1 TIirT OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATITKIUY. NOYF.MHFU SO. 1007. 1.1 t; . U.1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Slump in Foreign Bull Situation Felt by Domestic Trade. LITTLE DONE ON THE FLOOB Wheat Opens with Good Tea aad Re. apoads Steadily to Aay Haylngr ra Ilolda Steady ad Firm. OMAHA, Nov. 29, 1WT. There ai a dump In the foreign bull situation and the domestic market lelt lue decline. Thers Is a strong mixture of sentiment on the floor and little ai accomplished either way. Wheat opened with a food tone and re sponded readily to any buying, but the foreign situation has changed and there Was a falling off of the demand from abroad, which gave us a slight decline on this side. Iecembr wheat opened at 87 and closed at 88a Corn opened steady and held . firm throughout the Session. Demand has held (airly weel and husk ing returns have been somewhat disappoint ing, and bulls are taking all advantages possible. December corn opened at 48c, and closed at 4&vc Oats were safe on selling by tongs and cash Interests. Borne buying was done by holders of downs but ths crowd turned bullish and worked for a bulge. December oats closed at 44tc. Primary wheat receipts were 1,815.000 bushels and shipments were 64VX bushels, against receipts laet year of l.ilO.tXO bush els, and shipments of l,7o4.0U) busnele. Corn receipts were 68,M bushels, and shipments were 363,0"0 bushels, against re ceipts last year of 4li!,4iOO bushels, and ship ments of 833.0U0 bushels. Clearances were 1,750,000 bu. of corn, t,(M bu. of oats and wheat and our equal to 1.136,000 bu. Uverpool ilosed lgfWd lower on wheat and '4'a-d lower on corn. Seaboard reports 130,000 bu. of wheat and 4,0u0 bu. of corn taken for export. Local range of options: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close, j Wed y Wheat I Deo.. May., July., Corn Dec. May. July. Oats Deo.. May. July. 74 88 871 88 1 8Stf W'S & 86 to1 86 9H, 90 90 1 4WS 4M 48V 49 4Vi 4!4 W 49 4SH 4 49 4s 48 43 H 44H 44 44HI 7i 4S tH 4a 48S 4V4j 434 43, 4S4 4iH 43H Oswas Cash rrleea WHEAT No. 1 hard. Mflflf.c; No. 8 hard. 9-e; No. 4 hard, hlxuWc; No. t spring, 083 86c. CORN No. t old, 81H62c; No. 4 old, W etc; no graue, old, 4i'u4'.'c: no. s new, 4iu; iso. i new, 40c; No. 1 yellow, 62HU3ftc; mo, I white, SlVS2c. OATS-No. 8 mixed, 42fM3e: No. 8 white, 44 He; No. 4 white, 44c; standard. 44Jl5c. IIVE No. 2. TO.iMc; No. 8, 68570c. Cnrlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 22 111 164 Minneapolis 675 Omaha 10 24 JJuluth 43S No. yc. 8. 504jClc; No. t white, SOiijMc; No. 8. I1AT tt'teadv: rhnlra ttmntha- 111 luvfinnn. holee prairie, 8s.7iVStj.O0. Bl TTEIl-Creamery. 26c; packing, 14HC fcGGS-flteady; extras, 2Gc. Riw.itita Khlrmnfnta Wheel, bu l.TO.og 45,ono Corn. pu. 10,0m i. ni Oats, bu. 4,uuo 2,ijo The range of options at Kansas City was: Articles I Open. I Illgh.j Low. Close. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feorsres of the Trading; sat Closlagr. Frlees on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 29. Kaln In India and favorable weather for harvesting In Argentina had a depressing effect today cm the local wheat market. At the close wheat for May delivery showed a net loss of If. corn was dewn o. Outs were He lower sad provisions Hare 2 4c higher to 2 4o lower, the wheat market cpesed weak, owing cnieny 10 a decline or Id at Liverpool. Liberal receipts in the northwest, how ever, had considerable Influence tarty In the session. Selling by commission houses and pit traders was general. The greater part of the offerings were taken by. a leading commission house which was supposed to be covering short sal.-s. After the first hour trade beciuiia exoeed- lngly dull and the market fulled to show any recuperative power. The weekly re view of a St. Louts trade journal contain ing optimistic reports of the newly sown winter wheat crop was an important factor In the latter part of the day. The market closed weak. May opened tt o to ?lo lower, at 8 1.0a 'it 1.02 sold between $1.02 3r l ot 't and closed at l.01fcdl.02V De -ember ranged be tween 84 (i96 Ho and closed at 85o. Clearance:-, of w heat and flour were equal to 1,137,000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Uradstreefe, weio equal to 5,439, 00 bashels. primary if celpts were 1,814,000 bushels, compare! With 1,710,000 bushels the MorreKpoiidiPg dav one year ago. Minneapolis. Dululh and Chicago reverted receipt of 1,6.4 cars, against 620 cars last week and l,vu4 cars one year ago. Excellent weather for the marketing of the new crop of corn was responsible. In a large degree, for the weakness which prevailed In the corn pit throughout tne aesslon. The break In wheat and a mod erate decline at Liverpool were additional bearish Influences. The volume of trale was small. The close was v. iuk. May opened S,c lower, at 65gri,o. solj off tq 64 Tc and closed at-6uc. Decem ber ranged between 4H04Ho and closed ' 't6. Loi-l receipts were 111 car, with II of contract grade. There was moderate selling cf oats early by a leading long and this led to llquldal on by small dealers and resulted In considerable weskness. The market was heavy all day. The weakness of wheat JU.n1"?" PrlnelPl factor. May tV50e and closed at 60Sc Decem ber sold between c and 4r&l7Ho at, I closed at 4T,o. Local receipts wars lf lVovlslons opened strong on buying by foreigners ani eased off later, owing to V' wak,r of grain. A llio an- HriV I. in. . , T naa. 6ul""h Influence :ry,jpo,rBk,w:r.h:n,eA1 t;s .. . , - - w iirmvirow are: Wheat. IS cars; corn, H39 cars; oats 2 cars; hogs, U!,000 head. ' The leading futures ranged as follows: ArUoles.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. qose.) Tt,.-V Wlieat Deo. May July Corn Dec May July Oale Deo. May July Pork Jen. May Lard Jan. May Ril.s Jan. Mar 94WQ. 1 024. 1 OTV 7 I W4t4r-irv 74 61 46 18 5S 18 00 TW ' 66 7?', I 85 1 02 64 66 , If. t 4t7s II 7S U 10 T 0 7 DO 6 7!Vi' 6 a 94, 1 0J 1 84 4 644k 1 4fi 6"S 1 02'4 '. 1 1 5h 1 ir, 9;y at H 66 66 lb tiK CoHa1, W 47H l, 61 4im 46 '4 1J 4?v II 4?H; u U 72Vi 12 7 12 80 T 4TV4 7 47 m 76 T 47V4 I t4 7 60 7 47H ( CO e 77H No. 1 Caah quotations were as follows: FLOl R Firm; winter patents. tV9 4fe-; winter stralshts. 84.2.4 65; sprm rat- - TrM:Vl,rln" tr"l,hl' 11 ';h: , WHBAT No. 2 spring, 81 04fl l.ftd ;. No 8 4 P?"S- cW1.06; N. s red iiU. u. OilUW, i t 1 r o. g. 7&0. UAKLET Good feeding, ;mc; fair te choice malting, &. 'r te BKEDS-riax. No. 1 northwestern, 81.04H Prime timothy, 4J6. Clover, contract grades, 86.26. .mi V9-Bhnrt rib,. Ooose. rt SM7.86. Mees pork, 'per hbl.. Ill SOall "5. Lard, per loo lbs. r.SkB-T.au. Short cloar sides (boxed), W.H7Hl.12H. Followlsn were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Kece'r-ts. Shipments. Wheat- May., Jury.. Corn- May.. JUy.. n 90 ton, 9 91 4 97- SEW YORK GEKRAL MARKET Peaforea of Trading; aad Prices Leading; Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-KLDUR Re ceipts, 27,756 bbls. ; exports, 6.262 bbls. ; the market was quiet and about steady. Minnesota patents, ...;'(i6.66; Minne sota bakers. 14 fA(6.00; winter patents. 84.8611.36; winter straights. 14 5"iH.;0; winter extras, I3.WS4. 26: winter low giads. I37I"S4.15. Hye flour, firm; fair to good, 84.xi6.15; choice to fancv, 8o.2r6.t0, Huck whrat nour, easy, 2.0Oj2.1o per 100 lbs. CORNMliAL Karely steady; fine white and yellow. $1.30111.86; coarse, 1. 861 80. RT 10 Easy; No. 2 western, 80c, f. .0. b. afloat New York. WHBAT Receipts, 2E2,SOO bu.: exports, 611,910 bu. ; spot market easy. No. i red, 110214. elevator fAo. I red, il CO1 f. O. b. ertoei; No. 1 northern Duluth, II. 17V4 b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 81.11 t. o. b. afloat. A cent break in wheat at the start was charged against the market most of the day. It resulted from weak cables, liquidation, heavy receipts and a disap pointing export trade. Final prices were 'Tjlo net lower. Deoember, 1.04vijjn.04, closed 11 fM-V May, $l.u 16-ltl .10 9-16, olosrd tl.WV CORN Receipts, 76.250 bu.; exports, 9.171 bu.; spot market easy. No. t, 6V; elevator and &c t. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white, AtHtC; No. 2 yellow, Cno f. o. b. afloat. Option market was without transactions, closing Ho to Ho net lower. December closed SSc; May closed 64c. OATS-Receipts. l3.0no bu.; exports, 4,n3i bu.; spot market, barely steady. Mixed, 28 to 82 lbs., 62c; natural white, 26 to 82 lbs., 63j64c; clipped white, 81 to 40 lbs., 52Mrs41C. HAY Steady; good to choice, $1.10Tjn.l6. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice. 1907 crop. 13W17c; 1906 crop, MffSc; Pacific coast. V.7 crop, 84Mlo; lie crop, 43&e. HIDES Quiet; Bogota, WuvS'c ; Central America, lc. LaJATHB-43uW; acid, J527H. PKOV18ION8 lief, steady; family, $1450 016.00; mess, I10.o04j.10.50; beef hams, 2!.X; packet, 3U.6Ofil2.00; city, India extra, 1.7.00 it 'it OO. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, UUmiOO; pickled hams, lie. ( 10.60. Lard steady; western prime, $7.9O(S.0t); refined, dull; continent, Is 80; Bouth America, 19.76; compound, 86.25W7.60. l"ork, steady, 318.75; family, 818.00; short clear,- l&5u&17.2&; mess, H6 015.7V TALLOW-Steady; city (18 per pkg), 6 9-1c; country (pkgs. free). 646o. HICB Hteady; domestlo, fair to extra, 2H SJfcc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER-Irregular; receipts, 1.494 pack ages; thirds to firsts. 22fl27Hc; western factory, common to firsts, 15321c. CIIEK8K Receipts, 6 617 packages; mar ket quiet; state, full cream, small, colored and whife, September, fine, lTi'.c; state full cream, small, colored and white Octuber best, lie; stnte full cream, small, colored andVwhlte, good to prlree, mi4rtlc; stste full cream, small, oolored and white, common to fair, tfallc; state full cream, large, colored. Beplcmber, fine, 15c; state full crem, white, 14lo; state full cream, lre, October, common to prime. SllVic I1G 8 Receipts. 6,663 packages; market quiet; state and nearby, good to choir, SfwfM.lc; brown and mixed, selected, fancy, 8tf40c; average best, 34T36c; first to extra first, 29'ac; western and southern firsts, fiHaWc; seconds, 2(ViT29c. POlTLTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens. llVc: fowls. 1014'Sa2c: turkevs. iJftior.. Dressed, essy; western ehtckens, 1215o; turaeya, iz'aiac; iowis, njn3c. WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT fair anil Warmer Istsrday, Saiya the Wise Man. OMAHA, Nor. 29. 1907. Heavy rains have fallen In the middle una east gulf states within the last twenty f r hours, and rains continue In the south ,V lairtlo fll.iles this morning. The weather IS generally lair in all other portions. Cooler weather prevails In the central valleys and throughout the southern end eastern states. Zero weather occurred In North Dakota and Manitoba since the last report. The temperature is rising west of the Missouri river, and will rise In this vicinity tonight and Saturday, with con tinued tair weainer. Omaha record of temperature and Dre- clpitatlon, compared with the correspond ing day of the last three ysxrs: 19"7 1906 1906 1901 Minimum temperature ... y.j j7 6 'M Precipitation 00 .! T .00 INnrmal temperature lor tod.iy, 32 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since Mnrch 1. 8.77 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 190G, 4.13 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1S05, i.sv mcnes. L, A. WEl fiU, Local Forecci1 r, Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. . Corn, ou. .. Oats, bu. ... Rye. bu liarlsy, bu. 1 78.0i , 84 M , Il.fcO 15. -iw) f.) 7) !,) 7.0U) l.luO 1 m that t'railucai ezrhanifat ln,ti. Ik. w... ter market was steady; creameries, tiir.nc; dairies. 1 -;'-- Egfre. firm; at mark, cases Included. a4j Jc; rtists. 22c; prime firsts. Ho. Cbeese, steady; HWiflHo. Kubm City Grata aad Pravlsleaa. KANSAS C1TT. Nov 2. WHEAT-De-rember. lVc; Msy, 7T,c. Cash; Ne. I haxd. rtWinoyJi No. 8, ii3v4c; No. J ted. ti4o; No. I. 3o. OAltt Ne. t white, J-48c; Kb. mixed. l4HfSo. hi u-nyma. COllM ous half cent lower: December, 14a. mrrv. Caah: No. I nUxsd, C.o; St. Loals General Market. PT. LOUIS, Nov. 3 -WHEAT-l.tuis weak; cash firm; track. No. 2 red cau-h, 9He,"c; No- 9 hard. SU.-'g.l.OI; December, ;tic; Miy, li.oiTfc. CORN Futures weak; cash higher; tr.-rk. No. J cash, Wit'; December, 60V: 'day. 62A.f!: No. 3 white, 68'.jc. OATS Futures weak; cah higher; track, No. 2 cash, 4So; December, 43c; May, 49c; wv. t wnue, Die. RYE Pteadv at 78c. Ff.OCR Iniil; red winter patents, KG! m w; extra ax 4 c'.rawn:, H JuiH.fc; clear, I J. i.-Tta.tlU. 8 1CKI Timothy, slesdv; 83.6OJM.00. CORNMEA L Steady ; 18. Oo. RRAN Dull; sacked east track. 98cfr1.00. HAT Unchanged; timothy, 9.0mjj7.60; prairie, es.t"o i-w. IRON COTTON TIES 81.10. IMrtOINO llc. HKHP TWINE 11c. PROVISION! Pork, steady; Joblilnr. IllW. Lard, higher; prime steam, 17.70. lrv salt meats, steniiv; hoxed extra shorts, I7.C2V4; clear ribs. 38.624: short clears. $9.00. Racnn, steady; boxed extra short, $iu;:'4: clear ribs. 39 60; short clears, 8a 87". muiiKl-nuii; cntcKens, Tc; springs, 9c: turkeys, 10k; ducks. 8c; geese, 7c. FT TTEK Quiet; creaaiery, 23if'J7Hc. EGGS Firm at 2lc, case counts. Receipts. hlpments Flour, bbls 14.no 7.00O Wheat, bu 44.0O 63.000 Corn, bu 40.0n) H.O'io Oats, bu 19,000 37,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 29 FLOUR First patents, . 400 6.66; second patents. 15 80$ 5.40; first clears, 4.30'u4 4o; sec ond clears. 2.sutl o. PKLl Flax. In fair demand; No. 1 closed at 11.041. on traik; to arrive, 11.06. PRAN In bulk. 111.25 18 50. WHEAT December. 1025; May. 31.011; No. 1 northern. 1CS; No. 8 northern, 1 1 02 it 1.03 ; No. 3 northern I7.cl8 1100S; No. 1 hard. I1.07H. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 29 WHEAT G pot, quiet; No. 2 red western winter, 7s loud. Futures, quiet: December, 7sl0',d; March. Is d; Msy. Ss lHd. fVRK Spot, quiet; prime mixed Ameri can, 6s 7d. Futures quiet; December, 5s taj, January, cs sa. reorla Market. PEORIA. 111.. Nov "9 -CORN New lower; No. I yellow, 61go2,c; No. I. 5lo; ro. a. wc; no grnae, k'tiw. OATS Firm; No. I white. 46H7p47Hc; No. writs, 'a. pVF Vn I.mri4, WHI9KT-H35. Dalnth Grata Market. DUI-UTH. M1nn., Nov. 29.-WHFAT No, 1 hard. $1 06; No. 1 northern, 11 mVk; No. I northern, 81.02; Ds-cember, 11.03; May. Il.t. OA Tfl To srrlre. lic; on track, 4fH FI-AX To arrive, 31"i14; on track. It tW't. November. I1.0TH; December, Il.tsJv,; May, (1.14. Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis . Nov. 19 WHBAT- No. 1 northern, ll.tr-nl.otu; No. I north, rn, i.'"ion.'aF: raay, sj vai uia. RYE No. I, 0iSlo. PA RtY-No. 2. 8108: sample, 65ctl 09 tATrt Standard. 'ya:ic CORN No. 3 cas. t-,c; May, tiVic. Telede Seesl Market. TOLEDO. O.. Nov. . 0 BED Clover, cash, II 17; March. 89 ; alsike, prime, Kg su; liiuotny, prime, 12.W. ask Cleariaaca. OMAHA. Nov. 21 Bank clearing for day were 11,744.05144 and for tjie Cor pcuajAtsi vatai at jw taviatjir to- corras NEW YORE STOCKS AND BONDS Early Market Irregular on Tear of Month-End Complication!. GOULD GROUP LEADS DECLINE Later Dealing; Are Aetlre an maker aad Close Is Bnoyant on Re treat of I neovered Chert Intereate. NEW TORK. Nov. 29. The human mo tives which always He back of the action of the stock market were rather more easily discerned today than usual. The nailing, irregular movement of tne eariy market was uuite Dlainly the reflection of the dread that the exigencies of the Decomber 1 money settlements would bring out some forced liquidation of the kind which has come on the market from tune to time since the financial condition began to mend. There was, in fact, evidence of such liquidation at one or two points, notably In the Oould group, with effect in Missouri Paclflo and Western Union. The buoyant tone which developed later was evidently due to the conviction that the December settlements were net to en tail serious burdens on the market. lhe scarcity of stocks, exceut when some special supply was forced out of a loan. nas been a conspicuous feature of the mar ket for some time cast. The professional operator has been keenly alert to this stale or anairs, out cautious against a prema ture attempt to take advantage of it or to attempt to mark up prices In face of further liquidation that must be accom plished. Holders of stocks are clearly de termined not to sell them at the Dresent unprofitable level, except as they may bo obliged to do so by the maturing of money obligations on which extensions are re cused. With the lifting of that kind of pressure today It was found easy to bid up prices rapidly with the absorption of comparstlvely light supplies of stock on the way up. The lamo process Is going on In the bond market. In that depart ment, even more than In stocks, low quo tations have been made on the forced mar keting of small blocks of bonds In some cases, thus offering no adequate represen tation of value placed on the security by the bulk of Its holders. The recovery In such cases represents a price readjustment rainer man a response to a demand as would be required to move from an ordi nary level. The movement today did re flect some decree of the special demand from the preparation for the December settlements, but this was so moderate that it was accepted as a favorable, develop ment. As the day progressed call loans touched 14 per cent. The time monev mar ket also, while still harrow, indicated no such deadlock as has been the rule since the financial crisis. Today was practically the last day of the month at the Stock ex change ,as loans made on Friday carry over until Mondav. so that the irren teat- strain of the preparation -would be counted on being met today. The developments over the Thanksgiving holiday were given a favorable lntcrpreta- "" a"e oeciston to discontinue the offer of the United States treasury 3 iwr rent certificates was acoepted as testimony that mo uneu lor inia emergency measure was considered to be passed. The premium on the currency also tended to decline and Is destined to disappear an soon as the end of the month pyrolls are met. There was an accumulation of testimony from bankers throughout the country of the readiness to resume cash payments. The local banking situation was known to be mproving fast, although the surface show ing of tomorrow's weekly bank statement muy be thrown out of the reckoning by the treasury certificate transaction. The re-depclt of the 75 per cent of the sub scriptions with the banks, which the sec retary of the treasury agreed to did not work smoothly at first and the transac tion will nlso affect the loan Item. The gain of 133,075.000 by the banks on the sub treasury operations for the week, to which Is to be added several millions of United States gold coin Imported and not figuring in the subtreasury operations, shows that the force of the tide of Imported gold has overtaken that of the forwardlngs to In terior banks. The country's dem.nrl n I currency are shown Infallibly by this test .w ,' "" a no riRe in prices became rather impetuous In the late dealings, but this was attributable In rart to the retreat of an uncovered short Interest. Bonds were very strong. Total, ssles. par value. I6.4S0.HO. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of salos and quotations on New lork bonds were: Sales. Hlfh. Low. Close, Adams Eisrsss Asuilgauwurd t opper Am. C. A p Am. C. A r. pti Am. Cot 1 an oil Am. O.itt.n oil pfd Amerlaa.11 Exprrn Am. H. A L,. pM American Ice Securities. ... Am. Llnmed. Oil Am. Unaaad oil pt4.- Am. Locomotive. Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. A H Am. g. A R. ptd Am. Busar Refining Am. Tohscco pfd ctfs Anai-onds Mining Co Atchison Atchison pfd AtUntlo Cutst Uns Baltlmor A Ohio Btl. A Ohio pfd Hro4tlrn Rspid Tr Canadian Paolrlo Csntral of N. i Chesapani, A Okie Chit-age Ot. W Chicago A N. W Chicago, Mil. A St. P Chicago T. AT., offered... Chicago T. A T. pfd a. C. C. A gt L Colersdo P. A I Colorado A Ss Celo. A see 1st pfd Colo. A 80. ad pfd Consolidated Oas Corn Prducta, rfff Ilawars A Hudaoa Il L. A W Iienver A Rio Grande I). A R. O. pfd tautlllera' Securities Brls Kris 1st pfd Kris M pfd Ocnsral Rlsctrto Illinois Central Intsrnatlonal Paper Int. paper pfd I 'it. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Csntral Iowa Csntral pfd Kansas City So a.... K. C. Bo. pfd LouIstIIis A N atrilcsn Csntral Minn. A St. L M . St. P. A 8. S V , Bt. P. A S. S. Missouri Pacific . Missouri. K A T M.. K. A T. pfd Kstlonal Lad N R. K of M. pfd, offered Nsw York Central.. N. T . O. A W Norfolk A W., ei-dlv N. A W. pfd North American Paclsa Mall Pennsylvania Tscplo's Gas P . C . C. A ft. L Pressrd Rtl Car Prt-assd S C. pfd Puilmta Palace Car Raadli g Raadmg 1st pfd Resiling M ptd Rapubllo Stsei Republic Stssl pfd Rook Islsnd Co R rk Uland Co. pfd St. Louis A 8 P. Id ptd.. St. Louis S. W St. L. S. W. pfd Southern Psrlflo So. Pacific pfd Ss. Railwaf So. Rallwar pfd Trias A Pacific Toledo. St. L. A W T , St. L A W. ptd Cnloa Pacific, ex-dlv Union Paclfis pfd V 8 Kip rasa fj. S. Rsltv I'. 8 Busbar C. S. aWkbsr ptd r. g. sissi I'. 8. Slasl pfd Va. -Carolina chsmleal .... Va -Carolina Chsov ptd ... Wabsah Wa'aih pfd Wslis-Kargo E . offsred.. Wsstlnghouse Electric .... Wasters t'nloa Wnalr.g A U E Wisconsin Csntrsl Wis. Csntrsl p'i Northern PsclAc Orsst Northern ptd Onipsl leather pfd Central Leather pfd lnlrrbr-ugh Met Int. Met. ifd 8 M-Shensld Ste-l Total aalss (or the dsr. II too tl"0 6AS 7H 4 ft 85 86 1D0 " 18 11 11 700 34 8S to. too TO its (Mi ns it s u 1 lo ll 11 14 3ki0 io.' SKW l.grn '.' 4K l.ft Is. lot) t,no KS K l.t'O IT It l.r) 17 17 1,20 41 41 1.900 32 1,'JoO H gs 100 iii" SOO 410 sxiO 1,7 II H M (6 8.310 41 II 1.4'H li4 144 I'D 33 13 iOO 11 !2 114 llu D IS 12S l 4) IT 14 l.Ooo U loaj i.ro M fJ4 7l 10 ii i0 'si ' tOO no m LStlO K at l,tW0 13 II M M. pfd.. en 400 10 ivo t too -0 4. 400 100 10.4JO "0 mo .' 'looo too . . 1.70 a I'O 100 .15s!ino t .' "io 4-10 . !.) 4'1 s ) .o . 1I.I0I) . 1 1)0 . MO . HO stM 1,K) 104 ion, lojj M 4 4U S.'iOO 33 32 31 J) 72 4A 7J 400 gOT, p a, 100 3 3 tlu I 71 81 71 n it 2 14 14 14 It to V, 2S 7 7 7vi 134 13 P, 13,1-t W S H 8 10 ill 43 12 II 60 191 4 J 11 45 41 , II 23 113 121 " ii 10 at 23 rs 24 Vi 724, ni 1114 117 44 47 2L 4 W, M 17 40 l 41 3 s II i"-V 431 tl Tl 40 45 21 tl 107 110 7SV 71 tt Ttt 17 17 44 7 140 II - T3 T3 78 11 1 W 11 II lo 33 274 17 II It 17 17 Tl 1 lol ' 11 II II II 1 at 114 Tl SO 40 IS 16 144 6 4o 21 2H 84 1 10 14 15 1'V 40 3 (4 I' 73 lit 41 24 It 40 II K II It '44 ' II 111 7 to 17 44 '7 71 'it" II 13 II ! 13 17 71 107 ii4 IS 13 409 II tl tl au 114 111 100 IO soO 41X1 . II, loo 40 17 K 26 IS 11 100 li ID I.0UO 40 54 . 15 100 110 . ,') iii. n t Tl t" t too It ISO II CM snaraa. t . tv 107 no 113 115 4 II TV II Kerslgs Flaaaelal. LONDON. Nov. Z. Money was In limited supply today and the demand was firm. Discounts were steadlr on fear of fold demand from the I'nlteJ slates. On he Stock exchange business for new ant-cunt was limited, but prices were firmly malntalsed. esiyeclally home rails. In w hich field investors were fairly busy. Consols were dearer in spits) of the stirrer carry over rate, for the settlement )it eouimeuood. . Ferelgners) timpl Arm ami Russians received much attention, prin cipally for 1'aris account. Americans were euletly supported and were frac tionally hlgner tlmn yesterday on Invest ments and in anticipation of a lavornble New Tori opening. Canudlnn l'aciflo was a point hlRlier. The New York opening camo steady and then realizations caused a temporary setback, but under renewed buying prices hardened and the market closed firm. PARIS. Nov. 18.--Trading on the Bourse today wss firm on the improved situation In the I'nlted States. Hfc.RLIN, Nov. i. Trading on the Rourse today wss Irregular. Forelgi shares were mostly higher, while local shares were weaker In connection with the unsatisfactory develnpeuients In tile Iron tta'fe. Csnadlan I'nclflo was actively traded in at rising prices. REPORT OP THB CLEARING HOI E Transactions of (he Associated Banks far the Week. NEW TORK. Nov. CS.-Uradstreefs bank clearings report for the week ending November , shows an aggregate of 81.731, 7ef.,mj, as against -.:M.Kk.tii last week and 82,o,o,0H6,H0i) in the correspendlng week last year. Canadian clearings for the week total $G.J2A as against 8ltl.84n,i4l last week and 8.9rn.fV In the same week last year. The following is a list ot the cities: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia Rt. Louis Pittsburgh San 7Yanclspo .... Baltimore Kansas City Cincinnati New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland Detroit Ixiulsvllle Ixis Angeles Omaha Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul Providence ' RulTnlo 4 Indianapolis Denver Fort Worth Richmond Albany Wnshlngton Rnlt Lake City .., Portland, Ore , f'olumbus, O St. Joseph Memphis Savannah Atlanta Spokane, Wash, . Toledo, O Tacoma Nashville Rochester Hartford Peoria , Des Moines Norfolk New Haven Orand Rsplds Dayton , Portland, Me Sioux Citv Springfield, Mass. Kvsnsvllle Ptrmlngham Syracuse Attsusta, Oa. Mobile Worcester Knnxvllle Wilmington, Del. fharlesten. & C. Chattanooga Jacksonville, Fla. Wichita Wllkesbarre Davenport T.lttle Rock Wheeling. W. Va Fall River Kalamazoo, Mich Topeka Springfield. 111. .. Helena Fort Wayne, Ind. New Redford .... Ixington Voungstown Krle, Pa Macon Akron Rorkford. III. Cedar Ranlds, Chester. Pa. . Fllnghamton . , Fnreo, N. D. . Ixiwell Canton, O. . Rloomlngton, South Bend, Qtilncy. 111. Snr!nfleld.v O Sioux Falls. S. D. Mansfield. O Decatur, Til Fremont, Neb Jacksonville. 111. ., (Lincoln, Neb Onkland, Cal Iflniiaton tGalveston SSI. 7W. 0001 89.7 153.2M.Oon is. 9 4.f..io 40 ( W.o.."-"frl ?7.7 4E.lIS.umi 16. 49 S46,f.) ng 20.5W.non 4S.7 yo.517.OOOj 16.7 Z1.&14.0O0 2.0 16. IS. 8 15.4W.noo SI 4 1S.432.00O 8.0 lilST.O'V) 7 8 10.7?n.noo 10 5 7.067 000 25.0 s TWS.000 44.8 la. , 111. Ind. 8,865,00011.8 7.5"0,nrV 10.8 6.ts?.rl 15.2 8.1M." 4.8 4 . RTf, nooi 81 4 S.STL'.OOn! 8.9 4.407. "00 1 32.1 .4:n.nooi 4.1 s.ri! 5. xu.nnni 88 4.3780001 23. 9 8.647.0001 19.0 64 8 s.im.oooi 48 8.P460OOI 8 8.4311.0001 SI. 3 4.64i,0oo 12.0 4.70ri.oool 81. 4 3.709.OO01 23 6 2.47S.'0'i 41.1 2.44fi0H0 21 0 3.8:'l.00O! 9.1 2.997.0001 4.9 2,4 0in 12.8 2.2.Ti.nool 21 4 1. 214.0OM 48.7 l.itTnnnoi 8.9 l.9i'.Oco 23.9 1.776.0001 1 18.0 1,44.000 31 .e 14 0O 32.8 l.ffJO.oro 8 1.411.000' 8 9 t2;.oonl 10.0 l.Wioonoi .6 2.14!.nH B.9 1.RR4.000I 23. 1.63R.0COI 3.8 l.O'D.O'W 82.1 1.073.eoi)l 22.8 l,44r(nr 1 I'M Aaol i,xs.ono!..H! '";' Wl.iOii 2U.8 l,R?l,00i KTS.ooo! S 9R1.0tiO .4 ans.onni 22.4 l.monool 32.9 L2?3.0iv 40.2 749.0001 14.8 os.ooo( 26 .4 6SS.OO1W 6.1 630 0001 14.2 TKO.OiOJ 1 499.000 18.4 PM. 00i) 8.2 39,0OO 7.4 M4.000 .3 BoOflool 15.9 670.0001 22.0 W.rsjni 57. 1 613 m ml 18.4 4S0.0W! 16.2 . 4o7.i'OI 3r..0iirtl 23.1 4Si.wOOI .09 sm.ooii! 4"'.om'1 18. m. 12.1 9 4.H4Jiii 14.7 435.IIOOI 3:n.oooi is 3 4MR.Ofhl 64.2 249.000! 47.8 2M.fKll 151.0001 15.1 1'.0t,1l 3.4 1.2O0.000I 20.7 P?;.oon! Rd.i 15.5'.fOOI 42.4 10.2TO.0Ool 39 2 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Vaneouvar, U. C. Halifax Quebec Hamilton St. John, N. ii. London. Ont. ... Victoria, B. C. . ITalgary Edmonton tNot Included in tot other Items than clc because comparisons 29.096.0001.. Zl.fiOC.OlK)! 16.04,MlOl 2.81.(H 3,.5.s8.0lM 1.7KTi.4 2.37,0(4) l.&sl.CKol l.aj.yioi l.l.oool.. l.UtM.0i!.. 1,644. imol.. 971.0OOI.. als because containing arlngs; not Included are Incomplete. 6.0 6.8 1.3 81.1 8.5 .8 7 0 21.5 9.S .1 2.3 New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 29.-PRIMB MER CANTILE PAPF.R-8 per cent. MONEY On call, higher. 5iJl4 per Cent ruling rate, 6ft per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent: offered at is rcr cent. Time loans quiet, but rather easier; sixty days. 12 per cent; ninety days, 10(313 per cent; six montns. Tan per cent. BTKRLINO EXCHANGE Rasv. with actual business In bankers' bills at 84 R63o'?J 4.8ttS5 for demand and at 84. 7;irVV(i 4.7975 for slxtv dav bins, commercial bills, 84.79.6. SILVLR liar, 67 c. Mexican dollars, 45 c. BONDS Government, strong; railroad, very strong. Closing quotations on New York bonds wer us follows: KUt4j Brls p. I. 4a 11 do I'll. 4a. L. A N. unl. 4i 1 Mas. o. s 44 117 Hex. Ontral 4s 117 do lat Incn H', Minn, ft St. L. 4s. M U , K. A T. 4s.... do ii 71 tui N. ft. R. of at. e. 4s. 75 " n. y. c. g. iws.. Ht N. J. r. . ta.... W4j No. Pacific 4s.... t do la , K. A W. c. 4s... SO O. 8. L. rfilf. 4a. I Hens. eon. , 44 Read In a gen. 4a. . ' St. L. A I. M. c. 6k.ini n bl. L.. a S. 9. fg. 4a. 70 St. L. 8. W. e. 4a.... 67 0 Seaboard A. L. 4a it 71S o. ra. lBc 4 do lat 4a ctfa... 41,9-. Rallwar Sa. .. 67 Teaaa A P. le... T T., St. L. A W. 7 t'nlon Pacific 4s... II do conv. 4s tl V 8. Sieel :d 6i. i Wabaah la T Weatara Md. 4a. . Mi "W. A U E. 4s., Tl TVU. ( antral 4s... U. g. ref. la, rrf.. do coupon , do la, reg do rcapon , de new ta, ref... do coupon ., Am. Tobacco 4a do ta A Mi I eon gen, 4a.. on adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. is. Bal. A Ohio 4s..... do la Brk. R. T. a 4s.. Central of Ga. te.. do lat too do ?d 4ne do Id Inc rn-a. A Ohio 4ta. Chlrafo A A. IW C. B. A Q n. 4a C. K. I. ft P. 4s.. do eol. 6s , t.'CC ai . L.. t Colo. Ind 6a. aer. olo. Mid. 4a ... Colo, ft So. 4a ruha ta n. ft R. O. 4s... Matllleri' See. ta. Hock. Yal 4',a. ... Japan 4Ha rlfa do 14 aerlea do 4s Bid. OSered. H'a 71 1 74 . a lii .114 . 87SA . Ii . 10 . to 9U .. 4 ..l"t . . t: ..luiil .. i .. It .. 14 London C'loslas; Slocks LONDON. Nov. 26. Closing quotations on storks were as follows: Conaols. mosey US M . K. ft T do arcounl U 1-1 N. V. Central... Ana -onda IS .Norfolk ft W.... Al.hiaon Tj'a do pfd do pli U Ontario A W ... Baltlmor ft Ohio.... II Pennarlvanla .... Caiiadlao Pari Bo 140 Rand Uluee Cheaapeaaa Ohio .. tea, Reading 74 Southern Rallirar .1 do pfd .. lti Southern PaeiSt .. . 1ft1. t'niun PaclQo . 41 -k do ptd . 1SH 1 . 8. Steal . US do .'d . 81 Wabaen . li'4 do pfd 13 SpasUh 4s . 2S .. 834 .. tJtt .. f)4j .. it .. 4Tt .. 4H .. 11 .. II ..1HU) .. SO .. 4H .. tji. .. a .. It .. ChUago Ot W.. C, M. ft Bt. P I i f Ueara Denver A K. O do pld Erie d let pfd do 14 pfd Grand Tranlf .. Illlnola Central Louisville A N January. BILVLR Rar steady, 11-ltd per ounce. .Ttt-r 1. 1 t"v'ut per cent The rate of discourt In the onen market for short bills is tViiti1 per cent; for thres mouins Dins, eo'4 per cent. ' New York Mlalaa; gtotrka, NEW YORK. Nov. 28. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows Adams tea I Utile Chief . Allra tfM Braawe 11 ruoevUk Cos It 4 uaaetouk Tunaal .... It Cos. Lai. ft Va St iura ailref let Iras tiUer , aa L-vliia Oaa ..a.... vj doled. Oaiarls Gphlr Potoan Saae blavrs Nevada Staoaard SaaaU iiopaa .. ..its . .l.e .. i .. M .. n ,.v OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kind Show Some Im- provement in lTricei. HOQS HIGHER FOR THREE DAYS 8aeB aad Lambs 8a Llgkt Receipt aad Active Hellers at Good, teady Prices Lower for the weeku SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. , 1907. Receipts were: Otttclal Monday .... tiffli nil Tuesday .... Otliciitl Wednesday Thursday, holiday . Estimate Friday ,., Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4.903 4.411 1.313 1.M4 S.K.I 4,218 12. M 11.104 1,296 1.816 2,731 1.113 Five days this week...l2.!V.2 1J.400 .77 Same daa last Week....l9.&2 L2.6-.'6 28.440 Sumo rlava 2 weeks ago. .ai.Jtli 14.170 l,Ltt3 Same days a we-ka ago. .16.:tJ l"iol3 bl.iM Hume duvs 4 weeks ago..22.b7 10.561 66.810 Same days last year 19,913 ao,94 2,it3 The follitm-lnir tnhlA ihnari the recelDtS 01 cattle, hegs and sheep at 8)outh Omaha for the year t-i da e, comparer) with last year: 1907. 19o Inc. Dec, Cattle l.WW.m 7,lr 101.0S Hogs 2.093. JAT IT'.tl.lM 12h.7yf Sheep l.W.Zii 1,038,768 W,6I The fallowing table shows ths avernge prices of hogs at Bouth Omaha tor ths last several days, with comparisons'. Date. I 1207. 1B0. 1906, 104. 1808. IISOI.PWL Nov. 39... 4 6314 02 I 4 63 4 45 29 Nov. 20... 4 62'., 0 4STS 4 4 6 W Nov. 21... 4 4 6 10 4 6 4 M 4 46 ( 24 Nov. 22... 4 12 6 10 4 84 j 1 61 6 2b Nov. :8... 4 08 13 4 Sti' 4 49 4 SI Nov. 24... t 06 4 691 4 20 6 IB Nov. 25. .. 8 95 4 72 4 4S 4 li 03 Nov. aa... 4 97 6 00 4 63 6 & Nov. 27... 4 2f 6 02 4 67 4 20f Nov. 2s... 6 07 4 7 2 4 49 4 24 6 02 Nov. 29. . . 4 SUM 4 83 4 47 6 10 e a t 71 1 6 74 65 5 75 i 71 71 e 6 86 Sunday; Thanksgiving. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, ll'r's. 17., M. & St. v abash Cnlon Paclrlo 17 C. & N. W, (east) C. A N. W. (west).. IS C, Bt. P. II. & 0 6 C, it. O. (west).... 26 C, H. I. V. (east).. 3 Chicago Ut. West.... 6 Total receipts .. 74 6 1 1 16 .. 1 6 U 1 36 10 8 The disposition of the dav's reoeluts was as follows, f ach buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 3"9 Swift and Company... Cudalry lucking Co Armour and Company... Armour (from Denver).. Hill & Son F. P. I-ewis L. K. Huss U Wolf Sam W'erthekrner Sol Degan .'. J. B. Root & CO T. B. Inghram Halntead Brltton Other buyers 375 31 463 1S2 , 23 , 1 , 41 , 44 , 1 , 13 127 , 6 39 3; 279 67 717 1,376 su6 186 44 62 Total 1,931 2,6o8 LArl LIS Receipts of cattle were very light, as was to be expected the day after a holiday. At the same time there was a good active demand for the general run of cattle, so that the market as a whole was higher than on Wednesday and in condition most satisfactory to the selling interests. Beef steers were not aa active aa thev might have been, owing largely to the fact mar. sellers were determined to get every rent possible out of their holdings, while puckers were not analous to put on any more than compelled to. Still the ofter Ings changed hands In fair season at prices anywhere from strong to 10c higher than W edncsduy. The trade, on cows and heifers was Tery active. Buyers snapped up everything In sight about as fast as they could get to ii at prices mat were lOtfloc higher than Wednesday. There were very few feeders In the yards and as a rule on Friday very few would be wanted. Still the fact that speculators had cleaned up everything on hand made them wlllng to take on a few loads, and the meager offerings disappeared very quickly at prices generally a little stronger. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-led steers, lo.tMu.DO; fair to good coin-td steer), $4.6oHi.j.oO; common to fair corn-fed steers, 13.&o4j4.50; good to choice range steers, tt.Out&.bo; fair to good range steeis, 3.iiOia'4 00; common to fair range sleoia, 13.0u3.; good to choice cows and heifers, 3.0k3.60; fair to good cows and hellers, $2.4tAa3.0O; common to fair cows und heifers, 11. 27)4.2. 40; good to choice stocksrs and feeders. $3.76y4.!0; fair to good stockers and feeders, ,J.;iS3.7; com- luir siucaers ana feeders, 2.a04f to lunn 3.25. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. NO. At. Fr. 21 1US2 I to 34 lilt 4 W 41 17 4 U tl Ui! 4 10 1 106 I 26 Hi 1271 4 10 1 lit! 4 16 20 1244 I M No. Av. Pr. 1 1217 4 16 II 1172 4 7i II IW1 4 16 17 U10 6 IS 16 1U4 6 !6 II UU 6 60 61 Uii I SO It!!!! .. 610 ..lOiS ..1130 ..lv27 ..low .. 157 .. Ill .. tro I m I 16 t 60 I to 1 to I 16 t to I 00 1 COWS. t 4 6 t I:::::: 6 ..1S7I ..1171 .. ft .. 80 ..lost ..lit) ..l6t I It I 10 I so u I 64 I 76 I 60 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 23 cows 965 2 85 1 cows 900 11 cows 2 66 I heifers... 63S t heifers... 8uo 3 00 I heifers... 623 83 heifers... 7r9 1 10 i cows 11S0 17 steers... .1020 3 66 9 feeders. . MM 8 heifers... kW t M t stags 1060 C. 8. Taylor, Nebraska. 17 cows 733 1 70 I feeders.. 667 WYOMING. 26 steers.. ..1177 4 10 2 steers. 8 steers.. ..Mil 4 10 2 bulls.. Scows MM 100 Scows.. 7'." cows 860 1 M 1 cows.. 1 cows 790 1 20 2 cows S75 110 .16 DaO V9t 2 K 1 26 2 00 2 B0 1 63 1 25 1 20 1 00 2 36 1 OP 1 20 3 20 1 70 I 25 3 ki 1 SO $?7Mt3 26; common ewes, U .'MjlX. 10 present stive sales: Representative sales: No. Ay. 4'.J western yesrl'gs and wethers I'M Hi western yearlings 107 l'a wee tern wethers 114 IT-9 Wyo. yearlings and wethers 83 M native lamtis 50 native tamhe, culls M 6 native lambs 101 1 native ewes 130 Pr. 4 76 4 t.) 4 V 4 r - 6 (a) 6 M 6 75 4 00 CHICAGO L1VK STOCK MARKET Cattle and Hoes Active) aad Itlgaer Sheep and Lambs Weak.. CHICAGO. Nov. . rATn.15 Reeelnta. 6.600 head; market, active and lt7Ti:4! higher; steers. 4.tm no; cows. 62.tkVii-4.li6; heifers. j:.6fil60O; bulls. $4.or(i4.R6; calves. 3.00i 4.60; stockers and feeders, $lnr4.60. HOUS Receipts. 22.000 head; market, strong- l'iil5c higher; choice heavy ship ping. I4.7&J4.8R; irght butchers, 14. 7!(i 4 S6 ; light mixed, $4.AVtr4 70; choice light, $4 4.s; packing, t4.0ur4.70; pigs, 13.26j'4.26; bulk of sales. S4.70rq4.90, SHEEP AND LAM Bf Receipts, 15,000 head; market, stead v to 16c lower: sheen. S3 fioj5.00; lambs. o.6v.a6; yearlings, 64.2M D.xa J. W. Chrlsmon. Wviinilni? 1 feeder... 10) I 70 96 feeders. .10y 6 feeders,. Kits SOU 17 steers. ... S-J7 19 steers.. ..120 186 19 steers. ...I11JO -J. W. Chrisman, Wyoming. 4 tows 1088 1 20 . , K Ramlngton. Wyoming. 10 bulls ....132H 2 26 4 cows 1060 10 cows 698 2 26 HOGS Hogs sold 10-8160 higher this morning than on Wednesday before the holiday. Some of the first sales possibly did not show quite that much advance, but when the trade had warmed up it was quite active and fully that much higher. The few loads on sale changed hands In very good season in the morning. The big bulk of hogs sold at S4.2644.40. with a top at 14 46. ft will be remembered that the hogs on Wednesdsy sold for the most part at 14.26, with a top at 64. So. For three days In succession the market has been higher. Monday was the low point, hogs on that day having sold on an average of S3 96. Since that day prices have rapidly advanced, so that the general market today was 6c higher than last Fri day, but a strong 10c lower than on Thurs day of last wetk. Representative sales: Pr. 4 r 4 174, 4 17 4, ia 4 44 4 4t 4 4 4 40 4 4V 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 46 SHEEP Receipts of sheep this morning were very light, only ten cars being re ported In. Aelde from one bunch of rangers they were practically all fed weat erna, with no feeders to speak of. Packers all seemed to want a few killers, with the result that the market was active at steady prices. Everything changed hands in very good season in the morning, the stuff being all sold and weighed up by the middle of tne foienoon. Fed yearlings sold at 64 74 4.80. with wethers at (4 .&V&4 65. A bunch of range yearlings went at $4 76 and a few fairish native lambs brought $5. jo. It will be remembered that the market both here and elsewhere broke sharply en Monday and Tuesday, with the result that prices are now right around 2m; lower than a week ago. Quotations on good te chrjee fed sheep and lambs: Lambs, 85.744) ); yearling wethers, 84 TTS.u); welLsra, Stiij4.6; ewes, 11.90426. tuolaiions cut feeders: Oood lambs, 86 90 frt OO: common lambs, $3 5e '4 60; yearling. f4.4Atf4.eO; wethers, S4 .(joiiyt 16; good wee. No. At. SU. Pr. No. at. 86. It T5 ... 4 M tl ... n iw ... 4tt ai m to 6i Ml It 4 10 66 !:4 ... 41 Ifcl ... 4 114 67 JCl 110 4 143 tUO 4 Sl 14 141 w let let 10 4 16 II j SO HI 13 44U 4 16 II J,- t 64 lit lt 4 16 M PI law T l 40 4 16 17 1 1M tt lol to 4 16 71 271 ... 44 'l 120 4 16 141 lvl ... IS 2.'6 129 4 36 SO 117 ... ta 171 IW 4 II tt tlA SO 40 let ! 4 3t 61 t0 120 46 SM 10 4 It 61 ISO ... ii, JS 10 4 It 41 4.0 te 6 16 ... 4 1744 Kaasas City LIT Stock Market. KANRAS CITT. Mo., Nov. 29.-CATTLK Receipts, 7,000 head, Including 614) south erns; market steady to 10c higher; choloe export and dressed beef steers, 65-00416 60; fair to gnod. 83.65g6.00; western steers, S12o 4)4.40; stockers and feeders, 82.7&JH 40; southern ste5rs, 83.2604.35; southern tviws, Sl.7Mirj.16; native cows, 1.8Stf4lJi; native heifers, S3.4f-tj4.50; bulls, S2.60iJ4.00; Calwa, 13.604). 7& HOU-Reee1pts, T.OOf) head; market SfilOo higher; bulk of sales. $4 3f,'aI.M); heavy. 84 40 tiM tS; packers. S4.S0tf4.&2H; pls and light, S4.00t64.47H. SHkiEP ANTJ LAMBS Receipts, 1.700 head; market strong to 10c higher; lambs, S4 76'f.10; ewes and yearlings. S4.00J4 80; western yearlings. 84 2fi.26: western sheep, S3.26tt)4.76; stockers and feeders. S3.1.084 .25. Bt. Loots I.tve Stock Marrket. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 29. CATTI& Rncelpts, 1.500 head. Including 1.000 Texane, market, steady: native shipping and ex port steers, S5.irKj6.i; dressed beef and butcher steers, S4.764W.60; steers under l.oofl lbs., 6a.0iVff4.6o; stockers and feeders, 82 0of 4.10; cows and heifers, S2.7rr.00; csnners, S1.2r2.00; bulls, S2.0tcd4.50; calves, S.O oO; Texas and Indian steers, 13.6096.26; cows and heifers, J1.2M)3.T5. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market, steady; pigs and lights. S4.0tVn-4.70: Deckers. 84.004.60; butchers and best heavy, S45o9 170. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, IT) head; market, steady; native mutooos, S3.0Os6.25; lam us, 4,w.'iX.00. St. Joseph Live Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Nov. 29.-CATTT..E- Recelpts, 1,820 head; market, slow: natives, $4.00ea.CO; cows and heifers, S1.76C4.60; siocsers ana Teeners. n.2.u4.iio. HOGS Receipts, 8.430 head; market, 6e higher; top, S4.45; bulk, S4 SW4.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; market, nominal; lambs, 86. toy. 00; year lings, 4.a4.6. Slows City Lira Stock Market. BIOCX CITY. Nov. 29-(flreclaI Tele gram. ) CATTLE Rocct'-ts. !no head; mar fcpt steady: beeves, M.SOitS.CO rows ill heifers. S2.rtj3,76; stutters and feeders, S2.7M13 75; calves and ve.irllngs. St WI8 50. HOGS Receipts, l.t-Al head; market 60 higher; selling at S4.104J4.35; bulk ot sales, 4.2TH34.30. Stock la Sla-at. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western marseis yesicrosy: South Omaha. Kloux City. . . . Kansas City.. St. Joseph..., St. Louis Chicago . Cattle. 1,816 800 7.000 1.820 2.600 6.S00 .rtogs. 2.728 1,600 7,000 1.480 6.600 22.000 Sheen 1.929 i',700 600 .00 16.000 Totals .19,936 41,658 18,929 Wool Market. BOSTON, Nov. 29 WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin of Boston, basing Its report on statistics gathered frem the government W'JU say tomorrow of the wool market: The market continues dull. Fresh business is of limited volume, the sales of the week dose to the smallest on record, deliveries on contracts small. The holiday has In terrupted negotiations and besides the de mand has been curtailed by the shutting down, -wholly or In cart of many mills. Still there Is a better Inquiry for samplo lots and buyers are keeping- In close touch with the situation. The financial conditions are mending. But business during Deoember Is expected to be moderate, as the new heavyweight goods season will not be Inau gurated fiefore January. The market Is steady, without pi ice change of Importance The London auction sales opened Tuesday with a large attendance of buyers, slow bidding and prices 7V.fd10 per cent lower. Advices from Australia, New Zealand and South America are easy. The shipments of wool from Boston to November 27, in clusive, according to the same authority are 228,333,177 peunda, against 212.786.741 pounds the same time last yesr. The re ceipts to November 27, Inclusive, were '280,731,488 pounds, against 2&8,634,97 pounds the same period last year. T. LOUIS, Mo., Not. 29, WOOI,- Bteadv: medium grades, combing and cloth lng. ?:(avzic: light fine. 2Kur21c; heavy flue. 1517c; tub washed, 284f33c. Cotton Market NEW TORK, Nov. 29 COTTON-Fu- tures opened steady; December, 10.80c; January. 10.62c: February. 10.71o: March. 10.76c; May, 10.84c: June, 10.80c offered; July, 10.77o; October, lo.iuc. Futures closed very steady. Closing bids: December, 11.17c; January, 10.77c; February, 10.83c; March, HXI9o; April. 10 94c: May, lflsxc; June, 10.92c; July, 10.90c; August, 10.810. Spot cotton closed steady, 2S points higher; middling uplands, li.'Oo; middling gulf, 1196c; sales. 2,100 bales. GALVESTON, T., Nov. 29.-COTTON-Lower; HHeO. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 2 COTTON-Firm; middling, 11VC; sales, b9 bales: receipts, sons; shipments, none; stock. 12,874 bales. LIVERPOOL, Nov. i9. COTTON Spot, Quiet; prices 4 po4nts higher. Amerlean middling fair, 6.7Hd; good middling, 6 40d; middling, 6.18d; low middling, 6.8tWl; good ordinary, 6.42d; ordinary, 4.82d. The sales of the day were 7.0oi bales, of which 600 bales were for speculation and exilrt ffnd Receipts. 1,0i0 bales, no American. Included 6.100 bales American. NEW ORLKANa Nov. 29 COTTON Ppot Arm. Low ordinary, 7 8-16e, nominal; ordinary, 8c, nominal; good ordinary, 9 7-16C. nominal; low middling, 10 7-lftc; middling, 115-ltc; good middling. 119-16?; middling fair, 121-lSc; fair, 12 ll-16r nomi nal. Sales. 4.750 bales; receipts, 4,074 bales; stock, 221.916 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 29. METALS The London tin market was lower, with spot quoted at 134 10s and futures at til 6. Locally the market wss weak, with quota tions ranging from 180.36 80.74. Cop;.-r was lower In the London market, with spot quoted at 62 16s and futures nt ASS. Locally the market was quiet and unchanged, with lake quoted at 13 5U't0 14 00; electrolytic. SIS. lib 13.76; casting, 13.00rl3.66. Lead was 10s lower, at 16 6s In London, and was weak and lower In tke local market, at 84 1004 11. Spelter was lower In the English mar ket, with spot quoted-at 21 2s 6d. Lo cally the market was weak and loner also, at S4.60i3 4 65. Iron declined to 48s 9d for standard foundry and to 49s 6d for Cleveland warrants In the English mar ket. Iocally the market was uuchanged. with No. 1 foundry, northern, quoted at SIS 16 W 1 8 76 , No. 2 foundry, northern, 817 7643 -18.2s; southern grades nominal. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. 29. METALS Lead, dull, at S4.12H- Spelter, dull, at 84.80. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NITW YORK, Nov. 29.-aCVAJORATHI) APPLJTf Steady In tone, with compara tively little fruit offering for Immed ate delivery- Fancy are quoted at 12c; choice at ltVaUrVfcc; prime, 94jiVio, And 19C4 fruit at 94711c. URIED FRUITS Prunes are firm In tone owing to a strong statistical position, with quotations ranging from 4Tic to 13140 for California fruit and from 6.0 to 7V.C for Oregons. up to autfJHOs. Apricots are steady at recent prices, choice being quoted at 21c; extra choice at 22c, and fancy at 24c. Peaches are unchanged, with choice quoted at 12pl2i; extra choloe, 12H4J-1HV; fancy, DfrtlVsC, and extra fancy, uJt'H'io. Kalslns are in fair demand, but barely steady In tone, with loose Muscatels quoted at 714i14e; seeded raisins, 7ft luc, and Lon don layers, nominal. CoiTee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 29 CO FFEB-Futures market closed steady, net unchanged on a nioderate local demand. Pales were re ported of 23 500 bags. Including recember at f0c: March, 8dfr'6 70o; May, 17Vaf,k:; July, 6 etc; SrMeruber, 5 90c; October, 6 90c. Spot, quiet. No. 7 Klo. b'c; No. 4 Santws, 7S0- Mild, steady; oordova. 9Val3lc. Treasary Btateaaeat. WASHINGTON. Nov. 28 Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the Sl50,uu0,0u0 gold reservw, shews; Available cash balaaoe. tt 824:.i"i.CI; gold coin end bullion. Sn.6S0.4r4; gold certificates, 871. 93,110. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. t'vadttloa of Trad aad quotations aa Staple aad Ktscy Prodaeo. EGGS Fresh country, 24o; storsge, SOo It looks like 20c (or freali counny eggt until after Thanksgiving. HL'T rER Common, lie: fancy tub anA rolls. 22c; cteatnery, 81o. (. 14 KKt? hj New full cream. Wisconsin twins, lWc; raw full cream brick, 17c; do mestic, new Swiss, 18c; new llmbuiger. li tllw: young Ameilcss, 17V,C. uii, i'uti.1 stx-ttpriniia, tmc; nens, 70; roosters, 4o, ducks, loc; geese, lOc; turkeys, 16c; pigeons, 7oC per Jo. liUKSSED 1MI LIHr- Springs, fancy, 'i'it9c; hens, 84JSSC; roweters, 6c; ducks, 12c; geese 11c; tuikeys, l.'tYllo. HAY Choice No. 1 upland. SI" 09; me. dlum, St 00; Ne. 1 bottom, 880; oft grades from 8660 to $a.W, rye straw, I.. 11; No. 1 alfalfa, SU.U0. PEKF CUTS, No. 1 rlbe. 14V,c; No. rile. 11 He: No. (, ribs, 7c; No. 1 loin, 19c; Ne. a loin, 13o No. S loin, KHc; No. 1 chunk, 6Hc; No. I chunk, 6c; No. 8 chunk, 4c; !Ve, 1 round. Sc; No. 2 round, 7c; No. 1 found. 6vo. No. 1 plate, 6c; No. 2 plate, 4c; kio. I plate, SVc. FRUITS. APPLES New York King", per barrel, 66.60; "None Such," per barrel, 85 So; 80 ounce Plpptna. per bsrrel. So 26; Maiden Blush, per barrel. S 00; Baldwins, per barrel, 85 00; Greenings, per barrel, SK 0C; western box apples. Colors 9v. Jcinnthans, per box. 13 26; Colorado Grimes Golderts. per box, 83-26; Idaho Jonathans, per box, SSO'l; Idsho Winter Bananas, per box, 8300; Washington Ben Lavls. J.t; Wash ton Northern Spy, per box, IS 00; Washing toa Greenings, per box, 11 to; Washington Baldwins, per box, 82.00: Washington Rome Beauty, per box. 82.26; Washington fall ap ples, assorted, per box 31 71.86. VEGETABLES POTATOES Per bu 6675e. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., 1 O lHo. 0N4ON3 Red Globe, per bu., 85j5c Penla, per crate. 81. bo. SWEET POTATOES Small bbl., $2.50. BEETS Per bu.. SOo. -AltrtOTS Per. bu.. 780. URNIPS Per bushel. 600. PARSNIPS -Per bushel. 7;. CELERY Michigan, per bnneh. Jif?JSo. NAVY BEANS Per bu. No, 1, 8290 per bu.; Lima, 7o par lb. TROl'ICAL FRUITS, ORANGES Florida, per box. S3.0O; California-Washington navels, 83. Of); Florida Urx Fruit, per box, 86.76Tf6.00. GRAPES Concords, per baket. WCV"". Malaga, heavy weights, per keg, 86 ooj SeO; Malagas, medium weights, prr keg, 84 5TKyon. LEMONS Fancy. 200 and 8 s'.r.e. pry box. 84.50fr5.00; extra chelce, 800 and 300 site, per box, 4.tioo4.oo. BANANASr-Port Llmons, JJ.ori no. s COCOANUTS rer sack, $4.50; per dozen, 60c. FIGS AND DATES Smyrna ftps. 7 crown, per pound, 141lfo; Smyrna figs. 6-rrown, per pound, liaise; Smyrna tigs, 4-crown, per pound, lOUllc- California fii;8, boxes, 10 cartons, S5c; California t pi, boxes, 12 ctvrtons, R5c; California fins, bulk, per pound, &'4jc; Hallow! dales, per pound, 64c; Khadrawl dates, per pound. 6c; Bnlr dates, per pound, 6r; Ferd dates, 13 pound boxes, per pound, sc. MISCELLANEOUS. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunet) are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from socond hands, who seem desirous ot moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tation range from 6c to 9c for California fruit and from 5Vo to 6c for Oregon. Peaches very firm, with fancy yellows quoted at I8H0. CANNED GOODS 4Torn, standard wen era 76c. Tomatoes, fancy 8-pound nans, 8145; standard 1-pound vans, 8120. Pine, apples, grated, 2-peund. S2.20aje.80: sliced, tl.7W-'.3u. Gallon apples. 84.60. California apricots, SSuW.lu. Pears. S2.10US15. Peaches, 81 9093 16. L. C. peachss, 82.109 315. Alaska salmon, red. 81.40; fancy Chinook, flat, 82.16; fancy soekeye, fist, 82.15. Sardines, quarter oil, $3 60; three quarters mustsrd, 88.33. Sweet potatoes, S1.27rt7jil.8t. Sauerkraut, 96a. Pttmpklns, 0o ftlno. Lima beans, 2-pound, 76 ,rl 25 naked peas, Sv-pound, 66c; fancy. $1.2.Vg1.4o. NUTS California walnuts, per lb, 18ci Imported walnuts, per lb., 18 946c; Tarra fone almonds, per lb., 1 8c; filberts, per lb, lc; Braxils, per lb., IS 1 4c; Pecans, pel lb., 12$18c; peanuts, raw, per lb.. 7u; peanuts, roasted, per lb., 8c; Italian chest nuts, per lb., Stlc. COFFEE Roasted, No. 35, 26c; No. 3(1 Sic: No. 28, 19c; No. 20. 14'io. SUGAR Granulated, cane, per sack, $5.4:0 beet, 8.1; cut loaf, 4c; cubes. C'tc; powdered. 6.I60. FISH-Haltbut. 11c; trout. 13c; I'okeiol. 10c: pike, 14c; pike, fresh froser, 12c; whlteflsh, 14416c; buffalo, I4ci bullheads, skinned and dresred. 13c; catfish, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7n; white hass. 15c; blsclc bass, 2To; sunflsh, ftZfOc; crapplss, Uflic; large crapples, 16c; herring, fresh froxen, 6c: w-hlteflslv. froien. I8tf18c; pickerel, fresh frozen, 13c: rl snapper, 12r: flounders, mackerel, lS7S5c tier fish; codnsh, fresh frozen, ISc; red snapper, 12o; flounders, fresh fresen, 13c; haddock, fresh frozen, lto; smelts. ISc; shad roe, te par Ih.; frog legs, 3Kc per dos. ; green sea turtle meet, 2:j per lb. HIDES AND TALLOW Oreen sslted, No. 1, 7c; No. 8. 7'ic; bull hides, 6c; green hides, No. 1, 6c; No. 2. 6c: horso, $1.S03 M; sheen pelfs, B0cQtl.?S. Tallow, No. 1. 4'Ae; No. 2, 3c. Wool. lorc. per bunch. Ilostoa Btocka aad Bonds. BOSTON, Nov. 2.-Cnll loans. 8fr10 per cent: time losns. f.W per cent. Official closing on stooks and bonds: Atrhtana ad). 4 80 Atlantlo 'i do 4a n Hinaharo 4 Met. Csntrsl 4s... TO al. Htcls MD Atchlac n 72 X Centennial do pit I 4 Copper San "BMtiin A Alheny. lt: Daly Weal IVtat.41 Maine 136 Kranklln 11. ton Kleveted Ut Orintiy Iritohburf pf4 1171 al( Rn,al ........ Mrxlraa Central IS' Maaa. Mining N. Y . N. H. A H .IM Mli'hlsan Para Marauetla 19 MohseS Union 1-arlflr, 11444, Mont. C. A O Am rtiu. Tuh I'told fKimlnl Amir. Rusar li'3'i (a,.ola .. do pft 1"7 Parrot ... Am. T A T Iiiulnry .. Am. Woolea II Shannon . So pfd 72 Tamarai-k Edlaen Eire. Illu It Trio III .. General Klertric lll4 t'lilted fopiver t IMaaa. Klectrlo u. 8. Mining... do pfd 8t I'. 8. oil Him. (iaa 44 I lea t'nlted Krult 1" Vlcterta United 8. M 3 win .ma do pfd TS Wolverine V. 8 Steel V. North putt ... do pft 6444 Putte Coalition Adventure IHKarada Allnuei 26 Cal. A Arlaons. Amalgamated 6" Alisons t'4m. .. Aaked. Bit. Ka-dl vldand. 64 4 7 s, .... 71 .... It .... t-4 .... . .... 41 .... 1 .... 84 64 .... IVt .... 71 .... 10 .... U 1 5 no .... T4 ....10 .... 10 oldler Mast Answer Theft Charge. BIOUX FALX.S, S. D Nov. 29. (Special.) In accordance with an order Issued bj Judge Csrlsnd of the United States court, a United States soldier who came to Bouth Dtikota to aid fn quelling the rebellious Utes on the Cheyenne River Indian reser vation, has been taken back to Kansas A prltoner. Ths soldier Is Corporal James H. Cooper of the regular army. He Is charged with having stolen a watch and chain at Fort Riley, Kin., on August 11 of this yesr. He was recently arrestwd, on complaint of the Kansss authorities, by Deputy United States Marshal Lamb of this city, at Thunder Butte, on the Cheyenne reservation. F. W. A warier Ooes West. CHEYENNK. Wyo., Nov. 8. (Special.) F. W. Angler, for fifteen yesrs paseenger agent for the Union Pacific, with hesd quarters In Denver, and family passed through here today en route to flan Jose, Cal., Mr. Angler having been transferred to California aa passenger agent for the Harrlman lines. Mr. Angler wss the orig inator of the Frontier Days carnival, and each year- he thought out new features. He saw the show grow frem a small local affair to a celebration of national Importance. Rand snaster Sowsa ItexHiToriasjr. CHICAGO. Nov. 28. Bandmaster John Phillip Sousa. who arrived at the Auditor ium hotel yesterday suffering from pto maine poisoning, had a restful sleep last night and was considerably improved today. House Physician Hammand said there wag no cause for alarm but that It would be necessary for Mr. Sousa to remain quiet for some days. It Is probable tbat Mr. cousa will slay In Chicago until Moudsy. Casper Wesias Asks freedom. CABPKR, Wyo., Nov. H. (Special.) Fay Howey, u Casper woman being prose fated for the alleged procuring of two low girls for ber house in Casper, has taken an appeal to the suprcms court. Recently ths jury la her trial disagreed, and she demands althor a uow tilai r her frtsadoia. ' -