20 TTIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: RATTTKDAY, NOVEMBER ' 23. 1007. Tiaf Suf For Thanksgiving 1 1 n Wo Place On Sale. Need Not Be Expensive To Be Stylish and Good. main T, g Floor J j New l JR1 n8W l v Store x Saturday Wo Soli 10,000 Chrysanthemums That Always Retail C TPAU at $3 to $5 a D.zen lUC U-acll These are large, Bingle stem chrysanthemums; they meas ure up to 10 inches across. These are all choice, select stock and come in white, pink and yellow .r. They will last until after Thanksgiving. ! II ll f"fe Main floor Saturday, worth up to $5.00 a 1 1 ul ft dozen, at each 2Jk 45 SI GLOVES at 59c a Pair Women's two-clasp Gloves of fine kid, in black, brown, tan and mode, all sizes and worth $1 pair, on bargain square at pair Women's Elbow Length Kid Gloves 1G- button, real French kid, black and white, all sizes, worth $3.50 per pair, at T CQ pair Women's lG-button elbow length Cashmerette Fleeced Gloves Suede finish you can have either 7 C black, brown, gray or navy, worth $1.50, pair. . . . Special Sale of Hosiery Men's Shawknit Hosiery and other styles, including Wool Hosiery in medium and heavy weight I C Ull t Infants' JWU Bought at less than manufacturer' cost from onQ of the country's foremost tailors whom the finan cial panic caught short of funds. Worth $15.00 and $18.00. Greatest suit snap ever offered. An worth up to $4.50, liy) on Sale at ...... . l 1 -II.IH. Ml ll.l I I .!.)- W (' j Your Choice Pan jmot 1519-1521 Douglas Street it CL01 IUl III 3C lira Pods THB RELIABLE ST.RB Offers Special Rale Values Saturday. Never Surpassed Seldom Equaled. The quality Is In Uieiu, notwithstand lng the low price. These Guaranteed Garments From Our Own Regular Stock. Men's Suits worth to $15.00 single and double breaBted Cf fl sack styles 4) J J Men's Hand Tailored Suits Regular $20.00 and $22.50 C"f values, at, choice 4)! Men's Overcoats Greatest variety and best values evr shown at this season, worth tf f l ... 4i v up to $22.50, at $15.00 and. Youth's Long Pants Suits Regular value up to $12.50, tf"f Cf on sale at 4) t DU Boys' Knee Pants Suits Values to $4.00 better-than-ever bargains at our Satur day sale prices $1.95 and $2.50 Men's Odd Panfs B"' osi Knee Pants Worth to $4.00, on sale at $2.50 Worth 65o to $1.00 and 81.05 at BOc and 35 m haydens' mn. I5i Women's Plain and Ribbed Top Hosiery, including Burson's fleecy lined 25c quality at, per C pair i,tJ All Wool Cashmere Hose. with silk heel and toe, at, a pair. : Boys' Heavy Ribbed Bicycle Hose, wort? cents a pair, at C pair UC Women's Underwear Women's winter weight Vests, Pants and Union Suits, all sizes, fTQ white and gray, at JZJ! "Women's and children's winter weight Underwear, in Vests, Pants and Draw- ers, all sizes, worth up to 35c f JJJ each, basement at JC Women's Vega Silk Underwear, Vests, Pants and Tights, in pink, 7Q white and blue m C Women's Underwear in fine cotton and wool Vests, Pants and Union Suits MAHA'S FVM TOOD CXITTXB H0S 69c 1 n jl I Restaurant on 2nd m r rioor 3 1 ) U Tt will nnv vr.il tr. talrA tftnr C) noon-day lunch here. U ,? . .v,..... v r IJ TASTV FOOH. M , COUNTY MAY ASK MORE TAX Considering Suit for Larger Slice 03 Creig;hton Estate. SHOULD INHERITANCE BE MORE 4Mlln Pat V'p to Coantr r I.nTT jrr Who VXmin Dlfferesc De km Dl.trlb.tlon and Orlg v laal Term. ' Ix'gal action may be atartod by the county commlHsloner. to collect from '.he Crelghton.catate beneflclarles the difference between the amount the comity will re ceive aa Inheritance tax under the com . Promina aareument alined by the helra and bneflciarl. and the amount th. county wo ild have received hud the terms of the w 11 lo r. strictly compiled with. It Is es timated this difference would be close to 132.000. . Thursday afternoon F. A. Shotwell, who oa deputy under former County Attorney BlsbauKh, helped In litigation over the law in the courta, called the attention of the board to the difference In the tax caused by th compromise agreement and the members of the board asked him to pre sent a written opinion as to the rights of the county In the matter. Mr. Shotwell filed the opinion Friday morning and In It he holds that as the county was not a party to tho agreement Its Interests In the eetstn could not be altered by It. The opinion says that fcsW.OO) of the entata which would have gone to Crelghton uni versity. St. Joseph's hospital and the other Institutions has been taken from the In stitutions and given to the helrs-at-law by the agreement. It this money had gone to the Institutions It would have paid In heritance tax at (he rate of 6 per cent. In heritances received by the helrs-at-law pay only I per cent. Mr. Shotwell contends the oounty can collect the difference from the beneficiaries according to the amount they would have received under the will. Board Will Consider. The oounty board has taken no action, but will consider the opinion at the next meet ing and will then decide whether to go Into the courts or not. The effort to collect this extra tax will be resisted by the Institutions Interested i V1Q SALE SATURDAY EVENING $ j From 8 O'clock Until nosing Time $ r Wa nrlll col 1 TTanov Cmvtna 1TM ira D la any quantity, at, per lb. 15 & . p Three car loads of fine winter po W tatoes. We will sell, while they $ last. In quantities of 5 bushels H ana upwards. lor your winter Eg I pi supply, at, per bu t 75c H according to T. J. Mahoney. who represent. ' Antl-Ly Prunes. Pr lb 7c k them. I M Standard Tomatoes, per can.. 11c "If the estate were distributed according ' $ Standard Corn, per can 8c to the terms of the will." said Mr. Ma- M Freeh Eggs, per doz 15c ") honey "the county might get more than It h Good Table Butter jh . 4 will get under the agreement and It might S . ' . Pj get much less. There are two theories as $ Dest Creamery Butter, per lb. 28c g to the interpretation of the will. Under and 30c " one theory a large part of the residuary p Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb. 83c -j estate was not distributed and this would U Domestic Cheese, per lb.... 20c R go to the heirs at law. If this theory x. ' . lJ were upheld by the courts the Institutions '-J. New DateB- lb 10c S would get much less than they will receive 3 ji owr gt.1 P under the agreement and consequently the t'i 1 Fill IS & VPHPlJlmPS- Inheritance tax would be much less. The ' 9 ivyviUMIVJ ft other theory Is that the entire estate la . () Cauliflower 15c to 25c distributed by the will. Under this theory i Jersey gweet Potatoe8 , ,hfl the county, share in taxes would be Jrae faweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. 5c larger than under the agreement. These two 1 2 ead Letuce. lancy, each ... 10c theories give rise to a genuine dlfferenca ! Si Fresh Mint . 5c of opinion among the beneficiaries and In stead of going to courts 'the beneficiaries settled the matter among themselves by the agreement. Misses' Footwear Great care should be taken In fitting the feet of the Young Lady with Shoes of the correct form. To dress her dainty foot she must, of course, have a trim, neat Shoe, but It must be made to fit her foot. It requires an expert to fit Misses' feet as they should be fitted or as we fit them. Misses' Shoes at $1.50, $2, $2.50 Choice leathers and skillful and artistic thoemaklng. Lasts that are made for Misses' feet. Lace, Button or Blu cher Btyle. High or medium heels. 7 Clothes Talks If the Young Lady has been troubled In getting good look ing, perfect fitting, stylish Shoes, we ask her to come here for relief. FRYSHOEfO. 16th and Douglas Streets. Shares Fixed by Court. "The shares of the various beneficiaries are fixed by the decree signed by the court and that decree Is the only basts upon which the tax can be levied. "I can Imagine a case in which the heirs of an estate might agree to allow one person, whose relationship to the deceased was such that the tax would be low, to take the entire estate and then make a distribution afterward and thus evade tho payment of taxes. But in this case, where there Is a bona fide distribution of the estate, I do not believe any other basis than the court decree could be taken aa a basis for the tax." WIMTf'"'1"""""'1 Window Glass v. n o' Paint Department your ord ers. Tel. Douglas 3425. Kyers-Dillcn Drug Co. Paint Dept. 1416 Harney St. FINK ASKS LIGHT ON BONDS Want to Know Why Sinking; Fund of City Tannot Be Thus Invested. City and County Treasurer Fink Is await ing advice from the city attorney offering fer sale about $180,000 of Omaha' district Improvement bonds, the proceeds of which are to pay Improvement fund warrants now In the hands of contractors. The war rants are drawing 7 per cent Interest as there are no funds en hand for payment. The bonds are being prepared to draw 4H per cent Interest, the rate at which most Omaha paper la sold, but the flurry In the money market makes it uncertain whether the Issue can be floated at that rate. The treasurer has asked the city attorney If there Is any legal reason why the sink ing fund of the rlty cannot be Invested In these bonds which are what Is known as serial bonds, those of each district being Issued so as to be paid one-tenth each year as the money Is paid to the treasurer as special taxes. Tho sinking fund In the bank draws 1 per cent a year and its In vestment In district bonds would Increase the profit to the city m per cent,-and If the money market Improves It Is suggested tray might later be sold at an advantage. Another proposition dealing with elmllar bonds and which may be taken In lieu thereof, If no legal objection Intervenes. Is tlie purchase of other district fund bonds which will become due In shorter time. Borne of the holJers are anxious for cash and offer the bonds at a discount. If the discount is great enough the purchase of these tKnda ought be more advantag eouaj .uetis. ftso. M Lemons, per dozen . . 15c $ Oranges, per doz 20c y Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. . . 20c A Imported Endive, per lb. . k . . 80c ft Brussels Sprouts, per qt 85c Persimmons, per box 20c y Candy Counter ' 0 30c Spliced Almond Fudge, per A m lh hi, n i 7S K 40c Buttercups, per lb 25c S 2 5c Hoarhound Tablets, lb.. 15c U 50c Assorted Chocolates lb... 2.1c fi Nutlets, something new, lb... 20c Meat Department g Don't fall to visit our big meat $ V department before the holidays. 6 Never such a variety of poultry, U H provisions and fancy meats shown N U in Omaha before. U ) in Omaha before. u B A car-load of fancy dry-picked fi j direct to Courtney's. ? s baiuraav special w . 2.000 lbs. Pork Roast (choice pi namsj per id vhc Leaf Lard, per lb 10c i fcmoKea nam 8, per id lir Prnm ft tn 1ft nVlnnl; n m will sell Country Sausages, at. per lb 5c 17th and Douglaa Streets, leleufcone ImuUi 047. Private fcaoiiaJige CouAeuta AU Depta. than the purchase of the new ones, but nothing can be done In either case until the opinion of the attorney la secured. ' Mothers of Boys Hero's Shoo News We have stocked up on a shoe for boys this fall that for the price is the peer of any boys' shoe ever built. Made, every stitch, just as boys' shoes should be; wear like iron; stylish to a T; made on sensible lasts. They are made in blucher lace; the sizes run from 1 to 5V2 and the price is S2.00 1, ... -'..7 ' 7', i i .. ,;z Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Fariam SL Oalldlag Permits. Mre. J. C. Klnsler, frame dwelling Thlrty-aec-ond sr.,1 t'apltol avenue, H.OuO; Chicago, kit. Paul. Minneapolis tk Omaha 1 Kail ay compa.iy, frme keliouM, f.uu0; V. V. Kuncl. five frame dwellings. Thlr teenth und Canton streets, tl.tjo each; G. HuIhi. frame dwelling. Twenty-fifth and Tblrly-sevenin ana uoia Some people say times are a little to the pork, but on the square you won't think so if you'll drop into our store some day and see the bunch of wise ones grabbing off our $15 hand tail ored ready to wear suits and overcoats. Honest, they're the finest bunch of all wool glad rags you ever saw. They've got everything within 10 dollars of the price beaten off the boards. Every one of them fit to be worn at a Bankers' Jubilee. If you want to raise the bet $5 or $10 I'll stake you to a suit or overcoat so good that all the merchant tailors working nine nights a week couldn't make one as stylish for $50. EXPERT CLOTHES FITTERS VOLLtYlER'S 107 South 16ih Street J DIAMONDS . ' THE OZM Or OEMS In all sizes, from $5.00 to fl.OTO. We give a contract to buy back at full price paid less ten per cent and pay CASH If returned within one year. i PACKER'S HAIR BAL8AM Clttm jU fcawin tt kaa rninuut ft luuntat growth. jtu Vlls to kectdre Gray Hju ta li Temttiful Color. Obim d Wm a h iauug. READ THE BEST PAPER Tne Omsvatn Dally Bel TUm.i yl I, n: R iiiai iiidimsyiviny uiiiner Interested in knowing what it's going to cost? Let as supply your Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens and Geese Thousands of pounds of Finest Dressed Poultry, secured t very u lowest prices. Assured you'll save money If you Get HAYDEN'S PRICES First Extra Specials for Saturday 10 lbs. Leaf Lard $1.00 No. 1 Mutton Legs 10 8 lbs. Mutton Chops, loin or rib, at S5 6 lbs. Mutton Stew 25 i Porterhouse Steak, at, lb.l2Ht Fresh Pig Hams, lb 10 No. 1 Skinned Hams, at, lb.,13 No. 1 Sirloin Steak, lb tO 1 to una hteak, 8 pounds for 25 Chickens, per pound. ....... .g' m hayden's nm i ID) MEN J im,u i .ntnnn n When you 6top to think about it, you, of course, realize the grave danger that menaces your children when they play in the Btreets on which there are street car tracks, but do you think about it often enough! And do you caution your children about it often enough! Are you sure that YOUR children are not daily exposing themselves to the danger of being struck by a car in fact, jeopardiz ing their lives, Remember that when children are play ing, their minds are engrossed with their play and they are utterly unheedful of approach ing cars and frequently dart directly in front of them. Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. OmoJva Council Bluffs Street Railvvixy Company BEE Real Bargains in MEN'S CLOTHING S 2 5.00 Suits or Overcoats, best material and workmanship, &at-M uraay 317. &U $17.50 High Grade Men's Suits or Overcoats, Saturday 812.50 $5.00 Men's High Grade Trousers, Saturday $3.50 Selz' Royal Blue Shoes. . .$3.50 Sell and Shoe King Shoes 82.50 A Want Ad J. IIELPHAND 314 North 16th. Will rent that vacant house, fill those vacant rooms or secure board ers on short notice at a verv small cost Telephone Douglas 238, Bee Office 17th and Farnam Cts.