Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1907, Image 1

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    he . Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 'XXX i 0. 131.
Declaration of Nebraskan ' t r
Meets With Much Opposi '
Present Conditions Induce Them to
Shun Bryan'i Eadicalism.
Missouri Males Being Purchased for
British Army in India.
Army Already Haa the Harness, a
tha Aalmala Hut Be of the Di
mension to Fit the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Nov. 17.-Speclal.) The
supporter of Mr. Bryan were not sur
prised at the open declaration on the part
of the "peerless loader" that he waa ready,
nay willing and anxlout the party'!
leader In HO. There are those, however,
here In Washington, aouthern democratic
politician and members of congress from
demoeratlo constituencies, who frankly
doubt the wisdom of nominating; Bryan In
next year'a convention. They aee In the
present financial condition a eerlouaneaa
which cannot be poohpoohed away. Wash
ington lias not felt the tightening of the
money market to the extent that the great
money centers have, but It now commences
to feel the sensitiveness which prevalla In
New York. Philadelphia, Boston, Pittsburg
and Chicago, and Instead of letting money
freely circulate those who have It are going
to keep It as long as possible. Politicians
have begun to take an account of stock
and the democrats who are opposed to Mr.
Bryan have begun seriously to cast about
for a leader whose name alone. will go far
toward a restoration of financial confi
dence. ' Whether that man Is Chandler,
or Gray, or Johnson they do not pretend
to say, but the leaders In New York state
announce flat-footedly that the delegates
to the national convention from the Era
ptre atatn must go unlnstructed.' They
must go to the democratic convention pre
pared to do what la best for the Interests
of the whole country from a demoeratlo
point of view, and not In the Interest of
any one section or any one set of men.
Willis Abbott, not unknown to the readers
of newspapers and magazines. Is In charge
of Mr. "Bryan's literary bureau In tho east
Richard I Metcalfe, the associate editor
of Mr. Bryan's Commoner being looked
upon aa the representative of the Nebraska
atatesman In the west. Mr. Abbott can
aee only one outeomo in the democratic con
vention of next year the nomination of
Ml chief and Ms triumphant election. He
argues that the platform upon which Mr.
Bryan will atand will be one that both
; tha millionaire and the worklngman can
mutually support. Mr. Abbott, who is In
' charge; of -fie' dinner to te given Mr.
Bryan on the evening of November 84, has
begun eliminating from the lint of guests
those who are open In opposition to the
"peerless leaderV and Is Inviting only those
who are his known supporters. The
speeches will be made by Bryan's friends
and everything will be done with an eye
single to boosting Mr. Bryan's game.
Test of Homes anil Mules.
The presence In Washington this week of
Homer Davenport, the" well known car
toonist, has revived Interest in the en
durance test which la to be made by the
army of Mr. Davenport's Arabian horses,
these horses starting from California and
ending the contest at the very door of
the White House. Mr. Davenport has been
a raiser of Arabian horseflesh for many
years, owning at the preaent time twenty-eight
thoroughbreds whom tie expects
l will show the world that there is no ani
mal used for domestic purposes that can
andur as much hardship and travel far
ther In a day than the Arabian steed.
While Mr. Davenport waa talking horses
to the quartermaster general a Kanras
City man, Robert L. McDonald, who is
lntersted In the horse and mule market
Was talking about the latter to a group
of friends In the offices of the general
staff In tho war building.
"Three hundred mules with empire
walsta and chest measurements of sUty
one Inches are preparing for a tour of
India," said Mr. McDonald.
"A British officer," continued Mr. Mc
Ihinald, "has been in Kansas picking
ip these mules. 'The party will sail In
1 n'f mtif r, and this will be a chance for
those rovers who turn up when the Brit
ish want muleteers to get a ride in a
trunsuort to Calcutta. This Is as far aa
tiie mules will be taken by the mule
teers, but they themselves are to go up
the Himalaya mountains. India, being a
fearfully hot place, la shunned by the
aristocratic officers of the army there.
The poor subaltern spends his leave of
abrcnee on the coast, where It Is cheap.
The real swell vgoes to the Himalayas.
There is whore the Missouri mules are
toint;. Their baggage will consist of.
machine guns und ammunition. They wll
ttavel In parties. Jtme carrying a small
innnnn, another a pair of wheels fur It,
another the carriage and the balance
will cany Die ammunition. Il is not for
the lool-.s r.( thing that the British now
demand ii inUle with a sixty-tine dust
measurement, but because the Uritlshi r
never overlooks a bet. lie sets out to
fairy bis mountain guns on Missouri mules
mil he found, Mftcr his experience with
ens .f thousands of them during the
lioer war, that the best mule for Tommy
Atkins' job is a short coupled mule from
Ifieen to lift.- n and one-half hands high
i.ul s':xty-ono Inches around the girth.
The "Empire Waist," above referred
neans that the mule must be short
oupled not too much space between his
lips and bis shoulder, for Ibis Is the
deal animal for weight carrying and is
he sort of a beast that the British mule
)aekor. wlu by the way is an expert In
is lino, looks for In the animal which his
miradea mu?t depend upon to cany his
ammunition, provender and commissary
supplies over the rough country in which
he s-ves.
Proper slxe In a mule is what the Brit
ish buyr- levks for more than anything
vise, for the reason that animala are
bought to fit tho harness and not to At
the animal In IJie Britiah army.
FteoraaaUatUka of t.
When congress meets it is x peeled that
tsecielary Melcalf will uige the necessity
of the reorganisation of the Navy depart
ment so as to provide for one reapormlhld
head to supervise the const ruction of all
vessels for the navy. Aa things are now
(Continued on Second Page.)
Many Prominent People Promise to
Attend Meeting In Wash
ington. CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 17.-Secretary
Ellison of the National Blvers and Harbors
congress Is In dally receipt of letters from
members of the senate and the house, from
governors of states and from representa
tives of commercial and Industrial organ
isations accepting Invitations to attend the
meeting of the congress to be held at the
New Wlllard In Washington, D. C, on
December 4, 6 and , and the assurances
of a thoroughly representative assemblage
are most gratifying. I
The list of acceptances Includes the
nsmes of Ambassador Sternberg of Ger
many. Ambassador Jusserand of France,
Governors Dlneen of Illinois, Wsrfleld of
Marylund, Smith of Georgia, Congressman
Dalzell of Pennsylvania, Chairman Knapp
of the Interstate Commerce commission,
President Hill of the Northern Pacific and
President Flnley of the Southern railway,
together with others equally enthusiastic.
A letter of regret come from Gen
eral Manager Stone of the Associated
Press stating that 111 health alone pre
vented his acceptance of an Invitation to
address the congress.
George W. Ean Will Practice la
Booth Dakota If Not
PIERRE. 8. D.. Nov. 17.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The supreme court. In Its order ad
mitting George W. Egan to practice in the
courts of the state, leaves the way open
for future disbarment proceedings under
certain conditions.
The order Is: "It Is ordered that George
W. Egan, upon his taking and filing tho
required oath, be admitted and licensed to
practice as an attorney and counsellor at
law In all the courts of this state, pro
vided, however, that this order shall not
prevent displacement proceedings, based
upon the conduct of said George W. Egiin
concerning the transfer of certain prop
erty to him by one Julia Ann O'Graay,
mentioned In the objections to his admis
sion if It shall be hereafter finally deter
mined by a court of competent Jurisdic
tion that such transfers should be can
celled on the ground of fraudulent pro
curement." Endeavorera Hold Rally.
HURON, 8. D.. Nov. IT. (Special.)
A three-days' Christian Endeavor rally
closed last evening with an address by
Rev. P. E. Clark, the originator and
founder of the Christian Endeavor organ
ization. The attendance at each session
waa very large, delegates and visitors
being present, from various parte of the
state. The addresses and discussions
were Intensely Interesting and much good
will result from the deliberations of the
convention. Among i the speakers were
Dr. .Clark, General Secretary William
Shaw. Rev. C. H. Cruve of Miller, Rev.
Hugh Robinson of Brookings, Rev. A. H.
Seymour of Desmet. Rev. ' Frank B. Ste
vens of Yankton, Mrs. C. II. Bruce of
Aberdeen, Rev. 8. J. Beach of Redfleld,
also Dr. W. H. Thrall, Rev. J. P. Ander
son and Rev. F. W. Long of this city.
After much deliberation a state organiza
tion was effected to take the place of the
one practically abandoned some years
since, and quite a sum of money was
pledged to defray the expenses of tho or
ganization and to carry on the work. Fol
lowing la a list of the officers:
President, Rev. J. P. Anderson, Huron;
vice presidents and supervisors of districts,
southern, Rev. T. J. Woodcock. Elk Point;
central, Scott Blodgett, Arlington; north
ern. Rev. G. L. W. Kllbon. Aahton; Black
Hills. Rev. H. R. Upton. Rapid City; sec
retary, A. H. Seymour, Desmet; treasurer,
J. H. Hubbard, Castlewood; superin
tendents of departments. Christian citizen
ship. Rev. W. H. Thrall, D. D., of Huron;
missionary extenalon and Tenth legion.
Rev. F. W. Long, Huron; quiet hour. Rev.
C. H. Grube, Miller; transportation. Rev.
8. J. Beach, Redfleld; Junior work, Mrs.
Z. H. Smith, Desmet.
- The constitution heretofore used was
adopted and plans for aggressive work
were outlined. Redfleld's Invitation to hold
tho next atate Christian Endeavor conven
tion In that city was accepted and the ex
ecutive committee was instructed to tlx
the dates and arrange the program.
Soath Dakota lorn Show.
MITCHELL, 8. D.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
The last big event of the year to be held
In South Dakota Is the State Corn show,
scheduled to be held In Mitchell the latter
part of December. The first corn show
waa held a year ago, and at that time
the plana were not so well formulated as
they will be on the occasion of the second
exhibition. The corn show tins made bet
ter producers of corn this season and the
test came in raising corn under adverse
conditions, when the seed selected had to
be first-class to produce the crop. I'p to
the present time the right value of pure
seed has not been given the credit It Is
entitled to by the farmera of the state,
but the lecturers at the corn show this
year will Impress this fact more than ever
through their discussions and through the
examples of successful corn raising that
will be displayed. It Is the Intention to
offer good prises on tho lines of competi
tion und draw out as large an exhibit as
possible. A large number of counties in
tlie state will send exhibits to the corn
show and the counties alrtng the Missouri
river arc taking up the Idea of being rep-
' resented with corn samples. The corn In
I dually Is Just growing out that way and
they feel that they can be placed in the
winning class against the older counties
In the '.entral and southern portions.
l'reas Association Orgaaiaed.
EMERSON. Neb.. Nov. K.-(? pedal.)
The publishers of this corner of the state
met here yesterday and organised the
Northeust Nebraska Prora association. J.
E. Ott of the Lyons Sun was chosen pres
ident ; C. E. Jones of the Ponca Journal,
vice president; 8. E. Cobb of the Emerson
Enterprise, secretary and treasurer. The
territory of the association comprises
Dixon. Dakota, Thurston, Burt, Cuming.
Wayne, Cedar and Knox counties. An
other meeting will be held eurly In Janu
ary next, when it ia ex pooled every pub
lisher in the district will attend.
rort Arrld. Sailed.
MEW YORK ....La lrii ....Koni Louln.
Prail'-aa.-a Mttmrt.mka.
raid Uimania.
t aroma . Pixulaut Craal.
VOHK ...
VllKK ...
Yiik-K ...
Yl'nA ...
! VKK ...
fllKRHlH HU ..
. I'LtS
avra tap ...
HulTtKliiUI ..
ljucsnta ..
Nlun-hr .
St. Loia
. KuinlJIuu
SlavoDla .
.. Mauretaula.
K. A. Yi.iarla.
La Sato!.
I aW-duil.
New Y.1.
U Kn.Ctlist
.. Marina.
K roon Uad
KttnUia ...
President Invites Them to Meet Him
for a Conference.
Most Important Snbjeet, In the Opin
ion of the President, Which
Confronts the Present
WASHINGTON. Nov. 17. - President
Roosevelt has Invited the governors of the
states and territories to meet him at tho
White House May It, 14 and 15, next, to
discuss the question of means to con
serve the natural resources! of the coun
try. Invitations are to ee extended to
the members of both houses of congress
and to the Inland Waterways commission.
The Importance and manner In which the
subject la to be considered are Indicated
In the president's letter to the governors,
which was made publlo at the White House
today. The letter follows:
The natural resources of the territory
of the I'nlted States were, at the time
of settlement, richer, more varied and
more available than those of any other
equal area on the surface of the earth.
The development of these resources has
given us for more than a century a rate
of Increase of population and, wealth un
dreamed of by the men who founded our
fovernment and without parallel In history,
t Is obvious that the prosperity which
we now enjoy rests directly upon these
resources. It Is equally obvious thst the
vigor and success which we desire and fore
see for this nation In the future must
have this as Its ultimate material basis.
In view of these evident facts, It seems
to me time for the country to take ac
count of Its natural resources and to In
quire how long they are likely to last. We
are prosperous now; we should not forget
that it will be Just as Important to our
descendants to be 'prosperous In their
times as It la for us to be prosperous In
our time. Recently I expressed the opin
ion that there Is no other question now
before the nation of equal gravity with
the question of the conservation of our
natural resources, and I added, that It Is
the plain duty of those of us who for the
moment are responsible to make Inventory
of the natural resources which have been
handed down to us. to forecast as well
aa we may the needs of the future and
so to handle the great sources of our
prosperity as not to destroy In advance
all hope of the prosperity of our de
scendants. Resources Being" Depleted.
It Is evident that the abundant natural
resources on which the welfare of this na
tion rests, are becoming depleted, and in
not a few cases, are already exhausted.
This is true of all portions of the I'nlted
States, It Is especially true of the longer
settled communities of the east. The
situation, I believe, must appeal with equal
force to tho governors of the states, be
cause of their close relations to the people
and their responsibility for the welfare
of their communitlea. I have therefore de
cided. In accordance with the auggeatlon of
the Inland Waterways commission to ask
the governors of the statea and territories
to meet at the White House on May 43,
14 and IS to confer with the president and
with each other upon the conservation of
natural resources.
It gives me great pleasure to Invite you
to take part In this conference. I should
be glad to have you select three citizens
to accompany, you and to attend the con
ference aa your assistants or advisers. I
shall also Invite the senators and repre
sentative of the Sixtieth congress to be
present at the sessions, so far as their
duties will permit. The matters to he
considered at thla conference are not con
fined to any region .or group of states, but
are of vital concern to the nation aa a
whole and to all tho people. These sub
jects Include the use and conservation of
the mineral resources; the resources of the
land and the resources of the. waters In
every part .of our territory. -
In order to open discussion I shall In
vite a few recognized authorities to pre
sent brief descriptions of actual facts and
conditions, without argument, leaving the
conference to deal with each topic as it
may elect.' The members of the Inland
Waterways commission will be present.
In order to share with me the benefit or
Information and suggestions, and If desired,
to set forth their provisional plana and
Facts, which I cannot gainsay, force
me to believe that the conservation of our
natural resources Is the most weighty
question now before the people of the
I'nlted Stutes. If this Is so the proposed
conference, which Is the first of Its kind
will be among the most Important gather
ings In our history In Its efTect upon the
welfare of all our people.
I earnestly hope, my dear governor, that
you will find It possible to be present.
Sincerely yours,
Washington Now Haa One of Flneat
Terminals v In the
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-A complete
transformation In the railroad terminal
facilities at Washington was effected to
day when the old Baltimore & Potomac
(Penn.) railroad depot was abandonded
and every railroad entering . Washington
shifted Its trains to the new union Sta
tion. The' new station, which Is one of
the largest and handsomest In the world,
with Its lofty arched entrances. Its mas
sive concourse,. Its Immense train shed
and great trackage system, was formally
opened several weeks ago, when the Bal
timore & Ohio railroad began its use.
In the later sixties, the Baltimore &
Potomac (now a part of the Pennsylvania
system) established a depot In southeast
Washington, later changing the location
to an unimproved public park at Sixth
and B streets, northwest, half a block
south of Pennsylvania avenue. This Is
the building abandoned today. There It
was '.hat President Garfield was shot In
1SK1 and the starred stone that marked
the spot where he fell In the waiting room
was recently appropriated by a vandal.
Lawmakers of New Ntate to Convene
the First Week In
GUTHRIE. Ok.. Nov. 17. Governor
Charles N. Haskell last night lssuel a cull
for the legislature of the new stHte to
meet on December 2. The place where the
session ' will be called Is left open. This
gives reasons for fear here that the legis
lature might be called to meet at some
other place than Guthrie, If tho city does
not offer a place for the legislature to
meet at a figure to suit the governor and
the legislators. Shawnee has offered
quarters for the state officers and a place
for the legislature to meet free of charge.
The Oklahoma legislature is composed of
l'X representatives and forty-four sena
tors. The republicans have only seven
teen members of the house and five mem
bers of th seiiat.
Governor Haskell does not outline any
proposed legislation in the call.
Nchraakaa to Deliver aa Addreaa Be.
for a riah of Ilooaler
LAFAYETTE. Ind . Nov. 17 -Willlam
Jennings Bryan arrived here today and
addressed two big audiences this afternoot
and tonight on religious subjects.
Democrats from all over the state mill
gather here tomorrow to attend the Jack
son club banquet at which Mr. Bryan ex
pects to say something regarding his vie
bf what tho next democratic vlaUorm
should contain.
So Two of the Four Pnrtlea of ?uie
Mind a to a Date for the
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Coincident
with the receipt of news from Havana of
the complcloitl of the Cuban census, hns
iirlsen a demand from many sources that a
time be fixed at once for the holding of
municipal and rations! elections In the
Island. Officials of the War ami State de
partments agree thnt the problem Is not
solved by the termination of the census
enumeration and the tabulation of the re
turns to form electoral registration lists.
The provlslonnl government Is greatly dis
turbed over trie recommendation It must
make concerning the time of holding the
elections and h appears It cannot expect
aid from the various political parties. In
asmuch as the leaders hold as widely vary
ing views as at the time the census was
The taking of the census In Cuba by
American methods Is recognised on every
side as a great and needed work, but in
the present Instance there Is no disguising
the fact that H was used as a means of
legitimately delaying the time when the
I'nlted States again must surrender the
reins of government to the Cubans. It
was hoped that by the time the enumeration
had been completed an agreement could be
reached by tha political leaders as to the
time of holding the elections and that the
I'nlted States would be spared the neces
sity of incurring the enmity of any of
the parties. It had been hoped, too, that
time would have healed much of the sore
ness engendered by the revolution against
the government and that all parties
would become Imbued with a desire to hold
a peaceable and fair election. While these
hopes have not been fulfilled, It la true
that the United States now occupies a
move favorable position In the matter tpan
It did a year ago.
At the present time, there are four
nolltlcnl parties In Cuba. Two of these are
factions of th liberal party and are of
about equal strength, though the faction
headed by Joae Miguel Oom claims to
control the political situation and Is de
manding that the municipal and national
elections be held simultaneously, not later
than February next. Jose Miguel ia popu
lar with the masses and espoclally with a
large part of those who participated in
the revolution against Palma. He was a
leader of the liberal party, and was the
candidate against Pima.
The other wing of the liberie Is dominated
by Alfredo Zayaa, president of the liberal
arty, and of the revolutionary committee.
Rver since the resignation of President
Talma, Znyaa ' has been a candidate for
the presidency and It was the rival ambi
tions of Jose Miguel and Zayas that
caused the split of the liberal party. The
recognised leader of the Independent
party Is General Mario Menocal, manager
of the Chaparra sugar estate, said to be
the largest In the world. The party has
not united on a candidate, but those most
prominently spoken of are General Meno
eal and Manual Sangullly of Matansas and
Senor Quesado, the Cuban minister to the
United States.
The fourth party is composed mainly of
the old moderates or Palma party. It In
cludes many prominent and able Cubans,
but , as yet none has been brought for
ward aa a candidate.
All except the Joae Miguel Gomes party
are now willing t,o have the elections fixed
or a year hen j .Ht wre opposed to an
loetlon In February nexe. In other words,
three of the parties prefer that the Ameri
cans shall continue the provisional govern
ment than take chances on the election of
Tnse Miguel Gomez. If conditions should
change, a new alignment might be looked
'or, as the present arrangement Is second
"holce with the leaders of each of the
Secretary of War on Final St aee of
Ilia Visit to the
VLADIVOSTOK. Nov. 17,-Secretry Taft
arrived here at noon today on board the
converted cruiser. Rainbow.
The Rainbow was convoyed by the cruis
ers Chattanooga and Galveston. When
he American vessels entered the Golden
Horn they were met by the Russian gun
beat detailed to escort them up the harhoV.
Salutes were exchanged with the land
batteries. As the Rainbow steamed In ,
mere louiu i'o Brni iiie witrcn. ii in jua
an torpedo boat destroyer which was
runk during the recent naval mutiny.
The Rainbow anchored off shore, guarded
by the Chattanooga and the Galveston.
The secretsry and hla party will remain
on board their steamer until their depar
ture from Vladivostok over the trans
S'herian railroad for St. Petersburg at 7
o'clock on the morning of November 19.
An Imperial ear has been placed at Mr.
Taffs disposal for this Journey and the
en-Deror of Russia has detailed military
and naval aides to accompany him.
General Puluga, the commandant of this
"ort. and other naval, military nd civil
omclls called upon Mr. Taft this' after
noon. It Is prohahle that from St. Peters
burg Mr. Taft will Journey direct to Ham
burg and sail for New York on December
7 on board the steamer President Grant.
The arrival here f the Rainbow was de
luyed half a day by a severe northerly
rale, which wus encountered the 15th.
The heavy teas caused considerable dis
comfort and on the night of the loth
the accid-ntul sounding of the collision
signul created some alarm on board. Mr.
Tuft wus the guest of the wardroom mess
of the Rainbow at dinner the night of tl
lf.Ui. The secretary made a brief address
In which l.e thanked the oflllcers for their ! becoming general Hero thitt the aviUl
critertalnment. A minlstrel show was given I "bio stock of Europe is exhausted unless
In his honor at which the members of the
crew were preaent.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 17.-Mont-goinery
Schuyler, Jr., secretary of the
American embassy here and now acting
as charge d'affaires, received a telegram i
todny from Secretary Taft at Vladivostok j
saylni; that he would start eastward over
the Trans-Siberian railroad the morning
of November .'J. Mr. Tuft hopes to reach
St. Petersburg at noon of December 3,
an,l he says he iniiHt leave here not later
1 1 an Llecemlir 5.
Mr. Rehuvler Is In conference with M.
iswoiHKy. inn itussian minister or foreign
afTaiiJ. ami General Buron Fredericks,
mli.lttei of t lo Imperial house, regarding
the date of Secretary Taft's audience of
the emperor. This probably will be on
tie 4th. t
BERLIN, Nov. 17. Secretary Taft has
definitely and Mnally derided not to visit
Emperor William, lie sent a telegram to
Charlemagne Tower, the American am
hasvudor to Germany, two days ago, ex
pressing his regret that he would not be
able to see the emperor in England. To
this Mr. Tower replied by a message In
which he pointed out certain considerations
which might lead Secretary Taft to change
his plans. A second telegram has now
been received from the Secretsry In, which
he reaffirms that he la obliged to proceed J Maui etantu. o nits maiden voyaga to tin
directly to America and requesting Mr. I I'nlted Statea. waa 3i7 miles west of Fast-
Tower to transmit to his majesty his very
deep regret.
Mr. Taft will take a at Hamburg
early In DecemUor.
Statehouse Full of Men Willing to
Run for Office.
No Room for Ontaldera If Ambitions In
Statehonse Are "inpplled, the
Places Even Being; Insnfll
rlent for Then.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 17. (Special.) Around
the state house political bees have already
bfgun to hum and the tune la state poll
tics rather than national. The state house
Itself will furnish enough candidates to
take all the available places on the ticket
next year, should they be selected, for there
are a number of deputies and clerks who
believe they know how to handle the busi
ness of the state as well as their chiefs.
In the auditor's office there are no less
than three caadldates who would be will
ing to step Into Mr. Searle's shoes. Deputy
Auditor Harry L. Cook Is open and above
board about the matter. He Is a candi
date and expects to submit his name at
the primaries, previous to which time he
Is talking his candidacy to his friends.
John L Pierce of Omaha, Insurance com
missioner, feels that he Is entitled to the
place, and though he has not yet taken
all of his acquaintances Into his confidence
regarding the matter, the least little en
couragement will decide him to run, and
ft will also John Tulleys, county treas
urer examiner, appointed by Mr. Searle.
In the office of the land commissioner,
J. M. Shlveier, the deputy, thinks he haa
the hunch to run and, having served under
Mr. Eaton so long, his friends say he will
have no hard work pursuadlng himself
to get nlto the race. Superintendent Mc
Brlen will be a candidate to succeed him
self for a third term unless he finds out
he doesn't want the Job again. Should
McBrien retain his present opinion this
will shut out Deputy , Bishop, who might
otherwise be a candidate. Governor
Sheldon, Treasurer Brian, Attorney Gen
eral Thompson and Secretary of State
Junkln are all expected to be candidates
to succeed themselves. Incidentally the
earnestness with which politics Is being
discussed around the building one would
Imagine the election was to be held right
off Instead of a year from now.
Fire Company at Statehouse.
During the coming week a Are company
will be organized at the atate house for the
purpose of protecting the building In case
of a spontaneous combustion due to the
excess of hot air which dally permeates
the building. The water pipes have been
connected up and at Intervals on each
floor is a reel of hose for use at any
moment. The statutes makes the land
commissioner responsible for the , building
and its conduct and Mr. Eaton Is anxious
that a company be organized and each
member drilled In rolling the hose oft of
the reel In case of emergency. His idea
now is to organize the young women em
ployes, as they are always at their posts
of duty, while If the men folks are' to
form tha company a majority of them may
be absent from the. building In times of
need. Especially would, this be true when
a foot ball game la on.
No Dlatarbanre la Baaiaeaa.
Merchants of Lincoln say the bank
flurry has In no 'way Injured or Incon-
, venlenced them and neither has It Inter-
ferred with business. The merchants say
they are transacting business just the same
as ever. Ia payment of purchases they
take cash, ohecks, cashiers' checks or any
thing that comes handy. At the cloae of
business, as In the past, they, simply
deposit the entire receipts with their
banks. They Issue checks on the banks
Just the same. . In fact the bank flurry
has cut little Ice down here.
Finding Trouble In Meeting; the Bllla
Drawn for American
;' BERLIN, Nov. 17. The American finan
cial situation was again acutely felt In
the Berlin market during the last week.
An unusual volume of American bllla has
arrlvnd here within the last two dnva.
draw agalnt Bh,pnlents of cotton and
grain, and the fact that the American banks
are demanding London checks In payment
caused, on Saturday, an unprecedented
rise in such checks. London short bills
were also In heavy demand. The Russian
Imperial bank has placed large amounts
of London bills at the disposal of Its bank
ing representatlvea here and these are being
offered freely on the bourse; nevertheless,
London short bills advanced yesterday 5
pfennigs, which Is said to be without pre
cedent. It Is expected that these exporta
tions will lead to a further depletion of
the Relchsbank'a gold for export. The
takings for America are understood to have
been rather lighter In the early part of the
week, but Friday they amounted to $10,
000,01V), and It Is probable that aa equal
sum was taken yesterday.
The Berlin market expects the Bank of
England to advance the rate of discount
ti 8 per cent tomorrow, and this will neces
sitate another advance here. Heavy dis
counting operations are proceeding In an
ticipation of these events. It is believed,
' however, that the Retchsbank would on
i tlnue Its rate at 7V per cent If the Bank
I of Kngland took no action, but the feeling
, the Bunk of Flo no - can be Induced to as-
slut New York,
tl t.i hoped here that the report from New
York that the American government con-
u.mplate, floating $5n.or.,000 worth of Van-
ama bonds la true, for such action Is re-
J garded as likely to relieve the strain on
I the European stock of gold.
The Berlin market looks forward to the
coming week with considerable nervous
Hundred nnd Fifty Million to De
Available for Construction of
tbo C'aual.
WASHINGTON. ..ov. 17.-Secretary Cor
telyou. with the approval of the president,
haa announced an issue of Panama bonds
to the extent of $5o, The treasury
will also Issue Interest-bearing certificates
of Indebtedness, to run for one year, to
the extent, if necessary, of $10u,fi,,. This
action Is the result of the series of night
conferences at the White House, ending
with Saturday night.
Goad Progress by ,Manretaala.
QCEENSTOWN, Nov. 17.-The sleSmor
net at 10 o'clock tonight. As It left Queens
town at 11 o'clock this morning its posl
tlon shows It to have made 265 miles In
eleven houia
Hoard Most Provide quarters for
Comptroller tdded to the
Official Family.
As the newly created ofTice ot county
comptroller will prd quarters the first ol
the year, and as the court house Is already
overcrowded, the Hoard of County Com
mlsslnners has decided It Is necessary to
transfer one department of district court
to another building and to that end. at th
meeting of the commissioners Saturday
afternoon, the committers on court bouse
and Joll was directed to confer with C.
C. Rosewater of The Bee Building com
pany relative to the two-year lease' of
suitable and necessary rooms and private
offices for court purposes on the second
floor of The Bee building, at a yearly rental
hot to exceed tl.Don. The committee Is
given virtual power to act. subject to ap
proval by the board at its regular meeting.
The committee on claims submitted Its
approval of a large number of miscellane
ous claims, including $571. SO for booth rent
for election purposes and $1,072 for pay
ment of Judges and clerks of election. The
bills were approved and ordered paid.
An order was made directing the ex
penditure of $40 to take a feeble minded
patient to the Institute at Beatrice, and $45
for sending a dipsomaniac to the asylum
for Insane at Lincoln for three months
The application of A. B. Anderson for
a liquor license at Forty-fifth and Q streets.
South Omaha, was read and referred.
A resolution prevailed rejecting all bids
for bridges and bridge repairs and direct
ing that the guaranty checks deposited by
the bidders be returned to their proper
The county clerk was ordered to adver
tise for bids for supplies for all county
Institutions In the official county paper one
day each week, the bids to be opened De
cember 11 He was also directed to ad
vertise for bids for furnishing meals for
the prisoners confined In the Douglas
county Jail, for the ensuing year. 'The bids
are to be opened December 18, at 12 m.
Specifications will be found on file in the
office of the county clerk.
Proposals were also ordered advertised
for grading Center street county road.
These bids will be opened at 12 m. De
cember 16.
The application of Justice of tiie Teace
Cockrell that he be furnished a copy of
the Revised Statutes of Nebraska for the
year 1907, as provided by law, was placed
on file.
Commerce Commission Decides Pro
teat of Granite Falls Shippers
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. In an opinion
rendered by Commissioner Lane, the Inter
state Commerce commission yesterday an
nounced Ita decision In the case of the
Morse Produce company against the Mil
waukee Railway company and others and
In the case of McLaughlin Brothers against
the Adams Express company.
In the Morse Produce company case it
appeared that the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway company's rate on butter
and eggs from Granite ' Falls, Minn., to
Chicago, 111., Is E6 cents per 100 pounds,
In car load lota, while from Pipestone,
Minn., to Chicago the rate la 43 cents,
although Granite Falls Is forty-one miles
nearer Chicago. The commission held,
under the facts and circumstances of this
case, that the 56-cent rate ot the Chicago,
Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway company
Is unreasonable and unjust, and should not
exceed 13 cents per loo pounds.
In the McLaughlin Brothers' case, the
Adams Express company charged a rate
per car for the transportation of horses
from New York to Columbus, O., of $200,
from Columbus to Kansas City, Mo., $350;
from Columbus to St. Paul, Minn., $300.
The rate per car from New York to St.
Louis Is $300; from St. Louis to Kansas
City $150; from New York to Chicago $250;
from Chicago to St. Paul $300. Thus the
total charge from New York to Kansas
City, when the shipment is stopped at St.
IxmjIs, Is $460; when stopped at Columbus,
the total charge is $550. Similarly, the
charge from New York Is $400, when tha
shipment Is stopped at Chicago, and $650
when stopped at Columbus. The commis
sion decided, from alt the facta presented,
that the rates west of Columbus are un
reasonable and excessive, and ordered that
the rate from Columbus to Kansaa City
and from St. Paut to 'Columbus shall not
exceed $-f0 per car. .
New neataurant of Terra Cotta and
Stone to Cost About
. '75,000.
Tolf Hanson of the Calumet Coffee house
Is to have a building which will cost
$76,000 for the new restaurant, which Is to
open on Sixteenth street between Farnam
and Harney streets. The plans have been
made by Architect M. J. Sturn of Chicago
and the building Is to be three stories in
height, 44x100 feet. The material will be
pressed brick, stone snd terra cotta.
Mr. Hanson has been undecided Just how
large a building would be erected for the
new restaurant, as he has had a number
of deals under consideration, among others
the leasing of the Her Grand hotel or the
erection of a new hotel and restaurant
building on tho corner of Sixteenth and
Howard, the site of the Her Grand. Had
either of the deals been completed plans
for the new restaurant would have been
Mr. Hanson denied the report from Chi
cago that the contruct for the new build
ing has been let Work has started on the
remodeling of the part of, the old building
which will be Incorporated In the new
one, and Mr.' Hanson la, showing his con
sideration for the public by removing only
half of the sidewalk at a time when plac
ing steel under It. keeping the crowded
street open, as few builders do when mak
ing preparations for a new building.
i I're-.IUe'Bifsi Me.aaae Will Suggest
taat Conareaa Provide
for It.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 17. President
Roosevelt Indicated to Senator McCumlwr
of North Dakota yesterday that his message
to corgresr would contain a recon ni"ii',a'lon
for federal inspection of grain entering
.Into Interstate commerce. Senator Mc
Cumber has a bill providing for the In
spection by the Department of Agriculture,
the expenae thereof to be reimbursed to
the government through a system of fees
which the producer will pay.
Alaskan Town Hard lilt.
FAIRBANKS, Aluska, Nov. 17.-Thc besi
neas district of Cleary City was d-stroyej
by fire Friday night. The only buildings
standing now In the town are the Grand
hotel, the Arctic Brotherhood ball. E. II.
Miller & Co. and Skookum Johnson's The
heaviest loners are the parsomi Mercantile
company and Willis WiKli. Total Ions,
Favor Plan of Subcommksions to Reg
ulate Railroad Bates.
Interstate Commerce Commission
Should Be Perfected.
Shippers Take Expensive Action
Pending Hearing by Commission.
lore Members Needed If the Commis
sion Is to Handle Business
Promptly Which Cornea
Before It.
One year has been sufficient time to ex
periment aa to the number of commission
ers needed to hear and decide rases under
the new Interstate commerce law, with Its
rate regulation provision, and It has been
made plain that If shippers are to secure
speedy hearings, the commission must bo
This Is the opinion of John L. Webster,
attorney for the wholesalers and Jobbers
of Kansas City, St. Joseph and Omaha In
one of the most Important cases ever
brought before the commission, and whloh
will be heard at Kansaa City, November 21.
"The commission must be enlarged to
give the shippers a square deal," said Mr.
Webster. "Usually when complaint la made
ro the Interstate Commerce commlasion
about a railroad rate. It Is a rate whleh
requires Immediate adjustment. But when
the railroads are using a rate of which tho
shipper complains, the carrier continues to
collect the rate until a hearing and ruling
can bo secured by the shipper from tha
commission. If the rate Is declared un
reasonable the shipper hss no way sf se
curing a refund of the excess chargea paid
after the complaint was made. The shipper
Is slwaya at a disadvantage, and a speedy
hearing Is necessary. As It la now. It re
quites about one year to get a case before
the commission."
Not to (fare Present Powers.
Mr. Webster said he would not suggest
that more commissioners be added to tha
seven already appointed, who would have
the same power aa the present members,
but lower commissioners might be ap
pointed and sub-divided Into courts, which
would have regular places for tha filing
and hearing of complaints. Under tho '
tiresent system the shipper must go .to
Washington, send his attorney or mall a
complaint, and It may be anywhere from
one month to one year before he heart
from the complaint If It It mailed.
"This Is another argument for the lower ,
courts of the Interstate Commerce com
mission," said Mr. Webster. "The other
day I received a notice that a aso in
whlch l appear was to be heard la Kansaa
City, "Novembei1 31,' another In Omaha,
November 22, and a third In Chicago, No
vember 25. Tlils Is a bad arrangement,
which had to bo adjusted by correspond
ence with Washington, whereas a court
nearer the scene of action would not have
assigned me to be In three places, practi
cally at the same time."
Mr. Webster believes the "examiner" sys
tem now used by the Interstate Commenca
commission is somewhat of a failure, aa
the taking of evidence by an examiner la
far from satisfactory and amounts to about
the same as taking a deposition In a com
mon law case.
"From the number of complaints being
filed. It will be practically Impossible for
more than one member of the commission
to sit at a hearing," tald the attorney.
"This gets away from the Intention of th
commission of seven, and develops Into a
one-man power arbitrary, which Is not
satisfactory. At least two commissioners
should hear an Important Caae, and we
asked for three at Kaasas City and could
only secure two. It Is fair and Just that
more than one man should hear a case. '
and If an appeal Is necessary from one of
the subdivisions of the commission, tha
case may be carried before the seven com
missioners at Washington."
"Under tho present systeh of the Inter
stoe Commerce commission I can see mora
and more applications for lnjunrtlont such
aa were aked by the northwest lumber
men, pending the taking up of cases by
the commission." said H. O. Krani of tha
Bowman-Kranz Lumber Company, In
speaking of the proposed "Interstate com
merce boards," to hasten the work of th
Interstate Commerce commission proper. .
"I believe the plan outlined by Tho Bea
hits the nail on the head, so to speak. I
have watched closely the workings of tha
commission the last year, and have been
In close touch with some Important com
plaints. As an Instance. I would mention
the western lumber rate complaints. The
railroads proposed to advance the rate on
lumber from Pacific coast points to Omaha
and the Missouri river some 5 or 10 senls
per hundred pounds. The rate Is already
piilgh. but it would be two years before th
commission could go over the case and glvfl
any relief to the. lumber shippers. The
lumbermen saw demoralization of their
business coming under the new tariffs, and
hud recourse, to an Injunction. It wns for
rnnately grunted, and will prevent higher
rales being put Into effect until the com
mission can get tlnw to ukc up the case,
but It gives no relief from the excesMlv
rates already in effect, nud which arn da
moralising tho Pa Hie coast lumber trade.
Injunctions are expensive. I am firmly
convinced that there should be a tribunal
of some kind which will be murer the ship
per and In clostr touch with the conditions
In certain parts of the country, over which
such a tribunal will have jurisdiction m
the matter of railroad rates. The Inter
state Commerce eoiumimion is too far off."
Ex Congressman John L. Kennedy ex
pressed the. opinion that the country should
be divided into district, and boards or
commissions placed In charge of tln divi
sions, which could give shippers s speedy
hearing at home and r'vent the conges
tion which la sure to follow tho continu
ance of the present system, where seven
commissioners must hear the complaints
from all parts of the country.
"Tho Interstate Commerce commission is
now In Just the same position as the sti
prm court was when at Washington,
beforu the courts of appeal were estab
lished," said Mr. K nnedy. At present il.e
rommlsalon has 'lnp.-c torji' w ho tak testi
mony und hold healings In various parts of
the. country, but It would be much umi-v
satisfactory If a l oan! of lline could bear
the testimony of shippers and ra lroads.
and take some action with rugarj to the
cases broutlit before I htm. I'rvbubly thirty
sutKoinnnasloiii ra would sufrke for th en
tire country, and would handle tot busl