The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTIOII. Psgss 11 to 20. A Papr for th Horn THC OMAHA DEE Best tlT. West VOL. XXXVII NO. 13f. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1007. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Magazines at Wholesale Prices 0 AS FOR OUR CATALOGUE W oflor for Saturday only this ppecial club: The American Magazine, publishers ?rice $1.00 - - Th Ladies' Vor,id, publishers i J J price... 50c if The two, our price Women's Neckwear Saturday is particularly a bargain day PYROGRAPHY hm. r.-1 . ... 200 F.mhrr.ldered Linen Coat Sets, I'ilf worth 25c IJS Swiss Kmbrolibred Collar and Cuff Ki lo, worth up to 1.1c, for Fancy Trimmed nnd Headed Stock Jrt. "oUrji. worth 2nc. ench I VC Fancy Hoxed Huchlng, six assorted puitrns In box, worth 25c, for.. i5c Ribbons 3i and S-tnch all allk taf fi la ribbons, worth up to 39c, for. . 4-lnrh plain all Bilk taffeta ribbon, the new shades, worth 25c per yard yard for everybod : Every department brings out its bargains $c with a uniform high-wilsr mirk attractiveness. Clothing sec tion offers suoerlativ viluts in the rightclothti for coll weath er; m n's Ivrnish'ngt offer sjTie sterling inducements for heavy buying; ladies' ready-to-wear departments w;rg nevr mor re plete with stunning styles and peerless values. And then the crockery section that vast galhrv of glittering beauty has the spirit of Thanksgiving in tt's halo of money-saving advantages. In all 15c Thousands of Pieces. Plaques 10c, l.V, 25c Boxes of all kinds lOe to $1.00 Dresser Sets, Fruit Bowls, Picture Frames. 200 Glove. 300 Handkerchief regular 25c values, will be sold Saturday, while they last, each 124 Or two for 25 One Day More of our 20 Ptrctnt ditcount safe 20 discount on all framed pictures, prices up from lOo Soma beautiful pastels, at 12. 43, $2.98, tl.SO to $9.00 Established Styles In Millinery Special marked down sale for Saturday. All hats strictly in the season's latest styles, fine materials, fancy feathers, velvet chou, ribbons, flow ers, etc. OMAH&3 GRMT STORD Saturday all $10 hats for $7.50 All $7.50 hats for $5.00 Ml $5 hats for $3.50 A.n elegant line of children's School Tarns at, each 25o 3 Per Cent Premium on all Cashiers' Checks Used in Purchasing Merchandise Satuiday 0m!""'s Besl Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats which are hand tailored and contain every feature of goodness: made expressly to our or- der by some of the best known makers. Blue Serge Suits Nobby Cashmere Suits Dressy Worsted Suits Newest Weaves and Shades Fine Black and Oxford Melton Overcoats. Swell gray and brown weaves in Box Overcoats. Stylish black, gray and fancy Rain Ooats. Twenty Dollar Values for Fifteen Dollars Suits and Overcoats at $20.00 At this price we show some very elegant hand-tailored suits, and overcoats. The suits are black and blue, unfinished mater ials and stylish shades of worsteds and cas- slmeres. The overcoats x are handsome black kerseys and melton materials, serge or satin lined, good $25 garments' Suits and Overcoats at $25.00 For this sum we show Suits and Overcoats that are at the very pinnacle of high grade excellence, made in clean-cut models that should especially appeal to you. Suits in plain or fancy pat terns; Overcoats, serge or satin lined on choice kfJtfir 1 1 All the newest styles and materials for boys 3 to 16 years are here," and at a saving to you. Prices, $5, $4, $3 and $2.00 ('d-r:f: I, -:y I V 1 1 1 If Ix i : it f. -. A SECOND DAV OF Our Great Suit Sale Tailored Suits that sold at $25 and $29.50. All go at one price. The latest chic styles, made of broadcloth in all the new fall shades, browns, blues, garnets, greens, blacks, and few Misses' suits in plaids and stripes. Saturday will bo . the last day of this sale. See Kith street window. Ladles' Coats, In fine broadcloths, kerseys and Eng lish meltons, at $3.00, 97.50, $10.00 and $12.50 Extraord'nay Sales Ladies' Coals "Women's Coats, made of fine broadcloth, 52 inches long, extra full, loose fitting, lined throughout with good satin, trimmed in vel vet and braid, regular $22.50 and $20 values, Saturday special .$15 "Women's Coats, mado of fine kersey and broadcloth, some aro lined throughout, oth ers half lined, regular $15 value, Saturday special .... ....$10 INFANTS' ROOM ACCESSORIES FOR BABY. Caps, Mittens, Leggings, Shoes, Booties, Toilet Sets, Blankets, Carriage Robes, etc. SATURDAY SALE OF.... Corsets s4? Misses Coats jM Over Five Hundred M at $1.95 and $2.95 teas ana cas- $20 Another great sale of fashion's best up-to-date Corsets. Corsets that sell ordinarily at from $1 to $3, Satur day in all sizes and colors, for Bearskin and velour for the little tots from 2 to 6; kerseys, cheviots and meltons for the girl from 6 to 14 years. All colors, red, brown, blue, gray, white, cream and plaid and stripes. See 16th St. window. FURS! Small Furs, Scarfs, Ties and Throws $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 and up. Muffs to match. TlJSIMIr'S-lllftfS- CinilCDC WE RECEIVE CUT FLOWERS, EVERY MORHIHG BY FASTEST I HnNixbUlvlNU rLUiYCKj--- EXPRESS from the leading florist of the couhtry. Baturday We offer choice, apecially cut Chrysan- -n0 I Rosea, all colors, lateat productions 50C miirna -a-vv; doien mu" " Vsatlbnls, Main Entranc. HOSIERY Ladles' Heavy Fleeced Hole, 19o value Ladles' Seam less Medium Weight Hose. 19c value Ladies' Imported Full Fashioned Hoao, 35c value Ladles Silk Lisle, cotton foot, 0O0 value; three pair fur Children's Fleece Lined Hose, 19c value Boy w' Heavy Bicycle Hose, 19o value. . And Doubts Green Trading tamps. m i2k mm 121c 1 i CLOVES . . . , t.i 1 . A A -S Laaics two-ciaBp ivia uioveo, 5T1 ....... trn-L vmue ktw Ladles' one-clasp Mocha Gloves, $1.25 values 79 Ladles' BtarriU Electric Wrist. 11.98 value $1.50 Ladles' 12-button imported cape at S3.70 Double Green Trading Sunups. HI mil HANDKERCHIEFS Ladles' Hemstitched Swiss Handker chiefs, 5c value 3 Ladles' Hemstitched Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 6 hie value 5 Ladles' Pure Linen Initial Handker chiefs, 15c value 10 Men's Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, 60c value 29 Double Green Trading Stamps. UNDERWEAR 111! Ladles' Fleece -Lined Pants, 26c value Ladles' Heavy Fleeced Vests and Pants, 8 5c value Ladles' Fleeced Union Butts, 7So value Ladles' Fine Combed Tarn Vests and Pants, 60c value Ladles' Wool Platted Union Sulta, 11.00 value Children's Ribbed Union Suits, 25c value. ..17c .25c ,A9c ..39c ,.69c 15c ad Double Orssn Trading- tamps. Saturday snaps in FURNITURE tasf Ca" for B'f Sa,e Saturday Snaps In Shoes nnnnr flCD! illiCDfl! Magazine Stands in weathered QO oak, a great leader at I Sample line of Go-Carts up from $1.89 Three Plate Rack special, up from 49c Bier Iron and Brass Bed sale,' .ask for $3.G9 and $0.78 beds. Oak Dresser special $14.69. Rockers and odd Arm Chairs at exceptional bargains. Felt Mattress sale. A regular $9.50, 50-lb., all felt mattress, in art ticking, for $7.9S Taborette, like cut, limited number, so call early, can't take tele phone orders. Golden oak, weather oak, and imitation QJ mahogany, Saturday only O C D'QCHl r 11 ' huIt:-V3VD- J WAS CARPETS -AND RUGS AND LINOLEUMS Heavy Linoleums, six feet wide, lots of patterns, Qf per siuare yard sVsXC Japanese Rugs, nice size, 30x60, iu desirable patterns, QRf at each Room size Axminster Rugs, 9x12, just a few f Q75 more, at Brussels Carpets, with XOt" , stair to match, per yard. DmL Carpet Section. Third Floor. $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Women's Shoes, patent colt, Amazon kid and Gun Metal Calfskin, broken lines of our best makes, button and lace style i Special Sale of MISSES' AN J CHILDREN'S SH01 Good solid Misses' and Children's form last, regular laced styles only, Kid, Amazon Calfskin, worth $1.50, sale prices, all sizes up to 2 i Misses' and Children's High Cut Two inches higher than regular cork filled soles, Gun Metal Calfskin and Amazon Kid: Sizes to 2, worth $3.00 sale price $2.29 Sizes 8Y2 to 11, worth $2.50 sale" price $2.09 .98 i, foot U Mm 0 Specials in Hardware Saturday c'9ars c'9ars fT Stovesl Stoves! Stovesl I j-yJC For Heating Capacity and Fuel Service. foninsutar uase uurnois, up iruu 5,1."" Peninsular Oak Stoves, up from $(j-nu Hanges, all prices up from ....g2-I Ptrfectlon OH H' aters. nnd S I-"'' Gas Heaters, prltua from to 1.35 Regular $2.65 Carving 12 qt. enameled Water Pails, blue mid white motted on outside and white on inside. Strict er Savory and Lisk Roasters. y f irst quality, regular at lowest prices. i cm caia1 And 40 Green Trading t, . , ... Btamp. with each Baturday. - Saturday, while they last. . . Set, stag handle, spe cial at $1.78 HOASTEHS Full supply li9c ' General WaUcott," a well known 10c r cigar, Saturday only, straight Special sale on Pipes, each, 50c and. 25c Double Green Trading Stamps on All Pipes. Sporting Goods Big Sale on Sidewalk Roller Skates, with mailable steel rollers while they CO- lt &yc Lowest prices ever offered on Steel Roller Skates. Every pair is worth $1.50. Boys and girl, don't miss this. Green Trading Stamps Every lime and a Premium ol 3 Per Cent on Cashiers Checks Used in Buying Big Sale of Bibles Teachers editions, full leather bindings, concord ance nnd dictionary, up from $1.95, $1.69, $1.49 and $1.25 ALGER BOOKS ALCER BOOKS A new lot of Alger books for boys, on salo Satur day at 19c 100 Engraved Cards with plate, Saturday only, for 79C Men's Hats and Caps Bennett's Hats Are Good Hats 50c h $1.00 Less Jhan Exclusive Store Prices The Lacrosse, soft or stiff. $1.50 Tho Lnmout, soft or stiff $2 The Kingston, soft or stiff..$2.50 Bennett Special, soft or stiff. $3 JOHN B. STETSON SOFT HATS, $3.50 and $7.50. 0HN B. STETSON STIFF ' HATS, $3.50 and $5.00 Men's and Boys' Fur-Lined Caps 50 dozen, fine assortment of colors and cloths, in Men 's and Boys ' Caps, worth 75c, on C ) sale Saturday DUC Others at $1, $1.50 and up to $2.50. Men's Fur Caps $1.50 to $10. Jin k3" A Men's Wear Low Priced 78 Men's Fine Shirts in Splendid Patterns. There's no otu'er shirt at so low a price that can be compared to these. Secure several tomorrow Positively worth $1.50, on sale Sat urday, Choice $1 r :-..Ml BS 1 I V . 1 I 1 - I '.m '-. Men's Ties Men's Hose On Pale Saturday Just received another Men's heavy cotton fleered and merino shipment of fine silk Four-ln-and Ties, n,Hoae- Pecil 'r Saturday 15o beautiful range of colors and patterns. " , ; ' Kft .in,.. h..i oit.1 Half Hose, In wool, In gray, black or ox Regular 60c silks, Saturday .350 flrd. also a flne assortment of funcy Or three for LO0 Half Hose 76o. 60c, Boo Men's Underwear . 100 dose.n fine, heavy Shirts and Drawers which our buyer picked up at Ichs than cost to manufacture: Those garments are strictly high grade and consist of heavy wool derby ribbed shirts and drawers and fine heavy wool fli-ecrd shirts and drawers. Pos- fiOo ltively worth up to $1.60, choice per garment.. "" Cotton Flannel Night Shirts Men's Doraet Night Shirts in medium weight, all sizes, marked at a great saving. -75 and 50 Thanksgiving 0'fe rinds in China and Cut Glass A New Lot of Those Tan and Black Auto Boots Five styles to select from, laced and but ton $5.00 Bennett's Meat Market FRESH DRESSED SPRLNGS OR IlENS, PER POUND 834c Fresh Leaf Lard, 9 pounds for $1.00 Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast, pound OViC Fre6h Pork Spare Ribs, per pound , g Sirloin Steak of Native Steers, pound 12 " Sirloin Roast, per pound 11 Prime Rib Roast, all bones out, per pound 10 Choice Pot Roast, per pound and 5 2.000 pounds No. 1 Picnic 2,000 No. 1 Dacon, narrow The Thanksaivina Table can he made complete by a visit to our China Jri nr. A r.,i sii-,. n . 1 C I r i III I oiiu v.ui uiajj unpi. , .econa roor Every Dinner Set in 6tock at a special cut price for this sale. Sets marked to sell at $5.87, $8.90, $10, $11.98, $13.50 or up to our finest Haviland. An extra special cut on three at ......... A discount on every dinnerware sale. All Fine Art Cut Class: LIBBEY, MX. WASHINGTON, BERGEN, FRY, ETC,, 20 Off Saturday Cut Olafix Vases, values up to 16.00,' at 13.60, $2.42, J2.38 and $1.29 SOO only lur;e Turkey Platters, In plain white porcelain, 11.00 values, Saturday, each 60c BENNETT'S BIG GROCERYs"sfX'" Pride of Dennett's Flour, sack. .$1.45 New York Full Cream 80 Green Trading Stamps. Cheese, lb ii:ic Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack. . .$1.45 20 Green Trading Stp's. 80 Green Trading Stamps. New York Sage Cheese, Twenty-one pounds Granulated Sugar pound for 25c for $1.00 10 Green Tradlug St'ps. Teas, all kind, lb (18c Royal Luncheon Cheese, 75 Green Trading Stamps. Jar for lOc Bennett's Best Coffee, 3 !b3. for. $1.00 5 Green Trading Stamps. 100 Green Trading Stamps. Hand Cheese, each c Bayles' Tomato Cocktail, bottle... 50c Neufchatel Cheese 4c 100 Green Trading Stamps. Maryland Club Oysters, large can. 20c Raisins, seeded, new. pkn 12Uo And 10 (Ireen Trailing Stamua. ju-nueii s Lttpuoi uaning rowuer, lb. can for 24c 20 Green Trading Stamps. Egg-O-See, four pkgs 25c Jell-O. assorted thre pkgs 25c 20 Green Trading Stamps. Uneeda Biscuit, four pkgs. . . .15c 10 Green Trading Stamps. Genessee Succotash, 3 cans... 30c 30 Green Trading Stamps. pSJTi Dennett's Capitol Mincemeat, 3 l&g&i v pkKs 2r &'fTTl43 ' 1 Green Tradincr Stamps. t't-n l for 20c Hams, every one guaran teed, sugar cured, nice and lean, per lb...gHc strips, 5 to 7-pound av erage, by the strip, per b 13 Morrell's High Grade Lard, in 5-lb rails. for...TO Jar Pig Hams, every one 0 Green Tradlne Stamos. guaranteed, sugar cured. Imported Holland Herring, mixed Milchers, keg 75 19 Qra Trading B tamps. 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bayles' Horse Radluh Musttard, large Jar 18c 10 Green Trading Stamps. Batavla Corn, 2 cans 25c Blue Borax Starch, 2Va-lb. box... 25c 20 Green Trading Stamps. jo Green Trading Stamps. Best We Have Beets, 2 cans 25c Wonder Wax for Washing, pkg. . 10c 20 Green Trading Stamps. io Green Trading Stamps. Tea Sittings, pound pkg. for 15c Dixie Splits, Pickles, pkg 10c 10 Green Trading Stamps. 15 Green Trading Stamps. Jersey Butterlne, 2 lbs. xew Mincemeat, lb 12 He for Hc Bennett's Capitol Pancake, pkg... 11c 10 Green Trading St'ps. 10 Green Trading Stamps. Lincoln Butterlne, 2 lbs. I'.lood of cjrsre Julie, .mart bottle.. eoo or ....25c And 70 cireen Tmcllna- Stamps. ' '" 'ri.' ' j'i ' ' ' c.-.. Franco-American Kuiip, iu.irt ran for 35o 10 Green Truding St ps. An,, ilt Gr,.en Trilli'iIlK stamj.M. Premium Butterlne, 2 lbs. Bennett's I'apitoi Exttaet, bottio for 18o . 4-c And 20 Ureen Trading Stamps. ... Blood of fJrape Juice, plut bottlw for 850 10 Green Trading St ps. And !0 tireen TradliiB Stamps. JUTTF-lt. jtltAAAAeVlfl 2,000 pounds No. 1 Regu- lilce and lean, any size, per lb 110 4,000 ijuudi Bennett's Capitol Creamery, lb. brick, full weight, fin est value at 28c Oenltan Apiiles. peck 45o 20 Gm. n Trading fc-tami KnRliKh WalnutB. lb. ISO Koanted I'eanuts, quart for Bo Fancy Jersey Sweet Po tatoes, pound 6o Celery, fresh and crisp, 1 for loo OAJIDIES Oroosry Stctlon Mixed luuily lb Bo Imported FlK. per lb. at 30o and ISo Iate, new, lb lOo Halted 1'eanuta. lb... llio C'liocolate lijn Uoiih, lb. box 8So tO Green Trading btaiuiS