TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: RATITRDAY, NOVEMBER 1H, 1007. 3! SPECIAL SALE OF D E CASH CHECKS ON ALL BANKS " TO PURCHASERS OF MERCHANDISE 3 1 'S CLOTHING See Ad Tige Darlig lon Sale MO BEY- SAVING SPECIALS 16 n JWU RfflEN D IS 1 I B i H li A GREAT SPECIAL SALE Darlington's Pure Thread SILK HOSIERY Worth up to $2. 0. at $1.00 a pair TVe will sell, all the fine Silk Hosiery from the Darling ton Co. stock at much less than cost to make it. This stock includes all first quality, pure silk-thread Hose plain and hand-embroidered many with double sole and high-spliced heel and toe black, white and all colors, including delicate shades to match evening costumes a great many black and white pure silk Hose in opera lengths also Men's Silk Hose in all sizes, black, tan and gray, specially made for Darlingtons. Save from $5.00 to $7.50 on your Winter Suit This Fine Silk Hosiery, worth op lo $2.50 pair, at ... . 1 $18 tV&Vk.u-i HOSE All Blzes first quality you all know the regular price, 25c pair Bpeclal, C pair UC Boys Heavy Ribbed Bicycle Hose 15c Irpe sizes of Hoys' Hoavy School Hose, regular price Is 35c, f C pair special at, pair IJC New Lots from Darllnoton Stock flilsses. Children's and Ooys Fleeced Underwear A great special bargain for Saturday in Fleecy Ribbed Vests, pants and drawers, all weights 6f plain and ribbed Underwear, in all sizes, for misses, chil- wa dren and boys, up to size 34, always I o if sell up to 35c each, at, each Women s Union Suits Those Form-Fitting Union Suits In fine cotton, and wool a great variety to choose from, in cluding famous Munslng fCl OQ Union Suits, at UJ'C-.OC Women's Heavy Underwear Vests, Pants and Union Suits of fine quality all sizes deBlrablt winter weights "T(tt at, garment )JC Women's Vesta and Pants Fine ribbed, in all sizes, silver gray color, winter i r weights, 25c quality, at IjC Boys' Fleeced Heavy Underwear All sizes in Boys' Heavy Undershirts and Drawers just the thing to buy at this season a n garment Most Convenient and Most Com plete Glove Store In Omaha. Elbow Length GLOVES All lG-button, extra quality real French Kid Gloves, in black only all sizes, nnd uiwujb uiu m a ya!T. CmO pair a great Saturday JL J 0 (J love Bargain for 01r. t lo fp'Slntfifft This Includes Heavy weight Blue Serges, Black un finished Worsteds, Grey fixtures and the Latest Brown Patterns $20.00 and 22.50 Suits on Sale 1 yarainite.e Bo'SlhiDin) 1519-1521 Douglas Street ii anil DC Elbow Length GLtc 16-DuUon CthmereUe These are fleece lined, long Cashmerette Gloves, in black, brown, navy and gray they come in all sizes and arcx worth regularly $1.25 a pair "TO a big bargain square at, pair ZrC SHORT GLOVES at 9Sc PAIR Women's 1 -clasp Mocha Gloves, and brown, red and gray al German Lambskin Gloves, in black and colors, ana button Ulcve, real id, in white only all sizes a great Saturday special at, pair H7, by U. ADLEK, BROS, tc Ca Vollmer's Expert Clothes Fitters SPECIAL, THOSE BLACK OVER COATS Our trade has been waiting for have arrived by express. Some new numbers In fancy Overcoats priced to sell quick at $,25 $20 '! $15. Brown Suits, new ones, at, $30 $25 $20. Vollmer Clothing Co. 107 So. tOth St. D i f) OMAHA'S FUBE POOS CEHTER S . RESTAtntAJIT ON SO PLOOB. Taitjr Cooking". Moflermt Price. Bnowy table llnan. InttUlgtnt iktIo. I ) Bat modrt prioM peolally. 8 s yWe are headquarters for Turkeys, ( Ducks. Geese. Sauabs. etc Milk- A 0 aadurdaY doecialst: Meat Department Boys' Shoes uiufl, auu 9Sc Saturday Specials ttHi11 M AT THC FOUNTAIN 29c SVJEETLABtf 29c n 6RAN0EIS Our iu.dir "Club house" .liocolates Flavors Plneappl lUsiiberry Orange Cuioanut , After Pinner Cream 1 attlci, at. per lb. . 29c Flavors Strawberry Vanilla Lemon Maple 1 C) g- I Assorted "Sweetland" I Caramels at. per lb. 19c B BRANDOS AID FOR OLD FOLKS AT HOME Cash PrTllo Will Be Received Duriav the TkanWaslv laa; Week. Instead of the Thanksgiving donation day customary In years pant, the board of the Old People's Home has announced the week of November 0 to 27, for receiving contributions of provision or cash for the home at til Wirt srteet. Something over LOW large paper sacks have been sent out with the request tbey be Ailed with provi sions and returned to the home. The "donation party" Is the one occasion of the year, when the management of the In stitution asks the general publlo for help and the generous response has always materially swelled the winter's larder. Cash donations ami donations of fuel also are most acceptable. Wednesday. November S, and U.e following Wednesday, November 27, Uie oicuibet of U-e boaid LU be at the home all day to receive the publlo and show guests over the house. The un usually high ke of all provisions this year has heavily taxed the treasury of the home and the management hopes that this donation week will bring the usual gener ous response. Babies Strangled by croup, coughs or coUls sre Instantly re lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's New Discovery, an( j For by Beaton Drug Co. Don't get excited tf your office boy smokes cigarettea or your housemaid turns your wife out Into the street. These little things will happen some times. And when they do happen you should slnply Insert a want ad In the Bee and you'll find a good housemaid or office boy. People who always take the right course always obtain the right results. Bee want ads are etK-cilve. Our Saturday OFFERING For the Boys Parents, we want to interest you in some thing real special in the line of Shoes for the boys. "We offer you a real nobby, stout little Shoe for the youngsters that is a world-beater at the price. Built as Shoes should be styl ish, strong, well-fitting and real value. They are made in Blucher lace sizes, ruu 1 to 52 and the price is only $2.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnim SL 5 tons of Chickens, all freshly dressed, per n 9&o Pork Roast, shoulders, per lb....lOo From 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. we will sell 1.000 lbs. of Home-Made Sausage, link and bulk So We are headquarters for Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Squabs, etc Milk fed Chickens.. Try one. Fruits & Vegetables Specialties Fancy New Kngllsh Walnuts, Figs, Dates and Wan lied Figs. Imported Artichokes, Brussels Sprouts, Snowball Cauliflower. Jonathan Apples, Hot House Cucumbers, Head Lettuce. Imported Endive. English Hot House Grapes. Persimmons. Chestnuts, Plnnans. etc , etc Wines and Liquors X fine line of Old Wines, Brandies and Whiskeys for medicinal and family use. FREE bottle of fine Wine with evry gallon of J3.1) Whisky or over. Wilson Whisky, that's all. 76c Owl Hollow, full qts 80c Special bargains on Imported French and German Wines by the case. Get our prices before purchasing, as they are the lowest, consistent with BEST QUALITY. (ponrtney & Go 17th and Douglas Streets. Telephone Douglas 47. Private Exchange Connects All Depts. J I 1 S I 3 HEAL Boys that is, Boys with ginger In them, Boon begin to feel like Men and, want Man nish things. This is particularly true in re gard to the sort of Shoes the Boy wears. Experience has taught us the Boys' Shoe requirements. Such strong leather as Box Calf, Velour Calf, Gun Metal Calf, etc., go Into our Boy's Shoes. Cut In Blurher, Lace or Button styles. Strong, durable soles, ex cellent Shoomaklng. Shoes built to hold the Boy. S2.00 to S3.00 According to Size FRY SHOE CO. mm iioibi 16th and Douglas Streets. i Unequalled Assortments MMY UonIs THE RELIABLE STARH 1 1 Unmatched Values IT'S NOT THE PRICE IT'S THE QUALITY that constitutes our special Saturday offering Bargains. It's the fact that they're all from regular stocks and that we know them to be reliable in not only style, but quality of mater ial and workmanship. THE STYLE WILL PLEASE the mos! critical, the quality and variety will delight the most practical and price will meet the demands of the most eco nomical. MEN'S SUITS AND OVER COATS Very newest fabrics, styles and col ors, worth $18.00, at 1.00 and li YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AND OVER- 7 Cfk C-fA ffk COATS Worth to $15, on sale at. . . . 4 3 V4 iUUU CHILDREN'S SUITS Worth to $4.00 at $1.95 and $2.50 BOYS' OVERCOATS Worth to $4.00, at $1.95 and $2.50 SEW IMPROVED HOT BLAST THE SOLAR Call and see It in operation at our store. We sell It on small monthly payments or a cut price for caslu Double heater. Double heater means giv ing two heats with one fuel. That Is whnt the Solar does and that Is why it is so popular In Omaha. We sell It on small monthly payments or at a cut price for cauli. 5 WBslWfHIIII .1, , f r ZiShirihatV t II Kim's Advrtl In THE OMAHA DEE Best ,'hn. Vest 1322 Fa -is.- . J .J T.. READ THE BEST PAPER The Osuaka Dally Be. 9 tf MONDAY, NOV. 18TH, THE ALBANY DENTISTS Will Extract Teeth Free of Charge from 8 a. m. to 11 a. in. One gold filling free with every $5.00 set of teeth. Plates $2 up Gold Filling? 75c up We use otnnofora, the latest Improved method for extracting teeth without jala. ALDAI1Y DENTISTS BOOM la 1DIB1UH BLOCK. Opposite the Old Biton Store. Ectraace lit mouth tateeu'.h Street. a nam St. I "A Word to the Wise" To men employed or working In offices I can safely say from my own personal experience that If you want to enjoy some of. the comforts of life, keeping exempt from eolda, rheumatism, etf., WEAK For Sale by ALBERT CAHN State Auent 1 322 Farnam Street torn The Polar does the work, and that la what counts. It Is not a hot air sales- The Improvement In the Solar over th man stove, but a hot air heating stove, old style Is thut it burns the smoke and It Is bought by intelligent people and not Sas without blowing the fire and over, by peop.e who must be influenced by hot ZnU"el? air salesmen. Intelligent people buy first forty-eight hours. It burns the cheapest class stoves. It Is the kind we sell. coal best. The Sfoetzel Stove Co. 714 S. 16th St. ::1PI1 CUBA, FLORIDA and .ev; Orleans A delightful trip and a pleasant plaoe to escape the rigorous winter. "Winter Tourist Tieketa now on sale. For rates, detailed information and descriptive circulars, call at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam, or write SAMUEL NORTH District Passiengcr Agent ati. fa' at' fatsslH mU maim no vv...",.:r.r.. nii ir mm, purl of ww. hip only rr ..i r h.hl. .1 r ,T' . l.ar.e kwllle ll.lt, "' nrrla.klrirrM. Madame Josephine Le Fevre, see bvaiaat ai.. piiaa Sold bjr Booloa Bior irvg rjei-, Tb bautt Cooitaujr, Tiia bc.l Lrug (.., bMlua r.4 Co., hl,r-j.!luu Ijrui Ce., J. H MtbmiH. DIAMONDS Iiings $ 5.00 to $1,000 llrooches. . 10.00 to 1,000 Muds 10.00 to 1,000 Sl0 100 150 Ear screws 15.00 to 'I I.orkets. . . 10.00 to I U Cuff buttons 10.00 to 'J Guaranteed goods at guar- p. anteed prices. J. The Tv.'entieth Century Farmer Best i'arut I'sper tabscrlbe low, Window Glass We do glazing. 'Phone our Paint Department your ord ers. Tel. Douglas 3425. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 1 Paint Dept. 1416 Harney St. Business Boosters Trj tt Want Coin mm ot TL