Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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. I II' sail I SI III lint ""I I III 4MIMMII riailllllllH-IIIIHIimi-lllllll III.II.HII.IMi,MaMIIIIMWIMI MM Hi IIHIIW i lllllla -Ill MM LS atlM 1 1 Iaa
Oftrm, IS geart . TcL 4.
lil'lnr Moni" lodge will rrf in leg.
ulr 'communication fid evening.
J1 we sK Ih one tvi.-tl und you will al
ways b- customs. Phones :U4. Bluff
t : v Laundt y. !.
' 'enrf mdihiw Walter I Hm it h went to 1
f""'- Mnn yesterday on Imsiiicxf lrfote
If'" supreme court.
Vr iiu'huilrilna at 11.'- old l.lrh school
Tudldlng arc being t: ken iluwn. the brick
I cleaned anil stacked for' use elsewhere,
"rompt delivery, best value, low prices
line mwde and liept hiiKlnej.e t peya to
I -ide with u. C H;fr Lumber Company.
W'UH'J r.i Knight und Alio Mn londlinn.
With cif Lincoln, Neb., were nmriied In thl
it? etr.dv afternoon. Rev. Henry Dc
1 .0111; officiating.
A tnroUns of the l'rttii AlpiiHv ,,f the
First Biiptiat church will le 1 1 .1 thi even-
' i St home of Mr. TorhiH. M Wwl
A arliinstnn svrllllc.
Jan Smet.ik of Prague.. Nro.. ;nnl. Anna
Anion of South Omaha w-i- niarrli i In
i t'.il '.ty vestevdf.;-. the ceremony being
' T rrformr d bv .Initio" Or"n
Hflurim from tbe recent 1 .snr.ilnaiion
1 ld bv County SiiteMintendetit of Schools,
1 Jackson show Hint of th" forty examined
ill but tux secured rpiUftcatew.
Lucille Jl.ndin. u child nt the Associated
'harlries rterhe, on Kast. ' rirc street,
1 reported to Hi" Board of Health yre-
trday as qflerlng from dipMli'TlH.
A h'jsin'css . meeting of the L'nwortli
j R'j of tin- Htondiiy Mcthndi'i churcii
. lll b lirld 1 1 it vmlns nt til" Iioiih- of
j fi Mud Ifm'rr. Mi Frnnklin ycni:n.
I W ijor fi. II. Fticlimoii'l airivrd homt )w
' irJay mopiinK liom Vicknbur. Tpiiit..
I whrr h 8tfMd1 tb- li nil 1 1 a 1 runloic of
ihw Hoctrty of I ho Army of tti lnnpfHu.
Rv. Ilfiiry r-IiiK wan rulird to Omaha
, Sunday to orilrUtr at tli- wddlns of
Oihrlw ptanlv nij Miss (Jr'jrp Wulint
the hum- of tli' li;ldf. 'Kariium
i .'Irrct.
A Vrl lllf nut LorttJM Imvp not lm:4l-d
froi 1 iiy of 1h relative of Pflcr ffvlffcr,
1 who dird t'rtdav at tlio r.mtnol hotl'from
I "rat ulcohollfni. Tin- body is tll nt
Cutlrr'B undertaking room.
rotniatcr Tla'lton hit brt: notifitd to
Htipoltit two nrv ratii.-n- for tli- rltv. Tli;
, "UKihlr on the wnttlnif list ar J. N. m1
l lup and J. T. Jfilin:nn. TlK-lr .ippolnt-
merit Ih expected about Novejnnor ".
; KuMrlliiK periniiK wort lulled vPstenluy
. t" W. K. r'URR. r for n one-und-a-half
1 .tfory frnme rottaB nt U'I5 Ktfth uveiuie,
to font !.. mill for h nne.tory franm
( cottap,. at lH'i pventh avenue, to rout
Knbert Prake. the youth hot last. Satnr
tl' afternoon by the arridentitl dlachargr
of a- l-cailibir ivvcr in tlie hands of a
cmpnton. t not a erioulv butt aa at
1 flrt annpoiwd nd probably will be able to
t leave tho horpltnl In a day or o.
Inapeetor funeral CMIlette ff the KnlRhta
T'mplai- fif Iowa, will vlalt Ivanlioe roin-
I 'nandery next Monday fvenlnK. Il Ih no.
. wlble. that h will lc arronipanled bv Pnat
Jrand. Clil. f Peddip of KintiietHbui a. The
tneetlna: of t coinmajidcry will be rloU
with a hanfiuet.
' uTt" flr lP"rtmnl a railed a little
hefor. ti 'o'rnek- bit evening to th small
dwelling at i.y,v Avenue !' owned and oe.
euplPd by Mr. MeNnl. A bttrket of wator
e-xttPKUlKhed-tlU' flHl.ief. whieb bad Htarled
In th aide of the house, before the ar-
( rival of the flrrtnen.
Janteo Gilbert and Hirav.i. foil of
Clinton Mrfoniild. 1,i len nvenii". have
ennreij m iif. nuvv. and yomerilav r.t
to their reppive Mtation. Paul, who ha
already nerved1 four year, rrvenhsted and
bait gone to Cnu rrnnrlaeo, while .Iiimc.
who la a new recruit,, ha pone to New
Vork. .
Rev. noie B. Miner, who ha hern en-jaa-eil
In mlplonnry work in Chln;i, und In
liow in Aitteriea on n furloiiKh. will lecture
tomorrow . venina: at Trtnltv Methodlnt
bnreh on "The Ctiatom and' tjf of tho
People of r-liina." The lecture, will be
llluMirHto.j by at reopticon 1ewg and will
be. free.
John C- Parliyte. 2i7 JS.vnnd avenue,
tiled eterriv In the federal ciourt a vol
unlarv. petition ) bunkruptcv. . He advd
ulea llabilltlea anureat Inn 1.;A.7S. H
oel -nnlt of houaelioM good valued
at, ty) and claimed a exempt. Moat of
Hi llahllttic were ax-cumulated during the
time Mr. Barhyte win in business in
Tabor. Ia.
The hearinr of Kvn ' Mcyueen. charged
by Afr. Marv KelKon. a nolhli.i. ih
t'rduy of the Joard of directors. rririi.
Col A Fchorntgcii. the arehitecta. cr.
lnfrtKted to advertise for Hds for the fx
ravalion work for the foundation of the
building. The bid are to be In the bunds
of the arehitecta by Perember 1.
K.tKIER TOO lit M 1U !KIX; fonv
r.r..f WW.,- r.-. t U7JU ! : Them From J.rr Kerr
. Some Restrictions
IIT ullrllir Inatrarterf to
Proe-eeillna I nder , Ordlaaace
f;rantlna the Road lllglit-of-Way
in the (Hi.
eiiarurniug. the peace,, wan continued bv
.nidge pnyder for on we-k. at the end of
hlcli It will probably oe dlamiased. The
ottdenee taken yeaterdav ahoued that the
" worn" '""l 'ken un the c(uarrela if
their-rmrtive rhlldren nd-Judge Hnvder
adnionlDlicd them to go home and live in
A parlor meeting of the Woman' Chrla
tian rwnperanoe union will be held Wed-n-KdHy
afternoon ut tlie recideme of Mia.
Nugent. Fifth avenue. It will be in
V."" n.Hl.'!rr "f farewell reception for Mrs.
-MauiJ Alttagrave, who will leuv ThutddHV
tn inik htr home In flrnnd laland. Neb.
. . m A" wrl. the priaon evanteliat,
will be preaent Hnd give one of hia tem
Ierane chalk talk. IlefreahmentH will be
aorved nnd all .member nncl tlielr frienda
are Invited.
'Affected Hands, Arms and Legs
Endured Terrible Itching and was
. Unable to Sleep Would Tear
the Bandages to Scratch the Skin
In less than One Week
"I had eirtema nearly fifteen yean.
Tba affactfr) part were my hands, anng
d Jega. They were the worat in th
winter tiro and wen
Iwave itchy, and I
'could not keep from
artatching theni. I
bad to 'keen both
. banda bandaged all
. the time, and at night
I would have to
cratch through (he
bandage the itch- ,
ing vii ao aexere, and
at time 1 would hav
to tear every thing off
my heuda to ecratch
the akin. I could not
teat or ileep. ' I had
etatral phrtieiaoa
trea me but they
enuld not give me a
permanent cure, nor
even could they atop
the itching, After
using the Cuticura
Soap, one box Cuti
cura. Ointment .and
two bottlee Cuticura,
Reanlvent foe a.hnnt
ei day toe itcbing bad eeaaed, and now
tbe eorea have disappeared, and 1 never
fait better ia Dif Lie than I do now.
Edward WoreJl. feand JQth, U. 8. ltifan
try, Tort Crook, ebraaka.
Tha tortuHug and disfigartng .
, buniora araemaa, raebee, ilchinga, irn
. tationa, and inflammetione of the akin,
a. alp, and blood, with loaa of hair of in
. v fani. children, and adulte, are inatantly
relieveeV and speedily cured by the CutJ
cura Kemediee, when ail else fails.
timf.tit !ttmt MS llk ul ISuanl ft,, t nrr
r mB (.! M lh St , I'utV ui Oio!:.
C tV., Mr nml ! u rut.fy A, liM
- -i,lm. Pot. luMun,KM
(Mnr;,.. Fu IU..ilt.,M i , ,
ear a&Jw I ' u . u cm , imm-
The city council last iila-ljt pi'd an or
flitunc icratitinw the rhlcaao Oreat V
ei n railroad I ho llaht-of-way for a awUch
track aero South nvemio to the factory
of the K. rhiltlren 8ona company. The
provision recjulrlng the railroad to nialn
tal:i an arc Ilerlit at the cro!lii(f Va ellm
Inatcil after a prolonged discusioi).
The orditiunoe panned Vvas cuie offered
by Councilman Wallace a a. pubstitlte lor
that Introduce originally . by the local at
torney for the railroad. Mr. TVallpee'
nrd nanco pro Ide that Hie track nall be
removed in the event of tli factory being
closed and that it hnH not' extend beyond
the premise of the flilldieti'in Pop coni-
pntiy and ahull not connect with any other (
railroad. The reaunn for theae restriction
Mr.' Wallace explained wa due to the fact
that be bad learned that the Great West
ern tjr-slred the awilch track mote for the
mrpotse of Kccurlnft connection with the
ilocft I.-land tlinn merely to serve the fac-
toty. Mt. Wwllace sahl the Hock Inland
purchased the iVrge tract of lanl east
of the factorv and Intended establishing
nwltehinR yard there.;
Following the paHsaco of the ordinance,
against which C'ouncllnien Knudsen, Wal
lace antl TounkeVmaii voted.- the city so
licitor was. on motion of Councilman Wal
lace. Instructed to bring the necessary pro
ceedings to compel the Great Western to
live up to tho requlrementa of the ordl
nance 'granting it a right-of-way through
the city. The ordinance In question pro
vide In Pectlon 8 that the Great Western,
or rcwre properly speaking, the Mason City
A- Tort Podgie railroad, shall locate nnd
permanently maintain and operate elec
tric arc lights nt all points where Its tracks
cros railroad or-tret railwny line or
tracks whenever ho ordered to bo done by
the city council.
Fo far the Great Western h;is tefused to
comply with the provisions of this eectlon
of the ordinance. In the event of the Htreet
railway company extending Its track lo
the Hrhool for the Deaf it Is contended tho
Great Western will then be compelled under
this ordlnanco to maintain a light at tho
South avenue crossing.
An ordinance prohibiting the 'moving or
hauling of traction engine or any kind of
enicie wttli cogged wheels over streets
paved with brick, under penalty not exceed
ing lion, was passed under a suspension of
the rules.
Councilman Younkernian brought up the
matter of securing a nite for a new house
for No. 3 fire company and suggested the
alte of the old mill at the corner of Bryant
street and Waahlngton avenue. The matter
wa referred to the city solicitor' to report
as to whether the city could Issue bond
for the purchase of a site aad the erection
of a tire houae. City Treasurer True gave
It as his opinion that the city could not, as
It was up to its limit of indebtedness.
a Time.
Out of a pan-d of forty petit .hirers Judge
tiie.ui in district court yeaterdav was only
rvonocrwno i Bll X" lrnpun''' nineteen. The necessity of
CROSSINGS j being nt fiome fi,r the corn husking was the
Nfti.-ic. or several of the Juror, others weic
ri k and various r :aons tor hclnfi unable
to servo were offered by the remainder.
Home wcra exeied for the entire term.
i while (he corn buskers were informed that
ili'V might be called upon to serve later
when the coin busking senaon is over.
The Jury was excused until today, but It
t probaitle that the flrt case to he tried
before' It will I. that of tho stute against j
nirrriF. cnargeu with nTtcntpten crim
inal .isksuI! on 11-yrar-ohl Christina Chris
naeii. The tase of the stHte against (1.
Henry . Ptnltli, c barged Willi bigamy,
whicih U the first on the alignment, will
go over, a some of the witnessed have not
jet bti secured,
'Judge .Mary whs in the city yesterday
hearing arguments in the case of Edward
Muuua.liu.ii against KeU, Callaghan & Co..
and : Kremont county and other, which tried In Sidney last week. It is a case
Involving damages for the construct ion of
a drainage ditch.
Judge tlnen was able lo resume holding
, cojit in the county court house yesterday.
(be steam having been turned oil. although
the new heating plant has not been fully
The suit brought bv Mrs. Augusta. Boone
pgainst Kred . I'rlesio. and other, proprietors
of a saloon In Miuden, in which she asked
K.f),damages for sale of rTrpjor to her
husband, was dlamiesci, l aving been ad
Justed out of coutt.
Owing to the attorneys being engaged
befor the supremo court in Des Moines
the trial of the $2n.oot) personal injury suit
of Weber against the Rock Island railroad
was continued.
Lillie Toung' filed suit for divorce from
to'-epii .v. Toung. to whom she was mar
ried May. U, iwt, in Indianapolis. She
charges her husband with treating her in
cruel and Inhuman manner and alleges
that on the night of September 30, lrnaj, he
uttacked Iter, threatened to kill and chased
her out of I he house with a large knife.
Tlie next day. the plaintiff soys, her liu-h.v-d
left "her. .Mrs. Voting asks for the
custody of their tW( minor children.
Wonderful Heater and Fuel Saver
For Soft Coal, Lignite or Hard Coal
f jipl
Cost of Stove Saved in Fuel
Health O nicer to We anted.
In corpllance with tbe new rules promul
gated by the Towa. State Board of Health,
the local Tioard of Health at It meeting
last night arranged for the appointment
of a quarantine officer. City Marshal J. H.
Richmond wus instructed to appoint such
en officer. whoe salary will be 7t) a month.
The board recommended that the marshal
appoint D. J. Whitaker, tlie present poll
tax collector.
The duties of the quarantine officer will
be to attend to all matters In connection
with the quarantine of contagious diseases,
posting of notices, seeing that quarantine
regulation are complied with, disinfecting
premises where contagious disease existed,
etc. The officer will also be required to
look after sanitary conditions and the posi
tion will be anything, as Major Richmond
remarked, but a sinecure.
if See wa Steve
finh 00,1 vsS1
Aj you know one-half of soft cqal is jas the entire Rai supply Sot m.nv cities
and towns being marie from tho same kind of soft co.ij jou ti jfet.
The extentof nnburned in hard coal ii shown bv opening the magazine co er
of a base burner when the extraoxygen stipplied itlls the?ntire s:ove with flamingga.
Other sloves allow this fta, which is tho best p.irt of the coal, also a large
part of the heat, to pass up the chimney. This waste v ill average from to
toO.OOa year for every family and millions of dollars in fuel are thug wasted annually.
The Original Cole's Hot Blast Stove
Saves All Wasted with Other Stoves
Cole' Original Hot Blast, by means of the Patented Hot rfrr.
connection with other patented features, distills this ea. from tb. n.,.r
face of the coal, otilmng it as a heat producer along with the fixed carbon or
coke in the coal.
On account of the patented air tight and gas tight construction giving perfect
control over the drafts, it also saves the heat usually waited up the chimney.
o.00 worth of hard coal, soft coal or lignite, or a 1.50 ton of slack or coal
sittings is thus made to do the work of twice the amount of fuel ia other stoves and
the cost of the stove Ia more than saved In fuel each winter. $7.50 worth
of slack will heat your house all winter, five tons at 51.60 a too doe, the worV.
Build only One Fire a Winter 1
Cole's Uot Blast ia so perfect in construction that fire keeps all oig'.i:,
and when the draft is opened in the morning will burn two or three hours '
with the hard coal or soft coal put in the night before. " o other stove does
this, l ire, therefore, never goes out. kindling fires is dispeased with, and
the rooms are kept at an even temperature all the time.
Read the Guarantee. We are the exclusive agents for. Cole's
Original Hot Blast and sell it on the accompanying guarantee which
t-annoi do maoe on any otner Heating stove in the world. If you want
to save half your fuel bill and would enjoy the luxury of getting up in '
a warm house on cold winter morning without kindling fires, buy Cole s
Original Hot Blast now.
Avoid Imitations
w'e guarantee every
state, tn remain abse
tutrly air-tight as fg
as used.
We gasrante a oni
lorai heat day and night
with sort ceal, slack, sift
ing, er hard coat.
We guarantee that
the rooms can tie heated
I re en one to two hours 1
each morning with th
oft coat, slack or hard
coal pat In tho stove the
evening before.
We guarantee Cole
Hot Blast to use lets hard
tool for heating a given
pace than any base
burner aoado with same
heating aurhu:.
We guarantee the Iced
door to bo smoke-proof
and that the stove will
hold tire with soft coal,
hard coal er stack
thlrty-als hours without
Tbe above guarantee
is made with the under
standing that the nor
be operated according to
directions, and act up
with a good flue.
KnneraJ of H. D. Harle. '
The large attendance ut the funeral serv
Icea of the late Harrison D. Harle, treas
urer and general manager of the HarU'
Haaa Drug company, held yesterday aft
ernoon at the fumtlv rMl.l,.nf km irilu
Had Collected the Metealf Mlrereritre 'avenue, evidenced the esteem in which thu
Imitations of this Original Hot 'ilast are many. None of them has the absolute. v air-tieht and tr-tio-ht rnr.rVi.ri. i, u
cut . hid, Cole's Hot Blast has by reason of its numerous patents. A Patented Steel Colli cot th
body and cannot open by action of the fiercest heat. The Patented Compound Hln on the lower if TBBn I f
h,a, :onp ZIS?; and crscks "hich 6150,1 them for keepine hre and the " rl -d mud
See the name "Cole's Hot Blast frm Chicago" on the feed door of our stove. None genuine without it.'
Ask to aee the patented dustlcss ash cover for removing ashes. Our method is the only clean way.
iclarftwV-fc BOZ C' 'owrtt,l " ' ionxm a oo.. stos x...T.nworth atr. ' : '
OECHAED t WrXHELK CABPXT CO, 414-41S aonth istooata . O. T. BIATIBI, Sotith Omaba, Vab.
JOHN RV8BIE HOW. CO.. 9407 Cnmliir Sttra.t '. ' LETIE1 B0.t JtensOB, IToo. '
r,, 7 . . . . FABXOCaI-aXAWICatT aTDW. CO., Ooaooil Bluffs Iowa, Sola Agents
The heet dealer in very town renerallv handle rvle' , ...... L . . - . . gni.
-ru avenue. ..'hlcago. for their valuable l.oolclet on scientific tt n hu.tinii t Vm.T 'ILaSLXZ- 1, i J w J. 1 f; ??. aBnxatnrtng Co., a:l S.-Weet..
. u,iw iruiup nil n .W"B r
Hot Blaet Heaters and Range.
When Interrnpted
When Mr. aud Mra. T. P. Metealf re
turned to their home at 319 Clark avenue
from an automobile- rido late Sunday nlglit.
they disturbed burglar. who i made their
escape out of a. rear door, leaving a quan
tity of valuable plunder, which they had
packed up ready to carry away. - As It was,
the thieves secured some Jewelry, including
a gold brooch and bracelet and several
ortlcles of . imlld silver tableware, as well
as a small sum of money.
"In the dining room the burglar hud
laid out all of the solid tlverware on the
table, with the evident Intention of packing
It In a Muitcase taken from one of the bed
rooms and which was found ' on a chair
alongHlde ot tlie table. The silver border
had been torn from a Sheffield salver and a
largo silver bowl had been crushed almost
Into a shapelesa mas. evidently for the
purpose (t Htowtng away In the suitcase
With the" other allverware.' A 'net of mink
rum belonging to a guest of the' family
bad been taken from the bedroom and was
found, neatly folded on "the dining room
table. ,
U in believed entrance was effected by
opening a rear 'door with a -skeleton key,
and it la nuppoaed the burglars were the
san.e who broke Into Dr.' Charles B. Wood
bury's retdenee'ln the same vicinity earlier
lu the night. ,
deceased was held by his friends and the
business community. Among the mourners
were thirty-five traveling salesmen of the
firm. The services were conducted bv
Readers J. A. Harris and Miaa Miles of
the First Church of Christ. Scientist, whlh;
Mrs. Harris sang. The floral tributes were
profuse. Interment, which was private, was
in tho family burial ground in Kairvlew
cemetery. .
Habbrrs and Rnbher Oonili,
An thing In this line wo can sell cheaper
than other shoe stores ss we are outside of
thek high rent district, consequently w are
not compelled . to add the extra price of
high rent to the price of our shoes. It will
pay you to see ua when you want rubbers
Slid overshoes. Dun,cau Shoe Co.
Told There is No lw Under Which
He Can Enforce Statutes.
Report iliat F'vriner Mrc-rc-tarr. Lesllo
M. sham la to Return to lona
and Knter into the I'rl- '
tunry fampatgu.
Mot for Historical Kocletjr.
At the meeting of the Poind of Trustees
of the Free Public library last night the
organisation of a local, or county historical
society was dlncuaaed, and the board de
cided to aMxlst In eveiy. way possible In
the formation of sueh a aoclety. The call
ing of a public, meeting at which tho pre
liminary step towards organising will be
taken was left with' Attorney J. M. Calvin,
president of the board. The meeting will
be held In the auditorium of the library
It was suggested, and It Is likely the sug
gestion will lie carried out, that all resi
dents of II fTy years and upwards in the
county be made honorary members of the
society. A room for the historical matter
to he collected by the society will he pro
vided in the library.
. Outside of the discussion of the organiza
tion of the historical aoclety there was only
routine business before -the board.
Marriage Licenses. ' "
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following;
Name and Residence. Age.
rtylveeter Tukr.' Council' Blurts.'.. '
Marv Current, Council Bluff Ml
I.e Roy Tower. .Kalrburv. Neb. l
Christina V. Mappea, Fuirbury, Neb.....' i
I.. P. Wnodinanse.. Macedonia, la 7
M C. McMtllin. Macedonia, la 3;
Herman Krlmlotski, Omaha-. . ."j. ; 41
Amelia Heidemann. Omaha i
John Snietik, Prague. Neb fc)
Anna Anton,' South Omaha
William Knight. Lincoln. Neb y
Alice McClenahan. .Lincoln, Neb 23
Verdict for Selling; Bad Oil.
' UKJAX. Ia., f Nov. U'.-tSpecial.) The
Jury in the matter of Lee J. Chapman
against John F. Pfwar ct al.. after being
out all Saturday night and most of Sun
day, came In with a verdict for the
plaintiff in the sum of $:',000. Last May
Mrs. Chapman bought some oil from a
Plsgah store owned by the defendants
and It exploded, killing her und three
minor children. Suit was brought to ro.
cover $50. Ouo damages, hut only the
amount nahied herein was awarded. The
murder trial agatnat A. H. Sniff has betn
set as the first trial of the next term of
Brother Meet In Pre a liar War.
BOONE, la., Nov. l.WSpee!al Telegram.)
-Officer J. R. Rose, of the Fifth ward was
called upon to remove an old man from a
street car here. Grasping the man by the
arm, the gray-haired man looked up and
the. two recognised each other as brothers.
They had not seen each other for seven
teen years. Inntead of going to Jail the
old' man I vliting in the officer's home.
The New Remedy For
Call Gtene and
Real Eatate Transfers.
TUeso transfera wete reported 10 The
Bee November 11. by the Pottawattami.
1 County Abstract company of Council
Bluffs: ' ,
P. B. Kills and husband to Oty Trust
Co.. lofls in block Is In feirv Add,
and V ft. of Out lot D In Mrs. Per
ry s 1 Add to Council BlutTsr Ia KM)
FrederiKe Orote to Mis. Minnie Schwen- t
yrr ann-Augut.,(,rmc. lota S jiurl 7 fu
y."0"; 4. ln Hagg'a Add to-Council'
: -- 1
Rluffs. Ia.
Two tranf.-r ;
t McrW V. M. r. Nolldiag.
Hteltmhiary .work on the Ting Men's
CidUliiii awKX-Utlon biilMing jl b, roI1..
Al ine, (i.t j rs.
l althiut delay
Tlie Plnus Medicine Co. of Lou AiitfHoj
have discovered a remedy called 1'iultoU
which acts like magic In the treatment of
Call Stones, Appendicitis and otlur ser-'
lous stomach . troubles. The Mvers.nil.
Ion Irug Co.. i:orner 16th and Fariiam
streets, have it for sale.
ova oiuia mast.
Omaha, Nc-o., 0 t. 30th. liioT.
Myers-Dillon rrug Co.,
' ' ' Omaha, Neb.
Gentlemen: I hate suffered will sail
stones for about fu' years. Intervals of
severe pain In the stomach, and vomiting.
Had . tried numeroua remedies without
satisfactory results. Was induced lo
try IrultoU. The first bottle caused mo
to pass about one pint of gall stouea. dif
ferent Ues, Including several very large
onea. I feel better now than t have f,u
' t From u Staff Uorrespnii Jei,t
PK8 MOlNliS. Nov. Ii-i8ecial.i
Governor Cummin told a 'committee of
tlie Pes Moines Ministerial association
this afternoon that when Captain Nesl
cume to Pes Moines to eel; safety from
the Davenport mob. he told Neal In the
presence of Attorney General. Byers and
others that :
"I would employ every soldier In the
National Guard and every dollar in the
state treasury, if necessary, lo make it
sure that lie could pursue his jnofeBslon
In absolute security. He replied that he
had no desire to return to Davenport;
that there was no occasion for the usj
of troops, und that he did .not want me,
as governor, to take any steps whatever
In the mutter."
Five members of the Pes Mottles Min
isterial association mt the governor this
afternoon. Recently the association, re
ferring in resolution to the Uavcnport
situation, appealed to tho governor to
enforce the luw. The governor's answer
was an Invitation to the. ministers to come
to hia office and talk it over. Th as
sociation sent a committee of 'lve, con
sisting of O. V. Fier of Grace Metho
dlst 'church. Finis Idleman of Central
Church of Christ. Klin B. fit of First
t'nlted K angelica, Jease H- String of
University Avenue Reformed and A. C.
Douglas of tlie Sixth Presbyterian. This
committee met - the governor lliis after
noon. Governor Cummins read a statement to
the ministers in which he reviewed the
situation as to the lio.uor laws of Iowa
and referred to the fact that ever since
the laws were pushed in 1'k8 and modified
j in 18M there have -been-cities Unit, have
lima- no pretense ut enforcement of these
liquor law. He referred to the f ict tliot
none of hi predecessor In the governor's
office, from Sherman to Shaw, found any
authority of law to interfere. Ho nna-
usea tne Pavenpon altustlon and said
nereu protection to Neal as -"Oon as
ne oiscuveied the situation, but Neal
usea to return, and dld If lie l ad had
an Intimation of ttouhh, In advance he
noma nuvu Had troops 1n the ity on his
own motion.
Where Inn U Weak.
The governor galled attention to the fa,-i
that the lews of Missouri and New York
give the executives of those mate authorlty
lo remove county officials' 10 refuse or
ncgU-et to enforce tlie laws, but that, the
lava of owa provide that tlie lluuor laws
shall be enforced through the grand juries
and pi juries under tlie county officials,
and give the governor no right to interfere.
The governor stated that If he broke one
law to enforce -another he would be as
responsible as the worst saloon keeper of
Davenport and ought to be impeached for
violation of Ida oath. He said he considered
that the newspapers nd people who havr
in this situation r, f, ired frequently to tlie
acts of the governors of New York and
Missouri, were doing it merely tor political
effect. He claimed that: "As a ritlsen, I
can appeal, as I often have done, to all
and he felt that ministers accustomed to
exhort sinners to repentance and forgiveness
could-not criticise these acts when properly
Reply jf Ministers.
Following the statement of Governor
Cummins this afternoon. Rev. Mr. Pong
la for the committee of ministers read a
statement in which it was set forth that
the association's appeal to the governor
was based on tlie feur that the lawless
ness attending the enforcement . oi" the
liquor laws at Davenport end elsewhere
would become general under the feeling
that the laws could be broken with Im
punity. They wanted him to upc the weight
of his 'office In opposition. They especially
thought tlie th'. remission of fines in liquor
caes ought to be stopped.
Governor Cummins approved everything
tliut the ministers' committee said and in
the discussion that followed It was agreed
that tho paper read by th governor and
claim that on shipments to Chicago orig
inating west of -Valley Junction the Rock
Island has given other packing companies
o rebate equal to the rate to Valley Junc
tion. The Rock Island attorney "practically
admits this rebate, but claims that the
road had a right to give it, and that as
long as the rates to tlie Agurs were equit
able the Agars have no right to object and
no grounds on which to recover.
Will tinr threat Northern.
Iowa will start .a suit against the Great
Northern railway for $;tjO,wm It . i
covered that the Great Northern has never
paid Its filing fee when It Increased Its
capital stock to. $'Ju.n0O,iX. The state
charges 11. a thousand plus 115-and the
Great Northern therefore owes the state
Hancock's Hooka Off.
Attorney H. MeHenry. formerly of Han
get together In his bank and nth'r banks,
making the total more thiiii fi.niin.njia, aent
In this way. It is believed now thai Ihe
assets of the bsnk will pay out about t lo
68 per cent to the depositors.
county but now of Des Moines, and
that read by the committee almost exactly jears man-man or a committee
enin,-MH in tnnnri.t if . ..-. I lnat Investigated the annual reports of the
coincided In thought. It was agreed that
Governor Cummins shall issue a statement
shortly further expressing the opinion of
all gathered this afternoon that the laws
do not afford any means of removing a
derelict county oftlclul except through tho
courts of the county, that there should be
some stale authority for such removal,
that the legislature should enact such a
law and that In the futune every citizen
amuntlng to IKX'WO, and what cash he could
many era. and can heartily recommend
Frultola to do all the manufacturers claim 'these omYein and th whole state to execute
for it. Tt 111 take pleasure In verifying
the above statement to any one interested.
1:'T North 2-'d St., Omaha. Neb.
If you are a sufferer from gall stones
the laws, but as governor, thero is nothing
ruai i can do to make these laws effective."
The governor referred to the fact that he
had remitted finee in many Instances. kom
more than his i.rede cmoi a.' and rlMim.H
or appendicitis don't delay in railing for that each eae would have to stand for ,it
a bottle of thla great cure ut the M vers- j self. Ho clahnej that when, he found a
Dillon Drug e.. Kth and l'Hinjin streets. U'ltUen tiylnaj to straighten up and lead a
Otu;.a. N. jlieht llf. he ex-lvl.t I.I rlsht uf ,,d"l,
Board of Supervisors of Hancock countv.
has Just concluded an investigation of the
last retort of the board. It Is disclosed
that the board's report shows a discrepancy
of 1,K43 In its figure. The Investigation by
Attorney MeHenry was made for a com
mittee of citizens.
Tried Bolster Copper. -
From Information that came to llaht here
who seeks to have the liquor laws of the " T1"3 tllt "" Crocker, the cashier
stale enforced will have the full protection tn First National bsnk of Charlton,
of the entire National Guard on orders of j wno committed suicide recently, got away
th governor If necessary, anywhere In the wlth mo than tl .000,000 In an attempt to
state. I stem the tide of the market and save his
Shaw In Iowa ramnalga. ' (copper speculation. In addition to putting
It is talked. In political circles thst ex- I up additional margins on his oopper stock.
Secretary Shaw will come to loaa to tak!" c'a'med he continued to buy heavily
a part, in the pre-prlmary campaign next i ,n ,1,e 10P of covering ils. losses If ths
year. It is said he will speak for Senator market turned. It Is also claimed flint he
Allison. ' Mr. Shaw has a date arrunged ,nVe"t,!l heavily In Reading railroad stocks,
to address the graduating clas of the Ne- ',e funds of the Modern Woodmen order,
Drasua state university on June 15. The "'"ounung to xtoo.oiio, his own estate
primary election will be held on June 2.
Osreola Men "lagged.
J. M. Kennedy and George Perkins, far
mers from near Osceola, la., were slugged
and robbed of a few dollar in this city,
disclosing further evidence that it is not
safe to drink lu Des Mones. The two men
went to a saloon and had been drinking.
They did not know the city. The direc
tives found them at 10 o'clock at night In a
daxed condition near West Third and Walnut.
Antl-Pasa I aaler Advlaemrnt.
Judge Church, to whom a submitted
Ihe habeas corpus peiitlon lu the anti-pats
case from Storm I-ake, has taken the mat
ter under advisement. The rase was sub
mitted to him at Jefferson by Attorney
Heaiy'of the Illinois Central and Attorney
General Ryer. Attorney Schultj of the
Illinois Centre! was arrested for riding on
a railroad pass, lie admitted It and dls
plsyed a contract with tlie road to recelvo
a pass for his services, but claims that
the anti-pass law Is unconstitutional be
cause it interferes with the right -of private
eontraiit. , He therefore made aDolliMtion
for releane from arrest on a petition for
a writ of habeas corpus. The opinion of
Judge Church is looked for In a few days.
Hoek Island to I e Motor t ar.
A Gans motor car has been ordered by
tho Rock Ikloiid railroad to lj uxed be
tween this city and Indianaolu. It is to be
used In competition with the electric Inter
urban. The car Is to be put on as
Phllleo Case niamlssed.
WATERLOO. Ia.. Nov. U-CSpeclal '!!.
gram.)'-The "criminal action against M. P.
i niiieo, rornierly of Cedar Fall, wa this
inoning ' effaced from tho docket of ' the
district court. , District Attorney Mears be
ing convinced the evidence was Insufficient
for conviction. Pliilleo cume from his pres
ent home in Lo Angeh s. Cal.. to defend
the action of coifrt. The claim Is made
by a local bank he obtained money by false
representation. Mental derangement fol
lowed business reverses ' and for a tiui i
Phllleo, who ha.) been a prominent Imple
ment denier, was confined In a Dubuque
sanitarium and later removed to Callfornln.
The case hud been expected to fill nn enttr -week
and Its quick dlsmlssu came as a
great surprise. Tlie Jurors were exou.d
until later.
Iowa A owe otea.
IOWA FALI"-One ,,f the. biggest ver
dicts ever secured against K railroad ' ha
been returned In the damage case of John
Vasley against the Rock Island road Tli.
case mew out of Inlurles sustained by Ws
Jey while in tho employ of the rond a sec -1
on man. Wasley sustnlned the loss of one or
In the Winnebago district court, the turv
returned a verdict of gr.7U0 for Wasfey
CREKTON-Somo new. rules have Votie
nto effect in the high school d'hing't i.
last month. One la the abolishment .,f i II
opening exercises at all the morning m,
;otiH except I rlday. Another the edict
that no talking muet b Indulged from to.
time of entef-ing the building until they
leave it. Thero are about 2i pupils
An American Klnar
Is tlie greut king of cures, Dr. King's New
Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough and
com remeay. oOc ami ll.oo. For sale
Beaton Drug Co.
Cooper Explains Reason for Remarkable
Average of Boston Callers.
During L. T. Cooper's rer-nt sl.y in Bos. ; Frank D. Brown of 57 Bloomiugdal. street
ton it is estimated that sixty-live thousand
people talked with him and purchased his
medicine. This is an average of over two
thousand a flay.
His success was so phenomenal as lo
cause universal comment both by the pub
llo and tlie press. There must be a reason
for thl. Here Is the reason 'given In his
own words by Mr. Cooper when Interviewed
on the subject. He said:
"The immense numbers of people who are
calling on me lu-r in (ioston Is not uri-
Chelaea. Mass. He nays:
"For fire years I have sought relief for
Indigestion, stomach trouble and riyspepola
spending nctaily sll my wages with doctor.
;and obtaining no results. I had dull paln
aero my duck. laaiatlna- to the shoul
der. I had splitting headaches, which
nothing seemed to cure.- There was a
gnawing and rumbling in my (tommn
and bowelN. I was trouvied with verttg.
and rlizsiness ar,d at ' times almost om i -Come
by drowsiness.
J felt tired and wol n out all tho time;
rr.t" hlAii . miia nnl raivi n .
usual. I have had the . came experience j .J, ,, ,h. 7" ,M 1 w,'u'"
..for the past two year, wherever I have I-h.n , tn ' ""r'"
and If It works it Is likely that others will on- Th reason is a simple one. It Is variable-ravenous at' times h i
be purchased and that other stub lines of because my medicine puts th stomach In i r.auteated at the sight itt j '
the- road will be equipped w ith them. It , iKKl condition. This does not sound un- ,v face was pale at nthlT,.' 8on'l'IU'"
w,ll (0er the ttrenty-two miles to Indian- usuad, hut it Is in fact the key to health, i ...,l... t im". .flun,
ola in snmethliiB' l.a. ih.r, ... i ti.. The iiiunirh I the nr (nnuii.. n.- . V wviiojs and had c
move has been contemplated by the road ' I attribute 9o per cent 'of all sickness di
for some months. Some time ago the road j icctly to the stomach.
Neither animals not men t-an r.mainif.f the Cooper remedies that I decided to
well with a poor digestive apparatus. Few try them. After. taking one bottle . tape
cn be sick with a digestion In perfect con- worm no -feet long passed from my system
ditlon. As a matter of-faer, most men and 1 1 felt belter almost Immediately All my
women today are half ' sick., H la because troubles disappear,,! as f by niagtc and
too much food and bo little exercise liavelmy Improvement was rapid 1 now fnel n
ralidtlv fnri-.. t .,.w.b,.t. . civt.. . . n .,
rebates claims that the Agar are not dam. , " " " .. f ,. ." na ho"ly recommend
ao. itcuw ineir rales are Just. ,- The '
packing company brought suit under
attempted air interurban service with a
regular steam engine and passenger coach,
but il was not a paying investment.
fcsBlalne Position.
Attorney Carroll Wright for the Kui k
UUnd raihpad In the suit brought by the
Agar Packing company for damaces for ' -,,,, ,.,.i j .v.. ,.
My rnedicme affection ln no and throat, which
caused me to hawk and rolt m deal
especially. in the morning. I heard so mud.
gets- the
.stomach hack where It was. and that is all
S I la 1 .... - .
three .. , .. . ..
Iim. i l.u n..i...i .h. i .... I .-.'.vi ." hj i rau'ir I.O ll I'.UIIl II
limes lite jmotint of the In ium . H- tm . ..
"ln:lievvis III Mr. Coojr theory ia Mr
state law- that gives as damages.
Mr. Cooper's medicine to anyone who auf
fr as I did."
We sII tlie Cooper medicines, wbloa wilt
gne satlsfaetion-Beaton Drl