Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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7-room hou with hot water heat for only
. $3,300
Where ran you eoual Itt Ixt ROxlOO feat.
Asphalt street, cement tide walks.
110 Board of Trade Rldg. Tel. Douglaa 4.
Main floor.
0)-833 71
Brand new double brick. close In, renting
for II. 0 per year, strictly modern, paved
street, walking 'distance. . Don't fall to let
us ahow yoVthis property at once.
Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
(19J-SS2 M
John Morrison House
Soma people may not know that Mr.
Morrison has reduced t ha price of his house
near Koine Mlllor to 10,000.
Harrison & Morton
911-SQ3 N. T. Life Bid. Tel. Douglas 211.
(lit) &4 24
A New Flat Building
Tha owner of a new double brick flat
wants us to get him an offor this week.
These are rented to Mrst-class tenants
for 1.0$0 and water ' per year. Bouth
front lot, paved street. These are good.
The Byron Reed Co.
Phone Douglaa 297. 21! S. llth St.
(19)-Mm 27
2212 Clark St. 6 rooms, modern except
heat, IZ2.M.
MS Bo. vttth Ave., t rooms, all modern,
(46 00.
80s So. 29th St., 7 rooms, first floor, mod
em except heat, 120. 00.
WH So. 29th St., 7 rooms, second floor,
2h!2 Webster, B-room cottage, 112.50.
32o7 So. Zl St., 6-room cottage, $16.00.
7 No. 2sth Ave., 4-room cottage, tlO.00.
7S No. Ave., 4 rooms, IS.00.
717 So. 31st St.,, 7 rooms, modern except
heat, $.0.00.
IDOtt Dodge St.
(15)-2 27
Southeast corner 3uth and California; 100
feet flu California by 1& feet on 3irth St.;
will divide. Owner anxious to sell and any
reasonable offer will be considered.
S1,S50 for 6-room. modern exctpt heat;
same neighborhood; terms.
303 New York Life.
, (1)-M836 28
FOR SALE A well built 10-room frame
house, beautifully finished In hard wood;
..hard-wood floors, mantels, modern bath
' room and conveniently arranged, will
sell at a very low price, to be removed
from .present premises by purchaser. Ad
dress C. C. Rosewater. Bee Bldg., Omaha.
! M317
LIST your property with Chris Bover. fid
and-Cumliig-iUa.-- . iuZU
FIFTEEN sections Colorado dry land,
14 per acre. J. 8. McSparran, Houldor,
Colo. UIO AllliO 2ux
la hereby given that seuled bids will be
received and filed In the office of the
county clerk of Ureeley county, Nebraska,
up to noon of the Hlh day of December,
laCC, for the purchase of the following
described land now owned by Ureeley
county, Nebraska, vis. Section 23. In
township 18, range 10 and section 21, town
ship 19, range .. In GreeUy county, Ne
braska. Bids may be made for the entire
tract or for any subdivision of the same.
The board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids or . portions of bids, and
reudvertlse the above land If the bids sub
mitted are disproportionate to the true value
of the above described land, liy order of
the Board of . Countly commissioners uf
Greeley . county. Nebraska. Witness my
hand and the seal of said county at Oreo
icy, Nebraska, this 2"Ui day of November
A..D. 17.
JAMES B. BANT. County Clerk.
CM) .M736Dec.l3
10 acre of good form land three aVid
one-half miles northwest of Somerset L'n
roln county, Nebraska, for siile or will'trado
for a good second-hand automobile
ear. the car must be from 24 to 30
hor power and not over 1 year old In
quire at once of Herman Springer Co
owner, Sidney, Neb. iMy M7T0 27r "
MR. INVESTOR I have a Rovd rountv
Nebraska. farm that J must sell quick li
you have some Idle money here Is L
bargain for someone. Addres Y 59 care
of lit. . (20)M7M
No Investments In farm lands are af
fected by financial flurries. Put your money
where It wlU constsntly Increase In value
always free from risk. We can sell you'
any amount from 40 to i.OOO acres of north
rn 'Wisconsin's rhoWM lands.
, . . Rive Lake, Wis.
(20)-MS59 Dee S4x
We have them from acres to. Sou. of the
best farina In 'western Washington Or
chard, dairy and bay and oat farms
)e.gedsrr lands, homes of all kinds.
RfcED KEAN. "Mount Vernon. Wash
' 0 MS91 isx
FAMILY of three would like to rent a
furnished house or flat of five or six
rooms for the winter. In good huatton;
.willing to pay pcr month: can furnlsli
' ""fereoces. Prof. Pwyer. Rome
t2iV M1!T 2x
rS '""Proved city property. W. H.
- . - - uaiiK mo
WANXt.I-C!ty loan,. Polar a Trust Co.
WANTaUJ-lly loans and warrants. W.
rernam Smith Co.. IK arnim 8u
LOWJlST RATEO-Remla, Piston Block,
' (22) .
LOANS on Improved Otrtshe cronertr
CT Keels K. E. Co.. UW N. Y. Life Bldg.
.. - lti 7V
WOO TO t.0n TO IOAN-Pr1vt. money;
BO delays. J. II. gherweod. U7 N. Y I.'fe
MOM BY TO LOAN-Payne Iovestmnt Co.
fcjn y ono made promptly, jr. D. Wead.
Wild bidg. Uih ai.J tarnam
$500.00 OR $1,000.00 !
We have the mortgages now on sale. Pur
Ing twenty-one years of business no In
vestor has lost a dollar) nor taken an
acre of land.
We are now handling over SEVEN AND
other people's money.
We give our attention to the . .
Rental of Property,
Preparation of Wills,
Purchase and sale of School and Muni
cipal Bonds; local stocks gas, street rail
way, stock yards, etc
New York Life Bldg.,
W AaVTED To buy second-hand furniture,
look and healing stoves, caipets, ltmt
leunis, office luinilure, old clothes and
shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows,
Quilts and au kinds of tools, or will buy
the furniture of your house complete.
The highest prices paid. Call the right
man. lei. Luug. Sbil.
(25) M983 DecJl
6KCOND-HAND furniture bought and aold;
also machines of all klnda rented, $2 per
month. Tel. Doug. 6994. (2o Moa
Highest prices for butter and eggs. Cash
or merchandise. Send trial shipment. The
benhett Comp-ny, Omaha. ( UI
WANTED To buy calves. TeU Doug. 6839.
CASH paid for second-band clothing, shoes,
elo. St No. l.tli SL Tel. Red 84.
I2u 0S
WANTED-200 folding chairs. N. P. Dodge
At Co., 1714 I'urnaia street, Omaha.
- 2t)-AIti40 28
SITUATION WANTED Male stenogVapher!
well educated; 7 inos. ex per. ; H yis.; $72
mo. Address L. li. 33, Ashton, la.
(27-M60I Six
YOUNG man, SO years old, wishes place
tn drug store; pharmacy graduate; whole
sale experience and some retail; well ac
quainted with drugs. Address O 64, Ben.
27 M8"i )x
CLERICAL position, an kind, by young
man, 80; 12 years' experience Jn general
all-around oftice work and bookkeeping;
good references. Address K 633, Bee.
(27)-M104 Dec. 3x
WHEN writing to advertisers, remember
It takes but an extra stroke rfir two of
the pen to mention the fact that you saw
the ad In The Bee.
week. Will go home nights, 1920 South
10th street, In rear basement. (27186 27
WORK of any kind by colored man. Call
Webster 419a, evenings. (27) 684 jx
Railroad company. Omaha, Neb., Nov.
I, 1H7 To the Stockholders: Notice Is
hereby g'.ven that a special meenris of the
stockholders of th Oxford Kansas Rail
road company w. be held at the office- of
the company at Omaha, NebriHka at 4
o'clock p. m.. on January 10, 19os. for the
purpose of acting upon the question of
selling the railroad, proporty and franchises
of the comtuny to the Chicago, Burlington
A Quincy Railroad company, the railroad
and property aforesaid being 'now under
lease to the said -company. By order of
the bourd of directors. W. P. Durkse.
Secretary. NlOdtiut
ley, Kansas A Southwestern Railroad
Company, Oinolia, Neb., Nov. 9, 19U7. To
the Stockholders: Notice Is hereby , given
that a special meeting of the stockholders
of thu Republican Valley, Kan.-as & South
western Rallroud cunii any will be held at
the otllce of the company In Omaha. Ne
braska, at 4 o'clock p. m. on January 10,
lvh. fur the purpose of action upon the
question of selling the railroad, property
and franchises of this company to the Chi
cago. Burlington A Qulncy halhoad com
pany, the railroad and property aforekaid
beiug now undur lease to the said company.
Hy order of the board of directors. W. P.
Durkee. Secretary. - NIOdtjOt
western Railroad Company. Omaha, Neb.,
Nov. 9. 19U7. To the Stockholders: Notice
Is hereby given thai a special meeting of
the stockholders of the Onuha and South
western Railroad company will be held at
the ollloe of the company at Omaha, Neb.,
at 4 o'clock p. m., on January lu, litos, for
the purpose of acting, upon the question of
selling' the railroad, property and fran
chises of the company to the Chicago, Bur
lintlon ec (Julncy Railroad company, the
railroad and property aforesaid being now
under leaae to said company. By order of
the board of directors. W. P. DURKEE.
Secretary. . Nl0d)t
ley & Wyoming Railroad company.
Omsh.v Ne., Nov. t, 19H7 To the Stock
holders: Notice Is hereby given that a
KperlMl meeting of the stockholders of the
Republican Valley A. Wyoming Railroad
company will be held at the oftice of the
company In Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock
p. m.. on January 10, 11108. for the purpose
of acting upon the question of selling the
railroad, property and franchises of this
company to the Chicago, Burlington A
yu ncy Railroad company, the railroad
and property aforesaid being now under
lease to said companr. hy order of the
board of directors, w. P. Durkee. Secre
Platte Hailroad Company. Omaha, Neb.,
Nov. 9, 19u7. To the Stockholders: Notice
is hereby given that a apeclal meeting of
the stockholders of the Omaha and- North
Platte Railroad company will be held at'
the office of the compaoy In Omaha, Neb.,
at 4 o'clock p. m., on January 10, l.-Kyi, for
the purpoke of acting upon the question of
selling the railroad, property and franchises
of this comptiny to tke Chicago, Burlington
at CAitncy Railroad company, the railroad
and property aforesaid being now under
leane to the said company. By order of
the board of dlrectora, W. P. Durkee.
Becretary. . NlOdtOt
Omaha Railway Coinicy.. Omaha, Neb.,
Nov. 9. 1S07, To the Stockholders: Notice
la hereby jr'ven Hut a special meeting of
the stockholders of the Kansas City ic
Omaha Railway company will be held at
the oirlce of the comiany In Fairfield. Ne
brasiis. at 9 o'clock a. m. on January H,
IaS, for the purpose of soting upon the
question of selling the railroad, property
and franchises of the company to the Chi
cago. RuriUigton Qulncy Railroad com
Pry, the railroad and properly aforess d now under lease to said colnpany
My order of the board of directors. S . p
Durkee. Becietory. Nlodott
master. Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming, Oct. 28,
19U7. Sealed proposals in triplicate lll bs
receKed hsre ujiul 10 a. m. (mountain
time) November 27, 1Sj7, for the construc
tion of brick, quartermasur storehouae,
brick quai lern.asier sihle, brick tire sta
tion, frame coal ahed. steel-clad magasine,
nd for the Installation of plumbing, hast
ing, electric wiring and eleuirte fixtures tn
buldlngs were specified. Plfcna anU specl
hcatmna may be seen at .unices -of shief
qum termaitier, Denver, Oinana. Chicago
and St. Paul. Depot quartermaster, St
l-oula. and at this otllce. at w uteri latlei
pla.-e all Inforioaltoii may be obtained
LYlled States retarvts the right to accept
cr iejev-t any or all proposals or any part
thereof. Kucluae propoaals la sealed nu
vrlopci maiked "I'i'opoaals for Pubilo
Build. nsrs." au.irciscd to t aiptaln Wm. D
Davis, vi. U., U'. S. A. o:i-.'V-j-ai NJi-27,
Haikell Indians and Creighton Unl
reriity to Entertain Enthusiast!.
Teams Are sauted 1st the Xeeesaary
Panting aad Open Work Has
kell gatd t lie: netting;
Help from Carlisle.
Vinton street park will present gala
day appearance Thursday afternoon, when
the Haskell Indians come to Omaha to
play the annuaV gam of foot ball with
the strong team which Is representing
Crelghton university this year. If the
weather man will continue to dish out the
present variety of Indian summer fir the
game the Indians will be right at home,
and when the giants of the two teams meet
In gridiron battle the fur will fly.
Many lovers of the game have not seen
a game under the new rules, preferring to
wait till such time as Omaha Is given a
top' notch game. The game Thursday,
however, should be evenly enough matched
to lend sufflclont interest to satisfy tho
most fastidious. Both teams are skilled
under the new rules, which require a large
amount of punting and open work, and
the big park will In all probability be
taxed' to handle the crowd.
All the various departments of Crelghton
university have chartered different sorts
of vehicles for the game and carryalls,
tallyhos, automobiles, sightseeing cars,
large drays and rubber-neck hacks will all
be pressed Into service to handle the root
ers. The band will be out In uniform and
the -blue and white of Crelghton will bs
seen oh every side.
Ccach Bell has had his men at practice
for over a week In anticipation of the
game, no contest being waged Inst Satur
day that the men might be in the best
possible condition. Several new plays have
been worked out to give Drome an op
portunity to show his metnl. and the atwky
little quarterback Is liable to give all a
Haskell Calls on Carlisle.
A rumnr Is circulating around town that
the Haskell Indians are strengthening up
their team for the Crelghton game by call
ing on some of the Carlisle Indians for
help. It Is reported that Houser left Chi
cago for Lawrence, Kan., Saturday night
after the Chicago-Carlisle game and has
been putting In the week at practice with
the braves of the other school. Houser
played on the Haskell team for three years
before he went to Carlisle and there Is
where he got his preliminary training.
Normal Team Disbanded Monday and
Will Not Tiny Thursday.
Instead of a nice, long s'lk penant, hand
Illuminated, caressed by hundreds of pretty
college gins, ana oounu wun purple and
gold baby ribbon, the Peru Normal foot
ball team will take lta ribbon, wrapped
neatly around a long tranKpnrent laboratory
flask, filled with pastecrlzed fluid, widely
advertised and endorsed by thousands of
Final word has been received frnm the
normal school that the young men who will
In future years train yoving Americans
In the Intellectual accomplishments, do not
care to know anything more about foot
ball, the game will not be played with
Bellevue Thanksgiving and the Peru team
hsd disbanded and conceded the Bellevue
team the collegiate championship of., the
For several days the mobile mercury has
climbed up and down - the ruhgs of the
thermometrlcal ladder In the vicinity- of
Peru. At times the large feet of the Peril
players gave forth such sensations- aa
wouM lead their owners' tf fteltsve that
they were walking over the hot sands' pre
pared' for novlres of Zanab's temple, of the Mystic Shrine. Then -again
the, Umba In the plow shoes felt like they
were carrying owners over Greenland's Icy
mountains In a useless search for polar
Teddy hears.
But Monday the agile mercury descended
to Us lowest rung In the vicinity of Peru,
and feet grew cold In bunches of eleven
pairs an hour, and the game was called
Most anyway a genuine college sportsman
can look at the disappointing conduct of
the normal school foot ball tam. It winds
tip with the conclusion that the boys of
Pern did not have the goods and should
have refrained from engagements and en
tanclnments with a team such as Bellevue
has been shown to have.
The first game between Rellewe and
Peru was scheduled for Saturday. Novem
ber 16. and the boys of the Purple and
Gold advertised It liberally. Rut Teru re
fused to plsy tf Brown, whom w de
clared not eligible, remained on the Belle
vue team. Investigation stiowed Brown
was entitled to play, and the Peru team
agreed to play Thanksgiving.
But this proved to be another case of
walking right In, turning around and
walking right out again, and aftr Bell
evue rettirned with the hair of the Hast
ings team, with which they will stuff sofa
cushions for Christmas, Manager Zinc tel
ephoned that the Peru team had disbanded.
During the many marches un the hill
snd walks down again the Peru team ob
jected to the selection of officials. Manager
Eager of Nebraska, with the managers nf
the contesting teams, havlni been selected
Office. Fort Des Moines. Iowa, Novem
ber 23, 19J7. Sealed proposals, in trlplha-.e.
will bo received here until 3 p. in., s an
dard ,tlme. Monday, December 23, 1907, foi
constructing, plumbing, steam hi at ng a id
electric wiring one double set Captains'
Quarters and two double sets Lleutenunts
Quarters, and constructing one Q tar er
maater's Storehouse at Fort Des M line,
Iowa. Information furnished on applica
tion here. United States reserves the riKht
to accept or reject any or all proposals or
parts thereof. Envelopes containing pro
posals should be endorsed "Proposals for
" and addressed Cap.atn Jno. J.
Boniface. Constructing Quartet master.
NS3-2i-26-U7-D.0 21
Nebraska National bank to H. D.
Reed. IS acres In s4 nwVi, seVi neV,
sec. 19-1.V13. ...a i
Adolph If. Gladstone to Frank A.
Hamilton, sub lot ID of lot 3. Cap
itol addition 2
John 8. Collins to l-awrence Skow. 4
acres In ti'C 16-lti-13 .'. ,, 400
Charles 8. Hoxre and wife to Itenja
min Shafton, lot I, block 7, Shlnn'a
a iid I lion j 500
Vuleda I. Hox'.e to Irene R Hixle."
lot 8. block 7. Shlnn's 1st aldltl in.. 1
Cliurlea 8. Hoxla to same, undivided
's of same j vy,
El'en Lynch to Thomas Lynch and
Marcaret Lynch, nl:''4 fe-t of lot
11, block . Kountze 3d addition .... 1
. Sl.liT,
Join one of our Christmas Excurslona tn
Great Britain. Norway, Sweden, Denmark
and Germany, leaving Chicago weekly.
Excellent service and exceptionally lo
rates by the Canadian pacific "Express. "
the finest, fastest and largest steamers
between St. Lawrence porta and Europe
Write for rates and booklets.
O. B. EH J AMIS, O. A.,
831 8L. Clark fcusel, Chicago, 111.
ciAAK's ck trigs or tki
II flaa ....- a . . 1 .
I Q 1 unusually di. t n 1
wuiuiiiF Kaar. I R 1
February I la April IT, it,
arvtaty iars. coating onlr .(H .i4 , i,,iui.
iiora icur.ton. iPBCUl. KXATl'KEa: M.4ir
C.ii, rill. Alsisra. Malt.. U Un la l,M aM
Ik Half Lo4 ronK.Dtmtle. AU- Horn t, TOIHS (tul'NU THg WuKLl). '
40 TOl IW T'. Kl KOI'ie
BXMi Mnrre!iu.tY tni tlrptl r-r offrtii
r. C. CLAKtt. Time. Bug.. rk.
to name them. The BiMfevue team In'
s'sted on having; Charles Thomas of
Omaha, who has always given the college
teams a square deal, ant as Omahan did
rot look ?ood to the school rha'ams. Th"n
Coach Crow says he neo.led more rial
for the Christmas sofa cushions so badly
that he telephoned th Peru team to
choose their own official and nrtnat theri
lng Just so they arrived In time foi
the Thanksgiving tnrkev. Coach Crow 1
much disappointed over the mitcome, and l
Jtist a little hit sorry that his Ind'ans loniv
so fierce, when as a matter of fact thev
are Just as gentle as a wooden IndlHn or
a dead IMeger Indian or any kind of an
Ind'an out of the patent medicine hu-lnes
In games with Nebraska (colleges the
flellrvue team has sr-ored 1 points asslns'
the opponents' nothing. This placed tho
Bellevue tenm a close second to the State
university. This tenm has won evrrv
game during the Sanson and has hsd ont--Ave
points scored avnlnst thm, a record
not established by many colleges In the
Championship Rightally Delonga to
the Purple and White.
The high Softool's glorious foot ball
soason Is over now, hut the talk still con
tinues both tn and out of school about the
games, the players. and the championship.
The latter undoubtedly belongs to the
purpte ana white, as their enly defeat
occurred when three of thnlp nl.v.r.
Howard, I.ehmer knd Ncgl, were on the
sick list, and tho local boys afterwards
ueicaiea. u to o. a team that beat York
i" no 1110 school on (he hill has the
pennant over the teams recogn'xed In the
Nebraska lesgue. and her victories over
Council Fluffs and, Harlan rive her also
100 nnssouri -vauey as iser Held of suprem
acy. Grand Inland and Iexrngton have re
cently challenged Omaha, hut these
challenges were not accepted because they
came from teams that nlnv Inellclhln nlnv.
crs. who are not recognised aa being
aiimieur ainieies ann nonn nue students of
high chool age. The distance and ex
pense In getting to Grand TslnnJ or Lex
ington were also far-tors tn the decision not
to accept tho challenges, as the cost of
the gnmes would have to he met lsrgelv
by the Omaha athletlo board, which li
nnxtous to end the season with money In
the treasury.
nd with such a start on the road
hnck to athletlo sumemnfy both In
Nehrafcs snd the m'd-west Omaha Hlerh
school athletes will think twice before thev
let the laurels they deserve slip out of
tli"1r gmsp.
The time Is at hand when It Is believed
Omnha tcIU lead all others, not only In
foot ball, hut alo In bse hall, basket
h'lll. ard truck work, and the heart nf
every sto-'ent and alumnus thrills with
the thought.
olonlrr 's a l't of the nlncVv ptnvers
who helprd win the chsmnlonshtp: Merle
Howard. Nash, Wilson MrWhlnney. laaten
ser. (Cant. I. Ne-1 Jfmeos. T,,
Warren TTownrd. Pelbv. Plxley. MeK'Innev.
Flnr-tr. Fntr'ken. Gardiner nfid Whlnnery
The second team under Captain Charlton
also deserves mention.
Last Game for A a, sirs.
AMF9. Ia., Nov. 2i!. (Special.) The offi
cials for the Thanksgiving day rime be
tween tho State Agricultural college and
Dmkn university have been selected.
Coygahell will referee the contest and
Graham will officiate as umpire. Auracher
will act as Held Judge. Pell Is making
strenuous efforts to get his team In work
ing order before the Aggies arrive In tho
Vaddo, at Long; Shot, Wins Opening;
v Handicap nt Uennlng.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. Three favorites
hti:.-i;cu nrsi at lieiiniug today on a heavy
track. Yuddo, a long aiiot, won Hie open
ing handicap easily. The steeplechaae was
a walkover for Economy, Ihe favorite.
Two horses threw tlioir Jockeys lu this
event. The closing hairdlcap was an easy
victory for Berkely, the favorite In a field
of seven. Results:
First race, handicap, six furlongs, Co
lumbia course: Yadrio 9-, Falrbrother, 15
to 1) won, I -let lees (S6, York, 20 to 1, 8 to 1
and 4 to 1) second, Dolly Spankor (12ti.
McDunlcl, 3 to 1, even and 2 to 5j third.
Time:' 1:25. Comedienne, Oxford, Royal
Lady, Simple Honours and Battle Axe also
Second race, steeplechase, about two
miles: - Edonomy (142,-McAfee, 6 to 1) won.
Monkey Puxxlo (145, . Dunce, 2 to 1, 4 to 0
and 1 to 2) socond. Fin Muccool (142, Archi
bald, 6 to 1, 8 to 3 nnrt 4 to 6) third. Time:
i:'J. Touchwood, Vniivaaw and J. I. McGill
ako' ratr. -oft., -
Third race, Seven 1 furlongs, Columbia
course: Oreeno (111, McDanlcl, t to 1) won.
Tony Bottero (110, CuDf'n' 1 to 1, 8 to 5 and
4 to 5) second, Belle of h Bay (108, Noiter,
2 to 1, 1 to 10 and ouV) third". Time: 1:81H.
Ially, Fjitlmnte, Brlgtit Boy, King of Ha
ahan, Fusllable and Wise Hand also ran.
Fourth race, six furlongs, Columbia
course: Winning. Star (110, York, 2 to 1)
w n. Klligesslng His, Bruseel. ) to 1, 12
and 6 to 1J Second, Gay Gryselle (115.
Nutter, 4 to 1. 8 to 6 and 1 to i) third.
Time: 1 :!. Malaga. Silver Ball, May
Sella and Woolspun also ran.
Fifth race, one 'mH. ColuTibla course:
Monacodor lp'8, J. Hogg, i to 1; won, Hl
ginbotham (1"2, Notter, 7 to 6, J to 6 and
out) second. Hallot Box (103, McDanlel, 15
to 1. 4 to 1 and 1 to 1) third. Time: 1:44V,.
Reliimoore, Eldorado. Gramser, Society Bad
and Kmlnola also rani
Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth:
Berkeley (116, Notter. 7 to 5) won, Kllile
crankle (1UE, G. Swcln, 3U to 1, 6 to i and
I to 2) second, Darkle (P'S. Henry, 15 to 1,
6 to 1 and 8 to a third. Time: 1:53.
Alauda, Ocean Spray, Campaigner and Do
bn"" al"o an.
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 26. Resultg at
City Park: - '
First race, five furlongs, maiden 2-year-olds,
fillies, purse: Florence N. (Ion, J.
Sunipter, 13 to 1) Iwon, Iasoeur (1"5, V.
Powers. 6 to 6. place) aecond, Georgia Girl
1, J. Hennessy, oven to showi third.
Time: l:0ti. Ansonla. Una, Anna Kanderse,
Canteless. Sliver Cup, Culture, Edina and
Dindull also ran.
Second race, rive and a half furlongs, 4-year-olds
and up. selling: DeresaeUo (117.
Delttby, 4 to 6 won, Lucy Young (11. C.
Koerner. 4 to 1, place) aecond. Dr. McClour
lil'J. Troxler, 3 to 1 to showi third. Time:
1 :liH. Dapple Gold, Oonoomoo, Creel and
Krlmeshall also ran.
Third race, seven furlongs, 3-year-olds,
selling: Convllle (109, V. Powers, 4 to 1i
won. Frsnk Lord (le. I.elhert, 1 to 2.
place) second, Communlpaw (VO, Pickens
out to show) third. Time: 1:35. Coultncss
uIfo ran.
Fourth rare, five furlongs, for 2-year-olds,
selling: Orlandi (PS. M'nder, 9 to 10)
won, Adrian 19 T. Koerner S to 2, place)
second, Florida Glen (M, Goedlke. X to 1
to show) third. Timer 1-0514. Mackerel,
Sylvia a., Kitty Smith, C. II. Shilling and
Esther Prown also ran.
Fifth race, selling, six furlongs: Refined
(TTI Hufnagel, 7 to S) won, Katie Powers
lo5, Glasner. S to 1, place) second. Chart's
Thompein (107, Mountain, 4 to 5 to showi
thtrd. Time: Fay, LuVlncent and
Cold Etia nel alo ran
Sixth race, one mile and an Eighth, sell-nfr-.
Joclle (102. A. Plikens. to 2) won.
Little Flkin dir.', Rllcnor, 3ft to l. j lacel
econd, St. Noel (1C2. I.lebert, out to show)
M- Ti.-: t, Vatabrrn alsi ran
OAKLAND. Cal Nov. M.-Results at
1 ' I'ark:
First lace, five sod a half furlongs, sell
ng- Ijo Vfnot (K. O. Hurns.' 4 to 1) won
Ta-rv (I'm. Gra'd, 7 trt 1 evond, Alice F
(K6. Morrlend. 7 to 1) third. Time: Iffl,
tn-imit. Wah 00. Kerlvos, Heather cott
u'rait. Martin. Ban I.oid ond Wllmore
Hocond race, six fur'orars: Creston Rv
'116, Boss, 3 to 5) won. J-ihn G Graus nit
lynch. SO to li secord. K-unisrln Ion's
M3. Re'tlt. 12 to 1) tpird. Time: l ixu
F M. Prsttsin. Lustlg. Amh'tlnis. la-iv
''I 'swell, I ovev Mary. Joe G"s. Titrm J
Pelham, Royal Ecot and Golden Rule also
''I'lrd rare, one mile and on slvteenth
'"'i iv Kerm't (ir7. Haves. 4 to li won
M'3 fy rtowd'sh (1117. Ross. 13 to 5) e-
rd. llnr of "st (111. Hunter, SO to 1
1. 'I'd. Time: 1:47 The Cataln. N-h
a- Fitv. Our Rallln, Henvobo. Tanered
- Pewey also rsi.
l-Vturth race one "lle and twenty vs-ds
ell'ne: Fd Pall (ins J'u-s. s to , won
"nhrle (110. W. xHler '2 to 1) ,.m.i
nrlng Pan CI Mu'eah'V. T to 1) th'rd
in-et 1 -iin. Aimola, Dsruma nnd Rv
'e IT a'so rsn.
F""i five 'urlonra. nn-se: F Ksiicr.
"t GM. W. M'ller. 8 fO Fl won f"1Ve
"tnrVlrir Of V n,1?,n M 11 geeond
'p.-n Full (iv, Pn.t. K to 1 third T'rrie
.i: vav T N. Ovelando, Iord Nelson
nd Head Trance slo ran'
civtn rsee. seven furlnrcrs. nurse: Rsher
""al (1t sfnrlflnd, to 5 won. Colonel
'VMte W M'ller. 1 to S) e-r,l M'ke
' r.lan 11. T.yneh. to U t'rd, Tlne
' 24 Can'sle Riirnett. GoMen Shore Po
it-arra, silver Line and Shady Lad' also
Match May He made far rtererahrr S
at the Aadltoriam.
'barley Hackenschn Idt and Prof M J
wyer may he iiialched for a wiesle at
e Audiiorljm the night of December 6
AVer la in receipt of a letter from Hack
ivlng he will urrance for a go with the
rmer any time not later than Dcemr
I'wyer has been In conference with
anagrr G'llan of the Auditorium and thev
iv about to decide ou December 6 as the
. 1 1 ,
date. As soon as the decision Is reached
l-'wyer will telearanh Hackenschmlrlt.
This will be the curtain raiser for th
wrestling season In Omaha, thia winter.
Nnrabrr of Teeinas to Be Decided mt
Next Meeting;.
The following Officers were elected Mon
day evening at a meeting of the now Inter
City Base Rail league held at the Walter
G. Clarke store- president, Arthur Meti;
vice president, George Fox; secretary
treasurer, p. Jesen, Jr.; board of directors,
George Fox, C. F. Radlcan, Christ Lyck,
11 any Bagc, C. E. Hall.
A set of rules and regulations will be
drawn up by the officers of the new league
and a form of contract will also be drawn
up. whereby the managers of the various
teams may sign up their prospective "nhe-
noms" for the coming season. A meeting
will De called in the near future to decide
upon the number of teams who will fight
for the Inter-city league pennant, at which
meeting a schedule committee will be ap
pointed and it Is hoped that the new league
will be completely organized before tha
new year arrives.
Will Propose Eighteen aa Maximum
Number of Players Per Team.
NEW YORK. Nov. 2.-One of the pro
posals which It la expected wll be made
at the coming meeting of the - National
League of Base Ball clubs In New York
will be to limit the number ef players that
any one club may retain on Its salary
list. It Is said Jhat George B. Dnvey of
the Eoston club will propose the adoption
of a resolution forbidding, the reservation
of more than eighteen players and pro
viding that not more than five new men
may be added during a playing season.
Dovey declares that the salvation of the
big leagues depends on the reduction nf
expense, and that In order to retain public
Interest the teams must be more evenly
Mike Donlln Re-Slgned by New York
at B.OOO Salary
CHICAGO, Nov. 26.-Mlke Donlln, the
famous center fielder nnd batsman, has
again slgnM with the New York National
league team, according to the Record
Herald. 'l"h 0 contract is said to call for a
salary of $6,0X.
Mike Donlln. alnce he peremptorily left
the MeOrnw outfit, has been playing with
the Independents In Chicago. hevtrn
teams In the big leagues have been rv
ported as dickering for his services. Ir
t'v renort' he Is to get fi.OOO a year from
New 1 ork be true many fane believe It
may pay certain players to become out
laws for a while.
The Stori Blue Ribbons won two games
from the Reed Brothers' team after losing
the first by a single pin. Franr-laeo struck
his ga't after a poor start and finished high
on totals, with 60I. His 243 was also the
best single game. Tonight the Gate Cltys
meet tho Mets Brothers' team. Score:
1st. 2d. Sd. Tot.
J. C. Reed 213 175 161 MS
A C. Reed 170 111 1M 42
Grefnlenf 1H4 171 116 4x0
Reynolds 174 1H5 157 614
II. D. Reed lis 1 1M til
878 S3
828 2,637
1st. 2d.
Frltscher ....
Francisco . .
Totals 877 87 4 977 J.828
The Jetter Gold Tone out the crimps Into
the Fa s.a'Vs last night on the Metropolitan
allevs for three straights. Not being sat
isfied with thai they made the highest
score on the alleva for a total of 1.001 in the
first game, while C. Prlmeau carried off
the high single honors, with 246. Groue was
high man on the team with 571. The Fal-
uri are aaln'ug in the kindergarten clans
this season. Tonight the Clarks will play
the News. Hco'e: ,
1st. 2d. 2d
Prim, au,
Foley ...
Grolte ..
Totals 1.0O1 8X5 819
1st. fd. Sd. Tot
Klanck 170 1'il Rd
Chatelain Hi H 1- W
Melson, P 101 r i.
Drriit-r l )t bi
Jay IW 144 1.8 iM
Totals 8S8 7bS 814 2,4il
Last nitfht on Metropolitan alles No. i
the Eclipse took two good games from the
Chicago Liquor House loam. Cupiain Borg
hoff of the Chicago had both high single
and high total with 215 and frul. For tue
Kdljise team YYeymueller was high with
v&. The score:
1st. 2d. Si. Totsl
Weymueller ltil 1J5 215 501
Ritchie lit 12 112 J'3
Sward Hi 1-1 1W toe
Totals 497 868 43 1 145
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Borghoff 12 UJ l.,j 4u6
Adaina IIS 125 lii'J 4.10
Gernandt ..
... 4JS 429 too l,V4
Cavalry and Artillery Iferee Rsveea.
NEW YORK. Nov. Sfl.-ilajor General
Frederick D. Grant, commanding the de
partment of the east, has given his ap
proval of the plan of the Washington
Jockey club for a ruce at the lleimlng
track on Thanksgiving day between
cavalry and artiflsry horses. The race will
be participated In by horses reprrsentlng
eight troops of the Thirteenth cavalry,
four, troops of the Fifteenth cavalry, four
troops of the Llcvtnth cavalry and the
SELECT crops make good tobacco, and good tobacco
makes a fine chew.
But it takes the pick of tho finest to make
The greatest care and discrimination governs
every detail of its manufacture only the select of the
best of everything is used to make this finest of all
chewing tobaccos. That's why it is the one plug that
is good enough for men who are particular.
Piper Heidsieck is the only plug tobacco that ia
Bold in every good tobacco store.
"The Height of Good Taste"
aecond battery of field artillery. Each
horse will be ridden by an enlisted man
belonging to the command to which the
horse belongs. The Washington Jockey
club has ofiered a gold cup and iK In cash
as prixes for the race. A large part of the
cash will go to the troops nnd battery to
which the first three horses belong, smaller
amounts going to the riders.
George Not aa Fond of "Willim" na
la Miles.
Nlles of last year's St. iouls Browns Is a
?raduate from a college which ia noted
or the attention it paa to matters of a
classical nature, and partly on account of
thia and by reason of the fact that Nlles
Has a deep seated liking of many year's
standing for things relating to the classics,
be is considered about the best authority
on plays of a classical nature that can be
found among Uie base ball players.
Young Niles never tires discussing the
playa of Shakespeare, although some of
his comrades, who are possessed of dif
ferent compositions, do get a bit tired some
times. Now, If any one takes George Stone for
a ShakesDearean scholar he makes a mis
take, for George much prefers a musical
comedy or a light opera to all the plays
that the Immortal "Wlllum" ever wrote.
When the 8t. Louis club was on Its lsst
trip to the eastern clttea during the seaaon
lust finished, and when it was quartered
In Washington, Nlles, George Stone, Char
ley Hemphill and a reporter for a locul
paper were all seated together In a down
town hotel, when the reporter and Nlles got
to talking about Shakespeare. -
As the two men rattled along It was
plainly to be reen that big Stone was get
ting restless, while Charley Hemphill po
litely tried to frame up a look of Interest.
Finally Nlles said:
"Well, at any rate Shakespeare unneces
sarily murdered Hamlet."
"Well, If he did," broke In George Stone,
"he ought to be mighty sorry for It by
this time, as there Is many a Hamlet that
bag murdered Shakespeare since."
Iowa Want Fast Companr.
IOWA CITY. Ia., Nov. 26.-(Speclal.)-The
Iowa university team has broken
training and interest now centers on the
makeup of the Hawkeye schedule for the
coming seaaon. It is hoped bv the stuilen:
body that the conference will adopt the
seven-game recommendation and the
weight of the board rf control here wll!
be thrown lu that direction, as It Is known
that Chalrnsan A. G. Smith favors thu
.'hange. In case the limit Is ratsod to
even games It la believed that Coach Cat
lln will arrange a schedule the like of
hlch tha Hawkeyes have not played If
many a long day. Iowa Is expected to b
strong next season, fully as strong aa I
was last. Kirk has one more year to pla
and Catlln will probany build up his tear!
uround the great halfback. With a gooC
chance to mnke a Btrong showing In th
west It Is expected that Catlln will ar
range at least four and maybe five game
Illinois, r. be played at Champaign next
t" ,re(1y contracted for. Otherwise
.hW.' " " U c,e,r u u xpcted
here that Wisconsin will be asked to make
Stni- t.T?'ye"r "ro:"int. Hie last one
exp ring this season. It Is also expected
2l '""'.I WlKht mePt the Onphera I,
for the first time since lftOS. Other
t-1" 1 wh,ch J1.l,y nP'r on the Iowa
K..?L,le1r,.wCh"'""' Indiana and Ne
braska, Of the- state schools it Is aur
osed that games will be arranged with
Drake university of Des Moines and the
State Agricultural college at Amea. Orln
nrl college may be taken on next seaaon.
But the spirit of the times here calls for
1 ?erl' of conference games, as It l
the minor college teams.
Harry Eells Ont of the Game.
DES MOINES, la., Nov. 38 Harry Eells
Pitcher of the Cleveland Amerl lean l fg 'i
team was sccldentally shot In the leg at a
hunting camp near Sandstone Minn by
a gun In the hands of Josh Cla -k 'who
was a trtemher of the Toledo team with
Eells last year. F lis Is at present being
brought to a hospital at Ida Grove, Ia Th"
ITi U. I'. "Jl0"" no" H s thought that
his pitching days are over because of prob.
able permanent len.
'rfieUT" Holmes Hells Jarrott.
BlOHXriTY, la.. Nov. M.-fPpeclal Tele
gram Ducky" Holtrea ton'ght announc, d
the sale ot Jarrott to Lincoln. BnnounCia
Sporting Ooaslp.
The Curling club la talMnr of aettln
together for ,he winter scoM Th5y can
' Trv -s the .cehoat mn
weVtM6' I4 we?;n,,' mn doesn't hurry
wen hold a meeting and vote to call the
prodigal, home without waiting for April w
That is I n 1t ,n.on" of Bellevue.
That 45 too aoors at Hastings put "tha
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flnishlng touches Into any pennant as
pirations Peru might have had.
If New York has really given Mike Donlln
tS.ttiO on his reinstatement It might not be
a bad Idea for several other going stars to
take to the outlaws.
The Country club membera will vota next
Tuesday on the question ot whether they
think they can aflord to keep an A-l goll
professional or simply a club maker.
Lincoln High school plays at Grand
Island ThaiiKagivIng day and York playa
at North l'lalie. Whatever the Outcome of
these games the Omaha High school team
ia still in the van.
It Is said that whenever Chicago would
kick the ball In the air Houser would b
permitted to catch It and four Indians
would Immediately surround him and th
phalunx would start straight for tiie Chi
cago line, replying on their weight to carry
them through.
Arthur Mets was chosen aa the president
of the Inter-City Base Ball league and no
more ardent fan could have been found,
lie is the real article, when it oomes to
being a base ball bug and If he undertakes
to niuka the new league go he will surely
No foot ball team seems to want to dis
pute the claim of the 1 mills High school
team to the scholastic championship. That
drubbing the local team gave Lincoln la
keeping them all quiet, at least until It la
loo late to play.
Several foot ball bugs who have returned
from the Chicago-Indian game say 8tagg's
men were not In the running at any branch
of the game. They say Houser simply
walled through the Chicago line and that
It took four men to down him every time
he started with the ball; that, whenever
tha bull was booted into the air the In
dians were sure to get lt.
Brother Dovey of Boston wants to limit
the number of players to be carried bv a
team to eighteen as a means of cutting
down expenses, which he says Is the salva
tion of the big leagues. Mr. Dovey no
doubt, feels Injured on that subject of' ex
penses. Rut after he has solved that prob
lem Boston has still another aggravating
puzzle to be settled.
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