Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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ST-ie Omaiia Daily Del
fntered at Omaha, Postoffke as second
la matter.
l"y Rie (without fliindsy), one year..H)
lly Bee and Bunday, one ear b '0
'lr Bw, on year 2.W
f urday Hoe, one year 1.60
fly Pee. (Including Sunday), per wfcek..irc
,My Bee (without Sunday), per week.. 10c
f "nine; Ree (without Hunday), per week 6c.
'Vnlng Bee (with Hunday i, tier week ... .10c
address all complaint of Irregularities
delivery to City Circulation Department
tj-maha The Bee Building.
-outh Omaha City Hail Building,
council Bluffs 16 Scolt fMreet.
Chicago 1M0 University Building.
4'ew York 158 Home Life Insurance
'Vashlngton ;25 Fourteenth Street N. XV.
ommunlcatlons relating to rows and edl-
lal matter should be addressed, Omaha
i". Editorial Department.
:emlt hy draft, express or pOBtal order
"able to The Bee 1'ubllshlng Company.
ly 2-rent stamps received In payment of
VII account. Personal checks, except on
'ilit or eastern exchange, not accepted.
JSte of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
f'harlea C. Rosewater, general manager
i The Bee Publishing company, being
Jy sworn, savs that ttie actual number
I full and complete copies of The Dally
riming. Evening and Sunday Roe printed
lulng the month of October, 1907, was as
wlows: .
. 36,970 IT WM
38.S90 18...... 36,6f0
a. 86,000 1 86,640
36,360 20 40.5(0
38,650 21 .... 36,650
f. 35,600 22 36,940
U 36,440 23 37,35 J
f. . . 36,690 24 36 600
, 36.700 ' 25 36,753
. 36,6SO . 2 36,700
f' 36.490 . 27 3."B
" 36,630 . 28 37,010
t 86,300 , 29 36.9b0
L 36,630 30..... 36, tO
36.930 31 37,330
38,920 ; ,
A Total I,139,4b0
us unsold and returned copies. 1 9,983
Net total .......... 1,139,568
illy average 36.4J7
5 General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
ffora me this 1st day of November. 1907.
- -Notary: Public.
Subscribers leaving; the city tem
porarily shonlil hsre The Bee
nailed to them. Address will be
t'haBge aa often as requested.
A 4,000 republican majority Is
etty close to high water mark In
buglaa county.
. ... utv , uanker about
Ja health, but It la a little rude to
quire about his circulation.
"Money talks through a woman's
it," says a New York paper. If that
J true, money is unuBually boisterous
iln fall.
The candidate who ' ran and the
ndldate who also ran will step up to
!e counter and file a sworn statement
campaign, expenditures.
S Opportunity, which Is supposed to
ake a noise at everyone's door, at
j.ast once, Is finding a good many bells
fit of repair since the recent financial
"What Is a stereotyped uhrase?"
. -
Mks a more or less curious subscriber.
ialt another week or so and than get
old of a copy of the Congressional
A New York physician asserts that
josqultoes kill 250,000 every year.
c least mat numuer attacks every
lerson who gets into the summer
kosort belt.
a au "Anxious BUDscriDer wants to
know if there is any difference between
) novel of the day and the former
;lm Novel series. ' There' a dtffer-
face.of 11.40. . , , .
Gallantry apparently plays no part
politics. The only woman on the
Icket got on the 'wrong ticket' and aa
result was snowed under by nearly
400 majority.
Jt looka aa if the Hon. , Warren
wltxler would have to be put iu the
lass with Roger SulMvan, Henry Wat-
it-rson. Alton B. Parker and other un-
egenerate democrats.
Those New York lawyers who have
fen unsuccessful In their efforts to
lake Mr. Harrlman talk, might try the
. meni o. smug over and whisper
ig the word "Roosevelt" to him.
The commissioner of Indian affairs
as decreed that the Indians must
kork or starve. The order has created
ess consternation than it might had It
i a. applied to me clerks lu the Wash-
ligton departments.
Universal comment on Colonel Bry-
kn's pronunclamento, that he will take
he democratic nomination for presi
dent when offered to him. is that it
as held for release so long that it
ost-ita chief news value.
Englishmen are protesting against
l: to the United States.
but Uncle Sam is meekly reminding
them that on account of the financial
rnrv thtv will ISava ir nut n
Ihelr gold if they want their meal
"We have happiness by the Jug
ful," says' the Birmingham News.
1'hat is Just another way of announcing
hat the editor of the News is not dU
urbed by the fact that Birmingham
Uent on the water wagon at the last
Washington newspaper! have started
L campaign for "beautifying the aa-
onal capital." All unnecessary.
tV'hea the new members arrive in a
few weeks with their prince alberta,
Uouch hats and to shoes, nothing will
be seeded to make Washington "a
Mag of beauty and a Juy forever."
the xr.AT-rtiODrnyG jjvprsTrtr.
. u.iiiftiTi, Jubl lKBtied by tho ronsus
.itirean. fiirnlsheii an intert'Ktlng contri
bution to the record at growth ,in mm
ur0,est Arueiican Industries,
t tif the production of meat. Tho
report t-hows that, counting the nmnller
.iiai utal only wfth
:ral trade, Ih piodut tR of thf HlaiiKh
terlng and meat parkins establish
ments of the I'nlted States e mount, to
more than 11.000,000,000 annually.
Incidentally, the bulletin furnishes An
other illustration of the important part
played by the American farmer in
supplying the world with food.
For the year 1903, the period cov
ered by this census Inquiry, the pack
ing houses bought from the farms and
. e oi ilm tojntry 49,000,813 head
of live stock, together with other nia
erials, aggregating in value more than
$806,000,000. When to this ia added
the value of the grain, dairy products,
mn, tobacco and other agricultural
o(li:cts, it is easy to see where the
atn source of our national wealth
The business of the packers, accord
ing to the bulletin", has been lucrative,
he difference between the price Of
raw materials and the finished pro
ducts sold by them amounting to about
$100,000,000 a year. This margin is
shown by the following figures for the
three years ending with 1905. ,
Year. Products. Material. Increase.
'90S $il.14.ti8 W),"',.',ill KiUi-ISMW
MH 7sn.7Tt.l91 :',i,VK Vnl.iS2.3.'i;
11X16 OT3.91l.4Jti We.Viti.9ti!) 1',H'1,0."
The increase item must, of course,
take ' care of the labor employed,
replacements, depreciation of plant,
taxes, interest account, and still other
charges, before it is reduced to profit
pure and simple.
The growing army of appendicitis
victims will doubtless be pleased to
learn that some London physicians
have been studying the subject and
have evolved an entirely new theory
as to the cause of the disease. The
London surgeons did not take at all
kindly to appendicitis when it was
Produced In this country. Perhaps
they were prompted bv 1
they refrained for a long time from
giving any attention to ihu iimco.
Even now they call it by other names,
when possible, and only reluctantly ad
mit that there is such a thing as
appendicitis, and that its existence
sometimes calls for surgical treatment,
and they still stubbornly refuse to ac
cept any American theories as to it3
When appendicitis was struggling
for recognition as a pathological condi
tion, the London surgeons discovered
a cause of the trouble. One of them,
after elaborate investigations and ex
periments, found that the red rubber'
bands, with which" so niahy jars and
bottles are sealed, contained antimony,
and that a man with his system full
of antimony waB certain to wake up
some morning with an unruly appendix.
Therefore, the red rubber banda'caused
appendicitis. This theory was adhered
to until it was discovered that Ameri
cans, however hungry, did not show
any ravenous appetites for red rubber
bands, and that Britishers got appendi
citis, although willing to make affi
davit that tbey had never even tasted
the succulent elastic.
Under the demand for a new cause
of appendicitis, the dear old London
Lancet, usually solemn to the point of
palnfulness, is trying to trace it to
small particles of steel in American
flour made by the roller process. This
theory is being exploited, according to
Consul General Wynne, to the extent
that the American flour trade In Eng
land Is being injured. Some of the
disputants going so far as to intimate
a deep-laid plot on the part of Ameri
cans to spread appendicitis through
the British system by the use of the
roller-process flour.
The debate would be wholly amus
ing, were it not that an American in
dustry is endangered by the luminous
theorizing of the London doctors. As
a matter of fact, the best experts In
sist that the steel-ground flour is par
ticularly free from foreign substances,
as compared with the old process, still
used In England, of grinding flour be
tween mill stones. The chief advant
age in replacing the 6tones with steel
was to relieve the product of stone
dust, admittedly injurious to health.
But that will not prevent the Britishers
from hunting pegs upon which to hang
Charges against American foodstuffs.
In the meantime, there is some little
satisfaction In knowing that they are
compelled t6 buy American flour and
that if they get appendicitis they are
compelled to adopt American methods
for Its treatment.
Officials of the War department ad
mit their disappointment over the fail
ure of college graduates to come
forward and take examinations for
appointment as second lieutenants in
the army, in which rank there is an
unusual number of vacancies. When
the examinations were announced a
rush for these positions was expected,
but the authorities were disappointed
to the point of chagrin to find that a
select few presented themselves, none
of whom seemed to care whether they
were accepted. The officials are seek
ing to explain the situation by assert
ing that the salary of $1,400 per
annum, which la the pay of a second
lieutenant In the artillery corps, does
not appeal to the college graduate.
The contention of the army officials
will hardly be accepted, least of all by
college graduates, most of whom would
Jump at a salary qf f J.,400 ,J"er. In
any other calling. The college grad
uate does not step from college Into
lucrative employment, but, as a matter
of fact, is handicapped in his early
efforts to ram a living In rivalry with
other, young men who were doing
apprentice work while he was in col
lege, nnd while his education is certain
to prove of grout advantage in the long
run, he nuiFt take hia place at first In
tho ranks of the beginners. The pay
of a second lieutenant Is far In excess
of that given to clerks, young clergy
men, teachers and In excess of that
earned by professional men In their
lirst years after graduation. The col
lego graduate, as a rule, whatever
vocation ho adopts, has to play a more
or less weary prelude before he can
demonstrate his earning power.
If college graduate shun army ap
pointments, they do it because of their
indisposition to follow the military
profession as a career, and not because
of the inadequacy of the pay, which
is large enough to appeal to the aver
age collese graduate.
The little bunch of conspirators who
have been trying for years to "get"
Chief of Police Donahue by fair means
or foul now make it known through
their organ that even before they have
set off tho bomb they have been her
alding the chief has been indicted,
trjed and decapitated and a successor
chosen to be imported from abroad.
The reasons given for going out of
town for a now chief are such as
would, if well founded, call for the ex
pulsion of every police captain and ser
geant as well, and the Importation of
officers from other cities to take their
places. If the assertions of these
marplots were true that the po
lice are inefficient because appoint
ments and promotions have been dic
tated solely by politics and pull and
without reference to police experience,
then the whole official roster would
have o be changed.
How untrue these trumped-up
charges are may be seen by a glance
at the oillcial record of the men lu
command of our police force, which
in condensed form is as follows:
J. J. Donahue Chief of Police:
July 11, 1S92, I'ntrolman.
March 19, 1S94, Ueteotlve.
November 1, 1S!S, Captain.
November 13, 1S99, Chief.
Henry W. Sunn Captain:
May 25, 1 S!l, 1'atrolman.
September 6, 1891, resigned.
April 19, 1892, rc-appolnted patrolman.
Ma, rch 19, 1S94, Detective.
.September 22, 1902, Chief of Detec
tives. January 1. 1906, Captain.
Patrick Mostyn Captain:
1'atrolman In early '80s.
18 87, Sergeant.
1899, resigned.
August, 1902, re-appointed captalii.
John K. Savage Chief of Detectives:
July 28, 1887, Patrolman.
July 21, 1399, Detective.
, October 9.' 1906,. Chief of Detectives.
Michael T, BamDsey 3orgeaot:
October 22, 1885. Patrolman. .
. April 1, 1901, Sergeant.
Thomas HayeS Sergeant :
March- lti, 1889, Patrolman.
October 24, 1892. Detective.
September 18, 1895, resigned.
April 14, 1898, re-appolnted patrolman.
November 13, 1899, Captain.
Later reduced and again made Ber
tram. .
Henry C. Cook Sergeant:
September 18, 1888, Patrolman.
April 12. 1895, Sergeant.
September 17, 1895, retired.
June 11, 1897, re-appolnted patrolman.
September 15, 1902, Sergeant.
John Gibbons Serjeant:
ApsJl 10, 1898, Patrolman.
September 15, 1902, Sergeant.
M-i t. Slg-wart Sergeant : ,
Patrolman In early '80s.
On and oft force several times.
January 19, 1903, re-appolnted patrol
man. February 2, 1903, Sergeant.
Michael Whales Sergeant;
Patrolman in tho 'SOs. .
July 28, 1887, Tatrolman. '
April 27, 1899, Sergeant.
September 17, 1895, retired.
April 4, 1898, I e-appolnted sergeant..
Alfred J. Bamnelaon Sergeant:
Junuary 19, 1903, Patrolman.
January 7. 1907, Sergeant,
anion Tanona Sergeant:
July 28, 1SS7, Patrolman.
July 28, 189ti. laid off.
June 14, 1897, re-appointed patrolman.
January 2, l90ti, heraeant.
It will be readily seen that with two
or three exceptions every one of the
present commissioned officers of the
police department has a long record of
police experience by which his present
position has been earned. These offi
cers, moreover, have been appointed
by and held their places through suc
cessive police commissions of opposite
political parties and controlled by dif
ferent factional elements. Chief of
Police Donahue, in particular, has suc
cessfully withstood repeated assaults
of one kind or another because his
record has proved unimpeachable and
his bervlce has given satisfaction when
measured by the standard of police
efficiency. Ills enemies will have to
produce more substantial reasons than
have yet been forthcoming before this
community will stand for his displace
ment to make way for an Imported
The movement in stock values is a
curious study, particularly when con
trasted with the conditions in actual
industrial and commercial lines. An
estimated shrinkage In quoted value
of something like $3,000,000,000 has
taken place In securities within the last
eight months, an amount almost equal
to the money supply, of the country. On
the face of things, this would appear
sufficient to cause a stoppage of all
dividend disbursements, but nothing of
the kind has yet happened.
Dun and Bradstreet's reports for the
la at week show that while manufac
turers and jobbers are exercising cau
tion In placing orders and showing a
disposition to be in position to meet
emergencies, tradd still keeps up and
collections are reasonably good. In
the mill districts, all the factories are
fctlll workiug at full time, aud ordtis
are booked ahead In sufficient quantity
to Insure steady operation for some
time to come. The crop and Industrial
reports are quite encouraging. They
also Btate that there has been no slump
in dividends, following lhe slump in
stocks. Securities that lost "0 pet
cent or more on the stock exchanges
are still supported by 5 ami 6 per cent
dividends that are coming along regu
larly. Preliminary estimates made by
financial Journals in New York Indi
cate that the January dividend distri
bution will be quite as large as a year
ago. The railroads have all done a
larger business than last year and most
of tho industrials will make the usual
dividend disbursements without diffi
culty. "
t'nder such conditions, the outlook
cannot be considered discouraging, so
far as legitimate business and honest
investment are concerned. The effect
on dividends will be measurable until
the next following dividend priod la
An interesting news item emanates
from the state house in the form of a
detailed exhibit of money spent by
candidates for district judgo through
out the various judicial districts of
Nebraska. Some of the candidates
spent more than $300 to be elected,
while the average seems to be be
tween $150 and $200, but the seven
judges in this district account for Just
$25 apiece'. It would, doubtless, take
a judicial interpretation to explain the
A new interchangeable mileage
book is to be issued good on all lines
within the jurisdiction of the Western
Passenger association east of the Mis
souri river, to be sold for 2 cents a
mile straight, with no deposit to be
returned on surrendering ' the cover.
This does not look as if the railroads
were figuring on contesting the 2-cent
fare laws in these states, against which
they have been so loudfy declaiming.
The Washington Herald is wrong in
Its assertion that the Hargls gang in
Kentucky "is composed of unprincipled
cut-throats." The fact is that the
Hargis gang usually preferred to take
a shot at a man from the Juniper
clump, instead of taking chanres by
getting within throat-cutting prox
imity. Herbert Parsons, the republican poli
tical boss.of New York, was once desig
nated as "a trump" by President
Roosevelt. Since Parsons made the
fusion deal with Hearst In the recent
campaign, and went down to an In
glorious defeat, it Is remembered that
"a trump" may run as loVas'a deuce.
The report that "Uncle jfc; Cannon
"threw up his hands" wheat frig presi
dential boom was presented- by the
Illinois delegation, cannot tAraccepted
by those who know the man. He has
been in the game too long to throw his
hand into the discard without knowing
what the other fellow holds.
A bouquet for Omaha is to be found
In the weekly bank clearing statement,
which puts this city In the comparative
increase column, while every other
place hus suffered a ' severe slump.
Omaha banks are either doipg more
business or they are keeping their
books differently
The United States Express company
has filed with the Nebraska State Rail
way commission a list of its stock
holders, which includes Senator T. C.
Piatt and three or four other, Platts,
but unaccountably fails altogether to
make mention of Mae C Wood Piatt.
Mr. Bryan Is criticising President
Roosevelt for "attempting to centralize
all power in the federal government."
Mr. Bryan has begun feeling that way
only since he abandoned bis plan for
centralizing ownership of all the rail
roads in the federal government.
The official canvass -of the vote cast
in this county at the last election con
firms preliminary reports to the effect
that the democrats will vacate next
January the few rooms that have been
retained by them as tenants in the
court house.
It may be trv3 that American heir
esses have paid $900,000,000 for for
eign titles, but there is the consoling
fact that few of them have brought
their purchases home with them.
That dispatch stating that "women
will weed out all the Improper books
in the Chicago library," doubtless
should have been "read" Instead of
The Baslneaa Barometer.
St. Louis Qlbo-Dcmocrat.
In October the United States produced
more Iron and steel than In any previous
month. The "business barometer" indi
cates that the country Is busy and sub
stantially prosperous.
Let It U at That.
Pittsburg Dlnpatch.
Once there was a tl Bryan dinner. Soon
we are to have a S3 Bryan dinner. The ad
vance Is due less to the Increased prosper
ity of Bryan than to the greater wealth of
the country following the defeat of him
self and his theories.
Flttlaa; flat- (or Motto.
Kansas City Tinuti.
It is not exactly apparent why a protest
should be mado at this time against omit
ting the words in God We Trust" from
( the new gold coins. It would perhaps, be
more fitting to make a demand for print
ing this motto on the clearing house certifi
cates. rrrsk Lchiim fsaaed Is.
, Indianapolis News.
Notwithstanding the fact that various
person. are seeking to demonstrate that
a diet confined to one article of food Is the
proper thing, the restaurants 1111 continue
I te set forth their usual variety at prosperity
prices, and contttus to Di4k money
ox tii-:iiiiKM i ti, mux; t,iu.
ItnlnniT of I'onrr In Demur ratio Parly .
llelil h llenrl.
Sim l:'fUI M i.M.ish.) Itepulilicim (iinl.i.
"iw fuel i nt t,j cunvitHi- all ol-s,-rven
thiil tlie ll.-arst following in
tinat' i- Ni v York i atmot !- repi ll- il by
iinv ili'ti.ori ,i'ic pi i, I . li 1 iiil CHnillililte if
New Turk stilt- is to be wrested from tlu
republicans. Tl-..- Independence lmue nimle
noi. limit ions for tin- two .iinla. shipM In the
tHi" lo ut (, npptulH (i nd Its c.mdiiliites
ran against nun liuiorsi-il by both tin- re
publican and i!i mocrat ie parties. Without
the slightest clinnce of election these Hearst
candidates polled, respectively. In Greater
New York PI, Mti and Jo.1:: votes. These
I'iKUVeS HI 111 til demollwIlHte file VOtinK
HtivnizHi or Iln- Hearst followlnc In the
nietiopoiis. inasmuch as tin- fusion between
th: indep lid. nee league anil the republi
cans In New York county did not extend
to the court of upx-uls candidates.
If nearly t'".io voters in Greater New
York will vole that way in a judicial con
test, a year before the presidential elec
tion, no (juestions need be iiskcd us to
Hearst power to influence the chances of
a democratic presidential candidate. In tlm
Empire slate. The first conclusion Is that
no eastern conservative of the Jud e Parker
type now has tins remotest chance of carry
ing tie- state for the presidency next No
vVnilwr. unless a complete revolution in
political conditions should be effected In
the coining eleven months. And t ho second
conclusion is that neither Mr. Bryan, nor
a candidate of his choosing, could possibly
carry New York without coming; to terms
with Mr. Hearst and his following long
before election day.
Mr. Hearst's position, consequently, has
beeomo one of real Importance in consider
ing the prospects and the developments of
the presidential campaign. Hearst is on
accomplished fact, just now. In American
Ilrnn Spells Defeat.
Brooklyn Eagle (lnd.-Uem).
There is a consensus of democrats thus
thinking in favor of the nomination of
Judge George Gray of Delaware for pres
ident of the United States by tho democ
racy. He stood aloof from Insanity when
it was rampant within democracy, and he
lias stood aloof from all forms of fanati
cism or sclullsm which have affected the
republican party in recent years. Wo do
not say that Judgo Gray would surely
bo elected, but we can say that Mr. Bryan
would surely be defeated, should he again
bo nominated, and that Judgo Gray could
be elected, if unanimously nominated and
supported by democrats. He would com
mand an immense conservative republican
support. A probable success should be pre
ferred by the democracy to a certain de
feat, and should bo preferred by Mr. Bryan
himself. He owes to the party far more
than ho can ever pay back. He owes to It
the duty of aiding it to name an electable
man and the duty of ceasing lo vex It with
the candidacy of an unelcctahle man,
namely, himself. We state this, we regret
to say, less In the belief that lie will be
largw enough to see, to measure and to
meet tho democratic opportunity than to
clear those who believe with us from re
sponsibility for the consequences of further
experimentation with an Impossible nnd
uji insatiable "claimant. "
What tVill Democrats Dot
New York World (deni.)
The question is, What will the demo
crats do? What can they do? It Is mani
fest that Mr. Bryan's nomination would
mean a walkover forftoosevelt, for Taft.
for anybody a republican convention would
bo likely to nominate. Then why should
the democrats muke Mr. Bryan their can
didate and so down to inevitable defeat?
If Mr. Roosevelt Is renominated the soli
tary hope of democratic success lies In a
new man and a new platform. The party
must bury Its dead past and Its dend ls
Rues and emancipate itself from Its popu
listic present. With a new, clean, strong
man who could reunite the factious and
appeal on a new, clean, strong platform
to the enormous Independent and disaf
fected republican vote, democracy might,
in our opinion, havo a chance. If hard
times continued, if large numbers of men
were out of employment, if public works
and private enterprise were suspended and
general prosperity were waning. If not
gone, tho democratic party with such a
candidate and such a plutform would un
doubtedly stand a chance.
But will the democratic party recover
sanity enough to put Mr. Bryan aside?
This Is tho first step tho lirst requisite.
Taft and Hughes.
Kansas City Times (Ind.).
On the progressive sido Secretary Taft
is the only republican candidate for presi
dent spoken of who can lay clulni to a
positive, commanding position. The one
man who might, under possible circum
stances, become a formidable rlvul of Taft
ta Governor Hughes. Hut he has not de
clared himself on national Ihhus. His
experience In publiu- office is limited, hence
his record is an Imperfect indication of
what his policies would be. His cundldacy
in New York is backed by bosses and ma
chine politicians opposed to the national
administration; Mr. Hughes himself has
cast covert reflections on the president
and bis policies. It is wholly improbable
that the men who are In Kympsthy with
the president and in favor of Secretary
Taft could bo diverted to the support of
Mr. Hushes. And it is not conceivable
that any circumstances' could arise to
bring such a change under serious con
sideration. For Superstitious Democrats. ,
Letter In New York Sun.
Let all superstitious democrats know that
in the name of William J. Bryan there are
exactly thirteen letters; count 'em; and
by the same token, exactly thlrten letters
In his name and state. "Bryan, Nebraska;"
count 'em; and that lie was nominated at
Chicago on a Friday, and that In the
words "Chicago, Friday." there are exactly
thirteen letters; count 'em.
In addition to tills tho Chicago Tlmes
Ilerald said a few days after P.ryan's first
nomination that the day he was nominated
he was shaved In tho Palmer house bar
ber shop by a barber wearing badga 13,
and that he left for Lincoln on car 13.
Now, what eloquence of tongue can
overcome tho superstitious fear cropping
out from the greatly dreaded figure thir
teen? Isn't the poor old democratic party
sorely In need of the hind foot of a black
rabbit found on a dark night by a dark
man In a haunted graveyard?, fan you
beat It?
Koraker'a Chaures.
Philadelphia Record Idem.),
it Is again announced that Foraker Is
about to declare himself a presidential
candidate. It may be too late. He never
had any chance of turning Ohio against
Taft unless he invited It to support him.
Ohio was not going to deny Itself the
chance to have a president. It Is aston
ishing that a man who has a good deal
of reputation as a politician should not
have understood this, and either asked
the support of Ohio or left the read open
to Taft some months ago.
"masala- a Tkeor).
Kansas City btar.
In time of financial stress, when money
is scarce, prices aro supposed to fall. Well,
then, why don't tiiey fall'; t:
tiKT ntK to nriF".
I're-ent Financial (nndllliis Dne
lhe Alarms of Men.
Philadelphia Press.
'l i e .-. :,u ity of currt nc. now general in
this city find ilsrwherc. lias not before
existed in (Ms countiy slim- 1W
Ample reason wns puseiit then for wild
ulnrrti. Hy this time li lvtf. I'i'l national
banks end li'i otlor linaticlal Institutions
liml closed. Six gteut railroads, th'- Head
ing, Northern Piiclllc, I nlon Pacific. Atchi
son. Topckn end Panta IV. the Erie and
New York Ni w England had K"!ie Into
the bunds of receivers. Greenbacks to the
amount of U.V1.:i4r. had been presented
dtirhm the ear to the I'nlted Stales Irons,
ury for gold, unit the gold reserve was be
low the accepted amount of l().am.uu and
gold hud been exported to the amount of
?ins.iS4. Commercial falluies had In
creased and in the second imai'tiT, I'i'H.
,HM firms suspended, with liabilities reach
ing $r.l"M.'.5.l!, nearly iipial to u year's
Worst of all. I he iheinuin silver pun base
act was monthly taking funds mil of the
treasury bulng silver ami coining It Into
dollars no one would take, bringing the
country to the very verge of u silver
Nothing like this today exists. The cur
reuiy is on a gold standard n-cl iiotiuug
can change It. No national banks havu
failed, above the few always suspending
nt tlie rate of forty oi Jifty a year. No
collapse has como in state bunking. In
stead, bank conditions are more stable tliun
ever before In a like stringency. No rail
roads have Rone Into receivers' bunds. For
the year gold bus been imported, not ex
ported. Commercial fullures are about us
usual. The treusury holds, gold reserve
and nil, $.!. ntn.niX) of gold tin- largest
stock In the world. '
Nothing remotely resembles the condi
tions in 1S9II. If currency Is scarce and tin
banks are forced to protect Iheir reserves
In lawful money the cuuso is purely
Currency enough is In the country for
every possible need. On November 1 It
was $J.llS,77ii.9ll. Of this about i.l7;,0i)
is in circulation and uliout $7nn,(iiO,iM is in
the banks.
Tills Is ample for every b.inkiut; need.
It Is more than till banks have had through
ten years of overflowing prosperity.
There Is nothing alarming but the alarms
of men. These are without foundation, and
u return lo ordinary conditions will come
us soon as the minds of men return to such
a condition.
Kentucky tobacco raisers seem to have
no inclination, to devote any part of the
crop to filling a pipe of peace.
A New Jersey democrat was robbed of
tl,om) while hopefully cheering the de
feated candidate. That might be called
rubbing It In.
The rich man was building a J1ia).n
mausoleum. In which he expected his bones
to be placed. "It may look foolish." he
admitted, "but J got the safety deposit
habit during the panic."
The courts at Chicago have handed down
a decision permitting the Board of Rdu
catlon to taito drastic action against the
high school fraternities. "Drastic action"
is what thu turkey gets just about this
W. Northrup AlcMillun, and American
millionaire, and a son of thu lute Senator
James McMillan of Mfchlgan, has es
tablished his headquarters in the wilds
of British East Africa. There lie lias on
Immense farm which It Is his ambition
to make one of the most up-to-date on
the globe. Ho owns over 20.0UO acres, and
has had two wonderful moWt curs built
expressly for use In the jungles.
The State Public Service commission in
New York is holding the reins taut. The
Lock port Gus and Electric Light company
asked permission to consolidate two com
peting companies. This was granted as
being in the Interests of economy, but
under the conditions that rates should not
be raisod without the commissioners' con
sent and that the combined capitalization
should not be beyond what it hud been.
Democratic Lese Majesty.
New York Tribune.
Mr. Roger C. Sullivan of Illinois evi
dently has a grudge against himself. Al
though he was read out of the democratic
party many months ago by the guardian
of the inner gate, Mr. Sullivan refuses to
subside. Ha seems to labor under the de
luslion that the democratic party was not
created by Mr: Thomas Jefferson for the
sole benefit of the Nebraska statesman, anu
thereby places himself in a hopeless minor
ity. Mr. Sullivan now suggesVs, not with
tho becoming humility of one who has been
pronounced by the oracle of his party unfit
for a seat in lbs counsels, but with an ar
rogant bumptiousness which 111 becomes
one who is under the ban, that William J.
Bryan "luy aside his halo long enough to
permit the party to elect a democratic
A Pennsylvania Mob.
Philadelphia Record.
Thii-ueu years ago the state of Minnesota
began the erection of a new capitol which
is now ready for occupancy. It Is said t
be as tine In every respect of beauty or
utility as the state cjtpitol at Hurrtburs.
The total cost has been, Out- This is
less than the cost of the "furnishings" of
the Harrisburg structure, and not in ex
cess of original estimates. There is food
for reflection In this comparison for Penn
sylvania taxpayer! who havo been swindled
out of $6,tXlU,(,o0, and who under the dawd
ling processes of investigation and prose
cution have as yet no assurance of the re
covery of their money or of the punish
ment of their plunderers.
The first requisite of a good
mother is good, health, and the ex
perience of maternity should not be
approached without careful physical
preparation, as a woman who la in
good physical condition transmits to
her children the bksaiogs of a food
Preparation for healthy mater
nity ia acoomplitihed by Lydia K.
Pinkbam'a Vegetable Compound,
which is made from native roots and
herbs, more successfully than by any
other medicine because it give tone
and strength to the entire feminine
organism, curintf- displacements, ul
ceration and inflammation, and the
result is less suffering and
than thirty years
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
haa been the atandbv of American mothers in nrenarin & for rhlMKIV
NotewhatMra JamChester of437 W. JSth St., New York says in this
letter: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-"! wish every expectant mother knew about
Lvdia is. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound. A neighbor who bad learned
of its great value at this trying period of a woman ' life urged me to try
m auu am so, ana I cannot bay euougu in rrgaru vo we gooa It aid me.
I recovered quickly and am in the beat of health now."
Lydia K. Plnkbaut's Vegetable Compound is certainly a anoceattful
remedy for the peculiar wAknesaes and allmeuta of women.
It has cared almotit every form of Female Complaints, Dragging Sensa
tions. Weak Back, Falling and Displacement. Inflammation, Ulcera
tions and Organic Diseases of Womei. and la Invaluable la preparing for
Childbirth and during the Change of Life.
Mrs. Plnkfiam's 5tandlnsr Invitation to Women
Women ufferlnir from anv form
wrv airs, nakhata, at Lyoa, .Mass
Marh eetleil Lesson Imparled by Illi
nois flip re me ( ourl.
Phlh'ib Iphia Ledger
A patsciigcr was ejected from a csr
i f the I nlon Tim tlon compain . Chicago,
soi.i, ti:i. !. since fnr falling to produce a
tiat.sfer ticket, tin account of the crowded
condition of the car the lrnnsfr was
jeith I from her hand and fell ftom tie
cur A number .f w itnesses Informed II e
(oiid ictor that the pussengor had had a
transfer, but si: whs forced from the car
bv the conduitor, who asssileil her Willi
offensive epithets. The Jury In two lower
court gave the ejected passenger 11.1'nO dum
mies. The case was appealed to tlu- su-preii-e
i ourl if Illinois, where it was
uigeil that the verdict wus rxcesslve. There
was no evidence that the passenger received
any substantial Injury. The claim was
based upon the insulting conduct of the
company s employe, it was the contention
of the company that the passenger should
be awarded only live cents' damages. Ilia
cost of her Intcrrupti-d ride.
The supreme court declined to take such
a narrow view of the case, anil held that1
the plainltlff was entitled to recover dsni
nes for Insults us well as the actual cash
loss suyinined. The court ruled that the
passengers of " public rarrli r ate entitled
to courteous treatment, ami thai It Is th"
duty of the currying1 company to see thnt
Its employes give this sort of treatment lo
its passengers.
Doubtless the conduct of the erring con
d.iclor In this case was exceptionally dis
courteous, and tin- highest tribunal ti
Illinois ruled that the damages awarded bf
tlie trial jury were not unreasonable. The
finding should have an exemplury effect
upon the brusciuo railway employes who
Imagine that they serve their employers
best by assuming a belligerent, offensivu
and sometimes an Insulting attitude toward
the public. There Is loss without injury,
or such injury us the law will redress, lu
(he petty annoyances to which passengers
or intending passengers are frequently
subjected by super-serviceable motormen or
conductors. The "step lively" command
to women who are making a desieratc
effort to board a car, the failure of the
motorman to notice and wait for persons
who do not happen to be ready to spring
on a cur the Instant It stops, are among tin
minor annoyances. The duties of street
railway employes are at times delicate and
difficult. It may be necessary to order
a passenger off the ear who refuses la
pay the fare, but care should be tuken that
the order Is not accompanied by Insulting
remarks. Such remarks. It appears from
the decision of the Illinois courts, furnish
ground for the recovery of substantial dam
ages against the company.
"Tell me. my poor man." said the good
hearted old lady, "to what do you ai
tribute your l'ondmss for drink? Is tl
"No, ma'am," replied the poor mun. "It'e
thirst." Philadelphia Press.
"Now," kh id Mrs. (ioodart, "If you da
a little woik for me I'll glve'you a good
meal after awlille.
"Say, lady," repiled Hu
"you'll get off cheaper if
Hungry Hawkes,
yer gimme d
meal now. Work always gives me 4
fierce uppetlte." Philadelphia Press.
Suspicious Politician I believe that fellow-
who Is fighting us has something hid
den up his sleeve.
Facetious Friend I happen to know he
H. P. What Is it?
F. F. His arm. Baltimore American.
"Do you really like me, Charley?"
"Sure. iKin't 1 come to see you regu
larly?" "Uut men often call on a girl for wnoia
they care little or nothing."
"Not with Christmas looming up.'
Houston Post.
"Who Is that big man?" asked tlie
"That," replied the native, "Is Mr.
"Only plain 'mister?' Why. he hus the
bearing of a major general.
"Y'es. and tho overhearing of a young
lieutenant." Cuthollc Standard und Times.
"I notice you are prematurely bald." ub
lerved the Inquisitive passenger. "May 1
isk how vou lost your hair'.'"
"I lost it by doing too much butting into
ither people's affairs," answered the oth'-r
passenger. Chicago Tribune.
"Dearest, you are the idol of my dreams."
' "I don't want any idol dreams about my
future, young man. Gel busy." Baltimore
"Never tuurry u man to reform him,
'1 won't auntie. And 1 promise you an
other thing."
"What Is that, my child?"
"I'll never reform a man for some other
girl to marry." Philadelphia Press.
Detroit Free Press.
A baby may bo troublesome.
For children fume and fret.
But I would rather care for on
Most anv day, you bet.
Than have a sick man in the houaa,
To wait upon, because,
A sick man never, never gives ,
A woman time to pause.
It's "Nellie, get nu- this and that,
And ring tin- doctor up."
It's "Nellie, bring me something good,
I'd like a bite and sup."
It's "Nellie, soothe my aching brow;'
And "Nellie, read a briok;'"
And "Aro there patches n my throat?
I wish you'd take a look."
lie wants attention all tlie while.
And doesn't think it right
If wille for a minute should
He culled out of bis sight.
It's wait upon 1dm band and foot;
Of all things, I'm sure.
A sick man In tho house is fsr
Tlie hardest to endure.
In this all men appear alike
When sickness brings them low;
TlH-y'ro worse than babies to attend,
More childish, too. they grow.
Ami so my sympathy goes out
To every doting spouse,
Who knows just what it means to have
A sick man in the house.
cniiaren nesuny at oinn. for mora
of female weakneaa are inrited to
tier advice is free.
- w .