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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1907)
5 t JL.9U Jl Novelties in Operatic Productions Open Winter Season in the East N rJ:. 17V YOIIK. Nov. K,.-The season or opma which will begin at there are some very fine conduetora li Italy, and his wonderful achievements the Metropolitan Opera housu ended with the tradition that any old thing Monday fourth In the dynasty of Conried w 1)1 differ In one particular from all that have Konn before It For .ho first time In tho history of the theater there are to lie regu lar performances on Thursday nights, for which the subscription I? just the same as It Is for the other (inscription performances "f the season. 80 this year the weekly subscription performances will number flvo for the first time. They would be six were It not for tho fact that opera m'mt be given In Phlln lelpiila on Ttiesdity nights. The demand f.r seats Is already so larjj" as to Insure In tho way of an Italian conductor would serve. Mr. Ferrari came to this country from Buenos Ayres, where he has been at the head of a s asnn of three months of opera In Italian. Twice before he has been In this country and both times at the com mencement of his career. He was engaged by Abbey & Gtau for the season of concerts In which Etelka (Jerster mode her lust lamented public or pea ranees. Bhe found that hr voice was Rone and returned to Kuro;e, so the tour Was cancelled. The next year ltaln Cam pauln! mudo a concert tour of the country ' - , "- i: mLuy.,,,. , . , -, Ztrrjfto&Sy -., ?. - .J , - , ; 'f.. - - U. ' fin .. -f . 11 , .-',? , .. . .-1 ., " ' 1 I . - i -f .- :--, ;-"-,. j! f . , J. r-r i: ' ... lit . r . ,;.. W H k' J j - C ' - -r v SruiiV Ne.- S.'. ' J v . .-.'- V 1 .... ... - j" Jkj complete success for such a scries. But It may come In tie future. Tie seuaon this year Is to continue for twenty weeks and the extra three wcuks inaku the yearn work the longest ever plannet). Tho Saturday perlm inumea at popuhir prices will bo continued, ua will thu Sunilny concerts, ' ut which Oustuy Mahler is to attempt tho production of some new music of a more serious chainc ' tor than the proKruma huve hitherto con tained. Felix Mottl onco undertook the aiinio sort of reform without much success, but maybe times have changed. . Another difference between the present aeason and Ha predecessora lies In the ex pense Involved thia year. The contracts signed by Mr. Conried not for new alngers, but for the costumca and scenery. Involve so large an amount that any profit for tho Conried Metropolitan Opera corn-, and Mr. Ferrari acted as his accompanist, her In many poses and he Introduced her vo rnae ae TToie." tie lias sung also tn this theater he waa machlnlat, prompter ; pany la practically out of tho question. lio was born In 1SG3 In Mlrandolu and Ernst Possart. Lyons. Marseilles, Nice, Antwerp and New and atage manager. Ills work waa very . One more difference about this season '"Jied composition und piano with hia The latter waa tho Intendent of the Prlnz Orleans. Intermittent and he was often compelled must be noticed. It will beSin with a father, who waa a musician of note. He Regent theater and she soon had an op- Ouo important Incident of his operatic to walk miles without a copeck In hla . novelty. completed his Btudiea at the Rossini I.y portunity to make her operatic debut there, career took place In Lyons, where he ere- pocket and no other food than what he It used to be a tradition of Metropolitan ceuln at Bologna und first appeared as a she sings Elsa, Slcglind'e, Elisabeth and uted the leading part In Saint-Sauna1 opera, might beg. (seasons that new works should come very conductor of the opera ut Ravenna. the role of Letiora In "Fldello," In which " Burbarea." and another was In New Finally, In 1833 In Tiflis. he met a singing lute In tho yeur. The first night of the He was then culled to tho Teutro Com- sne Is to bo heard here. Orleans, where he sang tho loading rols in teacher named Uaaakoff. Who found that ho present beason will bo devoted to an opera munale in Bologna and has since held tho Twice has Mme. Morcna been announced tho first American production of Giordano's had a beautiful voico and decided to give never sung In New York berore. -liua is nrSl conaucior at Florence. Naples, for the Metropolitan and each time has she ."Siberia." ; Francisco Cllca'a "Adrlana Lecouvreur." Palermo and Triest. and has conducted been unahle to come, owlns to a long spell His colleague In the French repertoire, ; other noveltlea and revlvala that are to seasons ln lenna. Berlin and Frankfort. of nervousness, which finally sent her to a Mr. Martin. Is the first American ever to ; como at about the rate or one a wees, wm ai fliaaria ana was ,ailtarun, she made her reappearance be engaged tor leading roles at the Metro- on tho atage last spring and was found polltan Opera house. Ho was born in to be restored to physical and vocul health. Kentucky of French parents, studied piano an(1 gL Petersburg and hia aucceaa In the 8he will also sing here In the revival of and harmony with Edward MacDowell and Drlvte ouera houses of these cltiea waa ao "Der Frelsschuta." had composed a number. of pieces for male great tnal ne wai engaged to sing In the The other new sopranos are Rita Le chorus, orchestra und piano before he do- Irnprla opera houaea of both cities. Im- Pornla and Fely Dereyne. Mile. Dereyne elded to go on the operatic stage. patient of discipline, however, Chaliapln Is a Parisian who made her debut at the lle atudled In Paris with Sbrlglia and went back tQ tne impreaaroi 0f the private i i . ruonluia nn,l Heii.. vpnrR utrn and nuine. Ha - - . , " ..... , . . Samuel and Alfred llrt win ..!. i "lto '"r nas since sung in - - - - , " , opera nooses ana was engaged ai a salary cul settings of (loethe'a "Faust." that Is to Ba TV renertolr" 7 ' " Maraelllea and other French cities. Iist was then engageed for the same role his de- Petersburg, which say C.ounoda "Faust." Berlioaa "I.a Dam- the German repertoire Bovy 1. again to w w wlth ,. - Br. nn but at Verona as Andrea Chenler in Glor- .. ' .. I lw Mascugnl s "Iris," Verdi's "II Trovatore r as many years at the Teatro Llrlco . und "Otello," Thomas's "Mlgnon," Bolto's In Mllar!, whore he conducted the first ' "Meilstofele." Olordano'a "Andrea Chenler." Itallun performance of muny worka of Wugner'a "Der Fliegende Hollaendor," Maacugnl, Cllordano, Baint-Saens, Leonea- ', Weber'a "Der Freischuta" and Kreutaer'a vullo, Matvenct and Ctlea. , "Das Nachtlager von Granda." "'a lust engagement waa nt the Costantl I Tt I 1 . Interesting In tho seaaon'a plana la the ". " wu. nrst cona'tor for .1.. ... vr.nul. 'It seasons. him free Instruction. After one year he was able to appear at the Imperial theater In Ttflis to sing the leading bass roles at a salary of (76 a month. After one seaeon he waa called to Moscow the boy skipped oft to Stat atreet again to aaked one of the men from the banking earn that ti a week.. Hla mother, when house to plead for him. The mother waa she found he waa not In school, went over won over, and young Tom went back to to Dokton and brought htm home. He Slate street and there he has been ever begged and pleaded with her, and, falling since. Hla offices today are Just across to win her consent to leave school, he Congress street on the neighboring corner. AomaH a fortnn to (h vnnnff ainfiTAr. dano'a opera of the same role at Milan tmj Im and afterward came to thl. country to ap- Wm ,0 ntun pear in the French opera house at New h( Qwn F(jr ywg Orleans. continued to sinr in his own country. at- His repertoire includes LohengTin, which pfttrlng ftrit , Uaiy ln im at L Scala . .. . i. ..i i tii.'. tr..tfaiA " have charge of tho French renertniro There will he a complete cycle of the The orchestia which la to be under the comPa"5r- 4k , . , Ntlelungen Ring ar.d two productions of control of the.e conductor Is but little Her "pertolr. Includes all the lyric roles. Parsifal." Elaborate revlvala of "11 Bar- changed In pereonnel alnce last year, as It wlth, "uoh '"eating exotics aa ganga In 1 blero dl Bevlglla" and "Le Noaie dl Fl- w 'unl wholly satisfactory then, but U, op'ra of "De Lara" and Salome In ' garo" are to be made for Mme. Bembrlch. the choruf. which now numbera 100 volcea, "Herodlade" and Mlml In the "La Boheme" Perhapa after the worka themselves ' made up largely of new material, only of Leoncavallo. It la not neceasary to ob- tlure la nothing ao Important oa the per- the best volcea of laat year having been ,erv8 tnat Bhe wl" ,lot 1,6 called upon to aoralltlea of. the conductors who are to retained. alng these roles in New York. produce thetn. Tho most noted newcomer New York with Its overwhelming Intereat Ml" Iy Fornla Is an American alnger. among t heart prima donnas of the baton la In the personality of the singers will find aillng from the golden west, und she has ! uustav Mahler. a number of new names on Mr. Conrled'a ,rlod to T"petuate thut fact in her name. lie was for the lust ten years director roster. Among the sopranos are Martha whlch appeara to violate every rule of ' of the Imperial opera at Velnua. und Leffler-Burckurd, Bertha Morena, Felv fender, but do ,lot- because It was made mder his administration the Institution has Dereyne and Rita Le Fcrnla. while the sue- n America, not In Ituly. It spells the back ,.,. . ., , ,ns. 4rl,,r, ! attained an eminence which makes it today feasor to Mme. Behumann-Helnk will be Part ot California. Miss Le Fornla 1ms fsMn(f pt.r80nality that has appeared on tha the foremost operatic theuter of Europe. Frieda LangendorfT. ' Newcomere among u" in . English opera and has for sev- opt.ratlc horIon for some yeurs. He was The causes which led to hla resignation the men are Alessandro Bond, already eral vear been uroad preparing herself boru nt the ancU.nt rlty of Kasan In 1ST3 laat aprlng have never been wholly under- known here; George Lucaa, Rlccardo Mur-' for the Metropolitan. and h,a ratherj us it le aUspectcd tho cx- tood. but It has frequently been rumored un ana reaor cnaimpm. and accoidlng to r neaa uuiimuuu, is 10 aucceea t!ll.t.u o a future Hans Sachs ln tho he studied under Gustav Mnhler ln Vienna last summer, und Wuller In "Die Melster alnger." Ho has also appeared ln "Iris," "Mine. Butterfly," "La Damnation de Faust." "La Gloconda." "ragliaccl," "II Trovatore," "Alda' and 'CaVallerla RUstt- cana. In Milan as Meflatofele in Bolto's opera of the aame name, which la oommonly re garded as hla greateat role. In that ne appenra almost nude, and aa ho Is more than six feet tall and a giant In physique the effect Is said to be wonderful. Fedor Chaliapln. the young Russian bass role. In a rather limited repertoire who made Ids first appearance outside his are Don Carlos. Baslllo, The Demon, Ivan and Mephlstopheles In Gounod's opera. Among tho artists of tha company who will this aeason be heard In new roles or revlvala are Mme. Sembrlch, who will sing her usual repertoire and appear as Roalna and Busanna ln the special Rossini that he had no idea that his resignation report the greatest of these Is Chaliapln, Mme. Behumann-Helnk as the German con- famlv apprenticed him to a shoemaker at ai,d J,art revlvala; Mme. Eamea. who would be accepted wnen ne onerea u. mo noieu nussiun dubs, wno nas been the rum oi mo ,nruui.uioii iuiics, is u pupn t,e Uy0 0j - However that may be. It hua been the operatic sensation of Europe for the last ' Mine- Malllnger, the former Berlin prima good fortune of New York to secure hhn. two years. donna and first of all Bvas, and made her Herr Mahler belongs to that young Mme. LefTIer-Burckard la the lateat Ger- dft aa a alnger at the Btudt theater In Uayreuth group which Includes Mottl mun dramatic aoprano to gain fame enough Btraasburg in "Alsace" in 101. She was and Anton Seldl, whein he aucceeded at In her own country to have It spread engaged there for three seusons, appearing Prague in 1SS6. He waa born at Kalcscht beyond the frontiers. She has received the frequently ln Wiesbaden and other German In Bohemia on July 7, 1S. He studied consecration of Bayreuth, and la the lead- cltiea as a guest. His health could not stand the strain and after a year he was aent to achool, where he began to sing In the choir. He soon had to ta! e up his old work us apprentice, und continued until his health again failed. Again he waa sent bacit to school, where his father, to thr sruzl delight of the boy. This happiness continued for only a year, as there was no nn.ney to spare In the Again he was physically unable to con tinue the work and he went to ho a clerk first at the I niversily of Iglau and later lng member of the opera company at Wlea- I" 1 ' was called to Bayreuth, aan allowed him to begin tho ttudy of music took a course or phiiosopny in ieun. . uaaen, reaping most or the honors In the nca ana one or tne waiKurea ana studied Then abandoning law he went to the special performances organised there by the part of Venua under Jullua Knlese, ul- Vlenna Conservatory to etudy piano with tho Bimperor of Germany. though ahe waa not called upon to sing the family, and the youthful B'edor was ap Kpstcin ana composition wim ner career, like mat or her noted prede- part, in iw ar.e matte ner nrst appear- prentlced to a wood carver. lie nua couuucieu ui .!. v11' -'i-- .rosoiB, una Deen an aavance rrom the ance in ueriin, singiiiB in me iew itjyal ale, Pesth and Hamburg, and la one of lighter soprano roles to those requiring the opera house. the most noted German composers of the heaviest vocal and mental equipment. Argelo, Neumann engaged her for the day. She Is a native of Berlin, and when her Landes theater In Prague at the end of The Itallun operas nre to be Intrusted voice developed went to Dresden to atndy her contract with Strassburg and there ahe io ......... on .. uniici .mur. vun aieixner. wno pau oven a naa remainea unnt mo present time. Hhe chool to study boor binding He re- who cornea here with a great reputation In pupil of Vlardot-Garcia. ainga all the contralto roles of tho classic nia'-ied in the school and continued to alng L his own country. The appearance of Cleo- When she made her first atage appearance repertoire and also is enabled through sopraro in a church choir-ono of the cholra Wfonto Campanlnl here made It evident that ln 6,raugburg wa, a, a coioratura and the range of her voice to attempt with sue- of the R-; church in which the basses 'T rl" soprano. This waa ln 190o. and her ''ess such parts as Leonora in "Fidelio, will alng Donna Anna, Iris and Leonora In "II Trovatore" for the fim time; Mme. Fremstad. who la to alng Isolde and Loonore ln "Bldello"; Mme. Oadskl, who will repeat her Senta In a special revival of "Der Fliegende Hollatjnder," Miss Far rur, who la to alng Mlgnon. Cherublno and Zerllna In "FTa Diavolo;" Mme. Cavallerl, who will sing In addition to Adrlana, Car men and Gllda, and Mario Rappold, who Is to appear as Miraela, Kva and Elena. Ejiriio Caruso will have new roles ln "11 Trovatore" and "Adrlana," "Otello,"! "Iris" and "Andrea Chenler," Olusuppt Campanart will take part In 7,11 Trovatore" and the Ross'.nl and Mexarl operas, and in a ruvwiBhop. Fix montlvs of that life w.-.s Aliartal i)irpei, who 1b to sing In "Der enot gh, ar.d he tmlsrattu to a tar on pro vincial city, where he entered a professional '1 Y d H H Cologne. i' A tA I ,iad dedlc t b vtlnr rtxartt for IniAntnU, wllk wMi M t iu lAh Mil for stjr maa I cam ttm 1 wi-ntu Lav (ivB mi uwrf rajiUf Mtmn ftt y uiber imjf hm r triad. I thai, cart iny ti-omtnuU ibrm w iky tnauat M '" "V'M,i OlUsrf. EigU. UL Be&T for TV- A I. cti r- rtSv r CAMDTT CATtWmC V...r ' tinr.. Ifc-. t r toe. '',r S..14 In tu k. f'lin'ns taitl laii..a C C C. luiuuiJ he c u v" muuml Sterling ftmcdy Co., Ct.lcno or K.Y. 597 AnUALSALEf TEN UILUCS COXES next engagements were In Brealuu and Bruunhtlde, queen of Bheba and Selika. where she still sang the roles ahe .Mme. Langendorf haa sung frequently n dedicated herself to la the first In- Vienna, and ln Munich spent three months ln place of Misa Fremstad. who was ut ahe came to thia country, sang ln that time singing In London. reach such depths of voice as nowhere else ln the world. When l.e returned to B'anan he was em ployed ut the .Ma'.rle and fir the first time had the opportunity to go to the theater. In order to be able to hear tho p rfirmances FreUrhutx," has also udded new roles ln "Adrlana" and "Iris" to hla repertoire. How Lawson Began Hia achool days were' short; at the age of VI he tired of study. He wanted to get out in the woi Id ui d make money, relatea Kuiosi Maiuzi.e. His father, a physical wreck from the wounds and vlckness ot w-r.aic, had udlieulty 111 providing for the family and Tom wanted to cuiji money to ALL WEATHER SHOE Mode oE heavy dark aq leather, with bii brass eyelets and white thong laces. Its stylish cut together with Its foot form last. Its wearing qualities and Its adaptability for all sorts of weather makes It an Ideal Fall and Win ter out of doors shoe for men. It "fits like your foot print". Aik your dealer or wtIUus for our tasty little Fall ana Winter style book. TfeioteiaiiSio. For Mea, Women nd Children. Had in it. Faul by d OotxU &,Co. lnc 1893 a I LVmim. ihmmiii w 111 msi in.ani.iB) imisa a 1 in 1. ma WW". LL. -w-.... im. -ifn 1 i. ! iiwi il r 11 - ii"- ' ' ' ' " in me uerman theater In Mil- i-ucae ana niccarao warttn uro cf CDt.,a he f.utid employment at nlcht in wauaee. ana in km, returned to Bremen 10 me mo r rencn tenors wno will aivue De- B humLle capacity In the theater. He was kUc his mother and sister more of the coin take a place In the epera house which has tween them tha rolea of the unlamented dismissed from l.ta post ln the Mairle for forts of life. One day he ran away from acnt to New York. Anton Beidl. MUka Ter- Charlea Roussellere, who has recently re- this und sought refuge in a monastory In school, crossed the Charles river Into Bos nlna and Andreaa Dippel. It waa whiW gretted that he found It Impossible to ac- Kasan as a novice. ten and wandered Into that marvelous member of this company that her voice de- oept Mr. Conrled'a kind invitation to Come HU novitiate continued for a briefer thoroughfare, running from the old state velope to a degree which put the more to this country for another season. If the time than most of his occupations, as be house straight out to the wharves, where dramatic rolea within her power. directoia of the Conried company had been aoon ran away and waa next living on a men planned great enterprises railroads So when she became a member of the opera able to get him over here audiences would vessel on the Volga, doing the most humble and and manufactures and made house at Welmer ahe waa ready to appear have been compelled to llaten to his painful work to earn his bread. All these aiven- fortunes ever night ln daring aveculatlona aa Lenore In "Fldello," Donna Anna. Isolde efforta for another year. turea befell the young man before he waa In stocks and gold. Other j.oor boys, with and Brunnhllde. In 1900 she went to W1ee George Lucaa wtU make hla first appear- 16. nimble wita ar.d lofty ambition, had gone baden. which la under the aame Intendent ance here aa the Abbe Chaseul In "Adrians aa the Berlin Opera house, and there she Lecouvreur." He waa born in Normandy haa gradually risen to her post aa the first and began life aa a civil engineer. He waa of tha German dramatis aopranoa of the an actor for Ova years before he turned day. hla attention to the operatic stave and Berta Uorena. another German aoprano. atudled alngtng tn Paris under Marcel. Is a native of Mannhebu and when ahe first He made hla first appearance In Geneva went to Munich attracted attention fan. in tfttL Later ha aang tn Bordeaux and at mediately by her classic beauty. Bhe waa a tha Grand Opera tn Fans, where he ap- frequent model for Lembach, who ptnte4 peaxet la tha first revival of Berliox' "L When hia voice began to change he tried Into that golden way. and had won for In vain to be admitted to many of tha tunes why not he? Just below the old choruses of opera housea and only after atate bouse, at the corner of Congress repeated failures waa ho engaged for the atreet, a sign, "Boy Wanted." hung ln a chorua ot an operetta troupe at a salary banking house window. The truant asked of 12 roublea, or IS. a month. In the mean- for the place and 'got It. That night, when time he had teen studying muslo on all he went home to hla mother and told her possible occasions and educating himself In he had gone to work for U a week in other ways. Blate atreet ahe acolded him. and the next In addition to singing la tha chorua la morning ah aeut kliu back to achoul. but 1 fflsrVV it:4KiHSi?4 '