THE OMALTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2.1, 1007. THANKSGIVING FOR FAMILY Mn. Providem Leaves Matter to the Council'! Decision. EACH ONE PICKS A SPECIAL DISH LEADER OF L1BBY PRISONERS Death of the Soldier Who Burrowed Under Richmond Charnel House. THRILLING EPISODE OF CIVIL WAS Oyster and Tomato Stop for (he Start and Tw Kinds of Tie for the Finish, of the Dinner. Toll f the Moat Danarerone and Tain fnl Sort Vnderirone for the "ake of Freedom Career of General Una. ewweMiewriMiaiai)Maiisi "We are nil gMtlng ready for our Thanks giving dinner," snld Mrs. Providem. "We held solemn conclave and each asked for our special dish. Jack wanted food old in I nee pie. but was willing to let me make It without meat If I was aura It could be Just aa good. Jamie thought we mmt have Ice cream at first, but finally con cluded If we'd be sure to have sweet pickled peachea and cranberry Jelly and Jack'a mince pie he'd get along without the lee cream. Marie debated over the salad and waa the self-appointed maker thereof, deciding; upon a fruit Jelly. Father aald It would not do to leave out the pump kin pie, and I announced my flrat course to be a combination of tomato and oyster, thus giving soup and fish course In one. Turkey waa the general dish, and we couldn't have that without onions, so It waa the same old regulation Thanksgiving dinner after all, but as wo all took a part In Its development It seemed new at any rate to the children in the doing, and as to father and me, we are always glad when the good old things stand the test of time, and are accepted by the younger genera tion. We do not wish to deprive them of the right we hd to experiment and change, and adopt all that Is an Improvement, but try to have them mingle this with the tried and tested work that the previous life has evolved. Jack made handsome menu cards by pasting a white one on a yellow one which gave a border of gold; on the upper left hand corner he pasted five grains of yellow corn and put under It 'Individual Portion at the First Thanksgiving Dinner;' below were the words 'We Give Thanks," with the name of each member present at the board. Jack made a pumpkin vine ard blossoms out of crepe paper that trrTied round a small pumpkin filled with, .'..'hits grapes and with notches cut In edge In which were white and yellow Cindles. Marie's Frnlt Jelly. "Marie for her fruli Jelly mixed a lemon Jelly from one of the sbrndard gelatine preparations whose directions are on the package; this she poured Into a mould, In side of which a smaller mould filled with Ice had been set, n& the mixture poured round; It made when hardened a bowl of lemon Jelly. She' removed the Inner lce fllled mould hy" dexterously pouring out the melted Ice and pouring in the mould a little warm water, which softened the gela tine just enough to admit of removing the Inner mould. Into the hollow thus made Tie put a mixture of chopped apples, celery and orange, cut In bits and dressed with a very small amount of French dressing, equal parts of oil and lemon Juice, salt and pepper, shaken vigorously In a bottle until they made a creamy emulsion; over the top she poured some of the lemon Jelly and set It out where It would be very cold. When ready to serve she dipped the mould In warm water a minute, run a small spatula round the edge and down to let the air In, then Inverted the mould over which the salad dish had been covered and a pretty form reposed In the dish, which she bore poudly to the table, together with some crispy bread sticks, which she had made the day before from roll dough. Hoop for the Flrat. "But I am getting ahead of my story, for the first course should have been my aoup. I cooked a can of tomatoes down' nearly a half, adding a half of a bay leaf, three or four . cloves, a bit of red pepper and Just a very small piece of mace. A quart of oysters were brought to the boiling point In their own liquor, then drained from the liquor and chopped fine. When ready to serve a rounding tablespoon each of flour and butter were cooked together, the strained tomato pulp and the oyster liquor added brought to the boiling point, the oysters and season ing added and aerved with crontons. The turkey was stuffed with the good old fashioned dressing, crumbled bread, moist ened with a tablespoon of butter to a cup of crumbs melted In a little hot water, but not enough to make the dressing very moist, as the steam of the torkey moistens It. and It should Just drop apart a little when served. Season It with salt, pepper, a little thyme powdered or poultry season ing and a little grated lemon rind. Do not stuff too tightly. Spread the turkey with butter and sprinkle over a little flour or lay over very thin slices of salt pork; do this several hours before cooking; roast from three to five hours. If liked, chopped celery can be put on the turkey the last hour, which will cook soft and impart a fine flavor. The cooked giblets must be chopped, the water In which they were cooked thickened with a spoonful of flour made smooth with cold water and the chopped giblets added. Serve with mashed potatoes. Preparing the Plea. "I steamed my pumpkin then baked It a short time In the oven to give the rich flavor, scraped It from the rind and mashed It fine. To a cup and a quarter of pumpkin I added two. cups of milk, half a cup of - light brown sugar, the beaten yolks of two eggs, a level teaspoon each of cinna mon and salt, half as much ginger and Just a pinch of cloves. I-ant, fold In the beaten whltea of eggs, bake In a quick oven at first, then slow down and when the custard Is very slightly qulvery In the center It Is done. "The mince meat I had prepared some time before, as follows: One cup each chopped apples, brown sugar and ralBlns, one cup bread crumbs soaked In a cup of sweet cider, one teaspoon each cinna mon and mace, one cup each currants and chopped walnut meats cooked together five minutes. When I made my pies I added two rounding tablespoons of butter, one beaten egg, the grated rind and the Juice of a lemon and as much hot elder as waa necessary to moisten it. with a little more sugar If necessary. "A cup of coffee and a bit of cheese fin ished our dinner." PLENTY TO EAT IN MARKET OBerlaa-s at the Stalls laclade Aboat Kvery "abstaatlal and Dainty. Even a little ingenuity ought to enable the housewife to get up a most sumptuous meal with what the market affords Just now.' Everything Is In ready for the Thanksgiving trade everything Including many things not Included In the original menu. The little catawba grapes will be In Saturday morning or Monday at the latest and will sell for S cents a five pound basket. These are the little red grapes that mix so well with the raisins and the nuts or In the salads If one but knows how. The naturally ripened navel orange will be In the first of the week and will of course be sweeter than the forced fruit. Florida oranges are plentiful and sweeter than the others. Just a few pineapples are in and though scarcely larger than one's fist, evil for 2S cents ach. They f ame aa a local shipment. Louisiana and southern Texas are ship sins; the fresh vegetables and they are dtfimn wm juLsHUUL tmuMmmmmmati. rswiMdBiiMii i;.rv, , .rra. ,r Tan ggsrr : is i ?'.'.nii..iv f'iM.uiii uIM..Mj r.. a s , j i-wr The New Store Complete line of staple and fancy 'Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables We have a fine line of Thanksgiving Delicacies We want you to try our store, place your Thanksgiving order with us, and It will be properly cared for. The best goods at the right prices. Courteous treatment and prompt service. Order ft sack nf fhnsa famnna W Wyoming potatoes. Telephone Harney 841 Elmer A, Johnson a 2806 Leavenworth Our Regular 25c ANGEL FOOD TAFFY Special for Saturday, only, per lb Everybody likes Angel Food Taffy, especially the kind Balufl makes. We want you to buy It Saturday, that's why we make the special price. It's our regular 25 cent taffy, made from rich sweet cream, the choicest sugar and pure flavors. Just the thing for the little tots as well as the older folks. Four flavors: vanilla, strawberry, molasses and choco late. Special for Saturday, only, per lb ol 0 u Cf k Tut Store ran DmrAnri 1518-20 Farimni Street. Tbono Doug. 711. ' wiuuiwyasMg Your Dinner Is Not Complete AVithout a Glass of Fine Wine Edelweiss Rye Edelweiss Deer 'Phone Douglas 877 for any kind of Wine or Liquor. Orders de livered to any part of the city. Henry Rohlff. Wholesale lleer and Liquor Dealer 2567-09 Leavenworth St, -OMAHA, NEB. Brenner's Market Home Made Saugage a Specialty Phone Doug. 628. 2221 Leavenworth St. SATURDAY SPECIALS S. S. HAMS 134c MOKHKLL HAMS He 8. 8. BACON 15c BOILING BKKF, 4 lbs 2T.C POT ROAST, 3 lbs Xc YOVNO CHICKENS, per lb.... llo YOUNG Tl'HKEVS, per lb 22c equally fine and cheap. Tender little radlxhes sell for & and 10 rents a bunch, green onions 10 cents, or three bunches for 25 rents; new carrots 15 cents a bunch, wax and string beans 10 cents a quart, head lettuce 10 cents, leaf lettuce S cents, celery 6 cents a stalk, cabbage i cents a head, spinach 30 rents a peck, egg plant 10 and 15 cents each, artichokes 30 cents each, cucumber 15 cents each, green pep pers 5 cents each for the large and 30 cents a dosen for the smaller. Cranberries are 10 cents a quart and California tomutoes 20 cents a pound. The first kumquats of the season came In Friday morning and sell for 35 cents a pint box. A few Concord grapes are still In market, selling for 40 cents a basket. Lemons are from 15 to 20 cents a dozen and apples from 60 cents to II a peck. Grape fruit Is finer than ever and sells from 7 to 30 cents each, according to size. All the Thanksgiving nuts are In and may be had shelled or with the shells on. Imported chestnuts are 20 cents a pound and the htmie nuts SO cents a pound. Wal- r a . m I u 1 1 1 lljl an.l . . u r. J almond and the mixed nuts, 20 cents a pound. Maple sugar Is 20 cents a pound; cider, 40 cents a gallon: honey, 15 and 20 cents a comb, and mushrooms 75 and W cents a pound. butter and eggs are Just where thy mm w 1 r m E53 f sxs m rhrti ts the RmousM CipJradingSfand O O 3 & The success which has attended the introduction of "S. & H." GREEN TRADING STAMPS into Omaha's retail life has induced us to enter into a long time contract with THE SPERRY & HUTCHINSON COMPANY OF NEW YORK for the use of their famous trading stamps in our business. THE GREEN TRADING STAMP is well known in Omaha. We are more than convinced of its splendid value as a premium getter. We are satisfied regarding the high quali ties of the premiums. The Green Trading Stamp is a sensible expression of "dis count for cash." It's an interest earner on, money spent. During this week to introduce "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps we will present every visitor with a collecting book containing THIRTY STAMPS FREE. H kf',sAw' Iff yaji j m Extraordinary Reductions In GrOCeHeS and StleatS THE HANDSOME PREM IUMS GIVEN FOR GREEN TRADING STAMPS ARE ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE AND THE PREMIUM PAR LORS OF THE SPERRY & HUTCHINSON COMPANY ON SOUTH 15TH STREET, RIGHT OPPOSITE THE OR-PHEUM. 3 To BBBB3BHBSZBQE&BBEES GROCERIES The table is the fundamental element of the home, and the good provider knows that the first principle of economy is quality. "We conduct our business along these lines. ' We buy the best. But we buy it right. Years of experience has taught us what is right. We carry a large sock of Fruits, Vegetables, Staple and Fancy Groceries and Delicacies. They are the best the mar ket affords. Our prices are as low as you will find any where. Place your Thanksgiving order early. , H. RACHMAN Corner Sherman Avenue and Corby Street. Telephones Webster 1C75-1676. TEL.. WEBSTER 432 Estella E. Fead CATERER FOR Cakes, Salads, Etc. have been for several days. All the pack age creamery butters are 30 cents a pound and the roll and tub butters range from 24 to 23 cents a pound. Butterlne Is 20 cents a pound. Eggs are 25 cents for the guar anteed and from 15 to IS for the others. Front an Old Arithmetic. These questions are from a London arith metic of the year 1785: A man, overtuklng a maid driving a flock of geese, said to her: "How do you do, sweetheart? Where are you going with these thirty geese?" "No, sir." said she, "I have tiot thirty ; but if 1 had as many more, half as many more, and five geese besidea, I should have thirty." A, K and C, playing at hazard together, the money staked was 196 guineas; but, dittagroelng. each seized as many as he could. A got a certain number, 11 as many aa . and sixteen more, and C the sixth part of both their sums. How many had each? A gentleman going Into a garden meets with some ladles and says to them: "Good morning to you ten fair maids." Sir. you miHtake" answered one of them. "We are not ten, but If we were twice as many lima m wc tuuuiu i uh many above ten as are now under." How many were there? A man mous - a horse and by agreement was to give a farthing tor the first nail, three for the second, etc. There were four tmes and In each shoe eight nails. What ..- nr're of the horse? Answer: 9,6bl. 114.61. K3 13s 4d. The Bee Want Aus are Boostera Best Business iceries annr mm -36 FAR NAM ST. In connection with the introduction of this new discount system we have made retluc ions on the prices of meats and groceries from 10 to 20 per cent for cash. Fresh Leaf Lard, 9 lbs. for $1.00 Porter House Steak, lb 15c Sirloin Steak, lb 15c Boiling Beef, lb 5c and 4c Pot Roasts, lb. - 8c and 6c Veal Roasts, lb. 10c Peas, Corn and Tomatoes, doz. cans. . $1.15 Fresh Eggs, dozen 25c Creamery Butter, lb 30c Colorado Potatoes, bushel 95c Every Visitor at Our Store All This Week. V CAMERA AND NATURE COLORS Reproduction of Exact Tints and Tones Made Possible. NO SUN WITH SPEED SHUTTER Color Photography Scores Distinct Taken In Any Sort of Advance I'lrlurea May Be Weather. In the last few months there have been developments or discoveries in what has undoubtedly come to be the fine art of photography that are affording the fol lowers of the art, amateur as well as professional, with a great deal of material for study and possibilities for fine work they have never before enjoyed. One of these discoveries has been In the line of color nhotogiaphy; the other In the line of extraordinary rapid shutter work. The first named, the reproduction through the medium of the camera of the exact tints and tones of nature. Is the outcome of long jtudy and experiment upon the part of two Frenchmen, brothers, who are ex pert photographers. They have brought this branch of the work to such a point that nothing remains to be done but to make It possible to print from the plates on which such photographs are printed, and to make the process cheaper than It is at present, two things that will naturally follow In the course of time. So far the best color work has been done en plates measuring about four to five Inches In surface. I'pon the surface of these plates are spread the moat minute grains of starch, of three colors, red, blue and green. These grains are mixed In a certain proportion, and In order to secure perfect results they must be spread per fectly over the surface of the plate, and not a single bit of the surface, no matter If It be but the size of a pin point, must be left W1LH n n n EV3EATS EXCLUSIVELY We handle nothing but meat, there fore our time and attention In de voted to the question of satisfying our patrons In one line only. No. 1 Hams, per lb lOo Fresh Dressed Chickens, per lb..9Vio Choicest Klb Roast, per lb.... 12" 0 Fresh Baltimore Oysters, per qt..o Full supply of Ducks, Geese and Turkeys Tor Thanksgiving. OZVB US AV OBSIB Thomsen's Market! 83d and Leavenworth St, M 'Phone Bona-laa r,n ti uncovered. Then the exposure Is made through what Is konwn to photographers as a yellow lens, the time of exposure being about double that ordinarily allowed. Tho plate, developed In accordance with the formula published by the Frenchmen, shows every color, every tone, every shade perfectly reproduced. rosltlve nates. But, as already Intimated, the plate so produced Is a positive, not a negative, and It is Impossible to reproduce from It, or to transfer Its beauties to paper. So. the photographer has the elate, a honinifni thing in Itself, but he cannot duplicate It, except from nature, by using other plates! and must needs preserve It aa hl nn. r-o- ord of the scene photographed. It Is be- nevea, nowever, that the skill, the genius and the application whlih ha. mri. h taking of such plates possible will ere long result in discoveries that will make it pos sible to lake plates and prin't from them. The other objection that exists at pres ent is that the prepared plates are too ex pensive for the averaee amateur nr ...n professional. The 4x5 plate, properly pre pared, costs about S1.5P. so that the average photographer does well to use one of them occasionally. But It Is believed that with improvement of the process of lavlna- on th colored grains of starch the cost of tho piates will be gradually reduced, until their price Is within reach of all. although it i certain that they will never be quite scj cneap as the ordinary plates that are in use. A later discovery than that of the French men Is the multl speed shutter, which has been placed on the market recently. This device bids fair to almost revolutionize photography, especially aa regards photog raphy's dependence upon sunlight or cloud less skies, fur In addition to enabling the photographer to take a picture In the two thousandth part of a second It enables him to take that photograph In almost any old sort of weather, with or without sun, sum mer or winter, early morning, late after noon or midday. The shutter Is faster than any other that has been produced, but Its real distinction and claim to merit lies in the fact that It la so constructed as to give a perfect exposure of every part of the plate, no matter how quickly or how is Huflhes Grocery THE 8TOKE FOR QUALITY Hth and Douglas Sts. Thone Doug. 1019 Grocery Department We always have all fresh vegetables In the market. Cauliflower, Radishes', Onion, Head Lettuce, Spinach, Etc Fresh Fish. Meats and Sau sages. LIQUOR DEP'T FREE A sample bottle of Miller's Pure Food Tort Wine, upon refiuest. SATURDAY SPECIALS Fine Cal. Port Wine ho. regular 75c aualUy. at TMC P. F. Straight Whiskey regular ti.d vaiue. ail...., California Claret Wine per gallon 35c 90c Rock and Rye Cures Colds T C ,. special price OjC The essential thing in gro ceries and meats is quality. "When you buy your gro ceries of us you get the best. Through our long experi ence you are afforded a fine assortment of select goods at prices which are always an inducement. In meats we buy nothing but the best cornfed stuff, and we sell it at prices lower than you usually pay for su perior grades. ,We buy right, we sell right. " Phone Your Orders Early Johnson & GooLhtt Company 20th and Lake Sts. Tfp ona Wab. 1575 - twm cutaia oi LUwcrHEOif tub SELECTION Or TABLE DELICACIES Fruits. Vegetables and Meats is Infinitely more essential than artis tic, charming color schemes, profuse floral decorations or any other bril liant effects that can be devised. What the eye cannot perceive the keen aense of taste can. Fresh Mushrooms, Head Lettuce, . Leaf Lettuce, Firm ztlpe Tomatoes, Radishes, Blender Cucumbers, Spinach, Cauliflower, Wax Beans, Crisp Dwarf Celery. Creamery Batter, per pound 30c Large Havel Orange, per doz 33o BiinuiN wuoia wsm loo 'J Fnre Maple Syrup, per gal 11.3S 9 Imported Malaga Grapes, Concord Grapes, Catawba Grapes, Imported Cluster Raisins, Shelled Nuts, Crys talized Ginger, Smyrna Figs, Fard Dates. tHDB TO TVa rUBXETS, SUCKS Simon Well Co.'s Matios, Berg's Celebrated Kosher Sausages. Sommcr Bros. 28TH AKD r AS If AM BTBEETS. Exponents of Good Living slowly the photograph Is taken. It Is this feature that makes It possible to dispense with the sunlight, for while there havo been other very fast shutters, the objec tion to them In moBt cases has been that they did not give proper exposure to the corners of the plates, something made pos sible In this speed shutter by a radically new motion of the four blades that make up the shutter. A man running a 100-yard dash In what Is known as "flat time" ten seconds . travels at the rate of ten yards per sec ' ond. He travels at the rate of one foot j In every thirtieth part of a second, and to cover each Inch of ground he takes l-3o art of a second. It can readily be seen that In order to photograph a man running at such speed a small fraction of a sec ond must be used else the picture will be nothing but a blur. ) But 1-2,009 part of a second Is quick enough to get anything, and the photo graphs that have been taken with this new shutter are In many cases remarkable. In I a little booklet which has been Issued ex plaining the advantages and the ideas of the new shutter are shown a few of thesi photographs, the most remarkable of which are those of a man turning an alrsprlng and of a tennis player leaping Into the air to return a high-driven ball from his ' opponent. These photographs depict the i play of muscle and of feature, aa does In most remarkable manner another photo- i graph of two men racing, one on a white I and the other on a piebald horse, the pho tneraDh belnc taken at nVlnok i . i. . I morning with an exposure of 1-1. fjO of a second Brooklyn Eagle. Words ar Want Wisdom. When you want work do you ask for It. or do you try to hide awsfy from It? Vo you go where work la to be had. or where there Isn't any. When you advertise for work do you advertise where nobody ex pects you to. or where the people who want work don't always look for help? The Bee s want columns are the recognised go-between of those who want and those nho want to fill wants. Whatever you want, let it be known In the columns of the Bee, and the nnt will be filled. j There has always been a great fascina tion In the escape of prisoners from dun goons, or from their later development, lockups and penitentiaries. In fact, tha romantic literature of the prison Is con siderable, ranging from Balntlne'a "Flc olola" to Bnron Frederick Trenck'a me moirs, and from "Monte Crlsto" to the story of General Rose, who led over 100 union soldiers out of Ltbby prison, and while himself recaptured, more than half the others reached the union lines. It Is the death of General Thomas Elwood Rose, which took place a few days ago at Washington, that reminds one of what targe human passions are conoerned In tha simple escape from durance tha Insatia ble love of freedom, the hatred ef mean conditions, the spirit of action and the hope of results, which are Involved to make men undergo dangers rather mora than less than those of the field of battle, and toll of the widest and most painful sort, that they may breathe free air again. Think of what this meant, too, to hundred of negro slaves, escaping from hard mas ters and cruel overseers. Into swamps among reptiles, worming their way, like those creatures, through unknown roadl to liberty. It Is not Inapt to think thus, aa on reads of the labor of Rose, In burrowing beneath the old warehouse. In Its cellar beneath tide water, and still under tha earth of Richmond, with sentries to evade and bodies of soldiery to escape. Rose and his fellow laborers had Indeod a sim pler task than the gallant Trenrk, who wore heavy Iron which he had to con trive a way to shed temporarily while he worked his way through heavy atone fort ress walls; but he had only himself to re gard, and worked with a comparative leisure; while there were 400 men in the secret of Rose's attempt, and the work had to be done In feverish haste, amid foul air and In so great 'a danger of suf focation that It was almost a miracle that Rose did hot die In the tunnel, on tha very verge of escape. General nose's War Record. Rose enlisted as private in the Twelfth Pennsylvania regiment In April, l&U, when he was 31 years old, and he fought at Shlloh, Corinth, Murf reesboro, and was captured at Chtr.kamauga, when he was' colonel In rank and had commanded a brigade at Liberty Gaq. He escaped at Wel don, and was retaken the next day, when he was sent to Llbby prison In October, 1S63. The conditions of ithat old ship chandlery warehouse are notorious not even now forgotten. A barn of a structure, with nine large rooms, where 1,200 pris oners were crowded In, sleeping spoon fashion, head to head, foot to foot, in squads. There was no furniture, scarcely a knife, cup or tin plate, or a blanket among a score. Beneath the prison a canal flooded the cellars, and In the easternmost cellar was "Rats Hell," where the wharf rats thronged; and here Robs began his tunnel eastward, his objective point being seventy feet distant to a vacant shed near the James river. Rose admitted to knowl edge of his plans hundred? of union men, all under oath, but the work was done by a selected company of fifteen men, who were undaunted In spirit and strong In body. These men cared nothing for eating nor for, sleeping to get out was their one passion. They had secured a rope that had wrapped a bnle of clothing, and they dug a hole Into tho open fireplace In the kitchen, re placing the bricks every night and covering their work with soot, and thence they made a passage by their rope ladder to Rat Hell. The details of the work may be imagined, and how desperately they worked for the seventeen days which followed the com pletion of their plans. They burled th earth they removed under the old hay In the cellar.' When, on February 6, 18C4, they felt almost sure that the rebels had dis covered the plot. Rose worked alone all Sunday, with no Implement but a broad bladed cold-chisel; and Monday morning he descended again and worked until after" midnight. Air there was none except what his comrades could force into the tunnel by the swinging of blankets at the en trance, a matter of fifty-three feet; and even his stout heart and body almost gave up in the horror of suffocation. He dropped his chisel and beat ngalnst the roof of th tunnel with his torn hands and the blowi broke the earth, snd never was anythinf more grateful than the cold earth that fell upon his face. He was almost at the last gasp. Flight of the Prisoners. No attempt was made to escape until the next night. Rose and his first com pany of fifteen went out, the evening ol February 9, and although It had been agreed that an hour should pass be fore fifteen others followed them, there were 200 that crowdod the kitchen. There wero 109 In prison who made their escape; of these fifty-nine reached the union lines, forty-eight were recaptured and two drowned. The man all took their own course after getting out; Rose himself went out of the city by the York River railroad, and find ing the Chlckahomlny bridge guarded, he crept Into a hollow log, and In the evening forded the Chlckahomlny, waded through swamps, dodged pickets, and after many lesser adventures, fell into the hands of three confederates who wore federal uni forms. Escaping them, he was almost Immediately taken again by a squad of confederates and returned to Llbby prison, where he remained until exchanged In April for a confederate colonel, and July 8, ISCt, he rejoined his regiment and served to the end of the war, taking part in the Atlanta campaign, at the actions of Pine mountain, Kenesaw mountain, the siege of Atlanta, the battles of Franklin and Nashville, and in the pursuit of General Hood. He was three times breveted, and later he was given a commission In the regular army, Eleventh Infantry, and served In Arkansas In the reconstruction troubles, at New Orleans also, and was engaged for years In the Indian service. He became a major In the Eighteenth In fantry In lUt?, was retired in 1MH by the ago limit, and given the rank of lieutenant colonel for his civil war service. A brave and worthy soldier was Rose, but his distinction Is as the pioneer of a forlorn hope .n the dismal cellars and the tunnel of Llbby prison Springfield Republican. Another Cnre. A new cure for baldness Is reported It is a combination of light and heat. The urgeon plays the combination and wins either way. If he doesn't raise tne hair, he relies upon the baldheaded man to raibe the fee. When the heat gets in its work on Uie unprotected pate the victim In. variably raise a howl no matter what use Is raised. The light Is focussed on the ailing ec tlon and the heat ets there without fo- . ...,ScWi,s n i puzziea to de termine which it Is possesses the curative power the light or the heat but The p.! tlent doe.n't rare. He gets a sitige either way. Cleveland Plalu Ialex. "nu