GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ife Traders on the Floor Are Bearish, with Few Exception!. TUB OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1907. 13 FINANCIAL STATUS MAIN IDEA General ralllae; In Bnilnm la Daala f Price Declines Wheat Opens Devoid at Feature a. OMAHA. November IS, 1W7. With few exceptions the trader! on the floor are bearish. There la but one Idea among them and that Is the financial con dition and the general falling oft of busi ness In geneml I the basin for all declines. Wheat opened with no feature whatever. The crowd contlnuns to be bearish and any purchase that were made early were quickly dumped on the break. December wheat opened at 6SVs and closed at tc. Corn opened weak and the general fellng Is strongly bearish In spite of the reported 1 bullish condition. With any secession of support the market slides down and holds no strength under selling. December corn opened at 49a and closed 48rc. There was an extremely bearish oat crowd and they started early to hammer tha market. They were surprised, how. ever, when It wae found that everything had been taken, and there were no offer lnga whan they tried to cover. December oata opened at 444o and closed at 43vc. Primary wheat receipts were 1 7.000 biishela and shipments were 435,000 bushels, against recelpta last year of 811.000 bushels and shipments of 234,000 bushels. Corn receipts were 237.000 bushels and shipments were lST.OOO bushels, against re celpta last year of 434.000 bushels and ship ments of 302,000 bushels Clearances were W.uoa bushels of corn, 5.000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 305.000 bushels. Liverpool closed IVid lower on wheat and d lower on corn. Seaboard reported 200,000 bushela of wheat, 48,0130 bushels of corn and 80,000 buahela of rya taken for export. i.ixal range of options: steady: boxed extra short. 810.11. a, . , ...-.., t nn-Kenn, sc; springs. 1 ir-rVi. Ly'i U r; lucks. '-; gn-se, Sc. I Isi'sK.7ady;4c.rt"m"y ! r.i. ... Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu .41.,,,) 710 r"- .bu 16w al- b 36.OU0 ll.uuO NEW YORK GGXEHAL MARKET Featnrea or Tradlnr and Trlcea on Leading; font modifies. e.I7 wT.V-RK- , Nov- IS FLOl-R Re Pelpts. 14.27 bbls.; exports, 16.680 bbis.: mirkt m A . v. . . - ... ... ' rjT.V-c ntf; iV2-y"5.; winter straight. '"""'"i wunnrpnia nagerS, St. 01 'u'.). 00; r.n.,IT.,,tr,""- H4.10: winter patents, 8iK.va5S5; winter low grades. J3 75f4 00 Hye flour steady; fslr to good, $5 (Hh6.jfl; choice .'Anc.Zi'S'r'f'hn Wuckwheat flour, steady, tt ioa a per 100 lbs. CORNM KAI.. Steady ; fine white and yel tTkmif01''' coar8e' 1-XS1.3B; kiln dried. M . RLEY Nominal. HYE-Firm; No. 2 western, 904e, f. o. b.. New York. AVl,KAT R''IPt". 2.30O, bu.; exports, 40.38S bu.; spot market eaxy; No. 2 red, 11.024, elevator; No. 2 red, 1.04, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. $t.lH. nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard whi ter. 11.074, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Ad verse financial conditions dominated Wheat all day, causing almost 2c decline, tontrlbutlng features were easier cables. December 81.04 H 1.01 ; closed at II 111 ik, Man A i. i a , Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat- Jill Pec.... Si WJ H7'4 STH May... fx;ii ftuvi tS 9T.H July... isjVk sa, is W,i Corn Iee.... 494 4Vi 454. 4S May... 60 fio 49. 49V 50t July... 43Vi 4UVi 49' 4!tVi 49, Oam- Pec... 44i4 44V, 4".T, 44 May... 47 47i, 4H7 47 47 July... 42 42S V 44 42 Omaha Cash Prleee. WIIEAT-No. 2 hard. 8u92c; No. t hard, WijrMc; No. 4 hard. 79f(85c; No. I spring, miaic; no grade. 7ofl7Sc. CORN No. 3. aliB2r:: No. 4, 4Mf.WV4c ; no trade. 4fttt4c; No. 8. yellow. 61V4fj2Hc; No. white, Sli&GCc. OATS No. 3 mixed, 40541e; No. I white, 4?fH,1u,c; No. 4 whlto, 89H41V4c; standard, 12 44c, HYE-No. 2, CR-gerc; No. 3. 66'S67c. Curlut Reoeinis. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 16 8 130 M nneapolis 199 Omaha 14 4 i Duluth 233 rmcACio oniix and rnovfsioxs Fontnvea of the Trailing and Closing rrlcea on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. 15. Whuat Pilies on the local exchange declined 2c today from the high point, because of selling based on the financial situation. The December de livery closed IHU'IVsC lower. Coin was off VtfSc. Oats were 4C lower. 1'rovlaions were down from 6c to 20c. The wheat market opened weak because of the fresh slump In stocks and became still weaker as trading progressed. News of the clay was generally favorable to the bears. Foreign grain markets closed weak and prices throughout this country were easy all day. There was not sufflclont news of a bullish etiaracter to create much demand, and the volume of trade was very small. Urailat reet's repot t, showing exports of ,l2,fio0 bu. of wheat and flour for the week, caused some buying by snorts late In the day. The market closed wek. De cember opened a shade tp SiiSrO lower at PCiy.p6ic, declined to 93SQ and closed at l'HtM4tc. May sold between li'l7 and IU' and closed at $1.u2Val.02H. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to S. 6.:xiu bu. 1'rlmary receipts were 617,000 bu., against 9U,0nO on the samu day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 447 cars, at against 4ti7 last week and 18 one year ago. The corn market was weak all day and prices declined more than lc from the high point because of the cold weather In the northwest, the break In wheat and the unaettled financial situation. Many reports were received telling or the poor condition of tha new crop, but they received but little attention. The market closed weak. De cember opened 4Vc lower at 6XH54ii:, sold up to &6Hc and then declined to 64 V closing at MStltoV. Local receipts were b4 cara, with of contract grade. The trade In oats waa light and prices were weak because of the decline In wheat and corn. December oats opened Vc lower at 46;c. sold between 46'4c and 47'ic and closed at 4ic. , Local recelpta wcra 130 cara. Several of the leading packers were sell era of provisions and as. a result the market was weak throughout the session. A decline of OfelOc In the price of live hogs had a depressing effect. At the close January pork was down Uc at tllSO, lard was Sr7Ho lower at l(.00iijtl.02H and ribs were w lower at I6.S7H. Kstlmated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat 17 cars; corn, lis cars; oats, 10J cars: hogs, 12,0 head. The leading future ranged as follows: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market ii Weak and Lower on TJrpent Liquidation. LITTLE DEMAND FOB SECUEITIES 11044b' fav t1t.T?fiH , , Ti. v 1,,"Pt. 44.670 bu.; exports, 14.471 bu.; spot market easy; No. 2, 6c, elevator, and Hc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 w hite, 17 He, and No. 2 yellow, fjl'i, r. o. b. afloat. Option market was with out transactions, cjoslng Sc net lower. December closed at 17o; May closed ut 4 iC. . A)AT,Rec'',Ptl, 4.100 bu.; exports, 1.000 bu.; spot market quiet; mixed oats, 21 to 12 lbs., 62c: natural white, 26 to 32 bs., 62 f 54 Hc; clipped white, 32 to 40 lbs., 634J10c. JJA Y-tJteady; good to choice, II ISffl Jn. tivvl ul,; "i"'. common to choice, 1907 crop. 1311c: 19H crop, 7fil1c; I'aclllc coaff, 1907 crop, 9tT12c: 19og crop, 5(f79c. HIDES Dull; Central America, 19-'; Hog.pta. lleh'lKVte. I.KATH KR- Steadv; acid. KfimAo. PKOVISIONS Beef, steady;" family. 114.fl0j'15.ii0; packet. $1 1 U)ra vz .00 ; city extra India mess. a0.0ofl23(K); pickled belllc!i 11.6cai3.So; pickled hams, $11 OOini .V). l.ard, steady; western prime, $8 85'i?8.95: re fined, barely steady; continent. $9.35; South America, $10.25; compound, $S.O0. Pork, firm; family, $20.00; short clear, $16 601 17. SO; mess, $ 16.00 W 16.7 5. TALLOW Kasler; city, 6 8-16C; coun try. 6SS6S0. ItlCt: Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 2',?(6Hc: Japan, nominal. Hl'TTF.Il Steady; imitation creamery, flrots. 22H'f(23Hc. CHEESK Quiet; state, full cream, small colored and white, September tine 15'4c; October fine, 13c; good to prime, lii-fi 12-c; large colored. September fine, lu, ; white, 14c; common to prime, October large, 10ftl24e. EGOS -Firm; western firsts, ;9U30c; sec onds, roflcsc. POULTRY Alive but dull: western chickens. ll!?T12c; fowls. Ilff12c; turkeys, 12ril6c. Dressed, steady; western chi( kens, 12jl5c; turkeys, WiWc; fowls. 10fl!3'ic. Kansaa City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Nov. 15 WHEAT December. 9.'c; Ma, 970. Cash: No. 2 hard. 9."5!',c: No. 3 91;c; No. 2 red, D S inn-; No. 8, 9V!Mo. CORN December, 47',ic; Mav, 49c. Cash No. 3 hard. ICiio.'c; No. 3. 4KVU51c; No. 2 white, 4S(f.3c; No. 3. 48'q&lc. OATS No. 2 white, 4a4.c; No. 2 mixed l.1i i:ic ' Bl'TTER Creamery, 2i';c; nicking. 17V.C hGU6 Extras, 2c; flrstw. 22c. " ' . . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu fi.ryii l'" Corn, bu 22 000 8 X) Oats, bu 3,010 9,000 Minneapolis Grnln Market. VTVVP1DA1 ia x. ,r . ( ...... J.n x itV. 11. nf.A I PP. cemher, $1.03V; May. Sl.0914 ; No. 1 hard 11.07H; No. 1 northern, $1.04"; No. 2 north : ern, $1 ontll.04; No. 3 northern, 99offl$l 00 FLOL'R First patents, $5.41 liC.w); sisond I patents, $5.30i5 J": flrit clears, $4.30 4 40- j nd clears, J3.50g3.7O. FLAX Fair UeinumJ, at $1.15',,; to arrive OKAM-in DU1K, 1J0.75Q21.00, I.lTerpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL,' Nov. 13.-WHEAT-Spot Arm; No. 2 red western winter, hs; futures quiet; December, 8s SL March, 8s 31411' May, 8s 2d. ' CORN Spot, quiet; prime mixed Ameri can, 6a 7M; futures, quiet; December, Cs id; Januarv, s 4d. Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Closa.l Tsa y. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, III.. Nov. 15 -CoK.V-JIlBhei No. 3 yellow, 5ti'c; No. 3, 65c; No. 4, old' 66c; new, 4PC; no grade, new, 4.Vfi6c. OATS Steady ; No. a white, 46iii4(ic: No 4 while, 41(1 43Uc. RYE No demand. WHISKY-$1.35. Mllrrankre t;nln Market. MILWAt KEE, Wis., Nov. 16 WHEV r Weak; No. 1 northern, $1.07 dj. 1.09 ; No i northern, S1.04V1.07; May, $1.02 asked. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 95c; sample, t,0 & 94c. CORN Dull; No. 3 cash, 6960c; May S5c bid. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH, Minn., Nov. 15. WHEAT Close: No. 1 northern, $1,05 1,; No 2 northern, $1.0314; D-ember. $L04V: May. $1.10. OATS 4C. Treasnrr Stnteroent. WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. iTodny's statement of the treasury balances n the genera) fund, exclusive of the $1.10 000.000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance. $239,115,237; gold coin an I bullion. $11,481,724 ; gold certificates $73,260,860. llarrlmaa Farllra Sell Off on Report of Decrease la Net K.arnlnge Geaeral Sltaatlaa Brighter. NEW TORK. Nov. 15. The stock market took on the appearance of quit severe depression again today and sold down for some stocks to new low levels for the year. The liquidation was not lsrga In volume, but It was apparently urrent, and there was no corresponding demand to absorb It. The bear party was accused also, with some bitterness, of manipulat ing prices to accelerate the decline and to prom rrom the necessities of the sellers. : It was common supposition .that the pro cess going on was what the market par- ' llm'ft fftlla .lo.rln . ,ln 1 Ing the selling out of accounts thst had been carried through the late period of peril, or which had been taken over out right from the embarrassed houses by capitalists able to carry them. A number of circumstances todav also emphaslxed the weakness, although their Immediate effect was confined to Individual stocks. New York Central was the earliest stock to be affected In this way, respond ing to the published reports of the forma tion of a finance committee to consider the further nnsnclal needs of the company and the methods by which they were to he met. The Cnlted States Steel stocks continued to feel the effects of the grow ing evidence of reaction In that trade and this was of cumulative effect on the whole list, owing to the Importance attached to the Iron trade as an Index of general In dustrial conditions. Later In the day the Harrtman Pacifies were brought Into the line of depression by the publication of the earnings of the companies for September. Net earnings of both companies showed heavy declines compared wtlh September of the preced ing year. In spite of the continued expan sion In gross earnings. The Increase In operating expenses for Southern Pacific was 60 per cent greater than the Increase In gross earnings, while for Union Pacific the Increase in expense was twice as great as the increase invgross earnings. The tendency thua disclosed has become fairly general In the reports of railroad esrnlnaa for September, owing to the progressive growth In operating cost which had be come manifest many months ago. This Is the first time since the backset to busi ness In 1S that this has been true of comparisons thus made. The great In crease In cost of materials of all kinds which Is responsible for this tendency lies back of the whole question of cause's for the present crisis, such showing of busi ness results making the deduction plain that reduced consumption would be a necessary consequence of the price levels thus represented. The violent readjust "'ont In prices which has been effected since leaves open the question of results on profits of productive consumers, such as the railroads and manufacturers. Opinion on the general situation waa distinctly brighter, in spite of the apparent gloom that overspread the stock market 1 he depression was partly sentimental and associated with the traalc end'nir nf fh llro of the former president of the Knicker bocker Trust company. The premium on ...v, ..on milium 10 reiax ano mns were not In evidence In some quarters where the demand has made Itself clearest In the premium operations. Rates are still quoted on the gold to arrive rn the Maure tan a. a week from tomorrow, which Is In Itself Indicative thst tha fir.f ,i.,,D rt'd not absorb all of the expected con signments. More significant is the fact that bids for the gold have now declined I to a fraction compared with IS per cent when the engagement was first mad. D- I niaads from Interior banka on their New lork correspondents were met today with out much alteration of terms. Estimate or the week's cash movement Indicate a moderate loss by the banks, owing to the continued heavy shipments to the Interior, but an Improved bank position Is expected owing to the lack of reflection of the early , gold Imports In last week's bank statement fi n- "XT, .. i"1 iotal Pr value, $. .15.00. I nlted States bonds were un changed on call. M.-!'.ber S'f "nl"" and Quotations on stocks Aeie as follows: Arlims Express Am.iinainuttHl copper American C. ft K uu pld 'tt Ann r. Cotton Oil (In pfd Am r. can Exprena . Amorlcan H. ft L. pfd .... Ice 8 AnuTlran l.lniMd Oil .... ilo pld j Aiucr. I .inotlTs do pfd! 3. & r do pfd Amer. Sufjr Refining Amur. Tub, pld crtlf.... Aiiiiconds Mining Co AtthlBoa do pld Atlantic Coaat Lin Ualtim r 4t Ohio ,. do pfd lirooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific linlral of N'i Jeraejr .. I'tiiupajka at Ohio Chicaio Ol. Wtattrn ...... Ctiicico a Northwestern.. C, M. & St. P (.'lilceKo T. 4 T do pld C. C, C. gt. It. Colo. Fuel a Iron Colo, at 8oulhern do 1st pld d Id pld Consolidated Oaa Corn Products Kfg ,...r, . 00 pld IMaware at Hudaoo u.. L. a w 1. a R. o do pld willing to release gold for shipment di rect to the United states and reports that a large quantity of the metal was going from London to New York at the week-end prompted selling consols, which dropped S In the forenoon, but if covered a fraction at the close. Busi ness, however, diminished on the dear money fears, home rails alone ruling firm under Investment purchases. Ameri cans we're dull early, nervousness re- Warding the financial situation In the nlted States offsetting the effect of the dividend announcements. Moderate sup- fort at noon sent prices up to over par ty, but tha Improvement disappeared on realisations. 1 hen the receipt of the opening New Tork quotations steadied prices for a time, but renewed selling oaused a reaction and tha market closed weak. KafOrs were weak, owirrg to fears of trouble in connection with me sei le nient. PARIS. Nov. IS. Prices on the Bourse today were firm, owing to the ease with which the mldmonthly settlement was accomplished. BERLIN. Nov. IS. The trading on the Bourse today waa dull and prices w It weak upon tha continued money strm- fency In the United States and the un avorable reports regarding the Oermin Iron trade. Americana were sharply im pressed. New Tork Money Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 15. Prime mercantile paper nominally at 710 per cent; sterling exchange firmer with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 tha4 SioS fur demand and at $4.78'ri4!0 for sixty day billa. Commercial bills, $4.77H. SILVER Bar, iic; Mexican dollars, Vc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Money on call Arm, 6315 per cent; ruling rate, li per cent; closing bid, 6 per Cent. Time loans firm and largely nominal; txty days and ninety days l-'yl6 per cent; ix months. S per cent, closing isolations on New Tork bonds were as follows: C. S. r. U, ret 1"HL. A N. nnlne4 4s. '4 ds roupoo 1MtMan. con. gold 4a. . 904 V. 8. St, rag 1014 M ex. Central 4t .... 14 do coupon do 1st Inc V. 8. n 4a. ref Ill M. a at. L. 4s.. so c upon Ill M.. K. a T. 4s '2 Amer. Tob. 4s M4 do Ma 7 Is to Nat. R. of M. r. 4a. Auhl.on S'P. 4a.... t N. T. C. fi-n. I4a.. t'H --o aaj. e B'e-N. j. c. ten. M....nn ' "Atlantic C. L. 4a . fi0. pacific 4a 4H B. a n. 4s V do t t do H N. a W. con. 4 .... Brookljtn R. T. c. 41480. 8. L. rldg 4i.... 71 ' Central of Os. 4a... : renn. er. Il 17 dn Id Inc 46 Raadlnt -n 4a M do Sd Inc 10 gt. L. a I. M. c. Ill 014 C. A O. 41a gt. L. 8 F. ft- 4a C. a A. ma ..H8t. U B.-W. e. 4t. iH . C. n. A Q. new 4l 6 Beahoard A. U 4a.. 75 C, R. I. a P. R. 4a. hi 80. Pacific 4a 7 ' ' do col. (a do lat 4t errtlf.... Ill i Colo. Ind. 6a. s. A.. 40 go. Railway 6a Colo. Midland 4s .... f T AP lets 16 Colo. A go. 4a 7?H T., St. L. a W. 4a.. 67 Cubs 6a S I'nlon Pacific 4a r.S I). R. R. 4a.... tl d. cv. 4 0 Diet. Bee. 6a -4 V. 8. Steel, id 6a 1 Erie, prl r Men 4t . 1.7 W'abarh l.ti lot do gen. 4a 70'4 WHiern Md.. 4a 42 Hock. Valley 4'te US W. a L. B. 4s.... 74 Japan 4 Hi, certlf.... H wia. Central 4a 76 do 2d aeries 4H Japan 4St T7V4 Ulleied. "Bid. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET No Noteworthy Change in Cattle Com pared with Yesterday. HOGS AT HIGH POINT OF MONTH Very Light Ram of See a4 Lasaba, with Killers Steady to trosg la gpeta aad feeder ghoww Inc No (kssg, SOUTH OMAHA, No. 15, 1907. Receipts were: Cattl. Hogs. Sheep. Oilicial Monoay .J l.JJo li.vll Uftlciai Tuesday 4.H.H l,no Ko.l 4 official Weoneaday 4.3i a.o4o ,tS Ulflclal J'hursday 4,vl2 ,?74 1,04 Estimate Friday SM Mi 14.12 U.J14 lo.oul ii.S.O M,S io. Ml) e.u,l ,,.( tl.hli Four days this week . . . . 10, .'is) dam days last week lb. -On same days 2 Weeks ago..;2.u.ii same days i weens sgo....,.M bsme days 4 days,w0 oanie days last year 4U.OU7 Tha following table snows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sneep at bou.n umana tur li. e year to date, compared elm lasi year: 1S07. lf. Inc. Ueo. Cattle l,066.l 37.tt4i US,S Hogs i,i!,i,,i 2.1o.,iue lls.lM dneep l.wi.slg l,V,u,1z B,4l The following table snows the aviie prices of nogs at boutli Omaha lor liie laat several daya, witn compel laons; Date. lv7. llSot.llSOS.atCH llrvS.lltOl.lltOl. Nov. Nor. Nov. .ov. Nov. Nov. S... ... 7... ... ... 10.. Nov. 11 Nov. li... Nov. Nov. Nov. li. 14... U... 5 W S M 4 9 4 74 611 S Tl 6 16 I 6 Ml 4 17 1 ! 731 l 71 4 W I 6 V 4 o t 1 4 7 oe s k 4 4Vs k Vi 4 111 4 W 441 t 4 1,4, t W 4 t 4 4 80) S 74 Oil 4 lw 4 HI ti 7 o 4 93 14 bil 4 k 4 J I n 4 b3 8 00 i 4 eOl 4 10 S 0$ 4 JO a M, 4 80) j 4 u4 6 al S o 4 So a .-,, 4 i3 4 8 4 bi M 81 4 M Uk 4 Ui 4 M i 'ti 7.:oo 1.6J0 100 t. i 100 31 ill 1 . 60 J 7.20 4'U I.4IM 4.84) 2l0 l.uuV lJO i,vb i.m l.uou 17, wu 100 100 tvO 3UJ tes:ss4t 4 il llifi- 1 01',,liS-H.lAli-'a 16 Wheat I I I Dec... WViliS 95SI May... luiL-t, 10.1', July... r (.ii,- -Pec....5S'iiS5i,) 66S Julw 1 KAU.1 KK? .till Dec.... 4 47H 4 4flSI 4 May... 49'nS SOS'.i 4' 491! 407, July... I 45 46H 46 45 4bi- I'oik- III I Jan. ... 13 87m 13 S7H 11 76 1 II 80 lg 00 I lay... U 30 13 30 U 00 13 04 13 40 I.J 1 1 I Jan....) 105 J, 80S I S 00 I 02i S 07U alay... S teVtf 8 OJVil 7 K I fc s 07H Kile- - 1 I Jan.... I I SS 1 S87H I7H T 0JU ! May... I 7 16-1 7 16 I 7US 7 0? 1 Toledo Heed Market. TOLEDO. O. Nov. cash. iQAU' fwmlwip to rjv n.-v n a- Timothy. prime, $2.a). Alslke. prime,' , December, 19.40. Vn Cash quotations were as follows: FLiOCR Steady ; winter patents, S4 269 4 7i: straights. S3 80(4.50: spring patents S ." H)Jj.4y; straights. S4.4Ul4.o; bakeia. 14. o 4 10. WMEAT-No. I spring f1.fl0tjl.0t; No. S Jc8103; No. 1 red, WSf5i,e? I'uHN-No. f, 6:c; No. 1 yellow, lv,fTuo OATd-NQ. I. 46Vc; No. S white, 4ii6uc. 1. 1. 1 -i' 'i-ediiig, uiuubc; ia r to choice malting, 780o. BSEDSKUx. No. 1 northwestern. SI. 17. ee-a'-wV''"' VS" PV'",rt r'h" "l1" f"ose Mess pork, per bbl , JU60jl3 75. &r.7..-:u""cSft 8hort c'"r n,..a's'of"rfou'ra',rd U "" kki. Recocts Shipment" Whilt h 24 ror,bubU:-" A . T MO.JSJ IM'U Hv.'-bu11 j:5 uaxley. bu lgS(M On the Produce exchenge today the Im iViTuTASJL" ft!rm; "men... twrf": c'lnciu'o vtr"X . n,Vk' first.. I4C. Cheese; wek; PCi"" Tottoa Market. NEW TOr.K. Nov. 15 COTTON-Fu-tures opened steady; December, 10 4.1c January, 10.04c; February. in.C9c bid March. 10.14c;' April, 10 .HiflO l'.'c May' liL'4c; June. 10.13c bid; July. 10.24c; August' 1 1ro offered Spot closed steady. 10 points lower; midd ling uplsnrls. 10.70c; middling gulf, 10 9ic cales 2.4iO bales. ' Futures closed steady. Closing bids November. 10 c; Decemher, 10.3f.c; January' t "e; February. 10 00-; March,; April' IO O80: Mav. 10.12c; June, 10.13c; July. 10 lav' August, 10.06c. ' GALVESTON. Nov. 15. COTTON Firm 11c. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 15. COTTON Spot market quiet. Quotatlona revigp,i: Low ordinary, ISt, nomlnnl; nrnary, 7 7-lc. nominal; good ordinarv, 87e, nominal: middling. 10c; good mlddllii, He; middling fair, 11 Ho; fair, 12e nomlnul; ssles. 3 050 bsles; receipts, 6 6 1 j bales; stock. 170.914 bales. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15. COTTON Quiet ' middling. 10'ic; receipts, 31 bales; ahlp ment. S35 bales; stock, 10.S36 ha'es LIVEKl'OOL. Nov. 15. COTTON Spot market quiet; rrlces 5 rolnts lower; American mlddl'ng fair, .43d; good mid dling, 07d; ml tilling, 6 (7d; good or dinary. 6. lid; ordlnnry, 4 5 1 d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, .of which M biles were for sreculation and export and Included 8.700 bales American. Receipts. 8.500 bales, all American. rr. Wit t. Loals Ceaeral Market.' I.OI' IS. Mr. V a . - : . i iikit "': tram. un. j TrA r.,h M V w hard. S10C"&1.03: Wt- No- CORN-Weak; trs, k. No." I cash 5Kc December. U; May. KSc; No 1 white.' OAT8 Weak: track. No 1 ,k as-. December. 4c; May.' J.. No'TWhj rIXVR-Steady; red winter ratenta 85 JmT ',r""ht' clea Btll-Timothy, steadv; J5ia4 10. COHNMKAI Steadv; 13 00 ftBRAN-8tronger; sacked, east track, fl.06 ifTr.,edy: ,, nothy- ' .S.0; prairie. P OUulf 00. IKu.V COTTON TIES-SI IS UA(K1IN(-41 18. HKMH TWINB-Uc. PROVISIONS Laid, lower; prime steam S8k'uS.2a. Dry tjll mesta. steady extra Wig, t.J.;i; clear ribs. Sf.Ou; snort clears. Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 16.-WOOL The Commer clal Holletln of lu.eton, basing Ms reports on statistics gathered from the government will ssy tomorrow of the wool market: The market Is dull and the business of the week Is confined mostly to small lots of 6.0) to lO.OiO pounds, with a few exceptions w! era larger quantltlea have been moved. Huv ers operate only when obliged to. In fact the financial situation Is a check on ali transactions except where the need is urgent. The tone of the market Is easy, but on the small transactions of the week no Important changes In quotations are In dicated. Staple wools, being scarce, are steady In price, if not firm, bat the poorer class of clothing wools are in fsvor of buyer Feveral mills have temp Tartly shut down till the financial eituaiin clears Australian advices are easier, with si ghtly lower prices and a much quieter demand South American advices are also easy. The hi nmnt fif anj frnm !J, a. & . r. . - - ----- ..w... U J- D- vember 14. Inclusive, according to the same authority, are 2J3.i'.5.S73 k.unds. against 2i -, JM.tflS pounds the same lime last vear. The reielpts to November 14. Inclusive, were Tb.SuI.JTS pounds, against Sk2!sl.tL4 pounds the same period last year. T IjUMrt S'nv is vviirT q.... dlum grades combing an I c 1 thi -ig ll'gic light flna. lS-uloc. tub washed. 2ij3oc. ' Bask tlearlaas. OMAHA, Nov. 15 Ban',; clearings for to ri v u..r. tl Ki 'fi . , .1 f . . , I 1 . ' - - . -. - ..... .. i caLMJllull. Jdate last er H,eW,Ui.i4. I Iilkllllere' Securltlea E.-le 1,000 ! On Ixt pfd I do 'id pfd )0 General Elactrie I.biH) llutking Valliy Illinois Outrel 71a) Paper gji do pld InKruat.onal Pump 4 do pid 1 Iowa Ontral do pld haiiaae City 8. ulnars uo pid LouUvilio a NaahTiils .... 1,40 :M,iican CVutrat jg ill..u. A SI. Uiule M., gt. P. A 8. eie. M do pfd Jdlaeoun ParlQo 1,7im M., K. aV T T Jo ptd e Nilloiial Lead 11, tot Nat. H. K. of Utx. pit N. York Central ll.tOt N. Y . O. W 400 Norfolk W eaters tx do pld Nurtn Americas I.biv fauna Mali TM Priiuylvila b4.4Ui) 1'ci.pie'a Gaa l.tftiu P.. c. C. a 81. U 100 Prtaaed glee! Car 4 do pfd .' 4 4 Pulluaa Palace Car Soj Ktadlns 4.4JO ilo lt pfd I'D do Id pld 4 H Rrpubiio bteel 2U0 4 ptd buu IltK iaiaod Co l.Iil do pld S. a'.a 8t. L. 8. r. id ptd.... to tit. Lou ia 8.-W do pid PbciDO 14. too ou p. 4 8outhrn Railway I.IJj do pld too j Teuu. Coal a Iroa loe I 1aaa a fa.iOo 6oi ' T. i L. a W do pfd t'u.ou haclflo do pfd V. 8. gipreas I'. 8. Healif t 8. Huoter 1 da pld I V. 8. Sleel ' da pld Vs. -Carolina Chemical d pld Wabaafc 00 pld V. e:le-Faro Eiprcaa ' WVailnebuuM ibleclr.e . We at el a Inlos W a L. K 1 Wiecouam Cealral .... I do pld Northern Pacifte j Cenual Leather do p(4 ' 8loa-bhe9le.d 8leel .. ' Greet Northern pld I lulerboroush Met. ... do pld tj du.drnJ Ogered. ; 'luiil aaua tor tne dr, I7S.804 shares. 104 too lJ 44.2O0 f.aju luo 'iio IIS) U. l' DUO 1 4U llM High. Low. rioae. 141 44 444j iH 2 f tt (ii it u :3 70 it: 10 im im n'4 7 17 07 3S - i II l to 42 5914 B.' Sis, fcji, 101 tt I0014 b J' (3 Jt'4 30 7: nt n I ! II to I4'4 44 7t4 71 W tiSs 71 90 ft Ji) HIS, 1394, i: 160 MS, ZiH, 714 1 1 1.1') 129 1!H 87 Dola r,Sk I 1 4Di 4V, 4H4 10 15 1 lilt lltl 17 1H 4:v, JS 11 II U Si 114 fc)4 IZsSi U4 12H i U II 14V4 M ', It 3V, 14 16'4 Ul, 37 7 37 24 t 13 lv7 loath lu4 44 111 S .llv I. 7I ISt, l St S i U (1 61V 10 n 2'S 44 MV, 111, ,3 11 131, 11 31 71 HI f4S4 14 21 in, M'i 61, 14 34 U 31 it" l" MS, 4i k, toiS, Bl 41 St 4o MS l, 3' list lk-4 M lout, l.k 7414 7ji, 7V 14 44 U 17S4j 17 17 41 S7S4 (14 17 13oS4 Ui 71 71 7 74 7i 47S4 14 14 13', bt e , " S4j U 11 34 33 li II hi .1 ? U 47S, m WSi lot 101 11)1 114 11S4 1' 31 17 ll 4 1 H II H ll li , H 33V, 13S, lilr ll 10, 4, 71 7 71 M M li 1 14 '4 44 4l ,4 83 ii u est lt 1414 11 ii n 11 1IS4 1" lie WS4 31 34 44 4e J 4 His li 147 104 4 1HS4 IjS, 11 li 7i 7v U 31 14 i 1.1 110 1.0 1 6 I 1 le U Boston Stocks and Itnidi. TIORTHK Nnv 1K r-n ll !.,, nB trwin rnw cent; time loans, B'S per cent. Offlclal I closipa; nn stocks and bonds: Atrhleon 4a 0S4 Atlantlo Meilcan Central 4a. 74 lllnfham I Atchiaon et Calumet a Hetla. 88 4i Pf4 ID Centennial 7', Bnaton A Albany ..lut Copper Range 48 Poalon Maine ...US Paly Weat 10, noalon ElfTated ..111 Krsnklln Fllihborg pld .... Ill Oranhy 73 Mexican Central 1.1 lale Rnrale N Y., N. H. A H..UIS Mbm. Mining 1 Pere Marquette ...111 Michigan 7- I'nlon PaclBo 1 74, Muhawk 43 Amtr. Arge. (hem. 11 Montana C. A C... 1 Amer. Pnen. Tube.. 4 Old Dominion 11 Amer. Sugar 101 ntcrola 71 o Pf ! Parrot Aiwr. t A T Qulncjr 73 i Amer. woolen li Shinnon H . "o Pfd 'I amarack M Edleon Elec. Illum lH Trinity lu Oen. EIM-trk 04 fnltid Topper 7 Maa. Electrlo V. B. Mining 30 do pfd 39 p. g. oil , Maaa. Oaa 4 t't.h Jl United FYuit im Victoria 4 1nlUd Sh s Mach.... 37 Winona I . 8o pfd J4H W'oWerlne IX) U. 8. 8teol 8.4, N rth Dutte 4 a P'4 7 Rutte Coalition 13 Adventure 17 , Nevada Allo,"s 1'.' Calumet A Ari-ona.. 91 Amalgamated 45 Arliona Commercial.. I Aaksd. Uld. OH I.o'reOon Closing Stocks. LONDON. Nov. 16. Closing quotations on ' v, . 1 . ns follows- Conaola. money IIS M., K. A T R 00 account ,.w t: N. Y. C 33 Anai-enda , 4 Norfolk A Weat ... 14 Auhlaon : 7.44 do pfd 3 4o pfd ti Ontario A Waa 10 O ) PennnylT.nla ii Canadian Pacl8c ....14iRand Mlnea 4Ti t'hea. A Ohio 17 Beading 4d Chicago Ct. Weaiern 7 Bo Railway li C, M. a 81. P 110 do ptd 41 n Beira 14 Bo. Pacific 69 R- O ! f nlon Paclo Ill o Pfd 41 do pfd M Erie 14 f. 8. Steel 2j ii let pfd i do pfd 12 lo -! Pfd iWebaBh I Grand Trunk 17 do ptd :. It Illlnola Central 127 Spanlih 4s !K) 1 Louiavllle ft Naah.. N I SILVER Lar, steady at 26 15-16d per oz. MiNfc.i lidio per cent. The rate of discount In the open market j JLT . . L... i er cent; ior three months bills, 66 per cent. Nave York Minima; .tocka. NBW YORK. Nov. 15.-L'loslng quoUtlona en mining stocks were as follows: Adama I on t Little Chief S All SM Ontario 3V0 heee It (; hir vv Rrunaarlck Con M Petoal 10 Comatock Tunnel .... 1 garage '.""ll Con. Cal. ft Vs 41 glerra Nevada ...'.'.'. i Horn Silver PD Small llopee 15 Iron Silver IM Standard tl Leadville Con. 1 8 Ofteied. 3"2 'tis "633 tlu o6 813 l. eotf V08 Wit ;o 8 613 1 ivi 77 3 1 1 3o7 U 21a Ui ..... 117 4,4iu Sunday. The oilicial number of cara of stock brought in today by each mitd waa. 1 Cattle Hugs Sheep. C. M. A St. P 3 Union Imciiic system 3 8 10 C. at N. vv., eudi S3.. C or. N. W., west 4 17 3 C t. K, M. dk 0 1 3 (J., 11. at vi., cast S .. .. C, li. ei si , west 8 11 C, K. 1. t t., east 1 Ciiuago Ureal Western 3 .. Total receipts 18 46 13 The uifetiueiiiun ol the ua a recelpta waa as tuiiues, muli buyer purchasing; the ' number of head indit-aivd: Cattle. Hugs. Sheep. umana racking Co Swill and Company luuaiiy I'lcKUie co Armour at Co Cua.iy laoil Co., K. Vanxant ac Co Catey v lieiilon- lllll OI, oull Cuaauy liios. die Co.... J. ii. ituol oa CO T. ii. liigiiiain bullivan inua Leiiiuer 151 us kuiiiuii i'acKlug Co... Mtets lAu.iumn i.ras bl. ciair Ulner uueis Totals 2,wi3 3.1J4 ,L8 C.w - a. i.ui.tit ol caiiie i very haul lu.s mere be.i.g only seven teen iii-Mi cais In sight and nut many iiuiUuiria. iiiis was i.ui enough to mane a luaiKci or to interest buis, still pae. e.s leiebei.latrves weie Oal 111 lair season di.d were practically all sold eari. Hie lew siaileiu.g loaus 01' beei steers bicUftiii bleaoy and Willie the ue Uiai.u was su.t.t-.eiil to clean up wnat li.eie was 011 saie 11 was Veiy evident tlial 11 haa nut pai itLUlarly urgent. Luna and rr onorally ateady ai.d in su.i.o Ltutcs possibly a little Stiouaer uwti.g 10 tu iaLl that ma oueniigs were so K,y 1 let lit. ilieia ht.u no new developments In tha leeuer tiaue, both supply auu ueuiana be lug light as is apt to be Ihu ciose of the week, sold moved ofl at abuut ua yemeruay. Wuoiatiuns on cattle: Oood to choice coin-md ateeis,; lair to good coin-led steers, J4.4on,; common to fulr coin-ltd steers, Vi.ioH.40; good to choice raiie steers, St.Ltttw.w; (air to good raiiga steers, Xbom4.lj, common to tair rango steers, S.tajiuJ 80; good to choice cows and heilers, o.ia,,o.oO; tair to good cows and heileis, ouj,; common to lair vows and lieileis, el.iiUil.bO; good to choice stocaera and feeders, ft.tAKiit.uO; fair 10 jod sluukn'S and iceuers, e3.ajiev4.0Oi comiuou lu lair Blockers and feeders, S2.7oti.aV. Kepreaenlullve sales: bl.Kr BlKEHU No. Av. t'r. Ke. At. Pr. 411 I 00 4 1264 4 40 84 sl I 75 42 114) 4 4o li 11 to I 74 U 1 I V COW t. 80 117 I IS WEoTfcKNS-NEBRA&KA. the lasa toward 'the lew calUa the Sams prices i Korelga Flaaaelal. r LONDON. Nov. 16. The money market I t-nUy was In small supply and rates acre i firm. Inatounta were dtarer on fears tl.nt Ilondun a ill hate to meet a furtuer American gold demand. On the tto k exi hange the monetary situation in tha I nlted Stales t auaexi IncieAed anxie.y and adter-eiy aflectel tlie market, gen 'I Lis VlI that liaise wag uu- r WEATHER IN THIS URAIX BELT Pair Matnrday After a Mglil of Lower j Temperature. OMAHA. Nov. 16. 1807. Temperatures are higher this morning In the southern states, the central valleys, and are generally higher throughout the west and northwest. They are lower In tne middle Atlantic states. Cloudy weather prevails in the upper Missouri and ilia sippi valleys and Lake region, with gen erally clear weather in all oilier seciiuiis east of the Rocky mountains. The weather Is unsettled on the nor'b. faulflc coast. Con ditions are favorable for continued fair in this vicinity tonight and (Saturday, with somewhat colder tonight. Oinai.a leioid ot t. .i.perature and pre cipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: ... , 107 1!16 iy 1904 Minimum temperature.... IS ai 42 36 i'reclpltation a) .00 ,00 Noimal leuipeiature for totiay. ii de grees. L)efllclency In precipitation since March L m Inches. Liehclency corresponding period In 1006. 3 Sr Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1806, 2 64 Inches. U A. WELSH, Dotal Korecaaier. I Metal Market. ' NEW YORK. Nov. 15 METAIS The London tin market was lower, v. ltd fruit Hui.tfu at moo .1 ana futures at A.I3S. The : local market was weak hut unchanged at ' I3'.i-iijj.t0 Copper was also lower In London, with spot closing at 58 10s and I futures at 68. Locally the market was i weik snd lower, with I-ake quoted st 113.251 13.y; elertrnlytlg at 13.0O(fjl3.26; cast ing at S12-2S4.13 00. Lead was lower In London, but while weak was unchanged at , 14 404 50 locally. Spelter declined 7s 2d i ' T:i in Lnrlnn. Locallv the market was weak at S&nfMS-OS. Iron wss lower In Enrl'h msrket, with P'sedar'l fmii i. quoted at 49 8' g"d le' rni warran a al S s od. Locally the market was unci. an, ,, with No. 1 foundry, northern, ou trd, a' ' rttl!.70; No. 2 foundry, northern, at 1 18 Vi ir:o; ecuD-em grate, nom's'. ST. IXUMS.. Nov. IS. LEAD Dull; SIS: 4. 37V Spelter, dull; So.00. 1 Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Nov. 15. COFFER Market opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of five points, whloti was c n ldered better than due on lower European cabl'e Trading was not active and there was soma scattering liquidation. but the small Biasillan receipts and steadiness of the primary markets were sustain ng features, and during the late session there was a rally on covering and aupport from trado Interests. The market cWed steady, net unchanged to Ave polnta higher. Bubs were reported of 2-1.6DO bsgs. IwcemleT. 6 8 March. S 75nl6 80c; May, 6.80c; Ju y, S V'i 60c; September, t.ufk:. Spot coffee, dull Rio No. 7, tic; Santos No. 4. 714c. Mild lvuov. ncauj , tuiuuia, FT,'(J IJS,C. Kr.por.te. Apple. .., Orle Fr.. I NEW YORK. Nov. U.-EA'APORATiCD APPLES Market la quiet and steady w in fancy quoted at 10'sc; choice. '..tiSlIC I prme. etiHr, and i fruit at SalOC IRlEIv,Rl ITB-Prunes are quiet on spot, with quotations rsngtng from 474 to 13- for California fruit, and from Z to 7c for Orrgona up to Apricots are dull with choice iuotd at 31c; egtra cholca and fancr. 2tc. Peaches are steady; irnir. at demand, with choice quoted at U'Cir'm.c J 4 cows bin 2 J I ca.f iWO 6 75 1 calf 2M 8 00 7 steers... .105 S 76 13 hellers... bU 2 76 10 cows 773 16 16 hellers... fiai 2 80 11 feeders.. 1073 8 60 10 hellers... 4,5 2 uu 3 hellers... 4.5 1 60 8 cows Til 1 86 4 cows 8.6 1 86 13 cows 818 2 50 S cows &3 1 76 1 cow 1170 2 26 10 cows louo 2 60 12 hellers... 806 2 75 8 cows lull 2 36 1 bull ltfoO 2 35 S bulls 14oo 2 36 6 cows 8W 2 36 7 cows ht 1 76 8 calves.... 376 2 00 54 feeders. .lvOO 3 96 7covts Hs7 2 70 22 cows Vli 2 80 12 cows 820 1 76 7 cows 8.i 1 75 1 bull 1310 2 50 1 steer 80O 2 00 2 steers.... boo 2 60 23 steers.. ..1143 3 40 17 cows 801 2 60 11 cows 83 2 00 17 cows 7o2 t 45 24 cows 830 2 80 5 feeders.. 7S0 S 10 2o feeders.. 811 S 10 3 cows 9-0 1 60 28 cows 873 3 05 18 cows kZ7 3 60 13 hellers... 70 I yO 4 calves.... 147 4 75 10 steers.... 816 8 46 IS steers.... WJS 3 20 44 Steers.. ..1128 3 80 27 steers.. ..1107 3 50 28 steers. ...1164 3 00 18 cows 678 2 60 32 cows 846 2 70 12 tows 1014 3 00 34 cows 10:3 2 6a C. H. Tully, Nebraska. 02 cows 8 10 2 so 102 cows 891 2 SO J. P. albbett, Nebraska. 34 feeders.. 1170 3 0 S feeders.. 1170 S 25 5 steers.. ..Ui3 3 75 1 steer 12J0 S 40 WYOMING. 17 rows 10S3 75 steers.. ,.Uu3 71 steers.. ..1180 33 steers.. ..1210 18 steers. ...1H4 41 steers.. ..Lei 32 steers... .1101 2 60 3 80 3 60 S 70 S 60 3 00 3 00 11 rows. 3 cows 926 24 feeders.. 10US C. Wert helm H2 2 00 16 steers. a steers.. 5 cows... 6 cows... 7 steers. ..1170 ..1140 ..1060 .. 976 1171 S 00 3 60 S 60 S 80 S 36 S 36 S 80 68 heifers... ll 23 steers.. ..1213 88 steers . ..1242 44 steers, r.. 122 18 steers.. ..l'8 17 heifers... 80.4 10 cows 1103 , Wyoming. 2 cows 1175 1 cow it!0 10 calves.... 1.4 S steers. S cows.,, 1 bull... S cows.. .ll .lt .1430 .102 3 70 S 76 3 80 3 00 8 80 3 10 S 00 S 80 8 26 8 59 S 80 3 60 2 00 s ss Antlers Ranch. Wromlnr 71 cows 1084 S 50 40 cows 8 8 00 3 10 3 80 S 60 S 04 S cows 1M6 1 bull 12.4) 9 feeders.. 6iri 14 feeders.. 839 30 feeders.. 9s2 S S s 00 3 10 S 40 The Safest Investment A further reason why savings and losn association Investments are tha safest for the average Investor. S Because these associations mske no loans on vacant lots or on unsecured per sonal notes, nor do they handle commer rial paper of any kind. I'ractlcally all loans aie made on homes, which are the moat likely of all mortgages to be paid. We must have homes, and we will sacrifice to sava them. The properties on which loans are mad are appraised by three dl rectors who are closely In touch with th real estate and loan business of the city, all loans being repayable by the month, thus Increasing security from the out"t. The ConseMatlve Savings and Loan A goclstlon. 1814 Hsrney street, Omaha, re ceives any amount of money up to 15.000 from any place, at any time, and allows dividends from the date of the receipt of each Installment of money. It hits re sources of ll.eOS.OOO. a reserve and un divided profit account of 372,000 and Is paying S per rent dividends, payable seml snnunlly. We accept Omsha and Pnutll Omaha cashiers' checks from Investors. OHO. F. Oil. MORE President. PAUL W. KTJHN8, Secretary and Treaa. 4 PAMN1 When you stop to think about it, you, of course, realize the gmve danger that menace your, children when they play in the streets en which there are street car tracks, but do you think about it often enough! And do you caution your children about it often enough f Are you Bure that YOUR children are not daily exposing themselves to the danger of being struck by a car in fact, jeopardiz ing their lies, I?ejnember that when children are play ing, their minds are engrossed with their play and they are utterly unheedful of approach ing cars and frequently dart directly in front of them. Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. Omaha H Council Bluffs Street Railway Company BMHllkf.-.J '" 'v. istniiiiissWiafcMrWW' V V 1 You Kar Abtut It Evry Day This Year and See It 1 oursolf It is certainly worth a few week's absence from your business. It breaks the monotony and makes your spirits rise to tha full enjoyment of everything. Try this tonic. Prove that everything you've heard of CALIFORNIA is wonderfully true, WHITE TO THE union pacific FOR BOOKLETS ON CALIFORNIA. Inquire at Citj Ticket Of fire. 1324 Farm am St. 'Phone Douflaa 1828. 74 a- 41... (0... if... 41... II... 64... tl... Tl... T7. .881 100 4 M MO ... BB .IM SO 4 tl .lit 48 I 80 .ni 40 4 w .441 ... I (JO .84 40 I 00 .tut 110 I IS) . N IN .84 K) IK 14 1 VI I 14 .84 IM I Ow .171 ... IV ..III 40 I SO 83 cows WHO 8 bulls 1113 8 ffeders.. 8T0 I feeders.. 1310 4 00 lil feedors.. M lit in. ha 15 feeders.. 1I 8 uu iM feeders.. 1001 135 Martin Barrett, Montana. A cows...., It! Hi 121 cows 1035 I OS 1 steer...... 880 I 06 J. P. Hlalr. Montana. 31 eows 1011 I 06 17 rows 10CT t M HOQ8 Hos opened lta morning where' they left off yesterday or pusslbly a llitle better. More that, the market opened earlier than I of late and very aeiiva so that everything In sight changed handsa before 10 o clock in the morning. The hog" sold mostly at 84 80Uo.l. as against 84 80(1 4 8i yesterdsy. In other words the market today was 10c higher than yea erjay s aver ate nur.ei. and It closed strong at tha advance. 1T.S advance seemed to be due lo an urgent de nand for a few hos on the 1 art of both packers and shippers and was made In spite of lower prices reported from C'l.lcs go. Today s advance carries the market to about tire high point touched so far this month. The country should reallsa that 'lie future of the market la very uncertain l-rlces yesterday and today advanced sl.artly. 1 ut It will be remembered that ihrv docllned Just as rapidly ths latter 1 alf of laat week and again Tuesday aid Wodnesclsy of th's week It is In fsot what might be termed a w'ld market, liable to wme Ruotuatinns tn either direction and the trade generally is a.l at sea regard ing what will happen nest. j As showing luiw wild and uncertain tha market la It might he mentioned that while prices ai 1 11 is point cios-o strong at the advance noted above. Chicago closed 14 J tic lower with the bulk of the hogs selling at 8f (fc6!6. " 'representative salea: 84 818 10 II 14 ... 4 40 W M ... 4 84 44 14 440 4 0 II Mt 1W 4 M 74 .11 140 4 ll SU ... 44 41 1x6 80 4 IS 44 Ml 40 4 84 ll 14 ... 44 14 811 140 4 84 4 lit ... 4 44 174 ... 4 M 14 84 80 4 84 11 U 110 4 84 88 Ul 80 I 4 aHKh.!- Heceipta of sheep this morning were light, while at the same time packers all seemed to want a few good killers, a combination that never fails to make a good market. The result was a fairly active market at steady prloea with soma ssles. If anything, looking a little strong. There waa on bunch of lambs good enough to sell up to l.6o. with a few wethers at 84.Mi4.6o. The moat ot the offerings changed hands In good season In the morn ing. Tha supply of feeders on sale was very small, but Just about everything waa cleaned up before the close at trices not materially different from yesterday. Quotations on good to choice killers: I-aniba, g, & (; yearling wethers, f 4 609 4.75; wethers, 84.16&4.86; awes, tt.uO04.lO. Quotations en feeders: good lambs, 16.009 IbO; common lambs, 3kta4.60; yearlings, 84,(M4.t0, wethers, I4.00O4 Zo; good ewss, IJ.iwyJ.i; common ewes, fl.2oQl2. l.sptesentatlva sales: No. Av. Pr. Wyoming ewes, feeders 80 2 3v4 Wyoming ewes, feeders 80 1 8s X44W)omliig lambs, feeders 67 6 3 418 Wyomti.g lambs, f eerie is 88 6 86 li Wyoming lambs, culls 61 4 600 Montana ewes, feeders 1 1 80 60 Montana ewes feeders 71 1 80 60 Nevada lambs culls 48 Id) t Nevada lambs, feeders M 6 00 l' Nevada lambs, feeders 67 I V 698 Wyoming Isaibs, feeders 68 I SS 6 Wyoming Ivmbs, Culls 60 4 0" 83 Idsho wethers 18 4 60 68 Idsho lambs 71 6 86 83 Idsho lambs 76 1 86 130 Idaho lambs 73 6 So I16 Idaho lambs 71 6 86 181 Idaho lambs 74 6 06 Ul Idaho lambs 73 I 17 Idsho lambs 61 6 on 83 Idaho lambs 44 6 00 84 Idaho ewes 106 4 OU fiW!I y'!;"n', 14 -OWm; western year, lings. 84.Uut.oo; western sheep, 8a.6oii4.,v Blockers and feeder, 83.uw2H.uo. ' CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKE1 Cattle Steady Hog; Weak Shee Active aad Strong;. F,C?' N1v' fATTI.B-IUealpta j.Ooo head; market ateady. Steers. 84.0a 660; cows, $2 6ot.6i; hehets, 2.l4(6.0o: bulia 31.8UUX4. ,h: rlia 19 ,,..,.1 L.. . . . . - , -., svoi'sers ana I fevurrs, II.iXo.TO HOOS-Receipts', 14.04 head; market weak Cliolce heavy shipping, 86.ia.6u; light butchers. 86.26,1(6.60; light mixed, I6.18at no choice light. Si.2fciuo.4u; parking, 84.ibii6.14 pigs 84.0mat.0O; bulk of sales. sS.0o5 16, ' filjfc.KI' AND LAMKB-Reoelpu. 6.001 r.e",dV,msr.krt,c,,v" nd Strong. Sheep, Jfi'lO 1"-mb. 66.26fc8.70; yearlings, J4 U Ke. UJ.. 1... llT.. 14... II... 44... 4... 81... Av. ...134 ...144 ...It .. 1V7 ...m ...le .. I I ...111 8. Pr 80 4 44 ... 4 14 ... 4 80 ... 4 Sue 1 4 84 4 W 4 88 Kb. U... 44. i At. 88. Pr. M 4 M . . 4 rt Iu4 ISO 4 K .Mi 4 t 84t IS 4 84 IM ... 4 8a 111 10 4 IM ... 4 88 Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Nov. 16 ATTLrJ Re ceipts, 2,800 head, Including luo southerns; market steady. Choice export and dressed beet steers, 66.OOtM.00: fair to good. Wist) 4 8u; western steers, 83 8'u4 40; stockers and feeders, IJ.txHi W; eouthera ateera. 82 Itt tkt'; southern cows, 8iur4u0: native cows tl Urns U native hellers, J.4W8.;6; bulla. U7ty2 86. ' HtXlii Receipts. 7.000 head: market 10c lower. Top, Z 8o; bulk of Sales. 84 l'' 7o; packers, l uit ai, pigs and light, 6 0oii4 So. BHEEP AN'- LAMhrl-llecelpts. i ou) head, market aJy. Lam Is. 8 4oi 15, I St. I.aals Live Stock Market. SJ-JJ-'18, OV' "--CATTUi-rlecelpta, Z.6I0 head, Including 1,000 Texans; tnarkst steady; native shipping and export steers W lStytjOO; dressed beet and butcher steers 85 0K6.f0; steers under 1,000 pounds, 18 ut 4.00; stockers and feeders, ll0tH10; cows and heifers. I2.75ji6.60; cannrrs. 11.25412.00: bulls l2.oo4iH.60; calves. U7b4i.i; fexaa nd Indian steers, $i60ra 28; cows and helf ers. 81 Jt'a&.M. HCHia-llecelpts 4.300 head; market 1 r.,I:,AP'f' and "ht. I4.7546.60; packers. , 4.,&i5 50; bufrh. rs snd best, .2tf6 0 , BHK.KP ANO LAMUS-Recelpta, 600 head: r,'.'t,,'d'; "e-'lve muttons, t3.0OG4.o0i ; lambs. S3.avfw 00; culls and bucka, ll.owo.uu: stockers. HOuCttOO. I at. Joaepk Lire Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 16.-CATTT.B-Re-celpts, 638 head; market steady. Natives i.&Vtt.00; cows and heifers, 11.76 34.40: stockl ers and feeders. 83 tM4 26. HOOS Receipts. I.sut) head; market SfflOo SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 168 head; market steady. Lambs, 6.76a.l6; yearlings, 16 .0066.60. ' Sleaa Cltr Live Stoek Market. SIOL'X CITY. Ia., Nov. 18-(Speclal Tele gram.) HoOS Receipts, 1.800 head; mar. ket stesrry, selling at 84 86ti4 00. CATTLrl Receipts. to head; market V,,m!!v.':!Mev"- W0; cows and heifers. 6-'Ml-l4i; slokrs and feertera, I2jtf16' calves and yearlings, 82.6o'tfj.i0. Stork laSla-at. Reoelpts of live stock at tha six principal western markets yesterday: f . III. T en ...w n v.. '1'T- '"f"i nneer, .... avj Aleut City SoO Kansas City 1 jo fct. Joseph 6' St. Loula 6u0 thitago S.ouO IS 11 1 t lA 70 1.0)0 14 log 4.600 6o 14.O.0 1. 00