12 OMATIA DAILY PEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Of 1007. EM CHECKS CASHED ON ALL DANKS TO PURCHASERS OF MERCHANDISE REEaPJAKT SALE BOSTON STORE Tomorrow's Bargains Will Be Wonderful. Odd Lengths, Broken Lots and Various Size Pieces left from the phenomenal sales of the last week will be SACRIFICED AT ONCE. Every Item Hero Is a Big Special! DRESS GOODS Special clearance discontinued lines of $1.00 and $2.00 dress goods, 4 to 5-t-inch materials broadcloths, wor sted suitings, French and storm serges, zibolines, crave ncttes,' covert cloths, French plaids in a good range of colorings bargain square at, 4a OR s yard O i 2C lO OC MILL ENDS OF DRESS GOODS- 2 to 8-yard lengths for suits, separate skirts and child ren's dresses. Wo need the room and offer the en- C tire lot at one unrestricted price, yard All the Short Ends, One-Half to One Yard, from the Mill End Sale, about 1,500 pieces in the basement fl A at, each . . . . .IUC 89oand$1 3I1LE3 at 3S Yd- A maufacturcr of silk waists and petticoats close out to Brandeis their entire stock of unused silks at the end of the season at one-third their value. 12,500 yards in plain and fancy taffetas, poplins, messa- lines, pcau de cygnes, radium silks, rough pongee, fancy colored grenadines and printed voiles; also a very fine lot of foulards worth 89o to $1.00 yard bargain square, yard CJ 7 39c Remnants and odd lots of fine French and German vals., lures and Inser tions, also Torchons and Irish crochet effects values up to 12 He yard, bargain square, yard 3ic and 5c Fine cambric and swlss embroidery Edgings, odd lots, also long lengths, hundreds of yds, values up to 7 '6 c yd., bargain square, yard. 2ic Remnants and odd lots of Silk and Mohair Pull Braids, gulinp, fancy novelty Braids and Silk Cords, val ues up to 15c y yard, at yard...C Here Are Special Friday Bargains IN THE BASEMENT 8ic Light and dark Out ing Flannels, the 12c kind at yard. . . Fleece down Velvet Flannels, beautiful patterns. Ill at yard IUC Good styles In dress and shirting Percales yard wide, values, at yard I 2 Canton and Shaker flannels, long lengths big bar gain, yard 5c American Prints, full standard shirting and dress styles, yard 5c Large size hemmed Crochet Bed Spreads $1.00 val- CCl0 ues, at )JK Axmlnster, Velvet and Brussels Carpet, Bells at $1.00 and $1.50 yard, 14 yard strips ea'ch.... 98C 200 pairs Boys' Knee Pants, ages 4 to 14 Friday, only IP pair IJC Ladies' and Children's Fleece lined Under wear, Vests, Pants and Drawers, in all sizes, big bargain at gar- tC ment t v w Hundreds of pairs of Carpet and Velour Slippers in all J Jt sizes, at pair. ZtC Cotton Blanket Sheets good heavy ones, at each. 25c Fine mercerized Sat eens, black and col ors, 4 0c val- fl f ues, at yard.. IJC 8 ounce rolls, white, hand rolled Cotton Batting, Friday only roll . .5c Mill lengths Silkollnes for making comfort ers, at f yard... '.. 1C Friday Bargains ii Linens 72-inch bleached all linen satin Table Damask, made in Ireland by the Greenmount Spinning. Co. our regular &Jfc quality, Friday, at, per yard Slightly imperfect 20 inch Mercerized Table Nap kins, $1.25 value, Friday at dozen IN LINEN AISLE BASEMENT 5c 50c 49c Large size 10c quality Turkish Towels, each 9 and 12 In. hemstitched Doilies, worth 10c, at each., obcahab rmm roos cimi 1 1 N noon-day lunch X prices prevail, FREE AT PlTTIia BOOTK, XASIBT BHTBA.HCB A BooTentr Colli Pattern to every woman who calls or a Soil's Xlm ona Pattern to erery little firl aooompanlad y bar mothar. This offer Is for limited time only. y RESTAURANT on 2d Floor ?3 It will pay you to take your re. ModerateJ.5 hut o $ Excellent Food Is Served. B K Trading at Courtney's means $ v the constant saving to the family h v m purse. It means that you get pure, U W. I ,.u..l . j- . I- Mil i fact, It means health Insurance at W ii irraDtor riat than r hiiv d 1 atx S 111 II i 1 rail tit i ii? 8 i where. the coffee & Our "An- H IN THE MATTER OF COFFEE. R i V K ' ii rj Why not buy it here for the jlj kj $ same price or less than you pay f ; y elsewhere. Our coffees are fresh m U roasted. We roast them ourselves ) 1 pi and we know exactly & that we are roasting. I . . . 1 i F i. p n . .t. . j ruiu ui oou or o pun nun ior lue b dollar Is the most talked of and s w the best coffee sold in Omaha. 3 2 A oil- Vmiw nalirkhn. -' 0 FISH DEPARTMENT. i fH Friday we offer 5 barrels of Blue- ft 1 ... . . . 5"! fwi poini. oneii uysiers at, aoz..zocy $ 1,000 lbs. Columbia River Salmon, S O at, lb. . 14c 0 $ Imported Holland Herring (Milk- ft 0 ers) per keg $1.00 h m Imported Anchovies, small kees. H lported Anchovies, small kegs, U each , ,...25cp SPECIALS Three carloads of fine Winter S3 M Potatoes, which we will sell, while ft S they last, in quantities of five W bushels and upwards, for your R5 winter supply at 75c per bushel. R M Genuine Imported French Sar- ti t'i rllnna of rmi' tin II. 'J UUIVD, txi JFVj, .UUt I .1 Mlli Kt 0 Pancake Flour, all kinds, per pkg. 10c. or thren Dkeo. for. . . . Ufic H High Grade Flour, per 60-pound R $ sack $1.25 x I f.J New carload New York Apples . Jlj (all varieties), barrel $5.50 y rresu mggs, per aozen 15c 4 SUXXV-MOXDAY SOAP. S:: Rnnnv.MniirlAV hnlihloa will wnafc R - ........ uuuv.bv ..... uuit ;v ( 1 M nnpn . 1.1 r Box of 100 cakes. $4.50 $ i $, New Butter Nuts. Paw P i.i ! i'l Imported Endive. - &!i 1? English Hothouse Grapes, k Head Lettuce, Brussels Sprouts, Egg Plant, Fresh Mushrooms, Q 0 Southern Persimmons, ?5 and in fact most any old thing 0 which you might need for your 8 ! table. p j 1 (pcnrtisgy & Co. 5 We Are Giving a of 3 Per Cent on Cashier Checks Used In I Mer I chandise I This I Week l?th and Dong-laa Rtraats. 0 Private Exchange Conneota All Septs. W I j B 1 n.'a 'M'j at lo.itTn M ' Diamonds A diamond's value Is entirely de pendent upon its color, perfection and style of cutting:. The uncom mon care which we line in the selec tion of our mounted and unmounted diamonds assures our customers ab solute protection and the highest diamond value. Come In and let us show you our mugnuiceni eiock. C. B. DROWN Oor. 16th and CO. Tanuun G Only a Few Day Longer Until December 1st we will sell the Great Queen In the $50.00 six-hole, with high warming cloBct size, for S35.00 . Ve also sell it on small payments. " I $1.00 Oaste Without the aid or consent of the Mayor or City Council. The Detroit Ideal gives it to you. We sell it on small monthly payment! or a cut price for cash. puy The Great Queen Is the range that takes so little fuel. It will cook a meal on top and bake bread at the same time with two little shovels full of coal. It needs no stove polish, neither does its top need oiling to keep it from rusting like a polished tup does. It will last a lifetime. Every Saturday Etpeciavlly Tomorrow We shall sell ntce, fresb Saturday Cand (Llagott's) for a Hemvrnber, this Is a 60c assortment of Chocolates, Nuts and Fruits, sold Satur day only and In One Store Only in every city In the United fclUtxi. Look out for imitations, ior tne martcer is run 01 them but there's only one Liegl(' Pat urduy Candy which ks the genuine an4 delicious kind, the k)nd thut's sold lo every city Saturday only, fresh. io. ttllKR.MAX MoCONNELL DUUU CO. Corner IStn and Dodf Bta. OWL. Dltl'U X)M1ANV, Oor. lets and Xnrnay Its.. Oanaa. arsb ninnnnmno 1 UIHIVIUUd J Snips have npver hepn better I with us. Why? We give nlne '. i tenths of what is paid us In CASH If one wants It within one year from date of purchase. We allow full price in exchange. RINGS 16.00 TO 11.000 Food for Nerves The reason the Detroit Ideal gives you $1.00 gas Is because It has flat drilled burners. It burnt more air and less gas. It excludes the poison ous fumes from the oven. Its baking is as pure as a steel range. Th2 Stoetzel "Stove Co. Weak and nervous mil who find thetr power to work and youthful vigor one as a result of '.ver work cr mental exertion should take GHAT'S NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will ttiake you eat and slet p and be a man again. 11 Boat 3 boses Sa.SO by tnalL SKEavMAH k MCOOMMEX.X. DUO CO, Corner 16th and Xodg bla. OWL DBUO COMPACT, Oor. ICtn and Harney am, Owana. aTen. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. OELLEVUE COLLEGE rni.ltiE CtaMical, riiitia, phlloeoehtcal eonree. ACAlitMT Aa ucreHltcd kigh achaol preptns far iiif-.u or tar other culltgtf or uulveraltji. KOHMAL, IK'Hi"ly k.oinnlrr ul l4llllll coutm. OrtlB-Atr pral(l. OoNbKKVATuBY TUeorj ol miMlc, ptaao, lc, vtalln. eliMUilun sn4 art. OMAHA I li.SSkiTloNtt Kl-trl Hn r.4 BurllBf- toa r.ilr '"r Ma4rni Duration, '-rrt fieiitttai WaiUeMU, binvu. DOMESTICS Blankets and Comforts 12 He Silkollnes, 36 in. wide, good styles, lengths from 2 H to 10 yds., Friday 5 12 Vtt and 10c dark Outing Flannels, ele gant, neat checks and stripes, Friday G Cotton Batting, nice, clean and pure white, for comfortables, Friday 5 16c White Shaker and Cotton Flannel, some 86 Ins. wide, on sale Friday. Unbleached Shaker Flannel 4t 75c Cotton Blankets, Friday, each-48 AH wool grey and tan Blankets, worth to 8. at 85.00 $7.50 White Wool Blankets, large size. at $4.50 Extra Specials on Bargain Square 200 pieces of best Flannelettes, 27 inches wide, worth 12 He, now 7H Several hundred pieces of choice 50c Dress Goods, plaids, serges, henrlettas, etc., at 15 $1.00 Dress Goods, every piece is new and choice styles 48 $8.60 Down Comforters, elegant Persian patterns, a great bargain, Friday $4.03 Green Trading Stamps Every Time and a of 3 on Cashier Checks Used In Buying BARGAIN SALE OF LINENS Zl miwSis Silver ' Bed SDreads homr 1.00 Odd lots of Bleached and Bleached Napkins, sizes 20 and 22 Inch, worth 11.76, dozen , 70 Inch Cream Table Damask, heavy and durable, sells qq. at BOc, Bargain Friday, yard wwv Bed Spreads hemmed, full size, (rood pattern and nice p ghh.V.c..B...d'' 65c Hand made Battenberg- Scarfs, 18x46 and 84x54. sell nn regularly for 11.60. Bar- IXf V v w regularly for $1.60, J gain FrWay, each.. 2v3?r S29-so and $2S y"fr. ', v.k 1 T? TmmJ Man Tailored Suits 143: FOR Wo men, lVIIisses and Juniors All at One Frlce ONE HUNDRED SIXTY SLITS FOR FRIDAY ' EVERY SUIT A STYLE WIN NER. ALL THE NEW FALL SHADES OF BROADCLOTH, PLAIDS AND STRIPES. SEE 16TH STREET WINDOW This is the greatest suit sale yet o f f e re d CORSETS CORSETS All colors all sizes worth $1.00 to $3.00 but they all go Friday all dav at SECOND FLOOR, Boys' Suits Boys' $6.00 Cord- forr.y.."."'.t8:. Boys' $3.60 Cord- Ouod qnality cord uroy In brown and drab shades, made In popular double breasted knee trouser styles for boy six to fifteen years. Linoleum and Rugs Thlfd Floor 1,000 yards of heavy surface Linoleum, 6 ft. wide, In many desirable patterns, sells for 60c, a on. bargain per square yard v?C 5,000 Japanese Rugs, 30 Inches wide, 60 Inches long, In desirable Oriental patterns, , Q6i a bargain, each : vOC Room size Axmlnster Ruks, 9x12, these are all clean perfect goods. In Oriental and floral designs, gell from $25.00 to $27.60, remarkable tlQ7C values at Brussels Carpets in desirable patterns, and service able colorings, with stair border to match, OA sells for 69c, a bargain at, per yard JC DENNETT'S BIG GROCERY PZCIAX. X.I8T TO FRIDAY AID IATHBOAT , FIiEABB VM.UZ.rn M.m.m.Aj 1 rrl. Ronnett's Klour, sack for V48 to green trading t ps. Bennett s Capitol Flour. sack for fl.4B 80 green trading st ps. Twenty one pounds Oran- uluted Sugar for .$1.00 Teas, all kinds, lb. 680 "o green trading st'ps. Bennett's Best Coffre, 8 pounds fur 1.00 100 green trading stjis. iKWjsewsl inato PocK k :?vfy I tall, bottle for . . duo 1 OH O. T. stamps. B e n n e t t's Capitol Baking Powder, lb can for S4o 20 giecu trading- si p. Egg-O-See, 4 pkgs. BOO Jell O, assorted, three packages for 20 graen trading st ps. Uneeda . Biscuits, four packapea for 10 giren- trading at ps. Oenessee Buccotash, 8 cans for 300 80 green trading ill Batavla Corn, 2 cans 86o 20 green trading st ps. Best We Have Beets, two cans for -f50 20 green trading st a. Tea Sittings, lb. pack age for 10 green trading st ps. Jersey Butterine, two pound for "4 10 rreen trading st ps. Lincoln Butterine, two pounds for 10 green trading st ps. Premium Butterine, two pounds for 430 10 green trading st pa. New York Full Cream Cheese, pound for 82o 20 green trading st'ps. New York Sags Cheese, pound for a So 10 green trading st'ps. Royal Luncheon Cheese, Jar for 10o 5 green trading st'ps. Hand Cheese, each 80 Neufchatel. Cheese,. 40 Maryland Club Oysters. lunge can for SOo 10 green trading st'ps. Currants. new, pound package for 12Ho JtalMlna, seeded, new, package for . ...lavo Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, three pkgs. 85o 10 green trading st'ps. Marshall's Tomato Her ring, can for SOo 10 green trading st'ps. Bayles' Horseradish, Mustard, large Jar 18a 10 green trading Bt'ps. Blue Horax Starch, 2 4 pound box for ....85o 10 green trading st'ps. Wonder Wax for wash ing, package for 100 10 green trading st'ps. Pixie Splits, .Pickles. package for lOo 15 green trading st'ps. New Mincemeat, lb. 180 Bennett's Capitol Pan cake, package for llo 10 green trading st'ps. Blood of Orao Juice, nuart bottle for .... 6O0 70 green trading st'ps. Franco-American Soun, auart can for 38o 40 green tradlnr st'ps. Bennett's Capitol Extract bottle for ISO 20 green trading st'ns. Blood of Grune Jul. rlnt bottle for . . . 8fto $0 green trading st'ps. Butter ,000 pounds Ben net t ' s Capitol t reamery, pound brick, full an weight, fin- 7Xi est value.. Fruits Genltan Apples, peck for 45o 20 O. T. Stamps. English Walnues, pound for 16o Jtoasted Peanuts, quart for . .... .60 Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per pound 60 Celery, crisp and fresh, 3 for.,..10o Candies Grocery Section Mixed Candy, lb. 8c Imported Pigs, per pound SOo and 15o Uates. new. lb. lOo Salted I'eanuts, per pound lOo Chocolate Bon Hons. lb. box 860 20 O. T. Stamps. Don't Miss FRIDAY'S BARGAINS Most . , Interesting Saving Opportunities lillMY y EIinIs THE RELIABLK TR J Every Item A Meritorious Value. r Looking For Silk Bargains? Just examine these Friday valrtPR, compare the quality with those onereu elsewhere at one-third more price. We're willing; to abide by your decision. IX MAIN DEPAHTMKXT KlrRnnt Silks from our rtrnt Silk purcliBBe, values to $2.00 yard to close, yard 49t "" SO Iom 8 till A. M. $1.00 black Dress Taffetas, H6-inch wide.. 75 IX DOMKMTIC IUK)M. $1.00 Silks t, jartl 30 A great purchase, of colored Mescaline Iouislenes and Novelties: part .of them displayed in our windows the past few days, on sale Friday at, -'d 30 Vrm a till 4 V. M. 19-inch colored Satin, trr this one hour, on sale at, yrl r 15 From 12 M. till 1 1. M. $125 blac Peau de Sole, 36-lnch wide. . . -8.1c M. J1.00 blacK lat- From 5 till 0 P, feta, 8C-lnch wide, at. Friday Is Remnant Day V . In Our Famous Domestic Room. TtVO GltAXI) SAL1- 10,000 yards of the finest kinds of cotton goods, in mill lengths, at, a yard 1 5,000 yards of 12 Vic Flannelettes, long remnants, at, yard 5 5.000 yards of 1921 and Amoskeug Teazel Downs, worth 12 Vic, good 'long remnants, at, a yard J5 10,000 yards of American Prints and Remnants of Domestics and Linens 8 Vic yard wide Sheetings 5 9c yard wide Sheetings 5 12 Vic White Goods 5 About 1,000 yards of fine heavy Imported Linen Bleached, Silver Bleached and Unbleached uemnantB from 2 to 3 yards In piece, worth up to $1.98 ynrd, four lots at, yard Ixit 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 IiOt 4 25 390 490 590 :30 TO 11:30 A. M. AND 2 TO 4 P. M. Simpson's Prlntt, regular price 8Vi0 on sale for, a yard 40 Remnants of 8 Vic, 10c, 12 Vic, and 160 Toweling, all at one price. .... .J0 Remnants of 15c Sateens 80 Remnants of 12 Vic Silkollne. .(jv Remnants of Turkey Red Prints.. 20 Remnants of 26c Suitings. ..... JO Remnants of 15c Percales 5J Remnants of high Grade Wool Dress Goods From 0 to 11 A. M. 6,000 yards of Broadcloths, Henri ettas. Drap d" Ete, Serges. Prunellas, goods that sold froni 75e to $3.98 per yard all colors ar.d blacks, "will go in four large lots' Lot 1 Lot 2 IOt 3 Lot 4 250 390 490 590 From 2 to 4 P. M. Another great sale of Wool DreBl Goods, a new line 190 250 390 and 490 &r Lace Curtains and Drapery Bargains Several Intensely interesting specials for Friday's special Belling. Cable Net, IriNli Point and liar Net Curtains, samples and odd pairs, worth regularly $5.00 to $8.50 pair, on sale Friday, each $1.98 Irish Point, Nottingham and Cable Net Curtains, ecru or white, full size and worth regularly $3.50 pair, on sale each 75 Couch Covers 60-Inch wide. In fine bagdad stripe, very special values at $2.08, $2.50, $1.98 and $1.49 Lace Curtains 50-inch wide, 3 yard long, over 500 pairs to select from, on sale Friday at, pair 08c, 75c, 50o mid 390 25c Comforter Katln 36-lnch wldo, special Friday at, ynrd 150 Dotted and Striped Swjss 36-inch wide, at, yard. 100 Remnants of Nntln, Kllkoline, Reps, Denims, Mndrns, Swisses, etc., at Just HALF PRICE. Friday Is Special Notion Day In Our Great Domestic Room Every Friday the Department Is thronged with buyers. Staple Notions at one-half and one-fourth Regular Retail lrice. Hundreds of Other Staple Articles at Equally Low Price Gold Eye Needles on sale, per pkglO Cotton Tapes In all sizes, per roll.l 2 pkgs. Brass Pins on sale Friday 50 1 dozen Hat Pins for 3 1 dozen Collar Buttons for 30 Crochet Silk, two spools 5 Hump Hook and Eyes, card ...... 1 Pearl Buttons, per pkg Machine Thread, 200-yard spool, Fri day 2H0 Linen Thread, 100-yard spool. 240 15c Horn ConibB, each 5J 25c Side Combs, pair. 7Vi 15c Side Combs, pair 5k 15c All Silk Ribbons on sale Triday, per yard 70 Friday's Sale of French China For China Decorations. Laces worth 5c to 15c yard, Friday 2ViO A great lot of Laces splendid assortment of pretty patterns on Bale In one lot at, yard ... .2H0" 8 GOOD SEASONS TOM BITTIWO O vamnwAMB TOMU2IOW O The Savory Koaster, large size, sold and demonstrated all over Uiuaiia fllf for 11.00 On sale at Hay m's VV The Famous Wilson Bread Toaster sold all over for 26c, toast four 12VoC slices at one time, euch A-aJV The famous Square Koaster, worth "I ig 0o. for 1Ut Parlor Brooms, worth 25c each, "l only 4d2 Open Coal Hods, worth 36c, " only AOC Blue Enameled Coffee, Pots, 2Qf worth 69c, only Mrs. Pott's $1.25 Bad Irons, 5 50C pieces, only Blue and nlckled Enameled 98c 40C lea n.eiiies, umy Hat Pin Holders, each... Powder Boxes Hair Receivers 8-lnch Coupe Plates . . . , Sugar and Creams, a Bet. 150 450 -450 .180 500 Finger Bowls, Match Safes and Pin Trays, each ..100 Big Sate Friday in Grocery Department ET7TEIira THE HIGHEST QUALITY. PKE8HEST GOODS. LOWEST FBICES. 91 nnnnds best " Dure cane Granulated Fancy No. 1 Kull Cream Cheese, lb. 17 Ha aPr for ' $1.00 Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb. llo 10 b!?i best brands' Laundry Soap Kl' 26c Hap ago Cheese, each 70 10 oSu'd sack best White or Yellow Corn- Neufchatel Cheese each So ' 1 IOC 1 . 4 cans Country Gentleman Sweet Sugar Corn for , , 2 Burnham's Hasty .Tellycon, per pkg... 6c Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can ....JHc Worcester Sauce, per bottle . HHO Large bottle Pure Tomato Catsup ..10c Peanut Butter, per Jar . . Klpe or stuffed Olives, per bottle : 1 pound package best Condensed Mince meat for V- V4 pound can Breakfast Cocoa for ....19c Choice Japan Klce. per pound ..6c 1 pound package Macaroni for 118 The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, 111. c The bent crlup Ginger Snaps, per lb. 60 The best crisp Pretzels, per pound c The best Tea Sittings, per pound -.120 The best Santos Coffee, per pound . .lt.o The best Marlcabo Blend Coffee. lb.,.18o The best Porto Blco Blend Coffee, lb. 2oo The best Ankola Hlend 'of f Per 1 h. Jfc BUTTER ABD CHEESE SALE rBIOES 1'ancy No. 1 Separator Butter, per lb. 26c Fancy No. 1 Hairy Butter, per pound I3c Fancy No. 1 Cooking Butter, per lb. ..21c IM HMDEMS' HU WE KNOW That your wfle or lady friend would enjoy one of our lilamond Rings. We nave some Deauues aimosi any price you'd wish. It would be on of the best in vestments you could make. Step In and see them. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 161 Soua-las Street 1 ii I 1 V 4 I . ii1 iiv'- &3 54lSii5-v I l nnu v.lirrn, cat ii ..................tfU fck'e our full line of Butterine. We carry all the leading brands at the lowest prices. FBESH VEGETABLES ABD rSVITI Fresh Spinach, per peck 164 Fancy Texas Wit or Green Beans, lb. 16 Fancy Texas Hlpe Tomatoes, p?r lb. 15 Fancy Texas Radishes, large bunches 7H Fancy Texas Head Lettuce, each . ...10i Beets, ' Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, ol Rutabagas, per pound it Fancy Cabbage, per pound lj Winter Radishes, per pound , . ,' ii Italian Chestnuts, per pound 16 Mexican Pinion Nuts, per pound 16 New Honey, per rack 16 Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart . ...8 m Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck Large, juicy demons, per aozen New Figs, large, per pound New Pates, Holland, per pound 74 New Uates, French, per pound ..,.12 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per quart New Navel Oranges, per dosen 20 ....26 tl 15 &Ae Omaha I National Bank Capital $1,000,000 OFFICERS: President ; J. II. MllUrd Vice-President Win, Wallace Vice-President C. F. McOrew Casliier VV. H. ItuchoU Aaeistant Cashier Frank Iloyd DHtECTORS: J. II. Millard, W. M. liurgess 4. K. lUum Wm. Wallace W. H. Uuchola Our C. Barton A. J. ttUnpson t F. MrGrew I. W. Carienter V. II. Brown. 13th Street. Between Farnam and Douglas. jNo Matter What You Wan1 Bee Want Ads Will Get It t