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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1907)
HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 17, 1007. I I 1 M 'it- I i t- I i'-' V, h r, i fi ) t e r ii; r. in. 4-fl- f I ( Rev. J. B. McLaughlin j ! : UN It Is I it; Undeniable: UJ r ') r;; :l ' That x I ' ' fc . i ' :? i! : u A Pc-ru-na i ' (f:- : ' .'' Is o :j i-Ji J3b -)Uj Cure For f i i ir- ;! ' 7 Catarrh. ji j ! I. I ; ; i if' II..... . y i Q I ' ; t. w" kt. J. B. McLaughlin. 416 6th St.. N. W Washington, D. C. form erly city attorney of Llttla Rock. Ark., now an attorney residing In Washington, writes: . ''C"UT'1"1 n'P''nt in all IU -various forma it so general, that the pnbllc should be informed of a remedy for the same. It U undeniable that rerun is a cure for that disease. From experience and general knowledge of Its beneficial use I have no hesitation tn rtvin i , earnest endorsement and recommendation." WWM ........ CATARRH soon destroys the elasticity of the mucous membrane, produc ing a flabby condition. This leads to watery secretions, sometimes thickened mucus, ,and constitutes altogether a very disagreeable condition. It makes no difference whetier the catarrh Is confined to the nose, head or throat, or whether It Is located In the lungs, stomach or bowels. The essential condition Is the samo. Anything that tones up the system tends to the relief of the catarrh. Anything that purifies the aystem helps to clear away the poisonous secretions from the body. Peruna, haa a world-wide reputation as a catarrh remedy. We hav many testimonials from sll parts of the country and from all walks of Mfe. attesting to the benefit of Peruna in catarrhal diseases. Mr. Boss Craig, Fork Vale. Tenn., writes: I bad catarrh of the head for two years ed" To VB.d0n,2L'p f ;ured. To my s irpsjse. Peruna cured m. sound and well." AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Pennsylvania Railroad Officials In spect Packing House and Yards. SEWEE WORK MOVES SLOWLY JSrror la Footing; Totals for Justice of Peace Leaves Two a Tie sss Causes Considerable of a Flurry. A large party of officials of the Union Paclnc and Pennsylvania railroads visited the South Omaha packing district yesterday morntng on a general tour of observation. It Is said by the packing house officials that the visit was purely for personal cbservs - tlon and bore no weight In local or flnan- clal affairs. The party was splendidly en- tertalned by Swift and Company, and the members expressed themselves warmly grateful and well pleased with the clean appearance and thrifty conditions of the , plant. They were especially Interested In the new beef killing house, for It Is some- thing new In many features of architecture l and construction. One-half of ths building f-" la complete and In dally use, but the north half Is only begun. The company is work- Ing steadily on the foundations. Hepalrlnsr Dsuinsrd llulldlnar. Swift and Company are busily engaged In repairing the fertiliser which was dam aged by (Ire a week ago. These repairs are of a temporary nature and the expec- tatlon Is to build a now building next sum mer, as soon as the beef house Is com pleted. The floors and the roof of the old building will be restored. The work has already so far progressed that the com- pany has Uren able to handle part of the offal as before. The rest Is sent to other Sunday morntng topic of Rev. Carl Hlller points for reduction. In the course of a at Lefler's Memorial church. In the even month ths department will be In full work- lng one of the deaconesses of the Metho lng order again. dlst hospital will conduct the meeting ewer Work Is Slow. j The men of ths church will give an ex The work on tho Mud creek and the N cluslvely masculine entertainment Tliurs street gulch sewers has moved very slowly day evening, November a. for several months. The work Is being done under many difficulties. In the N street gulch sewer the machinery la Inade quate for rapid work. The National Con struction company have good excavating machinery, but have met with many dim- cultles In the laying of concrete. The spill- way ai mi river oana i uona ana ine covenant." proposition, on account of the treacherous "The Will of God In Christ" will be Rev foundation. In many places plies bad to be George Van Winkles" Sunday morning ser drlven to support ths concrete to keep ' mon. The evening service will ba nnroiJ It from settling and cracking too much, The lower section of the sewer proper is progressing quite satisfactorily. The earth is si present a very para. oiu. ci.,. . hoped that this material will last through v the tunnel section. If so, the work will be greatly simplified. If sand or loose material 1, encountered, or quantities of water, the .xcavatl.-.u. will have-to be done under bood. This is a shield to prevent caving Elijah' has the' imturakl iweeltvcsi of white corn rolled into flakes (And toasted to tv delicate brown. Easily the most delicious favor of any flake food known. Grocers sell at II cents. Made by Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mica. Praises Pe-riwia. ii..i 'n'.rin nnnnn -- ,- ... Nervous, o Appetite. Mr. Lewis W. Zlm, editor snd proprietor of the St. Augustine Meteor, St. Augustine, Fla., writes: "Any man In public work finds at times that he is under a peculiar nerve strain. I found with it I lost my appetite and my brain seemed to work unceasingly dur ing sleeping hours, so I was tired and worn out In the morning. "Nofhlng waa of benefit to me but re runs. It Is certainly a remarkable medi cine. I was restored in three weeks to my normal healthy condition." Pe-ru-am la Tablet Form. For two years Dr. Hartman and his assistants have Incessantly labored to create reruns In tablet form and their strenuous efforts have Just been crowned with success. People who object to liquid medicines can now secure Peruna tablets Wh'rh repre"-nt th -edfclna ,ngredrnt, of Peruna. Each tablet 'l. equivalent to one aVernge doea of Peruna. and Is composed of steel. It will support the roof of the tunnel until the concrete sets. The shaft at Fifteenth and Monroe street has been sunk to the level of the tunnel, but no work of drifting has been done yet and no concrete has been laid. New Daak Opens Soon. Dr. C. M. Schlndel. president of the Live Stock National bank, said yesterday that the bank expected to open Ita doors for business by December 1. He expressed himself as quite well satisfied to be now In preparation for opening business rather than to have been In a newly opened busi ness. The demands on a new bank would naturally have been far heavier than on an old and established Institution. With recovery or confidence, which 1 "J" be"un be more and more felt, the I "O101, thought the time most opportune for ! Ul Penlna ' the new Institution. The . W,ork "f, r,epa'r " Proceedln slower than tn . "e,aU would nv u hls work PTObb'y will be complete by the first of DePe"ber, The work on the vaults will , K. th C0U"9 of a or two. In ract he toU are being laid at Erorr In Footing- Returns. A clerical error In footing up the vote umans justices caused a considerable stir among them yesterday, 11 w" reported that Judge Levy, with a , vote r 1-48'' ws the high man, and Frank . . v..,..Ui. nun aecona with a vote of 1.478, while P. C. Caldwell and P. J. King tied for third place at 1.4A0. The clerk sent out for Caldwell and King to draw lots for the place; but on their arrival the error was discovered, which showed P. C. Caldwell was te high man. having m Hrtfeml.. . ... ,wm di i.ww ijvy was and King third with 1,460. was 1,412. second at 1,4S Schmidt's vote Sunday Services. "Every Man In His Place" will b. fh. Rev. Andrew Renwlck will preach Bun day morning on "Church Fellowship." The evening topic Is "That Ts May Believe." Dr. R. L. Wheeler will make use of th. test. -A Root Out of Dry Ground," for his Sunday morning theme. In the evening he will presch under the caption of "The evangelistic n its nature. The young peo pie will meet at 6:50. Ma.lo City Gossip. , Th. Fr.ternil, nrt. , , " . ft smoker next Thursday evenin lv Mrs. R. Gilchrist and Mrs. J. C Csrlev entertained the Ladles' Afternoon j t tJere preienu""1 r'"Uent"- 1 WiiUt Twenty. a, E ' . C. E. Scarr leaves todsy for Indli rltory for a hunting trip of two we I rilory for a hunting trof two weeks. This evening the Highland Park club w'll be entertained at the residence of Mrs. Gil- ... - ' ul Xvt? ,.vKuicnkr' Jhlrty-nlnth and H. re evenlng duhter yesterday Emll Holub of this city and Miss Frances Smith of Tynd.ll. S. D., were married ys- The city treasurer, the clerk and the cltv I fialr?oday,PeCl ' mV kUt th ntw cU Leo Bchlmmlck was arrested last ntsht for taking coal belonging to the Burlington railroad company. The South Omaha Board of Fire and Po lice commissioners will meet Wednesday evening of next week to try the case of Peter Hansen. Phil Kearney post of the Grand Army of the Kerubllo wUl meet "around the camn fW Saturday evenlim at Woodman hall All veterans are Invited. N E. Carter. Twenty-third and N streets entertained about thirty guests Thursday evenlna- In honor of Ms twviitt-th M'ni snniwrsaiy. He made tils wife a present of a tine s. t of china. The guests made out bos presents as well CCliSI OF VOTE FINISHED Official Finrei Show Eeese Carried County by 2,984. p. j. tkahtor is high man hcint Moat Votes, While ITU Cera petltot la Low, GlTta Hint Flrat Place, with Ja&m Leslie Second. The official canvass of the vote cast at the election wai completed late Friday afternoon by tne canvassing board, con sisting of County Clerk Haverly. Pan T. Cutter and C. If. Kubat. The total vote cast wag 17.824. Judge Reese's plurality vti S.9S4. County Commissioner Tralnor waa high man on the republican ticket, and hie competitor, Thomaa O'Connor, waa low man on the democratic ticket, giving Tralnor a big lead In pluralities. County Judge Leslie waa second high man on the republican ticket. The vote and pluralities are aa follows: SUPREME JT'DOE. M. B. Reee. R.. n L. Stehblna, Pop. B O. I Loomls, I. 6.977IJ. D. Oravee, Pro 73 Reese's plurality, 2.9M. REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. C.R. Anderson. n..10.miO. Coupland, R.10.1RR R. J. Millard, D. 6.7inj.L8undean,rP 6, Ml J. N. Carter. Boo 631 O. C. Porter, Soo 648 J. VonSteen. Pro 7o I Anderson's plurality, S.T2. Coupland's plurality, 3,337. REGENT-TO FILL, VACANCY. W. C. Rodgers, Soc S91 STATE RAIIAVAY COMMISSION TO F1IJ, VACANCY. II. T. Clarke. R .10, 4"? S. Llchty, Pro.. fO EX F. McClure. S 65' JIIXIE DISTRICT COI'RT. Oeo. A. Iay. R..1i).4W. O. Pears, R.l.4n ! I S. Etel!e.RD.l.:r A. L. Sutton. R 1K10 A. C. Troup, R.. 10,501 H. Kennedv, R..'0.rV i W. A. Redlck, R.10.4D2 REPRESENTATIVE, TENTH DISTRICT -TO FILL. VACANCY. ; Samuel a. Hon. R 10,401 I CLERK DISTRICT COURT. Robt. Smith. R.. 9.161A.M.aallagher,D T,8 Smith's plurality. 1,344. SHERIFF. E. F. Rralley, R. S.fc6iiP. Mehrens, Soc 609 Lee Bridges, I).. 7,06; iiralley s plursllty, 2,8(9. COUNTY JUDGE Chas. Leslie, R..10.3S1IW. W. Dodge, D (,636 Leslies plurality, 3,715. COUNTY CLERK. D. M. Haverly,R.10.S.TSC. Rubenstln, 8. S40 F. Chrlstmann.D 6,84 Hverly s plurality, 1.693. " COUNTY TREASURER. F. A. Furay. R.. 9 5?2C.F.Mlchelsen,S 623 Q. F. Elsasser.D 7,3Oj Furay 'a plurality, 2.132. COUNTY ASSESSOR. W. G. Shrlver, R 9,63iF.H.Cosgrove.D 7,834 enriver s plurality, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. W. A. Yoder, R..10,2iE.F.M,Cartney.D 6,817 Voder s plurality, i.'iVZ COUNTY CORONER. Harry B.Davls.R 9,9:il J. A. Gentleman, D 6,927 Uavls' plurality, 3,Jb4 COUNTY SURVEYOR. Herman Beal. R.10,S47JM. Bchwarts, D. 6,678 .Heals plurality, S.t. 1 COUNTY COMPTROLLER. E. G. Solomon, R 9.919 1 J. R. Brandt. D 7,098 Solomon's plurality, 2,821'. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, SECOND DISTRICT. Fred Brunlng. R. 10,477 D. Lents, Boc... 623 Frank J. Flxa, D 6.501 1 brunlng'a plurality, $.976. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. FOURTH DISTRICT. P. J. Tralnor, R. 10,519 T. O'Connor, D. 6,497 Tralnor a plurality, t.vzz. POLICE MAGISTRATE, OMAHA. B. Crawford, R.. 7.604S. I. Gordon, D. 4,696 Crawlords plurality, 1,906. POLICE MAGISTRATE, SOUTH OMAHA. James Austin. R 1,374 ill. J. Abcrly, S. 92 J. Cullahan, D... 1,601 1 Cuiluhan a plurality, 127. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, OMAHA. Wm. Altstadt. R 7.67fiG. C. CockrelLR 7,667 B. S. Anderson, R 7,tl W.W.Kastm'n,R-7,lk5 C. M. Lacrimaii, R 7.6.Kben K. Long.R I.tkSi CONSTAULEd. OMAHA. G. W. Church. "R 7,59SEd Simpson, R. 7,5 E. J. Blessing, D 4.6lsii'aul btoln, R... 7.6H2 A. R. Hensel. R. 1M1 J. A. Wood, K.. 7.0&t H. D. Pierson, R 7,6u JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, SOUTH OMAHA. Thos. Conway, R 1HP. J. Kinr D.... 1.460 P. C. Caldwell. D 1,62b Jacob Levy, D.. 1,S6 F. Schmidt, R. ... 1.412 1 Culuwell's plurality. 114. King's plurality, 4N. Levy's plurality, 74 - CONSTABLES, SOUTH OMAHA William Kaln, D 1.4T6IJ. II. Marvel.SoC D. J. McClaln, D 1.4S1 Q Ltd I'lONS ANNEXATION. Yes. 87 No. 1iu, 2. Wo Omaha Souin Omaha 714 Detention school 3,86:1 Tuberculosis ward 4,t& NEWS OF THE ARMY POSTS Courts-Martial Are Ordered at Forts Crook and Rob inson. A general court-martial has been or dered to convene st Fort Crook for the trial of such caaes as may come properly before it. Detail for the court: Captains Beaumont H. Buck. Edward R. Chrisman; First Lieutenant Walter Harvey; Second Lieutenants Louis Snlellac, F. W. Boschen, N. W. Riley, A. Elllcott Brown and Flr$t Lieutenant L. L. Roach, Judge advocate. All of the officers are of the Sixteenth Infantry. A general court-martial has also been ordered to convene at Fort Robinson on November 18, with the following detail: Captains George L. Byram. 8lxth cavalry; Charles W. Farber. G.jy 8. Newell; First Lieutenants Otto W. Rethorst, John T. T- 11... T l.n( A I" U'im. I L' I ' 11 1 It 1 1 , DULUIIU .......I.IUI... " ...... , berly, W. R. Henry, all of the Eighth ! cavalry, and Second Lieutenant Owen j Foley, Sixth cavalry Judge advocate. General court-martial sentences have keen approved and promulgated from hradauarters. Department of the Missouri. I In the following cases: Private Alva Dra- mer. Company G, Nineteenth Infantry, and Recruit Joseph H. Fitiglbbon. Twenty sixth comrany. cosst artillery, borth for desertion. The sentence In each Instance is dishonorable discharge and one year's confinement In the military prison at Fort Leavenworth. Captain Ednard W. Evans, quartermas ter Eighth cavalry, has been appointed to superintend the construction work at Fort Robinson during the temporary absence of Captain Louis S. Roudlex, quartermas ter. United States army, who has been or dered east for examination for promotion. First LleutcnaSt Stsnley O Zlnke, as sistant surgeon at Fort Leavenworth, has been ordered to Thunder Buttes for duty In the absence of Captain Arthur W. Morse, assistant surgeon, temporarily ab sent. Corporal Horace E. Hall and Private Emll V. Hook of the signal corps at Fort Omaha have been ordered to Fort Rob inson for temporary duty In installing a telephone aystem there. Second Lieutenant William W. Gordon. Second cavalry, of Fort Des Moines, has been ordered to report to ths command ing officer of his regiment st Thunder Buttes. a P.. for duty. The Yellow Peril Jaundice malaria biliousness, vanishes when Pr. King's New Life Pills sre taken. Guaranteed. Ko. For sale by Beston Drug Co. softening; Leather. Leather covered chairs can be cleaned with warm milk, applied with a piece of flannel or soft cloth rubbing gently until dry. A good remedy fur worn leather la a mix ture of Unseed oil and vinegar, appllod with flannel. This softens the leather and pre vents It from cracking. MEN TO TRY TONY DONAHUE Central Laker fnloa ,Haa m Lively Seseloa Over the Matter. The charges against A. J. Donahue of the Central Labor union, which were filed by A. F. Hanson before the meeting of the Central Labor union Friday night In the Labor temple, will be Investigated by the following committee of five: John Pollan, Hans G. Ellis, R. J. Wangburg. o. J. Cross snd C. F. Mlchselson, which names were drawn from s ballot box containing the names of all the delegates present. The chars-es accuse Donahue of conduct unbe coming a member of the Central Labor union," In declaiming In open meeting that Hanson was the author of a letter written The Bee prior to tho last republican pri maries, containing the statement that Don ahue was a professional labor union man, which Hanson denied, hence the charges. The trial committee will report at the next meeting of the central body, November 29. Previous to the selection of the committee, the meeting was addressed by William Strauss, business agent of the Clgarmakers' union of the district of New York, who ts visiting all the large cities of the country in the Interests of the Clgarmakers' union. Strauss made a strong plea, calling upon the union men to demand union-made cigars and other articles. In explanation of his request, he told of the prevailing unfavor able conditions existing In the factories of the Tobacco- trust, where child and woman labor la employed. He also told of the large sums spent by his union In combating the tobacco corporation and the agitation of the child labor question. After considerable discussion among the members of the central body, the sheet metal workers finally succeeded In present ing It with thirty-three shares of the Labor Temple association stock, which is to be distributed pro rata among the other mem bers of the Central Labor union. A communication from the local Teleg raphers' union showed that the donations received by that bdy from other labor unions for the week ending November 7 was 178.50. A committee was appointed to arrango for a series of pictures to be given In a local electric theater to show the existing conditions In the sweat shops of the east. The press committee of the Central Labor union was authorised to deny the allegation made in a recently published letter, that there were two factions In the body. - Yoa Can It , TV ant To. If you want to go without ths help yoa need, or without the work you might be doing, keep out of The Bee want columns. Everybody sees them. Everybody reads them. The Bee goes Into the homes of the peoplo who want somebody to do Just the work you can do. The wanters and the wanted can't avoid each other If they get Into the want columns of The Bee. MUSIC NOT 0JVLY ATTRACTION Dncheea of Marlbomnarh Attends Opera with Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Marker. When the curtain arose at the Manhat tan Opera house last Monday night, there was not an empty seat and but few unoo cupled boxes. These were soon filled by the late comers.- Unheralded the duchess of Marlborough arrived after the first act, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Mackay. The occupants of the -nearby boxes soon became aware of her presence, snd many opera glasses were levelled In her direction. The duchess wore a princess gown of black velvet spangled with Jet. and made a bit suggestive of empire style. The up per rart of the bodice was of ecru lacs, and three broad bands composed of Inter lacing clreles of diamonds fsstened the empire skirt snd waist together, passing over the shoulders like bretelles. There were no tiaras. The duchess' only hair ornament was a low comb of diamonds at the back of her head. Mrs. Mackay'a gown was of mandarin bluo silk, covered with old Italian filet lace. The bodice hod a band of silver lace across the front of the decondetage, and the short elbow sleeves, loose, like those of the duchess, were also made of silver lace. Mrs. Mackay wore an enor mous bodice ornament of diamonds above her belt, aet with a big "cabuchon" sapphire In the center. Around her neck was a long chain studded with dia monds. Mrs. Mackay also wore a low diamond oorab. PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS- Get Rid of AU Your Fare Troubles in a Few liars' Time With the 'Wonderful Stuart ptlcium Wafers. Trial Fackags Btnt Tree. Tou cannot have an attractive face or a beautiful complexion when your blood is in bad order and full of Impurities. Impure blood means an Impure face, al ways. The most wonderful aa well aa the most rapid blood cleanser In Stewart's Calcium Wafers. You use them for a few days, and the dlfforenoe tells In your face right away. Most blood purifiers and skin treatments are full of poison. Stuart's Calcium Wafer's are guaranteed free from any poison, mercury, drug, or opiate. They are as harmless as water, but the results are astonishing. The worst caaes of skin dlsesses have been cured In a week by this quick-acting remedy. It contains the most effective working powder of any purifier ever dis covered, calcium sulphide. Most blood and skin treatments are terribly slow. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have cured bolls In 3 days. Every particle of Impurity is driven out of your system completely, never to return, and It Is done without deranging your system In th slightest. No matter what your trouble is, Whether pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter, eczema, or scabby, you can solemnly depend upon Stuart's Calcium Wafers as never-failing. Don't be any longer humiliated by hav Ing a splotchy face. Don't have strang ers stare at you, or allow your friends to be ashamed of you because of your face. Your blood makes you what you are. The men and women who forge ahead are those with pure blood and pure faces. Did you ever stop to think of that? Stuart's Calcium Wafers are absolutely harmless, but the results mighty satis, fylng to you even at the end ef a week. They will make you happy because yojr face will be a welcome sight not only to yourself when you look in the glass, but to everybody else who knows you and talks with you. We want to prove to you that Stuart's Calcium Wafers sre beyond doubt ths ' best snd quickest blood and skin purlfl ir i In the world. so we wllf send you a ' free sample as soon ss we get your ' name and addrecs. Send for It today, and ' then when vou have triad ths .ani. ,.n, 1 . J J A will not rust contented until you have bought a 60c box at your druggist's. Bend us your name and sddresa toda and we will at once send you by mall a sample package, free. Address, f. A. Stuart Co., 171 Stuart Bldg., Marshal, Mich. m 7 i I GOLDEN OAK CHINA CLOSET Wltk swell plate glass ends and door, large enough to place 100 pieces ot China, fitted with polishhed lrenck nl.t. mirroc. S(6 vL THIS STEEL RANGE Is the best rains La Omaha made of WsllsvlUe polished steal, aloe nickel ornaments, large oven and warming closet, fully guar anteed , S2o flMAHA JUST LUMBER BARONS, TAKE CARE i Wizard Edison Plant a Knockout Blow for the Business. IRON - MOLDED CEMENT WOBK lse aad Features ef am Indestrvctlbl . Mouse to Be Bo lit for a Then sand Dollars Coralsg Frost for Hoo-IIoos. "An indestructible three-story cement dwelling can be built In twelve hours at a cost of $1,000," was the most Important of several statements made by Thomaa A. Edison in his laboratory at Orange, N. J., In the presence of a delegation of 300 mem hers of the Electro-Chemical society, which held Its annual convention in that city last week. Mr. Edison was unusually talkative and affable. Taking some of the delegation to the second story of the laboratory, he showed them the model of a Queen Anne cot t ace and said: "Next spring I intend to build a house by this model. By means of a system of pat ent moulds, It Is possible for any contractor to build a house of solid cement, twenty five feet wide and forty-five feet deep, three stories high and capable of comfort ably housing three families, for SLCW. Three families in a house built on this model will give each family lots of room. Moulds for the New House. "The most Important feature of the pat ent lies In the moulds, which are of Iron, but the material for the house Is to be composed almost wholly of a new compo sition of mine, consisting of one part of cement, three parts of sand and Ave parts of quarter-inch crushed stone. Ths only part of the house not built of cement will be a strip of wood around the ends of the floors on which to tack down carpet. "A house like this will abolish Insurance forever. "By pouring the cement into the moulds, beginning, of course, at the top, until the whole mixture overflows the edifice, It will be possible to b'ulld the house In twelve hours, and In six days more it wilt- have settled and hardened so as to be absolutely Indestructible. "I have built the model of this house on the basis of a laborer-owner getting 31.(0 per day. The moulding rrms are of cast Iron, and for 11.0(4 the entire house can le built. This to Include heating pipes, stair cases of cement, Poors and mantels of ce ment, and a cement roof that won't leak. Plumbing and even bath tubs will be of cement. "The durability of the house Is unques tionable. It will last forever. Even ch'l dren rray go around with axes and chop as long as they like without doing any ma terial harm. "Therefore there will be no recessl(y for repairs. Even the window sashes will be of cement. Aside from the narrow strip of wood Intended for the holding of carpt tarks the only wooden thing about the house Is the front stoop. I have given It a wocden stoop to make It more bemtlful I have been In consultation with New York architects on the subject of the wooden stoop and I think It possible to omit that material In the stoop construction. It will cost a contractor 3JO.0OO to get the moulds with which to build the house, but then he will be able to bu'ld over 30,000 houses with the one set of moulds. "The moulds can te tsken down In s few hours sftei- the house has been fln'shed and they may be carted to any part of the world In less space than Is rer-ulred for shipping an ordinary derrick. That's what will appeal strongly to commercial econ omy. In selling contractors the Iron cast ings I shall restrict them In the use of cerrent that will have no ilr bulbs. The cement will be poured Into the moulds until It flows over at the top. Then the house Is practically finished. I won't sell tho moulds to any who do not satisfy me of the quality of their concrete formula. In thp great San Francisco disaster the houses which withstood the earthquakes were built of cement." Mr. Edison was ssked how he was pro gressing with his storage battery for driv ing trucks. He caught the eye of s gray haired man in the party and before answer SI ESTADISHED 1006 CREDIT PAYMENTS DY TH WEEK OR MONTH And Wo DoiVt Ask Installment Store Prices. si Nnnifrr j rzziT?7s Couch as a full size bed JUST THE SAME PRICE WHEN SOLD ON CREDIT THIS Is ons soilu heavily s I nilnh B 'ii.V.-i; I 14 - 83B0 r ON PAYMENTS SAME PRICE . fs 'W I " air ft! IsT -s-ssr- FURNITURE ESTABLISHED 1886 I2I3 FARNAM ST CAST OF FIRST NATIONAL- BANK ing the question called out to the visitor: "Hello, George! Have you got any more lJl per cent copper?" Then smilingly he said: Storsnge Battery for Traeke. "I don't mind telling you that I have at last succeeded In getting ths storage bat tery proposition to a condition In which It Is 'of economlo value. I am turning out 300 storage bstterles a Week for trucks. This after a three years' test. I realised that If I made a battery capable of doing only 12.W0 miles when a new plate became necessary It would do no more than the horse waa able to do. I decided that If the battery was able to accomplish B0,0 miles without a new plate tho horse was dead. The horse Is dead. Next December I expect to begin supplying storage bat teries to trucks, and then It will be cheap enough for even a Tenth avenue butcher td purchase it "I have succeeded In perfecting a BO.OOO mlle battery. It will be able to take twice the load of the ordinary truck, will have twice the speed and take up half the space. In a word It will be right times as useful aa the horse and wagon. In December, when we will begin to deliver these bat teries, the horse of Manhattan will dis appear forever." Mr. Edison wss shown wi.Atu.. .- . . . sage from W. W. Bradfleld of the Marconi J w..,..,, wring ii i me new across-tne-ocean wireless system waa working at the rate of twelve words a minute. Mr. Edi son's comment on this wss: Thousand Words a Mlnnte. "Give Marconi ten years and he will be sending 1,000 words a minute by wireless. He won't need any duplex system to do It either. Marconi Is ths msn. At present he cant make It as great from an economic standpoint as is the submarine cable be cause there Is sn absorption of electric waves In cable that we don't get In the air. There la no reason why the wireless can't do as well as the telegraph. Once I senl 8,000 words a minute between New Yorh and Philadelphia by means ot a sending machine, and I can do it now. It Is true that this record was cut down to 1,000 words from Washington to New York and forty words a minute from Charleston to New York, nt then either is instantan eous, and Marconi la a star." "Are you working on wireless?" "No. I don't tread on Marconi's toes, rie Is a star performer. He will master the atmospheric conditions between Lon don and New York In a few years; and, furthermore, he will be able to prevent by legal suit any other company butting io anywhere about his stations. Common law gives him the right." Mr. Edison was asked If he had read Sir iLasuii'.is.M GENUINE . PRICE INDUCEMENT IN PIANOS The most complete assortment of Grands and Uprights ever assembled under one roof Steinway & Sons, Steer & Sons, Emerson, Hardman, A. B. Chasa, McPhail ar.d many other standard makes, not to be found elsewhere. We need the room for our holiday stock and will save you beyond a shadow of doubt from $75.00 upward on an in . strument. Bargain. n Slightly Used Upri.hts ... viiiins.ii, rosewood case..abs J. P. Hale, Flemish walnut case..psj New Kngiand, seven and one-thlid octaves , ...iiio J. C. Kl.her a.ij Norwood, Flemish oak iJ5 t-argsvins In Square i'.t.v smrriun squarr, rose wooo case . f S v ubs oe eons, inuny case, oniy.., A lion, rosewood case ijj Haines Brothers, fine condition .. $4S George Stack, burl walnut rase . 60 Three cabinet organs, $)ia, lis aad .S "Write for free catalocrue pay us a visit of inspection. We take old instruments in exchange at full value rent, tune, move and repair Pianos at lowest rates. Operating five stores and a factory en ables us to save you the small dealer's profit. SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. Tal. Douglas 1623. mm ii j!j STEWART Oet a Stewart and yoa. have the best that mon ey ean bny. Made of the finest polished steel 119 STSS1 S32 sy me most reliable stove msksrs in the world . i?ii-.i' PARLOR ROCKER of oar special bargains frame Is of goluan oak the arms and front carved, extra larva sest and high Wav. 7 uus, ot i .ii straps sua niCHI buoklss, covered tn tircly with Bos ton leather 6.75 B"l E"T" A SQUARE DEAL Hiram Maxim's mnssage saying that there was a possibility of harnessing the whole, energy of Marconi and .sending a message to Mars. He said: "That Is hot air. Hiram gets oft some hot air now olid thei.." "Have yoa much faith in the wireless telephone?" "Very little. There is not much chsncs for telephone waves. It Is too hard to get a machine to control the human voice," New York World. SOCIAL VALUE OF A HOUSE Is Frequently Greater Than Salary of Its "Official" Occupant la -'.'aoiliiatun. Among the newcomers In ths ofTlclal circle at Washington, this winter, will be bo Senator Guggenheim of Colorado, and Mrs. Guggenheim. The announcement that they have leased the house of Mrs. Mumv in Scott circle, Is equivalent to a reply to that always Interesting query with regard to newcomers what part will they take In the, season's festivities? The price Senator Guggenheim Is paying for the Munn house, 315,000 a year, taken In comparison with his salary aa a senator of the Trilled States, recalls the house hunting day at the capital of J4r. Paul Morton. When Mr. Morton finally selected the Quay house, In K street, at a rental of $7,000 per annum, his colleagues In the cabi net twitted him as to what d eposition he proposed making of the remaining 31,000 of his salary. FRESH AIR IN SLEEPING ROOM Window Should Always Be Open, No Mnttpr Hold Cold the Wrnther. Even though cold weather is coming, keep the windows open. Impure air end darkened rooms sre often the cause of poor health. One feels much better In a clear atmosphere with the sun shining brightly. .Keep the window In the sleep ing apartment open enough to give suffi cient fresh air. Even though the room Is unheated snd cold, tho window should be open Just the same. A sleeper will soon breathe up all the fresh air, and if there Is not a constant supply of oxygen, he simply breathes over snd over again the poison thrown off by the lungs. Every morning the bedclothes should have a thor ough airing In the sun. Plenty of covering: Is necessary, but It should be light In weight. There Is comparatively little warmth In heavy home made comfortables. Especially after they have been washed once or twice. Beautiful new sample piano, walnut oak ana mahogany c isrs fltt Hchuhert, mahogany case Sieo Everett, mahogany rase Sl'S MOO Sieger 4k buns, golden oak case, only taas Pianos and Organs natty I" Ftoiey A Camp Whtiney Holmes organs... Mason A Hainlln. finest style Mahogany piano case organ, new..7S and comnleto h arcain lisf or 1311-1313 rarn.m SI. J l t, vvrKt r' mrtn