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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEEt SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1R, 1907. Telephone Douglas 618 Reaches All Departments. Grand Millinery Clearance Saturday Commencing at 9 A. M. This has been the biggest and best millinery season in the history of Thompson, Belden & Co. To make the sea Bon's millinery business a still greater success and to adver tise this popular department, which has won such a great reputation among the well dressed women of Omaha, we will place on sale Saturday, commencing at 9 A. M., two hundred new and beautiful creations, copies from famous Parisian models, the originals of which sold as high J g as $20.00 in one grand clearing sale' Sat- tr'tf urday, at each JrV J Included in this great sale arc colored hats and some black hats; some hats trimmed with flowers, some hats with Autumn leaves, some hats with feathers and some hats with ostrich tips. Be here on time as there will be a lively selling. Second Floor. NOTE: See Sunday's paper for November's Great, Gearing Sale of Colored Dress Goods Remnants. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Interior Now Teelin? Effect of Scarcity of Currency. BUSINESS SOMEWHAT RETARDED 53 asem v m mm -m am mv. 'W, k it 'V S X Vmrm Exports of Farm Product. Tead to Hasten Retara to Normal CoadltloaB Faetorlea on Short Time. NEW YORK. Nov. 1B.-U. Q. Dun Co.'. Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will ay: . Liberal receipt of gold from abroad and a large Increase In bank note circulation i tend to relieve the financial stress at fsew ! York, but the Interior I now feeling the I scarcity of currency and commercial ac tivity la retarded to tune extent. Dis patches from leading cities Indicate con servattsm In preparation for future bual I ness, and irregularity in collections, with I most favorabln news from agricultural sec- tlon In which the crops are being mar , keted as freely as the supply of money j will permit. Iteturn to normal conditions . will be hastened by large exports of farm I staples, supplying credhs abroad upon which the much needed gold may be Im ported. Official- return Indicate that es i ports of this nature were valued at about li0.rtnO,O In October and the outgo of ' grain and cotton la on a still larger scale , this month. It Is particularly fortunate that there was not the customary borrow , Ing abroad this summer in anticipation j of agricultural exports, so that payment la now due for these shipments, whereas usually the remittances are needed to ' meet maturing bills In the exchange mar I ket. Financial pressure has affected the I Iron Industry, curtailing new contracts for i all forms of finished steel. Kcw new orders I have been received by the mills and some , deliveries on old contracts are deferred because funds are not available to meet i specifications. im iiiiit&iy inurKrin ior coxion goons are Vl quiet, although the mills are still well J occupied filling old contracts. Reports of ' 11 " closing oi wooien mius snouia not ne t. -.. i- given undue significance, more or less Idle NEW RAILROAD FOR WYOMING L"d" "t through t j Young Nipper was mounted on a pony and Is to be expected until clothiers begin to D.slg.ed to Tap Large Section Bel., was making hi. way through the timber. J'i'tZtlnt. . ..,vm, , When he cam upon Dr. Kill., a member of demand and output Is being curtailed to another hunting party. BUI. .ay. th boy. prevent overproduction. Thus far the ner- mounted on the r,mv iimhlt aiir rf centage of reduction Is not hcavv. some CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. 15. (Special.) h. "rod quickly. Th. soft-nosed bullet U' r.flv '"y8 J, Th Wyoming Short Line Railway com- Passed entirely through Nipper', left leg, and ; effort to force business, producers being ur filed article, of Incorporation with the striking a rib of the horse, .pattered and concerned In clearing up old contracts -cretary of .tats today. It. capita! stock killed th. animal Instantly. E41ls, having a lXuSr maTwJe rorSi to ttoOO.000, nd It will build a line of rail- Knowledge of surgery, bound up young Nip- celvlng more countermands than new bual- ay fifty mile, in length, .tartlng at Wiley. Per' wound, .topped th flow of blood and " DUt the statistical position la strong, and .xtendlng to the eastern edge of the ummond as.l.t.nce. a messenger being Tln rr cs are &feTZ k, . ... . Hiiirint.ihi,,! 1 J 4 1 .m . . it win nave '-ic-u nuwr.iur ur, Mcunes. n leather, or which the output was flmt r- Ik Cashiers' Checks Tsksn as Cash on Purchases and . Accepted as Payment on All Accounts Howard, Cor. 16th St. Bee- Open Saturday Evenings Placed lader Irrigation Ditch. dut-ed, while tliere la pronounced weakness In harness leather, belling butts and glazed kid. Yellowstone National park. connection with the Burlington system. The thought young Nipper1. Ufa can be saved, Wyoming Bhort Line Railway company I. possibly his log. financed by th Big Horn Development I company, which I. constructing the great d J?""9 U V,w Orogon Baaln Irrigation work. In the Big ?',VX Nov' -HpWI1.) Horn baaln. The company I. composed of " lle mkln visit to hi. home Wyoming and Chicago capital. In a few n hl" cl,y A- V.trud. .tat .uperln day. water will be turned into the main tendent of public Instruction of Bouth Da canal of the Oregon basin project, which , a' nnunceJ that he had completed k,,.j tr . mn.irtornhi. Plan for rP through the state in an distance, and the lands around Germanta eftort to r'M tne tnlard of teacher, by 13,342,tiul,0m In the' corresponding week last .in h. roeiDLr, r,rf v. or bringing about th payment of living wages Jrt'ar.- t'Pa',lan clearings for the week Th new railroad, work upon which will fnd maling the profession more of a cer t oommenced at once, will tap th. rich la'nty' and. cu'" reneral public to agricultural section, of German! and Grey- U1'f1 more lntrt chool. by BttU putting up new butldlnga. beautifying th I grounds and by electing school officers who will see to It that the? reform, are brought about. Btate Superintendent U.trtid an- REPORT OF TUB CLEARING HOUSE Transactions of th Associated Banks tor the tVtck, NEW YORK, Nov. 14 Uradstreef. bank clearings report for the week ending No vember 14 shows an asKreiiate of 12.3H6.S3tt.. , , as against $2,372, Toi.OiW last week, and total tD3,37H.noo, as against I106,OJO,000 last week, and J93.9l,(i00 in the same week last year. The following 1. a list of th cities: Coart ha. Much Work Ahead. MITfrmr.tJ S. TV. Nov. l.V lKne-ll1 The term of circuit court for Davison noun that on hi. forthcoming official county will convene in thl. city next Tues- lrlp, he wl" vlslt ever5r " th. state day morning and a large amount of busl- ln' t0 ttend the nnu1 meeting. neM appear, on the calendar. There are of th chool offlcer. and teacher, of .very tw.nty criminal cases to bo tried, none '1un1tjr " 6outh Dakot. including the f which I. very Important. On the civil ?Uck and to ,ak" Part " th meet- C.lndar there r thlrty-two cases. Of "V" and th,u" """"ge th local friend, these eleven cases are for diver -es. making , ot tha rural choolil- th largest number that havi ime up at a regular term Vilnce Judge Bmlth adopted th ruling In the fourth circuit that no divorce case, will he heard exrept at the CITIES. Dome.tle Troubles Canae Death. SIOCX FALLS, 8. D., Nov. IB. (Special.) FYom recent development. In connection With the suicide bv hxnrtnff n Anv nr turn regular term and then In open court. This a(f0 of clemfnt eaunJ(.rgi who wai oon. ruling ha. had the effect of cutting down th divorce business In this circuit so tar a. outside people coming In. Ilor Mistaken for Elk. LANDER, Wyo.. Nov. IS (Special.) tresslng accident that occurred at Fish lake. farid Bloux Fa!u uM and "ttempted In Devil', baaln, ninety mile, from Lander, npcted with the local branch house of an eastern brewing company, the suicide grew out of domestic difficulties. It had always been supposed here that Saunders was a single man, but it now Is learned that a short time before the tragedy hi. wife ap- to effect a reconciliation with him. It la When Arthur Nipper, a 16-year-old boy. wa. "nde"tood 'h'y haVe cn'Mren- and iiiai, mo inuviirr (miiu eminren rrsiaei at inmc mil taken for an ejk by Dr. J. II. Ellia, a f COAT SHIRT I point In Iowa. Th eltort. of the wlf were unsuccessful, and alleged threat, then made by hor that ah would commence an action for a divorce are alleged to have caused the suicide. At tho time of the suicide It was supposed that Saunders committed the act while temporarily Insane as the result of excessive drinking. ancsd, Most correctly mado, and most popular ahirt nada. It Uia white of (sat colst faacy pattern. $ 1 .50 aad mora, ctutTT, rinaoev a . or colum Elk. to Ball Clan Home, MITCHELL, a D.. Nov. 16. (Special.) Three weeks after th organisation of the Elks' lodge In thl. city plan, ware formu lated looking toward the building of a home. Th. lodge wa. organised last Feb ruary, and today ground was broken for the erection of a building that will cost S.0Qn. The alt I. located on Main street across from the corn palace building. The tasement will be excavated and the founda tion built yet this fall. The foundation will stand six feot above ground and be built of granite, while the superstructure will b built of pressed brick. Th Doboolo risen destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver and kidney disease, for which Eloctrlc Hitters Is th guaranteed Remedy. 50c. For sals by Beaton Drug Co. New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Ixuis Pittsburg , San Francisco baltimore Kansas City Cincinnati New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland Detroit Louisville Ixis Angeles Omaha Milwaukee Seattle 8t. Paul Providence Buffalo Indianapolis Denver Fort Worth Richmond Albany Washington Palt Lake City Portland, Ore Columbus, Ohio .... St. Joseph Memphis ". Havannah Atlanta ! Spokane, Wash. ... Toledo, Ohio Tacoma Nashville Rochester Hartford Peoria Des Molne. Norfolk New Haven Grand Rapid. Dayton Portland. Me Sioux City Sprlnrfleld, Mas.. .. Rvansvllle Birmingham Syracuse Augusta, Ga Mobile Worcester Wilmlnntnn, Dl. .. Charleston. B.'C Chatta.rvwi;a Jacksonville, Fla. .. Wichita Wllkasbarre Pnvenpnrt Little Rock Wheeling, W. Va.., Fall River Kalamazoo, Mich... Topeka Snrlnrfleld. Ill Helena Fort Wayne, Ind... Clearings. Inc. U,372.613.0OQI . W.5IO.0UO . 137.852,010 . 124.6l8.OiO . 65.491.t . 61.W8.00f . 30.90,j.OUi . iM.M8,Ol ., . 21, 346,000 . lS.S'S.OOO . 22.540.OX) . 18.6M2.000 . 13.24S.OiX) . 10.207,(10" . .1Ml.tK . i 10,3i,OOO 3.8j 1U.3C.,IM) 8.!h7,(y t.601.000 7.362.0O 9.634.000 e.sw.oeo 7. IT1, Oi O 9.376,000 a.Tos.u'io 4.S83.000 fi.i:H).oi) S.7Ti.0(V 6.67.000 4.9:14.010 3,492 0) 6.731.000 . 29J.OOO 6.645,0(10 7.o7iOoo 9.975. ooo 4,719.0X) I.912.0i)0 4.(fS.ei 6.2M.O0O 1. m,ov 2. NOS.01V) 2.70R.OOO 2,353.00) 2.199.0O0 l,f7.i 1.969.000 1.779 ooo 2.017.O0O 2.OS7.O0O 2.l:'.8 (loo 2.2.". o) 2.2..0iO 1,4-ji.oin 1.722 1.4iS.0O. . l.?27.')1 1. .",17 0OOI 23 9' 1.313.01M iTl5.lH)l l,240.0oo l.O'4.)0 l.ia'i roi 4.S 6.1 19.8 1.8 1.8 Dec. 36 1 15.3 21.2 22 0 18.0 1.8 32 4 8.3 1.0 13.7 S0. 19.9 13.9 34 1 23.8 36. 10 9 IS S 8.8 21.5 6 0 20.8 2.2 1.2 4.5 13.0 4S.7 22.5 14 1 2S.7 23.9 111 III u mm Ladies9 Suits, Coats, Skirts, Furs 16Iii & fAONAM STREETS, OMAHA. TIIE TEOPLE8 FURNITURE AND CARPET CO. ESTAR. 1MT. ' All Goods Marked - at Low Prices in Plain Figures ALL SOLD ON VERY EASY PAYMENTS Ladies' Fall Suits SI5 Ladies' Brown Skirts r"Fhlff 3.95 Made in tho popular "Prince Chap" style, of mannish materials and (old trimmed skirts to match, manufacturer's sample suits worth $25; on .sale Saturday for only Made of good quality Panama "Fluffy Ruf fles etyie trimmed with two. and three folds; our regular $8.98 skirts. Saturday for only' FLUFFY FURS FOR FALL Saturday only we will sell stone marten and blank opossum scarfs that other stores ask $8.60 for at the low price of $3.98 Men's and Boys' Clothing FOR CASH OR CREDIT Rlcn's Suits and Overcoats We will continue for another week our RIO CIX)THINO REDUCTION SALE, consisting of regular $12.60 values for I H w Ladies' Fall Coats SIO FALL MILLINERY S5 $3.98 Made of best quality kerseys, loose fitting garments, many full lined; our regular $16.00 black coats Saturday-only Large velvet shapes, all new models, elab orately trimmed, "Flufry Ruffles " styles, well worth at least $10 and $12; cur price Saturday a. Boys' Suits and Over coats for Fall ROYS' SUITS Double breasted and Norfolk styles, reg ular $4.00 values; on sale ROVS' OVERCOATS Nice roomy and warm ones, regular $ $7.50 values; on sale ior $l9-5 !45-0 only. Men's Fall Shoes In new lasts and a large variety of leathers- special sale prices are a m ini ruiitrij ui leaioeri S45J,S3L0-S3 Men's Dress Shirts In fancy and plain pat- J lerriiB, mi uow mil iun- terlals; prices are... V' '1-50c Men's Sox Another shipment Just received of our famous 15c Men's Fast Color Hose- only 3 pairs to a customer; our price. , . . 9.1 8.7 4.1 7 S 6.C a 13.3 8.91 12 3 43 5 If. 8 7.7 Mi 25.0 7 8 15 1S.2 'j.'6 New Bedford l.exlnirton Youngstown Brie. Pa Macon Akron t nlt fnrA Til .1 Cedar Rapids, la... Chester, 1'a Hlnxlwimton Karg-o, N. D Iowell Canton, Ohio Bloimng-ton, 111 Bouth Bend, Ind... Cjutncy, 111 SrlnKfle!d, Ohio.... Bloux Falls, B. D... Mansfield, Ohio.... Decatur, III Fremont, Neb Jacksonville, 111 Illncoln. Neb Oakland. Cat (Oklahoma tMouston tUalveston 77;.iX- 27.7 8 7 6 6 3 3 3 4 9 lK.x II) 9 26 4 14 9 2 8 27.4 23.0 9J7,0Cfl B.4 .... 6I8.0UO l,69i,WO 145.9 .... K,ono .... 80.8 70,0)0 .... 18-7 496.000 .... 30.7 J6.000 .... 1.4 SM.OiiD 27.2 .... 51.000 .... 2.4 515,000 .... 19 1 660.000 .... 15.3 S70.000 .... 9.2 R37.0OO .... 1.1 410,000 8.7 .... H0.00OI .... 19 7 468,PJ .... 2.6 4H?.0ft 3.2 .... MS.O00 4.2 .... .... 87.2 3b7,X)0 .... 26 4 86,00!) O.1 .... 1.7W.0C 43.1 .... 2,019.000 S37.0DO 24.1S4.0i) .... t 9 11,490.000 .... 40.7 enter denial In detail relative to the charges. Kev. ThomjJson Is now out on bonds awaiting his hearing before the commissioner. CANADA. D. C.... Montreal .. Toronto ... Winnipeg . Ottawa .... Vancouver. I Halifax Quebec Hamilton St. John, N. B.... I,ondon, Ont Victoria. B. C fC'nlgnry JKdmonton Si. 376. 14,897. 3.i9. 3.9MI. 2,trT'.'. 2.B67. 1.6i2, 1.6a. 1.266 1.4S7. 1,W'. 914, 0001 co 000 ow ow ouo wo 000 o CM 010 ,00l 4.21 10.61 25.7 16.91 16.3! 17 (M 5 1 43.1 S.9 13.7 10 5 OKLAHOMA COMES IN TODAY President Will SI an Statehood Procla mation at IO A. 91. with Kl Oulll Pen. WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. With an agle ,qulll pen President Roosevelt will at 10 o'clock tomorrow sign the procla mation that will make Indian Territory and Oklahoma a state of th. union. No ceremony will attend the signing, the effect of which will be to put In motion tha machinery 'of the state government at Outhrle, Okl., which, owing to th. difference In time, will turn Its first wheel at 9 o'clock. The pen will be turned over to Governor Frants, who will de liver It to the historical society of the new state. morning and the occupants barely escaped I In their night clothes, one 'of the brothers Doing quite uaaiy Durnea in gelling out. The loss Is about 8000, a part of which wa. cash burned In the building. PILES tlHKU IX O TO 1 DAYS. PAZO Ointment Is guaranteed to cure any case of Iichlng.BlInd, Bleeding or Piles In 6 to 14 dyi or money refunded. 604 Boys' Apparel from the Boys Siiop BOYS' CAPS, wl ta far lined pull down; la faney mix tures and plain oloes at $1, 7?e aad SOe, like tte e r BARKER COLLARS are linen coUrs, 15c, Iwo Ior littr Boys' Clothes Clothes that cannot be made better 01 priced lower our prices and qualities ' jmaa Ov-sitn 4? .-v a 1rMi1r At VAt-j ' 1 S10. 00 to S3.00 Suits that fit LT Boya' "Pony Stockings" look best 'ilYff1 and ftan4 best the strenuous wear nn VUlt-li ULtive vv) j;nt.-a uis uuot:, yi. Mju Boys Shoes We're sellina: lots of wear-resisting Shoes there's the "Ed ucator" Shces that everybody has heard of and the "Benthor" Shoes that lots of folks are hearing about. Educators are $2.75-and $2.25. Benthors are $2.50 and $2.00 - - - - J-i. Too are boy. etprywhrr that are oulitued from head to hl at the Boy.' Shop.. BENSON THORNE 15131317 DOUG 11,-4 - ., , ml he ';Mh:s 1, F Ifl ft I . A.'M LlL.J i ..,? V . . M mm wmm ' r r m mwmW Write for Illustrated Catalogue. tNut Included In totals because containing other items than clearings. Not Included in totals brcsiise comparisons are Incom plete. 'Lust week's. j WALSH CLAIMS IMMUNITY I'se of Books of Southern Tnfllaaa, Itallroad by Grand Jury Pleaded a. Bar. CHICAGO, Nov. 15. A long-drawn-out argument between opposing counsel and In Which the court took part from time to I time, over what Is regarded a practically j a plea for Immunity because the books j of the defendant had been used In th. fed ' eral grand Jury InvesOgs-tlon of hi. af fairs, consumed the afternoon session of : co-.-xt In the trial of John R. Wa'sh on a ' charge of having misappropriated funds of the bank, with which h. wa. associated. The question of Immunity was not settled whea adjournment until Monday morning was taken. Judge Anderson announcing that he would reserve hi. decision until later. The Immunity plea was based upon the fact that the books of th. Southern In d'.ara Railway comrany were as vl dence by the federal grand Jury In It. examination wh'ch resulted In the Indict ment of Mr. Walsh and were about to be used by the government In the present trial. The books were being examined and entr'es In them read by National Bank E?iamlni"r E. P. Moxey un3er a steady fire of objections from the other s'de wlion e court Interrupted with the statement that no he.dway wa being made. "Let the Jury be excluded. " he said, "and we will settle thl. question right now." Attorney John S. of counsel for Mr. Walsh, declared that he wa. not ready to meet the Icsvie, and It Is expected that he will be given an opportunity on Minday to cite authorities In .report of hi. con 1 tentlon. FIRE RECORD. nnnrh Tlulldlnars Near Pierre. PIERRE, S. V., Nov. 16.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The residence on the rapch of John and Michael Wood, about fifteen mile, down the river, wa. burned about i o'clock thi. AMUSEMENTS. DEATH RECORD. William F. Bhtcbjer. NEW YORK, Nov. 15.-Wllllam F. Bbieb ler, who received the fir.t message over the Atlantio cable, tent to President Buchanan by Queen Victoria, died Wednes day In Brooklyn. Mr. Bhlebler wa. born In Baltimore sixty-five year. ago. It wa. while acting a. expert telegrapher at Washington that he reoelved th. cable message. He delivered It to th. president and sent the president's reply to the queen He also received the message from the front announcing tne fall of Richmond at the close of the civil war. v Charles H. Drew. NEW TORK, Nov. 15.-Charle. II. Drew, I formerly a member of Frank Daniel.' "Ber- . geant Brue" company, who retired last June after being on the stag, for forty four years, died yesterday at hi. horn, here of heart disease. Mr. Drew was 61 ( years old. I While Dogt Chief f Poncaa. NORFOLK. Neb., Nov. 18. (Special Tele gram.) White Dog, chief of th. Ponca Indians, died, and wss burled yesterday. He left f 10.000 to hi. heir. and. well-to-do, was often seen begging. , DOYD'S THEATER ' Tonlgst and Saturday Wight. BatTtrday Matinee MB. SACKS TT PBESIWTS: E. M. HOLLAND In the great. ef ail hook plays THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAHD CAUDLES Heat Sunday until Wednesday r "T Xarrta and John Cork FLORENCE ROBERTS ta "ZIRA" Girls wanted. Hlnchey Laundry, .AUDITORIUM. Roller Skating ALL THIS WEEK Prof. Monohan in wonderful ex hibition, of .kilL both afternoon and evening. Admission lfle Rlratoa OCtn 0 filler, Stewart Ik Beaton j Mialaler Waters Oealal. ' MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. Nov. l.-(8pe-! clal.) Rev. D. W. Thompson of Truro, who was recently arrested on th. charge of using the mall, for fraudulent purposes, t while In the city today deified the arcusa 1 Uvu made against hluu II. refused to i price 41 3-1 5-1 7 So, lEtb Street argains Special for Saturday Only Weathered Oak Tabourette like cat top, 9x0 heighth, 15 inches A f PKJJ. Weathered Oak Stand like tut top, 12ill height, S8 Inche. rrics . ; 55 Weathered Oak Magatlne Rat-k like cut height, St Inches shelres 10x17 price ..91,40 AUDITORIUM NEXT SUNDAY Ml. lnililS AFTERNOON AND EVENING THREE BRILLIANT SOLOISTS MTM veolnr, 85o to 81.00: lft.r... t76o.. Sale on Xow. B6o PHONC DOUG 94 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE MATI.NEE TODAY 2:15 ADVLTS, Kc; . CHILDBED 10! NOTE-Curtaln I II Rharp TONIQMT .PRICES-lOc, e. Boo. KRUG THUATEM, -v : Si"' ' f Week A RACt ALROjS THfc UuNf iNENT W riftsea aoens. R 1 1 r? rzt nnn w. o..r " 1ST W V Bmtf TODAY AT 2:30 AND 8:15 P.M. VAUOEVRLI Bllyck's Sla Trala.4 Seilsi Baffy, lnwttut k buffyi Mr. and Mia. Danny liana j The Two avs.1 Auams a Onai Ko.eae BuuMtti Brows tos. lul O. frlciuree. MUM ureat Acts.