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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BKK: TIlTUsDAV. XOVKMBKU 14. U'07. r - 4 t i I J" I i t i ' f ! ! II i i I !. ..Exlraord $10 Mats f FALL MILLINERY 150 beautiful dress hats of exceptional styles and beauty, in all the latest shapes. Made of French felt and silk velvet. Colors are black, brown, navy, green, blue, gray and purple. Trimmings are of large silk ribbon bows, novelties, feathers, fancy breasts, poiir poms and silk and velvets, choux. This is a special offer that has never been equaled, a most beautiful and styl- ft 1 P ish dress hat, worth $10.00, we will sell A D Thursday for ERIEF CITY NEWS Hare Boot print It. Asbestos Shlngl are moderalu In cost. P. A. Blathart, photographer, removed to ElKtitenth and Fnrnam streets. St. . J aimer Son ft Co., general Insur ance agents, moved to sulie Duu to i"4, Hran-dc-ls building. Ws always have Rock Springs 'oal Central Coal and Coke Co. of Omaha, 15tli nd Harni-jr streets. Needlework tuUd Distribution The Needlework tlulld will hold Its annual distribution Thursday at All Saints church. The O. D. Thompson Advertising Afacj has been obliged to rent larger quarters now located at suite 330-232-234, Bee building. Sbo-ZTot Blfacsli I'eople who woar doublo vision lenses should cul! and eea Huteson's "Sho-Not Invisible lenses. 213 Soath Sixteenth street. Musicals at St. Cecelia's School T 1 1 women of fit. Cecelia's parish will con duct a muslcalc at the erhool of that parish Friday evening. The programs will begin at g p. ni. Ilonsers Bo trot ktcst Zn Kovembsr llwauaa the reculAr mAetino' nlsr cannot Vm sect-red there will be no mooting of the the completion of concreting on the Pioneer Association ot Douglas County this Thirty-second street extension. Two cars month, but t) .H,.w month.,, moeti.,,of Irving brkk are now being received w-ill be held in December. Burglars Co In unlocked the rear Back Door Burglart door of R. T. Jones' : Gill Stas Removed WITHOUT TI E KNIFE OR H 1 1 will give you an absolute guar antee to remove gall atones and the elements In the system which produce them within five days without the use of a knife and fres from pain. If you are a sufferer from gall stotiea you know this is a broad assertion to make, for never before until my new method was perfected, were they successfully removed with out the'usu of the knife. An opera tion means much pain and Buffering, and so often a repetition of the oper ation. Wy new formulated method not only removes the stones, but rids the system of the cause that produ ces them.- la my raguUr fimlly prnct'ee here I have successfully treated all cases that have come to me. If you are a sufferer, write ro f r" further Infor mation and I will also he pleaded to refer you to my former patients. si. v. iu niu ss. .vi. i). - Alblou, Neb. Th ORWARD JJJ Dentist 408 Pm oi Block ' Tlie Joy of Tootti Comfort is in easy roach. Our skillful deoilbtry and moderate prices put you ou euay street at leM expense and trouble 'ban you Imagine. . See us about your tetb ills. The quality and character of our work will eatlsfy you. hen 74 - Hours 8 s. m. t fl. p. m. T6b.iI ! Now! Twenty year a-ot On tore, no aftacU. "Today, sUvta storts, over SOOQ agsscitt,. m This. In brief, Is the eti.ry of JAKGKIt aucc'Sa In the L nitcd States. What other underwear cmi snow such arikiiuc , proof of merit? .U- Wlga foi All Waats. 1 or Sale iu hy ALUKItr CAHN timid Ageut. J! .nary Offer or $6.75 J 1SOS Douglas it. home at 111 South Seventeenth street Tuesday night In the absence of the fam ily and stole two children's hunks con taining about $7. They also took a ring valued at about 10. Missionary ttom China Klla Juniata Rlcketts, a Presbyterian missionary from Hangchow, China, will speak ot the .norn lng service of the First Presbyterian church Sunday. Miss Rlcketts will be the guest of Mrs. V. VV. Orlgoe, WH Doilgu street. The missionary Is homo on h?r I first furlough and will spend ten days of her time In OmahaT speaking In several nt Via Vi,ir.l, rc ir a ,iM n i. tha tmrlflh r.f Hangchow. , 1 Law On Cutting- Wsadj An ordinance Is being prepared having for Its object lm provement In the system of keeping weeds ket In Omaha maintains a high place, nnd from vacant lots In Omaha, If plans are for September ranked sixth among the carried nut nonresident property owners primary markets, showing a gain In re may receive constructive notices by pub- celpts of 141,000 bushels over the same llcatlon to cut weeds and upon failure to month last year and an Increase of almost do so the city may cause the weeds to be 2,000,000 bushels for the first nine months of removed and the cost shall be chargod , I'M! as compared to the same months last up as taxes upon me property. Stxest Car Company rushes Work i . Work is being pushed on all the new ex- the shipments 6.131.CO0. The September re tenslons of the .Omuha & Council BiUffs . celpts were 9S5.U00 bushels. Street Railway Vompany, and extra men 1 have been hired for all the gangs which CITY AND STATE COLLIDE are now at work; A couple of days will , - dally lor the pavement between the tracks on Missouri avenue. Opening of Twenty-seventh Council man MrUovern Is taking steps to Twenty-seventh street trrfm Fai'nam to Cuming. The street Is now open except for a tract north of Dodge street through lot 14. The street will be fclxty feet wido. 1 ho councilman Is also taking Ktepg to revive the ordinance for the opening of Webster street from Thirtieth to Thlrty eeconc.. This was passed by the council, but vetoed by the mayor. Xo Mandate for Sixty Days No formal notlfltatlon has been received by the fed eral court authorities' In Omaha relative to tho decision In the Omaha Water com .any cases recently handed down by the I " itu Diaici wui.uti. uiuii ui appeals ana nothing ig further known of the matter than appeared in The Bee Tuesday even ing. It will be sixty days before the formal mandate will bu handed down to the cir cuit court of the Nebraska district. Search for Man With rsnnles Burglars entered the Boaton market, 11 North Six teenth street, Tuesday night and stole mo pennies from the cash register. En t m ni'A ' Whb ITtlt n ...1 Kit v - . r", !, . " " 'u"LO u" l"e iookoui iiii a pucneuui or coppers and If such a one is found he will either have to prove an alibi or els show that he Is treasurer for a Sunday school, or It may go pretty hard with him. Cnmieb Brotherhood Banqaet Plan have been completed for the first annual Brotherhood banquet of the Third Pres byterian church, which will be held at :so o clock Thursday evening. Addresses! win. be made following the banquet by Rev. Kdwln Hart Jenks. D. D. on the sub Jest, "The Present Need of Men for h Extension of the Kingdom," and-y Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck, on "The Working man and the Church " Young men are Invited, the tost being 25 oenta for the banquet. City Bepalr riant Goo to Work The city asphalt repair plant has resumed operation and the city engineer expects to lay about 2,000 feet or pavement be fore being forced to close down for tho winter. Special attention will be paid to repair street cut in asphalt pavement. Thl work Is paid for by the companies or muiviouais maKing the cuts and tho city makes a slight profit on tha work ; Is the hope of the engineer that 11.000 111 be added to his funds before real winter come. Xtg-htiea Thousand Dollar Bamagts-- Orant McFarland has brought suit in tha Vnlted States circuit court against the Missouri I'aclllc for f 11.000 damages for personal Injuries. The Injuries com plained of were sustained April 26. at the JJelt line crossing on Dodge street, through his being struck by a Missouri Pacific train wh.lo crossing the track with his learn. Bom or his legs were broken, and ' hi team of horse fatally hurt. The case ( t transferred from the district court of fuuiiai county. Swift asd Kyaa at Xssa Over Bnttsr Food Inspector Ryan and the Swift Pack ing company are at issue over a brand of (Oleomargarine made by the company. J This product is bianded "country roll," ana tne inspector insist this brand Is In I violation of the state pure food law. The I company Insists It Is not and th matter j may go Into court before either aide Is and the Inspector Insists this brand Is in convinced. The Inspector has succeeded in na vi nf misleading signs and brand removej rrom oleomargarine aenerallvi and the only serious objection made Is by in owirt company, which asserts Its right to use what It consider a trade mark. 1 -a -- j 4 rof r.H OR COLD. Th following formula I a never-falling ren.edy for coughs or colds: Two ounce of glycerin, one-half ounce of Concentrated oil of pine, one-half pint good whisky; mis and hak thoroughly ach tint and us In doses of a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful vry feur hour. Thl. If followed up. will cur any cough that I curabl or break up an acute cold in twniy-iour nours. tm Ingredients all can b gotten at any drug stor. be taken to Douglas and Chicago precinct Concentrated oil of -pine come put up a th board In those precinct forgot to ' for medicinal use only la half-ounce vials mak any return of th vote on th ques in tin acrewtop cases designed to protect tlon authorising th county board to ex it from heat and light. Other oil ot plna pend money for th erection ot a Detention are Insoluble sod are llke'y to produce .cnor end a tuberculosis ward. Th nausea, .and vannot give th dlrej re- board or a representative of It will have suiia, to visit th precinct and. op o th OMAHA IX THE LEAD ON OATS Jump from Twelfth to Fifth Primary Market of the World. MORE CEREAL MILLS ARE NEEDED With Means of Consumption Gale rilr Will Land la First Place on All firalns Pefore Verr I on. From twelfth place among the primary I oats markets of the Vnlted States two years ago. Omaha crept up to fifth place ! In the total receipts, and was only kept ' from fourh place in September by Peoria, 'where the receipts were only 18, 000 , but-hcls greater than the receipts of ths ; Omaha market, according to the repor:s of , the Department of Agriculture, received j at the grain exchange Wednesday. Receipts at St. Louis, Minneapolis, Chi cago and l'eoria were larger than the re ceipts at Omaha. All other markets fell far short of the receipts at this market. During the first nine months of 18n6 tho ; oats receipts were 3.975.000 bushtls; 106, 7,60,OrtO, while in 1907, 9.7B1.000 I bushels. In oats shipments Omaha ranks I fourth, the shipments of the Chicago, St. j Louis and Minneapolis markets being i greater than at this market. The slilp 1 ments from Omaha In nine months up to October 1 were 10,419.000 bushels, as compared with 7.471,800 bushels last year. Cereal Hills reded. MoHt rcmatkahle has been the growth of the oats market at Omaha, and grain dealers believe the time Is opportune for making every effort to secure cereal mills for Omaha. It Is estimated that with two or more large mills located In Omaha, the receipts of oats would be Increased I anit H m (i (l B wnnLI nrnlmhlv rnrtlt Ihlr.t . ; . . . ,. among the oats markets of the world. . . ..... j- i ... j , as a, ivi ii uiirnri mc I trcwi u ill uuiu i shipments and receipts, has been main tained throughout the nine months of 1907, with the following showing as com pared with other primary markets: Receipts. ' Shipments. S.02.8'. 74.32o.OS4 29,700,977 22.653.4.0 15.!'S;,.00 16.84H,000 12,800,100 9,030.100 11.025,000 9.181,000 gains constantly in Chicago . St. Louis Omaha .. Kansas City While showing corn, oats and barley, the wheat mar- year. The receipts of wheat for months of 1907 were 7,266,000 bushels and Authorities Clash Orer Treatment of Diphtheria at Deaf Dumb School. and The development of diphtheria at the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb has resulted lri somewhat strained relations be tween Superintendent White of that Insti tution and the city health authorities. When the disease was discovered the physicians at the school desired to use anti-toxin In small doses on all of the In mates of the Institution. The superintend ent objected because of the cost, saying the funds placed at the disposal of the school by the' last legislature would not permit the expenditure necessary. Then other cases developed until there Were eighteen in tho house.. Then 'the physician of the school consulted Health Com missioner Council and was advised to Use) tho anti-toxin regardless ot the wishes of J tho superintendent. This provoked some discussion, the result being that Sunday tha ! health commissioner ordered the school placed under quarantine. It was later found that after the quarantine had . been placed on the buildings teachers left the house and went home, returning to teach the next day. Then the health commis sioner notified the superintendent that any person leaving the institution would be ar- I rested. This ended teaching at the school hnd the ,)Upia are now a waiting the S.ajnp- Ing out of the disease before returning to WZ'o o o. , ' . . Whll Governor Sheldon and member of the board of visitors were in Omaha Tues- day they visited the school, where all of the precautions taken by the physician and the desire of the superintendent were discussed. It was suggested that an in spection be made to ascertain if the gen eral health of the children could not be Improved by Inspection. For some time It has been the opinion of visiting physicians that the majority of the children were af fected by adeuolus. In speaking of tha subject with the governor the physician culled a child to him to show adenoid and found the child affected by diphtheria, although he had shown no symptoms until I his throat was seen. j The physicians now have full awing at ' the school. No more children will be re ceived until the house Is free from dls- ' ease. It Is expected that thi will be In about sis weeks. Two children tent from Columbus to the school are being held at the Detention home until their parent can send for them. . INSTALLATION OF PASTOR Rev. Henry Qnlrkenden Will Bo For mally Indurted In OOe at Dandee Presbyterian. The Rev. Henry Qulckenden will be of ficially Installed as pastor of the Dundee I'rbyterlsn church Thursday night. Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck, pastor of the Sec ond Presbyterian church and moderator of l ,ne Omaha Presbytery, under whose au- tnortty the installation Is conducted, will preside and propound the ponstltutional questions; Rev. W. 8. Fulton of Westmin ster church, will preach th Installation sermon; Rev. Daniel E. Jenkins of th Pivsbyterlan Theological seminary, will give the charge for' the people and Rev. I Higbee of Knox church th charts I t0 ,he P'or; Rev. T. K. Hunter, former Pastor e Dundee church will offer the Paslor ol l" uunaea c i lniltallatlon prayer. j lley- Mr- Qulckenden ! dee aome weeks ago fro was called to Dun- fro m Lewlston, Mont., and n" bfen active service since. A Daasreron Wonnd U rndfrd antiseptic by Rucklen'a Arnlc Balv; th healing wonder for adre. burns. piles, enema and salt rheum. 25c. For sal by Btaton Drug Co. PRECINCTS FAIL TO REPORT Doaalas and Chlcaaa Omit Making? Hetnras Two Proposition aaltt. Failure of precinct election beards tn make proper returns will delay th com- ) pi.tion of th (tidal canvass of th vote cast at th last election from on to two day and will entaU that much addition work on the board. Trip will have to machines. Id seven preivm-ta in Omaha s..u . fco In fximii Umiiii omissions or discrepancies In recording the vote will make It necessary to reoprn the voting machines. In ail tiuse casrs tho trouble Is declared to he duo to carelessness or in competency of officials. ,Wtlh these errors to correct the count probably will not be finished until Friday. LOCAL PREMIUM0N CURRENCY One Banker Represses Ills Views on the Finn Adopted br Lin coln Banks. "I rend the inifcBKstlon In The Hce of the banks to modify their rule against siec:e payments to allow withdrawals of cash to the extent of new eali deposits, but It does not appeal to me," Fald a well known banker. "I have read that that plan has been pursued In Lincoln and wmr places, und It may be working well there because of the limited amount nf business, but 1 do not believe U would be wise for us to adopt It. Hy establishing sep arate currency accounts banks would be mnklng a distinction that would tend to send currency to n premum. We are satisfied with the course of affairs locally, which shows steady Improvements and we are helping It along by responding to requests for currency by regular cus tomers to the extent of legitimate demands. We are receiving cash deposits right along although, of course. In no such vo.ume as heretofore, but tho amount of cash do posits Is steadily Increasing and I think that by going along as we are now wo will come to a specie basis as soon as any city of our class." XEW Til Al M SCIIKDI LE Via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Panl Itallnay. Effective November luth. No. 4 Chicago Special will leave Omaha 7:25 a. m., arrive Chicago 8:15 p. m. No. 6 Eastern Kxprcss (the up-to-dute business mans tr ; r ' leave Omaha 8 p. m.. arrive Chi ain), will p. m.. arrive Chicago S.3J a. rn. No. 2, Overland Limited, will leave Omaha 9:58 p. m., arrive Chicago 12:28 p. rn. Tickets, lftii Karnam St., Ununa, Neb. 'PHONE MEN WANT BONUS BACK Demand Return of Money Deposited with City to Protect Fran chise Illifhta. Comes now the Independent Telephone company with the demand upon the city for the return of the $25,000 deposited by that concern with the treasurer to Insure the fulfillment of its contract with the city as specified In the terms of tho fran chise. It claims to have done more than the amount of work required by the fran chise. Certain legal questions be ad Justed, however, before the money Is re turned. The telephone company In the meantime has ceased work and laid off its work men, but the management gives the assur ance that this Is not because the financial resources are exhausted. Quick Shine snoe !'olia the best for ladles,'. men's and children hoes, oils and polishes and Is waterproof Announcements, wedding stationery and calling cards, blank book and magazine binding. 'Phone Doug. 1&'4. A. I. Roo', Inc. MOTOR ON THE NORTHWESTERN Service Will Be Established Monday Between Norfolk nnd Bone steel, S. D. A motor car service will be establ'shed next Monday on tlie, Northwestern line be tween Norfolk and )Uonestcel to replace a regular passenger trqln on that line. Some time ago the Northwestern bought motor car No. 16 from the , Union- Pacific and put It into regular service .between Fremont and York. The car has been giving emi nent satisfaction and will be moved Mon day to replace the morning passenger train north from Norfolk. The time will be, leaving Norfolk at 7:30 a. m. and ar riving at Uoneeteel at 12:20. and leaving Bonesteel at M5 and arriving at Norfolk at 7.15 p. m. , The enormous Increase In the demand for Btor Blue Ribbon Beer has forced the Btor Brewing Co. of Omaha to build a big i iittnii to their stock house this fall. It ... , ,,.,,i wiih the tarirest class enameled Unkg n the west. The Stor I Brewing Co. Is rapidly becoming the fore- njngt blewery ,n the transmit isslnpl states, d f th0 Buper0r quality and delicious I of thelr prodUCtmerlt always wins. LAST SIGNATURE TO TERMS Every Name Now'AfBsed to Xarree lnent on Connt Crelghton Will settlement. The last signature has been secured to th agreement In th Count Crelghton will contest case and th document Is ready to file In county court Thursday, when the case ia called up. While the agreement was reached last week, the signatures of all parties to It could not be secured until Wednesday. The signing of the agreement will prevent any general contest on the be quests, although several matters relating to specific bequests and to some of the claim may have to be heard In court. Everybody Has a Want. Tou probably have some little want rlnht now. And nine chances out of ten, or there about, you could rill that want by using a Bee want ad. You may find your serv ant, and your errand boys, and you gar dener without advertising, but a want ad costs so lltUa. and Is so easy and so quick, and such a sure method of flndln? the cream of the unemployed that you cannot afford to get along without It. Uoildlnir Hermits. O. W. Oarlock, frame dwelling. 14d3 North Thlrty-nflh street, 12.5: (i. 'W. CarlTk. frame dwelling, 14u7 North Thirty-nfth trert, $2.510; O. W. GarWck. frame duell ing. 1418 North Thlrty-flfth sven"e. $r.5"0; Carl K. Carlson frame dwell'n:. 8102 Cum ing street. 13 MX); Irabel FrooVs. frame dwelling, 2554 Bpenctr street. I3.L1X. Habitual CowstiDation toy taptrroarwtu'ly c ercome tjy projxrr personal efforts witKtKe assistance oftHeorte truly beneficial laxative remedy, Syrup of Kg ard El'uW Senna, rtcK enables pne to form regular kabitfr aady so tkat assistance to na lure may be gratlualty oS$pnselVtH Mien ho longer needed a$tke Ustof rfmeciies.wltesvreouirej, are to assist ttatuTC arwl hot ta supplant the netur. alfuctionS,vriicK tnust depend ulti knately upon propel nourishment, frMer efforts anori4tt liv'mA tVnrralv. at ; buy th genuine 5yruplKgsEiuir7Senna manufacture y the California. Fig Syhui Co. only S0U BY ALU LEADING DRUGC1STS oat tut H)fc rr jm tyj LPLIKE MILL TO BE DUDBLEb Capacity Hay Be Duplicated, Basinets is Growing. as COMMERCIAL CLUB WANTS THT3 Will Confer Soon with the Owners on the Proposition to Make the Plant an I.nrae Agnln as .Nott. To double the capacity of the flour mill In Omaha Is the plan now being consld ered by the I'pdike (train company. Thi consumption In Omaha Is l.OiXI barrels a day nnd this Is the I'pdlke tn'H capacity The plan will be taken up shortly by the Omaha Commercial club nnd some plar develep'd whereby tho Vpdke companv can be Indnced to double the capacity That tho l'Hl!ke company Is wHl'rig to d' Its share In the scheme Is shown by the fact that It has secured an option on the lot adjoining the mill and will go ahead If tlin present plans cHrry. "The mill has ground along In spite of the fact that little grain was coming to Omaha," said N. B. 1'pd'ke, "and we are getting more orders for flour than we are now able to fill. Early In the game we had nn order for two cars of flour to Chicago and these were filled, and today we Just received another order for two more cars from the same rlaee." When asked concerning the report that the capacity of the flour mill was to be doubled. Mr. Updike said: "That matter Is to be taken up shortly and s soon as It Is shown the people of Omaha will take the present outpe.t of the mill locally we will at once diuble Its sire. The people should take cons'derable local pride In the big mill, and 1 tnlnk they do. The matter of the quality of the flour is up to us, and if we don't glvo the quality we would not expect Omaha to buy a sack. There Is no reason why, with the snlendld wheat of NehranVn rnmlnf to us and with the latest known machinery, we should not be able to turn out as good , flour as any mill on earth, and we Intend i to do it" Charcoal tops Gas On Your Stcmach Wonderful Absorbing i'owcr ol Char coal When lukcu lu tho form of Stuart's Clftu'coal Luieu&es. Trial Packag Bent Fr. Charcoal, pure, bundle charcoal, ab sorbs 1UU times Its ouu oiuiue of gas. Where abes the gas gu tor 11 Is Judl abnoroed by the cimitoal the gas Uibap peais and there la ieti a puie, set atuiobpuei e, free from ail liuiur Ue ana geims. That' what happen In your atomach when you take one or two of btuari Charcoal Lozenges, the most powerful puriiieis science has yet discovered. Vuu belch gas in company, someiiiuoa, by accident, greatly to your own humil iation. 'Ihut Is because mere is a great amount ot gas being foimed in your utoiiiath Is not digesting your food prop erly. Gas is inevitable. Whenever this happen, just tako one or two of Stuart's Charcoal loxenges right after eating, and you will be sui prised now quickly they will act. No more btu-nlnga, no more sour risings. Eat all you want and what you want, and then If there la any ' gu 4 going to be formed, one of these wonder ful little absorbers, a Stuart Charoal Losenge, will take care of the gas. And it will do mote than that. Every particle of luipuiity in your stomach and IntebttRes ia going to be carried away by the charcoal. No one seems to kno v why it does this, but It does, and does It wonderfully. You notice the difference in your appetite, general good feeling, and In tho purity of your blood, right away. You'll have no more bad taste In your mouth or bad breath, either from drink ing, eating or smoking. Other people wt'l notice your bad breath quicker than you will yourself. Make your breath pure, fresh and sweet, so when you talk to others you won't disgust them. Just on or two Stuart Charcoal Lozenge will make your breath sweet, and make you feel better all over for it- You can eat all tlie onion and odorous foods you want, and no jine can tell the difference. Bealdes, charcoal is the best laxative known. You can take a whole boxlul aad no harm will rasult. It 1 a wonderful easy regulator. And then, too, it filters your blood every particle of poison or Impurity In your blood I destroyed, and you begin to notice the difference in your face first tiling your clear complexion. 6tuart' Charcoal Lozenge are mndu from pure willow charcoal, and just a little honey is put In to make them pal table, but not too sweet. They will work wonders In your stom ach, and make you feel fine and fresx Your blood and breath will be purified. We want to prov all thl to you. so Just send for a free sample today. Th?n after you get It and use It, you will like them so well that you will go to your druggist and get a 25c box of these Stuart's Charcoal Lozenge. Send us your name and address today snd we will at onre send you by mail a tamplo package free. Address 'F. x. Stuart Co., 200 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any person greasing .the track, placing obstructions on the track or throwing stones or other missiles through the windows of cars. Omaha & Zmi Bluffs Street Railway Co. The above offer of reward is prompted by the lawless acts committed by boys in various sections of the city durirg the past few weeks. On Saturday, October 26th, a car of this company ran into a moving; freight train at the Belt Lice crossing on Dodge street because bos had greased the track; the car was wrecked, the motorman and ore passenger injured, and twenty-five other passengers had a vfcry narrow escape. Since then the same act has been repeated in different parts of the city and boys have abo thrown stores; ears of corn and other missiles through the windows of cars, injur ing passengers by flying glass. Our Style . For the Fall and Winter of 1 907-8 are fresh from the press and ready to mail to our out-1 . of-town customers. The book for Men contains many handsome illustrations of Fall and Winter Suits and numerous samples of the goods from which the Suits are made. The book for Women is profusely illustrated with ' beautiful pictures depicting the latest 6tyles. These illustrations were made from photographs of the garments offered for sale. With these books in hand you can buy Clothing and Furnishings as easily and cheaply as you could if you were in our Big Store. When you write state which book you want. THEY ARE FREE. OMAHA PAKEN When you stop to think about it, you, of course, realize the grave danger that menaces your children when they play in the streets on which there are street car tracks, but do you think about it often enough t And do you caution" your children about it often enough? Are you sure that YOUR children are not daily exposing themselves to the danger of being struck by a car in fact, jeopardiz ing their lives, Remember that when children are play ing, their minds are engrossed with their play and they are utterly unheedful of approach ing cars and frequently dart directly in front of thrtn. . Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. Omaha , Council Bluffs Street Railway Company a An Ideal location for law offices A building opposite to the court house and next to the city hall is particularly convenient for members of the legal profession. The fact that one of the court rooms is in the Dee Building, also makes it a most satfactory location. With a lawyer, time counts for sp much, that any saving which can be made in going from the office to the courts is a distinct advantage. THE BEE BUILDING with its beautiful court, attractive entrance and corridors, is a peasant place in which to have an office. A lawyer, particularly, 6hould be in a fire-proof building, where lie will know that his books and records are safe. Then, too, he docs not wioh to be annoyed by poor service and the Bee Building, with its well trained help, has an organiza tion which gives uniformly satisfactory service. We can offer a few very choice offices at this time. Tlie time to look them over is before some one else has taken the one you want. For office space apply to R. W. BAKER, Sup't, Room 418 Bee Bldg. f7 New Books -