Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Attorney General Rules Sale of Hun
dred Dollar Books Discrimination.
Farmer Jfmr Lincoln Rolrhrr On
Hobs' and Srll Trndnet, tlmtlng
rarkers Who Bear !.! Hon
' and Keep Old Price. ,
(From a Bmff Corrcspondnnt.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 25. (Special Telegram.)
Attorney Onorah W. T. Thompson has
Informed the railroad commissioners that
the plan of the Nebraska Telephone com
pany tQ aell $120 of tpln'lione cuupons for
IKO has the appearance of being a nbale
to him ' and therefore Illegal. The fart
that the. um I mads so lare makes It
Impossible for the atrial patrons to take
advantage of It. Anyone wltlt JiOD) woul 1
be unable to take advantage (if the '0
bonus given, hence the attorney genera,
concludes the plan fs wrong In law. If the
offer were extended ro the (anie dlscoun.
could be obtained on smaller numbers ol
coupons the ruifng lnifilu t different. A
It la the offer permits the wealthy corpo
rations enly to take advantage of the sys
Pay (or Third Nebraska.
Adjutant General Hehwnrz 1 us received u
warrant from the auditor of the War de
partment for W.231.M to ry the officers,
hand and field slaff of the Third Nebraska
regiment for services during the Spanlfh
Amerlcan wtr. This sum mnkes about $.'05
for each raptnln, less 10 per cent which
has to be paid to the lawyer who lobbied
tho claim through'. Ti e letter received by
tho Adjutant gcncrnl s.ild some of the offi
cers had been cut out. but whether the
names of W. J. Bryan, Oeorge L. Sheldon
and Oenernl Schwarx are Included in the
11st turned down the letter did not say.
West Point Man Want Job.
Frank Prahos of Weft Point wants to
be appointed fish commissioner to look
after1 the Cherry county sub-hatchery and
he has filed his name with a petition a
mile or so long with the governor, asking
for tho place. There Is no appropriation to
pay such nn officer and therefore it Is not
likely any one will be appointed to the
position. The sub-t.atchery will be man
aged from the game warden's office.
Omaha Officer to School.
Adjutant General fiehwan tins received
a copy of an order from the War depart
ment saying that Cuptain Julius A. Wllg
of th Second infantry, Omaha, has been
ordered to Fort Crook to take a course of
Instruction at the garrison school.
Company "till Dolna; Business.
The Insurance department has received
.nformntion that tho Provident Accident
Insurance company of Omalm was still do
ing business. This company, so Insurance
Deputy ' Pierce' said, had not received a
license to do business in Nebraska during
tlie last two years and it was his opinion
that the business of the company had been
wound up long ago. He has notified the
aifcnt of the company to refund any assens
mentw he'iyray" mVe rollected slnCo' the' ex
piration of the lust license. , ,
". Bank Must Collect Money.
Tha treasury warrant sent to State
Treasurer Brian for $1,271 has been sent
:o the South Omaha National . bank for
collection from tho subtreasury at Chicago,
txainst which the check was drawn. Treas
urer Brian sent tho check to the sub
treasury for the currency, and It came
oack with Instructions that It would not
je paid except through a bank. Mr. Brian
knows of no reimun for such procedure,
but did aa directed and sent the warrant
to the bank -srul expects to get the cash
Read What He Says About
' ' Gray Hair
Oiy hail is limply faded hair. Hail
"lura gray amply bersuae the blood ol
the scalp fuU to supply the rood of the hair
with ths natural secretion that give it color.
If your hair is pay don't dye ill Colon
obtained by the tut of dye are but tempo
rary and ate immediately detected. They
don't look natural. My preparation labeled:
E, Burnham's
Gray Hair Restorer
By its nouriihing properties restores the
nsii to it youthful condition and stimulate
the deposit ol matter that five it nature'
. The dealer, aasned below, sell E. Bum
Kam' preparation. Call there and ei fgc
a f REE Sample Bottle of Cray Han
Restorer, Hair and Scalp Tonic Cucum
ber Cieesa and a copy of the Gift Booklet,
entitled "How to Be Beautiful" which con
tain valuable aaciata ever woman should
t knew. If yon cannot call, srnd tea cent
(to coral mailing expense) direct to E.
Burahaa. 70-72 5lu Street. Chicago, 11L
Onr three obotoa brands. TY15 of nast
ies." "laeaey Ordsr," rFUmlitanee' ic
CUgara. Try tfcam fur yourself if yea Ilk
eU(btruU sweet, mild shaeke. Caah
ettrar la oavrefuliy niavle by las hands ei
allied workmen.
Wm. Bindorup
1822-24 It mVl AVE., CiiAHJL
Over All
shortly. A letter from the state treasurer
of Idaho to Treasurer Brian, received to
day, said ho had a similar experience re-
cently. The money is due the state on
the rayment out of the forest re:
serve? fund,
Jjo tall for Bank Statement.
No call has been Issued recently for a
statement of the condition of the state
or national banks In Nebraska. This
cull, which will be the last for the year,
for the condition of the state banks, said
Secretary Iloyse of the State Banking
board, Is usually Issued at the same time
the call is made Tor the condition of the
national bank's. Mr. Royse said he did
not know when the national bank call
would be Issued and neither dill he know
when the state call would be issued. How
ever he said tho reports received from the
bank examiners indicated that all the
banks examined were In splendid con
Farmers Bark Meat Combine.
Several farmers living near Lincoln have
decided to buck the packing houses and It
Is reported they did so very successfully
here during the day. The price of hogs at
tho tliarkets Is way below what It has been,
though the rr1ce of meat In Lincoln con
tinues way above the pocketbook of the
nrdlnnry people. These farmers' butchered
their hops and p-ddlod the meat around
Lincoln and fotind a customer at nearly
every house. The people seoufed good meat
at a reasonable price and the farmer re
ceived a good price for his hogs.
Mrs. Bryan Delays Trip.
Owing to the Illness of Mrs. I.eavltt's son
the departure of Mrs. W. J. Brynaand Mrs
Leavitt for Europe has been pcjtponed for
one week. They expected to go very
Dr. liny la Rolomon Role,
Dr. Hay, superintendent of the Lincoln
Insane asylum, has proved himself a Sol
omon. He has two assistant physicians, Dr
Wlgton and Pr. Pllsbury. Dr. Wigton has
a very large room at the oslum, plenty
large enough for two. In fact the room
has always been used by a married couple,
but neither Fllsbury nor Wlgton was mar
ried, so Wigton has had the big mom all
to himself. YeBterday Pllsbury, very much
abashed, called at Dr. Hay's office and
announced he Intended to get married. The
doctor was agreeable. "But I want Wig
ton's room," said Pllsbury. Before the
superintendent could answer Wigton, with
a great big smile, came into the room and
announced he Intended to get married.
"Whoever marries first gets the room,"
said the doctor, and they do say dress
makers are working overtime In two fam
Five Delegates to Present Claims of
the Tribe. I
WALTHILU Neb., Nov. 25.-fSpcclal.)
The Omaha Indian tribe met In general
council Saturday and Sunday to determine
tho personnel of a delegation to visit Wash
ington at the opening of the next congress.
WbUe Horse or. Kills Blackbird, Thomas
McCauley, Harvey Warner, Levi Levering
and Amos Walker were chosen as tha five
delegates. The delegation wins Instructed
to secure favorable action of the court of
cla'ms on a claim of the Omaha tribe for
about .JSO.QOO,, undei) a.tgtfiiej. treat wlih
the. government, '.p. ' '
Severul other .matters of Importance to the
ribo will be urged by this delegation,
among which Is a request for the extension
of the trust period In certain cases.
A large attendance of members of the
tribe was present and considerable inter
est manifested.
A committee was chosen to outline the
desires of the tribe.
Uncertain Whether Defendant Will
Take the Stand In Own Behalf.
BEATRICE, Neb,r Nov. 26. tSpeclal Tele
gram.) The trial of R. Mead Shumway,
charged with the murder of Mrs. Sarah
Martin, wae resumed this morning. Dur
ing the day twelve witnesses were ex
amined and much of the tlmo was spent
In proving that the stalna .on Shumway
clothing were blood. Several witnesses
were also called to the stand to prove
some of the statements made by the ac
cused man after he had entered the employ
of Jacob Martin. Sheriff Trude, Coroner
Reed and Jacob Martin were recalled by
the state to correct some of the testimony
admitted Saturday. '
' The state rested this evening and the
defense will begin the introduction of
testimony In the morning. The attorneys
for Shumway have not decided what course
they will pursue. If the accused man takes
the stand In hla own be-half the case will
not be finished before Thursday. The de
fense has but three witnesses to examine.
Says Salclde Deliberately Planned.
HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 23.-Special Tel
egram.) After lingering for Over twenty
four hours, after she had swallowed nearly
a cupful of parts green with suicidal In
tent, Mrs. Stephen Blnfleld, who lived ten
miles north of Hastings, died at 10:30 this
morning. During several brief periods, In
when she seemed In full possession of her
mental faculties, Mrs. Blnfleld talked coolly
and rationally of her deed, but only so far
aa to say that In others she would con
sider such an attempt an act of Insanity,
while In' her own case It wss a deed de
liberately planned and carefully executed.
.About eight years ago Mrs. Blnfleld suf
fered a mental breakdown and her, suicide
probably resulted from a recurrence of
the disorder. '
Suspected of Horse Stealing;.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Nov. 25 (Special Tel
egramsTwo men giving the names of
Owen Bedford and William Aushutx, claim
ing to be residents' of Lebanon, Kan., were-
arrested here today,' suspected of stealing
a team of gray mares near West Point,
Neb., about ten days ago. They arrived at
the home of a farmer named Wf H"f.;
near Plckrell. November 14, and after go
Ing to work there sold the team tor t).
They were Intoxicated when arrested. The
officers are Investigating the 'case.
Announcements, -wedding stationery and
calling cards, blank book and magaslne
binding. 'Phone Doug. J604. A. I. Root. In.
- Ti,LSS
QtLArtcr Sitka, 1 t for 9fc
t4 4 UshTU Mkt McyaaWdd sVtllrM
r i f.
1 1 ,r :?
Official Figure Secured by CaaiTMiing
Board at Lincoln.
Anderson's Plaralltr Over Issieas
Wae 82,010, While That et
CoepUad Over Millard
Woe 84,274.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Nov. 2J. tSpeclal Tele
gram.) Of flcial figure from Nebraska
for the late election were obtained today.
when the canvassing board opened the
returns sent in by tha county clerks. The
plurality of Judge Reese over Judge
Lonmls for supreme Judge was 14.406.
The republican regents ran ahead over
30.000 eah, making the average plurality
of the republican ticket where there waa
a contest 30,5!2.
The total vote east In Nebraska was
Following are the figures: For supreme
Judge: M. B. Reese (repj; 102.387;
George L. Ldomis (fus.V 77,911; Qravea
(pro.), S.15S; 8tebbens (soc), 3,200.
For Regents
Anderson (rep.) IN TW
Co.iplsnd (rep.) lw.iM
Millard (dem.) W.038
Sundean (fus.) il.W.1
Von Steen (pro.) -5iR
Carter (soc.) 4.59
Porter (soc.) 4,4c6
Regent to fill vacancy
Rogers (soc.) '. 84,495
For railroad commissioner
Clark (rep.) 114,9l
Llchty (pro.).... 14. M4
MeClure (soc.) ... W.443
Following are the official returns on dis
trict Judges In the fifteen Judicial districts
of the state:
First District.
Counties. L. M. Pern- J. B. A. D. Mc-ts-rton,
R. Raper, R. Candless, D.
Gare '.. 19(4 29S9 19V1
Jefferson 1VW 1M 77
Johnson 12X8 169 7S2
Nemaha ........ 14S4 146 10&4
Pawnee 1304 1304 873
Richardson 1738 1819 16S7
Totals If27 KXBl 6623
Second District.
J. L, Root, H. D. Travis,
R. D.
Cass 2023 2162
Otoe 1672 161
Totals 1695
Third District.
43 5
, B09J
W. H. Stewart. R
Lincoln Frost, R
A. J. Cornish, R
A. J. Sawyer. D
Foarth District.
Doug- Washlng
Burt. las. Barpy. ton. Total.
O. A. Day, R 1514 10465 1130 1694 144X)
L. 8. Estelle, R....1733 16751 1437 2e04 21926
How'd Kennedy, R.1468 1(38 K'93 1613 14717
W. A. Redick, R..1413 10492 1072 1593 14,70
W. O. Sears, R....1492 104f lOtiJ 158 14601
A. L. Sutton, R....1527 10M0 1161 1673 15161
A. C. Troup, B 1475 10601 106 1681 14616
Fifth District.
A. J. F. C. f a. F. B. F.
Evans, power, Corcoran, Good.
R. R. Fe- F.
Butler 18H8- 1193 1 547 1658
Hamilton.. 1394 1341 1523 1540
Polk 9S2 943 1181 U-S
Saundera...l9N5 1802 22o6 2320
Be ward ....1630 1479 1523 164
York 1708 19a lww
Totals... M87 8711. K49 9494
Sixth District.
C. E. J. C. C. Hoi- O. H.
Abbott, Martin, lenbeek, Thomas,
R. R. F. F.
Colfax .... 719 642 1196 1257
Dodge ....1702 1571 2273 l'.W
Merrick. 9!7 1099 . , . 1 . , , 768
Nance 960 92 722 , 605
Platte 1177 , .1235 . t3 1960
..6635 5529 7199 6411
Seventh District.
L. G. T. C.
Hard, Marshall,
R F.
1930 1311
17S5 1U
1190 915
1943 161j
1619 10i4
8517 (43
Eighth District.
A. R. Ouy T.
Oleson. Groves,
(a) (F.)
1543 1625
1071 126
607 639
928 1021
, 5f 767
484 742
8199 5.SS0
Ninth District.
A. A. A. A.
Welch. Welch,
. (R.) - tR.)
1709 1267
2047 1536
2077 1M0
, 1033 1141
1395 1271
1260 7025
Clay ....
Kallne ..
Cedar ...
Dakota .
Dixon ..
Knox ..
Pierce ..
To Oil vacancy.
Tenth District.
I. W.
.... 15
.... 925
.... 982
.... 10O)
.... 10O4
.... U73
.... 8620
H. S.
Franklin ...
Kterney ....
Webster ....
Eleventh District.
J. R.
, 1116
(R )
I 95
Blaine ..
Boone ..
Grant ..
Greeley ,
Hall ....
Hooker ,
Iup ....
Valley .
Totals il04 7778
Twelfth District.
B. O. HostetUer, (R.)
Buffalo , 756
Custer 17)4
Dawson 177
Bherrnan r$u2
Total 196
Thirteenth District.
H. R. Grimes. (R 1
Banner , a, 230
Cheyenne 1121
Deuel 4t
Keith 477
Kimball nj
Uncoln ,, 1447
Los an iT
McPherson ij
Perkins 14
Bcott's BlutT 727
Fenrteenth District.
R. C.
Chase lis)
Dundy itt
Frontier M
Furnas Ma im
Gosper 479
Hayea J41
Hltohcoek 6-7
Red Willow 12,6
.-. 43M
Totala C2t
Fifteenth District
D. B. J. J. Har- W. H.
Douglas, Jenrkea. rlngton, Waetover,
Box Butte. V
Brown .... Kl
Cherry .... t4
I a on ... t
Holt 14-ie
Keya Paha 2a6
Kuik tuj
131 A
herldan .
bloux 2i
Totals.. 8701
Omaha Edneater at Kearaey.
KEARNET, Neb.. Nov. 5U-(Special
Telegram.) Dr. Davidson, superintendent
of the Omaha schools, spoke at the chapel
at the State normal this morning and at
a meeting of the faculty at the residence
of President Thomas this evening.
Nebraska mi etes.
BLVB HILL Grain has commenced to
move a little, but the wheat continuee to
be about at the low point.
GENKVA W. H. Foehllnger of McCook
who has been In Falls City attending the
funerals of both his father and brother. Is
visiting friends here this week enroute to
MJLFORDt-8olend1d weather hss sf
fnrded the farmers an opportunity to husk
their corn, which is now nearly completed
and averages about thirty bushels per sere,
with many nubbins left for stock cattle.
MILFORD The Quenchaqua mills at this
place Is changing front, the stor; houses
Ixlng transferred from the east to the
west side of the river. The ou'put ot corn
prcducts has averaged six carli-nds a day.
MILFORD-Th-thogo I, thU 8 ilngc m
puny nas Inhiaiied an air pressure tank
system In lieu of the elevated tanks used
heretofore for bottle washing. The bottles
are filled and carbonated direct from the
springs. .
GENEVA The two fine buildings put up
by llrubesky Wright are about ready
for occupancy. The former will move his
stock of furniture In at once, while Mr.
Barker, the meat man, will be In his In a
few days.
GENEVA Sundsy afternoon the two
counterfeiters broke Jail and but for some
one seeing them start out they might have
made their escape. They were caught in
Mr. Klink's cornfield close to town. They
found an iron rod somewhere sbout their
cell, with which they tore away the wall
and crawled through.
MILFORD The Burlington will com
mence running regular trains over the new
"hlrh" line Wednesday. This will be a
scenlo route, as when tho train emerges
from the two-mile cut coming from Lin
coln a magnificent view of the Rlue valley
can be had from the forty-foot grade
across the valley, striking the town amlrl
shlp, then bearlnsr to the north B"d ''rt
Ing the west shore of Lake Quenchaqua
at an elea(ion ol auvm ..i.y el.. . .0
the water. The grade between Mllford and
Lincoln has been reduced to the natural
rise In elevation, 15.4 feet to the m'le. Mll
ford being 3u0 feet above the capital city.
Panel Falls to Aarree, Standlnar Fight
for Acqalttal and Fosr for
RATHDRUM. Idahi, Nov. 2S. The Jury
In the 8teve Adams' murder case was dis
charged at 6:45 yesterday afternoon, being
unagreed on a verdict, after being out since
8:30 o'clock Saturday night. The Jury stood
eight for acquittal and four for conviction.
Jurymen J. F. House, Charles Dlttemore.
D. W. Garwood and 8. A. Varnum were the
four men who believed Steve Adams guilty
of the murder of Fred Tyler, In the Marble
creek district of Shoshone county, Idaho,
In August, 1904.
Five ballots were taken, all with 1 the
same result. The jury waa ready to re
port at S o'clock, but the court conferred
with attorneys for both sides and It was
agreed toeep the Jury out a little longer.
Clarence Darrow, of counsel for Adams,
tried to obtain concessions of ball for
Adams and of Immunity from arrest by
Colorado authorities until the Tyler case
Is disposed of. No promise was given him.
Sheriff Bailey of Shoshone county la here
with a warrant for the arrest of Adams
on the charge of murdering Ed Boule near
the same place and .about the same time
the Tyler murder occurred.
It Is understood that Adams Is not to
be taken to Colorado at present and that
the state will not oppose the efforts to get
ball for Adams. Darrow will later make
application for ball for hla client, but will
now hurry to Bolse.for the Pettlbone case.
Judge Hawley, chief of counsel for the
state, declared ' the. , disagreement of the
Jury will have no effect on- the prosecution
of the Tyler case again', nor will It lessen
the efforts of the state to prosecute other
cases wherein Western Federation of
Miners' officials and prominent members
are defendants. Mr.' Hawley la disap
pointed at the verdict. Darrow says the
defense expected an acquittal.
Health of Ills Majesty Greatly Bene
fited by Climate la
LONDON, Nov. 26. -Emperor William
continues to Improve In health, and enjoys
the dally walks and drives about the neigh
borhood of High Cllffe. He has decided
to prolong hla stay for a week or two be
yond the fortnight originally contemplated,
and la planning short sea cruises In addi
tion to the motor drives.
The weather still la fine and the emperor
today attended the village church. Joining
heartily In the singing of hymns. He was
much Improved In appearance, and has
lost the sallow look and careworn air
which were noticeable on hie arrival In
With regard to rumors circulated that he
was about to undergo an operation of the
ear, it waa authoritatively announced that
there la no necessity for such an operation.
A dispatch from Athens states that the
emperor Is expected to visit Corfu In Feb
ruary to Inspect a castle which he recently
Governor General Says A boot Three
Hnndred More Are Needed for
Next Year.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. The bureau of
Insular afTa'rs has received a cablegram
from the governor general of the Philippine
Islands Indicating that probably 900 teachers
will b required at the beginning of the
next school year, which open In June.
These teachers will be selected from
among those passing either the "teacher"
or "assistant" examinations, which are held
semi-annually by the United 8tatea Civil
Service commission. The age limits are
20 and 40 years. The bulk of the appoint
ments will be mads at the entrance salary
of 11,200.
The Woman Feared f
What a comfort to find It ts not the
awful thing' feared, but only chronic
Indigestion, which proper food can re
lieve. 1
A woman In Ohio says:
"I waa troubled for ysara with indi
gestion and chronic constipation. At
times I would have amch a gnawing
In my atomacb that I actually feared
I had ' a -I dislike to write or even
think of what I feared.
"Seeing an account of Grape-Nuts,
I decided to try It After a short time I
was satisfied the trouble waa not tho
awful thing I feared but was atUl bad
enough. However I wa relieved of a
bad ease of dyspepsia, by changing
from Improper food to Orape-Nuta.
"Sine that time my bowela have
been as regular as a clock. I had also
noticed before I began to eat Grape.
Nuts that I waa becoming forgetful
of where I put' little things about tha
house, which was very annoying.
"But since the "digestive organs have
become atreng from eating Grape
Nut, my nienory is good and my
mind aa clear aa when I was young,
and I am thankful." Name given by
Poatum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Read
the little booklet, "The Road to Well
vUle," Is packages. "There' a Reaaen."
Proposition Which Lumber Men Are
Now Acting: On.
Committee la Appointed to Outline
Needs One Plan ts to Ope
rate Throagh the Com
merclal Club.
As a result of the meeting of the whole
sale and retail lumbermen of Omaha at
the Commercial club rooms Monday noon,
a traffic bureau, with an expert rate man
t Ita head, may be added to the already
busy departments of the Commercial club.
The lumbermen met to organise an ex
change to cope with freight rates, as the
lumber business has now reached large pro
portions In Omaha .and dealers are still
experiencing delays In securing shipments
from six weeks to six months. After 'hey
arrive In the yards from a week to ten
days Is required to get them to the yards of
the lumber dealers.
Discussion followed the call to order by
J. P. White of the Cady Lumber company,
and It has not been decided whether to
complete the organisation of an Independent
exchange composed of lumber, coal and
Material dealers, or secure the organization
of a traffic bureau by the Commercial club,
the expenses of which will be largely paid
by car load shippers In all lines.
"The time has come when the lumbermen
s'.iould bo represented on the exchange
committee of the 'Commercial club and
where there Is more than one representa
tive of a line of business on the committee
some of the extras should retire and make
room for representatives from the lumber
men, coal dealers and the grain exchange."
City United at Last.
E. E. Bruce, a charter member of the
Commercial club, was present to speak for
the club and said:
"Omaha has never been together before
and I have been Interested In this club
for many years. Twelve-thirty o'clock to
day struck the hour when every business
man In Omaha realized that he needed tho
help and support of every other business
man and the Influence of the Commercial
club. The reason the business men have
been apart la plain. For many years the
Individuals could go to the railroad com
panies and secure what they wanted In
the way of rates and perhaps got some
thing better than the other fellow.- That is
all ended now and we must stand to
gether." John A. Kuhn of the traffic department
of the Updike Grain and Lumber interests
was called by Chairman White and de
clared that 80 per cent of the work of the
commissioner of a commercial club should
be to deal with freight and transportation
questions and securing new Industries. He
said the organization of a traffic bureau
In charge of a rate expert was a necessity.
II. a. Krans of the Bowman-Krana
Lumber company outlined the object of the
lumbermen's exchange and said that while
It would be Independent of the Commercial
club In a way. It was not the Idea of tho
lumber and material men to work outside
of the club, but to work with It.
A (commlttee consisting of seven lumber
men was appointed to outline the needs of
their busines an! present them to the ex
change committee of the Commercial club
at the meeting Tuesdsy. Members of the
committee are J. II. White. L. T. Sunder
land, Frank Copetzer, C. W. Hull, H. .a.
Krans, D. H. Ledwlch and N. P. Updike.
Nebraska- Says Celnasre of "liver Has
No Bearlao; on Monetary
BALTIMORE. Nov. 16. William Jennings
Bryan lectured at Ford' opera house yester
day under the auspices of the Young
Men' Christian association prior to which
he was given a luncheon by friends and
admirers. Just before the latter event, in
response to a question as to whether
rolnsge of silver as advocated by him
would have prevented the money stringency
from which the country ha been suffer
ing he said-
'The coinage of silver ha no bearing
upon the monetary condition which exist
today. The restoration of bimetallism
would have given us more money thsn we
have at present, but the unprecedented dis
covery of gold hss given us such an In
crease In the volume of money that prices
have risen.
"Th present stringency ts not due to the
scarcity of money, but to the scare that
has spresd among depositor."
Hew's tha Ontlooht
Bad. is it? Out of work and nothing in
sight? That' been laid before, but net by
those who make use of The Bee' want
columns. There' a plac for every capable
man and woman, and a want ad will And
your place for you. And It won't wast
any time about it, either. Advertise today.
Job tomorrow.
:--sSji. -li"- Z-2r - - - - ..SL-e-..
Work while others rest.
Win through sheer energy
The greatest energy-producing
"food made from
wheat is
Uneeda Biscuit
the perfect soda cracker.
Tfb In moisture end
dust proof packages.
At the Theaters
Vaudeville at the Orpheam.
Joseph Hart's "crickets" chirp, dance and
hop themselves Into Instant popularity at
the Orpheum this week, and will easily
take tho top place In a fairly good bill.
Mr. Hart has apparently spared no reason
able expense In the outfitting and staging
of this number and the result ls decidedly
pleasing. With Katherlne Bunn as sopraro
and W. N. Crips tenor and right ballet
girls to do the dancing, the troupe Is able
to do some high class and refreshing en
tertaining. In the opening scene the ballet
appears as crickets and the sotting Is a
Wistaria grove. In the second song the
crickets become Geisha girls, and In the
third, In which the battleship Maine Is
seen in the background, they are soldier
boys. Both the vocal part and the scenic
arrangements of tho number are of a
decidedly high order nnd the number
proved very popular with the two audi
ences yesterday.
The bill opens with a pleasing banjo
and dance specialty by the Holdsworts.
Besides some high class musical and dan
cing numbers, they do some clever trick
work with their Instruments. Daisy Du
mont sang ' some characteristic numbers
with moderate success and Paul Barnes,
mohologlst, has to resort to some rtithcr
broad humor in order to rouse the enthusi
asm of the galleries.
O'Brien and Havel, assisted by Miss
Effle Lawrepce, furnish a diverting sketch
In which O'Brien, as a bumptious office
boy reels off soma refreshing fun. He Is
ably seconded by Miss Lawrence, who
sings some and dances some and spends
the rest of the time helping out In some
other comical situation. Oeorge Wilson, In
a minstrel part, drew an enthusiastic
encore, and then In a burlesque political
speech outdid his first efTort.
Marvelous gymnasts is the way the
Belleclalre brothers are designated on the
program, and after witnessing the things
they do no one would deny them the right
to the title. In physical development thoy
are both marvels, and their acts are un-
No other disease causes such wide-spread suffering' as Rheumatism. &
Is a nerve racking torture, and so thoroughly does it dominate the system,
Vvhen it becomes entrenched in the blood, that its victims are usually com
blete slaves to pain. Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in th.
blood brought on, by stomach troubles, weak kidneys, indigestion, and f
sluggish condition of the system. The natural refuse of the body, instea
of passing off through the ordinary channels of waste, is left to sour and
ferment in the system because of these irregularities, forming uric aci4
which is absorbed into the blood, and Rheumatism gets a foothold. As thf
blood circulates through the body it deposits the acrid, irritating snb
stances with which it Is saturated, into the different muscles, nerves, tissue
and bones. Sharp, biting pains commence, the flesh becomes feverish,
swollen and tender, the muscles and joints throb and jerk, and the body
is literally racked with pain. Plasters, blisters, liniments, etc., can nevel
ing and enriching the blood, cures Rheuma
tlsa permanently. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers, just whai
is needed in every case of Rheumatism. Brok on Rheumatism and an
medical advice free. THE SWT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA.
You Haar About It Evary
This Year
and See it Yourself
It la entirely worth a few week's absence. It break tha
monotony and makes your spirits rlsa to the full enjoyment
of everything.
Try this tonic. Prove that everything you'va heard of
CAIJFORXL. ! wonderfully true. ,
. i -
cutv ticket office. 1824 farnam st.
'phone doug. 1828.
usual, one would almost say before .
seeing them, Impossible. One of them con
slsts of a springboard leap by one of then
who la caught on the hands of the othei
and held In the air without touching th
floor. The klnodrome pictures are good.
"Just Out of College" at the Km.
Abounding In spicy songs and humoroul
situations, Oeorge Ade's latest of light
comedies, "Just Out of College," opened (
four nights' engsgement at the Kruf
theater Sunday, playing to a parked bona
at both the afternoon and evening par
formance. The story tells of the expert
ence of a young man Just out of college,
who has no assets In tha world but a
monumental nerve, who falls In love with
the daughter of a rich pickle manufac
turer. The prospective father-in-law gives
the young colltglan 120,000, with which be
ts to show his business ability within three
months, and which he Invests by backing
a rival pickle company, forcing his future
fathsr-ln-law to buy him out within a few
The play la fairly wall staged and la
enacted by an acceptable cast, led by
Kenneth Davenport as "Edward Worthing
ton Swinger, Just out of college." A num
ber of catchy songs are sung by member
of the company and chorus, among which
"College Days" and "According to Hoyle"
snored decisive hits. The usual matlnea
will be given Wednesday,
United States District Attorney Charles
AGoss has gone to Chicago for a few '
days on private business.
S. P. Morris of the Associated Charities
t 1 iproin M""1v night to address
meeting of th Royal Arcanum.
Mib , ioye 01 the diy electrician' office
Is st her desk after several Weeks spent
in a hospital, where she waa operated upon
for appendicitis.
K. D. Gould of Kearney, L. A. Brown
of Denver, J. H. Quigley of Valentine, B,
F. Fllnian of Billings and Mrs. O. II
Kicker of Ashland are at the Paxton.
C, Brant of Nebraska City, Nela Peters
son of Gordon, F. A. Minles of Craig, Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. Ganaley of Rushville, T.
J. O'Keefe of Alliance, T. W. K. Nelson
of ITeiton. loaho. and E. W. Buroa of
Herman are at the Merchant,
cure the disease; they relieve the pain, per
haps, temporarily, but do not reach thi'
trouble, which is in the blood. S. S. S. is thf
proper treatment for Rheumatism. It goej
down and attacks the disease at its head, and
by driving out the poison and acrid fluids
which are causing the pain, and strengthen
'h';i ill SMHB