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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1907)
.J!; OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER '2i 1H07. Want ads Aaertlacmenta far the nam nil folnmn will lie taken nntll lit ui. (or the evealna; till Ion nnd nnlll U o. nt. for the morning, nnil itimlnr edition. Caah unl accompany nil order rrnnt ad nnd no advertisement will be arrrpted lor lea tnan 10 rent 'it tbe flmt Inaertlwn. Rate apply te cither The Daily ur and ay Ilea, Almaya roant alx irorde to n line. Combination of Initial or uttnbrra roant aa tit word. fll BATES l-OU vv x T AOS. ' RF.Cl I.AH CL4.SIFICATIO. one Insertion, per line, 14 "euta. i ivo ur more conaeentlve tnaertloua, per llnr, cent. Each insertion made nn oil I days. lO rents per line. ftl.&U line per month. Want ada for The nee may be left at any of the folovrin- drag itore one la "yotir eoraer draaTniat" they are all branrh officca of Tue lice and yonr ad will be laaerted Jut a promptly anal on tan aame ratea aa nt the main office la The Bee Bnlldlna, Seventeenth and Karnam Streets. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION If rer advertisement Is Inaerted nnder auy one of the clasalflcntions nl' below, It will be ebatreed at the fol lowing; rate One Insertion, 4 cent per Hue three to six consecutive '.u sectloas, 3 cents per line each Inser tion seven or more consccotlre in aertlona, 3 cent per line each Inker tloa SO cents per line per mouth. BARTER AND JKXCIIANCE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Agents, solicitors nnd Sales men. OFFERED FOR SALE. Com, Blrda, Dos; and Pets. llorsea and Vehicles. Poultry and Eks. Fnrniture. Typewriters and Sewing Machine. Planoa, Onut and Musical laatru nienta. OFFERED FOR JEST. Furnished Rooms. Untarnished Horns. Hoaaekerplng Hooma. Boarding and Rooma. WANTED TO BUY, Alhach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Betaiiek, 8. A.. 103 8. 16th 6t. Becht Pliaimacy. IW S. :h Ht. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33d nl Blake's Pharmacy, :M1 Sherman Ave. Caughlin. C. K.. 6lh and Pierce bts. Clifton Hiil Pharmacy. 2J13 Military Ave. Conte. J. B., 31t Ave. and rarnam. Ciiasey Pharmacy. 24lli and Laku. Cermak, Emll, 12u4- 8. loth St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton, fcliler, F. II., 'Mii Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl. 213 N. 25th St, Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24lh. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. ana Vaclno. Gret nough. G. A., 1026 8. 10th St. Ureenough, G. A., 1624 8. lth St. Hayden, Wm. C 2- Farnam Ht. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1501 bo. 29tn Hoist. John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St. King, H. S., 223 Farnam St. Kountia Place Pharmacy, 8604 N. Mth, Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. J., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefers Cut Prlco Drug Co.. 16th and Chicago. . Schaefer, August, 2031 N. lh St. Scnmldt. J. H., 24th and Cuming 8ts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Worth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton St. CARD OP THANKS. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to ur many friends and neighbors for their lervlces and kindness rendered during he sickness and death of my wile ana our nothcr; albo for the beautiful floral offer ngs and especially Degree of Honor No. 73 and the Ladles' Garfield Circle. Mr. W. Hltber, Miss Tlllle Hleber, Johnny illeber. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Illrths C. Bendorf, Fifteenth and gprague streets, boy; Kdward Hushes, 4430 Farnam street, boy; Hans Hansen, 304 Woolworth avenue, boy. Deaths Frederick SevislKood. St. Bern ard's hospital, aged W years; Nell Hara han, 618 North Forty-llrst streei. aged 45 years; Anna Myerowlch, 121S Capitol ave nue, aged -2 years; llatry Suunders, Elev enth and Ilerce streetn ased 2 months; Mrs. Christine Compton, Douglas county, aged 44 years; Ernest Kres. 1332 South Twenty-llfth avenue, aged 77 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. ' Henrlch Zwelfel, Omaha Terena Gruber, Omaha B. Ernest Lai kins. Torre Haute, Age. 24 24 24 26 27 26 21 1 nd . . Mabel P. Leachey. Omaha Henry R. Brown, Parsons, Kan. Lillian Douglass, Forestvllle, N. Dennis Manlon, Lincoln, Neb.. Manila Price. Omaha John A. Nutowc, Chicago Veronica WaaleleWMkl. Omaha Y.'.'.'. V.. Neb.. 20 I IS ! 3-jj 36 i 3J 20 ; IS i 2 i Clarence L. Gerrard. Columbus Nellie Lynch, Platte Cenler. Ne eb James Ewlng, Omaha Maria Morton, Omaha Arthur S. Wolf, Omaha Mayme L. Schwoert, Omaha Edwin L. Lewis. Omaha Alta Kannal. Omaha Richard Gordon, Omaha Charlotte Harllng, Omaha Aksel Hange. Omaha Silxabeth Oisen, Chicago 23 20 20 ANNOUNCEMENTS MONDAY, DEC. 2, FIRST WINTER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE DAT AND NIGHT The catalogue Is ready. Ask for- It. Bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting, telegraphy and English. Address H. B. Uoylus, 'resident, Boylue Building, Omaha. U Mi64 81GN PAINT1NO S. H. Cole. ISO Dougla7 (!)- THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth 61. Tel. Douglas 1387. C - 701 AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand automo bl.aa. DEK1GU1'. 1818 Farnam. (2 Jui BARTER AND EXCHANGE I HAVE the best and cheapest ranch prop osition consisting of 1,W acres, slock, horses and machinery Included, to ex change for a small farm. Di finest hay land, good improvements, ld acres under cultivation. Also have i furma for rant in Las county close to Plaits niouiti, long lease given to the right rarty. For particulars write J. P. Fuller, laltsmouth. Neo. (3)-M 478 .t TRADES. Tp.ADES-If you have a,Kie thlng for sale ur trade write us; we match everything WAIT INVESTMENT Co.. . gut-Sit) Be Bid.. Omaha. (8I-M14 Dec. 1 TOR BALK OR EXCHANGE-J15.000 stock of general merchandi and frame store building in wssiern Iowa. Addres P. C. Omaha, Neb. (3j-Mi7 D3x tOWA farms and city property In heart of "Torn belt lor tale or exciiange ror Okla houta, Nebraska. Kansas and Washing tua farms and rruit lands, etc., owner olr. O. S, bcheonover. tied Oak. Is. (Sj-MTM BARTER AND EXCHANGE . tC on ' iiij.'J. I TO FXniANiil". fur mcti-linrtle or live1 stock. G.-id 'ii-u'dcnce with seven lot, iiIhii huMn--.! !'i. In -atcm Ne- I lraal;a town. Address fcnx ;:. Hendley, I Nph. i ll -NK.'-O Dec i EXCHANGE FOH of . di y i cnoils. Invoice .'limit 7."rn Muni art at. once. Ailili ' Y i.0. carp of Oimilm He. ! (Si MWI Dec 1 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR PAI-K- A good, i-leiin slock of dry gunilH. sliiifd. nneliKWai e nnd pifcirirs ill n Nliraxkn town nf l.ii'. Encellenl clly :ni(l f.irm tni'l-. Deslrnble l.icstluu, cor.d If nml new, up-lo il.ile dilute Nn liMfl1 cnnilili'ie'l. au thi N ii Kill ''lirt!. us!i ri'piisillnn. H h II h ilniumiM limine i nf climate. 'AiMien Y 61. eiiro llrr. (4) Mi Deo 3t TO GET IN OH ni' fM SI NEPS I CA I.L ON V'n.r.lAMS. 411 M'CAGl.'E BUILDING. I5TH AND DODGE ST3. (4) -06 FOE bargain In rnonilng timises BC" ,1 U. Keys, 107 P. 17th. (l)833a0x t)o You Wish to Make ji Change IF YOU have n farm. home, business or property Dial yfiu viluli to sell or e ihange, write ux. OLOHE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA, NE1I. (4)-MC.0 Deo. 21 A CLEAN up-to-date pool mid billiard hall; 4 tHKtes. A new; good ImslneMn; easy terms; no expennna for months on tables; good reasons for He. ling, If sold must be sold at once; good lively town. I .(. for further particulars write L. B. 4M. Mal vern, la. (4 MS44 FOR SALE In southern Minnesota town of 12.IMI population, a two clialr barber shop, doing a good business. Price, 1180, If taken at once. Further Information, ad urtn.t, A. A., llox i.akeneld. Minn. (4) -Mul4 27s GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Hardware, triiR stocks nnd city property In exchange for land, owners leply. Fremont S. O i son. Mason City. Ia. (4 M(U2 27x FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop with bath tub; narguln If taken at once. Frank host. Randolph, Neb. (4)-M56S Deo. Zx DRl'O STORES for sale everywhere. F. V Knieot, 707 N. Y. Llfo. Omaha. (40) 707 WANTED To sell one-third Interest In our ndlustable shade ati curtain holder. Ob ject f.-r felling, to Install machinery to supplv demand. Address. J. I Smith & Bon, Savannah, Mo. . (4) M511 Dec4x OWING to the condition of my health I offer my lumber and coal business tor ale. H. I. Converse, Slilckley. Neb. (4) M10 Dec6x FOR RALE Good three-chair up-to-data harder shop, nearly new; only shop In town of 700. W. IL Mulvey, Doon, la. y (4) M808 29I EXTRAORDINARY opportunity to Invest $700 In a legitimate, good-paying busi ness. Address G 630, care Bee. (4) M801 26x ELEVEN-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE, close. In; nice locality; part cash, balance payments. Call after 9 a. in., 2213 How ard Bt. (4)-MSlD 26x ROOMING HOI'SES FROM 7 TO 40 ROOMS; LARGE LIST ALWAYS; BAR GAINS. KEYSTONE, 404 BEE BLXKJ. PHONE D. S367, OMAHA. NEB. (II-MI3 D3 I HAVE to hava a partner to help ,m ount in a business which will ultimately make us both Independent; small amount of money required; permanent and bears close Inspection; references exchanged. Address 13 625, care Bee. (4) M664 21 E. G. GANGESTAD can help you get In or out of business. Room 403 Bee Bldr., Omaha. (4)- -4117 BURN THE ASHES Ashes treated by our process burn readily; produce better fire and save tuns of coal. For formula and full particulars enclose 26 cents. Ash Process Co.. Omaha. Neb. (4) -M499 26 x WANTED TO BUY -Hardware stock In new town with future; agricultural sup- gort. Address A. J. Ruechel. Hill City. . D. (4)-M498 26x A COMPLETE Job printing office for sale cheap. Address W C73. Bee. (4)-MlS2 IBx FOR SALE Drug store; the owner must ell on account of poor health; would consider trade on good land. Dorwart & Scheldt Agts.. Friend. Neb. , (4-M 447 26X BLACKSMITH shop for sale. Addres C 676, care Omaha Bee. (4)- M486 FOR RALE 20-rOom furnished house, fine location; full nf boardert Address O 571, care Bee. . (4) -75 NovBx FOR SALE Implement building and com plete new stock. In North Loup valley, good location, good country, and good people; price and terms on application. Address Y 0. care Bee (4) -MS7S NBx WANTED First class moulder to take tl.iVO stock In established business, for particulars address A. M. Franks, Sec retary. Kearney Foundry Ma:hln and Automobile Co., Kearney Neb. (4) -M74 Deo.Xx EVERY INVESTOR SHOULD READ What Shall We Do With Our Savings?" Thanksgiving number Leslie's Weekly. Article will pave way for many fortunes. (4) M86J 26x 34-ROOM lodirtng house: bet location clearing f'Oii monthly. Address Mrs. Otto Nelson, MlHce. Idaho. (4) MT46J Dec ix WE WANT negotiator with substantial fol lowlntr to arrone a nyndlcut for a good, clean, legitimate rnt'rprle Need not be a broker, p. o. i:ux ss. Denver, mio. (4)J-MS60 Dec 2x HOTEL FOR RENT and furniture for sale. The only hotel In town 1.0i0 inhabitants. C. SMITH. I.ulsvllle. N. 4)M8."5 Dec 2x FOR SALE Holler skating rink, livery ntnlil two stores and lotlnlng house, with i) Inls: good paying business Rox 501, Kitzville. Wash. (4) MS 2x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Coasmerelal Artists. H. O. BUNNELL & CO.. S23 N. Y. Life. Douglus 6149. O 7u Cevrpet riennlaa-. SANITARY Cleaning Co.. J919 Farnam, :j--7j Ckattel Ul, Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co.. 601 Bee Bldg Cklronedlat. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1606 Farnam St. LViUg. tin. Creanserlea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to iitatru. .reaincry ia., vmana. S)-T10 DreaensaklaaT IN FAMILIES Mia Bturdy. Tel. Harney 13C 16 714 H POWELL Dressmaking St'hool, 1623 Far nam bt. (6 714 MM E- WOODRUFF. 22J Neville Blk. Tel. v Kll.k 'Ink MfetM llMll IN FAMILIES Miss Veden. Residence 303 N. 26U bt. Telephone Harney lv. (ij MslJ Kx Ce llee tie a Agency. COLLECTIONS made everywhere. Charles E. bmlth. 401 Bee Uldtf. Tel. Doug. 17. ) 3s DccJ Jewelere and Watchmaker. N. P. 8TILLINO Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing 8-1 Paxton Blk. Tl. 437. l-7 Deatleta. BAILEY A MACH. td flr. Iexton. D. 106. (8-7U Hat aVaneeater. NEW Stetson hate sold at half price, ta Bo. litb kU W. A, Raauen. Practical Uatter. lAt-M.k Ail jHuLXMjgranrTaJ8aC3 Find a partner with money through BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Colli HtUl i t " Florlsta. HESS ft tiWiillDUA. 141i Fatnam. (5 :i L. IIENDEHSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 12T.X i (.i) il? I J. 11. BA11I, 1S23 Harney. Tel Do ig. ;i-0 (a) -.1.1 Hotel. THE KCHLIT'A European, pjlh and Harney Locksmltai. KFT8. eto.. Ilcflln. Si4 Farnam. Tel. D. ZTT. t6) iZl . i Oateoparhy. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 1664. r (&) i.i Dr. Bowser, over 1802 Tnt. Tel. Deng 6370. (0) M8t UKKil OfTle Snpplle. FILING csblnets, lllrs and ledgers, loose leaf devices nnd ottice nxtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.. 9u6 South 18th St. Tel. Douglas fM2. (5) M67 Dec 11 8a fee, Shatters, Etc i OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safe. G. Andieen, Prop. 102 S. 1'th 8L (6)-73 Printing;. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order lion t fail to see our elegant imporieo. line. Lyogstad & Jorve, printers, 1C and Cnpi tol Ave. 6)-723 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing; no Job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co.. 3u6 S. ISth St. Tel Douglas 16)-M13 Deo. 1 rhotoa-rapnere. C, B. TRUSSELL. Ill South 16th St. (& lit Shoe Repairing- RAPTD SHOE REPAIR CO.. flrst-rla.-e ?ork. 1618 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red m. SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered Tree. Standard eiioe nepair in, 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D.-7667. (51-M402 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Tradee. WOMEN for day workj housekeepers. waitresses. I3b. (.anaaian omce, loin anu Dodge. (71-727 WANTED Olrls at paper factory. 2:09 cuming oi. ( ' ;i- Heneekeepere ana Domestic. WOMEN'S DOmTePTIC GUILD. 1902 Farnam St. Upstair maid, 15. Houaamald, SS. Cook. 17. Child's nurse, 16. Girls for general housework, $5 to 17. ( I M I 9U . I WANTED Chamber maid and dining room girl, cook and wire to handle kitchen; big wages for good, clean and willing work ers. Markle Hotel. A. F. Swart. Prop.. Hfcatrtce. Neb. (71-MS08 28 WANTED Hotel cook, steady position for right party. Telephone or write, Ar lington hotel. Rising City. Neb. (7) M9S6 Dec3x WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family, good wares. Apply 1043 8. 30th Ave. (7)-M:.-8 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family of three. 106 south 36th Bt. (7)-6J3 WANTED-Gond competent woman to do general housework by the day to go noma nights. Apply 2064 Harney street. (7)-M(33 26 WANTED At onre. first class cook and second girl, colored preferred, apply :103 Leavenworth Btreet. (7) M7S2 20x WANTED--Girl for housework; good home. Apply 2611 Pierce, phone D 6100. (7)-MS67 29x Miscellaneous. I-AD1C8 AND GIRLS to stamp transfers at home; 11.60 to 12 dozen. 006 Paxton block. (7) M490 2 WANTED Teacher for private len-ons In Engllah. 224 8. lfith Bt. (7 MSGS DZX HELP WANTED MALE Agents, gel lei tors and Salesmen. ARB you out of workT Call and see us; good hustler make good money. C. F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard St. (9) 72 WANTED Reliable man In everey locality to represent laige real estate organization; good pay; Instructions free; experience uiinecesKary. North American Realty Co., Dec Moines, Ia. (9)-Mt02 29x WANTED 10 lady canvassers, nothing to ell. Sperry It Hutchinson Co., 411 Pouth 16th St. (7)-24 29 Boys. GOOD boys wanted; first class pay. A. D. T. Co.. 21 8. 13th St. (.l-iai WANTED At once, boy for distributing cards. Apply 2907 Leavenworth tit. (9; 8S0 26 Clerical and Office. Extension. Invoice and frt. clerk. 876. R, B. and fire Ins. man, to take charge or ot rice, n. Exp shipping clerk, must be good, 810. Retail clothing clerk. 8u. Architectural draftsman. $150. WESTERN REF. & BOND. ASS'N, INC 721-722 New York Life Hldg. (9J-M783 26 WANTED Clerk, both men and bov In railroad bfflca, address E 61 rare Omaha Bee. (9 625 2Vx Factory and Trades. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Lit. Omaha. 1 91-731 WANTED Men to learn barber trade at once; wonderful demand for barbers; top wages now; few weeka completes; can earn gome money from start. Call or write, Moier uarper college, 110 South rourieentn Bt. si MSU3 asx AN ALL around printer wanted, capable of taking charge of an office; married man preferred. E. H. Mcllenry, Stanberry. Mo. (91-M843 lx WANTED A bright and active registered assistant. Address H A. Galleghy, phar macist. Daxey. N. D. (9) M741 3ux Mlaeellaaeeaa TOUNO MEN to prepare for examination for railway mall and other government positions. Superior Instruction by mall. Established 14 years. Thousands of suc cessful students. Ample questions and "How Government Positions are 6ecnred" aent free. Interstate School. Cedar Ra pid, Iowa. (9J-M7S4 Dec. 8x HUSTLERS wanted everywhere; 26 to i0 made weekly distributing circular, overseeing out-door adverli-ing; niw turn; no canvassing. Merchant' Out our Advertising Co., Chicago. () M608 1.x POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BARKEMEN: big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at ODC. personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Aas'n, 6-XI paxton bis.. Ouukba, aJae tfj-alMj I EE want ads HELP WANTED MALE HllnrellanenaCoulliiued. V A NTED -Mn for g-mral slaMe unJ yard woik; reteiri'ce. ;inj llee IIUW ,Q,-Mvlt 17 . . FpER En.ploymei.i Kunau. supportid by cusins- Mep's asocial Ion : helps work men find positions. Call 842 New York Life Bidg (9)-s:s Nov27 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack Hlfciis. distribute cliculam, mini I 'l, clc; no canvassing. National I dn. Hu reau, Chicago, III. (9 M60S 2'Jx FIVE THOUSAND people to buy Malzene; 10: package. IT'S (ItOD TO EAT. COURTNEY ti CO (91-MS7S 2x HELP WANTED HALE AND FKMAI.B WANTED Educated men and women ca pable of earning from J-'OO to $4(0 per month, to sell the ' new INTERNA TIONAL ENCYCIjPEDIA In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. In quire at 718 N. Y. Lire Hldg., Omiil.a. N.'b. (10)-MM.2 26 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Veklcle. ONE 2-eat. two runabouts, top buegy, all rubber-tired, Lack hnrnes, one double express harness; one or two horses Come In. The Harney St Stables. (11 1-734 HORSFH bought and old. Myer. 1114 OD-8J0 N27 WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harness clieapeer than any other firm in Omaha, JohtiMon-Danlorth Co., loth & Jones Sts. (ID 8838 FOR SALE High bred sorrel horse; six years old, sixty-three Inches high; rider and driver. Phone Harney 2675. 11)-W3 2ox Poultry and Ekk. GOVT, book Omaha. free. Model Squab Co.. (ID M2C7 Dec3 Coots, Blrda, Doga nnd I'eta. RED POLLED cattle for sale. C M- Chambers, Bartlett, la. (11) MOT Deo. 21 X THOROUOH-BREDl. Scotch Collies. Ad dress Scalem Collie Kennela, 4221) 8. 13th St 'Phone Douglaa 6;4. , (11)683 28x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," 81 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McCoiidell Drug Co., Omaha. 13)-73 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO. over 8. W. cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (13) 737 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention pnld to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Dougiae 1167. Calls annwered day or night. 13) -1M ANY poor girl In need of n friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army lrn-r. t XV a, OS", XI Mth St Omaha. Neb. O2)-M108 MONEY, TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS IF YOU BORROW MONEY for Christmas from' the OLD RELIABLE LOAN HEADQUARTERS you will not have to make your first payment until January. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. lCth St. Entrance. (14) M4iil) DR. PRJBHENOWS MONEY loaned on fuinltuie, pianos, horses, etc., any amount: less half rates; perfoct pri vacy and immediate attention, on any terms, payments suspended when Hick or disabled. 214 Kurba:h Blk.. 809 S 15th St. (14) 438 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape, xou get money same day askod for at smail cosR Open evenings till 6.30. (14) 741 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (141-740 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Ixans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (141743 EAOI.E LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modeling, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. UW LOWEST rates, chattel or salary. Ne brabka Credit Co., 214 Board of Trade. 14 746 CHATTEL, salary, and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam St. t!4)-746 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. G4) 740 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding- nnd Huonia. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15) 7t7 LARGE front room, with alcove, and parlor suite, for two or three people; strictly modern; home cooking. 1S23 Wirt. (1J)-MH17 1 DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. (15) 748 MODERN room; first class board. 608 S. t4th Avo. (15i-Mi5 Dec3 ROOMS, with best board, close In, good location. 6-0 6. 19th St. (16) MGC3 Sox ELEGANT modern rooms and board. Ap ply at 1703 Dodge. (15) M835 r.x Furnished Room. TWO FURNISHED "ROOMS, for young men or 3 young ladles, with or without board, in private family;, modern, wl. every convenience; price reasonablii to right parties; call today. ji Dewev (15.--M818 WE DO expel t piano irovlng mi lowest prices. Tel Douglas 1d-5. fich roller A Mueller Plana Co.. 13U-1.31I Farnam. tif.l 74 OMAHA Van A: Storage Co. pack, move, tor II . H. goods; storehouse, 11 JO-24 N. lath. Omce. liXi Farnam. TtL Doug. 17.9. (15) Tib TWO all modern furnlshe rooma, parlor floor. Dodge BL Tel. Harney S;S. (1528S HOUSEHOLD good packed, forwarded: cheap freight ratea. moving and stoiage. Kxpreasmen' Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 384. CIS 7M NK7WLY furnished front room, modern I flat; hot water heat; breakfast If dv ired; walking distance. 24e6 Harney St. j (16)-M773 26x ! FOR ROOMS of all kinds, see the Walt 1 Rental Agency. tu8 Bee Building. Tel. i D 2904. (15)-M779 26 WALKING distance, south front, modern rooms, private family, will give break fast. Tel. Harney 4u77. (15) M74 LARGE front double room, also side room, gas. bath, telephone, furnace heat; five blocks from buslnea center. 1919 Cass Sc. (16) Mo34 3u FURNISHED room, vary desirable. (14 B. 241U fet, Qit-Uli D15 f f OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Room Contlnned. A WARM, comfortable room In'new, mod ern house for one or two. gentlemen pre ferred. 009 South 26th avenue. (10) MS37 lx LARGE furnished room with strictly mod ern conveniences; private family; Han scom park district; half block to car. Ad diess 11 631. care Bee. (15) M0 Ztix EI.EGANTsteam-heated rooms for couples nnd gentlemen. ihe Boston, ltii s. 1 7th. (16) M834 2x GOOD first floor front room, bedroom ad Joining; desiiable place for two or three young men. Also other room. 218 No. 19th. (18)-M549 28x WEI,!, furnished southeast front room, si. liable for one or two gentlemen, mod ern, private family. 7f3 S. 29th St. (15) -6(3 27 FOR RENT To two young gentlemen with references, a suite of two very desirable rooms In private nome In Kountre Place; $20 per month. Address D 611, Bee. (15) 6S5 WE move pianos. Maggard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 141. Office, 1712 Web- ater St. 051-753 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room In new modern house; private family; 29th, near Leavenworth St. Gentlemen preferred. 'Phone Harney 715. (16) 78 NEWLY furnished, sunny rooms; private fumlly; modern. 308 N. 2d St. (15) M314 Mx LARGE furnished front room; steam heat, gas. 218 No. 23d St. Ring lower hell. (15) M875 2Sx FINE, newly furnished, sunny rooms; modern, .easonable. 308 North 12d. (15) M 758 30 x -4 ROOMS In modern houie; gentlemen pre ferred. 12Sa 2Clh. (10)-28 26X FRONT room, steam heat. 220 No. 23d. (15) Miti TWO front rooms, 808 South Hst St.. (1-626 25 THREE furnished rooms; light, heat and bath. 533 S. 22d St. (15) M831 1 STEAM HEATED rooms, single or double; board If desired. 1811 Chlcugo. (15)-M847 27x 20fl SOUTH 25th Ave,. 3 rooms, light house keeping. (15) 854 27 x Apartmc d flata. AN APARTMENT. Davldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. t. (15)-754 Uafnrnlahed Rouma. UNFURNISHED rooms; modern. 1618 No. Twenty-fifth St - (15) 169 FIVE rooms, part modern; no children. 4211 No. 24th St. (16)-602 THREE unfurnished rooma; modern; ref erences required. 2618 St. Mary's Ave. (15)-&73 2Sx Housekeeping Ilooma. FOUR rooms, furnished tor housekeeping or sleeping; one or all. 'Phone Web-ter 3603. 2226 Miami St. (151366 TWO large housekeeping rooms, furnished, conveniences, back and front entrance, $12.60. 2214 N. 19th St. (15)-M743 26x FOUR or five housekeeping rooms, mod ern, furnace. 2223 Burt; walking ''.Is tance. (IS) M830 1 HOUSEICKEPING ROOMS, furnished. 1713 Jackson St. (16) M821 lx FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, wltb all conveniences. 2'70 Farnam St. (15) 851 Dec. lx FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; mod ern; light housekeeping; light and heat. , 2635 Davenport St. (15) M 874 2x Fnrntaned He FOR RENT Six-room modern cottage, nicely furnished. 663 8. 27th St, Tel. Web ster 646. (15) MR34 FOR RENT 8-room furnished house for five moi.thn: can show cvenines. 8720 Lincoln Boulevard. (16) M653 26x Ilonaea and Cottagea. 9-ROOM new brick flat, first-class, 875. On Farnam lire. 9 rooms, all modern, $10. Kountze Place. 7 rooms, modern except heat. $25. 26th, near Caldwell, ( roorni, bath, gas, water. 2719 8. 6th, one block from Ftrnam line, 7 rooms, water, gas, $18. 8-room brick flat, close In, $45. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Dougls 3J52. (15) M871 Dec2 3209 N. Kth Ave., 7 rooma, modern except furnace, 125. 4303 N. 24th. ( rooma. modern except fur nace, $22. 1705 8. 2sth, 10 rooms, modern except fur nace 130. 610 8. 27th, 6 rooms, all modern, 336. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas 685. (16) M858 WINTER HOME Large old southern home furnished, on Perdldo Bay (Florida. Most romantic place In the south. Fine hunting, fishing and boating right at your door. Ideal for win ter months. Terms reasonable. Address A. P. Matthevrs, Independent Telephone Co. Tel. Douglas 6037. (16) M643 26 5- roorn cottage, good repair, on hill close to Burlington depot, 1114 South 9th St.. $15. 6- room house on J street, near 27th St., South Omaha, $12.00. 8. Ilawver, 1614 Em met St.. (l)-627 24 FOR RENT New 8-room modern house, finished in hardwood throughout, 42d and Douglas; now open for Inspection and ready December 1. $35 00. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1803 FARNAM ST. (15) M599 ZJ FOR RENT -room house, No. 6011 North SOth St.; newly papered and painted In side; $10 per month. Inquire 411 First National Bank Bldg., or 'phone Red 8-J or Webster 2U12. (15) 684 FOR RENT Eight-room modern bouse. 414 North 81t St., li. THOMAS BRENNAN. Rocm 1. New York Life Building. (16-M1S5 8-ROOM house, modern throughout, loca for. the bent In town. 216 8. S5tn Ave. TeUvione Lougla 1866 for particular. Wm. H. Bodemann. (15) M3i FOR RENT-Four 6-room cottage, strictly modern except heat. Just finished, clean and ready to move In; $20 and $22; water I & 1; call Morand Opp. Burwood theater, or TeL Doug. lutl. Rant begin Deo. L (uv M723 Dclx LARGE (-room cottage, modern except fur nace. 1634 8. 28th St. Inquire M. J. Greerey. 'Phone Harney 2330. 06) IAS FOR RENT 8-room modern flat, opposite Hanscom Park; $34. 'Phone South T. (i4)-4a TTHTTSFS ln " $ of the city 11UUOLO Crelgh Sons Co.. Bee Bldg. ' (15) 758 (15)-7 W FOR RENT 4808 North 24th St,, alx rooms, modern except furnace, $23. 06)-M977 NINE-room modern house. m63 No. lrtb i bt. Call Telephone Harney 819. (U-M253 MODERN 8-room house, on car line, good location. $30. tile Lake BL (15)-36T HOUSES, Insurance, Ring wait. Barker Blk. U 'I BRAND NEW hou. 7 room and recep tion hall. Phone Harney to. 812 Cm fee $4. U6)-eu) t;x OFFERED FOR RENT (Ucntinued. Office. FOR RENT 2400 Square feet on second floor Paxton Building, suitable for . offices, wholesale jewelry, millinery or . lodge rooms, apply W. Farnam Smith & Co. (15) M872 26 THRE15 offices on second floftr of new Conservative building, 1614 Harney St., modern and conveniently altualed In the business center; oak finish, bnst nf sun light. hat und janitor service furnished: can be leased separately or eimulte. HASTINGS St H bS Y DEN, 1704 Farnam St. (lS)-'MSUS 2 3 SUITES of large light ofMcus, very suit able for doctor offices. In Continental block, 15th and Doug laal Sts. Robt. II. Bennett, agent, room IL Continental Blk. (15)-M357 DESK room In new Brandels BUIg., with 'phone anil stenographic aeivlce. Address 0-554. care Bee. (16)-M34 FOR RENT Office room No. 7. Crounse blk. (opposite postoftlce), $100 per month. Apply to Conrad Young. 1518 Iodge Si. (15)-M870 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 131 Bnlldlnga. BALL ROOM, 4 lodge rooma, with ante rooma and kltohen; all new and clean; Fraternity Hall, opp. Public Library. Telephone 8092. Auditorium with stage, eat 600. No liquor allowed In premises and no saloons In neighborhood. Low rental. N. P. Dodge St Co., 1714 Farnam St, Tel. Doug. 829. (16)-M565 Store. ONE etore room In i.ew "Scargo building In South Omaha, near postofflc. with lighted basement, modern show windows and awnings; beat poislbla location. Hall Dis tributor Co., 811 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406. (16 766 FOR RENT Second floor, 83x100; steam heat. Palace Clothing Co., 14th and Douglas St. (16)-tV23 8 TORE, vacant, 22x60. on 8. 16th; vacant December 1. $40. . O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone DourIos jiri (15) M870 28 LIVE GROCERY MAN. Best location ln the city for large nelrh borhood grocery; people to use the goods are there; need live man with ample stock to supply them; A-1 store room. BEMIS. 306 PAXTON HI-OOK. (15)--MTM OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing to per foot. 206 N 17th b L Tel. Red 814. (l)-76 Fnrnltare. TWO nice oak folding beds, cheap, 1914 Farnam afreet. (16) Mtrt 27 X NEW furniture In modern steam heated flat; full of roomers and pays all ex penses; very cheap. 218 N. 23d. (16)-M845 1 Planes, Orgaaa, Mnaleal Inatrnnaenta, OFFERINGS FOR THANKSGIVING PIANO BUYERS W need the room for our holiday stock and are compelled to sacrifice, regardlesa of cost, the following matchless Instru ments; Vose aV Bona aquare, orlg pr., $500, only $36 Kraeraon aquare, orlg. pr., $560. only $36 bieck aquare, original prlc. IhjO. 'only $U Stairway square, original pr. $fu9. only $u0 WA Nw England upright, only $75 $.1'4 Davla A Son uproght, $100 LibQ Fischer upright. IliS 0 Schubert upright, man. case, only $150 $450 river It upright, fin ton, only $175 "ii knab. rosewood caae, only $2u0 Terme 81 to t cash and 60e to $1 per week. Every Instrument fully guaranteed. Stool and scarf free. Invettlgat. call or writ today, how to obtain free mualo leason. W also rent new pianos, $1 and up, and do expert tuning, repairing, revarntshing nd moving. Schmoller & Mueller PIANO COMPANY, UU-inJ Farnam Ht. Tl. Doug. l3t Sielnway at Sons' Representative (1O-M80 BUFFSTT BARITONE BAXAPHONBt fin leather cut; usd thr month; vargaln. M N. Win. Ufl-Utvtt Hi I OFFERtD FOR SALE (tiiu:nud.) , lynevtrlter and lenlag Marhlnea. FOR SALE High grade second-hand ;ype writer; good condition; a bargain at $. Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16) ;i Mis ONYX SODA FOUNTAINS. One 12-syrup luiuul, one U nyriip liquid; ono 16-syrup American; one ls-syrup Lip plnrott. All reilnisiied and stiver plated, kverv one a baiaain. Monthly payments. i Deright. lf18 Farnam St. (l'.)-Mlw) Deo 14 I 300.000 good clean brick at $4 per 1,000; also doors, windows. Sheeting, lath, lum ber of thfl finest kind at less than halt price; also two good sieam-heating plants. Inquire J. P. Connolly, Mntu and Harney. (161-M416. FOR SALE A full set of undertaking tools, all in first-class aliape; will Bell at cot If taken In thirty days. B. R. Martin, Anita, la. (16)-MH42 lx Ml'ST RAISE MONEY AT ONCE. $35 diamond locket,, $-5i $33 diamond ring, $21; $25 ring, $15; hurry. Wilts R. Lee. R. 22. Flenxer Blk. lei. loug. I960. (16) M622 2 FOR BALE Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two larg automatic, oil tank and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha, Neb. 116) 770 FOR SALE New and aecond-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th St. (16j 76 $300 upright piano $12S; $425 Orient buck board automobile $100. Talk quick ; am leaving city. Call 415 N. 23d, after dp m. (16) 538 27x GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-dato etock at lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered When needed. Inspection Invited. $13 6. 15th BL Tel. Doug. TL (16) 7o3 WORTHINGTON DUPLEX PUMP (00-gallon Worthlngton duplex pump, slxt 12xl(Hfexl0. for sale. This pump has seen about alx months' actual service and is lit good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges, engldeer Bee Bldg. (16)-57i) , ONE 6-hole Birmingham steel range, wati-t front; 1 gaa range, 1 gas plate, 1 hard coal heater, 1 soft coal heater, 3 dlnui room tables, 16 dining chairs, 10 kitchen chairs. 1 refrigerator, 7 large rug., 6 dressers, 6 center tables, 6 Iron beds. 2 matrenses, 1 sanitary couch, 3 commodes, 3 wash stands, 1 flush couch, 6 rocking chairs, 1 kitchen, cabinet, 1 sideboard, 3 clocks, curtains, etc, 2517 No. lMti St. (16) 630 25x NIAGARA FALLS VIEW'S In book. Borne showing winter and summer scenes; tlio Great falls. Whirlpool rapids, Gorge rail way. Ice bridge, etc. Special Christina offer, 60c, postage or money order. (.'. W. Chamberlain, 433 Mass. Ave., Buffalo. N. Y. (10)-M513 18x HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re. tall. Sherman tt McDonnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. (16) 771 8END US your mall order for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 772 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed palnL Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16) 771 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $11 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (16) 777 DAYTON COMPUTING SCAI,E, In fine -condition; will sell cheap. 308 N. itiih. . ' (16) M526 27x IRON SAFE, suitable for store or offlje; a bargain. 303 N. 16th. (16) M525 27 x SECOND-HAND overcoats Singer, 416 N. 16th. and firearms. (161774 HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16)-r777 HAY $7.50 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. H'.th. (1U)-7T5 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma china designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17)-780 LARSON CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. (17)-7H PATENTS that nrotect. Our 3 books for In ventors mailed on ruceipt cf 6o postage. R. S. & A. B. Lacey, rooms nt-39 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1H&. 17i M7S2 PERSONAL U8) 0 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa trangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, lull Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18 1 815 PLEATING BuUoM.KRuchl'nc. 1 LLni lliVJ Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 6c per yard. Bend tor prlue and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Duuglss ml (10) 7S3 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; ln faot, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for coat at collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. (18 7b." SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut E rices. Send for free catalogue. Myers 'lllon Drug Co., Omaha. (IS) 780 MASSAOE mn bth- Room 3. 1201 iVOOaUti Farnam St., 2d floor. (18) M557 NovM WD RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machine. Nab. Cycle Co.. Cor. 16th and Harney. (18) M135 PRIVATE CONFINBCTvTKTfT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 34th. Tel. Veu, 3558. lid) -is OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufacturers pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Telephone Douglas 1521. (18)- BURNS, chap, ore, chafing, tender skin healed by Satin Skin Cream. Try It. &c. (18) Lleben. costumer, 1410 Howard, open eva. 08)-12 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramg Bulldlng: 0)-75 REAL ESTATE REAL KSTATK DHALBRB. PAYNE INV. CO., lat floor N. Y. Life. Dougiaa Ju- ii) GEOKGS COMPANY. ' ' am. TL Douglas 751 1(01 Farnam. (18) 7M PETERS TRUST CO.. N. Y. Ufe Bldg (U)-7l lJ eiBBEKNSEN. room 304. 120 Bo. Itth. 7 (UU-M184 CITY PROPKRTY FOB ALB $500 D07N CASH OR CHECK Balance Monthly Payments Will buy choice bom of I rooms, new and modern, oak finish, gaa ana electrlo light, walking distance to town, one block te Farnam car. R. II. LANDERYOU, TeL Doug. I15L eU Board of Trade. Q)-Um $4 A V - r