Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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23, 1907.
Thanksgiving Souvenir
:lh fl -t-:?-
. l' V:.
Hundred of beautiful imported and domestic pattern Hati, made
of silk velvets, Battns, and French fur felt. In all the large and
modified shapes, trimmed In ostrich plumes, French roses, vel
vet ribbons, Brazilian pompoms and Spanish mm m
coques, worth $1G.60, 116-00,
Saturday, at
Dozens of beautiful Dress Hats In
ana navy. Exquisitely trimmed with novelty feathers,
wings and flowers, silk from pones and coques, worth
$8.75; Saturday sold for
rLUMES See the elegant black and white ostrich plumes, CI Q
worth $5.00; our price Saturday f .JO
Free to Every Lady
caller for the asking, a beautiful French gilt purse mirror.
-I- 1508 Douglas Street
Fool Commissioner Johnson Soles
Against Biscuit Company.
Uovatr Clerk Wltea Secretary
tate Letter In Which lie Telia
I That Official to Get Bur
', fj', on Returns.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special Tele
rram.) Food Commissioner J. W. John
son today announced he would adhere to
Ms original Interpretation of the pure food
law and require the stamping of net weight
upon all packages of food. The ruling
cam up on the application of the National
Dlsoult company for permission - to sell
packag-ea of crackers without stamping
the net weight of contents upon them.,
A committee visited Governor Sheldon
and the food commissioner last night and
made representations on behalf of the com
pany, declaring that goods of this kind
Were bought by the package and not by
weight, hence the weight upon the wrap
per was Immaterial.
Today the food commissioner said his
final ruling, after considering the argu
ments of the manufacturers, was that the
law spoke plainly In the case and left him
no discretion. If goods are sold In pack
ages, tba cover must show the weight of
National Association of Fairs.
. November a meetlngof the .National
Association or Slate' fairs" will be "held In
the Auditorium hotel at Chicago. Nebraska
will be represented by Peter Y6ungnrs,
president of the State Board of Agricul
ture, W. R. Mellor secretary and C. H.
Jiudge chairman of tho board of managers.
The purpose of the meeting Is to fix dates
of the state fairs held. In the country.
Nebraska will "apply for her usual dates,
the first week In September. The only con
flict will be with the Minnesota State fair,
which for a number of years has been held
at the same time as the exhibition In the
Cornhusker state.
Secretary Mellor will lead the discussion
at this meeting on the question whether
the reduced passenger fare has lessened
the attendance to the annual fairs. The
question of Issuing passes to fairs will be
discussed at the meeting.
County Clerk la "Sassy."
When Secretary of State Junkln sends
out blanks for county clerks to use in
ending back returns of election, he en
closes a blank marked "duplicate," asking
that this be filled out for the convenience
of the clerk In making up his table in ad
vance. This permits the secretary to have
the figures In tabular form when the can
vassing board meets and makes the work
cf that board merely formal. Ono county
' clerk has written that there is no law
compelling him to send In duplicate re
turns. He informs the secretary that he
has as much time to make them as anyone,
hence he suggests the secretary sit down
and make the returns himself. The actual
returns were sent In a sealed envelope.
This means that the official vote cast at
the last election will not be known until
the canvassing board meets next Monday
aod opens the sealed returns.
Wlnnett Inspects Depot.
- Chairman Wlnnett of the State Railway
commission returned to Lincoln this morn
ing after Inspecting the depot at Columbus,
about which Edgar Howard complained.
After looking at the depot, Pr. Wlnnett
called at the TelegTam office, and finding
Judge Howard out looking for news, he
: proceeded to pi a case of type, after which
he stood the office towel In a rat hole In
the front of the building, as a. gentle re
minder that a stranger had called. The
chairman then reported to the mayor of
the 'city and Informed him that the Union
Peel rto had a nice depot at Columbus,
though no doubt it was too small. He ad
vised the mayor to make some agreement
with the railroad to enlarge the building.
This could be done, the doctor auggested,
by taking the present baggageroom and
converting it Into a waiting room and build
ing a baggageroom onto the depot. He
found the people at Columbus wanted a
real, new, bigger depot. He advised them
"to file their request with the commission,
outlining whst was wanted, if they failed
to come to terms with the company.
Mileage Book Complaint.
Complaint was filed with the State Rail
way commission against the Ruck Island
railway, traveling men alleging that l.WO
mlle mileage books were not on sale for JJO,
f Arrow
I - nwecco eweuas
iL Collar.
J I Oaarter Sites. He esch. s for w S
f eiutTT, eiAiosr a co.. T-
$13.75 and $12.50, J
m r
blacks, browns, blues, hello shades
as required by the Knowles law, passed
last winter. The Hock Island agents in
Lincoln Informed the commission that no
such books or tickets were on sale, al
though 1,000-mile books could be had at
the rate of 2H cents. The commission will
take the matter up in a few days.
Williams la a Wreck.
Since their accident of yesterday after
noon Railway Commissioner Williams and
Rata Clerk Powell are wondering If It had
not been better to have accepted the pro
posal of the Missouri Pacific and permitted
that road to send along a man to guide
the motor car over the road. The railroad
company made this suggestion some time
ago, when the commission contemplated
fouy1ng a motor car. The commission
spurned It. Today Commissioner Williams
Is laid up at homo with a badly sprained
ankle and other bruises, while Rate Clerk
Powell Is plastered with various, salves
and Chairman Wlnnett has resumed the
practice of medicine and is looking after
Judge Williams and Rate Clerk Powell
went out on the motor car, which they
rented from the Burljngtom to Inspect the
tracks of the Missouri Pacific invar' Elm-I
wood. In the. corporate limits ofthat city
about dark last night the car flew the
track going over a street crossing and
with the two men plowed through the
ground for several yards. Commissioner
Williams had one foot badly smashed, but
with the assistance of Mr. Powell, who
only had about a yard of skin knocked off
his shin, he made his way to the hotel
and secured medical attention. This morn
ing Mr. Powell took the obstreperous ma
chine out for exercise, contemplating mak
ing the trip back to Lincoln, but again the
buRlness flew the track, and he lost the
remainder of the skin on the injured leg.
The car was then bundled Into the baggage
car of the next train out of Elmwqod and
the two men rode In like ordinary people.
While both were scratched and both lost
lots of skin, neither Is hurt seriously, and
Judire Williams will be back at the old
stand within a day or two.
Governor Lays Cornerstone,
Governor .Sheldon went to Columbus this
morning to assist In laying the corner
stone of the new Young Men's Christian
association building.
Crevr for Valentine.
The poetical plea of C. C. Valentine for
a state warrant to be delivered to him In
time to pay for a Thanksgiving goose, has
fallen on deaf ea'rs. The Valentine poetry
was delivered to Pepuy Auditor Cook,
who Is himself a past master In the
poetical line, and instead of the state
warrant there went through the mall to
Omaha today the following addressed to
the court reporter:
The reporters watch with might and main,
To find some slip by us again.
We are llvlntf up to the law you find,
Which causes us to be unkind;
It gives us pain to be so slow
But please be satisfied with crow.
Board to Let Contract.
The State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings will meet November 26 to let
the contract for running the wires from
the state penitentiary to the Home for
the Friendless and the state house and put
ting In the electric light fixtures as well as
starting up the elevator In the state house.
It Is the Intention of the state board to
place large sized lights on each corner of
the state house and to light thoroughly
the yard around the building in an artistic
manner. Secretary of State Junkln Is
going to suggest to the state board that
the doors leading to the state house be
removed and doors with -glass in them
be substituted. Such a change he believes
1 will make It safer for people to walk
I through the corridors.
I' Dode Sentence Affirmed.
Edwin O. Bode, charged with the era
j betzlement of I6.U00 belonging to the city
of Falls City while serving as treasurer,
must serve a sentence of four years in the
penitentiary and pay a fine of J12.CO0. This
' was the Judgment of the district court of
Richardson county and it has been affirmed
by the supreme court. Bode, who was at
liberty on ball, was taken Into custody
Thursday night and the decision of the su
preme court was announced today.
Preparing; Vnlform Study Coarse.
The committee appointed to draft a uni
form course of study for the schools of
Nebraska is In cession today, and before
! it conctudes will appoint committees to re
port to a general committee, which in turn
will make its report when the State Teach
ers' association meets. The committee on
uniform course of study Includes the fol
lowing: Superintendent McBrlen, chairman;
Chancellor Andrews, A. A. Reed, high
school Inspector; A. O. Thomas, superin
tendent of the Kearney Normal school; J.
W. Crabtree, superintendent of the Peru
Normal school; Prof. Waterhouse, principal
of the Omaha High school; Oeorge Carrlng
ton, president of the State Principals' as
sociation; W. W. Stoner, former president
of the State Teachers' association. This
commltee will adopt a course of study not
only for the high schools of the state, but
for the elementary schools as well. The
general committee to which the various
subcommittees will report Is composed of
the following: Prof. Carrlngton. A. 8. Reed
and Deputy Slato Superintendent Bishop.
The committee to draft the supplemental
course consists of Superintendent Thomas,
Superintendent Crabtree and Prof. Stoner.
Hendee Brains Seateaeo.
Hosntr Heude, former county judge of
Saline cuuuly, and convicted of mlsap
propnacing tunas belonging to estates
We've devoted considerable effort to
having this department well stocked with
desirable "filing" to meet your Thanks
giving needs.
No trouble to dress
your hands up at
this store.
$1.00 and up
We're outfitting
lots of men with
underwear these
days. You'll never
regret it if you buy
Union Suits, 91 Up
undsr his chargo. was taken to the peni
tentiary today to begin his sentence of
thre years, which was Vfflrmed by the
supreme court.
Cntriaht Leaves Lincoln.
X number of newspaper men gave a din
ner In honor of J. W. Cutrlght tonight I
at the Lincoln hotel. Cutrlght will shortly
leave for Peoria, 111., where he has taken
a position with the Peoria Journal. Cut
right for a number of years has been con
nected with the Lincoln News, previous to
which time for many years he had worked
In Omaha and Plattsmouth, and at one
time served as private secretary to Wil
liam J. Bryan.
Morphine Cause of Death.
W. A. Btearns, the Woodlawn farmer
who died several days ago under myster
ious circumstances, was killed by the ad
ministration of morphine, so the coronor's
Jury decided this afternoon. Who ad
ministered the poison Is not known to the
authorities, but their belief is that Stearns
did not take it with, suicidal. Intent. It,
uevsiupcu at ma inquesi mat me Biearoa
family has had considerable trouble of
late because the head of the house paid
too' much attention to a Lincoln woman.
Petition for Owl Cars.
The Lincoln Traction company will
shortly file an application with the Btate
Railroad commission to be permitted to
run owl cars from 12:30 to 6:30 o'clock and
to charge 10 cents for a ride on the same.
Showing; that lie Was Broke When
He Came to Martin's.
BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. :i-tSpecial Tel
egramsThere were no developments In the
Shumway murder trial today. The prose
cullon Introduced a number of witnesses
showing all of Shumway's transactions
from the time he went to work at the Mar
tin home until his srrest near Oregon.
Mo. The testimony introduced showed that
Shumway was without money when he
hired out to Mr. Martin as a farm hand.
Among the Important witnesses called were
Sheriff Dennis of Seneca, Kan., from whom
Shumway escaped while being taken from
the train at that point, and Sheriff Mc
Nulty of Oregon, Mo., who arrested Shum
way. Sheriff Trude and Coroner Reed
were also important witnesses for the
etate. They testified to the condition of
the body of Mrs. Martin when found and
Introduced the bloody butcher knife which
tnuiiiay is alleged to have used In mur
dering the woman. His hat, shirt and
overalls, which he discarded in the bed
room when he left the Martin home, were
shown witnesses and Identified by them.
The state is making a strong case against
the defendant.
Those Cottuaes at Pern.
PERU, Neb.. Nov. 22.-(Special.)-The
Peru Btate Normal school was criticised
locally and In the state press last summer,
because of alleged misappropriation of the
stats funds In the erection of two cottages
on the campus. It was originally proposed
to erect two cottages out of the waste ma
terial from the other buildings, using also
the old barn in their construction. One
cottage was to be occupied by the head
Janitor, the other by the head engineer.
This plan would give the room now used
by the Janitor In the main building to the
school for classroom use. The plan also
Increased Capacity for .Mental Labor
Since Leaving Off Coffee
Many former coffee drinkers who have
mental work to perform, day after day,
have found a better capacity and a greater
endurance by using Postum Food Coffee,
Instead of ordinary coffee. An Ilia
woman writes: i
"I had drank coffee for about twenty
years, apd finally had what the doctors
called "coffee heart." I was nervous and
extremely despondent; had little mental
or physical strength left, had kidney trou
ble and constipation.
"The first notlceablo benefit derixJ
from the change from coffee to Postum
was the natural action of the kidneys
and bowels. In two weeks my heart action
was greatly Improved and my nerves i
"Then I became less despondent, and the
desire to be active again, showed proof
of renewed physical and mental strength.
I am steadily gaining In physical
strength and brain power. I formerly did
mental work and had to give it up on
account of coffee, but sinos using Postum
I am doing hard mental labor with less .
fatigue than ever before." I
Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek.
Mich. Read the little book. "The Roadito'
Wllvllle,, in pkga. "There's a Reaon." ,
Bounteous Harvests abundant employment prosperous business enter
prises sound banking institutions money and cheeks worth 100 cents on the
dollar, and hundreds of other reasons for Thanksgiving. This store is thankful
for the splendid business of 1907 that our high qualities and moderate prices
are so well appreciated that deceptive advertising finds no favor with us
that our merchandise is as good as we say it is and we are thankful that we
have so much to be thankful for and that prosperity is still abroad in the land.
contemplated doing away with the night
watchman, the resident engineer serving to
protect the buildings sufficiently at night.
The State Board of Education approved the
plan after considering It very carefully.
So far only one of the cottages has been
completed. This will be occupied by the
head Janitor, since he was forced out of
the main building and was without a place
for his family. All criticism as to misap
propriation vanished as soon as those who
criticised understood Just how the cottages
are being constructed without cost to the
state, even the labor employed being that
commonly used on the grounds.
' Cambridge Han Injured.
CAMBRIDGE, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.)
Thomas Redford, a young man of this city,
met with a very painful accident yesterday
afternoon, when a shotgun which he was
taking out of his buggy was discharged,
the load taking effect In his arm. He and
his brother had driven out a couple of
miles south of this town, where they ex
pected to hunt, and having the gun loaded,
as he' took It from the buggy In some way
the trigger caught and caused the accident.
Mr. Redford was taken to his home, where
physicians dressed the wound, and It Is
hoped that he will recover without the loss
of his arm, which was badly mangled.
Business Chansjrea at Crawford.
CRAWFORD, Neb., Nov. 22. (Spe
cial.) The stringency In the money mar
key has not affected business In this part
of Nebraska, as In Crawford county this
week three business places have changed
hands. C. H. Chase's mercantile busi
ness was turned over to the Tandy
Bros. Tuesday. The transfer line of
Messenger tc Antrim will be run by
C. Messenger, who took possession
Wednesday, and the Courier, which was
purchased last January by Will A. Hos
kln. was turned over to E. R. Dumon of
Denver Wednesday morning.
Nebraska News Notea.
PAPILLION The Papllllon blacksmith.
A. CrltchAeld, has bought a new auto
mobile. BEATRICE J. S. Morrison, an old resi
dent of West Beatrice, Is lying critically
ill at his home.
GUIDE ROCK-Onn of the triplets born
Tu"sday to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eddy
died yesterday evening.
PAPILLION The Woman's club of
Papllllon has secured the services of the
Chicago bell ringers for Saturday even
ing, November 23.
BEATRICE The marriage of Mr. Csrl
C. Jewell and Miss Clara Foster, both of
We Witt, was solemnized here this even
ing. Judge Spafford officiating.
GUIDE ROCK The newly elected Re
beksh lodge officers are: Mrs. W. A.
Reeley, N. Q. ; Mrs. J. S. Largent, V. O.;
Mrs. L. W. Ely. treasurer; Miss Elzora L.
Simpson, secretary.
BEATRICE Mrs. Ruth Kellam. 90 years
of age, fell from a couch at the home of
her daughter. Mrs. L. B. Meadows, and dis
located her hip. On account of her extreme
age her recovery Is doubtful.
GUIDE ROCK-Duiing a runaway
Wednesdsy afternoon Dr. C. F. Moran
vllle was thrown from his buggy. He
struck on his head and wrenched Ills side.
The Injuries are not considered serious.
BEATRICE Mrs. F. E. Kulp d'ed yes
terday at her home In Wymore. She was
the wife of Roadmaster Kulp of the Bur
lington and a prominent member of the
Order of Eastern Star. She waa 36 yeara
of age and leaves a husband and two
BEA TRIOR Mrs. M. Cleaver Inspected
Rawlins Relief Corps here Wednesday
afternoon. All the ritual work was re
viewed, and the inspector found very little
to criticize In the manner In which the
work was done. The treasurer reported
lio. 40 in the treasury.
BEATRICE Mr. J. Henry Zimmerman
and Miss Marv Penner. two prominent
young Mennonltes of this locality, were
married yesterday at the home of the
bride's fnther, Pev. Gerhard Penner. Rev.
John Penner offlcl.tlng. They will make
their home near Hoag.
PEATRIPE A nu.nber of citizens ob
jected to the Thaw pictures beina shown
at the Unome theater lsst evening and
appealed to Mayor Reed to suppress the
entertainment. The mayor d'd not look
st It in tie same I'sht so refused to In
terfere with the performance.
PA VPRIDOf-Another case of dlnh
theria whs discovered here todav. This
rcoHes the third case for this week In ad
dition to a number of rases already ex
IsHnr. It 1s now feared that the puhl'c
schools will have to he clo.ed If any mora
rs ir. found. From the many cases
here only one patient hae died.
BFATRIf n Oonrfrlch Finrsmnment No
11 Independent Order of Orfd Feltowg. he'd
a meeting lat eventnr and elected the.e
ofPeers- O. W. Hoover, chief patriarch;
J. W. Harnle. senior warden; rnn I-aw-tn.
1ur"r warden; vy. R. Tripp, hlrh
rrlest; W. J. Pease treasurer; A. P
v.l'v srrtH, hennnet wa Veld at
Pease's reaurant sfter the meeting-.
FFATPI(TV-CVnsMerri1 excitement oc
enrr1 t the Cnnrregatlnnal church at
PloVrell the other ntht. A moving t1cxire
show waa In prere.. when the m"Vir
rlrxe1. The curtslns and rarneta rausht
ee and fee . ftTe It w.. thoni-ht th
ru'ldlnc wnnld be de.treved before the
.e enuld Ke sniied Many rushed for
the nnr. snd .e'.s.! escaped bv
Jut""1" thrnnrh the window.
T-ir TTTLT vinv snd Omo Cone were
t dl.trlet court and their suit sgal-.t
the railroad company waa settled. The
Thanksgiving is no day for shabby clothes and Just now is the time
to get ready. Our Suits and Overcoats are in such vast assortments as
to make choosing easy, and our prices so moderate as to make clothes
satisfaction a reality. ,
Worsteds, cheviots, velours, casslmere, serges, etc. blacks, blues,
browns, greys In fact everything from solid colors to beautiful Illumi
nated effects styles right U priced to meet your favor
$10 -$12-$15 -
And Upwards
You'll be astonished at the extensive
showing of styles and fabrics,
Top off your outfit with
1.50 tO'$5
suit originated over a car of beer whlcn
Omo had loaded here about three years
ago to be shipped to his brother at Hil
dreth. It was during the winter and tho
danger of freezing made it necessary the
ear should be taken the same day loaded.
By some oversight on the part of tho
railroad company the car remained on thu
(tiding three days after it was .loaded
and many of the bottle froze and burst.
They sued the company for $13u and won
the case.
Frontier and Mlnlnar Towns Undergo
Remarkable Change In Short
The frontier of the Territory of Arizona,
both In range and mining towns, has under
gone a vast change since spring. The In
hibition of gambling has changed the com
plexion of life In big and little communities
from Tucson to Williams and from Hol
brook to the California line. With the
passing of gambling and the Arizona
gambler much of the "picturesque" (has
gone out of the life of the frontier. The
regrets, however, are few.
The former big bars and saloons are dis
mal, seedy-looking places with their rou
lette tables turned Into lunch counters, and
It may be said that the red light has been
completely snuffed throughout the terri
tory. The "tin horn" sport has sullenly
gone to work and made his wife and family
happy by occasionally distributing his
wages for the household heeds. Also the
shopkeeper's slate has dwindled.
The change was eloquently described by
a territorial legislator in a discussion with
a well-known Arizona character, whose
name, "Speedy" Thurston, describes him.
Thurston was bewailing the lot of Arizona
to the wrltei when tho legislator Inter
rupted and drawled.
"Bud Hawley was talking things over
down to the store last night, and he ad
mits he don't' sell so many neckties and
silk vests as he uster, but he does sell a
whaling sight more of pork and beana
What's more, he gets paid for them."
So you will hear all along the line after
leaving New Mexico. The tradesmen and
wives are rejoicing, while the "undesir
able" utter bitter complaints and discuss
the shortest passage to Nevada or across
the border to New Mexico. Not many gam
blers are crossing to New Mexico, for on
January 1 the no-gambling law will go into
effect In that territory, which Is still suf
ficiently wide open to satisfy the most ad
venturous. The absence of silk vests and neckties
has become very marked In Arizona, where
formerly the prosperous gambler was
pretty generally recognized as one of the
leading citizens. He swaggered and wore
a gun, discussed the ethics of the frontier
with the authority of an unanswerable
philosopher, ran the little political ma
chines as well aa the saloon, and was really
one of the very biggest toads In the pud
dle he had selected as the most fruitful
dip for his greed and skill. Now he has
become an object for ingenious pity. His
former victims, a little puffed by their new
prosperity, publicly sympathize with him
and gloomily assent when he declares the
west Is going to rot and decay.
Arlzonans generally seem rather slow in
realizing that the money they formerly
poured over the gambling tables and Into
the greedy sacks of the sllk-walstccfated
parasites Is legltlmstely their own. S'noe
the old cowboy 4ys, when millions of
head of cattle ranged on the Arizona
plains, thes simple-minded folk have been
endowed with the Instinct of moths, and
were only happy when singeing their
wings. I
The benefits of the new life did not ap
peal to them at first. Cattlemen, miner,
small rancher, loafing Mexican and Indian
earned only that they might gamble It
away. The few savings banks scarcely
knew the small depositor. Railroad men
were always a month or two behind with
their payments at the general store. Their
wives and children had to be satisfied with
calicoes and rough cotton fabrics. To-day
In every little community the sheen of a
silk dress now and then glistens on the
brick sidewalks. Simple entertainments,
such aa dancer and balls, where small
fineries can be displayed, are coming rap
Idly Into vogue. Though It Is still frontier,
it is becoming tamed by all the small arts
and devices that simple folk can plan for
their entertainment.
In Winslow, which Is a divisional head
quarters for the Santa Fe and a trading
place for ranchers and the few cattle and
sheep raisers that the new vegetation on
the desert Is drawing, you wilt find only
"a, red-hot town that was." That Is the
way an Indian trader put It, and you had
only to drive down from the Moqul reser
vation through alxty-five miles of desert
to leari) how true the phrase was. Arriv
$18 - $2
to $40
$io r0p $50
ing at 9 o'clock, after a drenching by tho
now daily cloudburst, had It not been for
the headlights In the round house and the
smudgy lamps In the station no reason
would have been apparent for not con
tinuing on your Journey across the drench
ing plain. The town has a population
of 2,000, but there wero no lights In tho
clusters of bungalows, and the main street
had somewhat the appearance of a wall
about a cemetery. There was no hum of
voices or banging of a cracked piano from
the shuttered saloons. The - rain had
ceased and the stars had come out In a
sky of shining basalt. And this was a
town that a few months before throbbed
all night with life; where gun fights were
frequent and outlaws came down from
the hills to visit
"Isn't this fiercer said the driver of
the buckboard as he drew up the ponies
before the A. C. hotel. "Bet you a dollar
you got to wake up the clerk, and that
the bartender went to bed an hour ago.
Hell, ain't it, when you got to run down
out of the hills to a burying ground, for
your excitement? Why, the only thing for
a fellow to do. In this burg now Is to cut
Into the Harvey eating station and Jolly
the red-headed girl at the counter." St.
Louis Republic.
Dottlo O-ooh ! What's this picture?
Tommy That's Captain Kldd an" his
band o' plruts.
Dottle An' which Is Captain Kldd?
Tommy Wy th' guy with th" goatee,
o' course.
A little girl of four or five waa quietly
playing on the porch one afternoon, while
her father and one of his friends were en
Joying a smoko and a chat on political mat
ters. They paid no attention to the little
girl, who In turn seemed entirely absorbed
In her dolls and her teddy bear.
When the guest had gone and bedtime
came, the child's mother noticed that nhe
was unusually Rllent nr
when she knelt to say her prayers ther
Stimulant and Appetizer
f:Y ..'.-.:)
i - i -
f - , , - ;
Duffy's Pure Walt l-Jhiskey
Is an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain; great care being used to
have every kernel thoroughly malted, thus destroying the germ and pro
ducing a predlgested liquid food In the form of a malt essence, which Is
the most effective tonic stimulant an d lnvlgorator known to science; soft
ened by warmth and moisture Its palatablllty and freedom from Injurious
substances renders It so that It can be retained by the roost sensitive
If you wish to keep strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the
glow, of perfect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly accord
ing to directions. It la dangerous to f 111 yourself with drugs; they poison
the blood, while Duffy's Pure Malt W hlfkey tones and strengthens the heart
action and purifies the entire system.
It is recognized as a family medicine
everywhere. Duffy's Pure. Malt Whis
key has stood severe tests by skilled
chemists during the past fifty years
and has always been found absolutely
pure and to contain great medicinal
OAUTtOH When yon aak your drag. -gist,
grocr or dtalor for Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey be s ra you gtt ths gtnu
l&e. It's the only absolutely pure m a Id
eal malt whiskey and is sold only la ssal4
bottloa never la balk. X.aok for the
trade-mark, the "Old Chemist, " on the
lfcbtl, nd make aura tba aeai ovsr the
cork la nabrokca. Prlos, 11.00. Illus
trated medical booklet and doctor's ad
vice fm. Daffy Malt WblakSF Ce
Koebeater, V. T.
A boys' strong point Is in finding the
weak points in his clothes but it he is
clad in the kind we sell, you'll be sur
prised how his strenuous ways are guarded
Smart in style, dura
ble in wear moderate
In price
$2.50 to $10
Besides the service
ableness in our coats,
there is a touch of nat
ty style not found In
the ordinary makes.
$3.50 to $12
To match this outfit
always right.
came a pause after the usual petitions, and
then she resumed very earnestly:
"And now, God, please take great care of
yourself, for If anything should happen to
Tou, we should only have Mr. Roosevelt
and he hasn't come up to papa's expecta
tions. Harper's Weekly.
Father How's this. Harold? 1 hear you
have been as bad as you could be today.
What have you got to say for yourself?
Small Harold Please don't believe all
you hear, papa. J could have been a whole
lot worse.
Lady Visitor (chucking small boy under '
the chin) Good morning, Elmer. Have
Little Elmer (Interrupting No, ma'amj
I ain't used nobody's aoap. See?
Teacher Donald, why are you scratch
Ing your head?
Small Donald 'Causo I'm the only one
that knows where It itches.
Many children are so crammed with
verythlng that they really kn..w nothing.
In proof of this, read these veritable
specimens, of definitions, written by 'pub
lic school children:
"Stability is taking care of a stable."
"A mosquito is the child of black and
white parents."
"Monastery Is the place for monsters."
TocFln is Eomclhinjr to do with getting
"Expostulation Is to have the small
pox." "Cannibal Is two brothers who killed
each other In the Itlhle."
"Anatomy is the human body, whl2i
consists of three parts, the head, the
chlst, and the stummlck. Tho head con-
tains the eyes and brains, if any. The
chlst contains the lungs and a piece of
the liver. The stummlck Is devoted to ,
the boVels, of which there are five. a.
e, I, o, u, and aometlmees w and jr."
Everybody' Magazine.
Use Bee want ads to boost your business.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. John
son of Sutton, West Virginia,
both extol. Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey as a great stimulant
and medicine.
Mr. Johnson states that he has
not only found it to be the best
stimulant he has ever used, but
that part of a bottle improved
Mrs. Johnson's appetite.
"I beg: to say that I have used
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and found
It the best stimulant I ever ustd, and
It Is a good medicine also
"I gave my wife a part of a bottle
snd I could notice the difference In
her as regards appetite. We have)
tried all kinds of stimulants for our
health, but have never found any to
compare with Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key JAMES A. JOHNSON, Sutton,
West Virginia, January 7, 1907.
f t