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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: TIIUHSDAV. XOVEM HFJi M. I'm;. no 'A Treasnaire of 17 IT .11 Tl in the CluFflstaasi Mouse u u o ttttw ! i X r 1 i tiiii i 1 II II IV X vs. 1 brl b Lb Pillsbury's Best Br" i " The best preaent lor breakfast f . every day in the year. Made Jr, by the Pillabury who msket ythe Bout. The creamiest, mo! 'iLm '- 'P k,ic'ou '""d- C b served g,av ianany wart. Ak your grocer. VICTOR TIIE PHOENIX MUFFLER A Snips snug to the throat by a patent fastener. Keeps neck and chet warm. Knitter! from fine materials. Men's, Women's and Children's, at your dealer, 30c. Only a hint of the Breadth and Wealth of Fascinating News of Holiday Buying the Biggest and Best Issue in the History of the Finest and Best Magazine for the Entertainment and Information of American Homes. A. Silver Plate That Wears' BUY FAKl.Y KNtVrS. FORKS, SPOONS Sta-pedl TEAPOTS 1847 ROGERS DROS. WHILE THE M ALI R'S LINT IS Writ oa tor Catalogue "M IT". DISIIF Toll ET W ARF. UNBROKEN ... . ... . StamtC7 Make Seleetloaa, then Vlatl Dealer- MFRIDFN BRITANNIA CO.Merlden.Cmin. tw.ii.,.i aoa-a aa. For rilirimin'ut anil nurttv In mir Christina Cake and Pastry BAKING POWDER The only Bakin Powder mad trom Koyai urape L,ream oi Tartar. Its purity start t the vineyard. Royal Sea page 80S ax (I deed tW -345' Solo v Homi Stoiiiis Tba moat hishlr prized rift which Santa CJaua could brine: a ticket JK T'Siinmrfnl if nm?n aV a. MMMII srvAaV'T aa VI aVavAV ,; Rock Island YOU WANT TO RRA ABOUT IT. SI r AiK 1l4 The modern priscilla A Fancy-Work Magazine rancv worn. has. Mo in. Hfn- Dfrmlnn raitvtnf; !( tl e Utett trir-af mEtj me- rvaicTV ,ftwrlJ, LrtNSrt, Stoc k., i Hat I rvm twnty-W to f n?v n-rw 4ec-n ar rl t car li mouth. ni i iTrrna are MifU'UaM vbacrlpttoa prtM, B0 pm jmr A Pompeian Massage Cream Sample with Famous 16-Pa Maaaa r voitr name ana snares in a postal; vm rnmpeian FREE Mi. to. . w. Prospect St., Cleveland, O. A Booklet 4 NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY A Help to Make Holiday Buying Pleasant and Easy Wise and Safe for THE DELINEATOR'S " Wifelle P - -V 1 1 S-s-il -M a oix lYiuuons or rrosperous Keaders lne .ream or uood Customers in America. i Hundreds of other 'Interesting and Helpful Offers only the Largest ox them Represented Here. ' The Magazine for pou to Take to your Home To-night is THE DELINEATOR Out To-day ........ Fifteen Cents T0AT CEREALINE FLAKES miss 'a Tss Braaaiast Fed a Quality NOW HAS THE CALL. I Yam' (Weef tit Rut. Nam try th Bt. km. Reariar Cc tnt 12. rsdiaaap.lis BULL DOG SUSPENDERS Outwear three ordinary kinds. an narramm viiriic pair Jr ; 1. kexrs 1st the Holidays. f ' 50c at your dealer. ilij ! i f.-il9 Mai. , grwes a Ptter, i Uarala 94.. S.H. TIIE CONOVER PIANO A Manafaetore by The Cable Company mica go n. t. II rina At. Scad lor rlthty fllostrated eatalaf and naaie l dealer la year loralirjr "ONYX" HOSIERY, 'Mcrode a LWDERWEAR BOLD EVtRYTVTIEKE Lvrd & Taylor Dept. S, NEW TOIUC A. TEDDY BEAR FREE anuitls V. loil. 1 iriT fW a ui. r ninaat Tlmk msttBf Teddy Bur, almoit li tail, i t inn? nniv m "fnuf pt"v "Whole aVavr Family" ruirw inpe i c?tiw Men. J-t't aaa-t foiriMa u4 aa!4rax far 111 T-ra. Trt at 14 Me d tba natM aaa) kM tsu ThaWv tea l.R nirrl.Mcr.. kVpt 1, SOI Cons re j St.. Host". Mym. 0 a trira csinr VARNISH AND STAIN COMlIltEB rj i ,t far reflalsaint everythina i . , . F aasal tae auait. V 'rjjp THE CllT) DEN VAINISH Co., "" trja llMteklkr Bias, !, o. Juat What Vosj nave Dcea Wattlno For Net keeks ea entertalntnf . An Ideal Christmas Ut tinnnaBd t.inrhemH:aOmit. Snn1 s( Hrmlifafi and Taaa SO raiiti PrfW an4 FManilnfMnta SO cant. WHAT TU EAT, Th Nalloul Pon MinHMMif TW.ti ai. FiurtMMhB and inacsrt.e tm anv ai4rca artcpaiate ths rfrari ri bi.ishis rfx, air.t rau. m. A HOLEPROOF SOX 1 1 Darringt oiCHcvll 1 1 jsrt 'zxi&i Wear Six Months a Th- 5 1V" CoJc e I $ OY UlOT I U V Without Hole, or W7SZZ!3r2i , 1 sAr 9k.. . . Yon Get a New a. t. p.i,. v-f Ti.r .. . -V. ii'n 1 1 ' f " '.!.! Pair FREE. ? J;,Mill"liLmr''' rff H At Women . reetkeMt JiJ i'. . if.i i J, , f. -rL l! Jli. iJ-n r tIuitltrnbbw.irlnanIWoma. Xaaswa M4 n,, ,u.kMf w, W- 1 Bakff a f P., we 'tTaV 1 1 Ulut Cliaad. 0. McClurc's Magazincl I MUNSING UNDERWEAR By ... s ht- mr taaowil Mayear.butToocansubwTibe " fend 10e In stamps for illus a ivnvvavra fPJS jr at $t 00 a rear a little longer, and for trated atyl. bk, aamples of f KNOW AND IfJertJ jf . to SJ.09 makeaChriannaanru- f Jabricsjind two Polls' fK j WILL FIND 5rft3! Jr ' a ent that renews ila reminder ererr f'l ' .. ests. TheNnrtnwMtein Knit- SINCFR WlMo'trts fTv":) month from twelTS to aatTmontha. fm . ! T V,nv.9- 27l ynrUla Ave., JT,T'"v S-r'nrrJ al Nf tu(3 I. l - L . . , , I,',', f N, Minneapolis, Minn. . , -tiv t SIUKl-s iSiElSrwl ll.t,! :-M, McClur. Magaalaa l; i!.! J SMIslrtlea la leery Thread- lW,j EVERY- KWQaT WV W Eaat 23d Strejat, New Tork W-a "lattens Tea" wea. WHERE. Crystal Domino SnflarNto-'cM,.0'lFREE SSffi a .Best Surar for Tea and Caff A llsdtls llK 1 HaaitoiN-tel-freplrleiwe-.aielpowef "lDi.tin.tinn cmiIi! conrelv ( JS. mUwuIIIv U A I l J ful t.lirao. th.l D. pi "" tliow V li.wllfrand trwlrrfmth.. ih.t.M.t 47 U'e nr Tard evervwhere. Write J laire and diiart. sbnr MIK. tl.krta. -yT - T-Njrhwcd th. mmt p.itl. Ur J '.rS ,,rf. i " i P T- ranMraijenevthl, Winer. I. Ir,.,n.. f- TXtA ear mere eK painr, aee scsaaral- riE.aMjlettllyoulpweuaily J" J 1 i'l !r; ,,i,L'1"" TV" . ,;" "V teal peopi. tor lm wita.'1 ,.,, r you can get if yvw dealer hasn't i . . : 1 ' iim a iiimrt. ' 'i sat, M, ta sn packaaea 1-'' ! ' 't- Pept, A. Bsroao Miti. 8. iiW'WAfiitS AMERICAN DOLL CO. Va'1 By Orocers Ererrwherel amaa 14 Wcat 8d St., New Yota City. J'' Alllelwrra. Maat. National Cloak & Suit Co. A 111 W. 24th St., New York Oly. mji ;. I-adle' Suit, Cloaks Furs, jT7"ti X , Walata, Bweater. Kimonos, X. , . ! , . Misses' Coata, Children' Draaaea and Coata. New York Styles. Catalogue Free. TOVVLE'S LOG CABIN MAPLE SYRUP Handsome silver plated teanpoon (H inch) LoeT C'bin Souvenir inr )ftt coin or lUmpi, I'esurt and Cdtnciy Keclpe btKjlt free. The Twle Maple Ca., 91 Ctitlrr SL St. Paul, Minn. 4th Edition 100th Thousand nnai. sa vmj an-r rabnwioe The Shepherd ?. Hills Pvthe Author of T-el Mater et I eWra. TW Beat Vv of tt Tmt IW X-mv AtilWi fonnll ftaH Wf rat,-1i ! I tt t'ofj Wt marw IHtm It Dath. II Far ffale Whfrfar Beeea Are Sal ThelVol: Supply Comvany A Vai ;The Bet Present of All. A Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet, COLUMBIAN HINGES li buDding, insist on letting genuine Columbian Hinges throughout. iff if THE C0LUNBIAM HARDWARE CO. BT 12. CVmlaad. 0. OfrO 3n As a Christmas Gir-IHoltI0 Magazine of Interest and Helpfulness to every Member of the Family $i. Order from avT W l a" 1 r a a a arm a a . .. your iNews-ueaier, or irom a cutterici rattern Agent j or trom the publishers direct. tL THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY, LTD, Butterick Building, New York PERFECTION Oil Heater Famous for its amMteU. and odor r de-Tic and absolute calety. l"ha vrry thitm for cold room. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, I rtcarrtfiralffi TJSE cold aeun tf ym rant to. h ha iti ral lo cirarn the akin, ynu muat ue anep, cm ilua. But nep, fMtra eoap. A Ivory boep. Nevet niiid il U don trvai Ofur a irw cetitt a cmtur. It n tt.hnucly purer Inan raasy ecape thai teil for va namet tu price. Ivory Soap DUNDEE CLUB GIVES PARTY lfoasehold Krorminlc Ueiartmrii t of Woman a flub Rntrrtatna First KenalDflou of Hrnaun at Homo I of Mrs. K.rlnard I'helan. f One of the larger uffuiia of Vdni-iuy afternoon was the bridge imity. Kivon liy Mr. Frank rnrtcrfield in honor ot MImh Jfuta Stephenson of Colfax, lu. Tor ro frtmhmfnta the RiKets wtp si-utod at fclx amall tahlp. on hkh wore pluced bra.s ' candelabra IioMiiik tv.l-llBhtt-d candle. Tboao present wtrc: Mlad Nela SteplHii eon. Mla Trlhblu of Portland. Ore.; Mis lienholt, Mita t'lianihorlalii of lliooklyn. N. Y.; Mr. Harry Brown, Mrs. William Wntaon, Mrs, Gooign Trlbblit of Portland, Or; Mr. M. K. Fuukhuuaer, Mrs. nuuuwu, Mr. Charles Humngton. Mi. T. C. Jla vena, Mr. 8. T. lioodiWii. Mrn. t'arl E. Jialbarh, Mrf.- Harry S. Culver. Mrx. Ilodif. n, Jtra. J. C. Mardis. Mia. William Our kea, Mr. H. ft." Zarkery, Mra. A. li. Bora r. Mr. Harry Cliaatin. Mr. Ilyron Hen holt, Mr. Miller, Mrs. Hnrry Snuaton and ilra. J. V. Wagner. Eight tables were placed for the game and i those present were-; Mrs. Sam Krank, Mrs. Ben Newman, Mrs. J. Lobnian, Mr. Charles ' . . . Bogtuo. Mr. . Martin, Mrs. Adlor, Mr. Sin." Frank Porterfleld Entertains at 'Arthur Branaois. Mrs. Tf bo Bian-jpi; Mr. Bridg for Mrs. Stephenson. j Feidi.eimei-. Mr, l. Hoiur. Mr. -Morru ' I Levy, Mr. P. Schwartz. Mrs. Sol TJcgan, Mr. Davti Dcgan, Mr. Morrl Strauss, Mrs. Sol Golilstrom. Mia Becker of Phila delphia, Mr. Henry Levy of Fait Lake City. Mis Sherwood. Mrs. If. Colin, Mr. Fred 8. Hadra, Mr. K. Sellgsohn. Mrs. William Harris. Mr. U .'M. Cohen, Mi Ivonln Wolfe. Mr. Lee Hnthsrhild. Mrs. M. Klein, Mrs. Julius Drelfti. Mr. Call Relter. Mrs. I. Kaufinun. Mrs. Victor Coffman, Mrs. H. U. I'nverzugt, Mrs. A. Mandelburg. Mrs. H. Hosenstock. Mr. Mantel, Mis. Sam Wertheimer and Mrs. Sampson KenslOKton Afternoon. Mrs. Kdward Phelan of tiM North For tieth street entertained the members of the Household KrrrtMiiies department of the Omaha Women fl club at a kenslngton Wednesday nfte.'iioon. The rooms were at tractively decorated with the club color, white and yellow, chrysanthemum being tho flower tliut carried out the colors. Mrs. C. II. Townttend, Mrs. C. I!. Cnon. Mrs. F. S. Mcl.uffeily. Mrs. T. II. Wurd. Mrs. C II. Chjsm, Mr. ('. W. Haynes and Mrs. N. H. Nelson were assisting hostesso. Needlfl work and gufssin; contest:i afTorded the amusement uf the afternoon nnd about fifty g'l'sts were present. WrilUliia t unla eranr . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mlekc c leijruted their twentieth anniversary at their new for a large .bridge party to be given Fri day afternoon at her home. Come and flo Goaaiy. Miss Lynn Curtis returned homo Tuesday from a threo week' visit In Chicago- E. W. le.ft Wednesday for New York City, where he will visit his sister until after Thanksgiving. John C. Goodwin, who has been visiting for the last week at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank B. Kennard, returned Tuesday evening to his homo In New Castle, Ind. Mrs. Goodwin will Join him In a week or two, when their new home Is completed so they can take possession. Miss Heulah Sharp, who has been spend ing a week with friends In Council Bluffs, ha returned home. ' . Daadec Danclusv Club. The Dundee Dancing club gave the lirsl af a Bcrle of parties Tuesday evening ut tiie Dundee bull. Il was a very successful affair and piuctlcolly all of the member Kero present. Tho club will give a dance tinea a month, when the young women will ta invited by tho members. Mr. '. F. bravir ia nreaiitent. Mr. .Iulm T linrn.,it aecretary and treasurer and Mr. Frank I Mr. and Mrs. A. Beahler, Mr. and Mrs. Until L. Selby. Mr. Hayniomi Anderson and Ml. i Mohr, Mr. und Mrs. F. Greener, Mr. and Mrs Archl Murtaith constitute the enteitalu- meat eommltloe. The membership Include: home. 4Sol pierce street Sunday afternoon and cvt nlng. Many beautiful pifts were received and an cnJoyabl evenlnvt was Hi nt In muHie. Tlioe prtrent were: Mr. ami Mrs. Theodore Volg. Mr. and Mrs. Carl llasa. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kngl, Mr. and Mr. Matt Peets, Mr. and Mrs. Gea Pi lenert. V ' Mr. and Mr. Charles ). Tahnaco, Mr. and Mr. V. O. Fabs, Mr. und Mr. K. K. Kim berry. Dr. and Mra. 1 1. B. Lemeie, Mr. and Mr. Frank Brown. Mr. un.l M..(. s. It, I'.lson. Mr. Ward Parmer. Mr. Jack Parmer, aVfr. Heed Tuter. Mr. Austin Iolds. Mr. Milton IkkIJs, Mr. Harvey Milllu-ui, Sir. Jay Solomau. Mr. Cy Mason, Mr. Jesse lingers, Mr. Italpli Montvomeiy, Mr. J ul Wright. Mr. Herbert 8. Daniel, Mr. Diek Payne. Mr. Joe Havens, Mr. Frank Crelgh, Mr. Henry Freeman, Mr. Janus Johnson, Mr Nelson Murtagh. Mr. Albert Bell, Mr. Barton Nash, Mr. Geoigo Palmer, Mr. Lawrence lodds,' Mr. Charles And.ison, Mr. car Ayres, Mr. .Walter Conklln, Mr. Vautrtian CauKhlan. Mr. Ray Ftnctael. Mr. Jlenry Lcavltt und Mr. Grant ltenson. Aftrrunon Mala. Mr. Henry Kosenthal gave a niot en JiJj'able whist party Wednesday ufternoop at her home, 1M3 South Thlrjtth avenue. Si.'it. Ml. und Mrs. Jofm KMt. r. Mr. und Mrs. Frank Wallace, Mrs. Will I H'nmond, Mr. Mary F.ickc, Ml. Johnson. AIiss Tina Bllenerl, Miss Anna Johnson, Mi.- Ho.. GIRLS YET SUFFER FROM GAS IIlKh School Pupils Injured by Chlor Ino ot Able to Irate Their Home. Two of the girls who were overcome by chlorine, gas at the Omaha High school dur ing un experiment in the chemistry depart ment Tuesday were still confined to their home Wednesday. They arc Miss Bess Townsend. who is still confined to her room, and Miss Madge Billiard was uble to be around thu house. Mrs. W. C. iOullard said she did not beliove, hsr daughter would ever return to the high school. "The poor girl looks us though l;e had ' been sick for six monltif." said Mr. I P.ulltird. J One of th" cirls said she. overheard Prlnclpul Wuterbouse tell Prof. nV-ntar be fore the girls were let Into the class room for the second class that one of the girls, who hud heen In tlv cl.-iss before. Miss Concdon, was in bad, ahapn from tho effects of the gas nnd in taec of this warning tho pupils were taken- into the room and the same experiments made with the result that six more were overcome and two had to be assisted to their home.-. "No one regrets the Incident more than I do," k.i ill Dr. Renter. "It wua unfortunato and I hope the young women nr.- not erl- Kocpnlck. Mirs I.lxzte Koeputek. Anna omly injured. The windows were open during tin: exni i iMMint. which is usual In such expctinieiit. but during the hitler I an of the class houi moro gas must have vacufed thun is usual. There wa u ela?s of ninety wot king whh the chlorine ijas.'' Il.inn.i. Miss Aliuu Koi hei.'. Mits Kalu Kot hem. .Miss Can in Mlekc, Mr. Chnrk Bu, Mr. Will Koepnick, Mr. Rolnhard Mohr. Mr. Lmil Mohr and Mr. Charles K. W. Smith. Th dance g: , , u Tu -Jday vi nina; at Chanils rs for the benrilt of the VisiU,,g Nurses' association was unusually Hell ni- i tended, about -iij li t couples being present. ! Tie- neiLi ol thu series of diiicii will lie j given Tuesday, Nov ember Prominent union? tne laig-r arTuira of Weilnesd.iy was tiie whist, Liidto whist and bowling ( arty given in tiie i veiling by t'ne Metrotolit an club at tuu club rooms. Mrs. Guy French t 111 be bosti a Friday alti rnoon at the me ling of the Cliurmonte club. Mrs. II L. P.tniell ban Issued invitation Mw 1 fflie I Every mother feels a great Uread of the pain ind djuirer attendant upon the most critical period a mother ahould be a source of joy to all, but the sufferin;: nnd danger ftnctdent to the ordeal makes it anticipation one of misery. Mother a FrUnd u the only remedy . hicli relieves uonien of the great pain and danger of maternity, this hour which i, dreaded as woman's severest i not oi;ly made painle, but all the danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondeut or gloomy; nervounne. naua and other distressing conditions arc overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and tka criuut atnucim o common to the critical hour are obviated by the ue of Mother' r-rlcnd. "It is worth its weight in gold." nys mny -who hate used it. fi.oo per "o t'jie. xiooa containing -aluable information of interest ta ail women, will iTarSraira. J .bo aent to any uddre. free upon appheattorr ta, IrR'FFBrfH uiAonzio mcuLAJOR oo.. 4rauffa, c. LI 11 LC-iiiiil :; Fi.oiers BED SLAT AND THUMB BITE J Jury takrd to Deride Ilrlnreu Hem ! iinnsru of Hrlnar Hit and ! . citing Bit. I A Jury in count court is wiestiing with this q licet '.on: "I thu physical pain und . mental unsuish involved In being knocked off a wagon nal with a bed glut oiuul to ! or erejur thun that involved In having ' yojr thumb must icated by an irate ntigh j bof.'" j The case is one ia which Peter L'ndres Is suing John Kn.lers for Sl.OoO damage for i an uv.-ault conimitle.l one nlglit about a month ago. Lndrta is a social light in tile I vommunity living noriliwe.t of the Smelt ing works und he cjiu-ged bis old friend Knder with circulating riendly strie liout l.lm. One uiglit. accntding to Eodre, j ho was driving home on his wagon, when 1 Kr.ders n.el him in tiie load with a td slat and knocked hl.u ojf the wagon and I Uat him up. He f.ied suit for SLOW. ! Kiid' ia ofleis his thumb a un exhibit and make u counterc'aim of 11,(00 for the meal Kndre made of thia tart oi his anatomy. Owing to the similarity between the names thu aitorr.t ye and court officials had considerable dlffleuhy in distinguishing the litigant. MORE WAR ON STREET SOS Commercial Club, Will Follow Opposi tion to Cheap Ads. WILL GO BEFORE CITY COUNCIL No Other City In the Country with It Mreeta Oefared Jn Title Way, So Far a . Known. Member of the Commercial rlub will follow up the opposition mad" ut the meeting of the city council Tuesday even ing against "advertising street name signs," which the committee declares to be nothing else than n cheap scheme which should never be allowed to work in Omaha, as they have been unable to learn of a single city of any Importance which ha given up the street name sign for bill board purpose. When the city council holds a meeting next Monday the committee from the Commercial club will present many argu ments against the contract which the council propose to let an advertising company, and will give figures and esti mates on the cost of putting up new street signs such as are used by first-class cities and erected at public expense. "It will never dr to allow the council tc let thu contract for the old cross road ail vertlsemeni Just to get the street names put up without cost to the city," salt'l u member cf the club, who la opposing the street sign bill board. "It would be a scheme which would cheapen the appearance of the city. Think 3f tne articles w!iich uie advertised on the billboard today and the firm likely to i lose contract for advertising space under or above the street names. Soma anipl Plans. "A stranger will come to Omaha and look for the name of a street. Below the rlsn on a church corner probably would appear the. sign. 'Davenport B'reet. Drink Popcorn Whisky, ten years old, and hear tho voices of men and maidens singing the harvest home.' "Along the residence districts would lie sinus something like this: 'Lincoln Boule vard. Take LydU K. HAss ntettcr' Pink Prescription for Screaming Sufferer,' or 'Thirty-tlfth-Furnant Streets. Dr. Flllbak ee'a Compound of Goose and Wild Tarber tiea cure or kills.' "That would not be l.u'f the discouraging stutt which would be on the street signs. Imagine a sign which contain some of the poetry used in advertising like 'Duuglaa Htreet. Little drop of Coffin Re, little slugs of lie-.-, make a workman's wages quickly disappear," while down the line would be ads for disreputable elixirs fa mous hi aud i of pills, health corset and bargain raW'r at .il! night restaurants. Before a clothing house would appear startling reminder that lining for under wear could be obtained at the next corner barroom und talcum powder woulj he in flicted on the eyes of the workers In the both r shops and engine rooms. "The whole scheme ia far from being -e harmonious with the plan to make Omaha a beautiful city, and when everyone Is In terested In abolishing the billboards, which mar th landscapes, the city council should not aid In making the city look trashy by putting up the glarinr signs Just to get tho street numes up free of cost." MILK LOW IN BUTTER FAT Prodaet from ReMsarsnla Examined Shorn 1, Poor for the Proprietora. Tho triuls of the thirteen restaurant keep er, charged with selling milk containing less than 11 per cent butter fat. were begun before Judge Crawford in police court Wednesday morning, but on account of tho failure of State Dairy Inspector James A. Barkhoff to put In an appearance, adjourn ment was taken till Tuesday morning. Barkhoff arrived Just r.fter court had ad journed. State Chemist E. L. Bedford was the only witness examined, lie testified as to the tests made by him of sample of milk fur nished him by Barkhoff. ' Some of the tests showed a very low per cent of butler fat. The Rumple obtained from Tom Lee's Chinese restaurant showed 1 per cent but ter fat; the Leo Lung Chinese restaurant sample showed 1 per cent; the Leo Ji Jap restaurant sample 8-lu per cent, which was the poorest showing made In all the ample tested. The sample from the Saratoga restaurant No. 1 showed 2 per ent; those from Miller' restuurant showed 1 9-W per cent, and the Metropolitan Chinese restaurant sample showed 2 3-10 per cent. All of the defendants were In court and were represented by counsel. COLONY OF BOHEMIAN FOLK Many Lots in N;w Addition Bought for Homes. WILL BE PROSPEROUS COMMUNITY NEVER FOUND THE RAMROD Soldier Mho Klre Herein Foraseta and Leave It In the Barrel. "Oul at Fort D. A. Russell a nuinlier of years ago." said Anson Stay, an old veteran of the Ninth Infantry, now employed ut army h-adquartera in Omaha, "they used an old muinle louder six-pounder to lire the reveille and retreat guns. One morning at reveille the artilleryman who managed the ramrod of the gun forgot to withdraw it and when the gun went off there was a noise like a combination of a thunder clap and the siren whistle down at the Bemis Bug company. It woke up the garrison In great shape and scared the artillery squad Into fits. The tiftirer of the day came up to the flag staff to see what w as the 'matter and the artilleryman told him that the gun went off prematurely while be was ramming It and It blowed the ramrod oul of his hands. The officer was un artillery man and recognized thu peculiar noise made by the gun In case like thrae. He told thu aitllleryman that If he would have had hold of that ramrod when the gun went oft that he would have went with It clean over Cheyenne. At any rato liny never did find the ramrod, though they sent the artillery quad out on a scout for It." Jamra f'.. Kelbr Kella Ilia I'loren-e Farm anil lluy Brnila Park Home of Dr. K. It. Porter. Within a short time Omahu w.ll have u real Bohemia, but devoid of the "Bo hemian" ways of the Latin quarter. When Hastings Ileyden, real estate dealers, announced In The Bee Sunday that the firm would sell lots In the new Kountse Fifth addition that wa all that was necessary to cause a ruh for the lois by the thrifty Bohemian people of the city, a largo number of whom already own com fortable homes and large tract and lots on the south side. When the first day's sales were checked up, thirty-five Bohemian families owned rhoico building lots between Eleventh und Thirteenth und William and Dorcas streets, and some of tlietn bought two und three lots, the prices langini; from $oK to Sl.OoO. The indications are the entire addition, containing 127 lots, will be sold to the frugal class of Omuhans, who will erect new homes as soon as the weather of spring will permit. The addition now has perma nent sidewalks, sewer and wuler connec tions. Ilanaroiu Park Colony. Twenly-fivc acres south of liansconi park will be opened by January 1 for n new residence district and a contract for io.OoU yards of grading on Thirty-first street was li t Wednesday by the. D. V. Sholes company, which has taken the exclusive apency tor the tract, owned by the heirs of the lale Count Creightou. The new residence district lies between Martha and Arbor and Thirtieth und Thirty-fourth streets. When plated H'l lots will be shown for sale, at price ranging from to l.Xt. The boulevurd will be cut through on Thlrty-t'hst afreet lu the park, and the street car lino Is now being ex tended on Thlrty-i-nd rtreet. Water and sewerage has beep provided for tho entire section, as well as eusy gas and electrical connections. The company is offering a prize for the person suggcstlm; the bent name for the new section, which bus a com manding view of the park und South Omaha, as well as Omaha. Kelhr Nell Farm nnd Come In. James li. Kelby, attorney for tho Bur lington railroad, has boiipht tho Dr. K. H. Porter residence on Lincoln avenue, in the Bemla park addition to Omaha, paying JUOiiO for the desirable home. Mr. Kelby ha sold his lJ7-ncre farm north of Flor ence, on which Is a lino fairn home, to Amanda Knauber, the prlco being" f.T!. 5S1.SW, or about $150 per acre. Setaermerhorn Brothers company, whole sale dealers In cordage at 001 Jones street, have . bought the lot at Fifth and Jont" streets, formerly occupied by the Drexrl stone yards, of the American Flro Insur ance company, and probably , will build next year a fivo-atory warehouse. WOxL'M feet, wljich will bo occupied by their busi ness. The lot Is 142x24 feet, and on the north side of Jones aircet, where It tins I'nion Pacific trackage along the whole side of the lot, making it one. of the most desirable in the busy wholesale district of the city for a warehouse. J. W. Paine has old his lots In the mid dle Burlington Railroad company yard ut the foot of Jones street, to the "Omaha ft Southwestern Railroad company." a hold ing corporation of the Burlington, for $7.5'K. These lots were formerly occupier by the -August Benson Ice houses, but have been vucaDt for some time. The Burling ton will use them for extensions of th switch tracks and yards In I lie section. A Frlgh-tful Experience- with biliousness, malaria and constipation, is quickly overcome by taking IV. King' New Life Pills. Sr.1 Fnr sale by iVntnn Drug Co. Use Bee want ads to boos1, your business. A A KiA?,f S, v(,f X If aa Kaaw the merit of Texav Wonder you wauia never tuffar from kidney, bladder or rbaa matlc trouble. U bottle, two months treat ment. Bold by rmao McConnall Drug Co. and Owl Ai-uat Co. Testimonial wua each bo ill. LIEBIG COMPAim E-xtract of Beef Tuit ij experts asler conditions absolutely cieaa sad hiiitUuLfrom the choicest cattle, railed tor teat, purpose Oft to Compaay's peat farms ta South America. Toe most coacentratea form of beef fwAaas. For forty years tae first. ROGERS GOES TO NEW HOME Ubairrperuss Prisoner Drgiua Peul teatlarr Term Lengthened by Bad Behavior. Charles Rogei. allaa Price. I lie negro highwayman, who had two years added to his sentence by Judge Troup for general vicioune, wa taken to the penitentiary Wedneaday by Deputy Sheriff Allan. Roger wa first sentenced to three years, but when It was found he had tried to break out of Jail and hud maliciously cle an oyed some of the txture hi hi cell. Judge Trqup added two year to hi sen tence. Judge Troup told Roger if he heatd any more bad report about him he would add two more years to hi aentence. "If they left nie here thirty days," ald Roger a he wa being taken away, "they would take ma to Lincoln for ten yrara In stead cf for five." For several day b had been kept oa bri und water. a ak'' I 11 a 1 . JMia.iL.'l III f I aVmfaT aW V J u ii TiTw 1 1 " Jit'i nrfyw'i -m af lm Iff;" zl i W il I Sf'Q WZA " I II "Ri-J- out tb, ay. ,iag I. (fx taw; I 1 ITI 1 1 P WamaK I L. I a Rlmg it tba asao, riog to (rr few; Itimg ocrf , rlaglmtbrn trva,M - Will S "saT DR. BELL'S PineTarHoney Natnra's most natural remedy, Improved by aoienea to a PLEASANT, PERMANENT, POdlTIVH CUK for oougba, oold and all luflaued urtaoea of tba Long aod Bronchial Tuba. WHY 'do TUG PEOPLE USB OVER 5 ,000,000 BOTTLES ANNUALLY? Brrt II Oa al (m Maay ta Olvta ty V at tW "any, Jaat raw Paara a Ik. Oaa. silWaliu, wis. THE Z. K SCTHTRLAKD MEDiriMK CO limUram -l waal to Mid air ttimoolal to the of vsor aat laivrou.d t-wflttea paurnta. Akoal lo verta aao I ronuvuj am) wlurJ, atud oa my tunas. It r-w won. anUI T eouid tmn-lr whiawv an I w a "all ln''utotimk. lour or laiadka f ut li,-rlttnt Uaiu n. My if.wM to tlm flu. lur-HoiwT, arwl t.,ur aoma tnpp4 tt njumh anl ilal 1 Bisi.t a alar, ta two Ua. am 89 yr oU aaa aevar aaed any reairdy aqua) to Dr. bcil' Piaa-lmr-Hoooy. It aivea 4 uick aad permaxieut relict la grip aa well aa csmgha aaid aUda. It mak.. waak lunira Mroof. Una. af. A- ataTCxa, fwuvwaa. Kr. luiii of v-.r 1i, bell 1 konfmntuHir, anulats ao4 purchMd r " 1 H-nnw th. SrM Boo4 I it i-a t haa writ, at or w.L. abuat It. Jiu. aurmkua ftuaM, ofcta. tLIIIU Look for tha Bell on Bottle and our Guarantee No. 504. MAStTVACTtTaaO oaxr T TUB & & SUMIMLASO MtMCISB CO., Uint i u s. Jaatuaa. . at s 1