ft lb rL a n N -, T, . - - - - - - - aow U1H oiro Vesten- Tntatoes, In lots 76c 'I' t Jl i. malnder of our Mammoth V . , Cli. eso will be sold Saturday inV J Cheeoe department. Did you eeiX i . yourt:? i.j N In our Fruit and Vecitobln rtonnri.Ji nent we havo fresli arrlvtis dally, ln-M !5 tS2tf? Ladies' Vests and Pants Fine nat- K y t.J ibr.Ci S Jvtvt-CLVJ i,1 ,,.,1 Tr V,; or, ell - v J'J 1 V! V?l r. wli'Sr ' ver gray, silk trimmed, tdf worth $1.00; at Misses, Children's and Boys' fine and heavy ribbed Cot ton ests, Pants and fl f Boys' and Girls' Fine and heavy Fleeced Vests, Pants and Drawers, at f 7 1 4 25c and 25c 15c drawers, basement Misses and Children's Union Suits in fine ribbed Infants' All-Wool Cashmere Hose, silk heel and toe, pair Children's Heavy Fleece-Lined Sleeping Garments with feet Z)Q. m '; plllilinf Head I.etture, J? Cauliflower, L f Ti:lt1iwit ttrinK and Wax Beans, Water Cross, Fresh Mint, imported Endive, Kkk Plant, Splnuh, Artichokes, Bellevue Celery, klj 1-rlckly Pear. R Hot House Orapos, lk, BruMsls Sprouts, otc. MEAT DEPARTMENT g A ehanifn from tho poultry dinner, pi 1 ton Pork Loins (young pi porkl.ft jft Morton & Gregson California ' Hams, SUo1 ' " ror 9UoQ 1 ton of chole.) Bollingr Beef, at, per'j lb B4o$ .J i v 17th and SourUa Strasts. H 4 Tslapbon Soog-lAi 647. f? ') Frlvata Zxchanra Cannacta All Santa A Medium Size Outside Office "We have two connected offices, one 9il9H and the other lOxlOtf. These face 17th street, on Uie 6th floor and are ideal offices for anyone desiring a privatt room and waiting room. The rent of the two is $31.00 per month. They have been newly decorated and arc finished in hard wood and have running water. BEE BUILDIRIG M planned iclualrtly aa an office VuUdlnc and la In yrr war th moat couT.nlent In Ita arrangamant. No offlc.a M yy far .l"it0T "'tt wor Mrvlca la moat aati.factory. Tto bulWlBg baa tela ad a rapuUUon for continuous cleanllMaa and baa rood Janitor aetiea. not only now and then, but all tha time, Tka bulldlni U alwaa kept In perfect repair. Tbere are aereral cbotoe amall offlcee available, which rent at from Sit. 90 to lit. 10. Tha occupaaU of amall offloea receive the a me careful and oourteoui atUntlon aa the laxjeet tenant. For efflce tpa.ee apply to U. W. BaJCER. Bupt.. Room all Bee BulSd!nT. Having returned from a trip to Europe, I wish to an-H uounco Uiat I have purchas ed the jewelry business of E. J. Anderson & Co., at 50f South lGth, opposite , llei (iraud hotel, where, with a new and clop-ant stock of Fewelery, "Watches, etc., will be pleased to see all up numerous old friends as wei as new. Louis A. Borsheirr Lute of the Finn of Ilrown & ItorHheltn. 506 South Sixteenth Street Window Glass We do glazing. 'Phone our Paint Department your or ders. Tel. Douglas 3425. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Paint Dept. 1416 Harnev St. PLAIN, TRUTHFUL VK tWfAay s'STATEBflENI Wo find ourselves over stocked on $22.50 and $25.00 Ttlcn's Fashionable Wlntor Suits, while our $15.00 suits are almost sold out. Rather than place addi tional orders we have de cided to reduce a great many of the most desirable pat terns, including brown, from S22 SO Qiri and S25.00 to . . . iuarantee Clothing Co. 1519-1521 DOUGLAS ST. n.iiiki iataVi Tbe Best Shoe for Boys Ever Sold at the Price The shoe we are having the call for right now for boys. Is a new one with us this BPasoii. Its style, build and prize make It very popular. You need have no fear of sending the boys here to be shod, as wo take particular pains to fit the young sters perfectly, and you can rest assured they will get Just what's best for them and for us. We've a reputation to protect. The shoes we speak of today are hon estly made and wear like Iron. They are made in blucher lace style and sell fox- $2.00 the Pair Drexel Shoe Co. Ill) Fan to St. a Boys Shoesi REAL Boys that is. Boys with glnser In them, soon begin to feel like Men and want Man nish things. This Is particularly true In re gard to the sort of Shoes the Boy wears. Experience has taught us the Boys' Shoe requirements. Such strong- leathnr as Box Calf, fei oiuiii k-nii. umi w'ltu aii. eic, ao Into our Hoys" Shoes. Cut In Blucher. Lace or Button styles. Stronsr. durable soles excel lent Shoemaklng-. Shoea built to hold the Boy. S2.00 to S3.00 According- to Size. Special Sale of Men's Clothing f 111 13 the reliable: tri Beginning Saturday, several big Clothing purchases made by our N. Y. buyer and hundreds of Suits and Overcoats from our regular stock will be placed on sale at 25 to 50 Less Than Actual Retail Value. Men's Suits, worth regularly to $20, in splendid assortment of materials, styles and patterns; on sale at $15.00 and $12.50 Men's Overcoats, worth regular ly up to $18, the largest and i most varied line shown in Omaha; delightful bargains at $12.50 and $10.00 1,500 Pairs Men's Pants, to $4.00 values, at $2.50 and. . . .$1.95 Entire surplus 6tock of a largo A 1 garment well made and m . very best styles, worth to- 4, iuauuiauiuitji, every ti nn af e or latest style, biggest kind oil at " " ' ' ?295 bargains Saturday, at $2.50 Bys' 0dd Pants All and $1.95 s's, in many different ma Boys' Knee Pants Suits-- tcrials, colors and patterns, Delightful assortment of values to $1., at 50c & 35c Sole Omaha Selling Agents for the Hart, Schaffner & Marx hand tailored clothing. The Most Perfect Styles Superior Quality. IS I' Saturday's Big Crockery Sale Saturday we will place on sale another lot of Fancy Plates at $1.00, 75c, 50c and 35c Just received a largo shipment of 15-inch Hand Painted Vases, worth $2.25; for this day only $1.48 Cut Star 2-quart Water Pitchers, each 7gc Cut Star Water Glasses, a set $1.25 Our Queen Inverted Gas Light, complete 7J)C 100-piece Austrian China Dinner Set $10.98 You'll Find It Always Pays To Try Haydeo'S First (PARENTS II FRY SHOE CO. IIOI1I 16th and Douglas Streets. rtiT irHW UrlP- T iHtf""w-H"y"' jjnina. at. iwfi h.jhhi ay,r Jfy Balduffs Monday, Dec. 2nd the Albany Dentists will ex tract teeth free of charge from 9 to J 1 a. m. On Tues dzy one gold tiling free from 9 to 11 a.m. DR.. WITHERS Manager Albany Dontal Parlors Opposite tha Old Boston Star Entrance) 115 South 16th St. HOTELS. CoMnoT W'tmout Extravagance." HOTEL WOOD STOCK W.43"-5T.S.1KNEWY0RK Sweet Meats An Attractive 25c box A p SPECIAL I Wfr ForSatarday Only.. These boxes are filled v.ith our own make of delicious Cream WafeiH, made from rich cream, with pure fruit flavors maple, pistachio, clove, mint, wlnter o'recn and chocolate. They are always a popular confection and -vill.be doubly bo at this special .rice. Come early before they are ill gone a regular 25c box special for Saturday only 15 ft1E5roiitroDrnryfT '1518-20 Faruaiu Street. Thone Doug. 711, ktef.&tfirjftjt proof rN;ffiJBit! a transient is: LH'tt t?7t e? N w motel Jpa lxmtm in ,H 1 hI k EUROPEAN PLAN MUSIO QUIET AND CI THE HEART OF THINdJ Rooms with rumniso water, h.bo and up with ath, 2 ano up. suite, $s ano yp Writ for particular. Wire for reservations, our expense. W. H. VALIOUETTE. Manama. tK THE BERWICK utlano, vt. Sp ecial! Clothing Sale J. IIELPHAND 314 No. 16th St. Coma and investigate. It will pay you. us 6 mm Always Raad THE OMAHA DEC Oest t';. West When you stop to think about it, you, of course, realize the grave danger that menaces your children when they play in the streets on which there are street car tracks, but do you think about it often enough t And do you caution your children about it often enough Are you sure that YOUR children are not daily exposing themelve to the danger of being struck by a car in fact, jeopardiz ing their lives, Remember that when children are play ing, their minds are engrossed with their play and they are utterly unheedful of approach ing cars and frequently dart directly in front of them. Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. Omaha , Council Bluffs Street Railvvay Company Do your Christmas shopping early Tbe Omaha stores will be quite as Interesting is any exposition. Beautiful wares, holiday goods from every land that tbe son shines upon may be seen In the shop windows and la the stores. Don't wait until the last minute to do your Christmas shopping. :: :: :: :: z s Christmas Exposition Week begins December 2d. IX. kJIW JSP li 24 Teeth Without Nerves! I remedy acl.lng teeth In such a perfect way and the work is bo satis factory afterwards that you would thluk your teeth had no nerves at all. Painless Silver Fillings, 75. MATTHEWS OKIOIjTAX faibtlees dzbttut loom 4 Busbmaa Blk., 16th sad Sourlas Fboaa Doaflaa S711. Olaa Evsalssra nntU 9. lundar 10 to a. Xatraaoa 1682 Oouflaa St. Beo Want Ads Produce Results x 11 iajn