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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1907)
I7IE OMAHA DAILY BEE? MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 190. "0t Kl MMMIKHS rt'RITtKK. M K A I, K.ST A TH. HKAL 1'STATE. BOBsssBsBsBBsssssaBsxaBROBBB MM J 1 II I 1 ' . . Feather your nest If yon deslr goods of high tualltj, low prlos ud .asy term. It be hooves you to trade at TbE PEOPLES STORE lttb and PABNAM STS. UOa CLASS PIANOS Reasonable .Terms Large selected stock of Websr, Mehlin, Henry nd S. A a. Lindeman, Fotter Co. Hc-hltler. MATTKX'WI mitO CO. Mf?rs. aad Dealers 113-16 Harney. Omaha tiarylhlni ia Arl and Music A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douqlas St.. Omaha PIAXOS J. S. CAMERON Manufacturer' Stela Agent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS 106-8 No. 13th St.. Omaha. Nab. Tel. Red 2841. PI A OS tOHHOLLIB miuii piAjro oo. PIANOS Manufaoturare and Iwalan In High Orade Pianos 0r SOO Planet la Sleek 1311-1113 Farnam St. Omnha. Neb. misic nr mail Illustrated Music School, 1611 Farnam Music by Mall 1 Less than lOo I a day. Eight different courses. Invest!- Store of the Perfleld Piano Co., Omaha. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS Columbia Phonograph Co. Bold Moulded Beo- ) nr ords to At any Cylin- ( VrP der Talking Machine (' UVJ .made You throw i away money If you pay more, isai r asjtam stbeet dears, Rnbber Goods and Dross. Prtsorlptlon Accuracy Quarante.d. Syringes, Rubber Uoods by Mail, out prloes. Hend for free catalogue. Send US your mall orders for drugs. Freight paid on. 119 lots. ' Cigars at cut prices. lOo cigars. Be. Myers Dillon Drug Oo. SBUOH rainxi lffth and Farnam. 1416 Harney. CANDY Craft Guild rattsman s Confections Bold by OIOEOB BOQBBS, 1808 Farnam. BREWERIES Always Ask for Metz Bros. Brewing Co. fAMQlIS KEG AND BOTTLE BEER .OMAHA. WATER FILTERS BINX PUKE. BTABKX.nrO v wateb bt usino M3S- vvm ai K.m ruTs). C. H. hUBER, Mfgr. 1301 Parnam St Omaha. TELEPHONES IH OMAHA 17855 Subscribers NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. PHOTO SUPPLIES. iOlBtal ABO BHIFPEBS OP PHOTO SUPPLIES LABOEST HOU8S IB TUB WEST. The Robert Dempster Co., 1918 PABNAM ST. OMAHA. SHOE REPAIRING Standard Sf.02 Repair Co. 1804 PABNAM Ws do th. work right, phone Pout. 1847 and we mill call fur your work. We sell polish, laces and shoe special ties. CLEAN INO AND DYKING. VS. are liuUuuan.ra for ail cleaning, dyelng-i praa.lng and repairing of la dles' anil gentlemen's clothing. YOUB XaaDl SOLICITED THE WARDROBE tOll rainam Bramh Office. 1TII Leavenworth. Telephone Doug. Hit. ...II .VUillES I HB ItW WAT" Ws don't iron ohms at all. Wa prees litem. Thin gives ai, fetiractlv finish without wearing out the linen. XYANS STEAM LAUKDIT Est. 1.171. Allan B. Hamilton, Mgr. 811 S. Uth St. Tel. Douglas 854. mi'SKS AM) LEATHER GOODS TKUNKS utr Salt Cases, laa and list rocket Beaks riOTMl STUMJ Td. M(.m laRtraraaai I't Ul lt ll V DESIGNS WH LATCH Et BID'S f ffX ORCHARD & WILHELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both in the price and in the quality. SURETY BONDS. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A Rome Company with Assats In Nebraska. 314-318 IIW YOBX LITE BUILDWO. Telephone Douglas 552. MINK ANO MINING For Information concerning legiti mate mining la British Columbia, F. H. KNIGHT BOOui, U4U-.Uli ttldg. 3POKANE, WASHINGTON. MONCMENTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock In the West J. F. BLOOM (SL CO. 1813 Farnam St. Omaha RANKS FIRST NATIONAL BANK mONAHAm Deposits $12,000,000.00 RANKS United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NE8. United States Depository 16th and Farnam Sis. BANKS OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J. L BRANDEI3 & SONS BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS RANKS 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAYINGS BANK 18th and Deuel. St. Omaha OFFICE Fl'RNITIHE Best Selection DI3SICS OMASA PRIMING CO. iota and Faraaai Sta, INCORPORATORS LET EXFEKTS Incorporate Your Company. Mon.y to Promote Oood Propositions. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. 14-318 HEW YOBX LITE BUTLDIHG). EMPLOYERS REFERENCE AGENCY IB IJall DAY OP SPECIALISTS you waste time and money selecting your help. . WE ABB SPECIALISTS The best ability In the city is listed with us. Give us your needs let us assist you no charge to emnlovers. WS-T. BEP. A BOND ASSB. Suit 782 W. T. Life. Tel. Pong. 4383 REFERENCE AGENTS HIGH GRADE POilTiOflS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt, Inc. B. S. CZiOYEB, Osn. Mgr. tu!t 404 B.e Building. OFFICE Sl'PPLIES Office Supplies Brarythlng from a Pla to a Piling Oablnst , OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Tarnam Sta OFFICE SUPPLIES LOOUK LEAF DEVICES FUladr Oablnets, Piles and Ledgers, Offlos lUlurx, And Supplies of All Binds. AXCUOB rUBUSUl.VQ cx. '30b a.o.- Bt. T(L Doug. 8563 T V PEW H ITERS We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a month. Central Typewriter Exchange ' 1607 Parnam Phone Doug. 808 AUTOMOBILES AND S K FES J. J. DERIGUT & CO. Wholesale and Retail ' Safe and Antomobilcs 1814.1818 FARNAM STREET Llr" A:U ACt IOENT INSURANCE TOM S. KLLLY Manager Life and Accident Depart ments far Slate of Nebraska. The Trarelers Xaaarane Company Hartfort. Conn. 110 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Mall Order, Noielty aad Prcaa. Goods. WESTERN SFLCIALTY CO. BBOXEBS ABB DXSTBXBTXTOBS WholiH.! 1'ealers in BOYELTIS8, PBEMIVM OOOSS Mail Order SnpvUes of All Binds Fir. I i'la-a Agrula Wanlnl 303 So. 13th St Omalia, Beb. OMAHA AS A HEALTH The advantages offered by Omaha In commercial, industrial and general business activities are very generally admitted and appreciated, but the health tf a community la one of lta greatest aaaete and from this viewpoint, Omaha Is one of the richest cities In the world. Many localltlea both In this country and abroad offer dazzling opportunities to the seeker of more wealth, but climatic and other conditions affecting the health rob these opportunities of much of their attraction. Omaha, on the other hand, has a climate unequalled in its bracing and invigorating qualities and Is one of the most healthful places in the nation. This assertion is borne out, in a most convincing man ner by the federal statistics relating to the death rate in different cities and sections of the United States. The figures, taken from the census reports for 1900. are exceedingly interesting and furnish an other argument in support of the contention that Omaha Is the best place in the country in which to live. The following mortality statistics are selected with a view to covering different, sections of the country, with particular reference to cities having the same population as Omaha: Death Rate Cities Population nnr 1 nnft Aiuany, i. l BoBton Uutfalo Detroit Hultlmnre l"nver Atlanta Hartford, Conn Newark, N. J l'ateriton, N. J Providence, R. 1 Rochester. N. T Washington, 1). C JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS N.P.STlUin. BlasMad fasert Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Special attention to complicated and Intri cate Repairing. All work guaranteed. Boom fl Pazton Block. JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS Gustafaon Henrickior. Bnooessors to V. B. FLOSIUI ft OO. Jewelers SL Watchmakers 1814 Oapltol Av.nna. PHOTOGRAPHERS KEW LOCATIOK WEAS BLDO. 18th and Par nam PHOTOGRAPHERS 107 SOUTH 16th STREET MILLINERY RILEY SISTERS exclusive v Millinery 317 SOUTH 16th 8TRCET ' OMAHA n"-TiTHV Gg&- MATTHEWS OBIOIBAX PATHLESS DENTIST Largest and Dental Offloa Wsst of Chloago Suit 4. Bushman Blk.. 11th and Doug. 11 tilt SI ORE SEE MONHEIT'S EXCLUSIVE HA IB STOBB Por Everything In Hair Goods, Hair Work, Hair Dressing, fcwltohss. Wigs nd Topees. 1411 PABNAM ST., OMAHA, HEB. Telephone Donglaa 8333. OPTIC1ANS Tfie H. J, Panfold Co. WE LEAD. OTKEB8 FOLLOW SlIENTTPIO OPTIOIANS Bee Our Hew Torlo Lena. 1401 Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. Olive Oil, Candy. Mineral Waters. Imported Olive Oil Direct Prem Italy IS. 25 per gallon. Special prices -O dealers. Agents for Huylsr's fins candles. Kresh dally. A Rents for White Rook Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Myers-DUloa Drat Co. 16tli and Parnam. I'nsrlneer and Mfgr. Machinist. P. MELCHiOR'S MACHINE WOnKS MANUPAOTUBINO AHS BB PAIBINO OP ALL KINDS OP MACKINEBY Irtoting and Consulting Engineer N. K. I'or iltr, and Howard St., Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS WILSON STEAM BOLLEB CO. Mlgra. ol Tab .tar rist a1 fire Sex lallrr. Oil an! Mater Tanks, aiacai ana sreecaiag Srealrlas Ut Baas SalUra Basf at aa-MM Factory lth and Pierre Sta., Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES JOSEPH R. LEHMtR. Headanarters for Everything Eleotrlcal BaJ4ray, Steam aad MU1 Supplies. Prompt Shipment and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1218 FARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY rasseiger and Freight Elevators SUPPLIES and REPAIRING Phone Dong las aT. 104 H. lirth St. 4!l Worcester, Mass 118.421 15.5 Chicago 1.698,675 16.2 Indianapolis 169,164 11.7 Kansns City 163.752 17.4 I,o Angeles 102,479 18.1 Louisville, Ky 204.731 20. Milwaukee 285,315 16.9 Naahvllle 80.865 25.8 New Orlenns 287.104 25.3 Richmond, Va. 85.050 29.7 8an Francisco 342.782 20.1 Seattle 80.671 Ill Toledo 131,832 16. OMAHA 102,655 9.4 Local health reports show that this happy condition Jtas been Improved within the last few years and that the death rate. In spite of the largely Increased population, is now lean than It was in 1900. Omaha's advantaRes from a health standpoint aro shared by the state of Nebraska, as shown by these census figures, giving the population of different states with the number of deaths therein for the year ending with May 31, 1900: No. of Ptate Population Heaths Nebraska 1.066.300 8.264 Alabama 1.828,697 25.699 Arkansas ...1.81 1,664 22.618 California 1.485,053 22.508 Colorado 539,700 7,428 Connecticut 908,420 15,422 Illinois '. 4,821.550 61.299 Indiana 2,516,466 33,586 Kansas 1,470.495 16.261 Kentucky 2.147.174 27.091 Massachusetts v 2,805,846 49,G6 These Illustrations show the difference. Massachu setts, for Instance, with a population Just about double that of Nebraska had six times as many deaths in 1900. Ken-' tucky, with twice, Nebraska's population, had over three times as many deaths. Kansas, with population slightly in excess of that of Nebraska, had twice as many deaths. Illinois, with four times the population of Nebraska, had over seven times as many deaths. Indiana, with a popula tion twice as large as that of Nebraska, had four times as many deaths. The argument Is convincing to those who consider life worth living. . Locate in OMAHA. k4,161.... 810,82..,. 362.K87'. . . . 286,704...-, 608. 057.... US, 869.... 80,872. . . . 79,860.,.. 248,070.... 105.171.... 176,897.,.. 112,608.... 278,718.... .IS 8 .20.1 .14.8 .17.1 .21. .18.1 .28.1 .19.4 .19.8 .19. .19.0 .16. .22.8 PLUMBING SANITARY PLUMBING T. F. DALFE PLTTMBnrO, MOT WATBB AJTO ' STEAM HEATIBO Oas and. Slectrlo Plxture Bepalr Work a Specialty TaL Done. 743. . 1607 Howard St. CLEANING AND PLEATING Pleatlng-AII Kinds ....DYEIfta AND CLEANING.... RUCHING9," BUTTONS. ETC. Eend for price list and samples iDiAL PLEATIrtG CO. 801 Douglas Block, Omaha, B.fe. "CORNICE WORKS. Coraioe Est. 1B&9. Steal Celling. B. K. OABTEB SHEET MET AX, WOBKS Plnlals, Mttal Hoofing, Tanks, Sky. lights. Sheet MetaL plr. Proof Win dows. Large stock of Metal Csiling 1718-20-22-24- bt. Marys Avenue Tel. Doug. 112. Omaha. ELECTRIC. SIGNS EB US POB ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TEL. DOUOLAS 1062. FIXTURES. ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Fixtures Wholesale and Retail EIRtESS-CBAVDLV CO. Ttd. Bea. Ill til 8. Uta St. GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal range Just to heat water when a Gas Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath in a few minutes. We sell them; OMAHA CAS CO. KTFEI. F.Nrj" VIG, PRINTING. ETC KOTERA . COMPANY Steel and Copper Plate En g raving . Embossing end Printing UOt Jackson SL, OauJuu Nek. ENGRAVING HALF-TONE & ZINC ETC HF IIS 12 N Gil i ING v ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER Wholesalt aa Retail Dralrr la FEED FOR ANIMALS T.L Douglas 1142 801-3. 5-7-9-lt N. lo h St., Omaha rEn rou VMMAIS M. ROSENBLATT Wholasalo Hay, Bran, Oata, Pood BE8T ORADE3 OP COAL Offtes, Coal Yard and Oralm Iterator Tel. 1412. 1 223 Nicholas SL WHOLESALE SHOES Hayward Bros. Shoe Co.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAR HAS PBOVSH BEST BY TEST. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MOVING' AN'U STORAGE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Moves, Packs and Stores Household Goods. Phons Donglaa 1SS9 1607 Parana jf Lynch DfM( Jr 1 us JL r RESORT BUSINESS BROKERS. Do you want to sell or buy any business W. do th. work quick. Also exchange your store for land, or land for business. We handle Terms, City Beal Estate, Bentala, Loans and Insurance. Let us have your patronage. BTX.DBETK 81 X.OWMAJT, 810 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. DESIGNERS. Lei us DRAW you a DRAWING that Will DRAW you trade. K. O. BUNHEIL It CO Commercial Artists 322 N. Y Life Douglas 6148 BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders WW Build Your Horns for Yon and Let Yon Pay for It Z.lks Bant 81-36 V. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDO, Phons. Dong. 4803 WH6LESALE AND RETAIL PAINT. Wa are sols agents for Lows Bros. High Standard Paints and S. -ft K. Jap-A-Lao, P. ft S. Bukota and a complet. Una of Tarnish Call or write for color card. My era -T 111 on Drug Oo. SlCObl PAINT! 18th and Parnam. 1416 Harnsy. SIGN PAINTING. S. D. COIE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Every D.sorlptlon 1808 Douglas St. TaL Doug. 0818 FURNACES. ftmerioan Furnace : BTIXT LIKE A BOILEB CLEAN, DtTBABLB, EOOBOMZOAX W. S. HEAION Seat-tat UM Faraaa 84. These Deae. rJl COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. OF OMAHA 15th and Harney PRINTING. Good Printing No 1ob too small. No Job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Parnam Sta. PRINTING. PRINTING. "Have Root Print If 1210-1212 Howard Si Omaha. Nebraska. Telephone Doiigiaa 1604 IMtlNTINt;. Creo. . SneU Albert Blnunar KNELL PUINTINa CO. PABTICULAB PBINTEBS 810 Sonth lath St., Omaha, Beb. Telephone Doug-las 87S4 OOLOB WOBK -- -I- EMBOSSXHO PRINTING. ImitatltiQ Typewrtttfn LtLrti. Praotloal Printing, Bo Job Too Largo or Too Small. WOBK BJOKT PBIOBS BIGHT . a-nchui; riuusjjiNG oo. ' SOe a,v. ,.u ac. T.l. Koug. 89S9 PRINTING. CONTINENTAL PBINT SHOP ATT WflRTT' Good as the Best Get our estimates and save money. Telephone Donglaa 4503. Boom 81 U. S. Nat l Bank Building, OMAHA, I I I BEJtUASXA. PRINTING. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB THS SBST BOOSTBBS pob yovb Busmead WB MAKB TBB PBAPEOT KIND MANGUM (SI CO. TwLrphoma 1MI 108 So. lath St. isjlLl-oa "S J oe urenta "JItJI fl liMli;W..liMEI3 ra leO Parnam St. Tel. Dong. 8867 Skimer Q Chevse Co. BBAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS, BENTAXS, INSUBANOB BVTXDBBS OP MODEBH HOUSES Omaha, Nebraska. REAL ESTATE, J. H. DUMONT. J. B. DUMONT. J. H. DUMONT & SON BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, BONDS RENTALS, LOANS, PIKE INSUBABCE 1608 PABNAM STBEET, T.L Donglas 690. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. Payne Investment Co. CITY BEAT. ESTATE, LOANS AHS BENTAXS, LANDS AND BANCHES "Th. "Alfalfa Land Man" Main Floor, N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha HEAL ESTATE. ALFRED C. KENNEDY HJBAXi ESTATE, LOANS, XNSUBAHOB, BENTAXS 808 Pint national Bank Building, VoL Sonf. 782, OMAHA, NEB. REAL ESTATE. $2850 WILL BUY. 8-room modern honss and barn and full sast front lot, Hansoom Park. Annual rental 6360. VEBY CHEAP. JOHN W. BOBBINS 1S0S Parnam Tel. Douf. BtS REAL FSTATE. D. V. SU0LES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOABD OP TBADB , T.L Douglas 49. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. Louis Bsrka Chaa. Stslger DERKA ft CO. BEAL ESTATE City Property, Parm Lands, Loans, Investments and Pir. Insnranoo Office: 928 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1 el. uougiaa 7487. REAL ESTATE. CALL POB OUB PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS $1,000 to $1,800 Each i Harrison 6fc Morton 818 H. T. Llf. T.L Dong. 814 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS $3,000,000 TO LOAH on Improved city property. If desired loans can bs closed without delay. W. H. THOMAS, 503 PIBST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET 813 How York Llf. Building Builder of High Class Residenoes S.v.ral How Beady at 33rd and Karaay (.Farnam Hill Uistrict) In Them Today REAL ESTATE. GEORGE CO. Roal Estate Abstraots of Title Investment Seouiitles 1601 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. ' Main Ploor, H. Y. Llf Bldg., MORI GAGE I0WS. REAL t STATE, RENTALS, I!VSIRACE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN DROS. Bay and sell BXAI, ESTATE. Collect Bents. Bent Property. Loan Money oa Beat Batata. 1804 PABNAM ST. REAL ESTATE. BIRKETT & TEBBENS REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANCE, RENTALS Heo IlhW. 'I'hon. Doug. 47Cp4. It I I. ESTATE. Globe Land aad Investment Co. Bstata and Perm and Banch Lands Por Sals or Trad. '308 So, 18th Bt Tsl. Doug-, ewa HEAL ESTATE. G-Room House Bath, Gas Grate aad a Corner, tl,800 Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1823 PABNAM. Tel. Dour. 419 HEAL ESTATE. 3124 Miami St.. $1,400 B-BOOM COTTAOE: CITY Willi; OUTBUILDING! PULL LOT MoCAOUB INVESTMENT CO., 1608 Dodgo Btre.t Omaha, B.b. REAL ESTATE. CHOICE LOT South and East corner front, paved treat and walk all paid fur, 1 block to car Hue. Only J. W. RASP CO., 438 Pastoa Block. Donglaa 1883. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking dlatnnce, on enr line, rents at $35.00 COrT-l per month, for wHuW National Investment Co. Phons Donglaa 8891. Donglas Block. REAL ESTATE! HOME BUILDER All work flrat-clHus. will draft your plans without extra expense, let us show you some of our buildings now under construction. C. P. TRAVER, ;"? - ' last Parnam St. REAL ESTATE. $600 DRUG STOCK In Eastern Nebraska, doing rood business. Owner getting old and wants to retire. Win sell or ex change for good lnnd. - W. S. PRANK Phono Dong. 3600 381 N.vill. Blk. REAL ESTATE. AO ACRES 4 of a mile west of Klmwood park, &ently rolling land, evsry foot can cultivated; fine spring. Fine for a country home, dairy farm or garden land. O'KEEPB BBAL ESTATE CO, 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha. REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne, S. p. Bostwick. E. M. Slator PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft COMPANY HEAL ESTATE, BENTALS CITT LOANS, INSUBANCB Main Ploor H. Y. Life Bldg-. Telephone Douglas 1011. REAL ESTATE. 110. IlL tlf M.olhly r.ymoila. 1. 175. tlOOC... Are ths terms on which we sell lots, hounea, homes and properties of all kinds. Only ( per cent Interest. Start paying for a home today and waste no more raying rent. aaatU 8 MrKHrlrk Ce., 4J1-M lamee BI4. REAL ESTATE. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate. Rentals and Fire Insurance 1890 PABNAM ST. OMAHA- REAL ESTATE. Investments. R.ea.1 Estate, Rentals, Mortiago Loans INjVRANCC M. J. KENNARO tQ. CO. 309-310 Brown Block. REAL ESTATE. , Beal Estate Insurance Abstract of Titles Loans Bentala The Byron Reed Company 818 South 14th Street Phono S97 OMAHA, HEB. REAL ESTATE. BENSON m. MYERS 318 M. Y. Life Bid.. ONAH A Special attention given to prop erty for out-of-town clients. REAL ESTATE. , THOMAS BRENNAN First Floor Now York 1.1 ie Bldg. Makes a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has ex clusive agency of every piece of prop erty on his books. leans Messy st 1st Uwest Csrreat 1st. el Interest REAL ESTATE. BENSON H CARMICHAEL Real Estate, Care of Properties, Insurance, Loans ' 849 PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 South Sixteenth Street. HEAL ESTATE. If you want to buy or aell improved city property: im proved farm property: unim proved land, see It Cm Fit Yea Sat! ABSTR IPTOBA S. M. SADLER & S0. Abstractor end Title Kxamlner No Ueatloa 08 Seats. 18tb St. ABSTRACT OK TITLES. NEALE & NORTON ABSTRACTS OP TITLE Twenty Years Experience In Omaha. 918 South Seventeenth Beo Building. .. S ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Ga. Incorporate 1 Ifsi Abstracts of title, Title Insurance 1714 Parnam St. Tel Dong. B39 ABSTR ICTOni. s EED ABSTRACT CO. Oldest Ab.traol Cffio In Nebra.ka. 171$ Faroaoi Street, Onaha, Nek. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. 4