Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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stoot print It.
ainebatt, photographer, 18th & Farnam.
A. . ltchle removed to 80) Brandt-Is
J. A. Xerran, Tailor, S08-10 Brandela
Bids;., will make a suit to please you.
K. E. Palmar Son k Oo, central lnsur
tnci agents, moved to suite 600 to 5"4,
Itrandets building.
We always, have Rock Fprlriga Coal.
Central. Coal and Coke Co. of Omaha, 15th
and Harney streets.
Kuteson Optical Co the ere specialists,
are distributers of Sljur-on eye glasses.
Also makers of Bho-not Invisible bifocals.
Spectacles, tl.00 and up. 213 South ISth.
Thlaf Comes Wills Man Eata A sneak
thief eintered Ira Ingram's room at B23
North Fifteenth street while he was en
joying his Thanksgiving dinner and stole
an overcoat and a razor.
Cotton Comes High Pearl WandeU
pleaded guilty to taking twenty rolls of
cotton batten and some other goods from
Bennett's store Friday morning and was
fined 15 and costs by Judge Crawford.
Burglars Qet Money and Car Ticket
Burglars forced an entrance tnto the of
fice of the Remington Typewriter company
at 119 Farnam street Thursday night.
They secured 110 In cash and four books
of street car tickets.
Abuses Tamlly as Thanksgiving Fred
Reseaen celebrated Thanksgiving by drink
ing and then going home and abusing his
family. His wife and stater-ln-law ap
peared against him In police court Friday
morning. Ha was sentenced to five days In
Amendment to Articles The Interna
tional Credit Union has filed an amend
ment to Its articles of Incorporation reduc
ing Its oapltal stock from $100.0 to 12,000,
Of which $1,200 Is already subscribed. The
amendment was signed by K. M. Hunter
and J. W. Hunter.
Winter Burglar Bound Orer--' . u l-s
Gasklll was bound over to the district
court In the sum of $500 Friday morning
on the charge of breaking and entering the
J. H. Haney Saddlery company's store and
stealing about tl.OOO worth of fur overcoats
i nil horse blankets.
Hotel Clerks' Banquet The annual ban
quet of the Otnalia and Nebraska Hotel
Clerks association will be held at the
Roma hotel Monday evening. A number
of prominent hotel men from Council
Bluffs, Kansas City, Penver and other
points will attend the banquet.
IConsy and Watcbos Stolen Burglars
entered Bporry & Hutchinson's trading
tamp store at 411 South Fifteenth street
Thursday night by breaking in the door
and got away with $41.20 In canh and six
gold watches. They made their eTlt the
way they entered and left no cluo to their
Shooting' with . Intent to Kill Charles
Hunter, the colored man who shot Stella
Wright, waived examination In police court
Friday morning and was bound over to the
district court In the sum of $1,000 on the
charge of shooting with Intent to kill. He
was bound over Wednesday on the charge
of breaking and entering.
Free Beer Costs Hundred Dollar J.
Fever, a saloon keeper it 1221 Chicago
street, pleaded guilty In police court Friday
morning to giving away, beer on Sunday.
He was fined $100 and costs. He was ar
rested by Officer Wooldrtdgo last Sunday
while In the act of pnsslng a bottle of beer
to a man at the back end of his saloon.
Can Make i', in Short Time "No, I
don't live here, judge, I'm just golntt
through and the otllier picked me up,"
said George Morris, who was booked as a
UHplcluus character In police court Friday
morning. "How long does It take you to
go tliroimh?" nwked the Judge. "It won't
take tne very Ion,' if you'll give mo a
chance." The Judge gave him the chance.
Indicted Man Conlers With Lawyer
It. W. Mnhaffey of Mullen Is In Omaha
consulting with hi attorneys in reference
to his cane, which is to be tried 1 n the
I'nlted States district court Monday. Mr.
Muhaffcy Is under indictment for conspiracy
to defraud tho I'nlted Stales out of use,
possession and title to large tracts of land
in Sheridan county by means of Illegal
Beld Brothers Waive Hearing John nnd
Bernard Held of South Omaha, charged
With contributing to tho delinquency of
Iwo young girls, waived their preliminary
searing before Judge Troup Friday morn
ing and were i ed under bonds to appear
for trial In district court. The first com
plaint against them was dismissed because
Of technical faults and the hearing was
held under the new one filed by County
attorney English.
Girl Tails from Car Annie Etrout, a
Polish girl living at Twenty-ninth and
Walnut streets, fell from a Park car at
T:S0 o'clock near Toppleton avenue and waa
picked up unconscious and tuken to a near
by house. The ambulanrcwas called and
he waa transferred to the Omaha General
hospital and attended by IVIIce Surgeon
Harris. Blie was hurt about the head and
left knee, btit her Injuries are not of a
terlous nature.
Ftsta Knock Chicken Market Former
t'nltcd States. Marshal T. L. Mathews was
In Omaha Friday from his farm on the
papiu. '.The chicken, and potato crops are
tairly good with us," said Farmer Mathews.
r ,
No Other Food Product
..... has a like Record.
Baker's Cocoa
1 07 Years of Constantly
li Increasing Sales
rA, Highest
A Europe
; and
Rerl stared
V. .Yw COica
It Is a perfect food, as wholesome a it
ia delidoua; highly Douriabirif, easily
diaated, fitted to repair wasted strength,
fleet rva health, prclonf life.
. Our Choice Hacipe Book, contain.
tng directions for preparing sura
than 100 dainty diihaa, sent free
act reavett.
Water Baker & Co., Ltd.
Est&biiidxd 17S0
Boys' Heavy Natural Gray
Merino Shirts and Drawers
Fine and warm, sizes 24
to 34, regular 7oc value
each gar- fl
Boys' Sweaters
Boys' Fancy Striped Worst
ed Sweaters, blue, black,
Oxford and scarlet, open
front or (T AA
Turtle neck vpI-IIU
Boys' Waists
Boys' Fancy Colored Per
cale and Madras Blouse
Waists, beautiful light and
dark colors, attached or
. separate collars. Regular
75c and $1.00 Crt
values, at JtC
Men's Underwear
Men's Honvy Cotton Fleeced I'n
derwear, very warm m m
and durable, unusual lAt
value at
Men's Medium Weight, derby rib
bed, blue salmon mm
and pink, J aiC
garment a
Men's Light Weight wool, natural
gray and very fine Cotton ai:d
worsted mixed, excel- t
lent garment for fch I
early winter r
Men's Union Suits
Medium weight derby ribbed Peru
vian cotton, perfectly Qfl
shaped and finished. Nat- Ol
ural and ecru, splendid value.
High Grade Silk
Scarfs Mufflers
20 off
for either men or women,
variety of coloi-s, such as
pearls, white, black and
fancy solid colors
2 to 3
A manufacturer's desire for ready cash
enabled us to buy a large lot of
Xriat vvc arc able to offer you garments at S3.80
tliat are wortti up to SO. GO none are worth less than $5.00.
This timely purchase means a great deal to you I You can buy your boys'
clothing NOW cheaper than at the end of the season, wlnm most merchants make
sacrifice prices. The boy will derive an entire season's benefit and pleasure from
the use of his clothes and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that your monev
has been prudently invested. SUCH BARGAINS AS THESE CANNOT BE
1.700 SUITS and 1,400 OVERCOATS $3.89
Sale of
Men's Hats
Suits for Boys 3 to 8 Years
For boys at this age we can give you a Russian or sailor
blouse suit, made of all wool, fast color red and blue ser
ges, also in velours, cassimeres, etc. The colorings arc
the newest, for fall, 1907, and winter, T"t S3 jQ
1908. Beautifully trimmed. A lareo as- -L Jr
Bortment to select from. Values up to $6.50,
Suits for Boys 7 to 16 Years
For boys at these ages we have the double breasted coat,
belted or plain, with knickerbockers or knee pants. The
materials are strictly all wool blue serges, cassimeres,
velours, etc. The workmanship is absolutely
first class, all scams reinforced and double
sewed. The linings are extra durable. We
guarantee the fit. Worth up to $0.50, at. ...
Overcoats for Boys 3 to 12 Years
For ages 3 to 8 we have the Russian Overcoat and for
boys 4 to 12 years the double breasted, Reefer Over
coat, the styles are absolutely the latest. The materials
are high grade, all wool, guaranteed by us to
give satisfaction. The colorings are the new
est. A very large assortment to select from.
Values up to $6.50, at
Overcoats for Boys 19 to 16 Years
For boys at these ages we can give you the mannish Ches
terfield Overcoats. They are ."8 to 40 inches in length,
some with cloth, others with velvet collars. Every coat is made In
first cbrjs manner, the shoulders are padded,
the fronts are hair cloth and the linings ex
tra strong. We make sure that the fit is per
fect. None In lot worth less than $6.50, at. .
We offer 20 dozen hats
at this price. They were
gathered from our regulrj
stock and represent several
broken lines.
They have been sold at
$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. We
wish to clear them out and
have marked them at a price
that should dispose of all of
them Saturday.
There are several sizes in
each style, and all are good
styles and colors. This is
an especially attractive lot
of hats.
They are very un- f 7A
usual values at. U
Men's Caps
An exceptionally fine line of
Men's Caps In kerseys,
meltons, beavers, plush,
corduroy and leather
50c to $2.50
Boys' Caps
SPECIAL Boys Double
Band Golf Caps, just right
for school wear, all colors,
worth 50c; Satur
day only iJZ
TV" i ITT"""
"but with the coyotps, coons (the real
tuns'), 'possums and weasels, tho chicken
proposition Is not a paying one this sea
son." Farmer Mathews incidentally hinted
that he was going to Invite a bunch of
nowxraper men out to his place some night
;ur ii sinulno coon hunt.
.Money Is Mlssln d Owner "Wants
Folice to Jlecover the
Ai result of attempting to patch up do
n.rHtio difficulties with his wife, whom ha
left nearly a year no after living with her
only three days after their marriage, M.
M. McKean Is bewailing the lost of 00,
whleh was stolen from his hat band while
ho wus paying a visit at her residence.
Leavenworth street, Thursday after
noon. McKean is ft prosperous farmer from
North Dakota and about a year ago paid
a visit to relatives who live in Council
muffs and while there met and wooed
uo..n,. a willow with three chil- i
iron. After three days of wedded bliss.
i..t.-o. .MpH that he had had enougn.
and departed for bis farm in North Da
kota, but becoming lonesome he determined
to come back and attempt to win back his
spouse. When arriving In Omaha McKean
placed a $G bill ana two iv oma i
bat bond and started out to search for his
neglected spouse. When he found her he
Vent shopping for a multitude of good
things to eat for a big 1 hajikssivlng
spread, spending uhout H or $10 for eat
ables, leaving the other bills In the sweat
band. While visiting with his wife in the
silting room he claims he left his hat on
a stand In the parlor during which time
he avers that the money was stolen from
Its hiding place In his headgear. McKean
.ii t,i. taJ to the police and demanded
the service of . the best detective on the
force to recover the missing bills, t enng
.i,.. nmiViuiion&l Jealousy might bo
aroused If one of the detectives was desig
nated as the best on the lorce. .-ucn-etui
,-.. advised to lile h!s complaint nun me
city prosecutor this morning.
Frightful Spaama
of the stomach, liver torpor, lame barU
and weak kidneys are overcome by Electric
ISitters. Guaranteed. tOc. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Robert Kirk Prepares for. Death, bat
Chill Causes Hint to
Tired of life, and with nothing to be
thankful for on Thanksgiving day. Rob
ert Kirk, an sued man, made up his mind
Thursday to drown his troubles beneath
the waters of the Missouri, and he wended
his way to the banks of that troubled
stream south of the Douglas street bridge,
where he tied a rock around his neck with
a plere of wire and then started to walk
along the bank till he should find a de
sirable spot to shuffle off. But as
he was walking he stepped rn a stone
that slipped from under him and fell
Into the river sooner than he had ex
pected. Finding the water much colder
and wetter than he had anticipated and
not over waist deep, he gathered up the
stone In his arms and yelled loudly for
help. Two men who were rlng re
sponded to his calls and dragsed him out.
The police station was notified and the
patrol waron went and took h'.m to the
station. He was wrapped In a blanket
and thawed out and then given dry clothes
to put on. He admltti i that l e Intended
to commit suicide, but sa'.d he was not
ready when the stone slipped and let him
Into the water. Nj charge was preferred
asalnft him. His fiaughter, Mrs. Mary
Carlisle. Is the cook at the city Jail, and
l.rr father has hud no oceupitlon for some
time other than to help erou:id the jail
Use Fee waui ads to ljosi yuur business.
Sons; Ilecltal lr George Hamlin.
Notwithstanding the usual sense of com
placency, as It were, which marks the
condition of thr average person as Thanks
giving day grows to a close with memories
of blessings and other things disposed of
or digested, there was a genernl activity
which could not be accounted for in musi
cal circles had it not been for the fact
that Mrs. W. W. Turner had announced
one of her delightful concerts for Thanks
giving night. Mrs. Turner has been mak
ing great Impressions In her role of man
ager, and she Is adding to her laurels
with each concert. Another, and a very
potent reason for th- er1rr.itlon of the
people from their n,r .i,t,.., 0n Thanks
giving night wns that Mr. George Hamlin
of America (also of Chicago) was the at
trsctlon nf this, the third of Mrs. Tur
ner's concerts for this season.
Mr. Oeorso Hamlin needs no Introduc
tion to an Omaha audience. He has been
heard here before many times and o"t, and
he will be heard here many times more,
If the demonstrations of enthusiasm which
he was accorded last night offer any sug
gestion of the demand for his services.
Tenors are rare. In fact they are
usually very rare, and In many cases quite
Undertone. Put In George Hanrlin we have
a tenor who Is a fine well rounded, In
tellectual musician with a fine tenor voice
which has been developed and cultivated
by good schooling. Ho la more than a
t ;nor. He Is a musician and an artist.
When R'chard Strnues (who has written
many things, other than the "niue Dan
ube," which he did not write), was l
Klnnlng to be known in the musical world,
George Hamlin undertook the study and
presentation in America of the songs of
the great modern wlcard of composition;
and only thone who have attempted the
careful analytical study of Richard Strauss
can appreciate what it means when In
formed that Mr. Hamlin h is no less than
forty of these songs In his repertoire. If
Mr. Hamlin had been here to give us a
series of recitals Instead of but one, we
miK'.'.t have expected more Strauss than he
gave last nieht, but as he himself says:
"If I should give a group of Strauss, I
shi ' have to omit several other won
derful things which are also worthy of
Immediate notice, and I try to make my
or- program Just as Inclusive as pos
sible." That Mr. Hamlin's Judgment waa emi
nently proper was evidenced by the nu
merous good things which he had pre
pared and which wure a delightful novelty
to the musical people.
The graceful H ydn number followed by
the old English "Phyllis" has such charm
ing graces led up, by contrast, to the won
derfully dramatic song by Handel, "The
Trumpet's Loud Clangour." which was
given with an Impetuosity of temperament
cf which one would scarcely have thought
Hamlin capable; the song Itself, generally
not well known, waa a revelation In that
It showed that all the dramatic and strik
ing effects In song writing were not born
yesterday. Handel the Great had a few
things which musicians are beginning to
look for and find. Another song in which
the singer's firo and force and power were
a surprise was the "Provencallsches Lied"
this was superbly done and made one
dream of seeing the tenor In grand opera.
In speaking thus of George Hamlin s
power being a surprise, Jet It not be In
ferred that he lacked It be'ore. but he has
brought out In the last few years powers
which those who knew him felt that he
was only holding In reserve.
The "Botschafi" of Brahms was fang
with unction and Its difficulties were ad
mirably handled. "I'm Kahne" waa re
demanJed, and It waa sung well. The
Strauss sor.g and the numbers dedicated to
Mr. Hamlin were, of course, exceedingly to Hie audience.
In his tone production Mr Hamlin bdvo
cates de Idedly tlif nasal resonance and
that dots not mean that he i-'ngs In his
ncke. Lut that l.o ues the nu;-i resauator
In a very effective manner. Ills German
tongs, however, would be better without
It. He has a splendid crescendo and ft
fine technique. His niezza voce and soft
effects often become so ctheral as to
border upon the effeminate; they lack
body and carrying power, but therein lies
tho greatest difficulty which presents It
self to the singer. Mr. Hamlin has the
equipment to make ft tremendous success
of the broad style of song recital
which ho Is now presenting through
the country and which stands well In the
light with those of other recltallsts of still
greater fame. He is a success and Is not
resting on his laurels.
The accompaniments were played In tha
most superb. Intelligent, co-operative man
ner by Mr. Martin Schneider, a pianist
of splendid qualities and noticeable
strength. K.
coyote hid in the weeds thore and was
finally discovered and killed. Its weight
was forty pounds. It Is thought that
the coyote had been In captivity at some
time, as there was a mark around its
nock like tho mark of a cord. The peo
ple In the vicinity of Forty-second and
Kmmet streets have been losing many
chickens of l.tte a:.,: It Is now attributed
to the coyote.
E. I'. Morrow Falls In Attempt to Kill
Spouse and Destroy Home
with Fire.
Because Mrs. E. E. Morrow. 2009 North
Thirteenth street, had no Thanksgiving din
ner prepared, she Is lying In the Omaha
General hospital suffering from two bullet
wounds, and the husband Is lying In the
city Jail and will have to face the charge
of shooting with Intent to kill. At 3 o'clock
Thursday afternoon E. E. Morrow went
home and asked his wife If she had a
Thanksgiving dinner ready. Bhe replied
that he had not, because he had not fur
nished the necessary provisions for such a
dirmer. This angered Morrow, and he
pulled out a revolver and beiran shooting
at h's wife. The first shot glased her ab
domen and the second struck tho front rail
of her l"ft shoulder, running downward
and coming out at the back. The third
shot mifsed her. There were no more
cartridges m the pistol and Morrow's wrath
nas not yet appeased. "He went into the
bedroom and set fire to the house. Neigh
bors who had been attracted by the sound
of tho shots saw smoke emerging from the
houso and turned in a fire alarm. When
the fire department arrived Morrow fought
the firemen when they attempted to enter
.the house. He pulled his gun on Captain
Jenk-, but a stream of wnter was plavel
on him that knocke.l i .m down, and he w::s
relieved of his gun ai.J held for the police,
and was later taken to the station In the
patrol wagon. The five was extinguished
beforo any considerable damngo was done
to the house, although the bedding and
furniture were quite badly damaged.
Mrs. Morrow was attended by Dr. J. C.
Plshop, who had her taken to the Omaha
General hospital. Her condition Is not re
garded as serious unless blood poisoning
should set In. Morrow wns not drunk when
he did the shooting. His wife says he has
I a vicious temper and that bad blood had
existed between them for some time. They
have not been living together steadily of
i late. Morrow Is a coalheaver. He la about
47 years of age and his wife a few yearn
rieaila Guilty, I'ajs Fine, Serves
Term and la Sqnara with
Uncle Sam.
David M. Gourlay, u stock ranchman of
Cherry county who was recently Indicted
by the United StateB grand Jury for con
spiracy In securing Illegal filings on gov
ernment lands In that county and for illegal
fencing of government lands, appeared he-
ore Judge W. H. Munger Wednesday after
noon und pleaded guilty to Illegal fencing
and was sentenced to pay a fine of J3o0 and
to one day's confinement in tho Douglas
county Jail. The sentence was Imposed
about 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and
Gourlay entered upon his sentence of im
prisonment at once and completed tha
sentence at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoan.
He also paid the fine.
Oourlay was Indicted on twelve counta.
Eleven cf them related to procuring Illegal
filings partly through the agency of Irving
D. Hull and others. However, by agree
ment of counsel these eleven counts were
dismissed against him and he entered a
plea of guilty on the twelfth count which
related specifically to Illegal fencing of
public lands. The amount of public lands
with which ho was churged with fencing
illegally was relatively small and the fences
have long, since been removed and the lands
restored to the public domain for public
Beyond the Reach of Call by State
Treasurer for Remit
tance. "The action of State Treasurer Brian in
railing on county treasurers to remit state
fum'.s In their hands December 1, does not
affect this county in the least," said
County Treasurer Fink Friday. "Douglas
county remits Its state funds every month.
The smaller counties, I understand, remit
only two or three time a year and tha
letter of tha state treasurer Is for tha pur
pose of having these counties make their
distribution and remittance at once."
State Treasurer Brian was led to make
tha call for funds because of the lack of
ready money In the school funds. Ttia ap
portionment will bo made Monday and tha
treasurer haa but 1187,000 with which to pay
an apportionment of (266,000.
nallwar Notes and Personals.
J. K. Chambers, ticket agent at Union
station, la confined to his huno with a
severe attack of pneumonia.
The Central Freight Traffic association
Is considering he advisability of r'lng
the irate oi .export (Train from Chlca.o to
the seaboard from 13 cents per hundred to
16 cents. Should this be dona it will tend
to raise tha rate on both export and, do
mestic grain from this section ef the. Coun
try. Local officials claim to have hud tie
notice . of tha contemplated raise.
Clinton I Patterson lias been appointed
asHiNtant special agent of the Union Pa
cific, with headquarters at Denver, to suc
ceed Paul H. Gregory, who has resigned.
T. T. Kellher, who has been assistant pe
rlal agent of the Wyoming division, haa
had his Jurisdiction extended to cover the
Utah division, which was recently added to
the part of the Union Pacific controlled
from the general offices In Omaha.
Verv Important Sale Saturday!
leers ot tlolrk Shine Shoe Polish
say it Is the next and most lasting polish
they have ever used. It give a polish to
the leather and It won't rub uft on the
clothing. A well satisfied user Is the bes:
J. W. Vaaee Has I.lvelr Thankaalv t a
Chase and Secure Pelt aa
J. W. Vance, Forty-second und Emmet
streets, killed a coyote Thanksgiving
within the city limits. He first discovered
the coyote in a patch of corn nrar I'ort
secoud and Pinkney streets, and after
taking a shot at It he chased the t-Jt
fso i that point to Thirty-seventh and
Howard streets. He was io.n.M In the
, chase by several scoie of K-oplo, and
at Thirty-seventh and Clark streets the
wholu celghborl.vod turned out. Iht
No.l-Great Glove Sale ZZeSrS&T ''TTqTt
which sold at $2.25 and $2.75. will ba sold at... d pdll
Our entire stock of 12-Button Dressed Kid, 16-button Chamois, and one
lot of lG-Button Fine Suede, which sold up to 3.75 pair, 1 fQ n roiv
will be sold at 1.70 d pdll.
We desire to fit every pair after sale and will give a new pair for any
that show defect in fitting NOT GUARANTEED OTHERWISE
These represent what we believe to be the best glove values ever of
fered in Omaha Sale starts at 9 A. M.
No. 2Great Ribbon Sale to observe the hourCleanina
up of all Fancy Silk Ribbons just, at the right time for holiday work
First lot contains Dresden Printed Warps Plaids, 0 TrA
etc., worth up to SOc, all at one price ZjC d ydlQ
SECOND LOT Wide Fancies Printed Warps Flowered effects
Plaids, etc., vorth up to $1.00; all one price, 3C d YdlX
This is one of the best lots ever offered by us and you know wo have
had some great ribbon sales.
Men Not Forgotten
No. 3-Men's Shirt Sale
1 19 I g1083-00 Uni,a Sait' An dai
Mn' Sbirta and Drawer, eold up
to 12.00, Saturday
Mn A WnmArVe I InHommor lot of heavy Fleeced
Pants and Union Suits, sold formerly from DOc to
$1.00, to close out the lot Saturday ,
Ribbed Vests
35c each