10 TirE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER IP, 1907. CHECKS Oil ALL BANKS CASHED To Purchasers of Merchandise SPECIAL SALE OF FUR-SCAB MUFFS COATS and FUR SETS Our New York buyer se cured these furs away below regular prices. rersia Scarf et Inn Paw Sets. 4-lncta hand ybf-i t&:Ml d Pillow Muff. J jg '' 'M Imitation Ermine bem, t-inrn n jAiW band Scarf and large 7 Sft V&0 1 f .tf. at ............. .pu & m Mink Scarfs and Throw :r.h: 1?! to 4?? Siberian Squirrel Ties and QO Zazas. at mJQ Siberian Squirrel Pillow L QO Muffs, at ..J, JO Northwestern Mink Sets, fancy pelt muffs, scarf, beads ; O50 and tails, at Brook Mink Sets, pelt and hand trimmed muff and f ZS5 scarfs, at.. 1 Black Lynx Sets, 4-lnch hand throw and large pillow uiuff, at CHILDREN'S, MISSES' YOUNG LADIES Shoes of Quality Our message today comes to the children, misses and grown girls. It is a known fact among the knowing oues and the public in general that no store in or around Omaha is better able to supply the shoe needs of the children, misses and young wo men. Our stock Is re plete with styles and . . fashions of real quality shoes. Our staff of sales men are expert fitters and can better satisfy purchasers of shoes than Is given in ordinary shoo stores you know we're above the ordinary in the shoo buslnes. Sizes and Prices Range: For Children Klze 8 to 11. . .$1.50 For Misses size 11 to 2.82.00 For Young Women size 2 ',4 to C . . 2.50 Drexcl Shoe Co. 1119 Farnam St. 4J 1750 - Sabline Blouse Jackets, with braid girdle and PA Skinner's satin lining, at LtMJ Women's Winter Jackets Finely tailored black winter jackets. These short winter coats are the latest and most' popular styles in large eastern cities. Becoming and right up-to-date. Jackets made to yf fiC I Jackets made to f Ofl ) sell tip to $20, at. I sell up to $30, at. I J v i $1 SILKS 39c Yd. This season's plain and fancy silks from the Darlington stocK, plain and tancy tatfetas, Louis ine'silks, Messalines, Peau de Cygnes, Crene de Chines.'Tekin strina taffetas.' ; etc., worth up to $1.00 a yard: on bar- gain square, per" yard''. V.:; . . . . Winter Tourist Excursions Tickets on sale at very low rale3 of fare daily after November 15 to Texas New Mexico Old Mexico Louisiana Full particular! upon request. F. R. Rutherford, D. P. A. ROCK ISLAND LIXES Onuta, Neb. 1323 Farnam St. V ' . 1 " 15 3 Bk (HitfTiiirl FTrn!-fc .W ' Wilt mnlfM A n arronlahU C ! m m m ni i t J r f nve mem ror around 17.00 to ?20.00. Oold "i i wunu f it.w w n. w. n nave lome Deauues. Bpend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler ISIS BoaglsS Street DR. DRADDURY, Doritlot, iU-,VA.fc 1S04 FARNAM T- OMAHA, Extracting 2Se . PoroeUia Fills.. fl up Orowu .... .92.60 up Bridge Vuk.l2.B0 up rut mo us PhM Douglas 1769 W mak specialty f metal and rooflesi plates. Painless work la all operation. Opea Testings till o'clock. SIXTY THOUSAND FIRE LOSS Estimated Destruction by Flames in . Doll Howard Street Building:. MITTEN i!AKES3 LARGEST L0SEE3 Peetaer Prlatlas; Ccmpaajr Cornea ; Neat- Fire Break Oat Earl? ia Moraine, a roast Watch, ataa rana Sleep. Omaha Mitten Manufacturing Co $25,000 Faalner Printing- and Winding Co VU.OuO Auguat Doll a building IO.OuO IVamblett Kngravlug Ca...., S.ouO AVatera Printing Co 1 1,000 ' Total..... ..Stil.ooo Theaa ar tha aatlmated losaea auatalnad It tha flra. Fir which which broki out on tha aecond floor In tha rear ot tha building occupied by tha Featner Printing and Binding com pany at 130 Howard atreet at 4:45 Monday morning' oauaad a losa to that company approximately of 130.000 In rrtoclc and ma chlnary. Tha building la owned by Auguat Doll and tha loaa en It la aatlmated at tie.000. Both tha building and atock ax partially covered by tnauranoe. Tha Ore ata. it way through the walla to the building on the eaat. the lower floor of which la occupied by the Watera Printing company and tha aecond and third floors JUUiliahcl l7.) Curw Witlt Urn &. WhopIngCugh( Croup, Dronchltls, .Coughs, Oiphtharia, Catarrh. Confidence can bis placrd ia s rem edy, which, or S quarter of a century has earned nnqaalilied praise. stf ul nights arc assured at oacev CmoJeat It Booa fq Atthmatlct AO Dnigint$ W fr dm- Oraaoleaa Aatiaertla Throat TaiiUie tot iht urlMtaa UNkt. if Tuur drutTUilar rrou u. lOo. la maui pa. Tbs Vi-Grtiw)ss CsL. ISO hart at..". T. by tha Omaha Mitten Manufacturing com. pnny. The estimated loaa to that concern ia JD,umt, which la partially covered by m aurance. On the aecond floor of the Feat ner Printing company building waa the Nebraska Tribune office, which waa .a Ger man paper and waa run by the Featner Printing company. On tha thli a that building wa the Bramblett Engrav ing company, ita ' losa la . estimated at 13,000. Tha mot valuable , lensea and acreena were In the aafe Had' .r nnt damaged. Raat Falls la. Tha roof fell In and the aecond and third floors are almost completely burned away. The walla of the building all remained In tact, and from appealrancea it aeema thoy were not badly damaged. The loss to the Watera Printing company Is about 13,000, and waa mostly from smoke and water, as the flames did not get-onto tha fir finnr of that building. The Omaha Mitten com pany naa a large stock of raw material stored In the basement, and It ia thought It will be a total loss from water. The aec ond floor waa uaed by that company as a packing and cutting floor and a large amount of made-up atock waa on that floor On the third floor waa the aewlnar room holding all the machinery. The ' eantent of both floors waa entirely destroyed. The Fostner Printing company employed about twenty-five men, the enraviog com pany about fifteen; the Watera Printing company twelve and the Omaha Mitten company thirty. The manaaera of m.-ii concern aay it will resume bualnes aa aoon aa possible. . The fir was discovered by R. 8. Iewls of the Omaha Mitten Manufacturing com pany at 4:45 a, m. He waa aleeplng in the building, and at 11 o'clock Sunday night he mad , tha rounds of tha building and found everything all right and; went to Sleep. Araeeea ay Same 11 ef Fir. At 4: Monday morning he awakened and was startled by the smell of burning pin wood. After a hasty investigation he located . tha fir ia the ' Featner Printing company'a building on the aecond floor In the rear. He could sea through .a crack near the air shaft a flame about aa btg as a tallow candle flame. He turned in the alarm at once, and although the fire department responded promptly, the lire had gained great headway before the de partment arrived.. Mr. Lwla barely had time ta get on his clothes, get the books out of the aafe gnd leave ta building be fore, the whole , aeoond floor waa ablaze. The ' Are had ' started 'near the air ahaft between the twd bulldinga and the heat had broken a window in tha shaft. After trtat the 'draft waa terrific and the flames spread with great rapidity. 4When tha departaiaai arrives H fe4 a aUflloult Remitter Cigars.. t. ft. r-l " w hi-- M as a 1 Ml . m a 1 it - Let your dealer! hand you one tha next time you buy a smoke. It will convince you that the natural tobacco, free from all inlnr- lous flavors, is the b tier smoke for you. Made In Omaha and sold everywhere throughout the Trans-Mlaalaslppl oountry. Five cents. I Win. Binderup ! Manufacturer of the Kemitter, Wride of Hasting and Money Order Cigars. 1823-34 BT. H1BTS ATB, OXilA, STZB. . ii , ' If an advertisement convinces you, stay convinced. When you read in The Bes the ad vertisement ot a manufacturer who has paid for the space used, to convince you that it is to yonr interest to buy his goods, and you go to a dealer wheYe such articles ire usually handled for sale, do not let the dealer or one of his clerks sell you something else which he claims Is "Just as food." If an advertisement con vinces you, it was because of the truth which it contained. Insist on getting what you atk for ' a Window Glass We do glazing. 'Phone our Paint Department your ord ers. Tel. Douglas 3425. Myers-Dillon Drug Ca. Paint Dept. 1416 Harney St. fire to fight, as It waa between two tu'ld tnga and the only place it could throw water waa from the top of the air ahaft. "If the Ore department had not acted quickly and done splendid work," said Mr. Lwls, "the whole block wg tld have gone up in emoke." The flamea ahot high In the air and could be seen at a long dis tance. Although moat people 'were In bed at that hour a great many were attracted to the fire. Checks Cashed for Purchasers tttnt PTTTT s,Li IF V CASHIER'S CHECKS A.T A. FREIVf ISJIV2 We want $100,000 in Cashier's Checks this week, and, beginning Monday, we will allow THREE PER CENT on all purchases paid for in Cashier's Checks drawn on Ne braska or Iowa banks. . AN EXTRAORDINARY SKIRT SALE Voiles, Panamas and A 7 c Silks, $15 : $29 Skirls lor.. v New flare and pleated models. No ' job lots or sample lines, but first elass. regular merchandise. Fine French voiles, chiffon Panamas and guaranteed taffetas. -These skirts will he placed on sale Tuesday morning at ! o'clock. Second Floor if m TUESDAY ON SECOND FLOOR PLAID SILK WAISTS, PLAID TAFFETA 'i and LACE and NET WAISTS Tuesday's Skirt and Waist sale i r n.w 4.95 Silk Petticoats to match all Skirts. Made of best taffeta, regular 1 Ar $7.50 values, for TstJd Tuesday Specials iix H O E S Dongela Strap Slippers Like Cat Dongola three-strap slippers, hand turn: i; ed, Frenclrheel, a dainty dancing slip- ' per, regulay.SO value, 1 TO f Tuesday oMv : . Is Pink, blue,!. white calfskin and black and brown Suede Sailor Ties, with .- .Cuban hefeli t and $5 yal. .$3.10 P ATENT COLT THE0 TIES AND PUMS J Patent colt Theories and pumps, witn small pearl buckles, our regular stock, $3.00 y 1 9 values, Tuesday only QERGAITERS Men's blackf oveYgaiters, 8 Women's tan buttton over to 10 buttcrnr, ' CCI gaiters, Vegular fZ'Z at ;..C GOo values....... '..sJaC NIIRSFV SltrtF Boft hn turnad, rabbar baalad, with fait, nUKaiVa onUCS ouahlonai lnaola, aaalaai ahoa mads i 4 t for tha foot, ratfularlr sold at 93.00 f Taaaday only nilB THOTJSAMD FOUHDI TSI8K BOaBTED, TI9B SlINIIa BIMSIiri CAITOIi CQirSB, 1 I.B. no ZciC ad 30 Orcan Trading Stamps. Freah Roaatcd Santos Coffee, pound ISO And Ten Green Trading Stamps fexvpral hundred pounds fresh made Pretzels, long aa they last So Bin1'! cf Grui.e Juice, quart bottlw 600 And w Lireen 'rr)ti.g fcitamps. l-.viKlns. new, liuuiiJ. .... lOo f.-eded Raisins, tw, JA. 13V0 Franco-American Buup. pint can BOo And Fifteen Green 'i tiding Htamps bennett's Capitol , Mine Meat, thr pkgs 860 And Ten Qreeit Trudnig Stamps Dr. I'ricu's Food, four pkgs. . ....BSo I'ure Fruit Jelly, u.nn't., glass..,. lOo Brrinef'i Capitol P..ncake, pkg. lie And Ten Jren Trading Stamps Boys' Suits : worth to on sale at 1195, J2.95 THS RELIABLE STN8 Boys' Overcoats worth regu larli to $t at 52.50, $2,95 Made to. sell at $7.50, $8.50 . and $10.00. Rousing Special Bargains Tuesday From levy, Levenlhal & Hart Purchase rrrnrli Coney Coat of vrry finest 9118111)-, blouse stylp, satin lined throupbont on sale at $22.50 $1.0 Ilrondrloih nntl Kersey Coat All the neweat styles serai-loope or tlght-flttinR ftylcs, 52 Inches In lcnpth splendid bar-Palnl- $12.50 With 0sr Tailor Suits IMain colors and fnncy nilxturcs, $20 and $25 values on ,,ale't $10.00 Fine Voile Sklitw Trimmed with bnnds of Taffeta remarkable bargains at. .$4.05 Women's Klnimclette nnd Terealo WrapM-rs Mies 34 to 4G :0 dozen to select from. ('loIi;e os ItiK ShIo of Children's Dresses. Special Sale Yams and Knit Goods Tl:e west's iiijyjest jam depHitment offers hlRbest class mhU at less yrivv triHii you 11 find tHual qunlity elsewhere. Flelsher's yarns speak foif KX1T GOODS SALK. Ladles' Shoulder Shawls In fine wool or silk and wool, blacks, white and fancy colors, worth to $1.50, will Po at 19. o5s 4Qt Hoys' St kinif t'aps Kino wool In plains and fancies, worth to 50c at 10. 15S 25 Wool Golf Gloves All nixes, for men, women and children, over 350 dozon in the lot, on sale. !(), 15S 25 From 0 Till 10 A. M. Men's Shirts and Drawers heavy fleeced, all sizes 24 to 34, 75c values, at. 25 From 11 A. M. Till ia M. Ladies' worsted underskirts, fine quality, plain and fancy colors, worth to Si.ou, cnoice -. liYtc themselves. W Plf () 111 flit is mmiilv Flelsher's German Ktiittfnir Vnrn- ,ii( k, wduo and colors, full weight -ri'irulnr 23 shades, 25 . . .T2c skeins, 2,r,c oimlltv. anecial . Flelsher's Al Knitting 'arns- 3fic skein values, at Gerinautown Zephyrs . All regular 15c quality, at :i for 1214c Shetland Floss, skein. ?axony 1 urn at Skein jjk Angora Wool All colors, on sale at, per box $1,25 Ice Wool All colors, on sale, " at, .per box g-r From 10 Till 11 A. M Ladies' and children's combination suits, whites or grays, winter weight, $1.00 values, at. choice oni Four-I'Iy Linen Collars Arrow, Loosescarf and other 'brands', all sine's, 'for buu uuj n-BUJiir 10c vaiues, on sale in one lot, at, each 5 Exlra Specials for Tuesday E, In Our Ftmout mestic Room AT 8:30 A. M. One case Dleached Muslin, 8 .and 4g ALL DAY. Exta fine Apron Checks 5 Amoskeag Outing Flannel 7 C 12 ic Shaker Flannel 4t English Flannelettes 5c 19c Suiting, 36 inches wide ....10c 15c Huck Towels 8c 8 He American Blue Prints. .. .44 8Hc Simpson's Prints 4&J 9c Heavy Brown, yard wide Muslin, at 5 Simpson's 19c Sateens ...... .12?i Simpson's 25c Black Sateens. .. 154 12 'c All Linen Crash 8a! 10c All Linen Crash 7s! 2,500 yards of remnants of high grads dress goods, to close out at. . . . 25c- 39S 49S 59 yd Remnants of high grade table linen to close at half regular price. y High Grade Wool Dress Goods From 0:80 to 11 A. M. We will sell 100 pieces of Chiffon Panama rcgulat $1.25 goods, in black or navy only, and only one pattern to customer. . 59 ' " .1 Popular Priced Dress Goods ' From 3 to 4 P. M. All $1.25 dress plaids, all $1.00 French plaids and all $1.26 and $ novelty plaids only one pattern to customer, yard.,... 57 Specials for Tuesday in Grocery Department 21 nounds best Pure Caae Granulated Sugar for, . .; $1.00 10 bars any brand Laundry Soap. 25c 48-pound sacks best' Fancy High Pat ent Flour . . . $1.35 10-pound sacks best White or Yellow Corn meal 15c 4 cans Country Gentlemen Corn.. 2 5c The best soda or oyster Crackers, per pound Go Fancy Genetlan Apples, per bu.$1.2u A carload of fancy Idaho Pippin Table Apples, packed In regular size boxes, tomorrow, per box $1.75 Fresh fruit, vegetables, dried fruits and butter at Monday's advertised prices. , 1M HMDENS ' si Dinnerware Cut Glass I . A Special Price on Every Set of Dinnerware k I 20 Off oiY All Cut Glass! n This Week I BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY 1 llll Bennett s Capitol Baking Pow der, can 24o And 20 Green Trading Stamps Cieneton Apples, peck 46o Blue Bora tJtarch, U lb. Pkg. . . 85o And 10 Green Trading Stamps Dunbar's Shrimps, can... abo And 10 Oreeji Trading Stamp Marshall's KlpVered Herring, w .'i 8UO aiiu iv ureen xraaing blumps. BEJTHKTT'I OAVDIXS Grocery fiectlon California Figs, new, pkg lOo ates. new, lb ; 100 Uaspberry Drops, lb..... 100 Chocolate Bon Bons, . pound box at 850 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps 1PAEEOT When you stop to think about it, you, of f course', realize the grave danger that menaces your children when they play in the streets on which there are street car tracks, but do you think' about it often enought And do you caution your children about it often enough! Are you sure that YOUR children are not daily exposing themselves to the danger of being 6truck by a car in fact, jeopardiz ing their lives, Remember that when children are play ing, their minds are engrossed with their play , and they are utterly unheedful of approach ing cars and frequently dart directly in front of them. Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. Omaha (HI Council Bluffs Street RailwaLy Company Tm ( Gold could buy nothing battsr lor. fsmaJa weak nesses, lama back and kidney trouble than EHectrio Bitters. 60c For sal by Beaton Drug Co. Coagressaaaa Takes Plat f eras. MINNEAPOLIS. Mlnn..sNov. II -Frank M. Eddy, former congressman from Min nesota, made Ills first appearance as a temperance lecturer yeelerday at the Metropolitan Opera house. He aald drink had prevented him from becoming governor of Minnesota, and that he had taken the (Jet form as a temperance lecturer because ie realised that it was because suoh men aa he set the example that yvuag ma Ukt to drink. ' - fTDITir A F'ftn Cant Pattern Wl h Ladies' VQ ft UUL ifom Journal Wintsr (Quarterly .... . 20c I Do you live near 31st Ave. and Farnam St.? J, B, CONTE, Druggist 31$t Ave and Farnam St i- . . i will' take .your want-ad' for The BEE .' ' ( at the same rates as' the' main office. Branch Want-ad Office OMAHA BEE Winter Tourist Rates -H ; - Illinois Central Railroad To New Orleans, Jacksonville, Fla., Havana, Cuba, Nausau, N. P., Central and South America; also to many points in Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana. ,' . For rates, descriptive circulars and detailed in formation, call at City Ticket Office, or write, SAMUEL NORTH District Passenger Agent OMAHA, INJEBe