Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Stove W7eahe.-.
W are ready for it. llero are tha stove's and the
prices that make it easy to keep warm. We have.tho
heater you want at a moderate priceand cashier's
checks are pood. We make no extra charge for delivery
ana setting.
'Radiant Ilome Base Burners
The most economical stoves
. ever made up gjj
i Radiant Ilome Air Blasts
'Like cut, burn any it nn
fuel, up. from. ', I I.UU
Beckwith Round Oaks Tha
J ? genuine, wfth double 1Q Qfl
,, fire pot, up from . lu.UU
.Cole's Hot Blasts The origin-
hSr.HT..? 10.00
Rubjr Oaks Good strong soft
coal neaters, solid F nr
cast base, up from... O.UU
Stoves and Ranges Sold on Payments
14.'h and Farnam Streets.
-;: -"r
Office 15 Scott Street. Both 'Phones 43.
Dsvis, drum.
Ptockert sella carrots.
Ed Rogers. Tony Faust beer.
See Schmidt's elegant new photo.
For Kent Modem house. TX Btxth av.
l.swls Cutler, funeral director. 'phons ti.
Woodrlng tndertaklnar Company. Tel. 18".
P'ctures and frames, borwlck, 131 8. Main.
beautiful new, fanr and plain ovai
frames. Alexanders, i3i Broadway.
For Bent New 7-room mouern nouse. F.
C. Hendricks, 600 Uroadway, council
Blurts, la.
The regular monthly session of the, Board
of Irusiees of ttie rree. puollo liurary Is
scheduled for this evening.
Ivanhoe commandery. Knights Templar,
will meet this evening n apcrhri on lave
for work In tha order of the temple.
Oflhe space for rent, HM month; central
location: steam heat and electric light
furnished. Omaha lies, IS 8cott a. reel.
Jewelry and watch repairing skillfully
lUlLUIL MtLlS 10MU11
Permit for Great Western Switch
Acrosi South Avenue to Come Up.
papera and a cursory examination of the,
documents lra.Is to the he.h-f that the gang
for a long time past has been carrying on
an extensive trattlc In military and naval
secrets. The local officers consider tha ar
rests so Important that they have com
municated with 'rentier Clemenceau.
Proposal that ' Itallrond Maintain
Electric Light In Exchange for
Concession la Ilf
Save moot print it.
Asbestos Shlaglsa ara moderate in coat.
P. A. Bint hart, photographer, removed
to Eighteenth and Farnam streets.
SC. B. !alai Sob a Co., general Insur
ance agents, moved to suite 60u to 04, Bran
dels building.
Wo always have Rock Springs coal
Central Coal and Coke Co. of Omaha, 15th
and Harney streets.
SheCS. Thompson Advertising Armey
has bean obliged to rent larger quarters
Bow located at suite 230-23-2S4. Bee building.
ebo-Xot Bifucals people who wear
double vision lensea should call and see
liuteaon's "Bho-Not Invisible lenses. 211
Bouth Sixteenth street.
Big- lard Contract for too Army Cap
taln T. 13. Hacker, purchasing commissar
for the United Stales army- at Omaha, has
just closed a contract with Swift and com
pany for 1,876 five-pound cana of lard for
shipment to the United Statea army In the
aUeka BItotoo After Two Months Clyde
Smith has begun suit for divorce against
BebSle Smith. He saya she left him two
mouths after they were married and,
though she rsfuaes to live with him, she
annoys and harasses him on the streets
and In hla bualness. '
Beys are XiUiagr o.ulrrela Report
comes from H. S. Mann, secretary of he
Ileal Audubon society, that boys are kill-
lax QU(rr.eU Jn..tho parks and streets of
Omaha; 1 hese animals are protected by
law and the society Is resolved tnat the
law shall be respected.
Tathsr McGovet at Si. Feter'e Rw.
p. A. McGovern, who was pastor of St.
I'hilomena's cathedral, began his service
Sunday as pastor of 8t Peter's Calhollo
church, succeeding Father McLaughlin,
whose constant years of hard work have
suggested the wisdom of a rest for some
Twecty-Zlrht-Konr Xrftw Oases Two
suits for violation of the twenty-eight hour
law, one against the Union Pacific Railway
company and one against the Northwest-
rn, will be filed In the United Statea dis
trict court Tuesday. The suits are brought
at the Instance of the Department of Jus
tice at Washington.
Forgets engagement With Judo Fred
erick Bell forgot an Important engage
ment with Judge Troup Monday morning
and now his bondsman and attorney are
scouring the city to find him. Bell was
to have been tried for breaking Into the
residence of Annie Smith and stealing
some dresses worth 125. He was out on
bonds and his esse was set for Monday,
Owing to his absence the case was post
poned to give his bondsman a chance to
produce Mm.
Vila Oases of Diphtheria at Deaf Sohool
b-The Board of Health Monday afternoon
ordered all the Inmates of the Institute :
for Deaf and Dumb treated with anti
toxin, as ten mild cases of diphtheria have
been discovered among children at this
School. The cases are so mild aa cot in
Any Instance to confine the patient to bed.
Burglars fiat Jewelry Burglars entered
the residence of Mrs. E. K. Henderson,
1814 St. Mary's avenue, while the family
was attending the theater Sunday
and got away with a gold watch. o'J
bracelet and several other articles of jew
elry, Enlrsnco wss gslned by prying
open a window In the back of the house.
Building SunUd Before Dome The ex
tension to the Merchanta National bank
building' ia Bearing completion and all is
rented. The Omaha Gas company will ex.
tend Its office! to take In all tha lower
floor; the bank wilt use all the first floor,
the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Rail
way company all the aecond floor and an
Insurance company all the third floor.
Crttghtoa WU1 In Thursday The com
promise agreement In the Crelghton will
case was not ready to be presented lnj
county court Monday morning, the dale
set for the hearing of the contest, and the
hearing was postponed until Thursday.
The attorneys Interested believe by that
time the signatures of all those interested
can be secured and the document be put
in shape for filing.
Driver Tails from Wagon Ed Kube.'k.
who lives at Twenty-eighth street and
Grand avenue, fell off hla wagon at Flx
teeutli and Nicholas street Monday morn
ing and was picked up unconscious. He
was taken to the Omaha General
in the patrol wugon and attended by the
police surgeon. He was hurt about '.he
head and back, but his Injuries are not
of a serious nature.
General Oonrt-Martial Sentences The
following general court-martial eentencoa
have been approved and promulgated from
Department of the Missouri headquarters
by order of Brigadier General Charles
Morton: Private Claude D. Shranger,
Company B, Fourth Infantry, and Private
John O'Hare, Company I, Thirtieth Infan
try, both for desertion. The sentence in
each Instance is dishonorable discharge
from the army and two years' Imprison
ment at Fort Leavenworth military prison.
hart Weight on Coal Delivering a ton
of coal In a spring wagon looked suspi
cious to H. Rutherford, who operates a
lunch counter at Eleventh and Capl'ol
avenue, and so he proceeded to . weigh
the coal and Monday morning swore out a
warrant against Albert Jackson, who de
livered it. Jackson is a driver for the
Omaha Coal and Ice company. Ruthoi
ford saya that instead of a ton, whjch bi
paid for. there, was . Just , .1,609 -pounls.
Jackson gave bonds for his appearance
and will have bearing Tuesday morn
in,. oea Wt riling Machine Owntr William
Pkow, a young man who broke his wrist
pounding a striking ' machine at the Ak-Sar-Ben
carnival a year ago, Is In Judge
Day's court seeking to recover 13.O00 from
Bruno Blla, who had the concession on
the grounds. The Jury was empaneled
Mondsy morning. Bkow charges the mi
chine was Imperfect and the inflated ball
he struck did not rebound properly. Mr.
Blls asserts In his efforts to break the
record Skow barked off from the machine
six or eight feet and took a running start,
striking the ball such a terrible blow his
wrist was broken by the force of the Im
pact and the machine was not to blame.
Roberts' Address la amphlsfrThe td
dress of Qeorge E. Roberts, president of
the Commercial National bank of Chicago,
delivered before the Nebraska State Bank
ers' association In Omsha September 19
upon the aubject of "A Central Bank of
Issue," has been issued In pamphlet fprm
by Mr. Roberts and is being distributed
throughout the financial centers of the
country. The address has a special In
terest Just at thle time in view of the
financial conditions over the country. In
that the address attracted much Interest
and comment at the time or Its delivery
as Mr. Roberts' advocacy of national mone
tary reform.
Rigid Inspection of Oonrt Konss The
internal anatomy of the court house was
given a close Inspection . by the county
board Monday morning aa the result of
Plumbing Inspector McVea'a report con
demning plumbing and fixtures of the
building. The entire board went the
rounds in the court house and Jail nnd It
Is th,e unanimous opinion of the board
that something will have to be done to
Improve conditions. These may be rad
ical or they may be only temporary,' ac
cording to the result of a meeting of the
committee of the whole, which will be
held this week. Some of the commission
ers favor the moving of one or two of the
closets on the main floor, while others
favor only slight changea to improve the
ventilation. .
At the meeting of the city council to
night the matter of the proposed OrMt
Weatern switch tiack across South uve
nue to the factory of the K. Children's
Bona Manufacturing company, it is ex
pected, will coma up for definite action.
There has been more or less obje.i.lon
to having the track cross South avenue,
and It was suggested as a coinpr J'nlae
tho railroad bo
lectrlc light st
the crossing. Thin the railroad has de
clined to do and notice to that effect has
been given Councilman Wallace, chairman ,
of the committee having thla matter In ,
charge. Attorney C. G. Saunders, lo;al
counsel for the railroad, stated to Mr.
Wallace that the railroad declined to main
tain an are light at this crossing, as the
switch track was to be put In by It merely
for the accommodation of tho Children's
Sons company and that If a light was
wanted there either the city or tha com
pany securing the accommodation should
maintain the arc lamp.
"1 which requiring: BMiiimi.T bv th- cUv counr.ll
done st lowest prices enns.steni with that I y 1 , ly y"un"1 lnnl
kind of work at Let fert s. Special aiten- required to Install an e
ti in to this kind of work before holiday
rush begins.
There will be special sorvlces at 8:15 snd
7:30 p. m. every day this week at the First
C oniegational church. On account of theae
seAlces the meeting of the Ladles' Mis
sionary aocii-ty nnd that of the Touna
Men's Fortnlshtly club will be postponed
one week.
A telegram to John Bennett, cashier of
the S.sie Saving bank, yesterday, from
Mra. Nelle V. I'eck. announced she had
reached Marshalltown and was at the bod
siae or her rather. Victor Keller, at thi i
poiaiers iiome. me telegram sisieo tnai
Mr. Keller wss in a very critical condition.
Miss Mary Brooklns of Minneapolis, a
member or the board of lectureship of tho
First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston,
will deliver a lecture on Christian Science
tomorrow evening at the New theater.
Admission will be free and a cordial ln
v'tstlon Is extended to vthe public to at
tend. Midweek services will be held Wednesday
evening st St. John's Knlish Lutheran
church. The Ladles' Aid society will mei-t
Thursday afternoon at the residence of
Mrs. W. A. Pool, M6 Washington avenue.
Choir rehearsal will be held Friday even
ing. The Sunday achoot hereafter will
meet at noon Instead of 9:45 a. m. The
forenoon acrvlces will begin at 10:80 instead
of U o'clock.
Mra. Cslire Rice, wife of W. L. Rice, died
yesterday at the home of her sister, Mrs.
C. W. Mitchell, BJ Washington avenue,
aged SO years. Mrs. Rice came here re
cently for medical treatment. BeMdea her
husbsnd she Is survived by a young son
and fsther. J. Welt of Penson, Neb. The
body will be bulled In Mt. Hope cemetery,
ear Penon, but arransremen's for the
funeral have not been comploted.
"lew York Pehlle Service Commission
Issues Important Derision la
j Lighting; Case.
ALBANY, N. T., Nov. 1 1. The New York '
Public Service commission In the Second
district made public last night a decision
which sets forth its attitude toward com
petition In public service racilttles within
a city, and toward what It regards as at
tempts to evade the prohibition by the new
public service commlsslon'a law of Infla
tion or "watering" of securities In the
merging of public service corporations.
The decision is In the matter of the pro
posed purchase by a new corporation, the
Lockport Llpht, Heat and Power com
pany, of tho Lockport Has and Electrio
company, and the Economy Light, Fuel
1 and Power company of Lockport. The de-
clsion, while admitting that the proposed
purchase does technically constitute a mer
l ger within tho meaning of the law, for
I bids the company to Issue securities for
a capitalliatlon above IvOO.OOn, equivalent
to the total Issues of the two Old com
panies. The new company desired to Issue
stork and bonds to a total of tUW.noo. I
The decision says that the case In ques
tion Is neither a consolidation nor a mer
ger, but tha purchase by a newly formed
corporation of the property and franchises
of the two existing companies and that !
In this respect It Is wltnm the low. It ,
Is decided, however, that the raising of
rates over those at present existing. Is
Illegal, and such action Is prohibited.
woodbi-ry home uonnED DOUBLE CRIME IN DELAWARE
Two Women and Man Arrested.
Louise Barnam, a young woman of Mis
souri Valley, after telegraphing the police
of this city Saturday night to intercept
and arrest her younger sister and another
woman on the arrival of the Sioux City i door between the dining room and kltchon
passenger train here, was herself with an- propped open with a large silver spoon
other sister, arrested as she reached Coun- , which had been taken from the buffet
Barglara Carry Away Watch
Several Pieces of Jewelry.
Burglars broke into tha n-Bidence of
Dr. Charles E. Woodbury at 801 Willow
avenue last evening during tho absjnee
of the family and secured several a;-tl:les
of Jewelry, but are believed to have been
frightened away before they had time to
pack and carry away the silverware.
Dr. and Mrs. Woodbury left their homo
shortly before o'clock to take supper
across the street with friends. After i up
per Dr. Woodbury went to get the chil
dren, who were visiting nearby, whtti
Mrs. Woodbury went home. On, unlocking
the front door Mra Woodbury dlseov3r3d
hat a chair had been placed against It,
Suspecting that something was wrong,
Mrs. Woodbury decided to wait for her
husband, who soon arrived with the chil
dren. Entering the house they discovered a
window in the dining room, on the 'v-sat
side of the house, open and the swlnglm
and Fred M. Tnderhtll, erased with
Jealousy, Shoots Ilia Wife
and Her Sister.
WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 11. Craxed
with Jealousy, Fred M. Underhlll tonight
shot and killed his wife and then turned
the revolver upon her sister, Rachael Nel
son, firing five bullets Into her body. She
is olso expected to die. After committing
the murder Underhlll walked to tho home
of Major Robertson and gave himself Into
Returning home and finding no meal
awaiting him. Underhlll secured his re
volver and, going to the home of William
Nelson, he found there his wife and her
sister.' Without a word he fired two bul
lets Into his wife's head and then turned
the revolver upon her sister.
Use Bee waul ads to boost your bhslness.
ctl Bluffs later In pursuit of the other and
younger sister.
The . dispatch did not reach the police
until some time after the Sioux City train
had arrived. They were at the local depot,
however, when the next train from Mis
souri Valley arrived and Mlsa Barnam and
her slater Beaafe. who answered the de
scription contained In the telegram of the
two women to be detained, were taken
Into custody and to police headquarters,
j The elder of the two women was under
! the Influence of liquor and was booked for
. being drunk. Shortly after the two women
had been locked up B. S. York, a plumber
from Missouri Valley, called at the police
station to Inquire about them and waa
also locked up. .... .
Later it developed that Dora Barnam, a
it-year-old eister of the two women in
custody, had left Missouri Valley In com
pany with a married woman, and the elder
sister, fearing that Dora had left home
for no good purpose, telegraphed the police
j here to Intercept and hold the couple. Miss
Jtsamam, ner sister ana lorn were released
yesterday morning.
drawer. Investigation showed that the
bureau in Mrs. Woodbury' bedroom nad
been ransacked and a gold watch and sev
eral articles of Jewelry stolen. Among
the articles taken was a medallion brooch
General Saya Many O hirers Favoring
It Were Not In Army Daring:
Its Existence.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 11. Nashville
pulpits today were generally filled by dele
gates to the National Woman's Chris: Ian
which Mrs Woodbury only purchased Sat-jlemperanoe ur,lor)f now ln ,es,ion here
urday, paying 80 for It. i Last night General A. S. Daggott. U. S. A.,
Entrance had been effected by prying ! addressed a large audience at the
open the window with a Jimmy, one pane au(,torium. His subject was. "The Infia
of glass having been cracked In the opera- ence of the Sale ot Uquor ln the Army
tlon Indications were that tho burgUrs c,nteeni and h argUrnent waa strongly
Intended to take the silverware, as the aKalngt , restoration. Hr declared that
drawers containing It were open, hut
were probably friglvtened away by .he
return of Mrs. Woodbury. The chair had
evidently been placed against the door
to give warning of sje return of the fam
ily to the Intruders. Mrs. Woodbury, as
he placed the. key in the door, thought
he heard footsteps on the stairway from
the hall.
Iter. H. W. Starr Bays Goodbye.
Rev. Homer Woithington Starr, after
serving the parish of tit. Paul's Episcopal
church for three and one-half years, e. ill
Mrs. D. C. Franklin la Dead.
Although she passed away October 14,
word has only Just reached friends here
of the death of Mrs. D. C. Franklin, for
several years a resident of Council Bluffs,
at Tacoma. Wash. Rev. D. C Franklin,
the husband, was pastor of tho Broadway
Methodist church and later was for six
years presiding elder of the Council Bluffs
district, with residence here. About three
leave today with his family for Winnotka, years ago he was transferred to the Puget
III., where he becomes rsctor of. Christ Bound conference and at the recent session
j church parish. There was a large att-ind- of the conference waa appointed presiding
ance of the congregation at the elder of the Tacoma district,
service to bid their rector goodbye. Rev. -
'Mr. Starr spoke feelingly of the cord.M BRITONS WANT TO SEE TAFT
I relations which had existed between him- '
self aond the members of the parish Uur- m. Admirer In British Isles Will Be
ing the years of his rectorship, and he
urged them to extend to the new rector
the same assistance they had given him.
He spoke of the duty the members of the
parish owed the
Disappointed If Ho Does
Not Stop.
many of the army officials favoring restora
tion were not In the army during tho can
teen's existence and are Ignorant of Its
influences. : -
Our New
Style Books
For the Fall and Winter of 1 907-8
are fresh from the press and
ready to mail to our out-of-town
The book for Men contains many handsome
illustrations of Fall and Winter Suits and numerous
samples of the goods from which the Suits are made.
The book for Women is profusely illustrated
with beautiful pictures depicting the latest styles.
These illustrations were made from photographs of
the garments offered for sale.
With these books in hand you can buy Clothing
and Furnishings as easily and cheaply as you could
if you were in our Big Store. When you write state
which book you want. THEY ARE FREE.
The Safest
Why are savings and loan association
Investments considered the safest in tho
There are several answers to this
1 Because these associations are mu
tual under state control loaning all
funds on non-negotiable notes secured by
fust mortgages on improved real estate
in Douias county, Ncuruska, and by a
reserve fund, which, by law, must be
built up to 6 per cent of total resources
loans telng repayable ln monthly In
The'Conservatlve Savings & Loan Asso
ciation, 1614 Harney street, Omaha, la
the laigest Institution of this kind In the
Middle West, with resources of i,800,
000, a reserve of $6,00u and sixteen years
of active and successful business experi
ence. It receives any amount up to
5.000, from any place, any diiy; allows
livldends from the date of tho receipt
of each Installment of money, and Is pay
ing dividends at tha rate of 6 per cant
per annum.
Nothing safer and nothing an rafe
paying as well. We accept Omaha and
So. Omaha Cashier's Checks from invest
ors. . Geo. T, Gllmore, Pres.
Paul W. Xohns, s0'y and Trees.
Piles Quickly
Cured at Home
Instant Rolicf, Permanent Cure Trial
Package Mailed Free to All
in Plain Wrnpper.
Half of the suffering and torture of
piles has never been told. But no mat
ter. Whether your particular case of piles
Is almost too excruciating for any mortal
to bear, or If you are fearfully tan a.lzt;d
by unreachable Itching, or whether yju
have only a moderate case ot p ies, then
Is positive relief and quick, too, in Pyra
mid Pile Cure.
Tou need not take for granted all we
ourselves say about our Pile Remedy. We
want It to speak for Itself. We want yu
to send for a free package today of the
marvelous Pyramid Pile Cure. We want to
prove these statements to you personally
LONDON. Nov. 11. If Secretarv Tsfl
church and its rector does not visit England on his way home "0 th,t ou wl" feel the r"ult J""1-
and Bald it would alwaya be his fond from the east It will be a keen disan- Follow a few simple directions. Oct well
wish to see 6t. Paula prosper in the potntment to his many admirers in th ' stay well
future as it had in the past. He thanked British isles.
the various church organisations that had When the Itinerary of his around-the-
done so much financially for tho church world trip was published In LondJn
and aald it waa with tha deepeat regret shortly after his depsrture for JaDan
I that he left the parish to serve the Mas- It was noticed that he planned to visit
ter elsewhere, Berlin and 8L Petersburg, but that he
It ia not known yet whether Rev. J. W. was not going to stop in either Paris cr
jonea ci usaaiooaa win accept me can ionaon, steps were taken to try and in
Tou don't have to stop working one sin
gle day.
No tortures from operations.
No heavy doctor's bills.
Here, for Instance, Is a sample of the
kind of letters we get every day and we
don't have to ask for them.
Friend: I will write to tell what good
to St. Paul's. ,Rev. Mr. Jones Is a great dues the secretary to come here for a day your Pyramid Pile Cure hae done for me.
peraonai iriena or Rev. Mr. Starr, anl it or two at least to meet some of the lad-
waa at the latter request and the so
licitation of Bishop Morrison that the call
was extended to the Oskaloosa rector.
Roy Accidentally Shot.
Robert, the 14-year-old son of Mr. tail
Mrs. E. C. Drake; 14 North Sixth street.
Is at the Jennie Edmundson Memorial hos-
I used your sample and 11 did me so much
good I went and gn two boxes, and I
used one and I am another man altogether.
I have no pain, no piles, and I .have been
troubled with them for over 60 years and
could find no relief till now, thanks to
Ta Pree"t saves rnt Crneblaa-
ose Quick Elilno Shoe Polish. It oils, pol.
Ishes and gives a patent rewther finish au4
Is waterproof. Ask your dealer tor It.
Sake Get
1 1
A Treat That Yoa Eat
Corn Syrnp
it more than "goodnes"
it's a food so valuable In
it properties that author
ities clast it Ijigh among
food products. Not only
nutritious but delicious
a golden syrup of ex.
quidts flavor t'm't pleases
all palates." For evrry us
from griddle ' cakes ' to
!vf..25 sod 50e.,
fa tu-tight tins.
ing public men. In this ease Mr. Taft
would, of course, be received by Klnr
Edward. Washington was advise
through the usual official channels that
Mr. Taft's visit here would be agreeable
and there Is still some hope, in splt-j f your timely cure. Vso my name If It will
the fact that the secretary has written do you any good. Isaac Smith, Wharton,
that he la hurrvlna home tn ki ? ,. ,,
IT.. '.IT , WT? c tr Tree San,Pl. t. the Pyramid
w.k....B. . - us ui tans aieamer irom some English
twenty-two-callbor revolver Saturday after- port Instead of going direct from Br!ln
nooB- I to Cherbourg. Those who have lotercntel
Young Drake, with several companions themselves In the matter have not yet
of about his own age, waa playing In the been advlaed whether the Washington ad
yard of Dr. J. F. Mlnear, 7ST Mynster ministration and Mr. Taft will glvo fav .--street,
when the accident occurred. Tho able consideration to this proposal,
revolved is said to have been In the hands ' -
of Earl Mlnear. who did not know that, THREE MURDERS IN INDIANA
it was loaded. The boy were standing: "'WIIH
Drug Co., 96 Pyramid Building, Marsha I,
Mich., or you can buy Pyramid Pile Curj
In my drug store for 60c a box.
Men Riding an Lake Shore Freight
Trains Killed aad Robbed
by Tramps.
CLEVELAND, O.'. Nov. 11 Three men.
In a group when the revolver, whlh
young Minuar Is said to have snapped
several times, unexpectedly exploded und
the bullet entered young Drake's left bide
a few Inches below and to the left of the
nipple. The lad waa removed aa roon who were found dead along the Lake Shore
aa possible to the hospital, where it waa ft Michigan railway at various points In
found that the wound extended Into th Indiana last week and auppossd to have
chest wall about an Inch and that the bul- met with accidents, were murdered CHef
let had struck a rib. The bullet was not E. A. Snyder of tho railway detective force
located, and whether It glanced out or aald today. . '
peneiraiea into me cneei cavity could not , The body of J,
loung uraae waa resting easily yester
day, with no bad symptoms and Dr. W.
P. Hombach, the attending physician,
stated that the chances for the lad's re
covery were excellent. '
W. Murphy of Colorado
was caring for a load of
horses, waa found st Sjuth Bend Nova nber !
S. The body of Ralph Kyle, a telegrapher
of Edgerton. . was found at Goshen. Ind..
last Tuesday, and the body of Henry Rank
of Berrien county, Michigan, was found at 1
Anaaal lllah School n .!,.. apone. mo., on Friday. The detectives '
The annual debate between the Dslta ea,,bl,nel th ident'ty of the dead men ani
It makes the toilet something to bo en
joyed. It removes ail stains and toughness
prevent prickly heat and chafing, am
leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the
bath it brings s glow and exhilaration wliicl
;.o common soap rsn equal, impartinp th
rigor and life sensation of a mild turilil
'ath Ai.i. ors"M i Trpgi;'. .
If you haven't already taken advantage of this great sale,' come
tomorrow. It's an opportunity ssldom had. Cur.aina that are abso
lutely perfect In every way no seconds. H3 short lang.hs, no unde
Blrable odds and ends. Curtains of the best qjallty; prices that are
cut to the lowest figures. Here are a few of th3ra:
$1.00 Curtains reduced to, pair 57f
$1.35 Curtains reduced to, pair 80f
$1.76 Curtains reductd to, pair 91.10
$2.50 Curtains reduced to, pair 31.85
$3.60 Curtains reduced to. pair 82.65
$6.00 Curtains reduced to, pair 83.00
$6.50 Curtains reduced to, pair 84. CO
$8.75 Curtains reduced to, pair 8G.35
$11.60 Curtain ereduced to, pair -88.90
$15.00 Curtains reduced to. pair $12.50
$20.00 Curtains reduced to, pair..... 814.75
Orchard & Wilhelm
10-18 South Sixteenth
Important to Fuel Consumers
Do you want to save 13 to 30 per cent of your fuel consumption?
If yon do we have a plan that does that very thing. It costs yon noth.
Jng to try.- We are placing on the western maiket for Ui first time
the simplest and most perlect fuel saving device ever patented. We place
this en your f urn nee, hot water heater, steam hrater, high or low pres.
sure boiler. Give yon thirty days free trial and guarautee you 13 to S3
per cent saving in fuel, besides our machine regulates your fire per
fectly. Anton alir, consumes all gas, nnd does away with half the ashe.
Ol'It OFFER: To responsible parties in Omaha, riouth Omaha
and Connril Illuffs we will place tl is n:arhine on their heatrr, allow 30
days trial free. If you are not satisfied that our niarhiue Is doing aa
we claim we remove and leave you no liability. If you arc satisfied yon
pay us 813X0. The machine Iat life time of heater.
We make this liberal offer, for we have confidence in our ina
rhlne. We have placed 10, COO in eastern states and have hundreds of
letters from delighted patrons. Call or write ,
Complete- Combustion Company,.
Itoom 820 Board of Trade Illd. Phone Douglas 1319, Omaha, Neb.
A BEE Want Ad
Will rent that vacant house, fill those vacant rooms or secure
boarders on short notice at a very small cost.
Tau and Philomathii e- Mterary societies
of the high school wi.T be held Wedges.
declare they were murdered and robbed by j
tramps. The car in which Murphy waa lid- I
day evening. November ST. The question IB bor v'dence of a struggle when cum-
to be debated Is "That the limited d:a- ,ma "l cua10- detectives have
armament of the leading national pors the uempe In the direction of De-
would promote the civilisation of the 1 trolt mni ""i18 oon 10 make an arrest.
world." The Delta Taua will
be repre-
- . . ... . , ' i smser Buiits Salelde.
at... Lucy Spooner and Mlsa Xda. 7,
t. cher. Miss Marguerite Graham will
deliver the oration and Miss Catherine
Morehouse will give the declamation of
the Delta Taua The Pbilomathlans lll
be represented by Era In Snyder, Theodore
IUce and Louis Coqk. Their orator will
be Charles McConnell and the de?lajuati Jo
will be given by Archie Hutchinson.
alter Wv.
Ch r:un rn
dealer, committed auicida U-r today by
asphyxiation. Mrs. Vv'yman tang wlt.i
aieiua st me vv Riaort-Asturia ten years
ago, and was famed aa an oratorio aolo;si. j
International Spies Arrested.
TOULON, Nov. 11. Five of the ringlead-'
ers of what would appear to be a mot 1
Important association of International spies j
N. T. riumtuig Co. Tel. CO. Night L. GM. Uvea. The officials also swuitd a utass vt
A Cracking Good Cheap Coal
In these days of high price coals it Is satisfaction to offer something good at low cost. For
cooking and beating stoves we can recommend Eclipse Coal. It is a free-buruing, non-cokelng,
strong, hot coal and is a real bargain at the following prices:
Eclipse Nut $5; Eclipse Lump $5,25
A ton of our Eclipse Coal (aa of all Sunderland coal) weigha exactly 2-0-0-0 pounds. Our chesp.
er coals are as carefully and thoroughly screened as onr higher price coals, ln other words your
business Is equally welcome whether you buy $3.00 coal or 110.50 coal, or whether the quan
tity is a quarter ton or several tons.
50 B?c YfH-o W3ESI).
Aut n:t!c Screens
Sunderland Bros. Co.
15C8 Kirrij Street
r bor Excfcangi 0 252