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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1907)
THE OMAHA. DAILY HF.E: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER H, 1907. 11 I REAL ESTATE ITY PROPKRT X FOH MLR. ' (Continued ; Shimer & Chase Co i . BEMIS PARK HOME. "! New S room house all modern and an Idea! home In every particular. One block from the street car and facing the Co ile-vsj-d- . Worth investigating. Call ar.d let us show you. IG.O0O. SNAP IN NEW HOI'S E. Brand new C room hiuse in north part of town. Up-to-. date in plumbing and construction and an Ideal location. This" , la. safe property to buy for an Investment. Price $3,100. ; BENSON PROPERTY. New 6 room house only 3 blocks sonTh of Benson post office. Electric lights, cistern. Price $1,575. First payment $950, balance same, as rent. CLOSE IN HOME. 6 room house near 30th and Chicago s's., for sale cheap on account of owner needing mo.e room. Price $1,S00. TIGHT MONEY BARGAINS. 2'i acres with good house and other Improvements. A real bargain. Owner leaving the city and wants to sell before the 20th. This property Is on the Calhoan road Just north or Florence, which Is being macadamized and. will sooner or later iave a street car line. Price $2,250. ' COTTAGE AND ACRE. Small 5 room cottage with five lots, equal to an acre of ground. Situated on 13th street car line bttween Omaha and South Omaha, Good ground for vlnejard and trait, or a chicken ,.,,-v. , FIVE ACRES, FLORENCE HILL, j, : 5 acres on hill one block above Florence road. Price i$J,00O for quick sale. T SHIMER & CHASE CO. 1609 Farnam St., Ground Floor. t Acres in Omaha Are ; ' Sure to Advance -W have S one-acra lots left In our Mili tary addition, between Omaha and Kennon. W'a ai going to close these out at oiice. First coma, first choice, 3 blocks to car line. Wa an al ow you thesn at any tune. Frlc taUO awcht terms, 4Vj cash, JH a mcnih. , Hasting & Heyden. Vti Farnaf SL Bea Puildlng. i . Investments ' Two daw cottages, near V4oton St. car barn, verjt cheap. IL760 "for both. Will sell paratfly. Rent $n.5H. i Two tjottagea, water and gas, thre.0 block o car. Rent UO.tW. Only $1,;0. fltora building and living; rooms, Vinton St. Win rent for W.00. Very cheap. .. v- '":, LOTS OF LOTS, Two-: IoU.' Sid and Boyd, for both, J7u0. Fifteen lots, 3Sth and Ames, on car line. Three, lots. v JUU. and Miami, all. go at tax . ' rina tot. fndcrwood Ave.. Dundee, J900. , WRIGHT IASBURY, M'Bo. Uth B. Tel. Dougla 15J. . 'y ., ': ' ' (10)-M905 14 BANK t t t p Pepoatft "wanted In payment for lot In ail part of the city. Lota ' In Central ' Park. Bedford Place, Comer, ''Thornburg, West Side, Orchard lilll. Carthage, Cioighton Heights, Saun ilera, JtlrpetuUgn's. Hanccom Park, etc., at' two to C50. . Lota on .paved. aireuLa, 1X0 to 7M. All price lower than In lSi'S. Abstracts of tltfa In the Guarantee Abstract Co., given with all lot.. ' Pan ersori 1623 Farnam , . (19) 7S 14 THREE ' COTTAGES AND 2 STORES ONLY $6,600 - , . .Corner lot, 66x133 feet, on paved street and car line. " Each cottage baa 6 room; property rent . for 1756 per yeir; N. XE. cor. of 20th and Ryr Sta; eaay terms. OEORQE ft CO., Kl Farnam Bt. 09J-M3 li - - $3,000, S-ROOM II0USE. 230 NORTH 18TU ST. House ha 4 large room on first floor and 4 bedroom on -second floor; strictly all modern but furnace; large east (rant; u-foot lot, with fine shad treea, room to build aauthvr house; cloa to Sherman ava il ua and Dodge St. car line. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St.' Bee Rulldlng. , (19) MHO 14 roR BALE Lot 17. block 32, Albright i Choice. tSouth Omaha. 1125. J. I. Case T. M- Co.. Racine. Wis. (lfli--M.a il FACTORY j. and warehouse, containing; 10,000 xiuare feet floor apace; t35,0M. HAI?RIS0N & MORTON, N. T. Life. Tel. Doug. S14. .j. -.. (lJ-8i 1J HdT your property with Chris Beyer, j:d and Cuming tola. ! 7t 14,500 L"AblCifL.lT?lL!).h'i i,n"h,-rn Lr"m. h2rTwid IL, a' Srana 1? nara-wooa noon, niantela, inodern bavh rooiu and aonvenleiuly arrn.d. Will ery "w aiu-e, to oa removsd area c. C. ttwaawalar, Um Bldg., Oma.ia. r A.)-Ui.l CllA. K. WILLIAM6ON. Prea. 1 ILLlAitlaON. Prea. lUl-SM VOR ALB-Modern store bldg., i living room. U.iWO: bargain. 'Phone Wetisier JL - ' OM-MBM W REAL ESTATE FARM Hill UUI FOR SALH Colorado. 1: Choice Prairie Land For ale; evral section of choice pralii Und a mile tt of Denver. Colo., cheap; ey term; will n quarter sections U dealrad. C. W. Price, Spirit Lake, la. IJ M-sulIX COLORADO. WB havafor sal lands In all secons of th state; for grottmg grain, fruit, su-ar beet a, nuiatoea, melons and any kind of va-gvlabkia; Irrigated or unlrrlg.Hed. Im proved or unimproved. Also have a list of stock ranches. Write for particulars. Vara I and at Investment Co., Toltee Bldg.. Dontrer. Colo. (a)-USi hi K ansae. FOR BAl.rl Forty acre guoj land, or chard, never fa'llng water, gord Im- proven... iXh-a J. E. 1p,V.;,f- 1 . Ix ansa. tJOi-MM lax New Mexlee POH aALK35. acres of tha finest fai-o landa tn the south-nest, lylea: near las Vaa, N. M ; whopal onlv. Western Realty company, 54 Kimball P'dg lr - Rapids." la. - U- J-MAJ 1 ... - . . .. . ! 1 . .11 U .ml I a T 111.? klllVeH. I-HII..I, liltil. Toom. mooern house at I r,Z. VTre.- ,. ,.i.u: . in 1 ;ro.i,-. -nd "' oa application. 414 rc. 3iBi cl; east troni, oaved acreet. ' '7C:' .: " nr." lng Drooossls to be Indorsed "Froposa. tor I skate, many. pec 5fSf22. '"."""J.'"'' "WD '"'! SulTta a..o au kl.ld. of tol.Tor win buy .Mul.'' f"d dore.aed to Major j ,eatl, attracted by the J: YrtOM ab) bKKN N AN, !'. ftsVlr.ypard.il0Ca?l thSigbi KU-l D6-7-9. Prof. Monoh.n. who Room L New loi Lit Bldg. i.ui tacular feat. RFAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKHTY FOIl SA1.K (Continued.) Tel. Doug. 3867. il9)-93: u MBJI AD RANCH I.A.Ml" KOIl SALE (Conilmu'd.) ebrnUn. 3a0 ACRES, not far from DeSoto. Wasli lngton Co., 13 to ?) ncres alfalfa, 100 to 2M acres plow land, balance, pasture, fair house, and barn, 12 per acre. 1IAKIUS0X & MOUTOX, 912-913 N. "T. Life. Tel. Doug. .114. Omaha. . CWJ 924 IS KIMBALL COL1 NTY, NEIJ. Section 3-13-W, live miles south of Smead, and In one of the best stations In tlie county. This Is surely a pnao and is bom d ,,r tho Republican Vulioy, Kansas ei South to be a money-ii'aker for whotver buys it wsiern Railroad cornjany will be held at of yon. Hp the lucky man. Price the oltice of the company in Omaha. No. Onlv P(ir Vprp I brnaka. at 4 o'clock p. m. on January 19, uu . u 1 tl lit, ti. for the puipcae of action upon the PA VNE 1 NVESTM EXT CO.. i "f. rl" -"V"? ., '!,.':ad." KV'fW First Floor N. V. Life. TeL I"ouala 1"S1. (2i)-:9 IS IMPRO DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM $35 PER. ACRE. Su Here Platto river bottom land, Doug las Co., only 18 mllcSfroin South Omaha, with 4-room house, barn, windmill, chl5ken houses and small orchard Fifty acres undor cultivation; balance native . erass .,,.. -, c acre -., kt0. patare. Only S.A per acre, cosn. .-son resident owner make this very low price In order to Insure Immediate sale. Rent for J-'ii raoh. . J. H. Dl'MONT & SON. 1605 Farnam St. ... Omaha. Neb. ' (20)-033 13 FOR SALhJ o acres good land, partly alfalfa. Kood buildings, good well and . cistern, near David City, near schools and churcnea. Price, ,$?.CjO. ". Address Kllxabeth Schoenfeld, David City, Neb. ... ; (J0)-.11! Hf . i Tazaa. , ., Special Train to the Texas PANHANDLE Next Tuesday. Go With I. J. W. Proctor. Merchants Hotel, Omaha. CM) M91B 16x REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved city propei ty. V. H. 'lliuuiav, 6ua k irsl Naiiunul Uank IUJ sr. ill) 80; WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co. t j 7W FOR SALE County warrant that will net tf.e investor iiisii rate of interest; also some gill-edge tarm mortgages on vaiu- able laiin lands. None ot them exceed ono-tliird value of the lai.d. Open even- logs. I'nlon Loan & Investment Co., 3i0 Uce Bldg. U)-M775 Id . ll.Oeo.uO. TO LOAN on business and resl- dence property In Omaha; lowest rate; no delay. Thomas liieiinaii, Room 1, N. Y. Life. t2i) 7SS ' , WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam bmilh 4k Co., 132" Farnum St. a igi) 717 1 . LOWEST RATES-Beml. Paxton Block, E) ite PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 104 FARNAM. a-43 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefe R. E. Co., Will N. Y. Life Bid;. (22) 799 IjOO TO (iS.OOO TO IX)AN-Prlvat money no delays. J. IL Sherwood, M7 N. Y. Life, i. Y. Life t2"?) SOI irl Qlli MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (2.)-'4 U00 to tl".000 rnade promptly. F. D. Wead. Wcad Bldg., 18th and Farnam. . (g)-MWI WANTED TO B:i WANTED To buy second-hand furniture. SECOND-HAND furniture bought and aold; ' machines of all kind rented. U per n-rtnti. ri iit.u fw.i c.i n.onth. tel. Doug. IMi. twj-MH CAPI1 raid for second-hand clothing ahoea. ii.isr Tel. Doug. 6339. liiij iol TO FAPMERS AND PRODUCE SHIP PERS. Highest prlees for butter and rgga. Cash or merchandise. Bend trial shipment. Th Bennett Company, Omaha. -til WANTED TO RENT COlTLia would like two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; norlnwc. pan of illy pretericu: mtui be in.jde.n liest ot reierences. Addn res W ua, rare of Uee. (iii 10 Ijx wanted Situations EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier: best references. Address M tt4. rare of Bee. tJ7)-Mj4 lix WANTED Position aa stenographer and ortice clerk, by sxpvriei.ceU yung mart wl.u good refeience. Addie, O. 44, c.1. 0 Lee. till- UjIi 16 x 8ITUATION wanted by colored man a porter. Tel. 244 Webster. (27) Mito 1SX WANTED By lady with experience, col lecting, copying or corresponding to d. Call Tel. Douglas otx - i4j-&!7 14 , WANTED By man a year, of age. f.!r duration, temperate babua. s'tuailon at cleik. or work In wholesale house; good rerrrencea. Address L) am care lire. C)-Ms.3 14x BT COMPETENT correspondent clerk; am eatable of hndllng biavv coirtsio diiice. rnnrMrrt'at ur ottivr1e. AoVreoa A. i: H. iVth St. U7)-Kv7 16 1-TM 12S1 Mam twit ,4 CH IFF O I' ARTE RM ASTER'S OFFICE The floor of the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Robert O. Kink, county treasurer, to Continental Trust "'j.. undivided i Oiv. lit 1. s.-ctt m 11-16-13 and SV-4 nf NK'i of 16 16-1.1 Cady I and Co. to Arabell VoRel. lot M. Nock 1. Foster" art litlon f 1.2(0 Curoprie L. I'm pleton, et al. to Eustace H. Klia. lot 14. block 4. Sulphur Fprlnps sedition Ceeel'a Ru"-cr to Charles O. Sn-nrrs, Ints 1 and ?. Behmes siib-d'vM in . The S. I). Mi-rrpr Co. to ( hnrlm 8. Nelenne. lot 13. Mock IS. W alnut 11:11 John Power, sher'ff. to Tv""il ire K. Jones, lot 1 hlick 14, Dwlght & I.y- man a R lilltl m Tl .e Midway Investment Co. to Anna I'.irta. Hit J". b'iH-k 1. Po.tT & CVhb'a second niiilitlnn I.nac W'lt to Thnmis O. l'i'((an, lot 7. block 2. Rose Hill S.VA J5 450 GnMn " Larson and wife t Thomas H. Ada-na. lot 14. Hickory ria -p 2 Kilwnrd I.. Howe to Will a n T. Sali, let 1. ll'Pk 1. Linwood f'ark 1 Ann'e M. Nash an 1 husband to Ed- vsrd 1.. Howe. !a'T-ip 1 William Sed-w:ck and Wfe to F.llzir- beth F K' r 'ns in, part of lot 23. Clark's sr4ii-n 10.M Goorire W. Cater to Jumps H. Wvlip, lot 4. block "K." Lake Jam-" 1'ork TIip Mjtunl Benefit Life Innirim Co., to Kllsabeth SimniT. n-r'.h ,V fret of lot 9 B'ld sno'h 10 fet if lot 8. Prpston & William's et 1 tion Arizl Pof'il and wife to The Mutual r.'nt'llt Life Ins'irance Co.. ith 10 fe.-t of lot 8, Preston r Wlllla n s ad.IHIon German Bank of M'llird to Karl K. Jacolmcn. et ul, blocks !9 and l'J. Kensoii llotnpr 1. ppHvpr to Sanwrl J. Cosiin, lot i:. block 9. Patrick's spcond ad dition 3.n t.(f .TT5 I C 'Jp upo CarlbriK and w Ip to James Macti. lot 5, block 1, Cr.bTg's stib- I division ; The Anvrlcnn F'rp Ins.iriinci' Co. to I Arthur J. Coolpy, tract In Gov. lot I ::. Hocilon 23-15-13 11 00o Totals ,...J37.2 5 LEGAL NOTICES oT-VlCK OK TUB KANSAS CITY I Onialia Railway Company, oinalia. fscb., I I Nov. it. lo the feiocKlioiiiei a: Notice i herebv litven t:iat a special nieeling of t tic Muil;n"iiieis of the Knnsns City & I Omaha l.ailwdy company uiil be l-.eld at the citiHC oi tlie couiiaiiy In KuirMcid, A"c luas.a. at 9 o'clock a. m. on Junuaiy 11, 1: i ,, tor tho puipuse of acting upon the I uu-'Sllon of selling the l'.nlioa.l, propeity I hpiI fiaiiclilses of the edoiany to the Chl ' caso, Hui'l.ngton S: Q'iin y Railroad com 1 piiry. the railroad and properly aioiesad I Uvlig now undor lease tu said company. l.y order of the board of directors. . t. I lJurkee. Fecietaiy. N10dlt i.' ak una m. a,...t h ..Dt trt. i? a i i r . . u a ' i Company, Un alia, Neb., Nov. 9, liWi. To the Stoi kholders: Notice Is hereby given that a hj eciiil nieeling of the stoi'kholder ic.-.oa.T - uwuw,,,,.!. . cugo. uilingion & yjimy tallroad com- piny, tho railroad and properly aloresu'd i.i.rf i..uer lease to the said company. by oriier of ihe board of directors. W. P. Durkee, Secretary. NIOduOt j OFFH-R OF THE OXFORD & KANSAS , Kadroad company, omnha, Neb., Nov. ' vt-i ih,. i,u,i,irf v,,ii,e la l.ereby given that a speei il meeting of th-i atockholiiers of the Oxford & Kansas Rail- roan company w ill De lieia at me omce oi the company at Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m.. on January 10, lfi, for the at 4 soiling the railroad, property and franchises I'Mit"'; ul BL-iiiid ufiun me ot uie company to me Chicago, nuriingion & gincy Railroad company, tha railroad ot uie company to me Chicago, nuriingion and rroucrty aforesaid being now under lease to the sa'd company. By order of ( i ue ooara or. directors. w. Jr. uurRee, , Secretary. NlfcdoOt ! OFFICE OF THE OMAHA AND NORTH Platte Railroad Company. Omaha, Neb., Nov. . lj;. To tlie Stockholders: Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of tho stockholders of the Omaha and North Platte Railroad company will be held at the office of the company In Omaha. Neb., at A n'.'lftplr n m Pn laniin'. v 111 1 ifW fni" the purpose of acting upon the question of selling .Uie railroad, properly mid irauci.laes of this company to' the Chicago, Burlington I i t ljulncy Railroad company, the railroad ; .ind property aforesaid being now under I )eae to the sa'd company. By order of : tho Doaru ot directors, W. P. DurKee, Secretary. NlOdOt OFFICE OF THE OMAHA AND BOl'TH I western Railroad Compa v. Omahu. Neb., Nov. 9. 10j7. To the Stockholders: N itlee Is hereby given that a special meeting of I the stockholders of the Om.. l-.a and South- western Railroad company will be held at tne ottlee of the company at umnna, rel, at 4 o'clock P. m... on January 10, im. for tlie purpose of aetin upon the qui 01 acting upon tne question or selling the rallroid. property and fran- cMsea of the company to the Chicago, Bur llnvton & Quincy Railroad eomtany, the ra'lrrad and property aforesaid being now under lease to said company. By order of the hoard of directors, W. P. Dl'IlKKB, Secretary. NlOdHOt OFFICR OF THE REPUBLICAN VAL- ley & Wyoming Hnllrnad com' any. Orrnhn, Neb., N'ov. 9. To the 8tork- holders: Notice Is hereby a-1ven thit a soeelal meeting of the stockholder of the j Republican Valley & Wyoming Railroad , company will he held at the office of the company In Omaha. Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m. on January 10. 1WS, for the purpose of acting upon the question nf selling the rallrosd. property and franchises of th's corrpany to the Chieaeo, Burlington Qu'ncy HaMroad corrnany. the ra'lroad and property aforesaid being now under lease to sntd company. Ry order of the nesra OI aireciors. v. tr. uuraee. necre- tary. NIOd :ot GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY AND AR tlllery Hoi bps and Diaft and l ack Mu.ej Chief juarter.iiasi.rr a otllce, Omaha, Nebraska. November 11, 190i. sealed uro- posais. In triplicate, wlil be recelted ai t. is ,.lli.A mil 1 11 r. elfu-k 1,1.. central R.anrlaifl time. December 10, 190,, and tlieu opened. in the presence of al lending bidders, fjr it J Cavany lioises. 11 Artillery Horses, 31 Riding Horses, 4 Diaft Horaes, 11 urait Mules, Wheel and 1-ead. and 11 1'ack, for delivery at Oniana, Nebraska, or otunr prominent railroad points. Tne ani.i.a.s tj conrorm 10 sueciouMiiiiiia tor tavai, a.iu artillery horses and mule. L'n.ted B ales reserves right to accept or reject any or but smile, owing to the attendant enthu all proposals cr any part thereof. -rao- ,i..m cf the old-tlmer. who would not be- ulars.and blank for proposa will be lur-, Knvel.ipes con. am- umana wet. , ii.swii pop , condition, having been moothed by an poaals, in trlpl'cate, will be reielved i.ere . ' . and by quartermaster at the post named electric aander. a machine with a and hereln. until lu a. ni., central standard paper roll which revolves 400 time a mln tlnie, November. 15. 1:I7. for furnishing . .... -nd .hten r'moved all the rouah Dlace wood, coal, shelled corn, oats, brun, hay and straw, durlrg the flsial year ending June . 1j8. at Fort Washnkle. Wyo. Pro posals for delivery ai other placea will not be entertained. United Ftates reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Inforrrat'on fur-l-hed on applieatlcn here, or to quartermaster at the atation ra-ed. containing proposala should be marVed "Propoala for an! srld-essed to M.TAtt T"tA8 DYiunr., w- ' . i. J-'i OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING yuartermaster, Cheyenne. Wyom ng. Oc tober Lih. luoT. Bealed proposals. In tripli cate, will be received at this office until 10:30 o'clock a. m., mountain time, Novem ber Uth, rXT. at which time they will be opened In public, fur furnishing all material and labor required and Inatailmg a heat ing plant in new hospital, now under con struction al Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, in accordance with blue print plans and specifications on hie in this office. Plans and specification will be tiled in the fol lowing ofiu es for the Inspection of biud- rs: Chief Q. M. Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Nebraska; Chief Q. M. Department uf Colorado, Der.ver, Colorado; Chief Q. M. ueLanillvm ui ianuia. oi. M aui, iutui.eaora. ( aria teot 14. ai. 01. t-ucua, eouri. Eiiaii4 forma of proposal and full Information furnished on application at this office. Th Government rrsertes the rlgnt to actepl or reject any and all bids or part of bids, rjive lores containing proposal should be endorsed "Proosals for Heating Plant In New Hospital at t ort D. A. RuaaelL Wyo," and addressed to Caputln V. K. Hart, Uth Infantry, IT. 8. Army, Act ng yuariern aster, in Charge of Construction, Cheyenne, Wyoming. OW-24-.U-M-4-14 HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA ts The Bee te Tear Prlrade. RAILROAD TIME CARD t'Mo station lot yo Miner. I'nlon PpIp. Q The Ovprland Mmlt-d. .a S:5J am a l:W pm Tip I.OUOHOO K.xyrtsa.a SiO I'rri a '' pti Atlantic K.xprpsa t:K IU Tha frPRon KxprPss...a t io pm a pm 7o'Tl-a I.oa AnPlea Llm nU:15 pm a 'o o pra China K Jiprn Mall. 4: 0 rm a 5: 0 p-n C'olo.-l iilcaftu Special .alJ no a n a , ia am y hi ric t.oral North PHtte Local.. Illaaonrl PnrlOr. K. C. & Ft. U Kxp... K. C. A St L. Exp... i Neluaska Local b i : i: am b 61S pm a 7.42 km a :1 pm . .a l:o am a 6 IS am ..all :15 pin a 5..V) pm t-M rm all :Jt am i (biro A Kortfetveatrra. 1. p.i vp Arrlre. Chlcaeo Pavl'ght a J:2i am all. S pm 'Ft. Pa:il-Minn. Exp. ...a S" am aVi:"0 pm l r' l. p. T oral. nil:! aid F'our Ci'r Pss"ncr. ..a " Sn n.n Clilcono Paascnupr. .... 6:00 pm . u . ,u a H:i pm i 61. Pnul-Mitin. Mm.,,. S;:S rra a :. pm : : to am ; , I. os AniJrs :.l;nlted...a 9:"e pm a'.?:"W pin (ivcrland Llmltei: a10:W pm a R "3 a:n a :04 am Fast Mail.... Svous itv Local a pm a :--" am ; Twin Chy-T imi,;dV..M Pm I IS Im ' Korfolk - Ponps'ppl a ":) urn a B:?fi pm T incoln-Tork-Chsdron ,h 7-40 am all :?0 am ' ppadTood- Lincoln J-oopm a 5:18 pm ' Casper - Fboshonl 1:'" mn aH - om Hastings - Sunprlor b a m nm b 5 :5 pm I Fremont - Albion n S:35 pm b 1:J5 pm ; ( hlcago Great tVeatera, I Ft Piul-MinneAnolls ... 1:30 nm 7:.1 am Ft. Paul-MITineapolia 7:30 am li a pm I Chicago Limited Chl-ago Krnrpss.. Chtrago Express ., 6:05 pm 7:3o am 3.30 pm m 1 11:3S pm " : Pm j a lnsh. St T.mH TTvr.rr .a :Sft nm a am Ft. Louis. I.e. ;,i (troni Council Bluffs) a 1:30 am all :15 pm I Slanberiy Local tfrom I fnnnpu T?lnfTl . t nm bloil.i am tklcaao, Hock Islnnd A Paclflc. r- iti . Chicago Limited a 3:f" am alLO". pm I Iowa Local a 6:30 am a 4:) pm j Lies Moines Passenger.. a 4 :uJ pin ali:;w pm loni Lpjcrti.. all:.i am b 8:55 pm i t nicago tl-.astern M.)..a lion pm a j:-j pm Chicago flyer a COO pm a s Jo pin whst. Rocky Mountain IVt'd. .all :15 pm a 2;j0 am C olo, and Cal. Ex a l:Jj pm a 4:to p.n Ok!, and Texas Ex a 4:4.) pra a 2:4o pr.i Llncoln-Fnlrhurv Pass..t 8:46 am bl0:li am Illinois tentral. Chicago I'xpress ' a 7:20 m a 3:45 pro Minn. & Hi. Paul Kxp..b 7:--0 am a 8:i"i pm I hicuKo Lirnlied a .il pm a D:Jo am Minn. St. Paul LmViLa -30 pm a kloO a.i: i taitftiKo, M.l.vauWee St. Pol. y" J-"- Bpeciai...a ,:u am ai..uu pm ( v 1 r it (1 l-iiiiilfd aftiiiHDiTi ft3tHin , .... - ,, ..... I jrtriy i-uubi a 0.1) pm ii.w am 111 IlLI.GTO. STA. .inrif jt iAiav. DnrllnKtoaa. Leave. Arrive. Denver & California.. . .a 4:10 pm a 3:45 pm Northwest Special ......a 4:i0 pm a 3:4j om Hlack Hills :..".. 4: l. p.n a :, pm Northwest Express .....all:u iim alO:bi pm i Ncbi aska poiiu a k :4a am a ti.ln pm ' Nebruana Kxpress a 9:l.i am a t:P) pm 'Lincoln Fast Mail. ...... b l:4j pin aii;ll pm i.inenin Local .'.... . . hi iaim I.inpnln I.oeal L nn Lincoln Local ' a 7:u0 pm . Scliuylcr-i lattstnouth ,.b 3:10 pm bi:.U am i!,,.lp.iiu,i,i.,..,ih ' n ,. .n -jiu ; t laitiinoulli-lowa ....,,b 9:1S am Believue-Platttimouth b 1 :3ii p.n Uei.vcr tllliuea pm a'CD ajl,wPj, f ,h,.,r ,..,,., c iilcano a7:4iam all:,o um ciilcago a7:4iam all:o pm Chicago Express ..a :-'J pm a. il:aj pm j lowa lxXal ..a 9:15 am all :M am . tjiucago i Iyer .tra a:.u pm a um Bt iollS Express :) pm all:3a am Kansas City & St. Jo..a.0:!i p.n a i 30 a.n Kansas City & St. Joet.a am a li:lu p.n Kansas Ciiy & SL Joe-. a 4:4j pm ........ WEBSTER TA. 'lorn" WEOSTEIt Chicago, Omaha. t. Paul, Hlaaeapolla t - 1 n Leave.' :- Arrive. Twin Olty Passenger..!. .b : am- b :10 pm s.oux ci;y passengiars. J x:w 41m au:zu am Emerson Local b b.ii p.n b 9:10 am j Emerson Local c S.ii am o 6: jo pm Mlaaonrl 1'aclllc. "- Local Via Weeping Water a 7:45 am a (15 pm Falls City laical M.bSiaOpm all:Jiaiu Falls City Iocal v o 7:u0 pm cll.lj a. 11 a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Daily except Saturday. Dally except Monday. . 1 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS J1PAN. CH 1.1.1. PHIL PP IMS. tiUHU- - - LULU ANJ AUSTRALIA Dy the Itoyal Mall Steamer of tha Canadian Facifi; Railway Sailing; from VancoaiTer, B. O. CBx.tlfft4 aarvica to t Uriaut oa oar stt'O' ra, gmprwta af iuuta. ttnip-tas o( caiaa l gu.piaa t iaaa. Tka ataaatora ara tsa 14.1. a. tKii. Amaru as tka lar ga kieamar Muniaa,, m Claaa al eaaia tatuiaara oeif, al ta loicruiedlaia rata falllusa aboal aaarl lQ Sara. , ftwoiara tioana, Mlowrra and Aaran! torn tta v..iy line to Auairalla; aacailant aavoav a.o4aUoua. Saiiioa ooea a aaeuta For taiaa. miuriuatioa aos hiarai Ira. 4. (ir ts A. C. 1I AW, General Aareait, M South rurk St., Chicago. ROLLER SKATING SEASON OPEN - , 1 Large Crowd Pretest at the Audi - torlunt on the Opening; ' a - .Night. Following a rest of several months, nearly 1,000 enthus'ast of roller skating crowded the fioor of the Auditorium Tuesday night to- open the roller skat!tig eaon of 1J7. Long before the door were opened a large crowd wa In line to secure skates, eager to start on the dizzy spin around the rink. Many who had resolved not to let another season pais without learning were . . .... ,.-. .,i. . . if ,.. h., hMn hnrn ftn ' .. 0 tator tnrongeo tne exhibition given by performed many speo- rlnk wa In excellent In the floor. ' A few Innovation will bo made by Man ager GMlan, which Include a amok'ng room for men, which will be conatructed on the - .h... .h- r,.nd ha. i,.-n uvp. Green and hi band will be moved out on a swinging platform In front of the stag I and hlarh enoueh to allow akatera to naaa under. I irucK'ocpn um rti n ncccwnco a-iwiik.nua.iiui -in ulu wi I a-iiwa.ll Picked Up for Regains and Recoa Blsed a aa Old-Tine 'Omaha TBI erf - ' When Henry Llchenberg waa ent to the police station for begging on the street Monday he wa recognized aa an old offender In police circle who hai uirapprarcu i rom uniuua nr.nj no )tn ago after committing a burglary. For years before leaving the city Llchenberg waa the cause of constant worry to the local authorities, oalng to hi thieving practices. Llchenberg had a faculty of finding an Immediate market for hi plun der, and, notwithstanding that the police would arrest him two hours after he had committee a theft, Llchenberg would have had the good disposed of and be drunk on the proceeds. Before leaving the city Llchenberg broke Into a tailor shop end dreaaed himself up with a 1 tailor-made ault and also took along several extra pair of pants. He ha lnce been in many )alla throughout the east, and ac- cording to hi story came here from Kan- saa City. He was sentenced to ten day in JU by Judge Crawford, LINGUISTS NEEDED ON FOME Men WTlO Can Spek All Lanyildjei : Wanted at Police. MANY GOOD ONES BOW AT STATION Captain Moatyn Con trmplaf ps Krhool of I'orplan Tonanpa and lie llaa omp Oftlorra "Who Can Tnch. ' LlMRiusts and not strong men are what Is needed most on the Oma'ia pohce force. " siid Captain Mostyn. "We have ten dlf- fprpnt rationalities represented on th a 9 '10 an? I force now. men who speak their native employes of the company, and it Is. born n "1 am 1 tonirues and vet hardlv a dav passes but out by the cold storage condition of these aome fellow blow Into the station and lt l,H oib iruuuifn in u iuiihup in." ...ti understand. We had a prisoner serving a thlrty-dav sentence some time ago who '' langu.gPs fl-etly. and we Tressed him Into service often as an Inter- . prefer. I think If I could locate him I'd' h bo A , h, h) We ))jg R services Kiently. although one of our emet- Rcnoy officers whom we keep at tha ata- ( tlon sppaks thrpe langTisires and the other j spenka four. j ir nusiness continues aa quiet inis win ter at th- station as It has been the last Emergency men and desk sergeants to put in tncir spare Hour stuaying rrencu. Spanish or some other language they are not familiar with. Patrol Conductor Andy Vahv nlrked nn Prenph in a short time. J - He learned It from the negroes while ho was in New Orleans. All the negroes speak French fluontly down there and Andy picked It up In a surprisingly short time. If I start a class in French Andy will be the Instructor. Joe Hltl, our ef ficient emergency officer, will doubtless be the Instructor of Spanish, and Officer Mike McCarthy could Instruct In tho Swedish language. Much Talent nn the Force. We have more talent on the forro than you nugnt imagine. you may oe prlned to know that we have men on tne force wha are capable of Instructing !a Instrumental and vecal music, perpec- "ve arawing. pnysicai cunure, . . . a, .i . muny, riieiiiisiry anu naviKHiiun, aia. tjr mony, chemistry and navigation. i . yj a i nc iiit:ii uai o riiijiu j incii npniw ...I i n. . n ...i r , v. u . -,.i,i,i i r a 17k 'Y""vv" . . , ,. " ",hlgh phys'clan. Dr. A. S. Pinto, Omaha; I they have been In the police service. I., , v ,, ' . , . Some of them have completed or nearly; counsellor. Judge R. II. Hall. Omaha; I completed,, a thorough course In some correspondence- school and other have , . , ,, . , ,. du U out alone" Several officer, have eurprlsed their friends by uddenly re- lgning -ome i. . . from the force and accepting lucrative position we never sus- peeled mm capaDie or niung ana l gnow of nthpra nn the forpp li-hn will an mi-lie their fellow officers in the ame manner h., , ,t betore long. Of courso these ar Just the kind of officers we hato to lose, but their superior don't begrudge them the Just i .. -" i , j ence- 1 I FTTFRS FROM RFC R FA fit R ! " "a-a. iia.naa.itw Dr. Miller- Comment on the naiktt Speech of W. J. Dryan. Mil- Contrlhutlons on timely topic Invited. Write legibly on one aide of th paper only, with name and address appended. On request names will not be printed. Unused contribution will not be re turned. Letters exceeding 800 word will be aublect to being cut down nt the discretion of the editor. Publication of views of correspondent doe not com mit The Bee to their -endorsement. States Faat, Forgets Principle. OMAHA, Nov. 12To the Editor of Tha Bee: In his Milwaukee speech Mr. Bryan said that the railroads desire federal con trol to "escape" state control. He state a fact which nobody disputes, but forget a principle. As to the fact, the hunted Harrlman him self was among tie first to flee to the fed eral power for protection to railroad In terest against .ne uprising in every state irginmtuio 111 tne country to siaugnter them. lie was Instantly Joined by every other strong representative of the rail roads, although It was everywhere known that Mr. Roosevelt was wielding the whole power" of tha government to destroy and Imprison him. Every politician In tha re publican leadership in the states, In and out of the legislatures, set on with roar- lng '1ck 'em" from the White House, opened a war on rate which the president himself declared were "low enough," and laws were enacted, without examination of the facts, cutting frelgnt and passenger ..... ..-'.i ..... .,..:, , ' , " York, In which Governor Hughes met one of those law with a vigorous veto. "Two I cent a mile" wa the slogan In our own ut9' w,th what Present result, everybody ; knows, but with what ultimate result ! some people will nkow more than they seem to do now In a year or two. Mr. Bryan states the fact that the rail roads seek "escape" from the greed of gain and place and power of politician In the states. Franklin said what follow US year ago. which la even more true now , than It wa then:-' Sir, there are two passion which have a powerful Influence In the affairs of rren. These are ambition and avarice the love of potter and the love of money. Separately, each of these has great force In prompting men to action, but when united In view of the same object they have. In many minds, the most violent effects. Place before the eye of such men a post of honor, that Lull at the same time be a place of profit, and thpv will move heaven and earth to obtain It Gibbon said that republic fn 11 from the ambition of men to gain th chief executive power. . Bryan In stating a fact either forgot or did not know the universal pr'nclple that was beh'nd and which Inspired It. It I to be found whenever sgnat'ona and o c'allstlo revolution cause alarm among men of capital and substance. They flee to the footstool of power for protection . ara'nst mob ef Ignorance and what the poimcai n- archl.t." GEORGE L. MILLER 1 V 1. T I ,, .. . 1 . . From gnperlates Jrat Ktsi. SIDNEY. Neb., Nov. 7 To the Kd'tor of The Pee: Having missed the dallies by vis iting rural schools for some days my atten- ! ,,on but now clle1 10 ,n Allowing, taken from The Bee of October 24, l7: All 1 at pear between Superintendent M Br'en and Mrs. Knox, the countv super intendent of Chevenne county. Mrs. Knix has fled her report according to law and there will be no litigation In the court ever her posttlon and Sunerlntendent Mr. Brlen ha withdrawn his reeo-nmep4atlpn ' to grant a certificate, which was Incidental to the trouble. The atate unerntendent turned the rratter over to the legal de- partment. wtileh Intended to beain man I Carrua rroceedlnga to compel her to fol low trie law in eonaucting ner ornee. Jtfr Knox I now do'n this and there la no rrore trouble brewing for anybody In tn cae. The many Inquiries md a to what sort a . . . . . P"P"r "" compel me to asg tor eaee to set your reader r'ght. I have filed no report hsvlng the remotest bear'ng upon th controversy heten the etate uperlntendent and myself. The only report I have filed wa regarding certificate in force In my county October L State L Superintendent McBr'en made the call In a circular letter to all county uperlntend ent October a, 107. and the Information was not required till October 23. 1!0T. Mr. afcBrlen's threat to me dates August IX i 1907. j J ara conducting; my offlc tn ajwctl Uke ama trannpr that I havp for almost four years. It wai ImtlTaterlnl to me nhrthpr Mr. McPrlcn did or did not withdraw his rpcommp datlon' to it: ant two r rtllcate'; they would not havr been groniod in any ev-nt by me. I thank yon for thp court- sv of apacp for this correction. Very truly yours, FHANCF.fl R. KNOX. County Bupprintpndcnt Cheyenne County. Ilpat In Ippp (nr. SOFTH OMAHA. Nov. 12.-To the Editor of the lice: la It a fact that it la the In exorable rulo of the atreet ral'way com pany nut to furnish heat In Its cars until the arrival of a certain date In the month of November regardless of tho fact that Omaha may have experienced days or weeks, of freeslng weather In the mean- iimey Th'a seems to he the understanding; of cars lor tnc past ten nays, as wcii ai ny the general policy of utterly ignoring the commonest comfort of patrons. In Omaha's primitive bob-tailcd-car-duys. we were furnished, In lieu of heat, a layer of straw on tho floors of cars. If the present financial stringency pre cludes the possiblo purchaser of coal, thin. In heaven's namv. give us the layer of atraw Tour. In behalf of thousands of shiver ing humanity. J. K. MILL! KEN. ) r or air. muiiKenp iniiiiiimuuu n inti u..- " that the law requires that street car be heated after November 15 of each maintained till April 1. , rnDrCTrDC IM fflMlCHTIflM r unto i t uuiiikiiiivii Order Increased Membership Flflr . Ter Cent In Nebrnakn ( Past Year. The seventh convention of the Nebraska high court of the Independent Order of Foresters was held Tuesday In Muller" hall. Fifty dplegates from dif ferent parts of the state wrre present. Judse A. L. Sutton, chief ranker, presided. The morning aesslon was devotpd to the consideration of executive hrs'.ness, and at noon the delegates eadjourned to the j Millard hotel, where a dinner was served Mayor Pahlman," Judge Button. Judge R n. Hall and others made speeches. i i .,, . r..r. for the enaulnar , . years was held In the afternoon and rc8Upd a, fol,w(,: nigh chief ranger. V. , jT-nj.,..-.-. Omaha: high vice chief I ranKr, Jonn rmnoK, romn umana, niRti i . . Berrfiary, r w. iionman, Mniaim; ihkii i treasurer, H. L. Hunter, South Omaha; ; high auditor, R. J. Hanson: delegate to i tn "Prante cc i nendpnt Order P a . a r the supranfe court meeting of the Inde of Foresters at Ottawa, "" nrxi er. -i . I . T . . J A T u nun rouri mi w unr runm uu. "Die preaetu to junge a. i. ouiron. wno ; " -'-' B....u , two years, A committee will select the gift i and the presentation will be made Kovem- 1 1.. j , ber I Reports showed that tho Independent Or- ! der of Foresters has enjoyed a growth In In . 1S.-ohrV nf more than Kfl . - l per ceill. UUfini llie laai .t.j jrnio. titv delegate were entertained last evening by at.. vii A.. .,rt In M.iller'a hall. " " TWO BETS ON PRESIDENT 1 W. F. florley and Senator ?Torrl Brans Have Different I den a About the Nominee. Two Interesting bet ware made In Omaha Tuesday as to whom would be nominated for the presidency by the repub lican In 1908. ' W. F. Ourley bet a box of cigars he could name three men, one of whom would get the nomination, and he named Governor Hughes of New York. 6enator Knox of Pennsylvania and Vice President Fairbanks. Fenator Brown bet a box of.rjgar he could name two men one of whom would get tho rlum, and h named Secretary Taft and President Roose velt. To Prevent fhsea from Cracking tise Quick "Shlno fihoa Polish. It oils, pol Ishe and gives a patent leather finish and wat.rproof. Ask your dealer for It. Railway Note anal Personal. Oeorge MeN"t of the Katy was In Orpaa Wp-'nesr'ay. Oenpral Manager Mahler nf the Union Pae'f'n lp returned f'om Chcaco. T.' F. KJodfrey of the M'ssonrl Pacific ha gon to P'onx C'ty on a short trip. L. W. Wakelev. general cassenaer aent of the Burlington, ha returned from Chlcaao. W." H. Murray, assistant genersl pas aenger as-ent of the Union Pacific, has gone to Kt. Lout. C. R. Noonan, traveling passene-er agent of the Great Nnrti-ern at Cloux City, wa , In Omaha Wednesday. I C. F.. Redington, formerly ecretary to General Manager Walfpr of the North- western, left Tuedy for Chicago. A car load of Indiana from the Pawnee Pill Wild West show took breakfast at I'nlon station .Wednesday morning and left Immediately afterward for Valentine. Neb. A Nurse's Story If you are a sufferer from headache, neuralgia, or pain from any cause you should read the following letter from a nrusa Tor soma Um I bay felt It my duty to write you. 1 was having my doctor J twice every wssk for headache. AH he 1 414 for me waa to give aomethlng to aaa ' th pain. Sometime th pain waa so aever that I could not speak, and men ber of my family atod ever ma and gave me medicine every fifteen minute until I was relieved. A sample u,f Dr. Miles" Antl-Paln 1111 fell Into my ban Is, I ' rad th circular vary carefully, an 1 found 'my case described exactly. Th next time my head began to ache I took the Pain P1U. according te directions and 1 islt 1 wae getting better, ao 1 teal te the druggist for a box and took tuam tin til I iu M much baiter that 1 was about the house ail the afternoon. I have hot had a doctor lor headaune sines. What be met me soma time after hi waated to how 1 . waa, auid l told him what 1 had oou. and he replied: 'If ywu have found aoyihlr.g tnat wilt help y. a i tick I it," and ao That. Using a ouiae ! 1 hate recuininanded iS -m to a gitat I many grateful people. One oaae I 111 i !..o.iuu. i aaw a doctor go to a neigh- I bor every week for m mth becauae ai e had such awful htadach; but for a lung tinia i aarea not suacsi anytning to nr. Cm day 1 met har and I gave har a ha.f a box or Antl-Paln Pills and she u ad them and ha had no doctor since. 1st aay they are a great blessing to hsr and Aid, "Wiiy didn't you tall m about them before." I could tall you of many a. atiBB JUu.r't11.ri, BOH, li, W. Oeneeee Bt, Auburn, If. T. rt. KUae' Astl-Vela mis ar (old by m wua iH.anin salts .. f aaaga will toaefi. if liia, , he will rataxw rtu mc-nij. ' .vei geld la hoik. MUe Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind . " Hn TTIctifivrt Efte'i!n Emm i av-nai Nnn.i VMt.I.iiijja cf VuTHHtS f.-r tfetr rt.ll Ht d S'XirHKbtbarHILD Kuril Nnu.aOfli4.AUJkrii ail lllit; Cl'hH If (Olir s.,o la IhabV.I f.-r M tpliHiK a. 1 1,, Iim rl-aia taei ef lbs rld.Ka aura aid m- f..r"Hr 'na--a It - iDiea gnie," and Ua no eiher iiul r r aat't iirirfi art, juna smb. 1-a l AJ( UU AiV Vili, 1 Horrors of Fat Girls Coining -Out Coming out Is the first a: rest vcnt oi a girl's life. Sle thinks" Pi1 dream.' j about It from tlie hour she nndpratajtrls iwhat It nienns. It Is to be hr first rl- uniphnl social hour. Tler liow lerrlb must be ti e anticipations of Hie ovrat Noun nialdPii who resllnes tier frepdr Hons are tar from ' corf irminit-. 'to th standard of fascination sit by the tnore shapely girls with horn she Is ahout to tompete. Hence, ensues desperate vfforts, by means of r1t;d dletl'in. ctirtallmeiM of fiulce chocolate dellehts, strenXtous excrcIMns at the tlsk or developing" a j ,,,,, and amsulHT outline of figure. i to ,.,1( n(T ln, cx. ess or mstron'y lat 1 0r piHe, t(ie dh traeled debutante It1e for succor to the "patent" and "secret" d- vrrtised nniiiilis. ' 1 he result only too frequently la that the o-eallcd remcdlea and etarvatlon diet ruin her stomach while the 'exercise makes her course and boyish, and may be accompanied by sctlous physleul dan ger. A far better plan, one which other Lit folks by the way, whether male or female, old or young, may aloit Ull equal benefit. Is to go to .the druggist, get these three simple remedies, vli; t, o. Marmolu, 4 or.. Fluid Extract Cna carj Aromatic, and 3' oi. Pyrup Slmplox, mix them together und take one tea spoonful after meals and at bedtime. With the aid of this harmless receipt one can reduce as much or a little aa one pleases, quickly and safely. It work naturully, does not cause wrinkles and reduces the body symmetrically. Further more, It depends cm neither exercising nor diet to help it do tha work, and It will not distress tht stomach. On, th contrary, It Is beneficial to the system, cleansing the blood and clearing the complexion. Finally It saves a girl' money, for any druggist will fill this re ceipt for a small sum. Adv. BAD BKEAT "Fnrnmntha I liad rrena trpniUirt'n tti?stPiaae tut HM.t ail IiIiiiJb (if nirillFliiva. lg t,.iyii ia Srn a-tiiAll a liuil tutor. I wo wekp aie a ( rpruiiiuifuuif i "nr'-M SMil ar..r nplnt I ran wfllliiffl) rlirprfully anr thai titer tiaa aiiilrnlv eiirpilMi I) as liirfnre Iai en an'iw tint I aiiail rrrnuitn fiivm 10 niij nut iinflriiia irem auen trosmaa. Chaa. II. Ilalpern, 114 E. Tlu bl., Kaw iork, M. fw Plauant. Palatahta. pntest. TsaU Ono4. 1nan4, Ke?r birknn, t oakPn or tripe. lc. g.rt.t4tc, Mrar told In hn k. Tha (nnliia tahlat alainpaj C V O. Quarantead to euro or Juur niuiie back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. ji)A ANKUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Delicious Coffee t'ie finest brew in the city, rrude from . cur ;-t" ow.i imp rted br rd, ; '" can o ily b; obtain. d at The Boston Lunch The n xt tim: you are. down ..own ior Ju ch d. op in an j conv nee ycursilf that t'i s is he , p!ac; lor quick service as wel. as tor the lunches, for ,. "I hey have the proper systeo at Ibe Boitoa" Try It Op?n every hcur, every day 1612 Farnam St:act Homeseekers' Excursions Southwest November 19 Dec. 3 and 17 The rates of fare are very low. To most polnta but slightly higher tbao regular fare one nay; to many points even less. 1 Land values are Increasing In ' the Southwest. Send for free Home seekers' Excursion loaf- let and an Illustrated book about the section you would like to look over. Let me konw how your Incli nation lies as to Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New. Mex ' Ico, Arkansas, Missouri or Colorado so I can send liter-' ature of especial Interest to you. Plan a trio of investigation-don U a gond (V'nij gel away rom you Su ees await you in the 8juU tcf: icil. yuu $eck .? JOHN SEBASTIAN' Passenger Traffic Manager, CHICAGO. (ffifrYi Beat For . , S. Cam DY c ATnaarrtc - Ml in imitation takes for Its )attern the real article. There was never an Imitation made of an Imitation Imitators always counterefit the genuine article. Ibe genuine is what yon ask for, because genuine articles are the ones with merit Imftav tions rom and go; tbey are not advertised, but depend for their business on the ability of the dealer to sell you something claimed to be "just as good" when you ask for the genuine,. b cante he makes more profit oa the imitation. Why accept Imitations when you can get th geaulut) y Instating. '1 Kefnse Imitation "- - '-.'' Bet bat you uk for,, ,