Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Verse by Albert rergnion of the Mi
louri Penitentiary.
Has Printed n Book of Poem to Cheer
III Fello-e Talent Developed
lnre He Became an In
mate of the Prison.
JprrFER&ON CTTT, Mo., Nov. Liter
err pirates have existed since time out of
mind end literary piracy la a form of de
linquency by no meant distinguished for lt
rarity at the present day. But the literary
highwaymen Is unquestionably a rara avla.
Indeed, I know of but one specimen In cap
tlvlty, and he la confined In the atate penl
tenalary at Jefferson City.
It la by no means the purpose of thla
sketch to attempt to demarcate the finely
attenuated and somewhat mystifying dis
tinctions existing between the literary
pirate and the literary highwaymen, dlf
ferenoea sufficiently subtle and evasive to
elude the grasp of logic upon most occas
ions and which, therefore, need not bo dis
cussed on this occasion, although they may
properly be said to arise out of the same
psychical diathesis.
The Inspirational subject of these remarks
is Albert Ferguson, whose registered num
ber In ' the Missouri penitentiary Is 7.9TS.
Like many other well known characters
upon the highway of literature (who are,
however, not known as literary highway
men), Mr. Ferguson halls from London.
In the attla fields of Ilooslerdom he
was born, flvn-and-twenty years ago. Fol
lowing Horace Greeley's advice to go west
and grow up with the country, Mr. Fergu
son In the course of events reached Kansas
City, whither the star of empire Is said to
tske Its way when It moves westward.
Having reached Kansas City he very
naturally (though quite Impulsively, It Is
believed) committed highway robbery, for
which crime he was, upon his plea of
guilty, sentenced to the penitentiary for a
term of ten years.
From his present domicile he has lately
Issued, "with a view to creating a little
optimism among his fellow unfortunates
who are struggling against great odds," as
he says, the most refreshing creation that
has ever Issued from that gloomy citadel
of human frailty and woe. Mr. Fergu
son's message Is In the form of a little
booklet which he has appropriately en
titled "Cell House Ballads."
It was Cardinal Mazarin, I believe, who
when thrown Into prison, revenged him
self by writing tho life of Ills Jailer.
Boethlus dreamed his divine "Consolations
of Philosophy" behind the walls of a
Pavlan prison, and Sir Walter Raleigh en
gaged In ' literary work under similar cir
cumstances. But the name of Albert Fer
guson leads all the rest.
Like the poor galley slave whom Gold
smith regarded as the happiest man he
ever saw, he can calmly smile; and the
smile goes forth beyond the Iron bars to
pierce the gloom that shrouds the dreary
oelL He laughs and the sound above the
creaking of bolts and bars Is echoed In
hearts that were heavy and without hope.
He falls n-dreamlng of tho convicts as
they come and go, and this Is the result:
Where are the "cons" of yesterday.
The ones I hailed with glad acclaim
When first I suiuitered In this Joint
And clasped their hands and called their
They've Issued forth when times were up,
They've gone on several, distant way,
And I am left to mourn them now,
The good old "cons" of yesterday.
They drifted from me one by one;
So simply did they outward go
I hardly missed them, and their place
Is all that's left now to know
That once they dwelt herein with me
A thought that's freighted with dismay.
I wondor where they are tonight;
Where are the "cons" of yesterday?
What's that you said? Have I gone blind?
Just look about me, did you say?
Orat gosl! They've all come hark again,
The dear old "cons" of yesterday!
Criminologists have written whole chap
ters on recldlvation without conveying any
more information than that contained In
the foregoing lines.
There are quite a number of stanzas of
good-natured raillery describing the time
"when the rookie bunch blows In," illu
minating with keen hiunor an otherwise
dlsmxl scene. There Is an ode to hash,
that mighty "matutinal dish" which forms
the chief staplo of the prison menu. Among
Disease Spread Over Whole Body
Face Was in Awful Condition
Itched So that Baby Could Not
Sleep Doctors and Home Rem
edies Failed Mother In Despair.
"I take groat pleas ire In dropping
line to tell you what a Godsend
Cuticura Kerne
dies were for my
baby. He was
sufferln g from
that terrible tor
ture, ectema. It
was all over his
body in patches,
but the worst was
cd his face and
brad. Ills face
i was awfully bad;
the eczema ex-
lower eyedids and I was just about sick
for fear it would get into his eyes before
1 got It stopped. He cried and scratched
ail the time and could not sleep night
or day from scratching. I took him
to the beet doctors, atid one of thero
aid that he would keep the disease till
he got all of his teeth; but if I had de
pended on the doctors, I guess my boy
would hrve been laid at rent by th(a
time. My friend told me to try many
kinds of remedies, and 1 pewtered the
child to doath with ail the different
things, but could see no Improvement,
finally I got discouraged, and was just
about to give up all hope of his ever
getting cured, when I read about the
Wundurful Cuticura Remedies, which
eauie lust In time to save my baby
from the terrible torture. I used Cuti
cura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, and
gave him Cuticura Keeolvent, and I
saw an improvement in three days,
nd in three weeks his skin was as
dear as it oould be. That was six or
even months ago,, and I have not
seen any return of the disease since. I
should hare written long ago, but I
waited to see if it would return, i shall
recommend the use of Cuticura, front
one end of the world to the other. Mrs,
Maxg.e Smith, 314 W Crosier tit
Akron, O., July 24 and Aug. 11, leoa1
OmbdIM Eiumil ul uorul Treatment Ht
viy ItuiAor ot IhtAnu. ftudru, an4 Adu:u roa
tia of Cuticurm up (2&c I to Cam u baio.
tullrur owl nut i.vic I la Hl lh Him.
Cuui'urt kcaoivvul &uv ),nr in IA frni of( horotAi
ft4 Pllt. ISc. pw vi&l of SO) Ui Purify lie t!oo4.
ga ilfuurfbout it. one. Fuiiar Lrutf a ' 1
Lmtn . 1TUI10 . tlAA. tf&t.
arMuW !, tuumua M as S4Ja Da
the limericks presented the following may
be assumed to possess a personal applica
tion: There was a young man of K. C,
Went out on a terrible spree;
rurchssed a gun.
Mailt cltliens nin
And now he Is down at J. C.
This Is much to the point. Many poets.
It may be admitted, have written more and
said less. And what could be better, tn
Its way, than thla, entitled "Micky's Ar
rival?" When Micky first came In thla world
Thla world of woe and sin
Quite anxious to prognosticate,
The neighbors crowded In.
While one admired the high, straight brow.
Another praised r-'s nose;
A third remarked I. is strong physique,
And one dwelt on his toea.
Said one: "He has a noble head
A lawyer he must be!"
Cried one old dame of Christian mind,
"For him, the ministry "
"A surgeon," was another's choice;
And then. "A business man,"
"A splendid teacher he will be."
Was still another plan.
The Infant lay and sucked his thumb
And blinked his eyes of brown.
Not understanding he was born
To be of suoh renown.
Oh. could those wise ones see him now
They sure would have the bluest
He's doln' "15" on a stretch.
Engaged in makln' shoes!
In reply to the author's recently pub-
llshed essay In the North American Review )
entitled "The Problem of Child Idleness," ,
the poet laureate of the Missouri peniten
tiary indites the following:
The majority of the prison inmates- owe
their downfall to Idleness. Tbomaa
Mosby, pardon attorney.
Oh, say. Speed, ain't you rather hard on us
poor fellers here?
Tour words have had a sad effect; you've
started many a tear;
We thought an awful lot of you, but now
you've made us bridle
Ey making public utterance that we were
always Idle.
Why, man. If you'll Investigate the matter
pro and con.
You'll find that quite legitimate were the
Jobs that we were on
When we were apprehended at our very
earliest calling
And sentenced to a stretch down here
from high estates went falling.
It's well enough to say that we were minus
a profession,
Or hadn't mastered yet a trade we liked
that much concession;
But you went on to say that we had settled
In this mess
From much too strong Indulgence in the
sport of Idleness.
No matter what It used to be, let's take It
at the present,
Suppose that we were Idle once the
thought la somewhat pleasant;
In view of our "poslsh" today you surely
will allow.
No matter what we used to be, we're sure
not idle now!
The foregoing excerpts tend measurably
to Illustrate the scone and character of Mr. I
Ferguson's rhythmical humor in the present
confined and restricted state of his genius.
What could he not do with Pegasus un
chained? Among all those conditions which make
for poesy. Imprisonment In the Missouri
penitentiary may be regarded as the least
favorable to flights of the muse. One poet,
It Is rue, has sung:
Stone walls do not a prison make
Nor Iron Lars a cage. Vt'ir
But he was not an Inmate of the Missouri
prison. Mr. Ferguson la vary decidedly
of the opinion that stone walls do make a
prison and iron bars a cage, which propo
sition he stands ready to establish chal
lenger to choose weapons, either prose or
verse and declares, moreover, that he
was never before so "cribb'd, cabtn'd and
confln'd" as he Is at this time.
Strange to say, however, his talent for
versification seems to have developed
within the prison walla.
Upon the whole, the case of Mr. Ferguson
suggests a nice question of public policy.
Plato, It will be remembered, banished
all poets from his ideal republic. Let It
be supposed that in this country we are to
cast our poets Into prison.
What would be the result? If we are
to Judge by the Missouri experiment, their
fecundity would be increased as least 100
per cent. This Is a thought that needs
must give us pause.
It would be far better, doubtless, to
pardon all poets . that may from time to
time be found in a state of captivity. The
only objection urged to this course Is the
not Insuperable one advanced by Mr.
Ferguson himself In a dialect poem entitled
"Fate." A pal is Insisting that the poet
apply for a pardon, but reply Is made In
the following stanza:
Why don't I try? Why, bless yer soul, boy,
what's de use o' dat?
For I could no more blow dla place dan I
could take on fat;
"De reason?" say youae; why, Frten' Joe.
yer Ignerence is bliss
Dey wouldn't dare to pardon one wot rites
such stuff as dls!
Omaha Classed with Cities Where
"."burning Off" la a Vol on.
tary Act.
The .year 1907. if it had ended with Oc
tober, would have broken the record for
suicides In the United States. Pittsburg
announces that Its record for the year sur
passed that of any previous year months
ago and that October, by the 15th of the
month, had recorded more suicides than
had ever occurred In the city before in an
entire month. From every city In the sui
cide belt come similar reports from Cleve
land, Chicago, Omaha, Denver, San Fran
cisco, Seattle. Is It not high time for the
subject of suicide to be Intelligently studied
In this country?
It Is true that Cleveland some time ago
appointed a suicide commission, which
began forthwith to dole out charity. The
Salvation Army has established a section
which doles out advice, sympathy and coin
to those who come and announce their in
tention of committing suicide. Both are
pathetic confessions of our helplessness and
hopefulness and our Ignorance In dealing
with the problem of self-destruction. There
has been no such effort In the United Btates
to understand the problem as was made by
Morselll and Durkhetm In France; even tho
English translation of Morselll s work has
never paid for its publication. Is it possi
ble that we care nothing about It?
There are practically no suicides In the
south. The line lies considerably north of
the Mason and Dixon survey. Outside of
Hoboken, N. J., there are no very tense
suicide centers In the east. Of course, the
actual number of suicides In New Tork City
Is very great, but It la not great compared
either with the population as a whole or
with the total number of deaths; though
New York and all New England show a
very much higher rate than the south.
The suicide belt begins at Pittsburg and
extends almost due west. leaving out Cin
cinnati, but taking In Cleveland and Chi
cago. St. Paul. Davenport and Omaha.
Formerly St. Paul and Minneapolis were
somewhat out of the line, but their figures
of late years show an Increase. A few
years ago the culminating points were
Denver, Deadwood and Leadvllle, but now
San Francisco, Portland, and. above all.
Seattle, are at the apex of the list. If a
man at all subject to the malady of suicide
bas chased fortune or misfortune to Seattle
and falls, there la no other west. Even if
he goes up the Yukon and falls he will
probably return to Seattle to kill himself.
I do not attempt to say here what this
geographical distribution means. Chicago
Qelrk lbii kur ..nasi
f the best for ladles,' men's and children
Uoca, oils and polishes and la waterprooZ.
Many Manufacturers Sacrificed Their Stocks at One-Half
an ill wind that blows no one good," and thus our customers are to profit bv the sacrifice made bv manufacturers in or-
der to turn their stocks into cash so ns to tide them over the financial crisis, llartman's ready cash looked so attractive to dis
tressed manufacturers that they were willing to let the goods go at prices such as they positively never were forced to accept before.
The goods are yours now at one-half regular figures. Read below. CREDIT TO ALL. TERMS TO SUIT.
Tou never
such little
Very ornamental In de
sign, beautifully nickeled
trimmings, patent acrew
draft registers, a most
excellent heater; a mar
velous value at the price.
Goods Purchased
Daring This Sale
Stored Free.
H ater
tng Desk
Made of finest quarter
sawed oak shelves' grooved
for standing plates, double
thick bent glass, carved top,
best cabinet work through
out, easily a (21.00 value.
Plant Will Now Be Grown There on
Large Scale.
John Redmond Declares There
ts . "Rooiu for Beasts and
' Not Ilea" In . His
DUBLIN, Nov. 11 (Special.) I hRve al
luded several times to the revival of to
bacco growing In Ireland as a result of
the remission of the Inland revenue duty,
which effectually killed the Industry a
couple of generations ago. Facts are now
at hand which show that tobacco growing
Is being taken up seriously by progressive
Irish farmers, and that It promises to play
a leading; part In the Industrial revival
of Ireland.
Tobacco Is now being grown in Meath.
Kilkenny, Wexford, Limerick, King's
County, Louth and Cork. Of course the
most Important plantation is still that
of Colonel Everard, the pioneer of modern
Irish tobacco growing. Last year Colonel
Everard had nineteen acres of tobacco
land under cultivation and they yielded
19,200 pounds of plug tobacco and 2,000
pounds of cigar leaf of a very high quality.
This year he has taken a crop off twenty
four acres and expects to realize a pro
portionately much larger return. Even a
more Interesting: experiment has been that
of Robert Lambkin of Cun-aheen, near
Balllncolllg, County Cork. Mr. Lambkin
has had many years' experience In tobacco
growing and manufacturing In Sumatra
and Jie declares that the cigar leaf which
he has grown at Curraheen Is fully equal
to the best Sumatra leaf. He hus used
principally Sumatra seed and he finds the
soil of Ireland eminently suited for It.
The tobacco plant, he declares, withstands
the weather better than most of the crops
to which the Irish farmer is accustomed
and It has to contend with none of the
Insect enemies that are the terror of to
bacco growers in tropical countries. He
believes that with ordinarily careful culti
vation the crop ought to realize from 1,(00
to 2,000 pounds to the acre. The cost of
cultivation Is about 260 an acre, and when
It Is remembered that In Amsterdam the
great market for this class ot leaf from
11.60 to $1.75 a pound Is paid for the raw
leaf, the farmers' profits will be seen to
be very large. v
Tobacco OrowlasT In Ireland.
Mr. Lambkin Is going In next year for
tobacco growing in Ireland on a much more
extensive scale and he will manufacture
his own leaf. Irian cigars, which have
been more or less of a curiosity until now,
will soon be an everyday commercial prod
uct. One of the greatest paradoxes of modern
Ireland wus touched on the other day by
John Hedmond, M. P., In an Interview
which I had with htm as ha passed
through Dublin on his way to keep out'
of hi many speaking engagements. lie
was talking about the depopulation of Ire
land, and he was full of the subject as he
had Just been making some Inquiries about
slum life In Dublin.
"A quarter of a million of the best of
our young people emigrated laat year," he
said, "and the population of Ireland la less
than half what It was a hundred years
ago. One would think than that those
that are left would have room to live, but
I have Just learned that there are 21,747
families In Dublin living In single rooms.
That means that 34 per cent of the popula
tion ot our capital live and die In wretched
single room tenementa. Ia It any wonder
that consumption la the scourge of Ire
land? "The conditions of the agricultural labor
ers are Juat as bad. Hundreds of thou
sands of them, with their families are
huddled together in one room huts without
proper ventilation or sanitary appliances.
"The fact seems to be that the more
people leave Ireland the less room there
Is for those whd are left. There Is mora
and more room fl
less room for thi
the beasts and less and
There la a
Dublin about
d deal of complaint tn
policy juat adopted by
Sale of Rugs
saw Rugs of such a.,,. yA -
quality .old for
money. Reautiful I .
Rugs or wonderful auraDiuty
V JVve. .te-MUeUL-tlv
Six Hole
Guaranteed .
Complete .with
t.-jmi, , '" - '
This desk Is made of quarter
sawed oak, highly polished.
Koomy writing apartment,
large drawer, neatly carved.,
bpeolai this week.
. r f tl
1414 - 16
the newly formed central branoh of the
United Irish league. The league has been
nothing If not democratic, but the central
branch la accused of setting up the bars
against the Dublin worklngmen by fixing
Ita time of meeting at four p. m., and ita
subscription at $5. The organizers of the
branch have replied that there are plenty
of other branches where the meetings are
held at night and the subscription is only
26 cents, but this has not satisfied those
who believe that the national movement
should recognize no distinction of rank or
A strange will has been made by an ec
centric miser named William John Watson,
who was found dead a few days ago In a
miserable ' hovel In Fortadown. He had
lived apparently In the greatest poverty,
never taking any enjoyment and denying
himself food and drink. It Is now learned
that he was the possessor of a fortune of
J7S.0OO. amassed In Australia thirty years
ago, and he leaves all this money to the
town .of Portadown to be applied to pro
"'d'pg healthful recreation for the people.
He bars foot ball and rowing races, how
ever. Another condition is that the Urban
council, out of the Income of his bequest,
shall treat Itself to a dinner every Ave
years, the expense not to exceed tS a plate,
and he makes it a condition that the will
shall be read at each of the dinners.
Question of Responsibility.
The recent crumbling of part of the his
toric walls of Derry haa raised the queatlon
of who owna the walls, and who is re
sponsible for their maintenance. A claim
to the ownership was made by the Irish
society, one of the London companies
which draws vast revenues from Derry and
Its neighborhood, but It has been decided
that as the walls are a public thorough
fare they have become the property of the
city. At any rate the corporation has re
paired them, the Irish society displaying
no great anxiety to spend on them any of
the money drawn from Derry.
An organization for the revival of the
Irish national costume has been started In
Dublin and the members are pledged to
wear the kilt at public meetings and on all
possible occasions. The founders of the
society hope to bring about the time when
the Irish kilt shall be at least as popular
as the similar dress in Scotland. It Is
pointed cut as a remarkable fact that while
the Scotch have preserved the wearing of
the ancient Celtic dress, the Irish with all
their fiery patriotism have almost aban
doned It. 6lnce the language revival and
the growth of the Sinn Fein movement.
a few kilts have made their ap
on the streets of Dublin.
Yw Cleveland Inherits His
Father's Skill as m
"He shall walk
daddy used to do.
the quarter deck as his
Re-written, brought down to date, and
applied to Richard Cleveland, son of former
President Grover Cleveland, thla line of the
old English rhyme might read: "He shall
shoot the running rabbit as his daddy used
to do."
Qrover Cleveland and his son went hunt
ing In the rabbit preserves near Boston.
Three hundred acres of the estate of Wil
liam McFarland were turned Into a rabbit
preserve, and there the ex-presldent, his
son, and C. R. Priest, of Princeton, with
the aid of dogs, traced the Jumping, frisk
ing animals to their lairs and shot and
bagged them until their game sacks were
The ex-president dropped the first rab
bit of the season, a feat that has been
accredited Mr. Cleveland for several sea
sons past. Young Richard Inherits his
father's skill as a hunter, for he, too, got
a goodly share of the prizes.
After a game dinner at "Woodstde." the
party wsnt out again and had even greater
success, gathering In a number of quail
and woodcock. So well did the ex-presldent
stand the trip that he says he'll take an
other this week. The ex-presldent is ex
tremely fond of these outings, and if they
all do him as much good as this one they
should prove a valuable asset to his health.
Young Cleveland started out determined
to excel the Roosevelt boys in the hunting
game. He bas watched the records of the
president's sons la their hunting trips, their
hersebaUa rides with the army, and their
Alex. Smith U Sons Axminster
Superior Quality 12 ft. and 9 ft. Rugs
-'"j, tj V " :";l":."'iV
iCt&..; I
ii miii. i'i
y D W MM f
foot ball experiences. He appreciates that
they are strenuous, but asserts that his
aim Is Just as true and sure as theirs. He
even expressed the Idea that a competition
between the sons of the president and those
of ex-presidents would not be a bad idea.
He said: "I don't aee why there isn't Just
as much sport in shooting rabbits as bears.
They are so much smaller that It takes a
better aim to hit one, and then there are
so many- more of them. You don't have to
hunt days to And one."
Richard has accompanied his father on
other fishing and hunting trips, but In other
years he has not been old enough to be con
sidered a. real hunter. Now he haa reached
the mature age of 10, and if his horoscope
reads true be haa much success before him,
ot which this, his first day of real hunting
is but a forerunner.
Saturn Is young Cleveland's ruling planet.
He says he doesn't mind In the least if the
rings of that planet are falling In. He's
Interested to know whether it Is peopled,
but thinks Its chief importance Ilea In the
fact that It assures his success, for even
though a boy .young Cleveland has ambi
tions, . and hopes some day to be known
not alone as a "president's son."
According to the horoscope, young Cleve
land will have a host ot friends, his ene
mies will never do him much harm, and
while he will be slow to overlook an act of
Injustice, he will rarely mention one. Bos
ton Herald.
Importance of the Steel Car Construc
tion Inaugurated by the
Vnlon Pacific.
The announcement that an all-steel pas
senger coach haa been constructed for tho
Union Pacific railroad Is of more than I
ordinary interest. It gives rise to the hope
that the problem ; of Insuring safety In
railroad tiavel has been very largely
solved. The test of practical use of the
new car will be watched with some eager
ness, not oniy by the traveling public, but
by the railroad managers themselves. As
a business proposition the reduction of
the dangers of travel to a, minimum must
have the effect of vastly Increasing the
volume of tiavel, even In these days of
universal use of railroads.
The heavy loss of life through rallioad
accidents In this country is a aubjeot of
much comment In Europe. The vast dif
ference between the c&jidit.on wblrih, ob
tain In this coumry and abroad is r,ut
usually taken Inio account, and the com
parison of mere aggregates of casualties
therefore Is distinctly unfair to this coun
try. But If the general adoption of steel
cars will result li; eliminating most of
these casualties It will be the crowning ;
triumph of American methods.
The style of the new car Is as radically
amerent rrom those now In use as la the
material of which It la constructed. Con
ventional patterns have been boldly dis
carded. The windows are large, round
and permanently closed, something re
sembling steamer portholes. Perhaps the
most distinctive feature of the new coach
is the side entrance, the end vestibule
being abolished with a consequent saving
of space which will accommodate eight
more passengers. The ventilating eppa
latua does not Involve the opening of witi
dews. T?:e aisle is seven Inches w4dvr
than in the ordinary coach, and the lava
tories are adjacent to the side ennsjiees.
These departures from present e.iMlels add
Immensely to the strength of the new car,
and the deally "telescoping" Is practically
Impossible. A surprising fact Is that the
steel car is lighter than the present style
of coach, only 1.H5 pounds per passenger
being computed, as against 1,846 In the
standard coaches of the old style.
The .danger of fire In the new coach in
event of a wreck Is practically nil. Another
Important feature la that greater apeed
may be attained than la safe with the
present coachta. Railroad travel seems
to be entering upon a new era, robbed of
most of the lamentable features which at
tend It at the present time provided, of
oourse, the legislatures permit the rail
roads to continue to do business. Kansas
City Journal.
Chrysanthemum Sale.
The regular 4 and 15 a dozen kind
will laat till after Thanksgiving Satur
day 10c each. Brandela Store.
Use Bee want ada te boost your business.
A very handsome Hall Tree, made of .elected solid
oak, hand polished. Has neatly carved ornamentations,
solid brass hat and coat brackets fitted with French
Plate bevel edge mirror,
absolutely guaranteed.
It Is well constructed and
r! 2615
Tou never before saw a
Base Burner of equal
character Bold at the
price at which this one Is
offered. ' It Is a splendid
heater, : hoa automatic
feed, , patent duplex
shaker grate and many
other Improved features.
J-AmU. 7'
This Large Size
Six Hole
Steel Range
Large Square
Oven. Asbestos
You'll Save
$10.00 to $12.00.
Deliveries made
whenever desired.
No charge for
In Oak or
This handsome dresser
Is made of aelected solid
oak or polished mahog
any, has a beautiful bev
eled mirror set in carved
mirror frame. On aale
all week.
Four Daily
Convenient, is it not,
te have so many to
select from?
New equipment on
most of our trains
in a a V! (ir.T.iri y""
AMedium Size Outside Office
We have two connected offices, one 9x19 and tho
other 10xl9V2. These face 17th street, on the 6th floor
and are ideal offices for anyone desiring a private room
and waiting room. The rent of the two .is $31.00 per
month. They have been newly decorated and are finished
in hard wood and have running water. .
wim planned exclusively as an office building and is in ever? way
tbe most convenient In Its arrangement. No office are yery far
fr.uj the elevators and the elevator service Is most satisfactory.
Tin building bas gained a reputation for continuous cleanliness
ami Las good janitor serlce, not only now and then, but all the The building Is always kept In perfect repair. . .
There are several choice small offices available, which rent at
from 110.00 to $20.00. The occupants of small ofHces receive the
u'ae careful and courteous attention as the largest tenants.
For office space apply to
R. W. BAKER, Supt., Room 418 Bee Bulldln.
v J
Special for Saturday
$1.00 Wilton Hassocks . , 50c
$1,50 Automobile Hassocks $1
SL50 Smyrna Rug, 30x60, 95c
Miller, Stewart & Beaton,
413-15-17 South'iem Street
0 b
With fancy shaped top and shelf,
made of no) Id quarter-sawed oak,
or polished mahogany legs beau
tifully turned and fluted
iQ'AS a.,m.
Ex. Sunday
1:35 p. m.
Tickets i 1393 Tarnam Street or at Depot
Xock Island lines