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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: T11UKSDAY. XOVEMHEU 14. I!u7, ;kain and produce m arm i Strong Speculation Marks Opening, J with Values Hieher. I VHEAT STARTS UP EARLY -an-ported Partially by Unlllsh R(. porta Market I Afll "nd the Drnka Result In U1ns. OMAHA. Nov. 13. I '.. S.rmiB speculation marked the market it the ularl. lth values higher. Liverpool earn hlgner on strong spot liarkets sad light offering and talk of nsia prohibiting export. Wheat star hod p he gamut urly ot. lejvy speculating with some bullish re torts for support. The market wb ortlve md ndvawcs and breaks resulted In sonn liaterlal gain In prices. Dfciitiilxr wheat pencil at 8i'4c and closed at " Corn wan off from the start, resulting !rom heavy wiling and a general bearish reeling on crop condltlona. There was a icavy slump and the market had little mpport on Its tall. December corn opened K 4!tSc and closed at 49c. Oata opened fairly atrong on aome buying :y commission houses for support, but as :liese were readily filled, the prices dropped ilightly. Dccemlicr oats opened at 44 and closed at 44fcc Primary wheat receipts were 5J7,0"0 bush Ma nnd shipments .were 43. Ono bushels, (gainst receipts lust year of l-17,mi btuh- -i and shipments ot 35(.ii ousneie. Corn receipts were 271.U81 bushels lhlnmnla WM-.. T.7 h. labels. RUnlltat and re- -elpts last year of 63.CJ bushuls und Knl1'" m'nH of 6j6."O0 bushels. Liverpool clos.d l'id to Tod higher on BL-henf arA liH hiffhffr nn Corn. Seaboard reported 4VJ0 bushels wheat. B'.'.lroO bushels of corn and bushels of rye taken for exiairt. Local range (if options: of 'AOOn h.rt.Icles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. I Close.l Yesy. I t7 I 111',, I W I 44V 4r4' 4.T4 Hfir' 4'i SK 49i a0'4 44', 47'4 42!. Umaha lash Pricea. WBiaT-.No, 2 hard. M(lc; No. 3 hard, spring, k.'i.lK-! N.i. i hurt!. ilKSC: ISO. J fMn'Mc. ia grade, 7Wi 78c. ,,,,,,, , CORN-No. . tnftiolc; No. 4. 449Hc5 no grade. 4i.-i4m; No. 3 yellow, SlOwic; No. 3 whiter torttoic. . , ii-j,. OATH-Ne ;tk'3!t. ; No. 3 whlto, 41fj43c. No. 4 wlilta.' iVtf standard. 42'r4iH'. RVK-No. .', vfi;9c; No. 3. tW'!'ne. - larlot Keoeiaxa. Wheat. Corn OatH. I 'Clilcugo Minneapolis Iululli , 31 7D 10U ,...17s ...,ra ciiiCAt.o ani ad inov8io.v Pea tares of the TraOlna; and Closing I rrlcea on Honrt of Trade. . , .. 1 'r. 'If XT Cll 1 TS.iv. H ACllVO UPlimnu ii ttah wheat by millers and exporters caused at advance of nearly 3c in the price of vlieat oil th local exchango today. At ttfc close wheat for December delivery was u JSC. ' Corn was tip o. Oats wcro Vise hither. ' Provisions were. u 12V4t'Vjc. fh wheat market was strong all duy wth the exception of a short period near th end of the tlrnl hour, when prices broke mre than 1c In sympathy with corn. Un favorable weather In India and Argentina, unl rumors that Russian wheat exports mV be prohibited, caused a strong ton at thil opening, tho Initial quotation being 't'de abovn the final figures of yesterday. Aliof this gnln was lost on selling caused by the break In. corn, but the market aoon ralk'd and continued atrong for tho re inakder of the day. The late strength was tlimto nn. excellent cash demand and a fair inuury for export. The close was strong. Decmher opened tsJC higher at IMW sold oJtlfl-9.V. A4 then advanced to liXil The eloso a.l OoC. C.tearonce of Mheut and flour wen equal to fcAw bu Primary recelpta were ftSi.oOO bu.. comiiied with 1.017,000 bu.. on the same . Minneapolis. Duluth and Chlcfco reported receipts of 47 cars, ugaliu 531 car lust week, and K3 cars one ur agn. - , ' , fori was weak early In tbe day beoause of Idil weather for the curing of the new crop. ITho market rallied In the last hour on buMng by aborts, who were Induced to cover W the advance In wheat. The close was siWing. December opened VfiSc h.gher at 654fo..c.- sold off to 640. and then ad vanced to W,c. The close waa at 664o. Local ceipts were 79 cars, with 11 of con tract gade. Oata leclined morn than lc early in the day in Wmpatliy with corn, but regained all of tV lss on buying by shorts. Trade waa llgll. December opened Vo higher at 7'. oM off to Vac, and then rallied to 47Vc, WliVre tt. closed, liocal receipts were lint ca. I'rovslons were weak at the opening be cause tf a WfJOc decline In the price of live hs. Later they became strong by buying by short. At the close January pork up 124 at I13.12H- Lard was up 1 -1,0 a JiUft. Ribs were 15c higher at I7.02". Kstluated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 22 cart corn, Wi cars; oats. 101 cars; hogs. jti.'tw l-d. .... The tadlng futures ranged follows: ' Articbi l Open. lllgil.) Low. I ao. Tet'y. Vhea1 Dec. May! July 1 lorn Dec. May! July) Oata Kec Ma July! l'orke, .Ian, Ma) Lurd-i .fun. Majj Ribs-, Jan' I &41 1 W! eat- I I Dee...! SV,I4. !'4- May...; 954 97 j 95, juiv... vi :iv yo'i "em- i I Keel 40..,) 4'V. V. May... : 51 1 5"V July... j 50,. 5tv,! u'4 OrilH I I I I Dec... I llHi 44V S' May... 4TK 47'i 47 4' July.. ! f,' 13'n: 4i'i K 51 92S 1 0H 1 04 lOlS- 6 984I 7 64 '65Vj.ti! H 55 WVM'-6VB" ulH uH bnU 4T.4 47tl 4)'.i 4K 6o 49 44 4ti 4Ea, 13 77H 13 17H' 12 90 13 12Vi 13 47Vs 13 27V4 7 VTV, 8 15 g MVi 7 924 8 05 8 00 8 85 7 0?4 90 7 06 7 7 12Vt W2VM 97Vs! I 55' 67 tV'Ui 47 W "lfttl 40 13 20 13 Si ll 24 13 771 13 12Vi 7 97tJ 7 WW B 12Vi 0 56 7 OS 7 25 7 OVHi No i. Cast quotation were as follows: FLU"R nteadyj winter patent, $4.25 4 76; itralghts. $X90rr4.5o; spring patents, K. Kr(l0, stialghla. $4-4yJ4.SW; bakers, Hi-ti".! W Hp AT No. 8 spring. $1.0ftffl.04; No. i, !t;te'.uti2; No. i red, lVc COIN No, J, iHWci No. S yellow, gog) w'V--1 n.Vf-No, , 464c; No. S white, 44fl48c. BAILET Uood feeding, fefcoiic; fair to t hole.i malting, T!ij)o. SEliiS Flax, No. 1 northwestern, $1.21 Timotly, pnme, $4 20. Clover, contract rade SIS 2i. PKi ltilONS 8hort ribs, Sides (loosed, $7.mh4w; mess pork, per bbl., $11.7&&13 .00, l.srd. ker 1 lbs., $8 50. Short clear side llx.xedl $7 7tft-7.i2H. I'oii-aing were the receipt ana snip meats If ilour and grain: es ing a If tlou r. vbla. Keceipt. enipmenta Flour. . 64.UW Wheat, bu. .. 4i.0i ..277.6i0 .. 8.000 ., 7Lt00 K4.0l Corn, ki. . Oaus, U. .. Rye. ut . Barley, lu. les.nno 17S.JO0 37,6ui t)u the Produce exchange today the but ter marst was firm; creameries. 2I-27c; .Wlrles, fli;i:. F.g, steady; at mark, ease lnudad. 17V,.ijc: flrata. Kic: Drlme lirls. 24. Cheese, weak at LUialSWc. r Kanmn City Grain and Previsions. KANA" CITY. Nor. 13 WHEAT De cember. Ksicj May. fwt,c Cash: No, t hard, H'.i-.7Vse No, a, la6.-; No. i red. 9.tic: No. It!- COKN-Dccamber. 4SSc; May. 6kc Caen: No. 2 taxed. 4rfVi53o; No. 2 white ale; Ko. 2. Hc. 3, t!iVtJt2c; No. (AT-No. .3 while, 404c; No. 3 inlxod. HAY-rtady: ehoice tlmothv, $11 WyU ort; i hui'-c itairie, BV.Urg U-Ui, UYHVi. - ni l .K- reamery. 26c; packing 17c L'tRja-kKtra. ,'i; flrsts. jic. I Heeelpis. Shipments. Wheal II U. , 3UI 3-4 imi i'l. l.i" hOiit H:'t.-. I. lltj ' Hterpowl uraln Market. I I jarCOL, Nov. ll-WHEAT-Spot. 'auy; No. red nest.-ru winter. 7 Ud I'mui.j 1;iio; lX't.x'inber, 4u, March . Jilav. fe Sd. ' f ol.j-jil, kieady; prune luixi-d Aiaerl jti. SJ. Kuiun-s. lino, Ivxinbcr v.'iM nel iill t.rnln Market . 1. . v. VI , I r . ' tUl.t,-li. NS. 4 Urd. II I'.-. M No. 1 north' 1 U .. 81 . No. J northern, 11.04; No. 3 northern, $1 "I. FIXUR First patents. $i 4"i5.' ; second patents. $.Vh5 4"; first rlcara, $4."?H 40; seenntl clear. Psi'fiJl.H. ,,F,,LAX - Fa,r 1-mand; closing price bran-iu bulk. 120.75210... Skk 1HHK .KLHAL MARKET Featnres of TrneHna- and rrlcea on Lending Commodities. NEW YORK. Nov. IS -FLOUH-Recc Ipts, 12mii bbls.. exports. 15,001: market, steady with moderate demand. - Minnesota patents, ffi.&rfij.W; winter straight, $4501H.75; Min nesota bakers, tl.5nifij.0o; wlntr extras, I K. MM.I'i; winter patents, $4..Vp6.:; winter I low grades. $.3 75'r4.ou. Rye flour, flrtn; fair I to good. t$.ni1S.35: choice to fancy-. K.U B 50. Ruckwhra 1H It.F. nour. sieany, J per CORNMKAL Steady; fne white and yel low, tl.4'il.4'i; coarse, fl.WKff t.Xi; kiln ilrled, U.1MiXK. HA KLEY Nominal. RII Klrin; No. i western, iw'ic, f. n. b., New York. " WHEAT Receipts. lCo,(l bu. ; exports, .J hn.; si)t market, firm; No. 2 red, elevator, and tl.UO1, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, nominal, f. o. b.. uftnut; No. i hard winter, nominal, f. o. b, allo.n. Willi the exception of a 1 Intent br ak toward noon on weaknesa In corn, wneat was strong and active all day. Trlcei advanced over i: a bushel on rumors of a bltr export trade, higher Knglish cables, cold wet weather In the Argentina, light receipts and big clearances, closing H'vfiiV-' net higher. December. Sl.MVcil.bti 1-ltt. closed J1.W4; May. ll.tWil-lUb-l, closed ll.HV CORN Receipts, 33.31S bu.; exports, 82.454 bu. Ppot market, steady. No. 2, 67c. ele vator, and 67c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 white (We, and No. i yellow, 07c, f. o. b., afloat. Option murket developed severe declines early on good weather and talk of larger receipts, but later rallied witli wheat, clos ing lV'il'tc net lower. December closed tte; May, 644'lS.',4e, closed 60 V- Oata-Receipts. I;!.g0u bu.; exports, H.flTt) ha. Spot market, steady; ailxed 2ri; pounds, 62c: natural white. 214113 iwunds. 5,'iWV; clipped white, Si'gl'i pfiunds, 53H'3 titXv HAY-Steady; good to choice. St.lWt .In. HOPS Quiet: state, common la choice, lo7 crop. 13'aMc; IS" crop, 7fil1o: Pacific coast. l'17 crop. 94J12c; 1 crop. Mic. HIDES Quiet; Central America. 19c; Rogota, ltl9Hc I.tiATHKR-Steady; acid. 2M(27c. PROVIHIONS-Heef, Irregular; family. $14.(Hfn5.0U: packet. $1I.5fKo:12.ilO; city extra India mess, 31 fi23.u; pickled bellies, H.6ikO'13.oO; pickled hams, Lard, firm; western prime. JS.70fi8.Sy; retlned tlrm: continent, $40; South America, $10.25: compound, $8.00. Pork, steady; fam- Ilv, 120.011; short clear, I16.j09il7.txi; mess, 16.Wij 16.75. TALLOW-Steady; city. 6c; country, SH-atk-. RICK Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, J7(6Hc; Japan, nominal. HIJTTER Steady; Imitation creamery firsts, 2'Uf72SHc. CHEK.SK Quiet; stale, full cream. small colored nnd white, September fine, Ui4e; October fine. 13c; good to prime, 12r i-A.e- Ihteb colored. September flne. 16c: t.ite i-r: common to Prime. October 1IVilt2Uc. rAUS rirm; western iiruir, -:"tiow, sec onds. Wo2c. ltJfLTRV-Alle, western ens. WnVU-; fowls, 1Ku12c; turkeys, I)ressey, steadv; western chtcktns, turkeys 12filc: fowls, WUliu. chlck 12( ltc. 12 A 16c; WEATHER IX TI1R GRAIX BELT Fair Thursday, After Might of Lower Mercury. v Unseasonable cold weather has spread over the southern statea. and temperatures are lower throughout the eastern states. Freexlng temperatures are general In ttw west gulf states. Temperatures have mod erated in the upper Mississippi and Mis souri valleys and mountain districts. An other area of high pressure, accompanied by colder weather, has appeared In the ex treme northwest and cooler weather will extend over thi vicinity tonight and Thursday, with continued fair. Omaha record of temperaturo and pre cipitation, compared with the correspond Ing day of the last threeearj: Minimum temperature 24 24 4o 31 Precipitation 00 .16 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today. W degrees. Deficiency In precipitation .since March., 1, eclenyln correKpohdln period in IC 4.09 inches. ! . i , ' Deficiency In corresponding period In latiu, 2.48 inches. L. A. WELSH. - Local t orttcasicr. St. Lonla Leoernl Market. KT LOTUS. Nov. U. WHEAT Higher; track No. 1 red cash, WWtifio; No. 1 hard. 98cil.: December, MV; May, $1.03. CORN Firm track. No. li cash. .ic; December, 61c; May. 64Sc; No. 2 whi'.o. ATS-Pull; track. No. i cash, 45c; De cember. 44V4c; May, 4M4C5 No. 2 white, 47c. FLOl'R -Quiet; red winter patents. M-TS'it 6JH; extra fancy and- straight, 14.30$ t.fl&; clear. $3..HnS4.10. CORNMKAL Steady at $3.0. R RAN Strong; sacked, east track. SLIM. IIAY'-Uncbanged; timothy, )1.oninu0; prairie. r.OO'g 11.00. IRON COTTON TIES $1.10. BAOOINO ll'ic. . HEMP TWINE lie. 8EEI Timothy, steady; $35ia4.10. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing. $13.60. Dry salt meatH, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9.16'; clear ribs, $or; short clears. $9 26. Bacon, steady; clear ribs, $S.871,i; short clears, $10.!2!4. POULTRY Dull; chlckeus, c; springs, 9Vtc; turkeys. 13c; ducke. c; geese. Sc. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 243290. EOGS Bteady; 19'4c, rase count. LEAD Weak; $4.3041 4.37ftc; spelter, lower; tK no Flour, bbls. 11.000 13,000 M.'lXl 4O,f)0 35.00U Wheat, bu. 26.000 8 tut 37,01)0 Corn, bu. .. Oats, bu. .. Mllwnnkee Cireln Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. U.-WHEAT- Hlglier; No. 1 northern. $1.06fgT07; No. 2 northern. $1.02gi 04; December, 96Hc BARLET Weak! No. 2, Hoc; sample, 60 ft94c. 1 CORN Lower; No. 3 cash, 59c; May, 56,c bid. Peorlai Market. PEORIA. 111.', Nov. H CORN lower; No X yellow, KHc; No. 3. ortc; No. 4, 65c. OAT8-N0 demand. RYE DulL WHISKY On tho basis of $1.S5 for fin ished goods. Dnlntk Grain Market. DULUTH, Minn., Nov. IS. WHEAT No. 1 northern. $1.07; No. I northern, $1.04H; December. $l.uuW: May. $1.11. OATS 44c. Toledo "red Market. TOLEDO. O.. Nov. IS. SEEDS Clover, rash. $v.47tt: December, $9 67 4) March, Timothy, prime, $1.20. Alslko, prime, $9.30; December, $9.40. RYE No. 1. 0c; No. 2, 7ci No. 8, TBc. Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. EVAPORATED APPLES A better demand waa reported In the market for evaporated apples for No vember delivery of prime fruit, but spot quotations are unclutnged, with fancy quoted at 104c; choice at vHvlekc; prime, V', and 19i fruit at i-dlOo. DRIED FRUITS Tliers Is a Jobbing de mand for .spot prunes, with quotations ' ranging from 4l,c to UVrC for old and new crop Caltfornlaa and e to "o for Ore.gons , up to 3"s to 40s. Apricots are unchanged, ' Pin fnr ehniee- 'i'V fop atm r-hnlra anil 9p to :HiC for fancy, peaches continue steady with choice quoted at l.'ui 1 -7o ; extra choice at L-'HtiUSc; fancy at UdUo; and extra fancy at UnHV- Raisins are without further change. Loose muscatel! are at 7V-uc; aeedel at 7Ul'rsc and London Uy.r at $1.751.66. fufat Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. -COFFEE Mai ket for coffee future opened steady at un changed pricea to an advaua of ( point .n.l V 1 1 1 .... .nM'.llw lUlrfv Tim f lA I better French cables, smaller Braxlllaa re- cvlpts and scattered covering. The close was steady at an advance of 6"S10 points. Sales were reported of $6,260 bags. Including November, at 6 16 40; leceiuber, at i.64 Iit66c; February, at 6.564$ 60c; March, at 5&oti5 70c; May, at 6 80c. and September, at I SpjiUOc. 6pot, quirt; Rio No. 7, flue; San tos No. 4, 7c; mild coffee steady; Cor dova. M.4J13VC. gngar and Motasoee. NEW YORK. Nov. 11. 43UQAR Ram quirt; fair reflnmg. . S Sno; centrifugal rl lest, ly.'c: molasrs engar. tube; retlned. easy; No. 1 4 4. : No. 7. 4 3fx; No. I. 4 Vj; No. . 4,23c: No- J- 4 15o: No. U. 4 1; No. li, 4.uuc; No. 13. 100c; No. 14, 8 90c; con fectioner' A, 4 oc; mould A, 6 15c; cut loaf. 6tav, cruslied, t 6m-; powdered. 4V; gru ulsitd, live; cubes, SOU.-. . . WmI Market. r:T. Lot' IS. Nov. li WOOL Steady; i.M-luiiji Kiaar. loiuljiiig aud clothtiif. -jVh; line, 7J '. mr's-i ti NEW YORK STOCKS AND BOXDb Early Market's Downward Tendency Wai Soon Checked. REBOUND OF PRICES NARROW Financiers stilt Taking; Steps to Pre vent Kxeltemrnt on F.mehan are More Gold Engaged for Import. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. A check was made utMin tho downward movement of prices today after running somewhat further in the early part of the day. The rebound today was narrower than the downward reaction yesteroay, and tnc mnraei ne- came lethargic and uncertain In tne later stages. This narrowing of the selling of the price movement Is usually the sign of Its approach to a condition of more or less stable equilibrium. In which it drifts with feeble fluctuations until getting a new Initiative from some fresh development of the situation. Such a period of nulettide wou'd be welcomed at present by all the most Important Interests concerned in the market. It Is believed that efforts to shape events towards this end have hVl much to do with the mauket this week. A tentative resumption of buying opera tions on margin on Monday was deemed by the banking and financial leaders to be badly timed and the discouragement of those operations left the way open to yes terday's reaction. There was evidence yesterday and early today, on the oth'T hand, that the professional operators were disposed to take advantage of the neglected condition of the market to undertake hear tactics. .Means seem to have been found, ulso, to place obstacles In the way of these attempts, which have proved effectual. The purpose of thane various measures evi dently Is to keep the stock market quiet and free from excitement and feverish ness while the task of mending the outside financial position is pursued The urgency of the demands for currency continued today, largely from out of town sources. The special urgency at Oils time Is attributed partly to the necessity of meeting mid-monthly puyrolls. Tho bid ding of premiums for gold still to arrive Indicates, however, that conditions are ex pected to continue. Rids were reported to day of aa high as 1 per cent for tho gold to arrive on the iiteumship Maure tanla. which will not be for ten days hence. Premiums paid todav for currency ranged up to 3H per cent. This currency situation made It a matter of course thut a keen demand should persist for gold for ship ment to New York, and additional engage ments made today were large, bringing the total engagements to well over IHO.Oon.oon. The consignment of over Jx.ooO.OU) wlilch arrived today made little Impression on the currency premium and will be ap parently disposed of In advance of arrival. The situation gave occasion to 'a renewal of rumors, heard several times recently, of negotiations for ImDort of a large sum of gold from Paris direct, but no countenance tor this could be had among torelgn ex change houses, except as there might be likely to be further shipments from Paris to London to relieve that market from the effects of the drain to us. In this con nectlon there was a good deal of feeling expressed over a demand, said to have been received from a Parle banking institution. for gold In redemption of its holdings of t'ennsyivama notes which matured on No vember 1, coupled with an order for the sale of the gold at the premium being Da id for currency. The copper stocks met some effective support today, but the general list sagged again, after a recovery. Somo anxiety was felt late In the day lest the Rank of Lngland should make another ad vance in the official discount rate tomor row. uoncis were irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,318,000. United States bonds were unenanged on call. Number of sales and quotation! on stocks wens as ioiiows: Salts. Hlfh. Law. Clnas, Atiimi Gipreia 1(6 Amlianileil Coppsr 41,tri Am. C. at K Am. C. & r. pftf lf Am. Ooltua Oil ' Am. Cotisa Oil pM Amarlrsn Kipranc ................. Am. H. V L. pld American It Kcyrttia., ...... 4T its n 4' 4T 86 e 234 HO 170 114 'I- Anu.iiuae uii..... Am. Unceil Oil p(........ ... . . Am. Locomotlrs 4A) Am. LocomrHlva prd Am, 8. aV R , 3 700 Am. 6. r R. pt4 CM) Am. Sugar Heflnlua: &h I64 34 ''62 'i.144 7 . S3 S so I'll Iltf-l 104 44 81S 7IS 824 fl 81 75 ' S its ISO 1i84 lot r, 10 60 US 174 42 M 634 tm, 11 80 4"S 87V 274 110 li3 s . 60, Am. Tohaeo pil ctta 4w 71 V ) 77 it' Anaconda Mining Co t 31H Alrhlsnn v 72 Atrhlaon p(d i) W, Atlantic Coast Line 414 . t lUUlmore at Otalu 4uu tlal. Ohlu p!d 2ii 77 Brooklyn Rapid Tr aii nadlan Paclnc f"0 H3 Ontral of N. J Cntaapeak A Ohio fhtcai-o Ot. W rhlrato : N. W c, m. st. r t'hlxio T. tt T . uttered... Cblia T. It T. pill., C. C. C. aV St. L Colorado F. A I Colorado sc 80 Colo. a 80. lat pM Colo. A 80. id pfd Conaoltriated Qaa ('am ProdiicU, rf Daiaarare A Ifudaua net., L. ft W tlanTer A R. O I. ft R. 0. Pld n rin mars' Securities ICrle , Erl let pld Krle ad pfd... ; Oenoral ElM-trto Illlnola Central lotaroatloaal Paper Int. Paper ptd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd lows Ontral Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City 80 K. C. o. pfd Loulnrllls N M.ilran Cantral Mlna. ft BU h W '27'. 27S 8,? IS 7 l.lnrt UI4 ISO S.UO MIS 1"S rt 'jot, ' ' i.M I84 1 inn 17 S 17S l' 43 48 '.'HI 1 'ill ' ' !ei 130 lf SS 1S o 1 II '"'it'iii '41" 1.800 17S 17 , " is) ''?74 27i 5-ie 111 111 ,Vk iz.t IJ24 7ca 84 t4 "VkJ ' " ' 84 ;;;;;; ;y;; " 7'W b! " 'i ' ' 2t1l '714 72 ' 4K) 7.5 ' M'i 20U 24 11.14 "i!j"0 'si" ':M i,7 'i4 K74 oi) M'4 run i.UO 6 3'i '"so '" '404' ca.siui U194 mas ei 75 7S 300 US 64 1 17S 17S "So0 wis iis 47,JM SIS 7S K 774 77 I'M S4 S lino w4 'j . las U'i Joo at 4 344 'tis Vis l.lwt I04 ln:' ll 1:4 114 t4 184 38 ', " iot 'i4 'i4 i'Ji) 1' Is 4 KKl 334 S-'S 44 IliS 1"U to l 1 ...... ... ..... , ..... ..... ... . ', 48o its us , llt 844 834 l4 It lo to M '. ioi 'is, 'iis ! " sor 44 41 2UU 844 444 IS !2S M 854 14 24 734 118 144 234 to', DiS 844 'S s 431, s 41 M Id', 75 63 its 8 138 .Vi 8 16 eS 134 32 314 us 28 M., St. P. ft 8. 8. M M . 8t. P. ft 8. 8. M. pfd. Mlasourt Partau M., K. T M , K. ft T. Pfd National Lead N. R. R. ot M. pfd 7w York Ontral N. T-. O. ft W Norfolk ft W Norfolk W. pfd North American Paclnc Mall Pennsylvania .., People's Oas P., C, C. ft St. L Preaard Steel Car Preaaed 8. C. ptd Pullman Palace Car.. Reading '. Reading lat pfd Reading M pfd Republic, Stent Republic Btsel pfd Ruck lalaad Co Rock lalaud Co. pfd St. L ft 8. P. Id pld St. Lou. a a. W 6t. L. 8. W pfd Southern Pa-I6a go. PatISc ptd 80. Railway So. Railway pfd Teaneaaoe C. ft t Teiai ft PacIO'' T.. 81. L ft W T.. St. L ft W. ptd 'is I 1)3 1:4 :', M t'S 'i liol 70 34 1'j a4 24 8.14 8S Ui. tm 40 1 8 lS 27 1-aj 11 774 14 IU' . 14., I nloa Paiitu I'Dlos Pacific pfd I . 8. Eipreea V. 8. Realty 0. 8. Rubtter 1. 8. Rubber p!4 r. 8. 81 eel V. Steel pfd Va.-Cero. Chemical Va.-Cara. Cheat, pfd Watmefe Wanaah ptd waile-rerso Cipresa Weatlngueue Electrti; .... Weetftrs tslon Wheeling ftLC Wlatouala Cent, at 100 li lt Wla. i'aalral fd . Northern PaelSu d.l" IMS Central Leather ' Kw .14 Central Leather pld re) 71 f Slea-elteael4 ....... l'W U Ureal Nonhera pld tio 114 17S 14 38 1U4 Interboreugh Met Ut. MeV ptd Total sales (or Us day, 8aLl'4 tharw. rvrelga Flaaaelal. LONDON, Nov. 18 'The supplies of money In the market today were mod erate and there waa a good demand. DU couuta were firmer, owing to the fears of further gold movements to New York. Trading on the Slock exchange developed an easier tendency, owing to the unfa vorable position In the United Statea and less confideivo regarding cheaper money, while business slackened pending the an nouncement of tomorrow' bang rate. In vestment purchaac-s were negatived by tin; eboie Influences. Foreigner continued Arm tn sympathy with Paris, and Kaffirs recovered from an early dullness and cieaed closed strong. Americans wero marked below parity at the outset on lea reassuring reports from New York, but they tallied in the forenoon oa cover ilg operations. Tbe market sagged later In the abeeme of support and with the New York advleea lolorleva trading was dull at the llnlnu. PARI. Nov. 13. Prices oil the Bourse opened v esk on out closed Arm. the New York advices. err York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 13-rRlME MER CANTILE PAPER Nominally at 7 to 19 IT cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Irregular, with actual business In bankers' bills st $4.8fH.b25 for demand, and nominal for slxtv-dar bills: Commerctnl bills nominal. SILVER Bar, nXVtc; Mexican dollais, 46c. BONDS Government steady; railroad, Irregular. MONEY On coll Arm, ulill per cent; rul ing rate. 10 er cent offered at 6 per cent. Tlmo loans, nominal; sixty days and ninety days, ljJilo per cent; six months, StiilO pet cent. (.losing quotations on New York bonds were as follows: V. 8. r. 2. rrg lOKVfc u ft N. unl. 4a do coupon ..1-W4 Van. v. 4a t V. 8. .la. reg .logjeMe. Central 4a ... .1 . li't V do .t inc ItVt .121 "Mlrn. ft St. L. 4a.. 7:. .111 U.. K. St T. 4a iS . ' do II 7 . 9-'4. R. R. of M c. 4( 74 . MS N. Y. C. r. HS $1 .11 N. 3 r. g. U Hi . 84 No Pacific 4a MS . do 4 .88 N. ft W. c. 4s 8S . 84 O. .. L. rftlg. 4a Twe, . 81 Fen n i onr. 3'M IS . 7., Reading gea. 4s in . 4R St. L. ft- 1. M. c. Je .liK . .l St. L. ft H. r. t 4e slti . St. L. 8. W. c. 4s... i do coupon t'. 8. u. 4a. ret do e upon Am. Tohaco 4a do Atcbltoa gen. 4a do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L 4 Hal. ft Ohio 4a do 3Ua ... Brk. It. T. c. 4.... entral of Oa. 6a lo 1M Inc. . do lcl inc do id Inc Chea. ft Ohio 4Ua. , Chicago ft A. mil.. MS M9 1 V pjeoqsss.. C. P. ft q. n. 4a.. Sf sto. Pacific "S C . K. I. ft r. 4.. . -VI'i do lt 4a rtfa . 9 Ko. Hallway St 40 Ta ftP. la . r. T.. St. L. ft W. 4a. . Vnlon Pacirtc 4a . 7 do cv. 4 . 1S V. 8. Sleet 2d lie... . to, Wanaah la . 7S Wwtern Md. 4 . TO'i W. ft L. E. 4 . KS W is. Ueatral 4s, . KiS Atcbivon 4s . Mt, do . 76 Int. Vet. 4'Vs 84S a.; PIT . ,Vt . SIS "S . at , 74 . 754 , MS . . 4S'i do col. Be Vol. Iti.l 3. aer. Colu. Mid. 4a Cola ft So. 4a Cuba ta D. ft R. O. 4a DIMIIIerV Sec. S.. Krle p. I. 4s do gea. . Hmk. Vat. 4e... Japan 4a ctfa do 2d series flo 4s "uiicred. "Bid Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Nov. 13.-Call loans. 8'dlo ei cent; time loans. t4i8 per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: AUhleon 4a .. MS Bingham B'A . W'i . hiS ..I'll .. 7 .. 7S .. 14W, .. 2 .. St, .. 4M, .. IS . . li .. 7s .. 8S .. 71 . . 10 .. till .. ns .. 8 .. 3IS .. 8't .. us .. 4 .. 8 ..106 .. 7S .. US .. 7 ..l'JS .. i Mex. Central 4... Atible n do pfd Boston ft Albany. . . Barton ft Maine.... Boston Elevated .. Htchhurg pfd .... Mexican Central .. N. T.. N. H. ft H. Pere Marquette .... t'nlon Pacific Am. Pneu. Tube..., Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. ft T Am. Woulen do pfd Edlaon El?t. Illu. General Electric .. Mass. Electric .... do pfd Maaa. Oa United Fruit fnlted S. M o pfd V. 8. Steel du pfd Adventure Alloues Amalgamated Atlantic Asked. Bid. .. 7 Cel. ft Heels.. . . 71' Centennlsl -. 2S C'.pper Rsnge .. ..IKS Fish- W?l . .1.12 Prsiiklln ..HSUOrnnhy ..I'M Idle Rtirale .. I'S Maaa. Mining ... . .137V Michigan .. 12 Mohawk ..IIOS Moot C. ft C... .. 4 Old Dominion .. ..I'M '4 Osceola ..lll Parrot . . !2 Qulncy .. 14 Hhennou ...724 Tamarack ..ifci Trinity ..Ill Vnlted Copper .. ... 1'i 1'. 8. Mining.... .. 3 V. 8. Oil .. 444 Utah ..104 Victoria .. 38 Winona .. 84S Wolverine .. 2:iS North Butie .. Ol Bulla Coalition . ... 87- Nevada .. it Cal. ft Arliona.. .. 4fS An tons Com. ... .. a New York' Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. Closing quotations on mining slocks were as follows: Adams Con. Little Chief . 8 .200 .urn . . Ill . w . as ,12 Alice Br,ece Brunawlck Con. . Oometock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Vs.. Horn Silver Iron Sliver Leadvllle Con, ,. ultercd. .... 1 .... .v .... m .... 45 ....1"K ...10t) .... 8 Ontario Ophlr Potosl Havage Sierra Nevada , Small Hopes .. gtamlard OMtHA WHOLES A LB MARKET. ' Condition ot Trad and Quotations oa Staple and Fancy Prod nee. EGOS Fresh country, 22c; storage, 18c. BUTTER Common, 16c: fancy tub and roils, ttftioc: creamery, 31c. CHEESE New !ul cream, Wisconsin twins, 17ic; new full creum brick, 17c; do mestic, now Swiss, 18c; new lim burger. IS bloc: young Americas, 17Vjc. LIVE, 1-OLXTRY Springs, 10c; hens 9c; roosters, 4c; . du;ka,-..10c; geese, lop; turkeys. 'ltic; pigeons," 75o per dos. DRESSED POCLTOY-Sprlnga, fancy, lie; lift!, 10c; . roc c; duck. 12c; geeee, lie: turkey,'', v KH HAY-Choice No. .lupland. $1000; me dium, $9.00; No. 1 botlwtn. $8-00; off grades, from $6.60 to $6.60; ry-lraw, $7.00; No. 1 alfalfa. $11.00. " FRUITS aPPLES New Yorlo King's, ,ber barrel, $5i0; "None Suob." per barrel, $6.16: 30 ounce Pippins, per barrel, $6.2o; Maiden Blush, per barrel. 85.00; Baldwins, per barrel, $6.00; Oreeutbgs, per barrel, $6.00; western box apples, Colorado Jonathans, per box,, $3.29; Colorado Orlmes Qoldens, per box.' $3.26; Idaho Jonathans, per box, $3.00; Idaho Winter Bananas, per box. $3.00: Washington Bffl Davis, $2.00; Wash ton Northern Spy; per box, $2.00; Washing ton Oreenlngs, per box. 82.00; Washington Baldwins, per box. $2.00: Washington Rome Beauty, per box, $2.26; Washington fall ap ples, assorted, per box, ll.764jl.85. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida, per box, 84.004.26; Florida Grape Fruit, per box, $5.76S00. G RAPES Concords, per. basket, 2!03Oc: Malaga, heavy weights, per keg, $o-0i 6. no; Malagas, medium weights, per keg, $4.60iSiD.00; California grapes, season about over; some few Emperors of fair quality still moving, per crate, $1.76(31.89. LEMONS Fancy. -DUO and 80 slse. per box, $6.0oe.60; extra choice, 300 and 380 size, per box, $6.006 60. BANANAS--Port Llmons. per bunch, $2.0f4)3.00. - FIUS AND DATES Smyrna figs, 7 crbwn, per pound,. I4'9,16c; Smyrna figs. S-crown, per pound, iz?i8c; Smyrna figs, 4-crown. per pound, lot 11c; California figs, boxes, 10 cartons, 86o; California Igs, boxes, Li cartona. 86c; California figs, bulk, per pound, 6'V; Hallow! dates, per pound, 64c; Khadrawl dates, per pound, 6c; Sail dates, per pound, 6c; Fard dates, 13 pound boxes, per pound, so." VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per bu.. 675c. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb.. 14 as 10N8- -Red Globe, per bu., 86&$5c; Denia, per r erste, $1 60. SWEET POTATOES Small bbl., $2.60. BEETS Per bu., 60c. ; CARROTS Per. bu., 76c. TURNIPS Per bushel. 60c. PARSNIPS Per bushel. 76c. CELERY Michigan, per bunch, 2S43ic. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. No. 1, I2.SH per bu. ; Lima, 7c per lb. BEANS New wax and string, 40((j60o per market basket. RADISHES Per dosen, SOc. TOMATOES Per basket. 60jT7oc. PEPPERS Per bushel. 76c. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 ribs. 14Vjc; No. 1 ribs, llfec: No. 3 ribs, 6Hc No. 1 loin. 18c ( No. 2 loin, 18c; No. 3 loin, 9c. No. 1 chuck, SV,c; No. 2 chuck. frc; No. $ chuck, 4c. No. 1 round, 8Sc; No. 3 round, 7 '4c; No. 8 round, 84c. No. 1 plate, lc; No. $ flate, 4c; No. 3 plate, 3Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. , CANNED UOODS-Corn, standard west em, 75c. Tomatoes, fancy 3-pound cans, $1.46; standard 3-pound cans, $120. Pine apples, grated, 2-pound, $2 2o32.90; sliced. $l.'&-i'2.36. Gallon apples. $4.k). California aprttota. $2 Vtj3 3o. Pears. $2.104J3.16. peaches. $1.903 16. L. C. peaches, $2 llg 3.1S. Alaska salmon, red, $1.40; fancy Chinook, flat. $'-' 16; fancy Buckeye, flat. $215. Sardines, quarter oil, 830; three quarters mustsra, $3.36. Sweet potatoes. $l.oU1.3o. Sauerkraut, tTc. Pumpkins. 8oo titl.eo. Lima beans, 2-pound, 76c4$l 26 Soaked peas. 2-pound, tec; fancy, $1.2641.45. NUTS California walnuts, 'per lb, 18o; imported walnuts, per id , j ojioc; Tarra gone almonds, per lb., 18c; filberts, per lb, ltc; Brsslls. per lb., 13C14c; Pecans, per lb., 1213c; peanuts, raw, per lb., 7c; peanuts, roasted, per lb, 8c;. Italian chest nuts, per lb. It9c. COCOANUT9 Per sack,- $4 80; per dosen, IOC. COFFEE Roasted, No C, 16c; No. 30, He; No. 26. 19c; No. . 14Sc. BUG-AR Granulated, cane. per sack. $14.0 beet. $6; cut loaf, u; Cubes, powdered, (.15c. FISH Halibut, lie; trout. lSo: pickerel, 10c; pike, ltc; pike. - fresh froaen. h-; whlteOali. 14 8 ltc; buffalo, 14c; bullheads, skinned and dressed. 18c ; catrtsh, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7c; white bass. 16c; black base. 26c; sunOsh, fcttw; crapples, tv9c; large crapples, 16c; herring, fresh frozen, ec; wliltensli, frosrn, 13til6c; pickerel, fresh frosen. lie: red snapper, 12c; flounders, mackerel, 183ac per fish; codfish, fresh frozen, lie; red snapper, 12c; flounders, fresh frozen, 12c; haddock, fresh frozen, lie; smelts. 13c: shad roe, 46c per lb.; frog legs. 86o per dos.; green tea turtle meat, 26c per lb. HIDES AND TALLOW-Oreen salted. No. 1, 8c; No. 2, 7c; bull hides, he; green hides, No. 1. 8c: No. i, Ac; horse, $l.o0;i$60; siieep pelts. 6k-1.2e. TalloW. No. 1, 4' jo; No. 2. I'M-. Wool. Ifd22e. CALIFORNIA DR1LD FRUITS-Prunes are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tations rati from he to 9c for California fruit and from fAe i" 8v for Oirgon Peaches very firm. Willi fancy JeJl quoted at lJVic OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Slow and Dull at Well Lower Everywhere. at HOGS CONTINUE CN DOWN GRADE Sheep and Lambs in Modernte 8nppb, hot Killers .Decline Fifteen t n Quarter. with Frrders Abant tedj . eOL'l'H OMAHA. Nov. II. UiT. t;eceipts were: Cattle, llosi. Sneep. Ofliclal Monday H .: VX'A 17.014 Otucial lmeuHV 4.9,8 :!.i i".l"6 Eaiiuiatc NM-onesday .... 3,i) 2.i'i . Three dnys this we k. .Ui.lKt Same days last wecK 12. ux Bame oas 2 weeks ago..lti.2M ounie tiays S weas ago. .2i,!MO Maine tiays 1 wccks ao..2i.c-tf bainc oas last year 24.'i( The follow .na" lauic shotvs 13.620 4n.tH1 L.lo4 til.e 8 i..i,i2 4,ol0 6.vj U.iwi 1 12.oj:i tne CCCil-lS cf cattle, hoBs and alieeji at Botuh U'lutim lor the year lo date, compared with but year: l'.a7. im. Inc. Dec. t attic y.o.',',. v.irt !ii4.7:ll Hogs 2.1H2.4.-S 2.1o.s,ow l(,l7 Sheep l,Ml.2Ai l..o.-U 4,o!4 '1 he following la:i; il ini'i the. nveiHs" prices of hogs at buutli Omaha lor the last several days with lompai Isons: Date. 1907. 100. lfiB. 19Ol.l03.!U8)i.,lW)l. Nov. 8 ... I 071 4 878i:; I 87' 0 60 Nov. 4..., B8 I i 4 (Ml 4 4 791 4. 6 81 6 xijl 6 4 8! 4 74. Mj 8 72 Nov. C... 6 16 '5 98,4 87: 4 73 1 S2 o 72 Nov. 7.... 4 8l I 6 kvi 4 83, 4 91 4 78 oie 6 b iov. 8.... 4 tim ii n.'i 4 M 4 Hoj 44bM Nov. 9 ...I 4 ?7Si iHi 4 7 4 97 4 8" 6 71 Nov. 10... ( u 071 4 fci! 4 97 o 87 ti 35, Nov. 11. ..( 4 95 ( 4 82 4 M 4 Vt 26 & 73 Nov. 12... I 4 83 6 I8, I 4 801 4 I 10i i t3 Nov. 13... j 4 70 6 991 4 801 4 64 2l 6 69 Sunday. The official' number of cars of slock brought in today by each road wns; Cattle. Hogs- 8h P H'r's. P. system 4 N. W. (eastl. ft N. W. (west I. Ut P.. M. tt O. M 11 u :! B. & Q. (wchU... a I 1 Chicago Ot Western Total receipts ....ItiS 22 11 The dlKposlnon of the day's receipts was as tollows. each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Huge. Sheep. Oiu..a packing Co 001 67 teal bwitt and Company :14a Sin 1.348 Cuoohy Pnckinii Co 1,451 I m. I.Ms Armour Co. . Lot l.a. Armour ti Co.. Denver .. 2t't Carey dt Benton I4!i Lobman ct Co I McCreary & Corey 263 SV. . btephen 322 Hill & Son ; K. P. L wis 23S Huston & Co 2i Hamilton. & Rothschild. . 47 - Cuuany Bros. Co. .. 2 2in; Sam Wermelnier W T. H. Ingnram in bulllvan Jtiros I Brltton 2 31t t Ity butchers 3 13.150 Totals 4.761 3.17T4 18.148 CA'l i lJC There was another fair run ot cattle in ft morning, loo cars being reported In. W hat was said yesterday regarding general conditions governing the trade wouid apply equally us well touay. Buyers for ull Kinus of cattle were disposed to go very slow and wait for news from other points before attempting to do very much business. Lnfoitunateiy for the selling in terests reports from otner maracis gener ally indicated a somewhat lower rango of puces, 'the result was that It waa. very late In tne morning before buysis went nut Into the yarus, and when tiioy did go they began the day s operations by bid ding generally a little lower all along the line. It was pretty nearly mtauay be fore very much business was transacied. When buyers and sellers finally got to gether on a tracing basis the cattle mar aet was generally kgi6c lower all around, iven at the decline the movement was slow and' It was late In the day beiore a cfearaiicn was effected. Shippers wouid do well to understand that tne decline Is universal, all markets experiencing practically the same decline the trade here being in no worse conaltlon than anywnere else, possibly not a bad. Telegraphic reports from Chicago this morning Indicated' that the market there was in some cases closing lnt&iuc lower and very dull at the decline. Somo cattle Mupped from here and placed on sale at Chicago on Monaay were atlll unsold this morning. Quotations or cattle: Good to choice cornfed steers, $6.60418.26; fair to good corn led steers, $4. out. 00; common to fair corn fed steers. $4.ooj4.oO; good to choice range steers, W..6Hio.ou; lair to good rane atewts, 83.ioy4.26, common to lair rane eteers,; good to choice cows and heifers, $3.164i3.b6; fair to good cows and heifers. $J.'tj3.16; common to fair cows and heiteis. $1.6o(u2.o; good to choice stockers and feed ers, $4.ut4.b0; talr to good Blocker and feeders. ooti4.(; common to fair stockers snd feeders, $2.76f3.0. BEEF STEERS. No. 18... II.. 10.. 18.. 8.. AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ....1188 4 1 7 H6 4 go .... HO H, r IMS 4 V .... IM 11 14 Kisj 4 on ....1167 4 80 f,9 , Jig; g tv ....1275 4 7i ' COWS. 8 8S HEIFERS. 3 84 CALVES. 4 00 1 160 6 75 8 ti 88C 858 286 led STOCKERS AND FEEDKR3. 754 8JW 17 117 8 Si 812 8 00 48 1188 I 40 8.. St.. vv CO I cn.B rstUHABivA. 23 cows. 888 860 2 25 3 60 6 cows...., 894 112 steers.... 9x6 t cows 1025 1 65 : 9u 2 26 3 00 28 cows 8 cows; 10 cows 7 cows .1028 , 912 . 914 2 -SO 2 65 2 25 10 cows 916 WYOMING. 3 ft) lti2 feeders.. 817 $ 73 122 hfr. civs. S 16 feeders.. 817 28 hfr. civs. 374 9 calves..., 201 2 cows 867 10 feeders.. 693 19 cs. 4 hfs. 9U0 3 63 3 r. 3 sr, 3 lo 3 65 3 76 3 24 3 9S 660 4 8 66 3 60 3 0 3 2o 3 75 10 stk. civs. 873 2 16 48 feeders.. 6.H $ 10. 128 feeders.. 693 2 75 14 cows 1064 2 65 8 cowa inw 12 cows hXH . CllUrcll AV Co ... Wvnmln. 87 feeders.. 931 4 26 26 feeders.. 7,4 bulls 138 2 60 6 calves.... lfcl F. Slack well, Womlng. 1 feeder... 1160 4 00 15 feeders.. 974 S3 feeders.. 1030 4 00 14 cows 1001 13 cows 1173 3 05 1 bull lluo W. J. Booth, Wyoming. 15 feeders.. 616 3 70 . 4 calves.... S50 4 calves.... 393 8 60 7 heifers... go J. B. Kendrlch, Wyoming. I cow 920 J 86 8 cows 987 2 So 2 10 3 25 2 15 I bull 18(10 2 10 1 bull 1250 Swan L. 18 rows 9U feeders.. 1019 dc C. Co.. Wyoming. 2 50 129 cows 850 8 80 22 bulls 1146 8iu.tlA.HA, 11$ cows ... 1027 3 90 C. o. Donnell, Montana (4 steers.. ..1SJ9 4 15 14 steers.. ..UJtt J. F. Blair, Montana. 4 cows H9j 3 25 30 cows KJ 11 cows 0 2 25 3 cows.... lluo 3 00 3 5 3 25 HOGS Receipts of hogs were lla-ht (hi- morning and when the market opened there were only fifteen cars In sight. The re ceipts, however, were us good as the de mand. The market opened slow and 1015c lower than yesterday's general market It did not Improve as the morning advanced but. on the contrary, weakened off under the Influence of heavy breaks reported at other selling points, closing 15fl2oc lower than yesterday. The hoes sold I $4 H-.io4.70, with a top at $4 80. It la very evident that aome of the heaviest packers. In fact almost all of them, are very bearish In their views and are disposed to buy only such hogs as are required to All orders for fresh meats believing that they can buy hogs to store away at less money later on. The country, on the other hand, does not seem disposed to send In their hogs at present prices, be ing Inclined to hold ou In hopes that the decline may be ouly temporary. Representative sales: No. Av. 8h. Pr ,o At. tt 18 ... 4 . 14 7t 4 40 4 ; U7 46 949 tlw 4 at :,7... .... 4 83...' 2.0 4 66 75 . 68 IM 44 4 70 ' 41 in 81 J-4 ... 4 TO 4 let l ei ... 4 7o 74 .-O-J 88 811 1JU 4 Tu h. Pr. 40 4 Hi : 4 To 80 4 TO 80 4 71 4 . 4 78 . . 4 71 .. 4 80 HHEEP Receipts of sheep this morning .-re very light. in addition te the fresh arrivals there ier fifteen or twenty cars carried over from yesterday, so thst the supply on sale was plenty large enough. As has been the case most dsva of late, the market was slow and ths forenoon was well advanced before the trade opened. Yesterday s market closed 16526c lower, but in spite of that fact packers started out this morning bidding prices that were -Ai 86c lower tiin yeatviday. Even at the de cline the demand waa not particularly ur gent, so that it was late before a clear ance was effected. There was some Httle demand for feeders and the desirable kinds of laoibs especially swlj about sled Willi yesterday's decline. If anything the demand was a l.ttle ter than ypaterdny. but still not s ifTlcl l-(. ntly urgent to make an thing like nn market. Old nnd tlilu t-wes wen slow and wtak. When the stuff did s.-ll it went, at active A ei y l. 1 lini of 1"oV.Tu' ns eoinpmcd ,!h . making the inaikei IS'i'i i'.onday. RepreeN-nlMlive sal: lln xester i loner than No. A. Pr. 26") Idaho ianil'S. feeders a. 5 Jn 213 Idaho feelers I"? : 1H2 Idaho lambs ' "' tis Iilalio lambs " 5 7" 117 blaho ewes, feetb-rs , 7 1." iV( Wyoiulna IhiiiI'i". feeders rt .' 223 Wyoming lambs ' .' 11 fii 'yomlllg lsmbs ti? 6 8-i lto Wyoming lambs, feetlcrs "7 " 2" 118 Wyoming ewes 11" '! C 5.1 Wyomliig cwew, culls h7 2 7"i 78 Idaho ewes lac, :i I'm Idaho ewes, breeders 1U I 2"i Its; ltltilio -wes. brpetlers 11. 1 I Ci' 71 Wyoming ewes, culls : 2 3 25 Wyoming ewes, .-ulls (ei 2 V t Wyoming ew.-H. ft-eilers bl 'I 2a 2 Wyoming limibs, feedi rs :2 " ;r, H Wyoming lambs, feeders fit 3 ! Wynmlng Uimli'. feeders ' C- ." 45 1(83 Wyoming y.-ailina bV, t V. l'-l Wyoming yearlings 107 4 Vi ,17-1 yoming yearlings lnt 4 fT 423 Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 97 4 25 25 Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 11 4 2" 126 Wyoming ewes 112 3 74 4F-J Wyoming ewe, fecdi-rs 3 in 835 western t wes Vi S 1H0 western lambs, fet-dei-M 72 5 75 45 western f Wet. culls '." 3 "a ;i5 W yo latnlis, t-tilla, feetlers... 5 1a 57 W'yii. lambs, ( tills, fee-dor... 5" 5 l'i 77 Wyt. lamlw. culls, feeders... 52 ' la 24o Wyoming lembs, feeders IV- 5 75 4?2 Wyoming lambs, feeders 8d 5 75 128) Wyoming Inmhs, feeleis t 5 75 Idaho lambs, culls 6 UO 186 Idaho lambs 72 3 7.- 1A Idaho ewes, feeders '.'7 V t4 lilalio lambs, feetlers eW 5 75 52 Idaho veerllnps 87 4 55 229 I'tab lambs 73 5 76 110 Wyoming ewts. culls 88 2 'H 274 Wyoming ewes, culls X2 2 5 Wyo. ewes, culls, feeders.... 7n I ' 81 Wyo. evces. culls, feeders-... 92 2 5" 2tiS Wyoming lambs, feeders 65 5 5o 2J Wyoming lambs, feeders ttt 3 4, a Wyoming wethers, breeders. ! 4 J5 9"-2 I'tsh Iniiibs. feeders HI 5 35 14 I'tsli lambs, culls iw 4 25 15 Utah ewes b :l 5" 40 I'tiib lambs, culls 50 3 8V t'lllC;0 M V K STOCK M UIK K' Cattle, sheep anil I .a rubs liiill II04 Lower. CHICAGO.' Nov. imi head. Market dull: steers, $4.'i047f( 7n: stockers and feeders, $2.4ni4.70; cows. $.. 64.6ti; heifers. $2.6Ji5.(i; bulls, M.RofM.TS; calves. $3. 7.50. HOGS Recelpta. 2n.(ioo head. Mark t wnak and livriloc lower; choice heavv whipping, $6.25816.35; light butchers, .8ni3.35: lltrbt mixed. 85.lvcr5.20; choice light, $3,254(5,35: packing. M.tixjjii.lO; pigs, $4.0l'(i.t8i; built of sales. $6.0oi3.25. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 20.000 head. Market dull; sheep. $3.75i5.25; lambs. If.0-Ji6.76; yearlings, $4607(5.10. 8)t. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOULS. Nov. 13. CATTLE Receipts. 4, fin head. Including l.uoo Texans; market natives 10c lower; Texans steady; native shipping nnd export steers, $5.oH((66: dressed beef nnd butcher steers,; steers under pounds. $3.5(W;4.oO; slack ers and feeders. $2.to4(4.25; cows and heifers, $2.7M5.40; canners. 1.2r.fi2.15; bulls, $2.i8jf4.5ii; calves. $3.r-es.U); Texas and Indian steers, j2.otXu3.6o; cows and heifers, $2. 353.911. HOGS Receipts. 1.500 head; market 15e lower: pigs and lights, $4 5nii5.S0; packers. $4 75u6.25; butchers and best heavy, $5.10 ti6 40. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. (too head; market steady; native mutton, $3.20 gi&fto: lambs, $4.5ot635; culls and bucks, $2.0O4j3.00; stockers, $3.0l63.75. Kansa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 13,009 head; market 15 to 26u lower; choice) export and dressed beef ' steers, $3.(U4i.0fl; fair to good, $3.75tJ4.v; western steers, $3.40taH.4tl; Blockers and feeders. $3.00 ?4.40; southern steers, $2.75(13.70; southern com, $l.eK.3.0U; native . cows. $1.5"S9.60; native heifers. $.564.60; bulls, 3. 251 3.80; calves, $3.7668.60. HOGS Receipts, 7. 000 head: inarket 10 to luo lower; bulk of sales 84 2f1i4.50; packers, $4.85i06; pigs and lights. $4.65xtu.O0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.300 head; market vteady; lambs, $6.titfi-16; ewes and yearlings, $3.754.73; western yearlingri, ' $4.254.R6; western sheep, $3.60 (p-4.80; stockers and feeders. JJ.Otxij 4.5. St. Joseph Live block Market. I ST. JOS,KPH, Mo., Nov. 13CATTLJ2 Receipts, 1.679 head; market steady. Na tives, $4.25iii.O0: cows and heifers. $1.76Ct $4.40; stockers and feeders, 3.25(&4. 25. HOGS Receipts, 2,760 head; market lift? 15e lower. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.4H head; market steady. Lambs, $r.5irt).36; yearlings, $5.00$f.6O. Slonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Nov. 13 -(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1,200 head; market lower; beeves, 4.60ji6.6o; cows ana heifers, $2.0tX4 00; stockers and feeders, $3.0-Mg4.O0; calves and yearlings, $2.503 3.60. HOGS Receipts, 1.700 head; market lMtf 26c lower; selling at M 6WM.80; bulk of sales, $4.8tV34.70. ' Stock In Blsht. Rcceipta of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: cuttle, rings, uneep South Omaha S.70O . 2.10O 6.500 l,80g 1,700 , -...18.001 7.0( 7,500 1.579 2.7T 1.477 4.000 6,600 8"0 , 20.000 20,000 30.000 43,479 39,050 36,277 Sioux City ... Kansas City -St. Joseph ... St. Louis .... Chicago Totals .... Cotton Morket. NEW YORK, Nov. IS. -COTTON Fu tures opened stesdy; December. 10.46o; January, 10.04c; February. 10.07c bid; Marcn, 10 08c; April, 10.12c bid; May, 10.17c; June, 10.18c; July. 10. 17(310. 19c; Auguat. lO.loc. Futures closed steady; November, 10.13c; December. 10.43c; January, 10.05c: Febru ary, lo.;9e; March. 1012c: April. 10.14c; May. 10.49c; June. lO.kic; July, 10.20c; Au gust, 10.14c. Spot cotton closed steady; middling up lands. 10 80c; middling gulf, 11.06c; sales 1.0"i0 bales. GALVESTON, Nov.' 1S.-COTTON-10.13O 10.16c. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 13 COTTON In spot a good business was done; prices 9 points lower; American middling fair, 6 42d; good middling. t.06d; middling, 6 Sid; low middling. 6.54d; good ordinary, i.lOd; ordinary. 4 50d. The sales ot the day were 10,000 bale, of which 1.0QO bales were for speculation and export and Included 9.800 bales American. Re. celpts, 15,000 bales, Including 6.800 bales ANEVVORLEANS. La., Nov. 13.-COTTON Spot steady; low ordinary, 11.10c; ordln- UY A $1,000.00 :OF Omaha & Council Bluiis Street Railway Company Pays You 5 Interest The Security Is Ample The Road Is Growing. MAY WE GIVE YOU FULL JIIFORMAT 1011 SAMUEL 614 N. T. Life. l 1 8.- im arv. 7tc; rood i.rdinarj, II JV lor. ' nominal; low nilddling. 9 Ki-I-; middling. 10 1J-1V, snxd iiiltbtling 11 1 18c; niidrlltng fair. 11 n-l"c: r.ilr. l.'.t im-, uotnliml. Sales, .l.'i" t.:tle; riclnti". t7.5H; "lock. 17: :ti;.. Steady i i lpt-. stock. f.U IS . nilddling. 9.13 bale.-;; IM..?. t;l tyTTON laVi 1 ssb-s. none; re-si.ej-menls. 93 bales; Metsl wnrkrt. NEW YOIIK. Nov. 1.1.-.MKTA I.S-TIi London tin market was lower, vtlth sja Moan at lid I'w sntl futiiies at a'1.89 If-s. IjociiIIv tli- market was weak, with quo tations ranging from 8.-n to 8.t3.ini. Copx-r kclinel to JL.V :!( for IhMIi spot and fiitur. g In the Kngllsfi iiiaik.'t locally h- market w an weak, but pi us were unchanged With lake ti'loled al l:i.5i.il3.7o. eleetrolytk at $13.2iWi 1.1 Ae. and laeling ut HS'illii Lead whs 6s higher In loalon fit K 1" Locally the iiKiiKit was wrsk. with prota tions ranarl'.g frni:i 81.45 to $4 75. Spelter' na tinrlia ngeti In LoihIuii nnd 8-i.l'sji5 li i further el.aiiKe. Ionise mtiHcatels are at, the Iih-hI niHtket. The Knalixb Iron mar ket ' was higher, with M (indeed - foundrf at So and Clevelaml warranta at 5ns i I. The local maiket was quiet and unchanged, with No. 1 foundry, northern, $lx.7o-!l!'.7'i; southern grades, nominal. London 4 lalnK teka, LONDflN. Nov. 1.3 Closing quotations oa i i tucks were a.-, follow: i'lHlai-is. tn.alev . . . do S'c-uat Anscnds Atchison do pfd Hsltlni,.re A. ilhln . I'atiaillatt I's. C ... ! l l M . h. A- T ... t-4 N V 1'tntrsf... S V v ,.. 7;'a do pf-l HH'a Onlarln V e'.'-a Pen nnv Ira ota .... I"'i llaii-l Mloe ., ... .'8 Hc.llni 7S iiuili.-Tn Hallway t'8'.S dc pfd 171 Heal hi-t-u I'avlOc . it t4 l nii-u Panne ... . h3 , do plil If I'. S. Steel .1". . nra, . S3 . M'4 : 4' . li-a . u . lit.. . 8: . 24 4 4 I l-iea)eat.e A- llhlo i I hi, ami tit V.. M. ft St. le Hi- I leaver A- 11 II do pl.l . Kn ito lt pM do 2tl pfd llrsnd Trunk llltnul- Cetitrsl . l.-.ui.vlllc ft- N r'll.V Klt-Hn K't, ,o pld Wabaell m uo -pia ... 1-7 's Spiilileti 4p 18 9 1 steady. 27 1-Hkl per ounce. MtlNKV-l-j nn- rent. Tbe rate of tliM-oimt ill Hi' open market for shoM bills Is ', per cent; for three months' Mils. 6 per cent. irrsiur) .Hintesurii t. WASHINGTON, Nov. Ik-Today -" stute liient of the treasui-v balrtiices In the sh eral fund, exclusive of the $mva00,is gold reserve, shows: Available; cash bslanct-, $2i9,924.294; gold coin and bullion, 8?1 '-41.755, gold certlllcates. $08,771,410. Hank 4 carinas. OMAHA. Nov. 13 Bank clear. :-g for to day were $ 1.81 0.046. M, and for tho, corres ponding date last year $1.804, 638. 46. ELOPERS ELUDE THE PURSUER tilrl - Mtn br Her Lover . Despite Plr-kdlnas ol ! Brother Wkn Follows (or a While. Passengers on the Lincoln and Beatrice Burlington tralu leaving Beatrice -Tuesdsy afternoon Were entertained with the scenes of an elopement which .culminated success fully, notwithstanding pcrslsent endeavorg of a brother of the girl to stop the pro ceedings. Juat before lbs train left Beatrice a young man and young woman, with an ac companiment of grips boarded Vlie train hurriedly, and after getting the young woman seated In tho chair car, the pros pective groom- started for the front of th car to bo on guard against pursuers. About the same moment another young man boarded the rear end ut the oar and glancing about the - car discovered the young wonan and went to her and pleaded with her to gather up her grip and leave the car with him.- He was evidently a brother. The girj was about half per suaded and gathered up her belongings, orylng in the meanwhile. But Just then th train started and- she gave up the Idea In spite of the earnest pleadings of her brother. The conductor came Into the car a moment later and the brother, who evi dently did not have the price ot a ticket with him. fled to the toilet room and hid until the conductoi gatttured up tile tickets and fares. The girl's intended ' came in and paid tho fare for the two to Lincoln, and then he started out onto the platform again to wntch and as hn went out the door tho brother reappeared and again began pleading with the girl. Just before reaching DeWllt. the lover came In and took the' girl Into another cr with her grips. After ihey had g"on out the brother again appeared anil missing the girl asked some of the passengers where they hd gone. For some reason or other he could not find' them,' and suppos ing they hail got off the train at De Witt, he also got off there and made a diligent search of the waiting rooms and only emerged in time to see the train pulling out. He started to run after It. but the train was moving too fast and the last the passengers saw of him was as' a. most dejected specimen of humanity standing on the platform of the station at DeWItt wringing his hands. Inquiry over telephone at Beatrice failed to elicit the names of the elopers. SCHNAPPS AT THE POLLS HIack Bottle Seems to' Ilae Cwt .tome Klgnrei at Vol lug Place. A bottle of "schnapps' may cause sn election contest in MeArdle precinct, where the fight over road overseer was hsrd snd close at the last election. A voter from the precinct organised him self Into a Society for the Suppression ot Black Bottle at Elections and made a complaint to County Attorney English a few days agn. He declared for several year sly winks, the retiring of voters and candidates to secluded places and sus picious smacking of the lips afterward, have been features of elections when sonm rich plum like the road overseershlp has been up for conteat. He declared he for one was getting tired of It. After hearing the law of the case he left the county at torney's office saying be would return later and announce what course be wanted tj take. THE: DURNS, Jr. CMAMJL BOuD